What If You Search "Cheese" On The Dark Web?

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i always wanted to know what would happen if i go on one of these markets that sell everything and i type in something like cheese you know i like cheese i like mozzarella i like cheddar cheese i like money because money is a slang for cheese but let's see what kind of cheese we could find on the [Music] oh i'm kind of getting off the property now of the island i wonder what's going to happen oh it's not it doesn't work if you get off the oh there are a ton of creepy websites on the dark web and in this video i'm going to be showing you guys some of the creepy websites that i found while browsing on the dark web i'm actually going to be showing you guys the actual webpages in this video i'm not going to be doing an explanation of the page but showing you the legitimate pages themselves i'm going to be starting off pretty light and the further we go on in this video the more messed up it gets so subscribe to the channel if you enjoy these type of videos and put on your notification bell to be notified whenever i upload these videos without any further hesitation ladies and gentlemen let's go ahead and get this started every website that we're going to be finding on the dark web has dot onion at the end if it has dot-com it's not from the dark web if it has.net at the end it's not from the dark web if it has org at the end it's not from the dark web we are looking for dot onion websites so the website has to have onion at the ending the best way to find onion links on the dark web is by simply going to like onion directories you can type in whatever you have in mind let's try finding something satanic on the dark web i want to find something devilish there's a lot of people that's on the dark web that say it's kind of illuminati-based it's kind of scary-based creepy based and who else creepier than the devil you know so we're gonna go ahead and here and type in devil plain and simple the joy of satan october 12 2021 is the last update so as you can see here ladies and gentlemen there is no god but myself knowing this who dares worship the false gods of the quran and bible satan that's a quote from satan himself this is crazy these are all the things that they have on this website they literally have a full-out description of the devil himself for too long so many lies and so much misinformation have been spread about satan many of us see him have conversed with him and have even been astrally touched by him i don't know too much about it i don't know but this is creepy man this is an actual website that has entire beliefs on the devil himself they have a page here called exposing christianity this is their description on exposing christianity i'm not gonna give it a full read bro this is jam-packed i put in the truth about christianity the old testament the new testament there's literally pages within the pages and i'm scared if i press these pages there's going to be more pages within and i'm going to be lost in a maze of a website but satan's website that's absolutely crazy ladies and gentlemen uh but we're only getting started we started off with searching the devil i'm going to go back to torah 66 and i'm going to try to find something else on the deep and dark web all right now this one here is actually pretty interesting i actually just uploaded a video on my channel called these are the most disturbing sights on the dark web that shouldn't exist in that video i was talking about security cameras i'm gonna do a lot of blurring of faces if there's gonna be any faces but i actually found a bunch of security cameras people's houses libraries businesses street corners watch access camera in the united states panasonic hd camera in japan tokyo so yeah you can stream people's webcams on the dark web i'm going to press online camera in the shoes store oh my god that's the ip address i'm actually monitoring the camera right now oh there i pi okay i'm going to be blurring out the ip address at the top oh dude that's creepy this is i'm telling you businesses and people's houses if you scroll on this website long enough you'll be able to find people's houses on this website i'm going to be blurring any faces that i find within this presentation a camera online in the box with a giant squirrel this 24 7 live stream in a box with a japanese flying squirrel where's the squirrel oh dude what the heck where's the squirrel anyways i'm not going to be going on this website for far too long because i'm not trying to do any security breach privacy breach last time i did this for far too long on one of my older videos i actually got flagged on that video and i had to remove that part uh the next thing i'm gonna be searching up on the deep and dark web i actually was requested somebody in the comments section told me hey crypto maybe you should look up somebody's actual home page that they coded on the website some sort of diary on the dark web and i thought that was a really good idea i started going on the dark web looking for a diary and interesting enough i came across somebody's diary uh hi this is a webpage about things i want to write about i wrote about it so i'm fairly sure it's stuff i want to write about if not then there's an accident and you shouldn't read it here's a list of things i wanted to write about and this dates back to 2013. so this is somebody's journal it says onion in 2018 this is the most recent one a is a word let's let's read let's read about pants pants are weird i started writing about dresses but i realized i don't wear them they look weird too but i thought i'd stick to something i know best come to think of it i don't know that much about pants either i mean i wear them but i have no idea who made them i mean i do there's a label but not who that made no sense i have bad spelling and grammar if someone made my pants it's a person who probably wore a name tag and they're probably more than one person involved or a really really really super talented person but that's not who makes cheap jeans my genes aren't environmentally friendly i feel bad about that this is literally somebody writing about pants and june 21st 2013. this is brilliant so i actually found somebody's diary on the dark web it didn't look like they they put too much inputs on this diary it looked like they stopped wanting to write in 2018 but they wrote about snow snow is water that falls out of the sky except it's not like rain it's colder rain that feels lighter up to a point it feels like they're trying to explain these things to aliens but aliens don't even know english i mean i'm not going to go through their entire diary if you guys want to read what's on the screen if you guys want to see what's going through this person's mind you can go ahead and do it i'm not going to read the entire diary i'll go through a couple more of them tree people and poop trees are like human people so i sometimes call them people they cry like human people when you hurt them and shed white or orange tears that smell funny and is sticky animals are like human people too so i also call them people i'm one of the human people more commonly called a person three people are alive breathe move in one place and grow the same as animal people but human people kill mu mutilate and eat tree people all the time i mean an actual problem you know they're talking about it like it's a children's tv show human people who like to eat animal people kill tree people too in fact human people who don't eat animal people kill more tree people because they still like to be alive and being alive means you have to eat things and poop everything poops honey is bee people poop and we eat it i don't know what's gonna happen to me if i start reading this person's website for far too long my goodness but this is clearly creepy you know just one example of tons of diaries you can find on the dark web there's just a bunch of websites coded by independent people these people don't know what they're doing but we can all agree that anybody that goes to make a website that they want to hide from the rest of the world and talk about tree people and poop i don't know man this stuff can get pretty dark this is just one website out of many like i said but you know what i want to find on the dark web i find a lot of gold on the dark web but this time i actually i'm gonna try finding some diamonds on the dark web because i have a tattoo here i was born in april and the birthstone for april is diamonds for the people that don't know that so i i want to find some diamonds on the dark web i'm not going to buy diamonds on the dark web but i want to find some diamonds on the dark web so be right back of course i had to come across gold and diamonds the place is called golden diamonds the best natural resources from the wealthiest content they have their little onion link over here oh my goodness buy gold and diamonds africa gold reserves are worth 1.5 trillion dollars many laws and restrictions are put on gold and diamond mining we are forced to mine minerals illegally and sell illegally so it's people in africa that are mining gold and diamonds illegally and selling it illegally on the online black market aka the dark web i mean selling diamonds i can imagine that being very very very profitable hoping it's real you know hopefully it's not cubic zirconium or whatever the heck it's called hopefully these are real diamonds that we're taking a look at oh yeah wow what the heck oh that looks like a real diamond i mean you're gonna need to see them in person instead of seeing them through pictures oh wow raw diamond that's uncut buy uncut diamonds how to order oh my god you have to email them 20 carats for a thousand euros oh that's extremely good they just won a thousand euros off you and they mined you 20 carats worth of time 20 carrots chandler bing from friends bought monica a one and a half carat diamond engagement ring nice one and a half carat i think he paid eight thousand dollars for it but 20 carats of diamonds for a thousand euros why do we offer uncut diamonds for sale click here to see the information on that click where to see the information there's no there's no link there's no hyperlink i mean i spent like five minutes looking on a couple of dark net search engines and i ended up finding gold and diamonds on the dark web so gold is everywhere everybody claims to sell gold in the dark web gold is a very very common commodity on the dark web doesn't mean it's truthful sellers but i don't come across diamonds pretty often but after five minutes of looking i found diamonds on the dark web you wanna know the worst part i i actually wasn't using a vpn the entire time a few moments later okay like nordvpn not now oh my god so i just connected my vpn and let's get back to browsing the dark web the next thing i'm going to take a look at and this appears in my comment section very very very frequently and it's paypal scams the websites on the dark web i'd say 95 of them if they're talking about paypal paypal transfers or whatever i believe 95 of them if not more are actually scams i believe these scams are based off legitimate services so finding links on the dark web i actually found this place over here called the paypal bazaar i don't know if this place is legit i don't know if this place is false but this is basically the summary of all of them whether they're a scam or not you can buy someone else's paypal or bank account that has been hacked they don't even know if it's been hacked or not but once you buy it they're gonna lose access to it and you're gonna gain access to theirs step two use our cash out guide laundry the money to bitcoin step three profit somebody's stolen paypal account has 278.63 and it cost you if you wanted to buy it it cost you dollars and 31 cents to buy it you would profit 240 off this so for example you can take the paypal account go buy a gift card anonymously you're gonna take that gift card and go buy electronics with it return the electronic it's a really long stupid process or you can get free electronics or get your money back from the electronics it's i don't really know but you can see over here this account has 791 u.s dollars and it costs 79 to buy which means you will make 712 dollars it's from argentina all you gotta do is press buy now i can imagine it's gonna take you to a bitcoin landing page where you have to send a certain amount of bitcoin to an address or you have to enter a valid email 123 at fakemail.com confirm order now they're saying please send exactly 0.0015 bitcoin to this address over here once the bitcoin is received to the address it's going to automatically recognize it so i'm not going to send any bitcoin over that that's a lot of money actually equals 93 united states dollars and 10 cents it says 79 uh google according to google at the current time it says 93 dollars so you're gonna end up sending them 93 dollars but it says 79 i don't know what kind of fees they're talking about here but i'm going to leave the order on hold and just get the person excited from argentina now a lot of you must have heard of the current releases of the macbook pro from apple and the new iphone 13 pro iphone 13 pro max iphone 13 mini ginny whatever anyways with the talk of apple products going around right now you can see that all old apple products are currently going on sale i found a marketplace here that sells ipad pros the macbook airs apple watch 5. it doesn't look like they have the iphone 12 out because you know the dark web is a little bit behind but anything from the mac mini macbook air is the imac 4k imac pro but you can get yourself an iphone 11 pro starting from 299 that's some dark web deals for you if they are stolen ipads then sellers are willing to sell them for 250 and then i can imagine they try to sell them on these marketplaces or they try to put them in like mystery boxes to profit off them and get people buying off them again that's my theory behind it but yeah ipad pro i really want to buy the new macbook pro from apple i'm so sorry for diverging from the topic but everything is perfect in the new macbook pro they have an sd card slot so you don't need any more dongles they brought back like the magnet charging i don't know what it's called let me know what it's called in the comment section but i'm super excited for the brand new macbook pro coming up from apple if you guys ever want to see me buy an iphone off the dark web whether it's going to be a fake iphone real iphone whether i'm going to get scammed or not if you guys want to see me just buy a legitimate iphone off the dark web instead of just going with mystery box mystery box mystery box i can go ahead and buy an iphone just let me know in the comment section if you if you want to see that in the video you know so i genuinely appreciate it the video is not over yet but i just want to tell you guys if you enjoy what you're watching up until this point go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already put on the notification bell to be notified whenever i upload these type of videos the like button too that really helps out us youtubers so please do that please that's it i'm sorry for talking anyways i'm on the pop buy market now and pop by market is one of the markets on the dark web that sells absolutely anything and everything now i want to know i always wanted to know what would happen if i go on one of these markets that sell everything and i type in something like cheese you know i like cheese i like mozzarella i like cheddar cheese i like money because money is a slang for cheese but let's see what kind of cheese we could find on the oh what that's not the type of cheese i'm talking about lena's bio 25 g cheese that's blurred on the screen 265 cars 25 grams oh that must be some fuego the most recent review was on april 14th 2021 somebody said worth it are these legitimate accounts oh crap they have a link for them why haven't i noticed this oh my god okay so there's gonna be a lot of blurting on the screen oh my god yeah there is there's tons of weapons on the deep and dark web i don't know why i'm even surprised by this but these ones here pop by market is strapped anyways i'm gonna be doing a lot of blurring there because youtube doesn't like seeing that type of stuff there is electronics that you can find typical electronics you know i was just talking to you guys about the apple electronics you could find that's not the only thing though you can get windows 10 pro windows 10 pro on the dark web totally non-suspicious it hasn't been altered in any way fun fact for the people that don't know i'm sure everybody knows at this point but windows 11 is out so i think this is a obsolete purchase you're gonna have to release windows 11 my bro oh that's so weird documents documents on the dark web before i even look at the screen i can tell you guys that i'm probably gonna be taking a look at fake identification fake passports the typical stuff that you could find ah well look at that oh wow oh wow the coved pass only covet pass what what's an only covent pass undetectable fake driver's license covered vaccine certification 30 million facebook account 30 million facebook account data hacked 47 customer reviews 1 200 oh my god is this the facebook hack oh this is terrifying oh my god i think i just found it 47 reviews accounts are valid thanks we'll come later to purchase more thanks gabriel uh what the hell active accounts nice logins are working fine details are valid account logins are working and instructions are clean 30 million facebook accounts i'm deleting facebook that's terrifying i tried to find some freaking mozzarella cheese on the dark web some cheddar cheese on the dark web some some cheese and i came across a 30 million facebook accounts data hack oh my god for sale or over 30 million facebook account data the data is the last big hack on facebook you will acquire email password username and much more price is valid for one account for multiple accounts simply transfer the summary in btc oh dude that's terrifying another comment that i get another marketplace that i get asked to find on the dark web people say crypto can you find the silk road and i always say ross albrecht to the person who created the silk road i mean he's currently locked up in prison right now and the silk road is shut down it's been seized that is until i found silk road 2.0 and silk road 3.0 i can't find those websites anymore and now there's silk road 4 silk road freaking 4. i finally got into silk road 4 after multiple attempts of captcha but i'm in now and 10x trippy element lsd blurred on the screen a lot of stuff that will get this video demonetized i just wanted to show you guys i'm not going to be doing a lot of browsing on silk road 4. if you guys want to see me browse on silk road 4 i could actually make a video for my second channel which by the way go show some love to my second channel the link's going to be down below in the description if you don't want to click in the description just click on the thing that appeared in the top right of the screen and just press the subscribe button it's not so hard we've got a few more for you guys here and this one's actually really messed up but you can get counterfeit money on the dark web now you can order a bunch of 20s a bunch of 50s on the dark web they'll come to your door obviously you're going to pay a lot less for the stack of money let's say it's like 2 000 of fake money you're probably gonna pay 200 for that 2000. i think it's a lot cheaper too to be honest look at this guy over here this person wants to send you the master level is 45 000 us dollars of fake currency and you pay 3600 u.s dollars your profit is 1150 but obviously it's not technically profit because it's fake money you're giving real money for fake money but in reality you're giving paper for paper the us's money is paper the fake money is paper just the government's money is the legal tender and that's illegal tender because the government made this and criminals made that so i mean i don't know i don't know what i think about this but for semi-pro again you can get 6650 us dollars for the price of 1 000. for euros you know uh you you can receive 1 300 euros for the price of 360 euros or 45 000 euros for the price of 3 600 euros you can get the cooper the silver or the platinum option make sure you go with the cooper one you know any website that uses the wolf of wall street background where they take jordan belfort throwing all the money off of the boat you know that these websites are scams i don't know why all of them all of them use this background very convincing thanks so this one here is actually really interesting after a little bit of browsing i found a ouija board i found a freaking ouija board onion link this is crazy it's an onion link that once you type in the page it opens up an actual ouija board now take a look at this all you gotta do is ask a freaking question watch i'm going to be asking the ouija board will my audience subscribe to my channel and it says hold your mouse lightly on the pointer and follow it as it is revealed it's just the internet it's not a real ouija board that's why i don't buy this crap it's shaking nothing's really oh oh oh okay i'm not doing anything i have to follow it but it went to yes you have to subscribe to the channel you guys don't want to bother an online ouija board so go ahead and subscribe to the channel online ouija board now i'm gonna ask the ouija board will 2022 be a good year it's shaken my hands are off the board it says hold your mouse lightly on the pointer and follow it as your answer is revealed oh it says put on the pointer oh yeah okay i put on the pointer okay so i have to follow it will 2022 be a good year it went straight to no who are you i'm gonna keep my mouse moving because some people think i'm probably gonna be be moving it myself so this is what i'm doing with my mouse right now if i move it myself then obviously the planchette is going to be moving in the same direction of my mouse go to the pointer oh look look so right now it's definitely it's just moving for me it has to i have to keep my mouse over it oh m m a [Music] oh dude what may m a b it's gonna be an e it may be space oh my god i hate this maybe l l a t maybe late maybe later oh i'm not okay i'm not gonna be asking i'm not gonna be messing around the ouija board too much but you know what i can do a video where i talk to an online ouija board you guys want to see me do that on my second channel too just please let me know in the comment section i take all criticism all feedback necessary so all that stuff's important to me just please let me know what type of videos you guys want to see if you don't want to see a ouija board if you don't want to see me go like browsing on the dark web on the silk road whatever let me know what type of videos you would want to see on these channels you know so i have one more really really really freaky one for you guys here now there's a website called hashima island.co.uk and it's basically a haunted island where you can browse on the internet like you can go kind of like walk around the island on the internet it's a virtual tour type of thing but there was one of those paste bins i was just scrolling on pastebin and i actually found the hashima island onion link the difference between the hashima island darkweb link and the hashima island clearnet link is that there is a certain section in the darkweb map where there is a bunch of mutilated dead bodies and bones lots and lots of bones as you're walking down a certain path obviously i'm gonna be browsing it in this video but i'm not gonna be showing anything that's too freaking graphic but enter the forgotten world of hashima island this is the dot onion page where where it's actually freaking on 27th june 2013 google released brand new street views on a forgotten oh my god i didn't catch that dragging and clicking around your scenery start at the pure selected location a few moments later what's going on something it all went black oh [Music] okay that's gonna be so that's gonna be freaking blur that i'm getting out of here oh dude get the 20 seconds not even 20 seconds like 10 seconds browsing and i already see a pile of bones oh my god yo i'm not a fan of of like skeletons bones i'm not i get really freaked out by bones like think of the sound of a bone breaking oh my god ah i know you guys just heard that i know you guys just cringed i'm not a fan of bones a few moments later oh what the what did they just keep that there how did google get these images i want to know that how did google get the images within the island and why are they not doing anything about the freaking the bones oh my god i don't know too much about hashima island i don't know exactly what happened on hashima island it's just the forgotten world apparently but it's so forgotten that they don't even pick up the freaking bones here oh my goodness i'm kind of getting off the property now of the island i wonder what's going to happen oh it's not it doesn't work if you get off the oh [Music] oh my god full bodies stacked stacked this is like a freaking catacomb in outside an outdoor catacomb oh my god if you made it this far into the video like i said subscribe to the channel if you really enjoy this type of videos if you guys want to see me browse more dark web content tell me in the comments section let me know some suggestions some keywords you guys want me to look for thank you guys so much you made it this far thank you so much for spending your time with me here today and until next time stay off the dark web
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 205,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What If You Search Cheese On The Dark Web?, dark web, dark web exploration, dark web browsing, browsing the dark web, going on the dark web, exploring the dark web, deep web, the dark web, surfing the dark web, computer virus, Speed Accidentally Goes On The DARK WEB.., crypto nwo
Id: hZVDx3z3dEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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