I Downloaded The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses 2.5

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- I've already destroyed 20 computers with computer viruses. And before I destroyed the 30th computer let's destroy those 20 computers with even more viruses, no hesitation. Let's get it started. I downloaded the most dangerous viruses 2.5. What does that title even mean? I made the part one video (and) finished with that. Made the part two video (and) finished with that. Before I make the part three video, this is 2.5. Plain and simple. Right? You guys seem to like these virus videos a lot. And the last video I uploaded completely obliterated the like goal. So this video here. Just gimme one like. I want one like on this video. - I'm just ------- kidding. I want a hundred thousand likes on this video. 100,000 likes or no likes. I've never gotten a hundred thousand likes on any of my videos. So 100K likes would be amazing. Oh my God. We're gonna go ahead and open up our instance of windows 11 over here. And you can see, we have 10 of them right now. We have the same USB from the last video that you guys saw. If you guys haven't seen that video, make sure you check it out before you check this one out. So you can see that we're disconnected from our internet right now. And you can see that the real time protection is off on the computer. So I have a folder here named 2.5 and I have all the viruses that I'm gonna be using on this computer. The first computer virus that we're gonna be opening up is called the PankozaDestructive 2.0. Shout out to Pankoza. Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device? PankozaDestructive 2.0, publisher Unknown. Yeah, let's get it. What's gonna happen? Death, yes or no? Yes. Let's get it. Your PC was oh, oh, oh, oh no. Oh no. Oh no. - Oh yeah. - Oh, what's happening? Your PC was destroyed. What? What's it? What's it Googling? It's opening up your YouTube channel. Search up that YouTube channel. Oh no, what's happening. Oh, this is hell. Your PC was destroyed by Pankoza the, oh my God. This is hell. This is the first computer virus of the video. First computer virus. You can see that this is absolutely painful. Imagine what we're gonna deal with later on in the video. Oh my goodness. You can see that the computer has been absolutely obliterate. And I'm gonna shut it down. If you've watched these videos before you know that I'm gonna try to reopen the computer and see what happens when you, oh my God. So if you see this screen right here it means that it attacked the boot sector of the computer. What makes your computer boot up in general? When you press start and you see the windows logo appear or the Mac logo, depending on which computer you use. It's attacking the entire thing that turns your computer on and tells your computer like, hello? Hi, I'm a computer. It's destroyed. So we're gonna go ahead and send this VM to the shadow room. Now we're gonna open up another computer over here so we can pop into USB and open up another computer virus for you guys. Real time protection is off. Internet is disconnected. That's good. The next computer virus that we're gonna open up is called ICO. Now, I don't know if this means like an actual ICO like an Initial Coin Offering. ICOs are all scams. If you don't know what an ICO is, this is not the video to explain it. We're just gonna download the computer virus of an ICO. Shout out to all the people that made these computer viruses, the rightful creators, ICO.exe. Yeah. Let's go ahead. Run malware. Yes or no. I like that it gives me a warning, but obviously we're here to see what happens. Are you sure? Yes. (cryptic computer noises) Oh, that's so bad. Oh, just, I love this. I love that my computer is destroyed and I can bang to the beat. Sounds like a Kanye west sample. Shut down. It's not shutting down And it destroyed the boot sector of the computer. Again. Another destructive computer virus. That one absolutely freaked me out. Oh my God. So you can see that the ICO computer virus absolutely obliterated that computer. Now we're gonna go ahead and move on to, to the third one. The third computer virus. I opened up another computer over here so we could take the USB, pop it into the computer. The next one that we're opening up is called ROTANOTEDKSID-Destructive. That sounds absolutely terrifying. All of these are destructive computer viruses. Hence the intro of this video let's destroy those 20 computers with even more viruses. Of course we're gonna see this message. Do you wanna allow this app from an unknown publisher? Yada yada yada. Yes. Yes, Yes. You are about to run a Trojan that will damage your system and corrupt your heart disc. Do you want to continue? The creator is not responsible for any damages. Yeah. Who cares? Let's go ahead. Let's run it. (techno music) Help me, my computer has a virus. Google.co.ck. I don't know. I run Google do CA in Canada. What the heck is Google.co.CK? (funky music) Oh no. Oh no. - Oh yeah. - What did that say? Oh, shout up to the person that made this computer virus. Oh, how do you shut the computer off? This is a banger. (upbeat music) This is crazy. Shout to the person that made this computer virus. Shut down. These are absolutely destructive. That's three computer viruses destroyed three computers. Let's go on to computer number four then. So we're gonna pop in the USB. I'm having so much fun doing this guys. The next one is called Windows RGB destructive. There's a lot of files here. I'm just gonna open up the application. Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device? Yeah, of course. What's gonna happen. This Trojan is no joke. Do you wanna run it? This is crazy RGB destructive. Yo, this is pure destruction. Windows, RGB destructive. Can I restart the computer? Restart the computer. Oh dude, this is actual hell. Let's go ahead and pop open the fifth virtual machine. The virus and fair protection's turned off so I can actually run these viruses and show them to you guys. I actually didn't give you guys this, disclaimer don't try this at home. Whatever I'm doing right now is extremely illegal. You can end up in a lot of trouble for this. You can end up in prison for what you're doing. If you do it for malicious purposes if you don't know what you're doing then don't mess around with this stuff because it's gonna be a really hard to explain to the police when you don't know what you're doing fam. So the next computer virus that I'm gonna open up is called chlorine 2.0 so we're just gonna go ahead and hit chlorine 2.0 do you wanna make changes to your device? Ab-so-freaking-lutely. Perfect. - Perfect. Something's happening? Somethings happening. Something's happenings really happening. Oh, something's really, really happening. Oh. Oh, it's not. Oh, it's not having it. Oh, it's not having it. Oh, these viruses are absolutely obliterating these computers. So I, I popped in the USB right now. Oh yeah. Firewall is not gonna, oh my goodness. Okay. Epilepsy warning. Wow. This whole video's an epilepsy warning. Please, please get off the screen. Hit this. Restart. And it destroyed the boot sector of the computer. Oh no. Another computer virus that destroyed the boot sector of the computer. This is an actual nightmare. If you guys enjoy what you're watching make sure you go ahead and hit the like button. Like I said, we're trying to obliterate the like goals. And if you guys like these computer virus videos I want you guys to show me that with a like button man. Honestly, I've never gotten this many likes before. It- it's great. It's great. If you guys enjoy it, show me that you're enjoying it. I really don't know which VM I'm on right now but I'm gonna go ahead and just pop open number 10. We're just gonna work backwards but we're gonna pop in the USB. I have two computer viruses with the word death in the title. There is death plus and extreme death. I want some ransomware attacks. But that's the good news actually in the computer virus video #3, this is 2.5. But in computer virus video #3 I'm gonna have a lot of ransomware. You guys like the ransomware viruses. I know I have a lot of ransomware viruses in code already taken care of. And you guys are really gonna like that video. So extreme death application. Do I- do I just hit it. Hello? That's Morse code. That's a lot of what's happening here. I can't, I can't close this file. It's having quite a moment. Oh, my Windows is having quite quite, my Windows is having quite oh yeah. Yeah. I've never seen anything like this before. (laughs) Oh, this is crazy. Oh my God. This is making me nauseous. Look at all the- it's just following my mouse. Oh, there we go. Oh, there we go. There we go. This is actual destruction. Yo, if you guys have any epilepsy any like epilepsy problems, please turn away. I think this is a little bit of a late of a warning. These videos probably aren't for you. I am terribly sorry. I can't really do anything about this. Oh, there we go. Okay. Okay. (techno music intensifies) Oh, yes. Nothing's really happening. It's frozen. It's black. My mouse is even not, it's not having it right now. So I'm gonna go ahead and send that VM to the shadow realm here and just send it away. Let's go ahead and open up the next computer virus. Now we're gonna open up HorrorBob. Maybe it's a SpongeBob virus, who knows? So the HorrorBob folder, there's two files on here. HorrorBob and HorrorBob2. Let's open up HorrorBob2. It's a bigger file size. This Trojan is no joke. Of course. Yeah. I wanna run it. Oh, restarting my computer, Ooo spooky, ooo restarting my computer. SpongeBob is watching you. Oh hell no. Should I open up something? What if I open up this one? Clingclang. (spooky music) - [Computer] Cling clang go away, someones out to find you. Cling clang go away, someones out to find you. - You cannot delete this Trojan but you'll have last two minutes to use your system. After two minutes, your PC will crash with a RSOD. If you rubo- reboot, this will appear again. Do not open the task manager. Do not open the task manager. You have one last minute to use your system. After two minutes, your windows will die completely. SpongeBob is watching you. Oh, so that just doesn't leave. This act can't run on your PC. What's about to happen. SpongeBob is watch. What if I open it again? Can't run on your PC. So this is crazy. Oh, SpongeBob opens up again. Oh, oh, oh my God. (techno music intensifies) Oh no. So if I just hit shut down, a forceful shutdown. This right here is an extremely rare golden creeper from Minecraft. And this video you're watching right now is not sponsored. I'm not the biggest fan of other YouTubers that try to sell you guys something through a sponsorship or something from like a link in their description or whatnot. But do you know what would mean a lot more to me than like, buying something from my channel? Just subscribing to the channel. Pressing the red subscription button is free and it means like the absolute world to me. So if you guys wanna go ahead and show some support. If you like these videos then go ahead and press the red subscribe button. Turn it to gray. Let's get back to the video. We're gonna take that one and send that one. Send that one away. Let's open up the next computer virus. I want you guys to stick around until the end of the video because I have windows 8 horror destructive. It's a computer virus for windows eight. I hated windows eight. This is if you guys don't know which one windows eight is. If this doesn't ring a bell over here. Yeah. That's windows eight. I hated windows eight. So I would love to destroy windows eight with a computer virus. So, if you guys wanna stick around until the end of the video, go ahead and stick around til that. So the next computer virus that we're gonna be opening up is called DeathPlus. DeathPlus.exe Okay. Oh my God. Oh, okay. So it's just it's another destructive virus when it means destructive. I think it actually just starts to destroy your computer. What the hell? No, no, no, no. So this is an actual nightmare. Trying to restart the computer. I'm assuming that something's gonna happen to the, yeah. Something happened to the boot sector of the computer. Okay shut down. So the next computer virus that I'm gonna be opening up is called Phosgene. I don't even know what that means. Okay. So epilepsy and and loud noise warning creator is not responsible for any damages. Yeah. Okay. Something is coming up on the top of the screen. That is absolutely frightening. Looks like Samara's about to pop out from the ring brah. It's open up some Disney plus. Oh no. Oh yeah. This is an epilepsy warning. Oh dude, this is crazy. Look away. Look away. I can't do anything to the computer. Oh no. It destroyed the boot sector. Oh my God. You guys think I'm capping. Look number seven. Oh my God. We have one more computer virus left ladies and gentlemen. And it's the windows eight destructive edition. If you made it to this point of the video hit the light button because we're trying to beat this like goal. The last light goal of the video. And if you guys enjoy what you're watching with all of these destructive computer viruses I would really appreciate it, you know. Computer virus, number 10. Now we have a VM of windows eight here and I'm gonna pop up the windows eight VM. Ugh. I hate it. I hate it. You know what I hate most about windows eight. I hate the freaking start menu. I hate it. What was the point of this? Honestly, if you like this, let me know the comment section. If you hated it, let me know when the comment section. But like I said this is the last computer virus. My real time protection is off on the computer. I hated that. I hated finding that. I took me way too long, but I plugged in the USB and hopefully it's gonna be recognized by the VM. Here we go. So the final computer virus of this video is gonna be the Windows 8 horror destructive 1.0. And like I said, shout out to all the people who created these viruses. But we're gonna go ahead and click it. Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer? I'd say yes. Do you want to install windows eight horror edition. This will delete all your data. Yeah, let's get it. Let's see what's gonna happen. Looks like it's restarting the, oh my God. Oh, oh my PC, Microsoft horror Explorer. Horror defender AV, found a virus, press okay. To delete it. Can't delete. I guess I have to hit destroy PC. Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info and will restart it for you. Your PC ran into a problem that it couldn't handle, and now it needs to restart. I can't shut down the computer. Oh, here we go. You wanna shut down? Yeah. Oh, I can't even shut down the computer. Oh my God. It's actually, it might be affecting my actual PC right now. Hold on. Subscribe to the channel, if you haven't done so already, Put on the notification belt to be notified whenever I upload another video like this on the channel. Actually, if you click on this video that appeared on the top right of the screen. I know if you click this video you're gonna enjoy this video because I hand selected it. But that's all for the video. Ladies and gentlemen, I'll see you guys in the future. Love ya. (lip smack)
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 815,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I downloaded the most dangerous computer viruses, The World's Most Dangerous Computer Viruses, bonzi buddy, computer virus, computer viruses, crypto nwo, download, downloading viruses, downloading viruses for fun, i downloaded the most dangerous virus, i love you virus, installing viruses on computer, malware, mrs major, no escape, pc, ransomware, spongebob squarepants virus, trojan, virus, viruses, wannacry, windows 10, windows 11
Id: EnhXxBXt9pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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