House of Prayer Experience | #sydenhamsdalive | September 15, 2021

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so so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening good evening everyone i am happy and delighted to be here with you all this evening it is a privilege i want to welcome all of you that are here on the platform this evening god has been good to us and we are here another wednesday evening to just lift up the name of jesus this evening's uh service promise to be a very inspiring one we will be having uh prayer we will be having testimonies and i am sure that your hearts will be blessed we will be having our song service uh this evening done by the bronze family and so without any further ado i will invite uh the bronze family to come and to do our song service god bless you good night everyone we will start this afternoon we'll be doing three songs i will start with isaiah chapter 25 and first one oh lord go art my god i will thee i will praise thy name for those has done wonderful to me thy counsel of old are equal and true when i come into his presence i humble myself i lift above my hands and i [Music] [Music] four [Music] [Music] when i come into his presence i humble myself i lift up all my hands and i begin to [Music] redeemed and set me free [Music] and the gods just because [Music] [Music] his is i humbled myself remembering what he's done the victory's war so what crazy for me redeem and set me free and me cause just be god he's gone for all he's done for me redeemed and set me free and be gone just because [Music] gonna ask you to bow your heads with us as we incline the lord's presence oh lord we come to you and we come to give you our praise and honor lord we ask you to lift our voices so that the angels will pause as our sons will truly tell how much we love you we ask you to continue to be with our service open our hearts for the blessing that awaits us in your sons in my brain amen our next song is number 545 savior like a shepherd [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we are blessed jesus blessed jesus the lord brought us then we are we are cause when we go astray blessed jesus blessed jesus when we pray blessed blessed jesus when we pray thou has promised to receive us forever [Music] [Music] blessed jesus blessed jesus join us in singing number 183 i will sing of jesus love i will see oh jesus loves me who first [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] how [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen let me hope that you will continue to give god's praise good night everyone i invite you to meditate on the following portions of god's holy word taken from psalms 55 verse 16 and 17 and it reads as for me i will call upon god and the lord shall save me evening and morning and at noon will i pray and cry a load and he shall hear my voice amen sister walsh let us pray father we thank you for your many blessing towards us we're happy dear god that we could have gathered in this fashion to give praises unto your name we ask you that dear god as we gather tonight you prepare our hearts for a blessing be with us individually and collectively we are troubled on every side but dear god we are happy that we can come to you there is hope dear lord and we ask that you give us so your heart is that bless us we pray in jesus name amen good evening everyone welcome to the signal seven-day adventist host of prayer experience a special welcome to the holy spirit who have graced us with his presence tonight he is indeed here to heal restore and to deliver a special welcome also to our guests and members joining us on the various platforms zoom and youtube a warm sidnam welcome to you all i invite you to come along with us as we petition the throne of god tonight lay all your worries fairs and cares at his capable feet let us rejoice together in this wonderful opportunity to converse with the lord the table is set and the doors are open come in and enjoy the feast of the word of god again i say welcome to our host of prayer experience welcome to you all sister palmer i can go straight ahead the lord has been merciful to me he brought bought me from a mighty long way and let me say another day lord you've been mighty mighty good to me when i many years ago when i was 12 i was hit by a truck and i was in the hospital for eight weeks i was in intensive care for two weeks but during those two weeks i was in intensive care i've traveled some dark road and at the end i came to a life i've seen and i've never seen that bright light through the rest of my time until now and during those years i always remember that god had me for a purpose because he saved me through such um time because i was my kidney was mashed up i was really in a bad position um i lost actually all my blood and i went to that road but i think that through the years abruptly up and made me be strong and today i can say god is good because if he he hardly asked me for a purpose else elsie wouldn't save me and today i can rejoice and say thank you lord for saving my soul because i'm here and repentance grown i have another chance to serve you and praise you on glorify your name lord amen that's my testimony for now there's a garden where jesus is waiting there's a place that is wonderfully fair for it glows with the light of his presence [Music] tis the beautiful garden of birds garden of birth there my savior awaits and he opens the gates to the beautiful garden of first there's a garden which jesus is waiting and i go with my burden and care just to learn from his lips words of comfort in the beautiful garden offer oh the beautiful garden the garden of prayer oh the beautiful and he opens the gates to the beautiful let us pray loving father what in heaven hallowed be our high and holy name lord we deem it a privilege to meet at your feet tonight lord you have spared our lives so many things could have happened to but lord you allow us once again that we can be on repentance grow so we can make all our wrongs right and all our crooked paths straight this evening lord as we gather before you i pray that you will be with ever waiting heart [Music] lord i pray in a very special way for the presenter who will declare your words tonight i pray dear lord that you will inspire him help lord that nothing that he says will come from him but that every single word that he said will come straight from your throne [Music] empower him lord touch his lips lord with a life pulled from your altar and so that lord has released our hearts will burn within us lord tonight i pray in a very special way for those who mourn at this time lord remember garfield matthew the whole family the campus family all the family members lord who continue to mourn for our sister i pray that you will allow your sweet holy spirit to speak peace and comfort to them i pray lord that you will be very near and dear to them at this time remember the corpse family at this time as well sister coke in particular i pray lord that you'll be very near to her that lord once you feel as if she cannot make it that that is a time lord that you will show yourself in her heart in her mind in her life father be with us all of us are broken in somewhere the other because these are our family members from the sydney state church and so we have all felt the loss and so lord i pray that you'll continue to be with us come to the lord to be also with the richest family as they continue to mourn for the loss of their loved one lord they are those who are sick at this time from among our family members i pray that you will show yourself to them as well tonight lord i pray all those who especially those who are no face are battling with the covet virus at this time be with them in a very special way lord remember or health workers or frontline workers lord father we see firsthand that it's not easy has not been easy and so lord i pray that you will give them special power lord special strength as they continue to help those who are battling with the disease lord we are not daunted we are not we are not we may be dawn but we are not old because we know lord that soon and very soon all of this will be over we'll put an end to this and satan will be trampled on the feet and and we will be able to glorify you in a perfect perfect experience and environment but until then lord i pray that you will keep us faithful keep us true to you lord and help us that when you come all of us started this platform and those who could not make it on this platform and those whom lord we would have [Music] helped that they will come in an experience with you will have the happy privilege of going home with you i ask all these mercies in jesus name amen we will continue in prayer almighty god for everlasting father my father our father lord you have been awesome to us and i'm standing here again lord to talk with you on behalf of your people what a privilege it is and i've always said that lord you have given us this wonderful gift of prayer so that we can talk with you we can be where you are feel your presence as we talk and lord we know that it's because of your mercies why we are not consumed because we not do not deserve what you are offering us lord i am inadequate i feel unworthy in your presence a holy and righteous god but father because of your love and forgiveness i'm coming to you boldly because you give me permission to do so tonight i put my feet in those shoes of the publican who declared himself and accept himself as a sinner acknowledges sins and acknowledges my sins lord and also the sins of my brothers and sisters those who are on the platform or are not on the platform for giza forgive us lord of our sins and our iniquity so that nothing will block my prayer that will come up to you as sweet incense as i taught you father again there are many things that we can thank you for a beautiful day when we got up this morning and saw the sunlight i'm sure it brought a fresh meaning to us we are in the land of the living lord you gave us food throughout the day the oxygen that we need so badly lord we don't even have to think about it and i hope we are not taking it for granted i thank you for friends and for fellowship many persons are using the telephone for wrong uses but lord it has brought comfort communication companionship to many in long-distance relationships and in families that are far apart persons were alone sometimes just a phone call a message and lord they feel better but i thank you for the gift of nature sometimes we sit and we hear the birds sing and what a beauty even when it rains and we listen to the picture pattern on the roof it brings some sort of soothing and some comfort to some souls because we are touched with different feelings and lord i thank you for the many ways you have derived in the world to fulfill our needs and to keep give us comfort and to help us to share our love father now i go into the homes some persons are getting cross and indifferent but i pray that we will speak kindly to each other that we will share our thoughts with each other so that we can have a fruitful and a blessed and wonderful life lord this evening as i listened on the platform i saw faces and i heard voices that i'm not so familiar with and father i thank you whether they have just come to you or they have come to you from a long time ago i'm very thankful that they have found christ and i'm thank you lord i thank you so much that they are willing to work for you help us lord that we come to you will not become weary in well doings but we'll always just want to serve you because this is the only way we can say thanks to you lord when we give you service lord there are many things that are happening around us that will make us sad we feel hurt and sometimes we get cross with father especially at this moment in our church family so many things are happening and like myself i know many others have become concerned satan is fighting us but lord help us that will not get above our knees i will not leave from praying will pray without ceasing so that he can understand that he has no rest with us because many times father is because of what we do and the things we say that gives satan the foothold in our lives than in our church family there many persons who are sick comfort them there are many persons who are mourning i especially bring to you with the richardson family her sister stevenson has prayed the halls and the canvas and also the cold father helped them to realize that though they might not see some of us physically we keep them in our curse and asking lord that you will send legions of angels we summon the hosts of heaven to be with them i pray to father that has seventh-day adventists wherever we go our presence will make a difference in what we say and what we do because many times lord we do things and then we say it's bad luck but we have blocked our own blessings father i thank you so much for your holy words which are filled with promises and help us that we will not refrain from reading your words lord because there are comforts to our souls what a friend we have in jesus that beautiful song that was done a while ago was the guardian of her and lord if you were to come today what would we do would we run to hide what would we do lord help us that will be reflective about the things that we do the things that we say and how we conduct ourselves lord i'm not perfect i've already declared in my prayer that i'm unworthy i'm inadequate and i'm asking your forgiveness from my sins and my iniquity so at this point i don't want anyone to think that i'm praying as if i am holy but lord when your presence is in us we just have to accept your holiness and allow you to lead our lives father even when we go into the valley of the shadow of death help us to be thankful i pray for the leaders and i'll always want to pray for them even when i don't say it out in words and father i'm very thankful again for the technical team the communication team lord continue to bless them and help them not to become weary in well-doings remember the pastor of the sydney district of churches the pastor is going to present tonight anoint him afresh with your holy spirit dear lord i do not know if he has a family meaning wife and children what if he does bless them and if he doesn't i know he has extended family father please bless them may our lives be shining lights wherever we go when we pass others they must be able to look around and say there's a difference oh sweet jesus we must live christ so that others can know that we have been with jesus i thank you tonight for your grace merit us a new portion and may we continue to give you thanks you know individual families lord those who have wandered away i ask you to bring them back to the full those that were sick and you have healed i ask you lord that they will see the lessons in your healing remember our different communities the frontline workers and father the medical team whether they work as supporters janitors doctors are nurses i know sometimes they feel like giving up lord but if they give up who will take care of those who are sick when they come so i ask you that you will just send your angels to protect them to comfort them to keep them safe and when you come lord when you step down all sweet jesus when you jerusalem comes down as a brighter dawn for a husband may we all hail you as our personal savior from sin i give you thanks so sweet jesus and i claim the power that you have given us unto us tonight to accept your forgiveness and to accept the holy spirit the power lord so that with that little mustard seed faith when we pray we believe that it is done lord because you say when we call you will answer and before we are done speaking you will respond i thank you so much again lord for this opportunity to talk with you in jesus name i pray amen and amen thank you lord the privilege is mine this evening to introduce our speaker for tonight he is pastor layton heinz he once served at the district of churches he now serves at uh the christian district of churches he is married with two children let us as we anticipate a word from the lord let us lift up our speaker pastor eins in prayer but just before pastor eins come to us we will be blessed with a special from sister williams they come from the east and west they come from the north and south invited to join with jesus's guests and dwell in their father's house to gaze at his lovely face and with its purity [Music] joyed with him in soul and joy throughout eternity they [Music] they come now o lord to thee their reign is marriage robes their bridegroom so soon to tear you [Music] redeemed by his grace from wrong no more any sin no more any tears no more any night so long all things i know passed away all things are become as new joy shall wind [Music] for death is ended too they come from the floor they come from the stormy sea they come from the hills they come from the dead they come now oh lord to thee arranging these merry drops their bright soon to sing he who wants us to win their victory remember the pearly gate stands open for you and me our savior has bought a place to prepare for those who form sin set free loved ones who have passed away are resting within the grave the waiting goodness true [Music] see [Music] their bride whom so soon to see he whoever cleaned the cross to win the victory [Music] [Music] praise the lord amen thank you brother williams and sister williams for that lovely rendition uh we're here this we're here this this evening under the initiative house of pearl such a wonderful initiative and uh we believe that god's house of prayer does not only mean the sanctuary we're happy that wherever god's people are we can indeed make it a house of fur wherever god's people are gathered together we can make it a house of prayer the bible says we're one where two or more are gathered together touching anything concerning his name he is there to bless and also take heed it's good to see the brethren of sydney sitna brethren it's good to be here with you another time i remember a long just maybe about almost 10 years ago well ten years ago i i came to the sydenham district as a younger individual young and fresh i am still young but i'm i'm not sure how fresh i am because you see once the airlines start to recede you know the freshness starts to disappear but it's it's good to to be here with you and sharing in this moment sharing in this moment with you on the the initiative of the elders and the brethren there in the sydney church and the pastor uh boston montague's good to be here also on his platform i'm not sure if he's here but i want to thank him and thank the elders for this opportunity to be able to share with you this evening the bible in well i also want to say thank you to my i call her mom my my mother my second mother uh sister duncan you know i've i've lived at her home for so many years and so when she got in contact with me to share with you i i i horribly said yes because i know that sydney is a special place you know in my heart the bible in philippians chapter four uh reading from verses six through two reading from verses four rather to eight the bible says rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice let your moderation be known unto all men the lord is at hand be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god and the god and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and there be any praise think on these things i want to share with you this evening another theme even when it little bit give thanks even when it little bit and we understand the term little bit in jamaica give thanks father in heaven we thank you for your mercy your blessings deliver your words tonight in an extraordinary way let's hear people we pray in jesus name amen amen they say in jamaica i hope i got this one right and you can type in the chat if i am right is it that they say ungratefulness is which then is worse than which trap if i am correct on that one just say yes and gratefulness is worse than witchcraft have you ever find yourself in a situation in which you have helped someone and the person that you have helped in the long run turn against you so much so that whatever you have done for that person in the past it is as if nothing happened it is insignificant and i can just imagine how you feel in your heart when you become disappointed by someone you've invested time and energy and resources into you know our experience as human beings many times in our experience we will see and have situations like this you know and it causes us sometimes to want to stay away from helping others or maybe you have been to that place in your life in which you have become the ungrateful person you have firsthand information and what it takes to be ungrateful when you look at your life and you've seen what god has done for you and you felt or you feel as if god this is not enough when i look at brother thompson and i see how you've blessed ella thompson his family and when i look at myself and i believe that i've work twice as hard i think in my heart that i deserve more and so you carry that courage with god because you think it is because of god why you're suffering because believing that what god has given to you cannot suffice but beloved friends i want to say to you this evening the word of god tells us this even that we must be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and suffocation with thanksgiving let your requests be made are being known unto god it therefore means beloved friends that we need not to have an ungrateful heart even when it little bit as i said to you we must give thanks the bible beloved friends encourage us to rejoice in the lord always and again the bible says rejoice why is god encouraging you why is paul encouraging the philippians to rejoice in the lord because you see their complaints were so much so that paul had to encourage them that instead of complaining rejoice i want to let you know beloved friends there is something you need to try whenever you're going through a rough time a hard time set some time not to ask god for anything to pray for anything but set some time to praise praise him beloved friends when the clouds return when the clouds the rain clouds return after the rain praise him beloved friends when things are going down praise him when you are down praise him when you beloved friends are fighting against a giant that seems unconquerable praise him in all things rejoice and be grateful you know let your moderation be known unto all men the lord is paul is asking us paul is saying to us there's no need to be secretive about what is happening in your life how god is dealing with you and what is happening about it there is no need to be ungrateful there's no need not to not praise god for what is happening in your circle because you know what when you check the records every family every individual has something that they're going through so you must count this when you so it therefore means you must count it special and privileged when you go through a tribulation because when tribulation comes it is for the perfecting of your faith there is something about a thankful heart that god appreciates there's something about a thankful heart that that god appreciate so much so that he encourages the brethren that with thanksgiving with thanksgiving let your request be known unto god do you understand what that is saying it is saying before you ask god for it you must tell him thanks first we're not saying before you get it you know the bible is saying before you ask for it you must have a receptive heart have a receptive heart even before you made that request unto god and so my beloved friends i want to share with you this evening that sometimes what is little bit is not necessarily the money that is that you have in your hand and those things that you can hold sometimes we have other things that come in small portions and you wish it could be more you when you feel as if it is not enough praise god and with thanksgiving make your request be known unto god and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ what is it that you want in this world what do you prefer do you prefer to have a whole lot and live a stressful miserable life or do you prefer to have peace and not so much which do you prefer which do you prefer and the peace of god which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and mind through christ jesus a lot has been happening or is happening in the world today we're losing family members we're losing loved ones we're losing so many persons around us the doctors are getting weary the nurses the medical staff they're getting weary people are dying and and it has hit home for for many of us because we we have lost person that that's that has been closed or that is close to us i learned of your your loss there in sydney my condolence of the family to the campus family i i want to let you know beloved friends that that that what can you do what can you the question is what can you do when you cannot do nothing what can you do when you cannot do anything i'll tell you what you can do beloved friends the bible says seek god's peace seek god's peace so that you can have peace in your life and peace in your hearts seek god's peace finally brethren the bible is saying whatever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there be any virtue any praise think on these things god is asking us my beloved friends not to focus on the little bit not to focus on the negatives not to focus on the things that allow god to allow it to look as if god does not care for you the bible says we must focus on positive things positive things you show me a stress personal depressed person and i show you an individual that has negative thoughts people who have negative thoughts are affected severely by stress depression and other mental illness you choose beloved friends what you allow to affect you it is your choice so if you feel as if something is driving you crazy you are a part of that many times what we do is to blame the external factors and blame who's causing me to go mad my husband my wife is stressing me out those persons are this or whatever the thing is stressing me god says even in the midst of all these things think positive thoughts oh god i don't have enough think positive thoughts and many times when we think positive thoughts that are the thing that we think we don't have comes to life and becomes multiplied in the positive thought process so when we think negative thoughts when we think about bad things when we meditate on bad things it affects us psychologically god's word and beloved friends is so true and sure god is asking us to think positive thoughts think about truth think about things that are pure things that are honest things that are good report sometimes we pack ourselves too much with bad news and bad things bad things about others not positive thoughts negative thoughts about others sometimes we pack ourselves with so many things and we begin to wonder why am i so stressed why am i so heavy it is because of the negative um infiltration of uh of our filtration of garbage that we store in our brains thinking that oh yes we hear something about sister shelly oh yes we hear something about brother john but you don't know that those things that you keep on hearing and holding in your head is killing you too sometimes we have to let go of these negative things and allow positive thoughts and positive ideas to flow through our brain because paul is saying when we have christ we will have peace and we must think on pure things even in the midst of suffering hunger we still can give praise and have positive thoughts and i'm not saying that sufferation and hunger is good i'm not sending anyone to software sending anyone to be hungry i am saying even in the midst of these things we can still give the lord thanks because when you check it out my brothers and sisters the good far outweigh the bad once god is on your side the good fires outweigh the bad when we look at all that god has done for us the greatest thing beloved friends is that god has given us life and we he wakes us up every day even in the midst of provide many of us have gone through the sickness maybe and are still here praise god because there are those who didn't make it the bible says in isaiah chapter 41 and verse 10 that we must fear god be not dismayed it says for i am your god he says i will help you right i will uphold you with my righteous right hand god wants to restore us he wants to sustain us but we have to first begin to think and be positive so that god can work a positive miracle and player and even though god has been playing a positive role in our lives you know but because we have negative minds we interpret things negatively so when we change our mindset i allow the lord to show you all the positives that are around you god has been good to you my brother my sister irrespective of what is going on let us give him praise because when the prayer goes up and the blessing and the praise goes up when the praise goes up the blessings will come down god bless you and let us continue to praise god in good time and bad time in time of plenty and in time of scarcity god bless you praise the lord praise the lord such a timely word i believe that those words were sown words of encouragement surely my heart has been blessed and i know that your heart has been blessed as well we thank pastor heinz for being with us uh this evening and for sharing such a timely message with us as we come to the end of another wednesday evening service i do open trust that our hearts truly have been blessed let us bow our heads as we do our closing prayer father in heaven we just thank you for the opportunity whereby we can come boldly before your throne of grace lord we thank you for the words you have spoken to us through your mind's servant we thank you lord for such a timely message may we apply these words to our lives so that indeed we may find comfort in you we may find rest in your free and fear salvation lord we pray for each member tonight that is on this platform those who are viewing and even for those who will view at a later date may their hearts be blessed as well i pray o god that you continue to keep us in your love and in your care may we learn to be grateful may we learn to be contented but more so may we learn to trust you lord we thank you for your many blessings we thank you lord for your faithfulness we ask that you keep us true keep us faithful lord so at an end when you shall come that all of us together will be saved in your kingdom we thank you lord for hearing we thank you for answering this our prayers for we ask it in jesus precious name amen and amen thank you all for coming continue to trust the lord continue to take him at his words and let us all remain faithful god bless you all now has been no so long [Music] drifting but the night's god is there with you [Music] just hold on to jesus just remember his promise he said i'll never forsake you [Music] don't give up battle before your answer is coming just hold on to jesus and ride [Music] you god not feel here but you're not alone hold on to jesus [Music] god but you're not alone you're hurting now but your morning is [Music] to jesus [Music] you
Channel: Sydenham S.D.A Church
Views: 261
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #seventh-day adventist, sydenham sda church, i will go sda theme song, i will go sda, sydenhamsdalive, sabbath services, cjcsda, gospel, evangelism, virtual church service, virtual church, sydenham sda virtual church, hope, advent message sda, communication, what is the spirit of prophecy, prophetic word, kingdom of god, jesus christ, virtual church tv, House of Prayer, House of Prayer Experience, prayer room
Id: b9001sI9dFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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