Sabbath PM | Pathfinder Day | Theme: "I Will Go - Master Guide Me" | September 18, 2021

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] goes away from my presence [Music] let us pray dear jesus thank you for this opportunity to meet this afternoon to worship you thank you for your love thank you for journeying mercies please accept your worship this afternoon in your name i'm free amen our first song or first chorus is fire fire fire wherever you are in your homes or rising church join with us to sing this song fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fall on me fire fire fire fire fall on me on the day of friends because fire fall on me on the day of princy cause fire fall on me fire fire fire fall on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory be [Music] glory bye [Music] [Music] my name is [Music] my name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] my [Music] keep me [Music] is [Music] um father abraham but we'll cut this a bit shorter than it really is father abraham so please stand with us your youthful bodies let's do some movements as the pathfinders and master guides that we are father abraham father abraham had many sons as many sons as father abraham and i am one of them and so are you [Music] so let's just praise the lord [Music] and i am one of them and so are you so let's just praise the lord right hand left hand father abraham had many sons had many sons that father abraham and i am one of them and so are you so let's just praise the lord rise hands left hand right foot left abraham as many sons as many sons [Music] had many [Music] left foot [Music] and i am one of them and so are you so let's just praise the lord right left hand right foot left foot heads up heads down father abraham and many sons had many sons like father abraham and i am one of them [Music] so let us [Music] and i am one of them and so are you so let's just praise the lord right right foot left foot heads up heads down turn around sit down happy summer church and welcome back to us another a wise program the opening name will be hymn number 537 he leads me that me oh always [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] sometimes my seams [Music] sick by his own hands me [Music] [Music] me [Music] i [Music] of victory's long kingdom i will not sing since lord through jordan lee let [Music] he [Music] let me the scripture reading is taken from psalms 118 verse 14 to 17 the lord is my strength and soul and has become my salvation the voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacle of the righteous the right hand of the lord do its valiancy the right hand of the lord is exalted the right hand of the lord with fallen i shall not die but leave and declare the words of the lord let us pray the most compassionate father you thank you for today thank you for allowing us all together for his award service now as we come again to fellowship i hope that you'll enlighten us and i will enjoy your presenting your name [Music] good afternoon everyone it is now time for the emblems the aim the advent message to all the world in my generation the motto for the love of christ compels me the a-y pledge loving the lord jesus i promise to take an active part in the youth ministry of the church doing what i can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world the pathfinder's pledge by the grace of god i will be pure and kind and true i will keep the path by the grace of i'll keep the pathfinder's law i'll be a servant of god and a friend to mine the adventurous pledge because jesus loves me i will always do my best the ey love the a y law is for me to keep the morning watch do my honest part care for my body keep a level i be courteous and obedient walk softly in the sanctuary keep a song in my heart go on god's earth the pathfinder's law the pathfinder's law is for me to keep the morning watch do my honest part care for my body keep a level i be courteous and obedient walk softly in the sanctuary keep a song in my heart go on god's errors the adventure islam jesus can help me to be obedient be pure be true be kind be respectful be attentive be helpful be cheerful be thoughtful be reverent the ey song adventist youth are we from every land and sea together we pray and work and play in happy harmony we have a faith to share with others everywhere a message of love from god above to show the world we care adventist use adventist youth adventist youth the pathfinder song oh we are the pathfinder straw a servant of god are we faithful as we march along in kindness truth and purity a message to tell to the world a truth that will set us free king jesus the savior is coming back for you and me the adventurous song we are adventurers at format school i play we are adventurers we're learning every day to be honest kind and true to be like jesus to and through we are adventurers thank you so very much tajir thanks to everyone who have participated so far welcome welcome welcome one and all to um the adventist youth program for today pathfinder day and you are joining with us the eagle pathfinder club at the sitting ham sda church it is a joy to have you worship with us this afternoon and uh we promise that you will indeed receive a blessing we have been having a wonderful time uh today and you know the lord has really been blessing us you know they they there have been challenges yes but i am just happy that we have we have overcome because of course we serve a wonderful god so thank you for joining us stay tuned because we have a program lined up for you this afternoon that will be really edifying and so stick and stay with us all right stick and stay with us and thank you so much for making it sydenham sda church now just before we we go into the meat of the matter this afternoon i just have a short reading that i want to share with you and i tell you the the the spirit of the lord really works um wonderfully you know when i was i was looking for something to share and i was led to this this reading and i tell you it is so perfect we have been worshiping under the theme i will go master guide me and you know without the guidance of god then we are going to be lost and so isaiah 30 and verse 21 says that ear shall hear a word behind these saying this is the way walking in it when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left now uh the servant of the lord says in testimonies to the church i have no higher wish than to see or youth imbued with that spirit of pure religion which will lead them to take of the cross and follow jesus go forth young disciples of christ controlled by principle plan in the robes of purity and righteousness your savior will guide you into the position best suited to your talents and where you can be most useful i i hope you i hope you are hearing this young people i hope you are hearing this um james chapter 1 and verse 5 says any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that giveth to all men liberally and are operated not and it shall be given him now such a promise is of more valid than gold or silver if with a humble heart you see divine guidance in every trouble and perplexity his word is pledged that a gracious answer will be given you and his word can never fail brethren we ought to see guidance from god because if we are going to be following christ of course we need him to guide us it says as we near the end of time falsehood will be so mingled with the truth that only those who have the guidance of the holy spirit will be able to distinguish truth from error we need to make every effort to keep the way of the lord we must in no case turn from his guidance to put or trust in man the lord's angels are appointed to keep strict watch over those who put their faith in the lord and those and these angels are to be our special help in every time of need every day we are to come to the lord with full assurance of the faith and to look to him for wisdom those who are guided by the word of the lord will discern with certainty between falsehood and truth between sin and righteousness listen why the final paragraph says no emmanuel god with us this means every this means everything to us what a broad foundation what broad foundation does it lay for our faith what a hope big with immortality does it place before the believing soul god with us in christ jesus the holy spirit with us in as a comforter a guide in our perplexities to soothe our sorrows and shield us from temptation he who does the will of god brethren who walks in the path that god hath martyred cannot stumble and fall the light of god's guide guiding spirit gives him a clear perception of his duty and leads him right leads him a right to the close of his work and that reading is from the desire of ages um chapter five all right the entire thing was taken from god's amazing grace page 201. you see brethren the theme i said earlier is i will go master guide me and if we are to follow the leading of the holy spirit we can rest assured that you know the great comforter will just lead us into all truth and give us rest and grace amen i trust that that you know you will ponder these words and that indeed you will be led by the holy spirit amen all right so thank you for listening now we are going to transition into the meat of the matter this afternoon and so we have with us a presenter a gentleman who i've come to know and and and and love and admire a christian gentleman he's an elder in his church at the bartons of the adventist church he um he serves in the old abazon federation of which sitting ham is a part uh he is one of our zonal coordinators he is at the moment uh serves as the um the coordinator for bible boo in the zone and and may i say that we had our bible boom fellowship uh finance just a few weeks ago at the hazel church and oh what a fellowship it was all right and we had some winners who are now ready to go to the german finals and so this gentleman was instrumental in spearheading uh the baba boom fellowship he is a a husband a father he is a man of god i speak of elder bentley chambers from the barton 7th adventist church and this afternoon he has lined up for us a great presentation looking at the emergence of youth ministries leading into the the pathfinder movement and and pathfinders i want you to pay special attention to this because at some point you are going to need to probably remember some of this information for an honor or something all right so pay special attention to it ay this information information is integral right as young adventists we need to know our roots know where we are coming from in order to know where we are going praise the lord and so brother bentley is going to present to us this afternoon however before he does that we are going to listen to a special song at this time after that brother bentley just whisper pray in our hearts as he speaks to us today and be blessed amen [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful uh jordan jordan bennett uh tell jordan i know that it's a recording but tell him that i um i immensely enjoyed that rendition so uh please convey that message um for us and let him know that um he's supposed to expect an invitation from us all right uh episode um and uh in particular episode young people of sydney pathfinders and adventurers i just wanna thank sister sabrina and the aoi and pathfinders ministry for this invitation just to share with you for a very short um time maybe 30 minutes and then we can introduce we can have questions and answers uh at the end i i'm happy that you have been having a wonderful world's part find the day since morning i myself have been blessed since morning and i i deem it a privilege to be sharing with you uh this afternoon thank you very much uh sister sabrina for your kind words of introduction all right so i can share my screen all do i have that privilege great all right let me just check if this is the right one are we on youtube as well sister sabrina yes we are elder oh you know i love the colonies but only a few names here so uh all those persons on youtube got away all right i mean i'm looking for i'm looking for slides through give me a second so this afternoon we're talking about the development of the pathfinder flow pathfinder adventure but most of the history will be on the pathfinder because the adventurous club is fairly new uh so what i'm gonna do this afternoon and if you have questions you can ask you can interrupt me alright you don't have to wait until then what i'm gonna do i'm gonna be basically presenting um to you as a background you know the development of the seventh adventist church historical development of the seventh adventist church and then we go into the development of the youth department and then we will segue into the pathfinders club all right so you cannot um do the history of the seventh adventist church without mentioning this man uh william miller so william miller was not a seventh-day adventist but the seventh-day adventist church came out of his movement all right so william miller is who we call the leader of the early adventists or is known as the leader of the millerite movement so he was born in february on february 15 1782 in pittsburgh massachusetts and he had 15 siblings and um when he was four years old the family moved to new york then you know um in the 18th century new york was like an uninhabited wilderness so his father leased this large arm property built a cabin and they embarked on um farming wheat so he had a hard childhood had to do a lot of work on the farm but um when he became a young man he was enlisted in the in the army and he went to war against the british and after that war william miller became a daze and this means that he believed in god he believed in a supreme power creator god but his belief is that god created the world and left it to run by itself god was not interested in the well-being or welfare of man it was created it unlifted so that was his his religious uh philosophy after after war uh anyway one day he was reading this ceremony and the ceremony was on parenting and apparently in the sermon he was captivated with the fact that or loving god as our peer as our father is and that really brought some conviction to him so not only were are we parents of our children but god is our father and god is loving and compassionate and kind and merciful and that convicted him and so william miller devoted um you know his life after into prayer and reading the bible he embarked up upon a thorough study of the bible and he started from genesis straight revelation it took him two years and he read the bible i think five times within that those two years he would not his method of bible study and it's a method that i really endorse he he would not move from a verse until he was clear about the meaning of the verse so he basically dissected the bible from genesis revelation verse by verse and study and he would not um continue until he understood what he was reading at the moment you know uh it's william miller read the prophecies no all right and um this is where many of us stopped reading the level so every year uh some of us you know make it a pledge that we are going to be doing the bible year but when we reach um deuteronomy and we start encountering the names and who we got who and who we got who then we stop and then we start again the following year and the same thing happened however some of us are able to pass the names and when we reach the prophecies though is z calan daniel then um we are discouraged but william miller was not discouraged he continued his study anyhow um he he in 18 in 1818 after careful deliberation of the book of daniel and um he he was led to believe daniel 8 verse 14 unto 2 300 days and we know that today in prophecy means a year william miller discovered that from 1818 under 2 300 days or 2 300 years shall the sanctuary be cleansed he was convinced that the sanctuary was on earth because in leviticus there was an earthly sanctuary and so he believed that the sanctuary being cleansed means that god would come and destroy this earth with fire and out of this um destruction you will have the new earth so he believed this sincerely believe that jesus would come um the prophecy was saying that jesus would come or he's saying that jesus would come and so he calculated correctly the start point of the 2300 days prophecy and he calculated correctly the end of time of the 2017 days prophecy and he he calculated or concluded that in the next 25 years jesus would come that is 18 18 25 carry around 1844 that jesus would come and william miller embarked upon a task of preaching the second coming of jesus christ in 1844 and he won many disciples and his movement grew and his movement was just it wasn't just an event in the united states this was a worldwide movement um because he he would he and his team would would publish um pamphlets or literature and they would ship them in droves to all the countries in the world so the military movement wasn't just a united states movement people all over the world were expecting the second coming of jesus christ to be in 1844 as a matter of fact they had a exact date they said um jesus would come october 22 1844 and it so happened that um october 22 came before that they sold they sold their belongings they sold their belongings and used the money to continue the the met to publish the message so october 22 realized now that these people had no earthly possession because they were sure that jesus was coming october 22 came and jesus never never um um never returned um they waited for mourning street until midnight and jesus did not return and they were bitterly disappointed and that is what we call today the bitter disappointment of uh the millerites um so out of the milorites disappointment three groups emerged one group continued to set dates for jesus return and another group became an atheist and agnostics they they doubted the reality or the existence or the truth of god and they stopped believing in god and then a third group also emerged and this group believed that the bible cannot be wrong it must be their interpretation that was incorrect and so they continued to study the bible three members of this group became the founders of the church those are joseph beats ellen white and james white so they continue to read they continue to study however um william miller he died in december 20 1849 and then you know the good thing about it is that he did not die atheist he died convinced that jesus return would be soon you know even though his calculation was was even though his interpretation of the prophecy was incorrect so in einstein we knew exactly what happened i hope we know because jesus daniel 8 verse 14 the interpretation is not that jesus would return but the interpretation is that jesus would change his ministry jesus would move from the only place where he was interceding for us to the most holy place where we will contrary would have and is still continuing the ministry of intercession however he is all he also um started are embarked upon the the um process of the investigative judgment so since 1844 jesus commenced the investigative judgment and he also continued the his ministry of intercession so we believe and maybe we are the only denomination the only church who believe that judgment has started started since 1844. and and this is this is indicative or this is clearly um expounded in this in the first angels message uh in revelation chapter 14. the first angel uh john saw the first angel and flying across the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto all those who dwell on the earth to every nation kingdom tongue and people declaring with a lord voice fear god and give glory to him because the hour of his judgment or of the judgment is come so we believe the interpretation of daniel chapter 18 daniel chapter 8 verse 14 aligns with the first angels message that judgment begun in in 1844 not that jesus was supposed to come and change his mind not at all but what williams miller calculation was correct but the event interpretation of the event was incorrect the start deity got correct the end date he got correct but it's not that jesus was supposed to come but jesus jesus moved his ministry or took on another ministry he continued this ministry of intercessionary where he's pleading on our behalf when we sin and act of forgiveness jesus plead to the father for our sins to be forgiven on the merit of his shed blood on calvary however he took under the additional ministry or activity of judgment where we are now involved in the investigative judgment and soon probation will close investigative judgment will finish or come to an end and jesus will return so what jesus is taking part in no is judging us judging the sinful records that we have in heaven and sister white says that every day every moment names are added to the land's book of life and names are taken off or blotted out so when when your name is encountered and my name is encountered if there is sin aligned to our names and those sins are confessed and repented of jesus will plead to the father that he accept us and then we will be sealed for righteousness and the sins will be blotted out off from um that are aligned to our names while on the contrary if when our names are encountered and if sins are unconfessed scenes are aligned with our names then jesus can plead his blood on our behalf and our names will be blotted out of the lamb's book of life so that was the event that started in 1844 and so we focus now on that group that continue their study their studies so ellen white um received her first vision around that time and i will get to that in a bit but there's one two persons that i need to to um i need to emphasize when i talk about the seventh adventist church you know you have to um talk about these two persons because our name or name we are named some of the adventists because of the work of these two persons all right so while we would have gotten the the the the the adventist um an effort from early on the earliest stage of our history from the millerites movement the seventh-day component did not come until later on and so i must introduce to you rachel hawkes and frederic wheeler so rachel oakes was um a seventh day baptist so the baptist uh um believed in the seventh day sabbath even before us all right and so um she came to um new hampshire to visit her sister and her sister was emila wright um she after coming to visit her sister she accepted the advent message on the advent doctrine and so one day she was uh celebrating the holy communion in this methodist church uh who has as its pastor um frederick wheeler so treasure gorilla preached this message on that starbucks he said that if you were not keeping all the common commandments then you will take you will take the communion on you unworthily i think those are the words or you would be you would be you know you you really should not be taking the holy communion if you are not keeping all the all the all the um commandments and so after the service rachel oakes went to frederick wheeler and she asked me she actually she was disturbed she said how did you preach that if if you're not keeping all the commandments you would you would take the commandment unworthy but yet you and your congregation take the commandment they said that so um frederick willa did not understand what she was talking about and so she explained she said that you and your church you are not keeping all the commandments um because and he said which one and he said you're not keeping this the the fourth commandment which said uh remember the sabbath day to keep it holy because back then um the roman church had basically entrenched in christianity that the sabbath had changed from the seventh day to the first day so not even the pastor for the methodist church freddie queen knew that he was breaking the command and so he went and he studied and he was convinced that the seventh day is the sabbath and he came back and he taught his church and the entire church um became a sabbath um keeping church so they they believed in the second coming of jesus christ and they kept the sabbath which means that frederick really is really the first single adventist minister because he get the sabbath and he believed in the second coming of jesus christ anyway frederick wheeler had a study with um joseph bates and joseph bates um was convinced also that the seventh day of the sabbath then ellen white james white and the early adventists even even the old adventist william miller they they did not keep um the seventh day um sabat holy they were first the um um believers and so joseph bates got the message of the seventh-day sabbath from frederick wheeler who got it from rachel oates he was convinced he was convicted and he brought the sabbath message he accepted it willingly but then he brought it to james white and ellen white and they were very reluctant and hesitant and after studying and studying they two were convinced that the seventh day sabbath is a true sabbath and they incorporated the seventh day sabbath in their beliefs so now they believe in the second coming of jesus christ and they believe in the seventh in the in the fourth commandment that the seventh day is the sabbath which really makes them know seventh-day adventists and so you can't um discuss the history of the church without um emphasizing the ministry of ellen white and james white so while james white is the first one from the three founders of the church who got the sabbath message james white was was was he was instrumental in the organization of the church the church would not have been organized as it is no if it wasn't for the ministry or the hard work of james white also he is his major part of his ministry was involved in the publishing ministry so he had a press and he used up his resources one of the time um church the church heritage manual tells us that james white and his family james white illinois and the children they lived their diet was turning to turn morning turning noon and turnip night because they did not have any money because all the money was spent in the printing press so that's james white james white um later on became the second um president of the general conference all right and so we're going out to ellen white ellen white no she was 17 years old when she was called to the prophetic ministry so remember i told you before that she was a she was a miller right so ellen white and her family they were millerites they were in the disappointment um however they did not become atheists uh they continue to study recognizing that the problem must be on how they were interpreting prophecy and so they continued to study and so the record tells us the church heritage report tells us that the the morning after the disappointment they went to a farm to um to study and to pray you know because they were and to hide because they they were so ashamed and afraid of the the the mocking on this morning that were occurring outside so they basically went to seclude themselves to pray and to study all right and um [Music] while uh the men were going home they were some of them were walking through a corn piece and um hiram hieram um uh was caught up in a vision and he saw event open and he saw jesus moving from one um part our component or our uh our section in the sanctuary in heaven to another and so he brought the message to the smart group and they started to be convinced that yes they were right it's their interpretation that was wrong it's not jesus was supposed to come it is that jesus has has moved into another ministry in the heavenly century and so god used this young lady 17 years old at the time um and she commenced her our prophetic ministry god gave her the gift of prophecy as you know she did not complete uh um elementary school because she got hit in her head another girl he turned her head and she had learning difficulties and she she was often sick and she often she often fainted however after hesitation she accepted the call and she um became the prophetic voice of the church and um soon after this appointment in 1844 she got a vision after hiram got his vision in the in the cornfield she got a vision and that was her first vision at age 17 where she saw the the saints traveling on a narrow path and there were cliffs and deep cliffs on both sides of the path and there was a bright light behind them that was called the midnight cry and if and jesus was in front of them and if they kept their eyes on jesus they would be led safely to the promised land or whatever if they gazed uh if they if they lost you know and they were distracted from keeping their gaze on jesus they would fall off in the cliff yeah into utter destruction and so ellen white was um prophecy started at a time when the church needed or the early group needed assurance that um our comfort our encouragement that um jesus was still with them and so she was born in november 26 18 27 and she was uh one from a set of prince two um two sisters and um so she is a very instrumental or important person in our church history she um she she published uh hundreds of books and pamphlets and letters and those we have today and we'll put all the collections together we call the spirit of prophecy so we are guided the church is guided um by our our our writings our prophetic ministry and so we segue now into all all of this now um evolve our old old youth ministry come out of this early church now so in 1816 in 1861 the church officially accepted the name seventh-day adventists all right and um because and they had many other names came up including church of god but they decided that um the word the name seventh evidence best describe their doctrinal belief and soon after and white got a vision to confirm that they had the right name then by 1863 they had the the small group and started to go and they had their first general conference session which we have now every three years okay so back then you know disappointment gone church started seventh adventist church officially got its name church was organized but the early 7th adventist church did not have much did not facilitate young people all right as a matter of fact the young people were incorporated uh in summer school so sabah school was responsible for for the youth and so they were left out many times right and and and the youth felt um and that they were not engaged that they were not getting involved that they were underutilized some of them were bored and so um when you think about youth ministry you in the same as when i think about um adventists you have to think about william miller you have to think about illinois and james right when you think about youth ministry these two names must come up you know luther warren was aged 14 at the time when they started youth ministry and harifena who was 17 years old at the time so they decided that they were going to do something about it and so in 1879 they were walking home from church and while they were going through the field they decided that they were going to have they were going to pray and so as a picture they picked here they knelt down to pray and um they they got the inspiration that they should start a society for boys that would cater for the religious needs religious social physical emotional spiritual needs of boys in their church all right and so um [Music] they started this local movement in israel israel that was their church is it on michigan and it was just for boys and um if they used to use um and luther luther's parents house as a meet-and-greet so that's where they would meet you know and uh on sabbath afternoons and and they would have um programs to to facilitate you know the spiritual development of boys so later on the girls found out what what was happening and they um they asked to be included and so no it was not just a society for boys it was a society for young people both males and females all right so that was the first aoi society um started at a church in israel michigan by luther warren and arifena at luther's parents house and so um by 1893 though ellen white um started to write about the need for the church to facilitate the social and spiritual and emotional and development of the young people young people needed to be guided the young people need something for themselves she started to write in the papers that she she had um um published at the time and so um in 1893 or literally before 1893 um those the general conference a little after um the general conference organized a committee to look into what sister white was saying and then soon after um a group the the the work was sanctioned or the society was sanctioned by the general conference in in 1893 in lincoln nebraska the first youth official youth group started i remember that lutheran and earth and i was just for their church so the first official youth group started knowing 1893 and they called it young people society of christian service young people society of christian service and so um it had three um purposes one to increase the spirituality of young people two to endless young people into missionary service and three to encourage a higher plane of living and thinking among young people and if you look closely you recognize that these are still the core functions and purpose the mission of the youth department even no this is a mission it's in our pledge uh it's in our sounds and the older members on the platform would remember that before um the youth department was called a y it was called mv which is missionary volunteer all coming from the first ay official ay society that was um organized uh with these three functions increase the spirituality of young people to endless in missionary service young people and to encourage the young people to a higher plane of living and thinking and that is why the philosophy today and has always been of the adventist youth ministry is um salvation and service it is to bring the young people into a saving relations into our personal relationship with jesus christ and to train them to serve meaning to get other young people into a relationship with jesus christ that philosophy came from the original functions and purpose of the youth ministry and so um by by um by 19070 um the the the youth work started now to evolve into a um the path to what is now called the pathfinder club so the the the need to cater for the younger age group offering of the youth back then that need um became um very um urgent or the necessity to cater for the the younger age group of young people um became obvious and so in 1907 a a pamphlet or a is a set of um lessons was developed and started to be circulated and the name was the standard attainment and i will say a little more about that later so these um these um pamphlets are circulars our lessons became what we know today as the pathfinder classes you know that the pathfinder um is divided into into into classes based on age groups adventures from four to nine and part finder is from 10 to 15 when every age has a class and a set of lesson or a curriculum for that particular age group and so by 1909 um the the the the this age group was organized into what was called the junior missionary volunteer however by 1919 aw spalding he organized a small group of boys of his church in tennessee into a small group and he called them the missionary scouts and it would take them to camps by 1920 the gc added mrs harry at halt to the youth department and she concentrated on this younger age group and she developed the friend and the companion classes uh in by 1928 um aws sparling was what one at one of his um regular camps with his set of young people that he called the missionary scouts and he was telling a story about a explorer whose name was john fremont however he had the nickname pathfinder so he was actually was a mountain climber he was an icon and so they nicknamed him pathfinder and so um aws stalling at one of his campers telling a story about um john fremont nickname pathfinder and so the children the young people at that camp decided that they were gonna name the camp the pathfinder camp and that is where the name pathfinder um originated so this was really the first camp that was um was held for pathfinders and this and it is it was at camp meeting or sorry it was a camp that and the name pathfinder came about the the first use of the name pathfinder was to describe the camp and afterward the club got the name pathfinder and so um i mentioned to you about missionaries quotes and i mentioned to you about um jmv so the missionary schools were and they had developed a pledge right but while at the same time you had um the general conference organized um or mandated that this age group of young people should be called the junior missionary volunteers but they recognize that this small group of missionary schools they were really um performing well and the program was successful and so they incorporated the missionary scouts into the junior missionary volunteer and they incorporated within the junior missionary volunteer the pledge and camping and all the things that were done in missionary school they incorporated into missionary volunteers and so by 1950 50 delegates at the general conference session formally recognized the pathfinders as an official entity of the church all right so while uh missionary school was just for um um spartans church in tennessee and a section of young people in certain conferences would be organized as missionary volunteers so it wasn't really fully official by the general conference by 1915 1950 at the general conference session this age group was formally recognized and sanctioned by the and approved by the general conference and um he became an official entity of the church so it was described at the time as the junior missionary volunteer pathfinder club and it's an it was an organization that was up was was to provide activities plan and provide activities for and leadership for young people combining physical activities with spiritual focus right and it was organized for children 10 to 15 years old and that is why we have today in our curriculum two components of each curriculum a spiritual component and a physical component so the spiritual component is what many of us do on sabbath and we can definitely want someone where we teach about the sanctuary we teach about discipleship we teach about stewardship and and and nature and then the physical component knows what we do on on sundays right um where we do the drill and the march and the the tenth building and the nuts yeah and the lashes so this um was was from the official um designation our approval of um the junior missionary volunteer pathfinder club this these two components of the curriculum um were implemented and so um in 1991 so as as time evolved the need for segments of our youth to be catered for separately became um obvious so first the church was organized secondly youth ministry was organized that cater for youth of all ages then it was recognized that the younger youth needed to be and dealt with separate they had unique needs and so the pathfinder club came aboard and then remember apart from the club was for 10 to 15. it was recognized that but there are there are children under 10 who are not catered for fully they need to be catered for they need to be um facilitated they need to be and dealt with uniquely and so in 1991 the general conference organized approved a global program called the adventurous program and this was the kit of our children in six to nine and i think maybe about five or six four years ago um the the the conference um increased the the age group for adventure and so it became um the adventure started to cater for children four to nine years old and so the two age groups that were added was age four and age five called little lamb and eager beaver all right so i soon wrap up now i was gonna give you some um some some paraphernalia of the club all right so for instance the first one is the song the pathfinder song that was done so well in our preliminaries apart from the song was written by elder berg in may 1949 so john hancock and berg were at a function and john hancock said to elderberry you know the pathfinder club needs a song write a song for the pathfinder make a song for the part final quote no elderberg wasn't a writer a songwriter nor a singer and so you know he was you know he was uncomfortable burdened with the assignment that was given to him however once somebody was driving to a a sabbath appointment don't know if he was going to preach or do a presentation and the words of the pathfinder song just um became vivid in his mind and he um immediately after he reached home he showed the words to his wife who was a writer she was a piano player and she put a tune to the music and notes the music and then that's all we um got the pathfinder song in 1949. and then the pledge and the law they were written by harriet halt who was you know um one of the um of his officers in the world um and youth department and also spalding the same spoiling so the names paul dinan berg and hancock and halt they are they are very prominent in pathfinder and development so harriet and arthur spalding all thought the pledge and the law in 1921 and um by by by um in 1928 um c lester bond was appointed the junior youth director so you had a youth director uh world youth director and then you had a junior youth director we would not call it a pathfinder director all right so he was the world junior youth director in 1928 and he was um he he introduced 16 merits in other words 16 standards that the pathfinder school worked towards they called them merits then and later on they were called vocational honors and then 19 more were added and today those are what we call the pathfinder honors sorry ay honors so that is the the the first seed honor the um the campaign another the hiking honor and um um um so do all of these honors right um camping skill and um and swimming and typing and nuts all of those honors were um introduced around 1928 by sea lester bun so he's the honest man and then i gave you a synopsis before that um early on in the development of the pathfinders club um a publication called a standard or a curriculum or a circular or a set of lessons called the standard of attainment was introduced and this is in 1907. and the reason why it was introduced was to challenge the youth in the same way you know the reason why the ambassadors club was introduced in youth ministry it's a challenging youth when they when they leave pathfinder some of our youth are are um they they are oh they are detached they become detached because they are not catered for and so the ambassadors club was formed the challenger used you know to go into leadership all right and so that's the reason why the standard of attainment was introduced and um later on it became the progressive classes and today we call them the pathfinders classes the friend and the companion and the voyagers and the explorer and the ranger yeah and um they they started in 1907 from a publication or a circular pamphlet that was called the standard of attainment and of flag now this same john uncle who who um to write the pathfinder song a very instrumental um person in pathfinder development he was an artist and so he designed a logo that's the triangle this triangle that we all as pathfinders have on our um and our emblems and on our scarf right we designed the triangle and then later on additional designs were were in incorporated right and then he asked ellen hobbs to sew it together and then that became the pathfinder's flower and so um those that's in a nutshell you know the historical development of the pathfinders club out of the youth ministry and the youth ministry out of the early church and i also gave you some paraphernalia um the history of some of the paraphernalias that we use and activities that we use um in the pathfinder society i would like to find this huge useful out that it was clear and um i know turn over to sister sabrina i don't know if i'm she's gonna incorporate question and answer at this time much yes somebody said birds yeah nice birds yeah birds one of them one of the the honors thank you i could not remember all right thank you so much ella bentley i tell you i i was listening so attentively um i could just continue to listen to you for a little while more i tell you it is it is the history is very very very interesting i i just know it is believe me it is and and especially young people um if you do not know the history you know let me let me just say this in order to know where you're going and i think i have been saying this all morning in order to know where you're going you you need to know where you're coming from you know it paints a very good picture you need to have knowledge of your history and your roots in order to recognize the importance of the journey as well all right and also um perhaps there are some you know new converts who are listening who who may have had some questions you know about real and truly why are we called adventists and you know why they do that and why they do that believe me just just just do the research because um it says it says a lot about the organization and it talks about really you know how god inspired this movement from way back in in those years before we were even thought of you know yes yes it's a serena and that is why you know i deliberately included a lot of the church history before i went into the pathfinder's history because you really you really cannot just know your pathfinder history and settle with that you really need to know the the the foundation of the church where the church is coming from and the fact that the church is is is in prophecy uh this is the remnant church and our young people need to be proud and it must be entrenching them they must be taught that the 70 adventists is not an ordinary denomination we are in prophecy and and the church must teach our young people revelation chapter 14 revelation chapter 12 revelation chapter 10 all of these prophecies are about the seventh adventist church so that's why i gave you know um the inception of the church and then i segue into part training so that's what young people can know or rich and biblical heritage amen brother bentley i tell you really inspirational and young people i hope you are listening we are not we are not ordinary people our church is not an ordinary church and so as we um as we what would i want to call it now as we travel the path as we travel the path we want to be sure that we are on the right path and in order to be sure that you're on the right path you must recognize where you're coming from and realize that this movement has been led by the spirit of god from day one until this present day and even after you and i may have left the scene this movement will continue on to because there's a destination inside there is a destination inside so know where we where we're coming from know where we are no in order to be able to chart that path to where we are going young people um thank you so much elder ben i'm just gonna ask i i know that only the a few of us are on this on on the zoom but i don't know if there are any questions in the youtube chat brother jeremy um so at this time if anybody have a burning question you know pertaining to a history that you'd want to ask for brother bentley to help us to clear up now is the time to ask that question all right no questions are in the chat at this time uh they are just commendations on the presentation elder bentley so the the church is on the on on youtube and the chat is lighting up with commendations um so at this time on behalf of the um the the the the entire sydney some of the adventist church in particular the pathfinder adventure um club we just want this clubs we just want to say thank you for accepting the invitation for taking the time you know um it is an what we call an online dispensation you know um but we continue to do what we have to do to ensure that the message continues to to go forth and that god's people are edified so thank you so very much for allowing the lord to lead you this afternoon uh brother bentley and i trust that by the way if there's anybody who after this might think you want um some clarity or if you want to to the presentation or so we can arrange it all right so you can and yeah anytime and um thank you again sister i'm sabrina thank the um the youth department for the invitation i was happy to um to share and i trust that something would have been cleared up um um to somebody and somebody's interest would have been um sparked to go and do some more reading but my final encouragement to you young people stay in the church um be faithful there are a lot of challenges around uh you know um put some time within your timetable whether you're at university primary school high school wherever i are put some time within your timetable to read the bible be faithful let not sit and snatch you away from the church it doesn't matter order the church may be rocking and it doesn't matter who is leaving keep your eyes focused on jesus right keep faithful and that is why it is also important for us to have done this discussion the church is grounded in the bible this is god's ordinate church keep your space and well keep your spirits here young people keep your space also in the lungs book of life i trust that the lord will come soon and deliver us from all of this uh hearty campaign and stress and many of us losing friends and and family but keep fearful lord bless you thank you very much um hope to see you guys again another time and um hello to everybody god bless you but god give you thank you amen brother bentley those are indeed words that we can just use to just uh wrap up this section thank you again for sticking with us for um for for for a y this afternoon we are going to segue now into our vespa service which is going to be done by uh elder horace stevenson who himself is a master guide all right so we move now into our vespa service thanks for being with us thank you very much sister brown and elder it's good to see you a very very good presentation for our vista thought this afternoon i want to continue with the theme that we have been looking at since morning i will go master guide me i want to think that this seem has something to do with us allowing the lord to lead us into our goings you know many times we try to to to go on our own and we tend to feel uh we we tend not to do as good as we ought to simply because we have not allowed the greatest master to guide us as god himself so i want to continue with this theme let us borrow heads as we pray dear god our heavenly father i thank you so much for your goodness and your love thank you for your great care of us today lord our pathfinders or boys and our girls were inspired and we ask lord that you will continue to be with our club be with all the boys and girls their parents all the officers of these clubs lord worldwide as we do your will of winning boys and girls men and women to a knowledge of your saving grace be with me now as i leave this whisper thought this evening in jesus name amen so i want to look at as a a hymn it's number 482 in your hymnals it's a beautiful hymn it's actually a purr and i am going to try and sing it for you i'm going to try and sing it very slowly because i want you to think about these words and not only for you to think about these words that it's actually a prayer and a pledge in one father lead me day by day father leads me day by day ever in vine oh sweet way teach me to be pure and true show me what i ought to do [Music] when in danger make me brave make me know that thou can save keep me safe by thy dear side let me in thy love abide [Music] when i'm tempted to do wrong make me steadfast wise and strong and when all alone i stand shield me with my mighty hand may i do the good i know be thy loving child below then at last go home to thee ever more thy child to be wasn't that a beautiful song it's a purr it's a pledge and we have been asking the lord to guide our paths today i want you to turn your bibles now to psalm 25 and i'm going to reread in verses 4 and 5. that's psalm 25 verses 4 and 5. it says show me thy ways o lord teach me thy paths lead me in thy truth and teach me for thou art the god of my salvation on thee do i read all the day i'm gonna read that again for emphasis show me thy ways o lord teach me thy paths lead me in thy truth and teach me for thou art the god of my salvation and on thee do i wait all day long we dare not or we should not try to go on any errands without having our great lord direct and guide us in her book uh brother bentley just spoke to you about or great prophetess sister ellen white i'm going to read a paragraph from one of her books a very very nice book it's paychecks and prophets this book tells us about the beginning of the world and the people who lived and some of their experiences wonderful book so in chapter 33 she writes this on that same passage that i just read the meek are guided by the lord because they are teachable willing to be instructed they have a sincere desire to know and to do the will of god the savior's promise is if any man will do his will he shall know the doctrines you hear that this is the promise if any man and i dare say woman or boy and girl if you will do the master's will he shall know the doctrines that's john chapter 7 verse 17 and he declared by the apostle james and this is a quotation from james now if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that give it to all men liberally and obligeth not and it shall be given him that's james chapter 1 verse 5. but his promise is only to those who are willing to follow the lord wooly did you hear that again this promise is only for those who are willing to follow the lord wooly not half and half god does not force the will of any hence he cannot lead those who are too proud to be taught who are bent on having their own way of the double-minded man he who seeks to follow his own will while professing to do the will of god it is written and this is from james chapter 1 verse 7 again let's not that man think that he shall receive anything of the lord i want you to ponder those words and for the coming week i want you to think again on this sex in psalm 25 maybe you can write that down and those of you do not have a morning watch text this is your morning watch text for the coming week psalm 25 verse four and five show me thy ways o lord teach me thy paths lead me in thy truth and teach me for thou art the god of my salvation and on thee do i wait all the day i trust that this week coming will be a week full of opportunities for you to find the right path and to walk there in not only for you to find a path but to allow our great master to guide your direction as you trod these parts parts that will no doubt leads into opportunities opportunities that will give you the chance to tell of jesus's love and of his salvation to all mankind please find a path and walk there in it this week let me say thank you for all those who participated in our program this afternoon i hope that you found it to be a blessing again i want to say special thanks to elder bentley chambers i want to also say thank you to our pathfinder club director sister sabrina [Music] frances brown and her team our adventurous director our adventurous director sister andrea goldin and all the pathfinders and those who took part in the program for today i hope that all of you watching on or various platforms or youtube channel would have phoned today to be one of information and one that you will treasure may god bless you richly this week let us bow our heads as we close in prayer dear god thank you so much for your goodness and your love to us thank you that we can still call on you i ask lord that you will allow our lives to be of great impact and value to all those who we come in contact with this week may our paths be directed by you and lord may we lead others to follow in your footsteps thank you for hearing our prayers i ask through jesus name amen have a productive and happy week everyone god bless you [Music] [Music] oh yeah tell me all about it go right on around the throne [Music] what will it be i want to go to the city [Music] is and i want to run city of god [Music] lay down and he saw those saints worship [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and i want to run [Music] in that city [Music] [Music] is [Music] and i want to run in that city [Music] [Music] delayed oh
Channel: Sydenham S.D.A Church
Views: 320
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #seventh-day adventist, sydenham sda church, i will go sda, sydenhamsdalive, i will go - chosen to go, sabbath service, cjcsda, evangelism, virtual church service, virtual church, sydenham sda virtual church, advent message sda, lead me lord, Go Ye therefore and teach all nations, giving thanks, Praying for a Heart like Jesus, online church service live, Called Equipped. Time to Go, September 11, seventh day adventist, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, healthy living, Health Day
Id: JnBuYh5nDz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 51sec (6351 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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