Sam Reads Mean Comments from Haters | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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no no you're gonna use this but your dick all I was trying to do is figure out how the [ __ ] my arm was first comment my father is a [ __ ] from max in San Diego wow that's a little harsh what's up [ __ ] so we thought we'd do something a little different today we're gonna read some negative comments we get a lot of comments many of them positive but some of them not so positive and those are the fun ones look we try and respond to as many as we can and occasionally respond to the negative ones but you know why you want to pay attention to those people right and trust me I appreciate it when people write and say don't worry about them I don't worry about them max doesn't worry about them but it's fun to read them sometimes so we have some that we can read starting with this one from like six months ago this would be such a perfect video you would get it causing a little bit of an echo huh your right arm was right over top of your law I don't I don't remember that move that's fine it's not weird don't say that it wasn't weird I think it was weird what because you were acting I wish to know I was just trying to I was just trying to figure out what you were talking about you quit saying that I take things weird I don't know no you're gonna use this but your dick all I was trying to do is figure a hell if my arm was Jesus Christ now he's getting us computer told him to get it before he was gonna read some comments wait here your first comment my father is a [ __ ] from max in San Diego wow that's a little harsh this is a real life this would be no wait I want to get my arms right where do you want my arms here you go this is fine well how what was I doing Oh like this you know roll it back Rula back and show the people nobody believes I had my hand on my chest like this nobody [ __ ] believes that [ __ ] dick here we go this would be such a perfect video if it weren't for the horrible man doing the cooking throwing everything around with disrespect it's so unnecessary I don't know what video that was I do throw things around sometimes who am i disrespecting the viewer or the food an empty bacon package is that what he's talking about a spoon in the sink sorry spoon in the sink didn't mean to disrespect you Oh perfect second comment ready how are you so uptight you're making a sandwich it's literally the most chill thing ever I know this looks bad geez douche bag makes a sandwich thank you for that you know this guy loves belittling waitstaff now look it's not true at f'ing all I know how hard waitstaff work they don't get a lot of pay they work long hours they're standing the whole time they do have to put up with douchebags that are rude to them snapping their fingers and not being polite not saying thank you or please that is not me couldn't be furthest from the truth and I have a restaurant so I understand that dynamic when ass pissed me off and they think I'm an [ __ ] to you when I say things like back up well it's not being a prick my phones making noise my computer's making watching this guy causes stress he is a creepy dude now wait no wait I might cause stress but a creepy dude Max and I could be dude I don't think I don't see I don't think so you've left the door my own flesh and blood so the old guy thinks he's a hip badass but really just comes off as a sad old douchebag interesting sandwich [ __ ] personality can you imagine if this prick was your boss [ __ ] like this get beaten to death with a hammer yikes that's a little harsh a little harsh that's a little am I the only one who got stressed up by this guy do I cause stress do I cause stress do I do oh I'm asking you my terrible guy to work for work with my terrible father my bad father no have to say that don't you god I know it's not right because we don't really know Max and it's not fair but I hate him and love him at the same time like an annoying relative who was always around that always has your back anyway somebody wrote yesterday that Max was let me get this quote right a waste of sperm so two things one he's not a waste of sperm he's my oldest child of three sons I love him a little interplay every now and then but if he was a waste of sperm and in in and I didn't waste sperm on him you wouldn't be watching this so did this guy just assume the pizza dough's gender yes I did I can't remember what do we determine pizza dough was male because the donuts were female obviously so the British the English food episode we did top 10 things to eat in London struck a chord with many people and this guy just goes off on their food there is no food in Britain fit for human consumption if you must go to Britain bring your own food or buy American imports British cooking is so inept it's remarkable they can boil water for tea that's crazy the food was really good I didn't lie I loved everything I ate I wouldn't put something in my mouth and then say it was good just for the sake of the video and saying it was good that's just stupid but then we pissed off a bunch of people with the full English breakfast that we had at a place called Hawksmoor that people thought was a bit a bit too posh as they might say on behalf of the UK I apologize for the abysmal full English breakfast he ate in this video if you haven't seen the video it's a it's a breakfast that has six or seven different components to it if people seem to get really pissed off because one of them was bone marrow that's not an English breakfast sorry that's not an English breakfast they got really mad at that as they did it my accent too that's not a [ __ ] English breakfast you ass hats but by the way I love the term asshat I don't use it enough what a wanker and then others were just really pissed off by my accent what's with the horrible accent clearly the American cannot do a British accent and then there's just this the the simplicity of this one that I love didn't make the chicken didn't make the biscuits didn't make the sauce really good cooking channel for people who smoke weed come on hey look it you don't have to grow everything that goes into your food we've done a lot of legitimately real real cooking here from scratch but then there's times doosh that you just want to get something good but have it be a little faster and so that's what that was this guy's a disaster and by the way Alan when you write this guy's a disaster there would be an apostrophe after the Y before the S in guys making it possessive that right possessive you went to college I didn't who the hell is this clown it's me Sam God are you annoying a 10 year old can make something like that your show is [ __ ] annoying so I'm annoying the show's annoying max is apparently annoying to people you are so full of [ __ ] it's just the best it's the best and of course most of those kind of crappy comments come from people that have not put clearly with a real name or pictures it's fine it's fine why is it that so many douchebags feel the need to get in front of a camera and pretend they know [ __ ] why did I watch this and how did this guy end up with so many followers effing tool well somebody's watching man somebody's watching right okay just a couple more and then we'll do Lois the guy who dressed up as Paula Dean for Halloween and used the n-word as calling someone a racist for the record didn't use the n-word anywhere find it find it and show me you can show me using the n-word I'll send you back Kewpie mail Japanese mail I said I was just gonna call it mail people say he tries to be Anthony Bourdain I think he's more of a low-budget gay Dice Clay really oh not though there's anything wrong with that but so max did a vlog and put it up the other day and it included one section of me saying Louis OS because it seems like 90% of the time when we're shooting Lewis is startled by something it barks in there and then I yell Louis to make sure it doesn't continue so people are now asking for more Louis can there be more Louis well there can and here he is there he is that's Louis it's not much of him he's seven point eight pounds and he's a he's a he's a he's a clearly a chihuahua that we rescued someone found him he was alone he was dirty he still had nuts need it to be neutered and we got him he rescued us is that what they say people say that some dumb no we rescued him anyway he's great but he's a [ __ ] when he does bark and he makes noises I remember years ago we had another small dog his name was lucky every so often in my TV show I would pick him up and you know while something was boy waiting to boil or whatever and talk to him or just holding my put him down and then I'd cook and people would write in all pissed off all pissed off he touched his dog and then he didn't wash his hands he continued to cook it was my house was not a restaurant nobody was here except the people behind the camera and they were all cool with it because they all had dogs and do the same thing so one day well something was cooking I picked up lucky I read this complaint about him and I sent on the counter and he sat down right in front of the camera his ass on the counter I know for sure I lost a lot of viewers that day but I'm sure I picked up a few too so whatever this is Louis Louis there's not much of them say hello those good the face that's him all right I hope you like this you got nothing to say what do you say at the end of one of these thanks for the comments keep the comments coming good and bad so check here for more episodes brand-new one for you on Friday and I get what the face is that's the reason you read that face as I was being pissed off I was trying to figure out what you're saying but my right arm and by the way it was left it was my left arm so I look down trying to figure out how this arm had gotten out what doesn't look like it you're crazy what are you talking about no look I don't know what the face is but you may be insane but it's the weird you call me weird and now hey don't go yet there's more great sandler cooking guy episodes you can watch and don't forget to subscribe and even check out the description for links to things we might have used in the show
Views: 500,696
Rating: 4.9032297 out of 5
Keywords: read mean comments from haters, mean comments from haters, mean comments, read mean comments, mean youtube comments, negative comments, reading negative comments, hilarious, hilarious negative comments, hilarious mean comments, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy reads mean comments from haters, sam the cooking guy reads mean comments, sam the cooking guy mean comments, jimmy kimmel mean tweets, mean tweets, jimmy kimmel parody, reading mean comments, best mean comments
Id: Y4_HlBMuadI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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