SCAMMED! Asmongold Reacts To $1100 Mythic Boost Scam

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not download it cuz the buzzer see you don't get it okay sure let me explain what it is so these guys are selling a paid carry for gold or started for gear and so they don't want to trade away the gear so what what they do right is that you open up the box and like what the buyer paid for was to have the loot given to them as low as to kill and so what they did is they didn't loot the loot out of the box so the buyer wasn't able to see what was in the box that way they couldn't ask for it and then the loot will then later on be mailed to them in their mailbox oh wait they scream they screamed this [ __ ] what a bunch of idiots what a bunch of [ __ ] idiots mainly at plate just plate I wonder why one buyer spent real money so he's pissed the fact that it was RMT could [ __ ] them more I didn't know that now it's been deleted so the guy's spending real money Wow III would have never expected that can you guys believe that and you believe that they're selling it for real money oh my god no this is no gear drops for the whole raid also yeah imagine the buyer kills the boss or that / is the boss kill and then somehow buy some weird thing no loot drops from the boss that is cruel see how does that happen man what are the odds guys hard yikes some bands game thrown out well it seems like you all those guilty shenanigans so he's trying to get his money back and more how much did he pay but he's asking for 500 ours PayPal yeah he paid real money I can't imagine paying anything on this game with real money I can't imagine scamming so many people like that I can the thing is like I think these guys are stupid like $500 well no like think about it like this okay so how much is a lot of token right now I'll just get on my long boy and I'll tell you guys how much while token is so we've got lout oaken's right now for a hundred and ten thousand gold so if you take six million so let's just go ahead and calculator and divide this by a hundred and ten thousand and then multiply that by 25 is it $20 or $25 for a while token and you multiply this by 20 so this dumb ass [ __ ] paid that's literally a car man a 2001 Ford Mustang is worth between six hundred and twenty seven dollars regardless so this mount right here this mount literally cost him more if he paid with golden about tokens than my IRL mount oh my god you know this is gonna be good I mean like he starts the camera [ __ ] like played the John Cena intro walks in vape it up sits down boys he's alright alright now it's time it's time to really lay down to [ __ ] law look at this some buyers okay not if you are wizards IRL so here's what if you're not familiar with how raid sales work what ends up happening is guilds will clear thick maybe a few times and then they're gonna start selling mythic bosses yeah wizards IRL has killed mythic nosov like four times expansion is over for them they don't have any anything else they need gear for there's not going to be another raid tier this expansion they're done so now they're getting into the sales part of the expansion a really good time to make some gold and get ready for the next expansion and every guild does this by the way like every guild goes out of their way and they start you know doing sales and doing stuff like that as hats inside out doesn't matter so anyway like yeah this is what every guild does to make gold and they do it before the expansion is over and they make millions and millions and millions of gold my guild is starting to do this many guilds are starting to do this it's just you know pretty chill time at the end of at the end of of a tear when you're just doing sales you're not really worried about gear it's a good time for some reason these guys have it in their head that it is a good idea to scam on world of warcraft of all games so those clips you saw the first one obviously they had they had to warrior buyers why does he have two pictures of wine Amir Putin the background like you see them back in the background like in the picture like what is why not you're not a fan of oh my god it's the law alright alright I just it's the funniest part about this whole thing what it was they had some people that wanted the rod in weapons yep and these guys potentially paid real money for it they paid gold they pay real money and what their strategy is here is after they kill the boss you know obviously when you loot the boss you can see what everyone Lutz yeah of course they do is they don't loot the boss and if somebody needs the the weapon they wait until the buyers are out of the raid yep and then at that point they'll loot it and trade it up and do all that and if someone actually needs the weapon they just won't loot it they'll let it go to their mailbox that is I used to do this back in the day but like the worst part about me is that I didn't do this to buyers I did it to my own guild like we would have trash drops and you were supposed to contribute the trash drops to the bank so I would get a trash drop and I would leave it on the trash mob and then I would put it I would have it mailed to me later on I would loot it and then I would mail the the gear over to my mother's bank account or not bank account Bank character and then she would sell the gear on her Bank character and then mail the gold back to me then they got rid of the functionality I'm [ __ ] pissed probably the shittiest behavior you could have in the game these guys are the worst of the worst it doesn't get much worse than this it doesn't you know much worse than this unnhhh is off you can even hear him saying they know that what they're doing is wrong he's telling BRT to turn his stream off or mute it yep it tells him it's off as I all right now that no one can hear us now that we are in our own little private conversation it's just us raid members you're talking to each other don't look at us I'm giving the order to not loot the boss unless you're part of the specific like int plate or whatever the [ __ ] he says turn off Oh beautiful it's off done late the boss time with the boss yet the chest totally scumbag the biggest scumbag move like don't load the boss if you loot it you're a dumb-dumb and then you even have a clip of one of the buyers talking about how he spent $500 wait what Carrie and now he's going to charge it back there's a video of him get his money back and then be like yeah and now that I've got my money back I want you to pay me for my silence I'm going to wait so he refunded it and now he's extorting the guild okay you know what this buyer is a g-man this buyers our God like I'm yeah [ __ ] dude like I don't feel bad for these idiots at all yeah they deserve that [ __ ] if they want to point yeah dude that's what you call turning a bad situation into a good situation and that's completely [ __ ] good man scammed them yeah exactly don't [ __ ] with people and it's like yeah it's very easy like I don't really have [ __ ] like this happen a lot of times because I don't [ __ ] people over I never had [ __ ] like this happen and every once in a while I'd have like an [ __ ] do some kind of stuff but like honestly I don't feel bad for these [ __ ] guys at all for that I hope they paid them the money they got out boy yeah well buddy I hope you get your $500 back but you don't need to worry about the silence part like no one's gonna be silent about this it's out there's streamable links there's there's no hiding these guys are [ __ ] they are very [ __ ] oh my god so I just want to go over a few things first off basically there are no guilds in the world that that do this no one no one does this this is abnormal behavior no one would ever think to do that no why would anybody the thing is like he's probably mostly right though to be fair he's probably most right because it's stupid if the buyer goes in there and they don't get anything out of the boss kill why the [ __ ] are they gonna go do another boss kill why are they it's actually it's a bad idea no matter what stupid or for a guild that is doing mythic sales this absolutely does not ever happen ever anywhere to anyone so the fact that we can see it happening here and we have their comms we can hear exactly exactly what's going through their mind as they're as they're pulling these nefarious deeds just really quick I you know assuming some of the people from that guild watch this video I just want to go ahead and say this to everyone in there how do you morally justify being in the guild knowing that you're screwing people over I just like I can't really like I can't imagine being a part of a guild where looting a boss and getting an item that a buyer need that's right folks longtime owner mr. Krabs is opening a new restaurant called first of all congratulations mr. Krabs hello I like money what inspired you to build a second Krusty Krab right next door to the original money why would they do such a thing why would they do such a terrible terrible thing people falling for the scam deserve to be scammed okay there is a certain morality and I do agree to an extent that if you are buying carries and you get scammed I feel less sorry for you than if you buy something that's more legitimate but just because somebody is buying a carry does not mean that the people that are selling the carry have the moral I don't know like immunity of stealing from them and scamming them it's literal victim blaming well no it's not necessarily victim blaming it's like for example if somebody gets scammed in a drug deal I don't really consider this a tragedy you know like I don't think that people should do or sell drugs so if something goes wrong [ __ ] them it's the way it goes but at the end of the day like these people entered an agreement and the agreement was it's there's nothing wrong with what they're doing besides selling the RMT and it's still wrong for them to scam people but carries aren't illegal yeah exactly it's is is like oh [ __ ] I know I [ __ ] up what are you doing why did you live the bus that's what I don't want because they both want the [ __ ] whip yeah yeah sorry I know I [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] the thing that the buyer paid for dropped said I'm done that Lee looted it and he knows that I looted it [ __ ] I [ __ ] up like that's that is that is actually what you guys are doing that's not even the exaggeration well voice I made everything you you guys actually hand movements my bag she's super pissed off that you looted an item that a buyer paid for he entrusted you to carry him so that he could get a specific item and that specific item dropped and you just so happened to accidentally loot it for him [ __ ] god forbid right god forbid that you loot an item that someone paid you gold for to have a chance of dropping so that they could finally get get that piece of loot they wanted yeah yeah I know I [ __ ] up [ __ ] god I'm such an idiot [ __ ] why did I I think like with all these things like you have to always take everything with a grain of salt and realize this is just a video game item right and I think this is important for everybody to realize that whenever this person is talking about these types of things that this is ridiculous I mean like come on now obviously the the act is still the same but the impact of the act I think does matter it's like if you buy something for a dollar and it's a cheap piece of [ __ ] it's not that big of a deal but if you buy something for a thousand dollars and it's a cheap piece of [ __ ] then it's a bigger deal so yeah I do think that like the the fund the actual impact of this does matter and it is still just a game and loot the boss after we killed it when we had fires in the raid [ __ ] don't you know that if you loot the piece of gear that the buyer needs and you trade it to them that they're not gonna buy anymore you dumb [ __ ] idiot like that's what she how works how in the [ __ ] are any of you in this guild how do you justify being in the guild you are all just as guilty as this stupid [ __ ] raid leader telling you all not to lose and to go ahead and and scum yourselves out like this you guys are just as implicit in this in this little scam ring you have going on as a Rea leader and if you don't leave the guild and go somewhere like like an actual guild then you are a piece of [ __ ] I don't care if you don't agree with what your guild is doing I don't care if if you feel bad when you do this if you stay in this guild and you continue to do this you are just as much as a piece of [ __ ] as this guy telling you guys to do this actually [ __ ] you if you're doing I mean like if you're doing it then yeah you're obviously [ __ ] doing it like doesn't matter if you're the raid leader or not if you're doing it than it is what it is right I mean like obviously it's like oh I didn't know what they were doing you obviously knew what you were doing come on give me a [ __ ] break bring this a big [ __ ] you if you're going to stay in this guild after after all this comes it comes public there's no talent I mean how long have you guys been doing this I know jack [ __ ] about your guild I don't want to learn you guys aren't worth [ __ ] you guys are not worth my time how long have you been at this I mean that is a little bit sorry righteous but you would think that if you bring a buyer in and you get a piece of loot for him go hey hell yeah sweet you know they'll probably come for the next expansion the next tier and I return business you give people the thing they pay for they come back ya know that he's got what I needed he's not a percent free she's a price it wasn't that hard I got what I needed and I'll come back next time I need something I'll be sure to go to that guild well guess what dumb shits you just [ __ ] up you're not getting any more buyers and I'll make damn sure of that I want to make this very clear and I mean this 100% that if you are in this guild and you stay in it after all this is now this goes on for $7.00 per minute guys are pieces of [ __ ] this scam people at a little Holy Father that you know the hopefully they don't notice that oh [ __ ] they didn't lose it's like the one they scammed like you see the one do they see I think this is the guy that got scammed man ever six pieces only eluded one piece where's all the other loot I thought they're like bosses drop more than one piece of loot what's up like number one you have oh my god the biggest balls I've ever seen to sit there and scam people this way there is a sentimental loop that needs to drop from a boss and for you to sit there be like yeah yeah you don't loot no-one loot like you think that at some point someone's not gonna notice that you guys are just like not looting I think this is actually surely you have thought about this surely at some point you've been like hey like what if they know that they're supposed to be more than like okay I'm not moved forward [ __ ] at the game doesn't surprise me at all what's this picture [ __ ] of the game and you're [ __ ] people not surprising so you may be wondering how could hey why do you guys sell mythic but not loot bosses he says good question massive scum move okay the sales officer says so items too early when all pieces not tradable to the buyer because of item level falsely accused something like this even happen hi so what I did is I made a level one on Frostmourne and I went okay message someone that was in the good investigative journalism of a CRO and I just had it's good very plainly straight-up not hiding anything I tell him exactly what my options are hey why do you guys sell mythic but not Luke bosses good good question waited like a minute to see if he'd say something more he didn't at element seems counterproductive since his buyers are paying for items in the raid lead is telling them not to loot and I also tell them that's kind of a that's a massive scum move okay for the record we never came over every guild by doing this because now they're good now people that buy raids gonna be like [ __ ] man like the guild I'd buy from they might be doing that too yeah that's true well luckily for them no they're not that no one does this so I just got it as an aside I just have to say holy [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] you are streaming your comms while actively scamming buyers Jesus man I can see why your rank is so [ __ ] [ __ ] like you're not the brightest bulbs in the box so I can see why you're like world 300 okay you're [ __ ] and you're you got [ __ ] okay Frostmourne you see their [ __ ] guild [ __ ] rank irrelevant [ __ ] item level everything about them is [ __ ] they've killed the south four times how about that you can see here where people leaving the guild like let me see while progress let me let me just see here people leaving to go goddamn holy [ __ ] dude Wow ohh oh my god what the [ __ ] man that's insane well to be fair it wasn't a real guild anyway because they didn't have a website so I think that we need to keep that in mind okay yeah they didn't even have a guild website holy [ __ ] so this guild is actually disbanded and when you don't loot the boss if you need the loot when you zone out it goes to your mailbox that's worthy okay oh my god and said this is like this is the first I've ever heard of a guild doing this and that's you know likely because they were streaming there cause it's probably cuz the first time you ever heard a bright you know nearly right watch the last two minutes if you are going along with this behavior that you are no longer able to keep your internet alias I hope that you have to change your entire identity if you are able to get into any future guilds I hope that you are permanently blacklisted because of your behavior that is what I would hope for that is the best possible outcome is that you are no longer able to play the game with your name I hope that you all have to pick different names I hope that you killed your name I hope that in the future if you are going along with this behavior that you are no longer able to keep your internet alias I hope that you have to change your entire identity that is what I hope for it would make me so happy if you guys were unable to keep your names because nobody wants anything to do with you I know that I'm looking at all of the names in that raid right now and I will not be doing anything with any of you and honestly I'd blacklist a [ __ ] out of all of you if I see any of you join a new guild knowing that you support this behavior I would actively go to the geums of that guild be like hey this is like the [ __ ] this is the [ __ ] guy dude like every single time that I walk on and I do a raid there's somebody that gets invited and I get three messages from like three level thirty Six's stolen item from a Nick seal last month he's on the blacklist don't you play with him don't you do that yeah I was like at the end whenever I was in [ __ ] Olympus whenever I was like doing that GM stuff I had to [ __ ] deal with this [ __ ] all day I deal with people like this all [ __ ] day listen it's this simple if people do this [ __ ] don't [ __ ] play with them that that's all there is to it like this that the Batman the Batman stuff is too much man I got out this guy he was in on this this is the kind of guy he is so that's where I stand I'm sure most people agree with me how about that so [ __ ] wizards IRL [ __ ] all of you you're ruining sales for everyone not just yourselves you're selfish and you you real money trade and while I can respect the real money trade hustle you know man's gotta eat if you are taking people's money and simultaneously scamming them [ __ ] you yeah it was stealing did selling things in game for real money is it's completely fine but whenever you don't give them the item that's where we really crossed the line I think it's the opposite for me personally I think doing it for real money is much more like bad than stealing item even like it's more harmful to the economy and like the integrity of the game like the people are just scamming people out of [ __ ] that's been going on forever that's it I've simplify god bless I can't do 18 more seconds of that okay so as finance content stretched over 27 minutes yeah well my stream is the same thing it's 27 minutes of content stretched over five hours so let's see here check description for important links and additional clips actually I actually don't care let's see here I want to know about the shirt waiting for asthma on bold to react if you buy gira carries you just serve ticket scam well the guns been disbanded now good riddance oh man what Baldy watching this Jesus Christ man I think like obviously these guys were pieces of [ __ ] but I always in very I'm very nervous about these like vigilante justice type people because that I think many of them are like that they'll go too far like to them because they feel like they have like the moral authority to do it they'll just completely go way too [ __ ] far with stuff and I think that's kind of what happens with a lot of these people and as much as as much as I think that some of them have like good fundamental intentions so often than not those intentions get turned into something else nice Smaug wait what do you mean what's my transmog it's two different sets guys [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 467,307
Rating: 4.7781725 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold scam, asmongold scammed, wow scam, wow scammed, wow carry, wow raid carry, bfa carry, asmongold raid, wizards irl, wow wirzards irl, world of warcraft carry, asmongold carry, asmongold n'zoth, n'zoth scam, asmongold mythic, mythic ny'alotha, ny'alotha raid, asmongold ny'alotha, ny'alotha mythic
Id: I9LI4_s7XI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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