Asmongold Reacts to "Every Unobtainable Mount in World of Warcraft" by MadSeasonShow

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[Music] you wash your hands no I have a clean dick hey guys your own World of Warcraft's near 14-year run so far there have been mounts that have come and gone they used to surf I suck you hold the dungeons quests raids or even Game Master mistakes I thought it would be interesting to give you an exhaustive list of all of these mounts how they used to be obtained and why they're no longer available mainly for entertainment but who knows maybe it'll be useful for all of you mount collectors out there I will cheat for I'll be covering are actually still very rarely obtainable on the black market auction house even though their original source was removed I want to include them though because they're still interesting I think so I'll mention them as I get to um I guess the best way to do this is to start from the base game and work our way up to the latest expansion first up we have all of the old epic racial mounts the Palmetto up until patch 1.4 the old epic 100% stripes in the game my whole life 60 percent speed counterparts just different palette swaps pretty white stallion in this patch Blizzard made them a bit more epic to match their extreme types by adding some arms on to them at the same time these original epic mounts were removed from the vendors and a quest was added to trade the men for the new armored ones in case you oh my ordeal for the old ones this was of course before the monk collection tab were the mounts for actual items in classic it was extremely difficult really to afford these back then and combined with that turn in a very few survive today making them some of the rarest mounts in the game we have the black and frost Rams for the dwarves the icy blue and white Meccano strangers for the gnomes the Palomino and white stallion for the humans the ancient frost saber and black knight saber for the Night Elves yeah the red and winter walls for the orcs green and teal kodos for the torrents and lastly the ivory and modeled to red Raptors for the trolls this is so long next we have the oldest ogre amount as I mentioned earlier these very rarely on the black market auction house but their original source is now gone I have them almost impossible you obviously have a lot of patience and gold as you may know this ogre abused to be an actual raid before the Cataclysm expansion there were two bosses in here that dropped these mounts but ever since the remake in patch 4.1 you can no longer get them from here we have the Swift zillion tiger from the high priest at the call boss and the Swift Rose a she raptor from the blood lord amanda care these were pretty groundbreaking at the time because it was one of the only times that you can use cross faction mountain back then for the most part that's why the rapper was so emotional nobody else could get a rap summons the only one you could have or an alliance on a raptor was a big deal that's right the new zg also has mount traps but these are also reworks nobody gives these functionals are extremely rare to see these days i don't like how the panther looks something that isn't obtainable about a 20 mah though is the black qiraji battle tank I won't go super in-depth years since I already covered it in a video that's basically in classic world of warcraft before he could zone into us there he had to complete something called the on courage for ever both factions had to collect a bunch of trade goods and a huge quest line also opened up called the scepter of the shifting sands it was extremely long and difficult to complete requiring many raids both indoors and outdoors and whoever completed it within 10 hours of the first person Oh is a special title called Arab Lord and this legendary mountain I really wish I got a recognize it as a recolor of those aq 40 mounts this one is usable outdoors how's your mic up on this the only legendary I don't not counting GM items it had some special quirks to you used to be able to summon it while falling Angie could also buffer in and start summoning in when you're about to exit combat Wow left combat before he finished the cast you would still summon which was pretty unique down as a bonus in patch seven point three point five anyone who had this mountain also got an updated version it gave people this for no reason work tank for free they still kept theorem at I really wanted a higher I've made a brand-new mascara boards so both talking residual extremely rare just like everything in this list but it's not the rarest the most rare mountain wasn't received from a raid nor an epic quest chain or anything like that I was received through an error of a game master and that's the fluorescent green Meccano Strider [ __ ] there are a few mounts in the game that have never actually been implemented in any way they're mostly just recolors of other mounts that was actually kinda nice no mage player was having an issue with the mount that he just bought and he ended up deleting in and made a ticket to a GM to get it replaced with a new one but by mistake the GM sent the player this mount instead making him the only person in the whole game in every server in every region to have it Wow however during the drain works Wow he tried to sell his account and thus the mount and the auction reportedly reached over fifteen thousand dollars until Blizzard can't win David and removed the mount from his journal next we have anything that's the [ __ ] asshole's kind of it over the years he used to be a baleen this only during the 2007 Brewfest event I missed out on the collected price tickets by doing various objectives and if you got 600 you could get a quest starter that either gave you the normal Brewfest RAM or the Swift version of it you can still get the Swift version and also a koto but for reasons unknown the blue version was removed for the next year's event making it quite rare to see these days there's always seen like two or three things that money that the industry like half a dozen is actually more rare and also during the Burning Crusade days we have the original Amani war bear from Seoul Amman similar to Zagreb this raid was repackaged into a dungeon so this mountain was lost in the process all of it you got it if you completed your search of killing bosses and freeing prisoners and if you were fast enough it would drop from a bag after the lynx boss they rereleased it as the amani battle bear that's the shitty very color got left out in the Sun too long and speaking of bears the big blizzard bear is another unobtainable mountain this was given to attendees of blues country in the form of a cone ice mound if you couldn't make the trip you could also this is such a rare mountain TV subscription damn so one grazed a mounts at the time and it was also the first one to be bound to your accounts so you could pass it between characters I didn't even know that are you willing to break the Terms of Service and part with $1,500 you can find them on eBay otherwise it's no longer obtainable though next we have all of the gladiator mounts there's Luke I the gladiator title and rated PB but really are always awarded with us what I've thought for that season only I won't list every Mouse since there's quite a lot and they're very similar to each other they're all armored versions of other mounts and they followed a theme with each expansion the Burning Crusade had armored nether dress for the Cataclysm plan frost worms Cataclysm had Twilight drew for no [ __ ] reason and Arya had cloud serpents there's actually really [ __ ] cool Draenor Groundlings region storm grab that one after Canada be if they will have armored proto drinks I have that one too to date about five of these total that are unobtainable I only have three earlier we talked about the GM mistake with the mechana straighter well about a GM only mod peeps whistle is the other legendary mount in the game first data mined back in 2007 during the Burning Crusade yeah it's of course not obtainable by players and only little Bowl through GM commands the model is the same as the ashes of the lar maintainable and found in the tempest keep every cool Jim's only has a special mount the only difference is the rarity and the flavor text which refers to Alex a frosty ah B who's the lead world designer for world of work welcome to Alex country moving under wrath mounts here next up we have the plagued and black proto Drake's among these achievements I have complete special challenge in each rate instance they are two for the next ramus trade titled glory of the Raider for each size ten player and twenty five player these two months for rewards for completing these achievements the plagued first I had to buy the first one and the black for 25 men the achievements are still in the game but in patch 3.1 with the release of old war the mounts were removed as rewards they did this because they want you can still get the fight 100 next to coming out walking too easy to get although old wear itself had the same meta achievements with mounts as well and those are still obtainable today so there is some inconsistency thank God I never got the old war one sleeked proto Drake can rarely be found on the BMA airs oh but not the black one why because when Weiss so not the rarest mounts out of this list but still pretty darn rare since they were only available for that one patch they aren't the only unobtainable wrath mounts though one of the toughest mounts to obtain was the tribute to immortality horses this was an achievement that required you to clear through the entirety of the trial of the Crusader raid on heroic difficulty without anyone dying didn't get this one faction got a special mount missed out the Horde got the Crusaders black warhorse and the alliance just a dumb piece of [ __ ] it was retired in the Cataclysm prepend [ __ ] though it was to lure through ICC yeah I know it does but still a very tough achievement to complete and it's quite rare to see one out in the wild man and to follow the same route of the wrath mounts there were also 10 player counterparts for the same achieve this one was good the Alliance got the Swift Alliance steve-o unit word got this Swift horde wolf oh yeah I remember that I was graced we have a couple of promotional amounts why she has a spectral Griffin and the spectral wind rider oh I do there was an old system called the scroll of resurrection I think it ready that was great crude old friends that dropped the game what the [ __ ] if they hadn't been subscribed in three months you could send them an email and give them Joe playtime and a fan but you have the spectral reference Jones is gonna be so mad however the whole thing was retired during the warlords of tension so by extension so too were these mounts another promotional amount was too I remember that one Blizzard's action RPG game Diablo 3 was about to be released man the world of warcraft with promotion if you bought a full year I was going through this in all my mastery game and it's just just a few months later the promotion ended and you haven't been able to get it ever since except for an error in late 2017 where it was accidentally made available for purchase in the Cash Shop it was only meant to be sold on the Taiwanese and Korean versions of the games they never had the promotion but through some glitch the US and EU servers or AAA I have all those a short time oh wait what next up we have yeah I have all the swirls from come on this was the start of the end of expansion ritual where if you killed the final boss before the next expansion that one you get them out ever getting that one this was awarded to players Garrosh Hellscream in the siege of Orgrimmar raid easy normal difficulty or easy before the warlords of Draenor 6.0 pre patch right around slam I know there was a big squish at this time and normal was pretty trivial to complete but still kind of rare to see these guys since it was so long ago mr.panda instead along we have the brawler's from burly Mushin beast ammo shine one of the new activities introduced in the mists of pandaria expansion was the bottles guild respected and participating in arena style matches against unique cases the brawler's guild they should bring that [ __ ] back as you win the higher you rank up I want this prize reward for going all the way which was rink aid it temporarily became no longer obtainable after season 1 had concluded but it's our return for season 2 during the warlords of Draenor expansion this led people to believe then he would return every season but in season 3 during Legion it was replaced with the brawler's barely basilisk instead I just want pause this real quick someone says what the [ __ ] your dad bought your while sub monthly how did you get away with charging a whole year of Wow for the charger to his account because you could apply for it without actually having to reincarnation and since I figured that I would be playing the game for the next year I just decided that I might as well sign my dad up to pay for it the next year and that's what I did I got it on day one I signed my dad up for the annual pass he never knew the [ __ ] difference and I have the Mount so that's what happened Edie this was also awarded to players who reached rank 8 during that season and it too is lost ever since season three's conclusion in patch 8.0 and lastly for Pandaria we have the phoenix mounts this expansion also introduced the challenge mode dungeons which was basically an early form of mythic class I can't spell fluish dungeons and if he completed all of them in a certain time you get some special transmog armor assured and amount these mounts were awarded for receiving a silver medal in each of the dungeons so not super tough to get but still not easy I think challenge modes worthy completed this achievement you got an egg which I did modes the mythic points one of the four didn't get anything sound modes this would be repeated once more there are words Draenor expansion very ways if you got a silver in every dungeon you got a mountain although this time it was just one and that's the challengers of Ori idea it's sure one of these challenge dungeon mounts became unobtainable when the pre patch for the next expansion launched next up in Draenor we have the warlords death the [ __ ] is that this one was pretty interesting because it was part of another promotion everybody of American Choppers reality show did a mini web series oh right aft where they built horde and alliance themed choppers fans voted on which one looked better and the players of the winning faction would receive a special in-game copy of it as a mount if they logged in before September 30th 2014 I knew Lions had to pay a hundred thousand women so they all got their chopper for free the Alliance still had access to their mount the champions dread blade but they had to pay a small fortune in gold I hate they can still buy it even today like Blizzard doesn't it's just great then the winning chopper is no longer obtainable but the losing one still is you can always be a losers players who missed out it's actually advantageous that there's last one way or another the Alliance always wins and another Draenor one rustic or hound actually still technically obtainable through the black market I forgot about that you got this was through the 10th anniversary event Blizzard celebrated 10 years by temporarily releasing their first big raid the molten core as a level 100 Aleph our raid if you finished the entire thing and you killed Regnerus you got a feat of strength and this mountain has rewards it was pretty rough it I hated at all here because it was a little over tuned for LF our standards wasn't over lots of the players were unofficially on the Baron Geddon fight with his bombs it was all worth it to finish it at least once for the mountain I ran at like 15 time under the warden commonly known as the Moose Mountain the Moose is in similar fashion to Garrosh and his wolf you got this if you defeated the final boss of the warlords easy easy our command everybody had this one man rematch this time though they bumped it up to heroic difficulty or higher making it a bit tougher to obtain players were Tom dude another promotional amount was released during Legion primal flame saber this time it was tied to the Blizzard MOBA game the heroes of the storm only 17 from the fort why they have to clear dad the 26th of March if you played just 15 matches with a friend it has this mount as a reward I just played against the AI as you can see but still pretty neat we're able to do each game like six leaf relegion we have the violet spell wing just like the previous expansions this was a reward for defeating the final boss before the next expansions pre patch this time it was artists the end maker and heroic difficulty or higher remember how I promised I was gonna do runs of those and just for the sake of this video and not becoming outdated in one week we also have the war of thorns and sorry guys there's a pre-launch event going on with the battle for Azeroth where the Alliance and horde are engaged in warfare trying not to spoil anything if you complete the gene the darn acid I'm not sure you get the teldrassil tariff if your Alliance and the Undercity plague bad if your horde supposedly these are only available up until the release of BFA at which point they'll join the rest of these mounts in the unobtainable category so that's it for all of the ones that yes 250 mouths there do exist some that have been data mined over the years but they never made it to the actual game for one reason or another yeah I won't cover all of these because this video would be too long a Red Boy and they're not really super interesting anyway they're gonna make that the Ford around most part they're just Street colors of existing mounts that's not a big deal I guess an interesting one though is the Tiger Mountain which is sort of cemented itself into World of Warcraft urban legend and mythology have you ever since vanilla this has been rumored I should add a channel from a secret spawning vendor in the world this was fueled by the discovery of a normally unreachable secret cave in the stranglethorn bales ohm called the tiger cave oh you had to do some tricky wall jumps to reach this spot it's so weird I've got a year people sort of tied it to this mount yeah however it still hasn't seen the light of day 14 years later there's also the Brewfest Codel clearly intended to be the Horde counterpart of the Brewfest Ram Wow for some reason never implemented fuck'em and the last one I'll mention is the leopard mountain kind of similar in Lord to the tiger mountain except without the cave that's actually to obviously see an appearance in the old alpha servers though as evidenced by the screenshot it just never made it in game for some reason but that's about it I guess those are all of the unobtainable mounts that I know of as a patch 8.0 that is if I missed any feel free to let me know like the video if you liked it and I'll see in the next one peace farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon the [ __ ] was that
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 1,401,994
Rating: 4.7460561 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, madseasonshow, mcconnell, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, twitch chat
Id: FPlydk3WYJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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