Sabbath AM | Men's Day | Theme: "Men, Anointed and Appointed to Go" | September 4, 2021
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Channel: Sydenham S.D.A Church
Views: 815
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #seventh-day adventist, sydenham sda church, i will go sda, sydenhamsdalive, i will go - chosen to go, sabbath service, cjcsda, evangelism, virtual church service, virtual church, sydenham sda virtual church, advent message sda, lead me lord, Go Ye therefore and teach all nations, giving thanks, Praying for a Heart like Jesus, online church service live, Called Equipped. Time to Go, September 4, Men's Anointed and Appointed to Go, seventh day adventist
Id: Kv_35DNNGkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 9sec (11049 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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