A͏s͏mongold SCAMMED By Fake E-Girl For 1 Million Gold

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hey Lily there hi okay it's a girl alright that's we're already in uncharted territory I'm not planning for this one at all okay so we're on argent dawn right [Music] anybody have any name ideas ask mold [Music] all right you know what there we go about that how about that let's go give me a minute now falls to you to just bend the King and uphold thee I think we've already betrayed the honor of humanity and I haven't even okay they're very very excited to see can I move away from like I this is insane I'm trying to move away from this look at this look at all these people this is crazy is this girl online let me see what's her name again she's in front of gold Shire okay just give me a second let me see if I can find her where she I can't even see what's her name again oh [ __ ] oh my god the honor dole Lily oh my oh my god okay all right guys listen this is how it's gonna work okay I need to raise we've got a simple Ike crazy okay let me just say that right now we have to stuff like crazy I need a million gold I need a small loan of 1 million gold ok guys I'm gonna log off I'm gonna log off right now I'm logging logging off right now okay I'm logging I'm supposed to be logged off right now booster character no it's okay boost character go to someone's garrison okay I'm gonna try to go somewhere else before we get all this set up okay this is just completely [ __ ] imagine rating right now oh I feel kind of bad I'm all set for it okay um hey what if I made a drain I okay oh my god oh my [ __ ] god okay so what we're doing right now is we're baiting them away I'm baiting them away so hi dad no no guys listen stop stop this is [Music] okay okay okay guys listen listen to me listen to me I guys we don't want please just calm down everybody wants me to interview the girl don't just be patient with me and let me get the trades out on the other character okay here we go [Music] hey Lilly's there Hey okay it's a girl alright that's we're already in uncharted territory I'm not planning for this one at all okay ox regia half of the gulp so got a number of questions for you okay and I've got I had a lot of people messaging me about your enterprise and so I'd like to go ahead and ask you and you know what they are messaging actually I wanted to [Music] what [Music] all right I didn't understand what you said [Music] I mean did they send you some eggs I guess hey what sending me people sending me pictures you mean about like you yes yeah some people stuff yeah yeah people were they said that you had and well that there's like two things right now number one is the website which is my main concern and other people were more concerned about your guilt I mean you aware of this or is I'm at because I'm assuming that you understand that this is a concern considering you preemptively asked me about a picture right if I cross I just waiting Daniel I guess for what I think nourishes [Music] you can tell you [Music] it's hard for me to understand what you're saying I can't play deal you can't pay me please don't my microphone is kinda yeah yeah the mic is a little bit scuffed but that's okay I'm just trying to can you tell ya this time we're trying to say [Music] so come to me right [Music] you [Music] uh yeah III don't understand your sac oak ants for okay okay can't trade you all right got it give me a second let me go ahead and do that let me see if I can open trade follow okay trading okay I'm gonna trader the money guys what why would I not do it what what for one what else am I gonna do with the money am I gonna go give this to like a starving African child I'll go over to Hellfire Peninsula find a starving level 60 and go give them the money like and I can't do that let me see if I can figure this out okay I'm trying to I'm trying to trade it I'm trying to trade you Lilly it's just it's a little bit slow here okay are you nervous nice fine okay that's good all right if you like 700 sick one slightly nice thing yeah yeah it's a little laggy do you have push-to-talk on yeah yeah maybe if you turn that off it'll work but I don't know like you could have a lot of background noise and that'd be bad too I don't really know so can you explain kind of the way okay um let me see if I can try and trade you again uh okay I'm trying to open up trade can I can I mail can I mail you the gold will that will that work I mean because you'll see it on screen because I think that could be the what we can try going to a different location maybe okay all right Lily do you have a two-seater mouth well you don't have a two-seater buy them okay I'm just gonna start running over to Westfall okay well they started I'm going to keep trying to send you invites Lily are you there [Music] Megan you're wagging [Music] okay [Music] can you what slagging you like the game [Music] yeah and blue and I think that oh yeah a little oh okay so I'm gonna try to go over to Westfall okay and if we go over to Westfall hopefully the lag will be a little bit better and I can trade you the 500k is that okay [Music] yeah great okay all right so we're gonna get on over there and we'll do that so just meet me over there I'm gonna try to get you to join my group okay but it's hard to do that because there's a million other people sending me invites [Music] I have no idea what you're saying what are you trying to say wait what what are you trying to say can you can we do this Lily are either can you pause but I can't cause twitch it's not I can post which just as long as like it oh I did pause twitch for four months but okay all right how about how about this can can we just do the interview and I just trade you the million gold afterwards I mean like I have the money it's gonna be very easy like I'm just gonna get on I'll get on the live servers and we can just log on afterwards it'll be a lot cleaner and I can just rage it on the after it's like there's literally nothing I'm going to do with this money is that is that reasonable I have no what what I I didn't understand what you're saying it won't have any grunts what you don't have anyone [Music] okay uh-oh you don't have any guarantees okay how about this is a guarantee I have a million gold I have nothing to do with it what else am I gonna do what you think I'm gonna play in the knee you account the million gold to me it's like monopoly money there's nothing else that I'm gonna do with the money if you want a guarantee I'm gonna look like a jackass in front of a bunch of people if I end up trying to scam you out of the money okay does that make sense like I would trade it to you it's just that I can't do it all right Lilly I'm gonna go ahead and send you the mail all right okay Lilly I'm gonna send you 500,000 gold huh is that good [Music] [Music] okay Louis is that good yes or no I I'm gonna it's perfect I'm gonna fix might or good beer be okay thank you please fix your mic okay all right it's perfect all right Lily I'm not gonna send you the [ __ ] gold till you fix your mic all right so we're gonna sit here and until it's [ __ ] fixed all right guys I'll give you five minutes so what made you want to make your website well basically we want and I'll help you out you happy oh you want to do what people in other rooms oh so you wanted to get other people in other realms into RP yes okay all right so do you do ERP on the website yeah Pia what is it no you don't know what it is thank you happy uh hi what afraid of me so you're saying that you don't do ERP on the website that's not why not [Music] well it's kinda illegal in the blanket laws being isn't wait it's illegal and game what did the geums gonna arrest you I mean like like let's get the let's get the obvious stuff out of the way right I mean it's kind of like I mean you've been the Moon guard on you know us realms I'm sure you've heard of it I mean you know people do this so what's the difference between between that and and say what the difference is that we are not responsible we check page of people we don't want them you know school you're not what you know strong being evolved something questionable so you're saying you don't want people to do things questionable on because of your because of the ERP right pretty much what you're saying nice little prince we have a proposal of what [Music] impossible that means that I know no idea somebody's underage so you're saying you don't have people that are underage right mostly don't okay so the other one that doesn't have - you said you're the only guild that doesn't have minors yeah almost [ __ ] y'all doing over there and they you what the hell is going on this is already weird okay so listen that's good by the way yeah try to keep that up he's lying listen then ask him how he knows that yeah how do you know their age maybe some chance that's just sometimes you ask Facebook links or something else but nothing really gullible so you look for their Facebook mmm okay so what is I I don't know man so there's been a lot of people I'm gonna be honest with you Lily ever since I opened up your website a lot I know yes yeah you know those people and so a lot of these people have had some concerns about the way that you do things the one that's because you're so legally nice so you're saying that all the other guilds hate you guys because you're so nice and they hate you they're they're global gilts really nice you'll police didn't like any of us uh-huh so regal I've reviewed the price that the rule thinks the nice way so why do you think these guilds have so much negative information about you then [Music] most of it oh I think all of it is post unique for experience trust people put my name in there people write something so wait what like why six year old photo and hooting gasps poof no sir so they're saying they're making fake screenshots yeah listen brain use lots of people display them okay all right but why bard they do that my braces because really like a saying no - old because they don't have it you're saying that they don't like you because you have a soul well so you're saying that they don't like you because you don't have any minors and your guilt would probably hang up and also so imagine you're a police officer - yeah oh yes really imagine your police' imagine you're a police officer and you're talking to a person you originally have like no real suspicions or anything against them and they say that there's not crack in my shed in the back of my house and they bring up the crack in the [ __ ] you don't bring up the crack machette you don't say anything about it now if you're a police officer what's that gonna make you think [Music] I'm gonna give the beginning I will just pop it I guess by the beginning okay sure so let's say you have a boyfriend and you asked your boyfriend what do you want for breakfast and he said listen I don't know Suzy I've never talked to her she was not at the house last night that did not happen III there are people out there that want to say that because they're cheaters but I would never do that what would you what would you think happened with Suzy the night before [Music] oh we lost my slumber they probably got harassed yeah I think that she got harassed by your boyfriend you know like I mean listen I'm gonna be real with you okay I have no real bias in this I don't give a [ __ ] but this this whole thing seems very suspicious to me it seems very weird and I don't know how exactly this all fits together what the drama is between you and these other guilds this seems very very suspicious and weird whether there are people when your guild that are underage or not it's very very confusing and odd and so I will say this there are no any - being can our guild only face and there's no crack in the shed either it's so easy to create official sound with you if many people want it really is very easy to creates this big it is so Lily I appreciate you I appreciate you coming in and talking about this I really do I will mail you the gold I'm gonna wait a little bit to do that because I want to make sure that like I don't have a million people trying to like open trade with me and everything but I will mail you the gold and we will do this I really appreciate you coming on and talking about it so can you give an advertisement for your guild before we before we move on well there's more important think I like the alcohol situation on Arjun town is what you saw thousand down is in constant war now because those evil guilds are all kinds of ways and I'm like oh I do wish list of when he'll cycle I can do them love them follow them right up yet that's pretty true I need more people yeah it's pretty true well you have lice I don't think please thank father Isaac yeah seeing someone else pop out I think you guys need to hire a PR agent because it seems like there's a lot of these it seems like there are PR I don't like to use this word but I think that it's necessary I think that there are PR disasters that are happening here and as I said I'm very open mind anyway well I mean like whenever I will fit your name there's about eight people that sent mediums of different screenshots of discord logs of you saying things that were questionable yeah all face all fake I can be smooth Daniel then just yeah you contacted Blizzard it's actually crazy though have you ever actually listened to music Lully does it need a light there's a song I think I'd actually like you to listen to well we can listen to it together [Music] [Music] so you see the problem here is that there was individual who basically had say what the thermistor test or an order for the spots by spreading information once I suspect more people more and more yeah I've heard that about the earth being flat well listen this has been kind of interesting conversation it has I will go ahead and mail you the gold I want to go ahead and get back over to my other server and I don't want to take up too much more of your time so I do want to say Lily I really appreciate you coming on here and talking about it and bringing light to these evil guilds that have been trying to tarnish your reputation I really hope that people out there will be able to see that and discover the truth I mean can you agree with that you want everybody to see the truth yeah maybe they equal the soul at least all the seals so yes thanks love it along yeah we'll make sure that we bring them to justice I really appreciate you coming on yeah yeah well I mean if you have information to show me go ahead and send it to me but I've got to get back over to the live servers and get back to my stream so I really appreciate you coming on you know what why me that's one minute okay the forms are on fire wait white but what did I do wrong nice little smile stop okay yes thank you Oh at least off rent heels okay so you you sent me this is basically a list of all the you know Oh so all these guilds are bad yeah okay sure I'm gonna send mmm-hmm yeah I'll show everybody the list of all the evil guilts give me a minute let me go ahead and pull it up yeah yeah of course okay give me one second guys I'm gonna go ahead and we'll pull up a notepad and I want to go ahead and show you all the evil guilds okay here we go the all of these guilds are evil guilds that are part of an on that Lily if you can correct me on this may be a Illuminati the secret society who have congregated together yeah something else okay that that's close enough and all these guilds are full of evil people that want to ruin your guild right [Music] little Louie Linea this central plank that stands by them of course it's like blowing up a little so yes all right thanks all for coming on and talking I've got to go on and there are a lot of YouTube videos I need to watch and other content I need to leach as well and so I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to go ahead and go and do that but I really appreciate you coming on and talking to me about this it really means a lot and I wish you the best of luck and trying to figure out what exactly these guilds want and how to overcome their their Federation of evil and I think that's something that you know every just and good person in the world can get behind and I will mail you the gold as soon as I can walk back on without being spammed I can treasure all right thank you very much for coming on Lily I'll talk to you later okay bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 199,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold scammed, asmongold roleplay, asmongold fake girl, asmongold girl, asmongold 1 million gold, asmongold gold scammed, asmongold girl scammed, asmongold goldshire rp, goldshire rp, wow rp, wow roleplay, roleplay scam, wow scam, world of warcraft scam, asmongold youtube, Lilynore, asmongold lilynore, asmongold argent dawn, asmongold channel
Id: cn1QvAW0kyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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