Made SO MUCH MONEY In $40 Storage Unit Auction! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back to treasure hunting with G these guys we are out here in Maryland once again and we were doing the intro in the unit because there are a lot of people and you're cleaning out you it this is really awkward but anyway we paid 40 bucks for the unit looks have quite a few toted and hopefully some mystery treasure so without further ado let's get into it [Music] all right so we're gonna start going through this one first it looks like junk hangers and let's get the junk out of there first orissa good stuff hopefully this will just up in here their fingers are stuck in the totes it's not a good sign you know it's still stable maybe to design them but we do have puppy love they are Jordans I mean they look kinda yeah I think you can clean up they're not too bad but I've never seen a Jordan logo that's small kids probably I'm hoping if kids are hoping they're not fakes if you know let me know in the comments cuz I don't know I never seen that before with anything I've never bought kids I've had the giant foot since I was like a little kid geez I get up for softball it has all the signatures on it and stuff but if that was a hit somebody's got some scary power it's like some neighbors stuff right there horseshoes was this you must say where's the brand on it it looks like good Helly Hansen worked on before if I don't think it is Daria's thh already think yeah what I was looking for but I guess not I might just be a no-name or no brand like Walmart tech then there's the other one of those so if that was a real we do have folks come home yeah that a speaker just like bluetooth speaker it hi wow these are the ones I saw five below so me then we have a one Nike here a hat somebody's that's a gown because here's the calf - does he gotta be every time I come here yep there's button wrappers I'll tell you that's like a every time here in DC I mean in BC or Maryland both really oh nice here's you in a bag or two 9-millimeter bullets in in a bag you just two bullet there's not suspicious at all not even a little bit other than that got some more paper and one what's in this little sock I have a wild guess but it feels like there's something in EM yeah there's nothing in there maybe remanence now there's nothing actually and they just the soxhlet I know what this was used for it's just been empty but that that's kind of shady I don't know I have - none bro it's you know baggy but hopefully we can find that guy but then again it's probably used in something that's all it's in here so that was actually a better box and I mean they only pay 40 for the unit so this Jordans are real I mean the green ones they gotta be close to that so that could be the money bag right there put your jacket back in thank you alright that's looking this book oh yeah yes just take a bathroom bag got coconut butter I don't even know what that is touch us something they put the sticker over it cologne or perfume and I'll bet them stuff about the million pocket tampons paper word Ruby Tuesday yeah because that's their pasted up in there open don't get big Ruby Tuesday employer yeah I thought that was somebody's card in there but I felt like though they did it but somebody's other than that guys it looks like a lot of mayo yeah just a bunch of junk from what I can see maybe another pocket there's just pens and paperwork in there but like always once we get it all home we'll go do it in more detail and at the recap we'll let you know there's anything hidden like a gun or is it just gonna be ammo again I can't wait to find a guy for the first time yeah better luck you know once we do it's gonna be like once you look it up to be like using a murder and have to be turned in and so the interesting who know their deed is though yeah I kinda like I usually don't like edita those like I'm like the color combination but the style looks nice actually I see a phone to only an HTC you missing the back it's at the back that's another one why that's another thing see you always find a guaranteed in Maryland and DC you find like seven phones all belonging to the same person you find the weed remanence it's it's hard to not make the assumption that they're drug dealers well have no proof yet another one of those planted supplement I wonder what kind of plants you were doing I got a guess but nothing no assumptions so far as any girl reward spreads I hate though the hide if you give cards instead believe a Tom bag or box nothing's in it maybe one find like a wallet or something New Balance down there always guaranteed also there it is down there every time guys ready focus but I'm gonna focus on that the it is always guaranteed as well 74 there's like there's long storage units other than that I don't see much else you know this looks like not time to sound funny the exact same thing there was any other unit but yeah other than that just paperwork and mail and stuff like that literally we've been through two things then you found ammo we found a dildo and phone multiple phones all right let's see what else we got is this fair sauce sorry like an air mattress it looks like okay yeah it's just toss that out so the air mattress last time we found when it was popped so something on it seen better days if none in the grace to shave this Jordan sticker in there a quick pump probably for that air mattress what else is guaranteed in every storage unit guys tell me right now if I even show it KABOOOM has to be there is this a Smart Watch it looks like it to me it's gotta be was missing the whole back so sorry there's kids running around behind this but that looks like this all it's in here in a wire envelopes we'll go through all that once we get it home Jordan sticker yeah more condoms magnums - yeah always a different brands - like the only ten different condoms all different brands there's a shoe but it's destroy what is that what do you think it is yeah okay they're incense let's get this out tampon wrapper beautiful what's down here another Jordan sticker whoo 40 top time or the arrow gemphones never seen it looks like a Payless range probably have it gives me myself about that other Jordans are down Pepe's box that a second one we have here conditioner let's see it's in here it looks like a CD holder probably yeah all right looks like porno collection maybe no not the BB not the ones that are actually in the air but the ones that are loose at the front yeah that's another thing you always find it's this storage units got all the makings of a regular storage unit yep I know right wild Horner was originally in the Versace to thunder Versace box an early Vuitton box so where's the actual product I heard just dump it drops said other than that looks like close a little flashlight down there all right get out of here oh yeah ticket it looks like you know another name we'll give me a second these creep on pretrial release conditions in orders so what are in DC won't find something interesting in here what do we go through good gross great look at those Hey donation it'd look nice at first you got water that looks bit more at it cowboy hat oh yeah from H&M give me one second turn to keep the door stuck today Wow stop texting me I'm busy look nice actually but I mean they're not into us this will probably come off with a toothbrush in white near I mean it's got some creases and whatnot but they're not terrible they're not like brand new but still probably 15 or 20 dollars of here ooh another pair those look nice too again these are I mean the only thing that's really wrong with you they don't even really have creases like that it's just the white part here being dirty but I think was she right there in the toothbrush has to come right off so this might be like a $25 pair Miami Heat Hey look at the bill oh that's just gross oh hi so more Nike we always get our Nikes out of your chip look at that let's see the other one of each one too we found his before they saw in the mist okay no just a bigger ring another Jordan swore my keys down here as well but I guess I'll have to clean these up when we get home and to really see the condition of them Toronto Raptors hat Chicago those that is some colorful shoes right there other than that that's a good box oops I'm actually definitely worth the unit without happen or worth the price of it his boxers and jumped or still skim through Pittsburgh cat oh that's what this is in there look at that that's what was in the box right there Louie Vuitton belt it has a let's see 44 out of 10 it is live at on the buckle too but I wonder if it's real like we said BC and Maryland's like the capital or the world for fakes I mean it's got a heat stamp in the middle but I don't see a serial number I'm assuming that size baby huh that's definitely if it's real that's definitely some money right there see whatever you got these older t Hat's another belt that's smell like just don't like dirty longer probably because that's what it is nothing out that felt sick this so that's junk besides the belt which could be worth a good amount want to if it's real these units always look like the last online you know when you get there you're like wow I don't know where I'll do this in a carload I hope so first I'm pretty sure this is all this beauty clothes looks like it's all gonna be clothes it's something we'll go through when we go home see we have anything designer anything hidden if you'd like to hide stuff and close to that already is that GT you have this is like granted Otto it's sad that I didn't recognize that just by lifting it up the map to graph the data all I need is a piece of it that's how many hours of putting the grant daughter games last time these are like $60 she's even used again same shoe just different size yeah look at that cool what about these or this I guess looks I mean it's not horrible not as good as a taxis out it still decent shape but again look at that has that done one other one the other shoe don't I found earlier found two very similar if not the same shoe weird iron keys like somebody that's worked fast food why do you have these or not fast food restaurants I guess is old server why do you have these let's see camp on my block rappers not much else I don't see the other one of these in there those hey wait down I'm getting confused it's a taxi ones they're in their last jeans Jean there's a hair dryer new hot and hotter ETA McCloud professionals is that cheap Walmart you're good Brad somebody's gotta let me do it literally all that just Jean that looks like a jean jacket so now we're gonna cross the figure to hoping it's on the car in one trip we'll go home go through it all and do a general recap let you know what else we found stuff see you then alright guys so let's do a recap first off sorry the audio in that video kind of stuck there was just way too many people to do the videos with the way we usually do so I was trying to be quiet but did it the best we could but anyway let's do a recap there was no like crazy crazy hidden treasure but there were cool things a few cool things first off you can see all the shoes we go we got a lot of shoes again it seems to be a theme in Maryland DC area but I'm never gonna complain about it cuz it's one of our biggest moneymakers shoes are the easiest thing to flip we found far as clothes go they sell very very quick babies because we undercut everybody else we sell them cheaper than they could go for I know that people tell me that all the time but I want to move as fast as possible especially on a $40 unit I mean two pairs of shoes will pay for that some of these are we haven't cleaned anything up yet but we're gonna try to clean them up they look decent we'll sell them if not they'll just be donated so not a big deal you might see two pairs missing the taxis and another pair for all time I took two pairs for me but I was a birthday so well let's slide but anyway let's see we got one now these are Nikes over here then these are D like he wanted to say they're Jordans cuz it just looks like you're trying to rip off one of the Jordan designs with their the adidas also found this in here somebody this to me best day ever I'm guessing it just a cigar but based on everything else he found I don't know there was a couple Blunt rappers we found in either still had weed in them but I mean no like big amount it was just a little bit of reminisce left then we got these little parrot this little pair of Nikes these gotta be some of the ugliest Nikes if you like these I'm sorry for offending you but I think they're so ugly we found a pair very similar to this and we listed them out they mean in just brand-new condition just like this - I think we'd listen about $20 and could not sell them still I think they're still sitting in the box we had a talk about this and everyone seems to come to the conclusion that these shoes are probably like a gift from somebody's mom which is why every time we find them they're never look worn they always look brand new because nobody's gonna wear them we have these these are pretty cool like you - but they're not in the greatest shape and again we gotta clean them up and really see how good their condition is because sometimes we've got something weird just instantly like they have to be donated but it turned out pretty well after you clean them like this - like that that'll probably clean up these are actually like which they were bigger then lastly this little paranoid and I did find these online because I still was a little skeptical about that Jordan symbol being so little but that is the way they're made so from what I can see they're real yeah all the clothes a lot of it was cheap even though they had nice shoes a lot of the clothes was cheap but we did keep this adidas jacket which is just your basic you know stripe going down the side adidas symbol on it nothing too fancy but Anita this was one of those brands and all of a sudden just popped back into popularity these ones we thought were cheap are actually converse I mean they're not expensive usually go for about 20 to 30 dollars but once we clean them up these are actually a pretty good shape what you see there is just dirt they'll just brush off we have brushes to get that stuff right off we also got Asti for hats five hats the Toronto Raptors one unfortunately there was in the best condition was missing the thing on top of it this part right here so couldn't be stolen under to realize though is this one yeah it has like sharp things at the top so yeah wasn't a good idea so probably not buddy I was missing that so no one's probably gonna buy it that way we also found hidden money not much but we did find two dollars into pants and this was at the bottom of one of the hampers it was actually phones I guess I wanted to leave it folded they folded the dollar like a t-shirt looks like a collared shirt and it's pretty creative I've never figured how to do that without easy tutorial that's pretty cool also have that hat change here not much like literally less than a dollar but the big thing of it fine the big find of the storage unit was the box that did go to the Louie Vuitton zone and I've watched three different youtube videos now and watch looked at two different websites everything I see points to this thing being authentic Louis Vuitton so use we've seen these things on Poshmark for 100 and 200 dollars average would probably be about 150 on the airplane upside down about 150 which is awesome considering the unit with a $40 unit so this was definitely big money maker I know I'm gonna get some crap by people don't watch the video all the way through but they're like this things were so much more than twenty thirty dollars you price today the handles broken so it is an authentic bag but the handles broken and unfortunately no one's gonna pay top dollar for but people still will pay like twenty or thirty dollars if they have the means to sew this back together because that's not a helluva deal these things are expensive so somebody will still fake twenty or thirty dollars of that but that wasn't broken easily you probably get around a hundred bucks for that another thing that guys we found the hairdryer which again I think I look there's only about twenty dollars so we'll probably sell for like ten or fifteen some watches the SmartWatch I haven't got the cut alone you haven't we also didn't try to charge it we did find the back though the back was in another choke so it is complete now but we'll try to charge and see if it cuts on it does not Apple probably not worth anything now people are this blue watch this one's actually metal in purple I like this watch it's kind of cool we looked it up I've seen a pink version of it selling for about $40 so I'm assuming it's like a $40 watching new so probably ten twenty bucks this one I don't think it's anything special I find these kind of lot they're just like flashy looking watches only two phones I thought we were going to find more and of course one of them has to be absolutely crush but they still keep it for some odd reason don't know why other than that I that's just about gonna sum it up so definitely a good unit again every time we go out in this area we usually hit it with the shoe shoe you're definitely her biggest moneymaker like I said before so I'm always happy to find a bunch of shoes especially when they're Nikes are Jordans and what not always easy money anyway guys it's gonna be at thank you so much for watching we did enjoy the video make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button France from treasure hunting videos all the time if you want to follow us on our social media links to be on screen just click the links on the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 35,979
Rating: 4.9177518 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit itsyeboi, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit look what i found, i bought an abandoned storage unit part 2, i bought an abandoned storage, i bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, found in storage locker
Id: Ysr4EUbXcCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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