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is getting 33.35 it looks like this divit box is more haunted than every other [Music] what's crack in youtube it's crypto nwo here and in today's video we're gonna be doing the part two to the dybbuk boxes that i got in the last mystery box if you haven't seen that video something just popped up on the screen top right corner go ahead and watch part one before you continue with part two in the dark web mystery box we were given three dybbuk boxes we have this bright red one this bright red one it had a key lodged onto it you can see the key imprint there i took off the key and i used it to open a black box that was in the dark web mystery box the same bright red mystery box has 2009 on it hopefully you guys can see it two zero zero nine i have done tons of dybbukbox videos on this channel crypto nwo i've used all sorts of tools to open the dybbuk boxes i've used a flamethrower kind of looking device i've used lighters i've used knives but i'm gonna be using something i have never really used before this is a heat gun so i've gotten tons of like ipods from my mystery boxes and we have to kind of like take out parts of the ipod because we're trying to like reconstruct everything so we can get into the ipods or iphones or whatever apple devices i got this because i needed to basically take out the logic board of an ipod so i can try to review all the stuff on the ipod the dark web ipod it's kind of like a hair dryer basically it just melts the wax really really quickly you have no idea how fast i have like a setting dial i can just set it to max we have the four camera setup that i typically use with my dark web mystery unboxing videos this is camera number one this is camera number two camera number three is the gopro that's on my head and camera number four is the dji pocket 2. i absolutely love this camera it's so freaking smooth i don't really know which dybbuk box i should open first i'm going to start them i think in the proper order i got them i don't know maybe this is the first one that i got i'm going to go ahead and open this one first i have wax paper to put beneath the dibb box so i can properly melt all the wax and it won't go onto my kitchen table you can already see pieces breaking off the goal is take the heat gun set it to max point it at the dybbuk box and to melt it until i am able to open it once i'm able to open it i am going to review what is inside not one not two but three dybbuk boxes if you guys don't know what a dybbuk box is or you don't know what a dybbic means it basically means demon inside a box i'm not going to be doing too much explaining of what a dybbuk box is if you guys want to see that i have a great video that gives you guys basically the entire history behind them it's an excellent video just popped up on the screen it's called dybbukbox the opening but just to summarize it all up once you open this so called haunted box that is possessed by a demon really bad things happening to you you have like really bad dreams everything just basically starts turning around in your life very rarely you start experiencing something paranormal almost immediately once you unbox it and as a horror channel that's kind of the goal for today's video i am hoping that something scary is going to happen in this video so before i get started since i'm putting myself through all this stuff go ahead hit the like button subscribe to the channel if you guys want to see more videos like this and put on the notification bell so you'll be notified and you'll be a part of the first hour squad but anyways without any further hesitation i'm going to go ahead and get this started i just wanted to clarify like i said it's kind of like a hair dryer so it is going to make noise i'm not going to talk too much as it's going [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there you go you can see the wax coming right off [Music] i hope i'm opening the right side but you can see the wax is coming right off it very bright red wax kind of uh resembles blood it's not scaring me if you guys don't know i have huge hemophobia like nine times out of ten i should be freaking out but i know this is wax that's why i'm okay gonna go ahead i kind of melted like majority of the wax i'm gonna try to get into it i don't even know where the seam is yeah no i thought this is going to be so much easier with the heat gun i'm like oh maybe i can just melt all the wax up with the heat gun but now i'm having like much more trouble than i should be i'm going to get a swiss army knife i got my celebratory 2020 swiss army knife here blue the blue susami knife i love this one i'm going to be using it to take off wax the good news is this only wax there we go that's so much easier i know you heard that [Music] oh i got it open ladies and gentlemen that's the first thing that we got inside the dybbuk box over here that's the first glimpse of what's inside the debit box what the hell what so i'm going to review whatever's inside the dip box we have i don't know what this is but you guys can tell me down below in the comment section really brittle oh my we've god dead flowers we've got human freaking hair ew that's ladies and gentlemen oh my god that's so nasty i just imagine it going in my mouth that's the nastiest thing ever i don't know why i imagined that we have a rock type of material a lot of the wax is on it give you guys a little close up with this camera what is this let me know in the comment section by the way i'm me personally whenever i do these mystery boxes or whenever i do debit boxes i don't usually know what i'm looking at so i need you guys to go in the comment section and identify stuff for me if i don't know what i'm looking at like this over here these are flowers these are really identifiable easily identifiable but when there's something i don't know like this whatever the heck this thing is then just let me know in the comment section because i'm pulling out something else more dead flowers [Music] more hair oh the freaking hair is so nasty man that's such a turn off i mean i'm not supposed to get turned on by dypic boxes what [Music] literally just filled with bunch of earthly materials the wax was sealed really bright red wax we had hair i hope you guys can see that but at the same time i hope you don't and we have lots of earthly materials we have green we have flowers i don't know what the heck that is but ladies and gentlemen that is all that is inside dibbukbox number one now as you can see we've made quite a little mess here i'm gonna be taking all of this and just sticking it to the side i'm gonna go ahead and replace this wax paper here with a new wax paper so we can go ahead and get started with the second dybbuk box the biggest one of the three i'm totally not excited for this all right i have set the second wax paper down so i can begin the next dybbuk box the reason why i picked this one here is it's it sounds like there's something inside i don't know it doesn't really feel like anything so i'm gonna go do this one second i don't know why i didn't do this one first i'm gonna soften the wax with the heat gun and then i'm just gonna peel it off with the knife it's really funny because heat can melt wax and the cold can like literally shatter wax i usually work with the seams there's a couple of seams on it like you know you can kind of see it around the box simply just pointing it at the dipping box so it starts softening up this is really thick wax very very thick wax it's like jello look at this huh it's not freaking coming off oh my god very thick slimy weird wax [Applause] looks like that's the opening this box is a lot harder to open than the last one the first one kind of looked like a toy dipping box this one looks like it's a real freaking deal that's why i'm really scared of this one to be honest oh and i have these emf detectors this was the first civic box i'm getting a reading of 24 25 31 35 i open the dybbuk box i'm getting a reading of stuff in the 30s getting a reading of 20 20 around 20 put it towards the dybbuk box 25 very very freaking odd now i'm gonna take this i'm gonna move it towards this divot box i'm getting a reading of seven six very much lower i haven't opened the divi box yet which is what's it's literally beeping this is actually genuinely going to freak me the hell out so that first debit box didn't beep but it did raise the numbers this one here is raising the numbers when i put it towards the edges of the box it goes higher oh ladies and gentlemen we're getting this started with a banger we're gonna take this little beeper thing stick it beside the debit boxes i'm gonna try to have this always within camera so you guys can keep an eye on it or hear it so i'm going to use the high setting on the heat blower and i'm just going to mute it and fast forward it so i can get into the dippik box yeah this is working a lot better than everything else look at that we're literally practically inside the box that's one edge down this thing was just beeping it's at 55 63 67 71 [Music] that was very freaking odd so i'm getting a reading of 26 30 47 i put it towards the oh man this is actually getting freaky i wanted to show you guys what it looks like right now broken piece here this actually looks really freaking old this looks really freaking old it looks really freaking scary i'm genuinely terrified the more i open of it the more higher it gets oh there we go i got the knife stuck inside so there's definitely stuff inside here ladies and gentlemen we have the top of the lid and we have lots of crap inside here what the heck is this student in there what the hell is this [Music] oh this is freaking me the hell out and there's another side i don't know if you guys can read these but if you guys can if you have to screenshot it do your screenshoting it's literally old school old school if you guys can tell me from their hairstyles from their clothing what time and date this is from oh my god oh that's terrifying we have so much more it's literally like a yearbook from i don't know what year this is from okay it won't tell me what year seniors look at the seniors wow the hairstyles tell me when this is from is this like any time before the 50s or after the 50s let me know what the hell so this is page 164 in this yearbook from whatever year division arts oh my god literally this is old school this is seriously really really old school i'm getting the chills right now what the hell i know there's a lot of people in the comment section that watch these videos or watch my mystery boxes the detective type of people and these people here can simply look at the hairstyle they have or look at the clothing they're wearing or basically the expressions they have on their face simply and they can tell me exactly when these pictures would be from if it's from the 50s 60s 70s the 20s i i really don't know i have no idea but revolutionary piece of history here i'm just shook by the fact that we have so many papers not so many copies of a yearbook from whatever year this is from and one of those copies literally is inside this dybbuk box right now think about that that's what scares me about these dipping boxes i just opened it this device turned off by the way it wasn't beeping for the last like few minutes because this entire thing has been off i'm gonna turn it on right now and tell you guys what's popping this is like really thick old yellowish like it's turning yellow from how old it's getting like the first dipping box i had it literally just had a ted flowers inside it it said it's dated in the year 2009 on the top now for example what's the difference between beeping and not beeping i don't get it what is the difference between beeping and not beeping does this machine know when there's ghosts just because it beeps like oh beeping ghost is there stops beeping ghost goes away i think if the levels are increasing it's detecting more electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic fields in the vicinity however what is electromagnetic field is that what people determine to be ghosts like when they see electromagnetic fields are they like oh it's a it's a ghost but anyways without any further hesitation that's all for the second debit box and at that one this one blew me away because this is a piece of history right here like i said a limited number of copies of this yearbook worldwide and one of the copies well a page a few pages from the copy of that yearbook is inside this debit box absolutely terrifying i'm going to take it and put it with the previous debit box debit box number one debit box number two bring the emf reader the emf reader reads approximately 26 24 30. you see it's so weird when it gets around the debit boxes [Music] i literally put it into the dipping box i put it into the dipping box and it starts beeping it's at 43. we literally opened up two dybbuk boxes put them side by side got this emf reader to point at the two dipping boxes and this thing started beeping at 43 in the 40s 49 that's absolutely bone chilling but we do have one more dipping box that we're gonna open and it's the smallest one out of the three so i've set down wax paper number three i have the emf reader pointing at it already bumping up to the 60s it's already bumping up to the freaking 60s dude i literally haven't even opened the box yet and it's chilling at 55 48 in the 50s what is this all right well this one is uh this one's not gonna go so well anyways i'm gonna take it put it on the highest setting and fast forward it so you guys can just take a look am i bothering the dybbuk i'm applying heat to the dipping and literally this thing starts beeping like crazy i'm picturing like an angry demon saying [Applause] this thing is smoking up okay maybe i should put this down so it doesn't blow up in my face i'm gonna take the dipping box and just stick this part in and get a nice little pop ladies and gentlemen i literally put it on top of the dipping box and this thing goes into the 47s what is this thing i literally just opened up the dybbuk box and we have a picture inside here whenever i point it into the debit box the numbers start going over 30. watch point into the box literally in the 30s every single time i pointed into the dipping box [Music] well ladies and gentlemen this is what the inside of the dipping box looks like with this camera the hell popped up picture i'm going to be doing a few face blurrings but those are the two people's faces inside the box there's two demons is that why the numbers spike so freaking high did i just open a dybbuk box with two demons inside oh my god and there's two nails two rusty nails what the hell is this two rusty nails very old oh three nails what kind of box is this oh my goodness we've got three rusty nails inside this little divot box what the heck oh there's four four rusty nails these two were latched together what do rusty nails signify i'll tell you right now the nails are not what's causing the beeping if i point it at the nails nothing happened but when i put it to the dipping box it literally starts beeping into the dipping box when i point it in that is absolutely freaking bone chilling i kind of want to see what happens if i just put all three of the boxes together and use the emf reader to to get a reading of it i'll put all three of them open beside each other okay so i have all three of these debit boxes here we have the first debit box we opened the second debit box we opened and the third debit box we opened and ladies and gentlemen i have gotten far into this video so if you guys enjoyed this video so far smash the like button subscribe to the channel and put on the notification bell and you'll be notified whenever i upload something scary but i'm actually going to finish the video by seeing what reading i'm going to get if we take the emf detector bunch all three of these debit boxes together and see what reading we are going to get so i'm going to go ahead and prop this on there we go we've got the light we're going to take it and bunch up all three of the debit boxes together we're getting a reading of 27 29 35 40. we're getting a reading of 40 all three debit boxes are open 24 with that debit box 26 with that debit box and then this debit box here is getting 33.35 it looks like this debit box is more haunted than every other you
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 205,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypto nwo, dark web mystery box, demon box, dybbuk box opening, unboxing
Id: T8SdXqPro78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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