SAVE YOURSELF... | Peridium

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Hello everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome to Peridium. Now, this is a pixelated point and click adventure game. It's really highly rated on game jolt. And it was originally made in a gamejam and then polished up for later release. And it takes place in the frozen wastelands of some- "It had taken Lauren first..." "...though we didn't know it then..." "Didn't understand the dead look in her eyes..." "That unnatural..." "...wooden, lurching motion as she moved about the lab..." "Course it was too late when I learned to read the signs." "Most of the crew were in its power already..." "And I paid a terrible price for my blindness." "Was I the last?" "I could hear their footsteps on the snow outside my cabin..." "Leaden steps, moving as one." "Not safe here." "I'll make for the lab." Ok... That was some damn good voice acting. Hello, Buddy! You look like Old Logan. "Pain..." "Throbbing from the gaping hole in my stomach..." Ah, gross! "That could have gone better." Uh huh. You're grizzled as all hell. Oh, hey, hi! "Dr. Turner, open up!" I'd rather not! "My eyes swimming." "I almost black out again." "Come on, Jim. There's nothing to worry about." I don't trust you! "Harris..." "Open this fucking door, James!" Watch your language! "Or whatever it is that's living in his body now." That's a little concerning. "I clench my teeth against another wave of agony." "Keep it together." Ok, let's try to do that. "First things first..." "Gotta get this..." "...bleeding under control." Okay... Alright, then. You, k- Harris, you're doing good out there, but I gotta look for- "The door's stuck fast." "Need something to leaver it." Okay! Yep and I bet I gotta hurry, because otherwise I'm gonna be dead. "A rusty screwdriver" "rattled around in the toolbox." Can I have that? "There's nothi-" But hey you just said that there was a rusty erooo-rooriver. "Collection of papers on the ancient fungi buried deep beneath the ice." (M)Oooo- "Would have been the culmination of a decade of research." "The better part of our lives together." I know- "I'd never finish now," "But perhaps I can pass on the torch." Maybe. I guess that's one way to look at your imminent demise. OOH! "I can't think of a use for it." Hi, Wilkins. How you doing? "Okay, Wilkins. What you got for me?" (Why are you so calm?!) Uth Uh. "Kneeling down over the body. I noticed the tell-tale," "inhuman signs on his face." "He was also wearing one of those armbands I've noticed on the others." "Oh god, the stench coming off him." Alright. "Almost losing consciousness again," "but desperate," "I persist." (J)I find the key in his jeans pocket Cool. (M)I like that this guy's like me. (M)I narrate my own life in third person when I'm in a crisis. (J)Looking at the radio, my heart sinks. (J)A straight bullet had smashed right through it. (M)DAMN! (J)Shit. (M)No, I-I said damn! Not shit. Watch your language. (J)Best leave her, (J)she's running fine. (M)All right fine, then. (M)There a cabinet, maybe medical supplies in there? (J)Locked. (M)Why? (J)Found a small blowtorch. (M)Okay, good. (J)There's nothing else usefu-No time to mess with that. (J)Found some MEAN looking wire cutters. (M)Oo, mean, bad bois. I'm all about some mean old bad boys. (M)Wire? What is-(J)Can't..reach. (M)I'm too short! GodDAMNIT! This game knew my one weakness! *We love you Markimoo! But, this is a short problem.* (J)Thinking to move the barrel closer to the wiring, I give it a push. (M)That's exactly what I was-OH! My blood! (J)The agony from the hole in my stomach is indescribable. (M)Well then try! (J) Gotta fix myself up first. (M)Try to describe it to me! (M)Say, it's so soothingly smooth. (J)No use opening it, (J)Nothing human out there for a thousand Ks. (M)What's a K?(K=1,000) (H)Come on, Jim, open the door! I promise everything will be okay, mate. All right? (M)That accent-(J)Harris was a good bloke. (Bloke=Guy/boy) (J)Shit! *Someone has a bit of an attitude problem* (M)I-WATCH YOUR MOUTH! (H)Open the FUCKING door! (M)Watch. Your. Mouth. If you have one. (J)I can't stand listening to that, THING out there. (M)... Ugh. (M)Alrighty, then. (M)EXCUSE you? Who the frick frack was that? (M)There's gotta be a way to...patch me up. (M)Gucci? (J)Radio's useless to me broken, and I can't fix it with my bare hands. (M)All right, but then why did it go sterker-(J)Can't bear going near that thing again. (M)Ew, the thing. So is this about the movie, "The Thing?" (J)That old girl's the only thing keeping us from a quick, and icy death. (J)Refrigerated cabinet holds some anti-We keep a small supply of morphine on the base, too. (M) Huh. Can I open this? There's gotta be a way I can open this, right?(J)Locked. (M)There's got to be something else (M)I can do around here. Do I have an-Oh, I do. Okay. I have an inven..dury. (M)So I got all this shit. Key. That. Yes. That's what I got to do. (J)The lock clicks open. (M)Give me that morphine, baby. (J)My eyes flit hungrily past morphine, antibiotics- (Smexy M)OH GET IT IN ME, PUT IT IN MY GAPING HOLE! (Maaarrrkkk. That's too spicyyyy!)(J)Someone had been storing lab samples in here again. (J)Strictly forbidden, but the lab fridge had been on the fritz for weeks. (M)Ah. (J)The sample caught my eye. (J)Thin, (J)scarlet membrane stretched over a pulsating, bulbous growth. *Mark shows his discomfort* (M)AH THAT'S NOT GOOD! (J)I wave away the cloud of crimson spores, eyes, nostrils, Throat burning. (M)Uh-oh! (J)I cough, and the action triggers a dagger of pain from my wound. (J)Still, (J)I manage not to black out. (J)And at least the cabinet's open. (M)HAVE I BEEN INFOW..KTED? (M)Have I been infected? (J)Morphine would only slow my mind, so clenching my teeth to suppress screams of agony, *We get it dude you're in pain* (J)I injected some penicillin around the wound before bandaging it up. (M)I'm infected now, or, am I not? I'm very infowkted. *Spoopy noise* (J)I shove the barrel under the wiring. (M)I wonder if there was a way to avoid that. I bet there was, but I-I don't know. (J)Can't reach. (M) *Mocks)Can't, reach, get on the goddamn- Oh, okay I guess I'm on the goddamn barrel, now. (J)Reaching up to cut the wire, I feel something brush against my mind. (M)Uh-oh! (J)Vast and terrible, (J)that mere fleeting whisper of contact, a freight train roaring through my consciousness. (J)I was drowning. (M)Okay... (J)From deep beneath my mind, I could feel that force animating my limbs like a monstrous puppeteer.(Jaiden? Is that you?) (J)Lungs burning, I struggle to the surface. *Loud noise ahead* (M)OOH! (NO! IT'S NOT JAIDEN!) *Mark looks around looking confused* (M)What the fuck??(I agree.)O...kay, (Jimmy Boy) UGH. UGH. *Squirting noise*(M)Oh, I, I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!! (More sounds of DYING from Jim)(M)This is fine. Oh God. OH God. Research, oh geez. (J)It's not going to work.(HOW DO YOU SPEAK?) (M)I don't know what to do-Oh! (J)God. (J)Was that what the others had felt? (M)Okay... (J)I've got to get help. (M)Yeah, I don't think there's any help for you. (M)I didn't even know what I was supposed to be doing there. (M)All right, well I got wire, so what good is that gonna do me? (m)Oh! (J)Despite the tremor in my fingers, I've managed to undo the screws. (M)Yay? (J)Radio's useless to me bro-(M)Can I put wire in it? (J)Need to cut out this fused wiring first. (M)All right. BOOSH! (J)Snipping away the fused wiring-(M)I DID IT! (J)I have a vision- collecting fusiform stem samples with my wife, (J)Her laughter... (M)Okay then, can I put this in there? (J)Let's see...(M)Ah! (J)Should be working now. (M)Okay, sure! (J)I grab the receiver. (M)Hello! (Jim)This is Dr. James Turner from Station Theta 661. Do you copy? (J)The welcome sound of a friendly voice comes through the static. Oh, (J)thank God. I need evac AsaP (J)There's been-something horrible has happened. (J)Yep, tell the crew, do not land until they see... (J)Repeat, DO NOT LAND until they see Dr. Parker. (J)Copy, over and out. (M)Okay. I don't know if they're gonna follow those instructions. (J)Thank God for that. (M)All right, cool. Well that is a thing that happened. Now what do we do? (J)Wavering on my feet, (J)exhausted, I sink to the floor to wait. (M)That seems like a bad idea! (J)Sleep falls like a lead curtain. (M)I wouldn't do that, if I were you! I would stay awake, beca-OOOHHHH! (M)Exsqueeze me? *Mark looks around in discomfort* (J)I snap awake, something very wrong! (J)Uh-oh! The cold! My mind, my body stiff, and numb! (J)The pain like hot lead being poured over my hands, my feet, my face! (M)Okay. (J)I struggle to move my limbs, tearing myself away from the frozen floor. (M)Oh it's cold. (M)Oh, okay. Ah, (M)The furnace is no good. (J)There's fuel now- (J)but she's a tricky thing to get started. Need to find some kindling, and something to light it with. (M)Okay... (J)And quickly! (M)Alright, or else what, I'm gonna die? (M)I got a *breaks into laughter* box cutter, oh I've got my research. Oh, no. (J)Tearing up a decade of work-(M)Aww!- (J)I throw it in. *Markimoo feels bad* (M)Do I gotta do this-(J)The cold... (J)The pages lit, I stand close, until feeling returns to my face. (M)Oh, that's bad. Well there goes all that stuff-(J)I'll lose some fingers, but I'm alive. (M)You'll lose some fingers? (J)What's the point of being alive? You're already infected! (M)Alright. (M)'Kay. (M)What do I do about whatever I need to do? I still need to get this locker open? (M)I never got the locker OPEN. (J)It's quiet out there. (M)Eh... (J)Time to go. (M)I don't believe it! (J)I'm turning the wheel when I hear shouts and (J)bodies slam into the other side.(DAMN) (M)AH, no thank you. (J)I throw myself at the door, but too late. (J)Their wormlike arms twisitng their way in-(M)EWW! (J)Oh god, don't know how long I can hold it! (M)Uh-oh!(AH poop, we are screwed.) (M)Um, uhh, Take a gun??!?! (M)Take your bler terch? No, don't-PUT IT AWAY!! (J)I almost drop the blowtorch trying to light it, (J)But it flares to life and I hold it against the arm wielding that knife. I almost drop it, again- (J)as the smell of burning hair and pork(PORK????)crackling fills my nostrils. *Mark is increasingly getting more uncomfortable* (j)Screams from outside, then the knife clatters on the floor. (J)I make a lunge for the knife! (M)Alright, LUNGE! Lunge, baby! Knife 'em! Knife 'em good! (J)Wielding the cool hunk of steel, (J)I shut my eyes and start hacking. (J)The muffled screams from behind the door, the sticky warmth splashing on my arms.*Kay now I'm uncomfortable. Shoot.* (J)Finally, I feel the door slam closed behind my back. (M)Okay, great. Oh good. I have an arm. (J)The thing lay there, like a pale worm-(M)Can I get the... (M)Get the... (M)Well, maybe it's a good lever. He he he- (J)It wore the same armband, as they all did once they turned. *disbelief* (M)Where did they get an arm band? (J)Another one of those fucking arm bands. *much more disbelief than before* WHERE'D THEY GET IT? can I... (J)Full box of cartridges inside. (M)Oh.. (M)Ooo-(J)It's loaded. And I'm ready as I'll ever be. (M)Okay, alright. Should I go out the window or the door again? (J)I'll leave it alone. (M)What c-I could shoot from the window! Fine. All right, this seems, this doesn't seem wise, but. (M)All right, you know what? Whatever. (J)It's showing results from my lab mm-(M)Let's go for it. (J)Weapon shaking in my hand, I swung the heavy door open. (M)Yeah, sure this is gonna go great for you. Go for it. (H)He's coming out! Jim, put it down. (H)Look, Ben's here! (J)No... (B)Dad, it's me. I'm coming in. (M)Uh-oh... oh no, (B)Mom called before, she-I just got in and-(J)No, Ben! Get out of here! Run! (B)Dad, put the gun down... (J)They killed Kathy, Ben. (B)Dad, it was an accident. They, they told me what- look it wasn't your fault! (B)Dad, what are you doing? (J)I, I can't fight it...much longer... (IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN.) (B)Dad, you need help. Please! (H)Drop the gun, Jim. It's your son for fuck's sake! (J)Can't think... Are you, are you one of them now, too? (B)Wh-What? (J)Hands shaking...Every (J)Synapse in my infected mind urging me to pull the trigger. I-I don't know what to do! (M)AHH! (j)But-I gaze at my son, he'd lost so much already. (J)...Ben? Oh god, Ben! (J)But that wrongness is in his face, and- (J)What's that, band, on your arm? (H)What? It's nothing! What are you doing? DROP THE GUN! (J)I, I can't let it have him too! (J)Not our son! *gun shot* *Mark just braces himself for a corpse* (M)Was that the right call? Oh! (M)You're not gonna tell me. Oh, you're not gonna tell me are you? Oh it's a mystery. (M)Oh, was I infected? (M)Was I the only one who was infected? Were they all fine? (M)Why did Harvis *Mark no it's Harris you goof* wanna get in so bad? (M)Ah, oh man. (M)Ugh... (M)Oh no... OH NO!!! Hey crew, the new radiation monitor bands arrives this morning,*Starts to get high pitched* please see Geoff to get yours... *Markimoo is clearly very upset* *If you ain't crying you lying* Oh, no! Oh, NOO! No, it just made me kill my own son!! But then what was with the arms? The arms make no sense! If like, nothing was bad- then the arms they wouldn't have just, they wouldn't have been so desperately trying to get in. Something was wrong! WASN'T ITTTTTT? How did I get a whole in my gutt? Okay, here we go... He's coming out, Jim... Can't think...*Kay I've typed all this already* *Sounds of discomfort* *Stronger sounds of discomfort as Mark contemplates his life's worth* What if I just wait?? Yeah, maybe! Maybe you could have been! You might have been WROONNGG! I'm, so tired, Ben... Dad.... *Kay Mark what was that* Aw, man it's not...Nothing's happening. I've been here for a while. NOOOOOOOO And exhausted, I let it take me... *Gun shot* Then that's not gonna do-OOOHH! No matter what you do! See it doesn't ah-were they infected or not? Everything points to this like actually being a thing. One: Why did they come in all arms in with a KNIFE? They came in with a knife! I mean, everyone had the Armbands obviously for the radiation. Oh, what the fuck? (bEn??)Take him for processing. ah Okay, all right, so it makes you feel bad. It makes you feel bad. No matter what you choose! Oh. Okay, all right, okay. All right, okay. Alright. Take him for processing. Yeah, sure. Okay, all right. So I want to know more about this. This was really cool. I love the way that it played out. I mean point and click. The, the narration though, the voice actor was really good on that one So it made it really interesting. So, Thank you everybody so much for watching! Let me know what you thought of it down in the comments below. Hopefully, there's more of this in the future. So thanks again. And as always, I will see you in the next video. *I hope that this doesn't happen to you. BYE-BYE!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,413,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peridium, markiplier, point and click, adventure game, indie, free, scary, creepy, pixelated, old school, monster, the thing, save yourself, can you survive, peridium game
Id: g4UXmy2Qy1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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