Health Day | Theme: "Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle" | September 11, 2021

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[Music] [Music] morning the golden morning is approaching jesus soon will come to take his and happy children to their promised home oh we see the gleams of the golden morning blessing through this [Music] the gospel someone to soon be carried to the [Music] nation's seats to tarry [Music] night of blue [Music] [Applause] will not die oh we see the gleams of the golden morning passing through this night of flew oh we see the gleams of the golden morning that will burst the true they're those loved ones who have long [Music] the tares of those who are broken hearted will be wiped oh we've seen the dreams of the golden morning bears [Music] our next name is him 109 marvelous grace marvelous grace of our loving lord grace that exceeds our sin and more guilt yonder on calvary's mount aboard there the blood of the lamb was sealed peace [Music] grace grace [Music] grace that is [Music] [Music] [Music] the mighty cross [Applause] praise god's grace grace does sweden grace grace god's grace is greater [Music] believe [Music] will you this moment is [Music] [Music] our next name is him theo 6 draw me nearer i am [Music] [Music] where the [Music] lord to thy precious bleeding [Music] made my [Music] [Music] blessed lord [Music] [Music] that before [Music] [Music] friends [Music] thou hast [Music] to thy precious our next hymn is hymn 518 standing on the promises standing on the promises of christ my king through life his praises ring glory in the highest i will shout and sing standing on the promises of god standing standing standing on the promises of god my savior standing [Music] of god our scripture reading is taken from third our scripture reading is taken from 3rd john 1 verse 2. beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospering there handed portions of god's word amen let us pray pray god and our father we just want to praise and thank you for another bright and beautiful sabbath morning father you have been so good to us your grace and your mercy has brought us through another we and we thank you for the blessed service day father we have been on on the mountains and we have been in the valleys but we thank you that you are the god of the mountains and the god of the valleys and so you have been with us in our ups and downs we are living in a changing world so many things seem to be changing but thank you that you are the same yesterday today and forever and though sometimes lord we ask why but you know you care you understand and even now i pray for your children everywhere or or church families some of us have been battered and bruised by the issues of life but we thank you that you have said we should come on to you with all our burdens and our cares so this morning father in obedience to your words we have come we asked that though just unfold us in our everlasting arms and you know where it hurts lord so we ask that don't just soothe our pains and our woes and help us to just find rest in you today and we pray that our hearts will be blessed as we worship you and we'll be closer drawn to you bless our worshipers on all the platforms be with those who are going through difficult and trans may they find comfort in your words today be with the presenters lord pray that i pray that your holy spirit will just use them for your glory and at the end may we all rejoice in you and we thank you for the blessed hope we have in you that one day sin and sinners will be no more but we'll spend endless sabbaths with you so until then help us to be true and faithful to you we pray in jesus wonderful name amen happy sabbath sins of god i am addressing you all everywhere everyone as saints as i invite you to embrace the change and accept the call from christ so that we can have the rest that god has promised the theme for this health emphasis day is embracing change i will go firstly health does not only relate to the physical aspect of our being there are aspects such as emotional social economical nutritional occupational and embedding these are our feelings whatever aspects of health we speak up there's one thing that we all must do is we must adjust we must adapt and we must accept while trusting in divine power as i sit here this morning i am embracing that change i know that i've accepted the call i will go because i am here sharing this morning with you especially for the last three to four weeks i've had tears and i've had sorrows i've had to adjust i've had to adapt and i had to accept and that was at times hard but i've learned to trust in jesus and i've learned to trust in god through it all i've learned to depend upon god's word we have been studying some very important and interesting lessons since made under the caption rest in christ in the lesson we learned to tackle issues that would lead us into restlessness and fears as we studied i saw how jesus invited us to come and find rest in him he invites us to embrace change for christ's sake so that we can be led into eternal rest as i reflected on the theme i learned to appreciate jesus's gift of redemption evil more and more why sin has a habit of hiding truth sin is a smoke screen that makes it hard for us to embrace the beautiful promises that god has given us when we go through hard times tunnels difficult situations and horrible circumstances those promises are obscured in darkness because of sin but do you remember what happened in the hours before jesus was crucified or do you remember that friday night that friday evening into friday night turning jesus's experience into darkness in the hours before the crucifixion jesus went through feelings just like the rest of us he was rejected he was abandoned the disciples ran away and swore knowledge allegiance to him his feelings whether they were emotions or physical it pressed him that friday night however jesus embraced the change and he's still embracing the change he cried to god to take the cup but then guess what he submitted to god and asked god to do his will so that we could have redemption jesus had not sinned and was not sinning but he bore all the sins of the world that we might have righteousness oh yes my brothers and sisters friends on facebook and youtube jesus gave us his righteousness on the cross crucified in great sorrow he died and by his stripes we are healed jesus found himself wrapped in darkness of sin that sin was so thick that it blocked god's presence from him and do you know that when sin is in our lives we are technically blocking god's presence from us nonetheless jesus embraced the change and is still embracing that change so that we can enjoy the beautiful heavenly new jerusalem we'll now move into a recorded song as we continue in worship after which elder harold bennett will do the lesson study that will allow we are allowing him for 20 minutes and then sister joycelyn brown will do the welcome please go ahead with the recordings [Music] one little baby given [Music] god's kingdom shall be one rock built as rejected now ranked as the cornerstone [Music] one lonely figure awakes from his slumber it's quiet a deadly storm one at the well waits with life giving water for a new a thirsty woman would come one heart full of compassion whose touch caused the lame to run the force as a thousand armies go marching can never contest the one jesus jesus every knee [Music] his wonder jesus jesus jesus [Music] one voice alone who could order the angels in silence by his own will one king suffered and gave [Music] of nature and rise [Music] his name ring out from every tongue eye shall witness his wonder jesus jesus jesus [Music] his name ring out from every every eye shall witness his wonder jesus jesus jesus beautiful song jesus the one of course we know that jesus is now high priest in heaven and of course he's working on our behalf we know that he shall come and he's coming for a prepared people lesson 11 on the 11th of the 9th if you were living in a the us you'll talk about 9 11 a very important date there longing for more is the topic of this week's lesson longing for more suggests that you're not satisfied but more of what not more of what this world has to offer we are looking for more of the rest that is promised by jesus he says come unto me only that labor and her everladed and i will give you rest time will not permit me to delve into the lesson but i seek to emphasize some a um sailing points that the writer seeks to um for us to know the member texts now these things took place as examples for us that we might not desire evil as they did let us pray heavenly father we thank you for the privilege to study a portion of your words we ask that as spirit will now teach us this we ask in jesus name amen first corinthian 10 verse 1 to 6 i'll read that and then go into the lesson moreover brethren i would not that he should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all pass through the sea and were all baptized unto moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was christ but with many of them god was not pleased or well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now these things were our examples to the intent we should not lost of the evil things as they also lusted of course there are the children of israel were highlighted in this week's lesson and of course two words or two concepts that um describe them were a lack of obedience and the luck of faithfulness as children of god looking for that land that promised land do we find ourselves in the same situation locking in faith and obedience to god certain concepts are also highlighted there we talk about model type version mold pattern all those concepts were highlighted in this week's lesson of course i talked about longing for more and i did say more of what of course more about jesus more about his kingdom the song says this world is not my home i'm just a passing through my treasures all laid up somewhere beyond the blue the angels beckoned me from heaven's open door and i can't feel at home in this world anymore just over in glory land we live eternally the saints on every hand are shouting victory their songs of sweetest praise drift back from heaven's shore and i can't feel at home in this world anymore there's another song or land of rest to the eyesight when will the movement come when i shall lay my arm about and dwell in peace at home we'll work till jesus come we'll work till jesus come we'll work till jesus come and we'll be gathered home to jesus christ i fled for rest he bared me cease to roam and lean for comfort on his breast till he conducts me home i know that maybe this song is not very much known by many but it's comforting to know that we can rest on jesus breast and we can look forward to his promise of taking us home now these things took place as examples for us that we might not deserve evil as they did of course we know the story well the israelites were were taken out of bondage in egypt and they were taken they stayed in the wilderness for too long they were not supposed to save for 40 years but because of their conduct and behavior on disobedience and unfaithfulness they were there for that time i'm not sure how long we will stay here on earth but were we supposed to be here until now could it be our behavior has prevented the creator from coming to claim his own those questions or questions to ponder baptized into moses of course we know that this sea parted and the israelites went through was this considered a baptism we are baptized in jesus now i am of the view that this word baptism has to do with authority moses had authority over these israelites jesus has authority over us and of course the person who has authority he dictates he instructs us moses was given instruction to give to the israelites and of course the israelite did indicate that all that god says we will do but in the long run they disobeyed all we in the footsteps are walking in the footsteps of former israel we notice that many of them never entered the promised land because of disobedient and unfaithfulness are we doing the same thing the lesson speaks of rituals and sacrifices of course that has to do with what went on in the sanctuary that god indicated to moses that he should build the priest would present sacrifices of course he first have to present sacrifice for himself so that he can do his work in the temple on behalf of the people of course we know that the shedding of blood was vital to all of this because the bible said that without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin you might ask brother bennett is the same going on up in heaven now because jesus is our high priest no the shedding of blood was done once by jesus and his blood is enough to cleanse all those who on earth but how many of us will seek to accept and embrace the bloodshed by jesus let me do a little reading here we are told that central to many of the rituals of course was blood and the spilling and sprinkling of blood this was not pretty now was it supposed to be because it was dealing with the ugliest thing in the universe and that is sin so the priest shall make atonement for his sin and he has commit that he has committed and it shall be forgiven him thus blood was key to the whole process of atonement and the means by which we sinners can be made right with a holy god what we see with these sacrifices then is a type a model of christ death and ministry on our behalf we must say amen to that we are thankful for jesus coming to earth die for us example of course all that was done was an example an example is not the original jesus's death all the killing of those doves and bullocks and so on was an example pointing to the death of jesus the theme of perseverance and faithfulness is very important here though talking about the seventh day sabbath the main focus of these verses what came before it's really a call for god's people should be persevering in faith that is to remain faithful to the lord and the gospel hebrews 4 verse 3 points to the close relationship between faith and rest we can never enter his rest only when we believe and trust the one who promised rest and who can deliver on his promise and that is of course jesus christ of course he promised us that he will go and prepare a place for us and he said he will come again we know that the creator does not lie but let me i'm quick to emphasize the fact that he's coming for a prepared people a people who is obedient and faithful to his word the early christians community accepted god's prior revelation and believed that jesus christ was the lamb of god the sacrifice for their sins and by faith in the sacrifice they could experience salvation in jesus and the rest that we are offered in him pardon not your hearts of course i must emphasize that the heart here is not the one that pumps blood the heart is the mind many would have heard about the love of god and what god requires of us but little attention is paid to what he has said like the children of israel they were told they had no they heard they know they knew but yet not they never embrace the teachings of course because of their stubbornness on their disobedience and their unfaithfulness they never made it to the kingdom joshua and caleb and others were the two who made it to the promised land there's a song that says we are bound for the land of the pure and the holy only those who are ready only those who embrace the teaching of jesus will make it to that promised land all that we have heard of what happened to those israelites it's an unconditioned for us not to take the same route but to be faithful and obedient to the heavenly calling conquering a heavenly city of course we are told that the heavenly canaan is the new jerusalem the city john saw that city coming down [Music] from god and of course we all have a mind to go to that city but that city is not for those who disobey the teaching of christ that city that is promised where we will rest from all our care we will rest for all that this world is throwing at us or for those who are obedient and faithful and i challenge us brothers and sisters that the rest that we think of the rest that we long for longing for more will be experienced in that promised land the ultimate rest we are promised through what christ has done for us does not replace the biblical seventh-day sabbath on the contrary it enhances it in a world that highly values self-made people hard work and go-getters resting in jesus and trusting that his grace is sufficient to save and transform us is truly counter cultural and let me go back up here at times hebrews 4 has been used to emphasize the observance of the seven-day sabbath while others have used it to challenge the validity of this sabbath race in light of that fact there is another rest neither position reflects the biblical text well instead the text suggests that the endtime focus on god's special arrests has been present since creation and that the celebration of sabbath rest offers a small weekly taste of that entire dress indeed for the jews the sabbath has been understood to be a small precursor of the one to come the sabbath-like rest that remains for the people of god echoing god's rest on the first sabbath in earth's history means that we can cease from our own works and trust him to fulfill his promise of salvation flourish i must read this section in friday's section it is very important we are not always willing to come to jesus with our trials and difficulties sometimes he ported our troubles into human ears and terror afflictions of those who cannot help us and neglect to confine all to jesus who is able to change his sorrowful way to path of joy and peace self-denying self-sacrificing gives glory and victory to the cross the promises of god are very precious we must study his word if we would know his will the words of inspiration carefully studied and practice obey practically obeyed will lead our feet in a plain path where he may walk with without stumbling oh that all ministers and people would take their burdens and perplexity to jesus who is waiting to receive them and to give them peace and rest we will never forsake those or he will never forsake those who put their trust in him and i say amen this is addressed to the youth can you dear youth look forward to joyful hope and expectations to the time when the lord your righteous judge shall confess your name before the father and before the holy angels the very best preparation you can have for christ's second appearing is to rest with the firm faith in great salvation brought to us at his first coming you must believe in christ as a personal savior although it is addressed to the youth it is for everyone the very best preparation you can have for christ's second appearing is to rest with the firm faith in the great salvation brought to us at a sec as his first coming you must believe in christ as a personal savior i hope i did justice to the study today and i do hope and just that we will seek to be faithful and obedient to our america thank you very much happy sabbath all you may be worshiping in jamaica the united states of america canada england or any other country in the world welcome to our health program let me hope that as we concentrate on the theme transforming life i'm ready to go that we will be transformed by christ we'll be ready to go work for him and above all be prepared to meet him in the kingdom made new have a blessed sabbath focus on jesus and be blessed welcome welcome welcome mr carr i share the sentiments that you just posted the lesson was so simple and well executed and while freya was sat there it was the same thing that we were saying we have been enjoying a wonderful sabbath morning so far i am and i hope you have been enjoying a wonderful sabbath morning so far in closing gloom will descend upon us gloom descended upon jesus sin hid god's presence from jesus sin will hide god's presence from us there will be times when we feel alone like jesus was that friday night but remember that jesus had a sunday morning our sunday morning will come after all the heavenly father is waiting to embrace us but we must embrace him and accept the call i will go what a day that will be when myself your i shall see and that's all i'm going to be singing as we continue in worship let us remember that jesus embrace the change and we are to embrace the change also we must be willing to accept the call i will go and jesus is still embracing the change for us at this time we are going to go to the throne war as sister teresa carr will have the encounter with god on our behalf i'm going to sing a first song and right after that sister theresa will go into prayer and then elder milton walker sorry elder milton williams will take us into personal ministries he is here hallelujah he's here [Music] i will bless his name again he is here listen closely hear him calling out your name [Music] you are here and your presence is evident through the power of the holy spirit you're calling out our names and so lord i want to present just a sample of a list to you i remind you lord that we have been praying for janelle henry for brother and sister cope for the four medical students in mexico for trisha rowe for garfield and matthew for nardia ropo for tamika duoir and the list is unending but you said we are to come to you for you will in no wise cast us out we want to thank you for this privilege without you we would surely fail and we have been failing today is health emphasis day if we're honest with ourselves we have caused a lot of illnesses in our bodies when we listen to those who are dying as a result of covet 19 and i want to focus on seventh day adventist the list reads on the line in conditions we have the health message we have been boasting that we have the truth but how are we walking talking and living are we living the health message are we applying the held principles in our own homes when you stop by do you see in our kitchen in our closet the movies we watch the books we read the music we listen to are they edifying you lord are we righteous in all that we do and think haven't we fallen short of your glory the lesson spoke about persons not entering into that rest because of unbelief and disobedience words like stubbornness and rebellion came out povid has shown us up and we cry where are you how come you're not answering but if you do then we would have fallen no doubt dead because you're the word coming from you would frighten us because you could very well say i have been here all the time watching you abusing the temple that i have given to you in this moment as your holy spirit searches and as we are found wanting we have caused so many things to be happening to others who are innocent around us i asked lord that when a seventh adventist gets sick and goes to the hospital then we create more problems for the nurses for the doctors when we are disobedient and do not follow the law of the land we create problems for the police officers when our children are not properly trained at home and they go to school and are disobedient they create problem in the education system i thank you lord for breathing through me because indeed you want us to repent you want your people you said you wish above all that we will prosper and be in health so long before we call for purse long before we are asking how come you're so silent in our situation wake though god our conscience let us embrace the change planting us lord a desire for health and happiness yes we can have it here on earth because we might say i can do this and i can do that and on resurrection morning when we sit around a great white table and we are served by you but truth is a lot of us will not reach because of unbelief and sin in our own lives then i pray for those who are not adventists listening that today the word spoken the scripture which will be read and the presentations will point out that health and happiness will be for hours and for them if we abide in the dust set the lord thank you lord for stirring our conscience for giving us the peace that comes with total obedience and we thank you lord for the storms around us because when we are honest when we are truthful when we do and say the things that honor you you will honor us bless our families cause your face to shine on all of us and give us your rest in jesus holy name amen happy sabbath happy sabbath everybody i bring greetings uh this morning from the personal ministries department on behalf of our personal ministry's leader eldar de boratello all the members i greet us all in the precious name of our lord and savior jesus christ now despite what is happening as it relates to the pandemic you are still uh admonished to do the work of the lord and so we are embarking on a program where each member is asked to work with two individuals two interests so as we can continue to harvesting souls for the kingdom so i invite you to try your endeavor best in working with two individuals whether it is your family member or your neighbors but you are encouraged to work with two individuals as we go into this uh this quarter there are a lot of things that is in store which you will hear uh coming up in the future i want you to keep in touch with your personal ministries uh department and let us know what is happening in your community also uh continue to dialogue with the elder that is in charge of your zone let us work together in the finishing of the world for the night will come that we cannot work anymore continue to a work for the lord continue to be faithful so that when he shall come all of us may hear from his lips well done though good and faithful servant and so from the uh president military department i say goodbye and have a happy sabbath god bless you okay before i leave i just want to thank all who participated in sabbath school this morning i must especially thank the technical and communication teams who have been so patient and efficient i thank the facebook participants and youtube participants because they participated in worship if they're just attending they have spent the time with the lord and we thank you for worshiping with us remember to share the link remember to subscribe to the channel and may god richly bless you all have a very happy rest of the sabbath day bye from savage thank you thank you and good morning everyone greetings my brothers and sisters would like to endorse the welcome that was given earlier it's always a joy for me to worship and fellowship with my brothers and sisters in this ecclesiastical setting orbit online god has been good to us and um we even though we have sinned against him and we have not come short god has been good and we give god thanks and praise today the focus is on health and wellness and i hope brothers and sisters that as central ventures more than anybody else we will endeavor to follow the laws of health as sister carr prayed as adventists we are the ones to be packing up the hospitals we should be following the laws of health so that even in this pandemic we will not be affected and afflicted let me bring to you a few matters uh brother rudolph cope was hospitalized during the course of this week i visited the family on wednesday and i know brother carol bennett have been supporting the family as well and on other members of the church we're not going to pray for brother cope as he go through his difficult moment also sister belinda palmer sister palmer will be doing a medical procedure sometime next week so we ask also the church to bear her up in prayer the thanksgiving service for our dear sister tamika campbell will be held on wednesday the 15th at 10 a.m the service will be streamed online and members are asked to support the service from home and ask brethren that we support the service from home the link will be sent to in the church group so we ask that you support the church the family and support to your support from home the internment service will be on thursday the following day all right so go down as far as possibly continue to pray for the family pray for the family because it is a difficult moment we'll be having a baptism this afternoon god's kingdom continue to grow and we'll be having a baptism this afternoon right after the divine service uh our candidate anisha lewis she will be the newest member for church family um she was passed by the board and voted the last time but she was unable because of illness now she's well and she has been reminding us that she needs to be baptized so we have um organized the service for this afternoon a few of us will be going to port moore um to support sister nisha as she take her baptism pastor canil morgan will be officiating just a reminder that our church pastor is still on vacation leave gonna ask members of the church who has issues or matters that would have normally been dealt with the path by the pastor rather when i asked you to communicate with myself or any of the elders and we will seek to support you as much as we can just before we enter the divine service i would like to share with you a quotation from testimonies volume 3 and the page is 285 listen what the server the lord says we are living in very difficult times really difficult times but listen what she says fearful test and trials await the people of god the spirit of war is strong eastern the nations from one end of the earth to the other but in the midst of the time of trouble that is coming upon the earth god's chosen people will stand unmoved satan and his host cannot repeat that satan and his host cannot destroy them for the angels that excel in strength will protect them my brothers and sisters be assured as we go through these difficult times that god's divine protection will be with us as we tarry as pilgrim answer journalists may god sustain us today tomorrow and beyond as we continue to walk with god may god bless us and keep us as we worship him today we're going to be breaking now for a few minutes and we'll be joining you later on for the divine service god bless you [Music] there's lost and lonely jesus blood can make you flee for he saved the worst among [Music] [Music] yes i know jesus blood can make the violent sinner clean [Music] and i know yes i know jesus blood can make the violence in her clear to the faith he giveth power [Music] good morning everyone i will be doing the real [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn the night to golden day [Music] and i know oh yes i know jesus blood can make the violence [Music] in temptation he's near me in the past [Music] yes i know jesus blood can make the violent sinner clean and i know i just know jesus blood can make the violence oh the blood of jesus can make you clean and i know yes i know [Music] jesus blood can make [Music] on a sunday afternoon in a small town near the city of chattanooga a group gathers for a purse party we represent piece of thread which is a local initiative and it's under the umbrella of anfa which is adventist muslim friendship association we had a purse party and it was in somebody's home and so she invited a lot of her friends from the church that they attend and then we set up and showed them the purses of course we have a variety there's no two purses that are alike we make sure of that and so every person that buys is going to have something unique and something that is their own inside each one of the purses we have a little tag that tells about the refugee that sewed that purse and a little bit about ampha and we ask each lady that buys to be able to pray for that refugee with the purse party wrapping up mona helps darlene put away the remaining purses mona who arrived as a refugee 11 years ago is both in leadership at ampha and a designer for peace of thread chattanooga we sell a lot a lot of persons and god bless us with all kind of people they came here so we're looking forward to the for the next time next week next meeting another another house maybe next month we will be at my it's nice house you during the summer amfa has a summer school for muslim refugee children helping them to integrate into america in a godly way at the same time we started sewing classes for the women and that's where we started with piece of thread so that they're actually learning to sew learning to sew purses and now being able to sell them and make some money it's monday and the women of peace of thread chattanooga are gathering for their weekly sewing class the sewing class takes place in various church fellowship halls though someday they hope to have a more permanent location nima starts the day off with a quick testimony the women talk about their week darlene talks about the successes of sunday afternoon make some announcements and after a short prayer they begin on a new purse design part of the holy experience is not just about learning to sew of course but it's getting together and getting acquainted with each other and listening to you know what their needs are and what their experiences are and sharing those with us as leaders with them but also with each other because so many of these ladies didn't know each other before and so they have sisters that they can call on you know to answer questions and to just share the highs and lows of life rhonda who was a nurse in sudan before coming to the united states as a refugee will be starting her studies to become a medical assistant later this year it's helped me to organize my time first and my boys they love that too and i got the machine they said oh mom we don't have to throw our our clothes we can you can sew to us and that's the good things and i organize my time to for sewing and do what teach my tea my kids and clean my house and do whatever i want and first time i don't like to sew but now i really enjoy selling i used to sell in my country so hon when i they add me to the ampha group so they they put me as a designer i came here as a refugee and now my turn to help a refugee to help them what they need what they want especially the woman so now they they have an income every month so i'm happy when i see them very happy the project's a big blessing to me personally starting off because you know we're given talents and it's true that i can you know make quilts or make costumes or whatever but it doesn't have the same joy as doing the sewing project with these ladies you know they're excited about learning a new skill it gives them something to do in their spare time and it gives them an opportunity to earn income and for a couple of these ladies they've never never had their own spending money i love seeing the ladies happy i love seeing the ladies creating interacting we're we're a community and we share and you know this is all for god please pray for the relationships being formed through this initiative thank you for supporting mission [Music] so many songs have tested him throughout the course of time so many still reach out to him there's no exceptions that they fight that jesus never [Music] he brought his people through and then he came [Music] then he rose again to prove that every story had been true and jesus never fears jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] you cannot prepare jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sometimes this world brings troubles i find so hard to bear i know i could not [Music] that jesus never faces so what can i do to prove this to you tell me how can you deny no untold [Music] the is you cannot prevail [Music] never fail [Music] [Music] you cannot prevail because jesus [Music] is [Music] you cannot prepare because jesus never [Music] is [Music] from the inside of [Music] me [Music] set me [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] from the inside me is [Music] is [Music] [Music] glory by your prayer is is you is [Music] please [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] right jesus [Music] he is [Music] praise him [Music] [Music] [Music] is stronger [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] praise jesus [Music] jesus is [Music] is [Music] amen praise the lord we just want to bless your name today heavenly father as we go into this our worship service may your spirit be with us as you lead us now in jesus name today more than ever i believe the gospel we preach on this 30 in jazz message need to be proclaimed and it's in revelation chapter 14 verses 6 and down we see we see the word of god says and i saw an another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth unto every nation and kindred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear god and give glory to him for the horror of his judgment is come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters and there followed another angel scene babylon is falling is falling that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the rat of her fornication and the third angel followed them seen with a load voice if any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night worship beast and his image and whosoever receive at the mark of his name here is the patient of the sins here are thee that keep the commandments of god on the feet of jesus and i heard the voice of heaven saying right blessed are the dead which die in the lord my brothers and sisters let us extol the lord our god the psalmist david says i will extol thee my god o king and i will bless thy name forever and ever every day will i bless thee and i will praise thy name forever and ever great is the lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable as we come before the lord to worship him let us remember that he is worthy to be praised amen for holding him this morning will be him number 456 my lord and i i'm asking all of you wherever you are to join with me and sing in 456. i have a friend so precious so very dear to me he left me with such tender love he loved so faithfully i could not live apart from him i left to feel him nigh and so we dwelt together my lord and i sometimes in faith and weary he knows that i am weak and as he picks me coming this he leads me in the paths of life beneath the sunny sky and so we walk together my lord and us i turn him on my sorrows i tell him all my joy i turn him off that pleases me i tell him what a noise he tells me what i ought to do he tells me how to try and so we talk together my lord and i [Music] he knows that i am logging somewhere to win and so he bits me go and speak for loving and so we work together my lord and [Music] okay i want to take the opportunity to welcome you all who are worshiping with us today as our pro program today will focus on health emphasis and indeed we have to be thankful for being here today to worship you of our god and the fact that we're alive and well and despite the kobe pandemic and despite all other issues that is going on in the country we should still be grateful that we have spiritual health and we can work on that and then in turn we can enhance our emotional psychological and other well-beings that will come after that according to isaiah 41 verse 10 it says that fear thou not for i am with thee be not dismayed for i am thy god i will strengthen thee ye i will help thee yeah i will uphold thee with thy righteous with thy right hand of my righteousness to everyone who is visiting here for the first time or even the second time i just want to send out a special welcome to you all and other persons that are on the youtube resume with facebook and other platforms that are here worshiping with us virtually i just want to give send a warm welcome from me the church members every single body and just to continue to stay safe and just worship our god jehovah thank you [Music] there is no pain [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i go through this wilderness [Music] below [Music] right inside my pilgrim's way turn to my midnight today [Music] when in the darkness i would grow faith and soon from all life's and dangers i shall be free someday [Music] i do not know how long it will be [Music] jesus leads me i shall get home someday [Music] heart are still may seem to gain [Music] [Music] [Music] he'll fight my bad and i'll have peace [Music] [Music] jesus leads me i shall get home [Music] to get you down disappointments [Music] all around trouble speak [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i want to go [Music] [Music] leads me i shall get home [Music] someday i know [Music] [Applause] if jesus leads me i shall get home [Music] alone so it's the scripture reading now okay please wherever you are get your bibles in hand as we turn to the book of philippians chapter 4 and we are going to read verse 6. philippians chapter 4 and verse 6. it says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your quest be made known unto god this is the word of the lord is it britain yes okay shall we bow our heads wherever you are let us get in that attitude of reverence as we seek the lord in prayer our maker and our king to you oh lord we owe everything because from your sovereign bounty flows all our blessings lord is in you that we live and move and have our existence and so as your feeble children we join in your creation vast creation to praise and to worship you on this day that you have invited us to come father as we come we have nothing in our hands but simply to the cross we are cleaning oh god we come with our confession of sins because lord we have not been the obedient children that would have us to be we have eaten we have drunk we have dressed we have watched and we have think thoughts that what did not bring glory and honor to your name but thanks be to your wonderful name that we serve almighty god one who is ever willing to forgive us and to blot out our transgressions and our sins and so as we come this morning lord we are confessing our disobedience we are confessing to you our stubborn ways and will we are confessing to you lord our rebelliousness god like the children of israel we have longed for the flesh part of egypt when you have put before us healthy things that we should partake of oh god please i'm asking you this morning to have mercy upon us and as a result of all this obedience we have invited disease death and decay this was not your desire it is not your desire lord that we should be sick and you know in health be having heal health it was for your desire lord that you should prosper and be in health even as our soul prospered and so god we are acknowledging our failures we acknowledge our sins and we are asking you please to forgive us lord you have said that as long as you obey the laws of nature that they are divine and only obedience in them can help be recovered and preserved and so this morning lord as you're calling by us back to embrace the lifestyle that you have set across in your words i'm asking you lord that you break every chain and every shackles that the enemy is using to prevent us from being obedient to your will i pray this morning every father that even though we may have come down with all brokenness in mind and in body and in spirit we thank you god that we have a great physician that you are still healing bomb in gilead and so lord we are calling upon you this morning that wherever your children are those that are afflicted emotionally mentally spiritually physically and in all the ways lord in depression and hopelessness oh god i pray this morning to reach out your healing hand and that you bring healing to somebody today because god you have passed by and we have been in your presence thank you oh father for today that you bring deliverance and healing and father i just want to present your man's servant the one who's going to break towards the bread of life i ask that you'll take a life call from off your altar place it upon his lips lord and wherever sin is found remove it and in the name of jesus may you place within him your words that you will having to speak to us today that wherever we are and which whatever platform as we listen oh lord may you do something today to bring another sinner back to you to bring conviction on conversion to us who have been walking with you that we may repent and turn and look unto you and live oh lord have your own sweet way again today keep the evil one in check have a lot of connectivity for on these various platforms will work in good order and we pray lord that your sweet holy spirit will continue to have his way and when we shall have come to the end of this service today may all the glory may all the praise may all your adoration be given to you and may the blessings come down as we say thank you for hearing and thank you for answering in jesus precious name i pray amen and amen for our for our stewardship moment i want to ask you to remember the following that god has been extremely good to all of us yes he has given us numerous blessings blessings we are not deserving of but because of the love that he has for us he never failed to give us from time to time did you know that every one of us can give back to the lord something that he has blessed us with yes never should we think that we don't have enough that we can't share or we can't give back to god whether it is our time or talents or our means that is in in terms of funds we can always give back a portion to our god well guess what because god has blessed us so much we have decided to give back one seventh of that which we have blessed us with that's our time we give back one tenth of our means that's our tithes and we are going to give a liberal offering but most of all if you do not give back any of these i want us to consider giving our hearts to the lord and that's the best gift that anyone can render i'm going to read that poem for you it's number 658 if you have the old church hymn now it says they brought their gifts to jesus and laid them at his feet and love for their savior made every offering sweet good deeds and words and kindness help for the poor of earth and not a gift among them was thought of little worth will this though bring a gift to jesus that he will count most sweet say lord my heart i give thee and lay it at his feet apart from other givers support wayfarer stood he saw the gift they offered the poorest haunted good and he was filled with longing a gift though poor to bring alas all empty ended he stood before the king dear lord he cried in sorrow i know how kind thou art take all i have to give thee my sinful wayward heart then jesus answered softly count not the gift as small so all of them are precious thine is the best of all so brothers and sisters each one of us should give what we have decided in our hearts to give not reluctantly or on the compulsion for god loves a cheerful giver please make use of the information that you see on the screen now in terms of our banking information as we give our all to the master i'm gonna ask you to borrow our heads as we pray dear god our heavenly father we are grateful to you because you have been such a good god to us we owe our time our talents or resources everything that we have to you because you gave first i ask that you will accept our gifts the gifts that we offer to you today but more than any other gift may we give our lives completely over to you thank you for hearing our prayers i ask through jesus name amen [Music] dear lord please forgive me for using your tithes in a time of need but if you help me to repay it i promise never again to use your resources to benefit myself even if i die pavel was a married student in the communist era romania he had no income in the struggle to raise some funds povel and his wife collected cans in order to sell them but the money from his endeavor barely provided for his little son's milk with nothing in hand and starving pavel decided to borrow 40 lay romanian currency from his tithe money to purchase food for his family he took the money planning to return it as soon as possible expecting that god would understand well things got worse his father died and the stipend he had been receiving from his father stopped coming one day as he got home from the university pavel found a letter containing 50 lay this time he resisted the temptation he immediately mailed to the church treasurer of the 40 lay he owed to god plus the five lay due as tithe for his new gift with the remaining five lay he and dana were able to buy only some bread and yogurt a few days later a 92 year old man who was a fellow church member asked him you don't look okay what's happening why don't you take the bus instead of walking pavel was unable to dodge all his questions understanding the situation the man said i'm a retired lawyer and have some funds i was praying to god asking whom i could help now i found him from now on until you finish your university education i will send you 500 light every month to take care of your needs and then he added but don't forget to share with others when you are blessed pavel goya editor of ministry magazine at the general conference as you return your tithe and give your promise always remember that it is in the darkest times of life that you're most likely to experience the restoring power of jesus may we put our desires last and god first one day 13 year old jared read a story about a boy named wilford who liked to surprise people with gifts he wrapped up gifts tied them to a rope and lowered them over people's walls then he ran and hid jared thought it would be fun to do the same thing in his home of takmak kyrgyzstan he asked his mom for permission to put gifts in old tissue boxes what kind of gifts she asked some toys and whatever else i can find jared said his mom liked the idea jared and his younger brother sam had cars and legos that they had brought along when their family moved from argentina to serve as volunteers in kyrgyzstan many neighborhood boys were poor and didn't have toys jared told a school friend camille about the plan let's put some toys in boxes and throw them over walls he said camille grinned in excitement he thought it was a great idea and he wanted to help even though he didn't have any toys to give away the boys took two tissue boxes and filled them with legos toy cars scarves and bars of soap getting on their bikes they rode to camille's neighborhood and chose two houses at random jared hurled the first box over one fence and camille threw his over the other fence quickly the boys pedaled away at jared's house they laughed as they imagined the surprise of the children who had received the gifts sam jarrod's brother overheard the laughter can i join you next time he asked a few days later the three boys got together to prepare more gifts they invited another boy from school kozembek to join them the boys filled two shoe boxes two empty tissue boxes and two plastic bags with a variety of toys scarves and soap loading the boxes on their bikes they set off in search of unsuspecting homes after a few minutes jared saw a house surrounded by a fence the yard was filled with trees sam he said throw your bag into that yard sam tossed the bag over the fence and it landed in the lower branches of a tree quick do something sam squealed camille was the tallest so he leaped over the fence reaching up into the branches he grabbed the bag and dropped it on the grass let's go before anyone sees us he shouted the boys raced away on their bikes after throwing four more gifts over fences the boys had one box left jared spotted a house with a large metal gate quick push the gift under the gate he told kozembek as soon as kozenbeck pushed the box under the gate someone yelled why are you putting garbage in my yard as the boys quickly rode away they heard the voice suddenly exclaimed from behind the gate this isn't garbage it's a gift during family worship that evening jared and sam excitedly told their parents about what had happened their dad was pleased he led the family in prayer for all the people who had received the gifts jared and sam are still throwing surprise boxes over people's fences no one knows that they are responsible and that's how they want it our speaker for today is an outgoing enthusiastic young man with an undeniable love for ministry he's an elder at the race course seventh-day adventist church in clarendon and recently completed his bachelor of medicine bachelor of surgery degree at the mona campus university of the west indies he's also a past student of the advent sorry past president of the advent fellowship fraternity of the seventh-day adventist young people on the campuses of university of the west indies and the university of technology his worldwide view is that god expects us to develop our mental spiritual physical and professional dimensions hence he delights in partnering with others to achieve his desired goal his guiding philosophy the quote from sister e.g white which says the secret of success is a union of divine power and human effort a speaker today is no other than dr zhang mohan singh i pray for him your prayer your undivided attention as he opens god's words to us today just before he comes however we'll have a special by sister lisa sterling simpson afterwards dr mohan singh will be guided by god [Music] there is no pain [Music] jesus can't [Music] that he can't heal all things were [Music] according to ways [Music] [Applause] and no matter what you're going through remember god is only using hero for this battle is the lord [Music] there jesus can't feel and there is no sorrow [Music] is [Music] [Applause] and no matter what [Music] is [Music] [Music] don't you cry is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is only using you for his glory [Music] and his honor god will always is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this bottle is not yours it's the lord hallelujah hello hello hello happy sabbath sydney sda it is absolutely my privilege to be here with you on your health emphasis day so that we can have this this is a conversation you know i'll i'll professor talk by saying that sister who sang the um the song of meditation must have gotten either a word from god or a sneak peek on my script for today because she said the battle is not yours but it's the lord's and quite frankly that's exactly what we want to talk about today i know what you're thinking it's health emphasis day and this guy who was just introduced supposedly just finished medical school so you know he's going to come and he's going to tell us about you know new start and he's going to tell us that we need to we need to eat properly and we need to exercise and we need to drink water all these fancy stuff quite frankly instead of uh a kind of dogmatic sermon where i'm telling you the same things that you've probably already learned i instead want to have a conversation with you over the next half an hour or so and i've entitled this talk the stressed out christian health versus hypocrisy the stress told christian health versus hypocrisy please bow your heads with me as we go to god and ask him to be with us through this next half an hour so dear god we pause at this juncture so thank you for every single individual who has joined us on the live stream joined us in person everybody who has been participating in the program thus far but we thank you for all the blessings that you have been working in each of our individual lives lord for the blessings that we've already stopped and acknowledged and for the ones that we didn't even realize were blessings we thank you for all of them above all else god we thank you for an opportunity to always always have access to your throne of grace so father we come to you today to ask that you will empty me of everything that is unlike you and the message that you have laid on my heart will come forward with clarity and with paul and somebody will be convicted at the end of our little chat today of the importance of putting you first in everything that we do god if we've accomplished that we would have done a lot today so we ask that you will come into our lives each and every one of us myself will be speaking and everyone will be listening so that we will leave having accomplished even that one thing father i thank you for the ability to speak virtually and i pray that our internet connection will hold up and that we won't have any problems in transmission but that everybody will be able to participate and actively gain something from this talk in jesus name i pray amen amen all right so i i wanted to ask you how was your week today the um this week you know was it a stressful one was it one filled with a lot of love and a lot of life and excitement or was it one of those weeks that was just me you know you don't have those weeks there's me i was hoping to be able to see your responses um but due to you know circumstances beyond our control i'm unable to join you in person today so i'll just have to take your word for it that you're answering whether in the chat down below or you're answering if you're um in physical church you might be raising your hand or or not when i ask you these questions so just indicate however best you can and i'll take your word for it you know god and the angels are seen and writing it though well how was your week did you enjoy that's the first question did you enjoy your week this week second question all right i won't call the name of the person but somebody in the chat on zoom and thanks for participating on the zoom chat is not a lot of us here but um those of us who are in the program thanks for participating nevertheless one person said it was a stressful week all right all right so one other person said it was a hectic week i trust that some messages might be coming in on facebook and those persons in in person are probably thinking to themselves that they probably had a similar experience you know kind of stressful kind of hectic perhaps you're grateful for a lot of little blessings that you would have seen nevertheless nevertheless i i want to thank the lord for helping us through this week and for bringing us to a point where we can where we can have a conversation on this idea of okay i see it's being it's being shared here i can't really read it it's a little bit fine but i trust that you guys are are responding so anyway we thank god for bringing us to the point where we can have a conversation about health and you know all these lovely things that come with a health talk all right so i'm going to tell you a brief story and i hope that you will understand the story for what it is it was mentioned earlier in my introduction that i just finished medical school no those of you guys who have ever had a stressful period in your life and you've also ever interacted with anybody who you know has been or you've been to university yourself or you've had just a long period of your life where it's just grinding all day every day it's just a lot of work which probably is a reality for most of us if i'm being honest um you you would agree with me that there are periods in your life when you're properly stressed though you'll feel the stress mounting all right i see one person said a hectic week i can't say the writing no said a hectic week i assume that's on that's on youtube you know you've probably all experienced periods in your life when the stress just starts to mount and it gets to a point where you wonder you know can i really manage this you know it's it's almost like an insurmountable experience now i want to share an experience with you there were two times in medical school when i was properly stressed out and i'm starting on this note because i'm i'm hoping that you'll understand my vulnerability in having this conversation with you god laid this message on my heart the stress told christian health versus hypocrisy and i'd love for you to understand it you know it's coming from him as a person who has seen you know human existence for the last 6 000 years and seen how people have lived their lives take it from his perspective i come to you not from the perspective of somebody who has done it and seen it all but from somebody who is in the struggle just like you somebody who's learning and growing every day so take it from his perspective not so much mine right well here we go in medical school there were two times that i was properly stressed though the first one was before my fundamentals of disease and treatment exam in first year first semester you know you just reach university and hear everybody around you telling you that this is going to be so stressful medical school is the hardest time of your life you know you're not going to be able to make it so without drinking a whole lip of coffee without staying up all night pulling all night that's the night before your exam you know all that self-destructive behavior that people have normalized in our university experience well believe it or not even those of us who said that we're going to become doctors we still do those um self-destructive self-destructive um things from time to time and for a lot of persons it has been normalized as the way of operating um throughout university nevertheless i decided i was not going to do that because you know that can't be what god wants from children so it doesn't know what it matters and i said all right god let's try to do this year away the night before the fdt exam i remember we were studying um we were on unhaul and all of us yesterday it was like 3 a.m having gotten a nap earlier in the evening get up and studying all night and and all the pressure just started to mount and i was just like there's no way i can do this i still need to get through another 60 of the syllabus because i'm nowhere near covering all the material i need to cover and i went to a friend of mine's room and i went in there and i was just like please just pray for me i don't feel like i can do this i feel like i'm going to fail the exam tomorrow just pray for me please she held my hands and she prayed for me i remember sitting on the ground and i don't know somebody probably was walking past cutting onions or something because i decided that that was a good time to start watering but let's just say you know a few tears were that night or early morning but now you look at it i just i felt like i just couldn't manage but then she prayed for me and i trusted god in that moment and i said all right god you know come true needless to say i finished medical school so i didn't pass the exam at least at some point so you know i did pass it on that goal thank god for jesus now there was this other time when i was in fourth year and i was i was president of advil at the time and when i tell you that you know you hear about those of us at adfield who like to be active and stuff i think i have all the time in the world but reality is i had just i had been on a course for 10 weeks and the ophthalmology course and at the same time we were doing two other blocks um orthopedics and anesthesia so it was just a lot of work and it was leading up to the advil 50th celebration we're talking about you know 50 years of anfield doing their things i know all this pressure is on my shoulders to ensure that we execute a good program and i remember sitting outside about eight o'clock the evening on the ophthal ward waiting to go in to do my optile exam my phone ringing off left right and center because come weekend is a big advent 50 celebrations and again i was just under the pressure there was no way i could have done it on my own and i remember just crying out to god and saying god can't do this i don't know what i took upon myself but i feel like i'm about to cave in i'm about to go into my exam and my brain feels blank everybody's calling me for answers for these things on on on the weekend and i just don't have answers to give everybody i didn't a sense of calm came over me i just turned off my phone and i just listened to the voice of god as he said listen it's andre i'm happy you've come back to me i'm happy you have now stopped for long enough to realize you can't do this on your own and so you need me to bring you through it friends and i tell you that that was a that was an eye-opening and life-changing experience because everybody looking on i had my life together i was getting recent grades in school i was president of advil and you know everything seemed to have been falling together nicely but everything was falling apart inside knowing that i was properly stressed out at this point just trying to make it through this experience i remember my my my devotional life suffered for it because let's be real when life starts to box you from left right and center the first thing that gets caught is the time that you spend in the morning with god it shouldn't be what is the unfortunate reality in which we find ourselves a lot of times now at this point i said all right god i'm never going to allow myself to drift so far into doing work for you that i drift far from you because remember i was in athens working as is good work ain't nothing wrong with doing good work for jesus but there comes a point where you're so stressed out that your spiritual life suffers for it i'm telling you all of this i'm telling you both of these stories just to show you that you know when i say what i'm about to say i'm not seeing it from the perspective of somebody who has done everything right their whole life i'm speaking from the perspective of somebody who has grown and learned and realized that if you're properly properly chronically stressed out you cannot be completely surrendered to god now i'm about to make a bold statement i just mentioned it i'll tidy it up a little bit for you you cannot be chronically stressed out and completely surrendered to god at the same time that's my story i'm sticking to it for the next half an hour i will attempt to explain and support this viewpoint and i hope that by the time we're finished you'll come to agree with me let me repeat it for you cannot be chronically stressed out and completely surrendered to god at the same time now many of us as christians find it hard to believe because you know there are a lot of stressful things happening in the world and prophecy is fulfilling and and god soon come and a lot of things to cause you a little bit of unease but i'd like to suggest you that if you're chronically stressed or you are not completely surrendered to god sorry to god no it's it's health day and you wonder why we're having this talk about stress well when i thought about the fact that as christians assembly adventist christians in particular many of us have already heard and perhaps are on a journey or have reached where we're comfortable with the kinds of food that we eat with how much exercise we get maybe not so much for a lot of persons but at least everybody understands the importance of exercise drinking water of trusting in god of ensuring that we're temperate of ensuring that we have rest and stuff like that but how many of us and sunshine but how many of us are very keen on managing our stress while at the same time at the same time we're preaching the other aspects of the health message but we are always stressed out and i'd like to suggest you that god is not pleased because stress has major implications on the body and not good implications by the way major negative implications on the body and on our spiritual life but for some reason that is something that we leave untouched we don't talk about it much in church we hardly ever hear a sermon on it and quite frankly people think that if you don't want to be chronically stressed out you are lazy but i'd like to suggest to you that you cannot be chronically stressed out and completely surrendered to god at the same time that's the story and i'm sticking to it all right so there are two types of stress in existence there is distress and there you stress distress you stress let's start with you stress you stress is that kind of extra burst of energy that you get two days before a deadline when you know that you need to get something done and all of a sudden you can still longer all of a sudden you can focus much more um intensely all of a sudden you know all the distractions just seem to fade away because that physiological stress that you experience puts your body in a fight or flight scenario so that you can accomplish a task and that you stress is beneficial in the bigger scheme of things it works so to your benefit is not detrimental to your health it helps you to accomplish tasks eustress is useful it is very good now there's another type of stress that we call distress this stress is the kind of stress that we want to talk about being stressed out that's the one that we're talking about it affects the ability to sleep it affects your ability to focus you rethink your quality of life you say boy life is not as good as i thought it was going to be sometimes you start questioning god you tend towards depression and anxiety that kind of stress is what we call distress the one where you you dread getting up in the mornings or you don't really want to have this conversation with this person because you know all them do stress you out that is distress that is not good for you and that is unfortunately what many of us so-called bible-believing christians experience 24-7 and that's a problem you cannot be chronically stressed out and completely surrendered to god at the same time i have seven points to support this thought process and i ask you to just stay with me a little bit longer as we go through these seven points the first point is that there is no excuse for being chronically stressed out no excuse for it turn the bibles with me to our scripture reading philippians 4 verse 6. you know i'll be using some bible verses today that you've seen a million times i never stopped long enough to actually think them through but let's let's look at philippians 4 verse 6. it says do not be anxious for anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to god friends the bible didn't say do not be anxious about the little things or do not be anxious about the big things it says do not be anxious about anything now we find excuses to say you know it's okay if i'm a little bit stressed out about this it's okay if you know i i'm always stressed out about the fact that i have so much to do it's okay god understands friends god might understand but he doesn't excuse it because he said explicitly in his words do not be anxious for anything but in some situations no no no but in every situation by prayer and petition some versions say by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving make your requests known unto god or present your request to god so in every situation god expects us to present our situation to him he expects us to be thankful for where he's brought us to and for the fact that he will bring us through it and then not be anxious about it so why then do we excuse our underlying sense of stress and anxiety it's not excusable as i said it may be understandable that you're going through a rough time and it is understandable it's not a place to pack up and live i started the top by explaining to you that i've been there because it happens to the best of us but it's not a place to stay the moment you find yourself in sin what do you do or what are you supposed to do you're supposed to confess repent and ask god to bring you out of it sister white speaks about it in um in steps to christ that you know the progression when you realize and you've come to the understanding that listen god and in a position where i'm not supposed to be that the progression is first you're supposed to confess your sins to god you're supposed to repent of them create a plan for how you're going to get out of it and then run so why do we stay in this position well it's because of how we've been cultured we've been cultured to believe that it is okay to be chronically stressed but i'd like to change that paradigm today martin luther he said i have so much to do that i must spend the first three hours in prayer i have so much to do that i must spend the first three hours in prayer how many of us you know don't don't show me don't show me hands i know i don't think we really want to know but how many of us from time to time find ourselves so stressed out and have so much to do that we forget to pray or you stop knowing that you need to go and pray but you just said look i don't have the time for this right now my brain not enough space where i can't even manage to talk to god or sometimes you're even stressed oh that god you know god why would he do this to me why would he do this to me well martin luther said that he has so much to do that he will spend the first three hours in prayer and i believe him this is a quote i came across in the first part of medical school it was right around that time when you know the fdt examiner and the onions and yeah right all of that and when i realized that i realized that instead of sacrificing my devotional time it's better investment it's a better investment on my half an hour in the mornings to spend the time quieting my mind and talking to god so that he can guide me through the day so that i don't have to be stressed out about it because i know that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me remember you can do all things but only through him if he strengthens you so it doesn't really make sense trying to do it on your own and then hoping that you know you'll fix your relationship with him later on he said that you need to first come to him and that is why martin luther was okay spending the first three hours in prayer because in the other 20 never too good on months 21 hours for the day he would be being productive and as efficient as possible ensuring that he was accomplishing the things according to the plans that god had laid out that's the first point there's no excuse for being stressed out chronically stressed out i'm talking the second one there's no benefit to chronic stress first there was no excuse no there is no benefit i'm making a case here matthew 6 34. here's what it says matthew 6 34 therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries today's trouble is enough for today or the evil of today's sufficient thereof depending on which version you look at don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow is going to bring its own struggles it's going to bring its own reasons to worry but even tomorrow is still not supposed to worry again and it is because inherent in worrying is distrust in god you cannot be trusting in god and fritting about the situation at the same time that's not how it works because he told you explicitly do not worry so by virtue of accepting a very worrisome um disposition you find yourself not trusting in god that's not an okay place to be friends because when you're not trusting in god he's not able to work the miracles in your life so by worrying not only are you stunting your progress because you're not as efficient and as effective as you would have wanted to be but you're also pushing god out of the equation not allowing him to work in your life so there really is no inherent benefit to this worrying thing now i know what you're going to say is andre i know i'm not supposed to worry and it's not good for me and all these things but it's just so hard and i just can't seem to not worry well we're going to get to a solution to that problem in a few minutes but let's move on to number three in the meantime there are opportunity costs to worry there are opportunity costs to be chronically stressed out there are opportunity costs to not put in your faith entirely in jesus and here's what as a matter of fact i'll share with you a quote that i came across that really really it you know it changed the way i view life the dalai lama the dalai lama is uh tibetan i'm religious leader i'm not saying you necessarily should go and follow his religion that's not what i'm saying obviously not but i'm saying that what he said here is quite profound and i'd love to share with you so he was asked in an interview what surprised him the most about humanity and this was his response man because he sacrifices his health in order to make money then he sacrifices his money to recuperate health and he's so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present the result being that he does not live in the present or the future he lives as if he is never going to die and then dies having never really lived friends if we spend all our lives stressing about what is going to happen tomorrow guess what tomorrow will never come and you'll always be stressed and you'll die still stressing about what is going to come afterwards there's an opportunity cost to that because when god expects us to be out there witnessing when god expects us to be making the best use of the opportunities he has given us so that we can be impactful for him we're here fighting about the fact that we don't think we can do it and then time passes by and our health wins and then the money that we were stressing about making in the first place we're now spent to recuperate the health that we wasted while stressing about making the money that we end up never actually getting to the point where we can have the impact for god to what end there lies a fundamental question our existence as human beings to what end are we toiling why are we doing this thing and if you're a bible believing christian you'll understand and agree that the end to which we are laboring is to know god and make him known that is ultimately our responsibility on earth that is the christian's worldview that our job here is to know god and make him known to people all right so i've explained that there are opportunity costs because the time you spend worrying it should have been working towards the end that god has designed for you but no you're worried so we've established that so let's move on to the next point the fact that there are both physical and mental health implications of chronic stress now i figured you know today's health day is probably where you expect me to spend the most time but the truth of the matter is i'm pretty sure most of you have heard these things before so i'll actually just skim over it let's just choose a random system in the body any random system and i can tell you at least one thing that is detrimental in that body system by um as a result of chronic stress so let's start with the musculoskeletal system ever felt tense your muscles are just so tense all over you know when they get a massage and eventually you loosen up those knots and eventually everything starts to relax you realize that it was chronic stress that was holding the tension in your musculoskeletal system and that's not good these are things associated with spasm later on in life then and a lot of degenerative changes have been linked to having chronically tight muscles and muscle tension that is held for a long time is not good for your health in fact it's quite detrimental in terms of your central nervous system have you ever met that person or probably you are that person who always has a headache no there are persons with genuine organic problems that cause their headaches i'm not being dismissive of that but by and large a lot of our counterparts always have a headache so much so that i have to take a tablet to get rid of the headache and it takes so many tablets to get rid of these headaches that when they stop taking the tablets then they come on as a withdrawal from the tablets that they were taking for the headache and so they're just always taking the tablet you know the truth is if they had taken a minute drink some water get a good nap and then just pray about the fact that they're chronically stressed out and they want god to help them through a lot of these headaches would have just gone away a lot of these headaches are actually caused just by vocal tension headaches they're really just caused by being in an overly um stimulated space you're always on your phone you're always doing this running ripping and rolling and then your brain just not used to under so much pressure let's pause for a moment here and let me give you a quick a quick um you know see if i can explain a little bit more on the physiological basis of what goes on when we're chronically stressed out so there are two aspects of what we call the autonomic nervous system there is a fight or flight and then there's a rest and digest sympathetic parasympathetic point is one of them causes you to be able to get up and run from the tiger when it is coming behind you and the other one causes you to be able to lay down at night breathe and relax and go to sleep and your body can digest your food and you can feel good and move on in your life no there's a delicate balance that ought to exist between these two arms of the autonomic system the autonomic nervous system is such that when the sympathetic system or your fight or flight response is engaged all the blood that was going to be going to your digestive organs are no diverted or is not diverted to the places like your heart your brain adrenal glands and your musculoskeletal system so that you can run or so that you can fight have you ever you know been in a car accident for example and all of a sudden your heart just starts to race and then you feel like you're on edge and just ready to knock down anybody who come too close to you that's because your sympathetic system is in overdrive it has taken over in that moment so you can do what fight or flight as in fight our own that's the flight part of it right cool on the other end is the rest and digest the reason sister white encourages us to go on a casual stroll after a big meal in the day the reason she says that you're supposed to just you know take some time to let your food digest it's because the moment you start exercising you know your brain and your physical body doing a lot of strenuous things then the blood is then diverted from your gut and from the areas of rest and digest to your fight or flight response now many of us exist in this fight or flight state for the majority of our lives that's not a good place to be because then end up with hypertension diabetes and all of these things as a result of too much stress hormone in your body running around because your body wants to know always be running always be fighting and as a result of that you end up with higher levels of stress hormone i'm going to just throw this question out there maybe somebody can tell me if anybody on youtube has answered it correctly but what is known as a stereotypical stress hormone can anybody tell me maybe somebody can type it in the chat and zoom if somebody says it in in on on youtube what is known as a stress hormone one person said let me google it all right i can't run you for that go ahead and google it in the meantime i'm sure somebody on on youtube might have sent the the answer there but i'll go ahead and tell you what it is as a matter of fact let me tell you some effects of the stress hormone the stress hormone is normally released in pulses throughout the day so much so that there's a point in the day when it is at a much higher level than other points when it starts to fall off this stress hormone is actually highest around 8 am you know when you're thinking to start your day the sun has come up and your your circadian rhythm is such that at that point in your day your body needs to be most effective at getting stuff done and it's lowest in nights when you're supposed to be going to bed there we go somebody said it's cortisol absolutely no cortisol the primary stress hormone listen okay so jeremy just sent something in in in in the chat and it was what i was going to explain to you but since somebody else has proven it let me just read exactly what he took from google it's what he said he said cortisol the primary stress hormone here's what it says increases sugars glucose in the bloodstream enhances your brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues now it's interesting that he should say that primary stress hormone cortisol increases sugars in the blood anybody ever hear about this condition that they're called high blood sugar hyperglycemia diabetes mellitus diabetes bm whatever you want however you want to slice it or dice it now can you see that direct link between having consistently elevated levels of this stress hormone cortisol and having consistently elevated blood sugar levels the role of the hormone was to increase your blood sugar in the first place so if you always have this blood sugar that is high then you're at risk of developing diabetes by wearing out your pancreas and ending up you know with this full-blown diabetic problem which so many of our or of our friends and colleagues are seeing themselves have earlier onset um diabetes these days and you wonder you know what is the underlying problem certainly or diet and lack of exercise has a lot to do with it but i'd also like to suggest that stress does too having elevated levels of cortisol the endocrine dysfunction that you may end up with as i mentioned is diabetes mellitus so let's keep going through the different body systems so let's look at your cardiovascular system hypotension has been linked to having chronically elevated stress levels in fact one of the things that we we say to patients when their blood sugar when their blood pressure is too high is all right we ask them are you stressed out is there anything stressing you out right now is this your normal or usual level of stress or are you going through a period now where you're just a little bit more stressed out than usual and a lot of times if you manage stress i imagine other lifestyle factors and their blood pressure will come right down i'm not saying to not take your blood pressure medication that is not what i am saying i am saying though that we need to take care of the fundamental issues with our health or the lack thereof of which health and of which stress is definitely definitely a big one all right so many of us may know that when women are very stressed or they may not even see their period because that is certainly linked also with having elevated stress levels and you know i can't go on and on for the gastrointestinal system you can end up with gastritis or some people say it is um it is also a lot of times not quite also but essentially you end up with um a situation where your stomach starts to bleed a lot of different possibilities there but gastritis has certainly been linked to having elevated stress levels and the last one that i want to touch on and perhaps the one that many of us are not as familiar with as we should but elevated levels of stress i.e having chronically elevated cortisol levels will in fact cause you to have an impaired immune system now the science is very clear and i'm sure many of us who are not very inclined to understanding the science will also agree that just anecdotally if you're chronically stressed to realize they get more colds and flus and stuff like that a lot a lot a lot easier than the average person does but i just throw it out there that a lot of patients who are on immunosuppression meaning we're trying to tone down their immune system for whatever reason whatever the condition is that they have where their body is fighting off itself basically i want to tone down their immune system what do we do we give them cortisol cortisol the stress hormone is what we give them to bring their immune system all the way down so that it doesn't fight itself so if you're always having elevated cortisol levels in your body then you're not going to be able to fight anything at all that's just how it works the science is very clear now of course we don't give them cartesian itself but we give them versions of cortisol created in the lab which does the same thing that cortisol does because has the same molecular structure anyway throw at the nerd for a moment and back to the the the spiritual aspect of all of this i am suggesting to you that if all of these negative things result from being chronically stressed out it cannot be what god wants for his children i hope you understand that because god will never call us to do something that is going to negatively impact our health when he's the same one who said that we're supposed to take care of the temple of the lord i.e our body so then why is it that we consistently excuse excuse being so stressed out in life let's move on to the next point as we as we we look to wrap up there are spiritual implications of being chronically stressed so i told you about some of the physical implications there are spiritual implications to being chronically stressed turn it back with me to first john 4 verse 18. first john 4 verse 18. i'll go ahead and read it says there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love friends read it from whichever version of the bible that you're willing to read but you'll get the same understanding which is that fear and love cannot coexist it is one or the other and you know it is it's interesting that god loves us so much that he wants only what's good for us and we're expected to love him so much that we do only what's good for him but the truth is if we're doing what's good for god it's also what is good for us and it's a win-win we can literally have a win-win but somehow we decide to go on the other end of the spectrum where we fear instead of having faith but i'd like to suggest to you that if you are chronically stressed out and always fearing the future then it means you're not giving over everything to god and you're not allowing him to lead because fear and perfect love do not coexist all right so the next one for this one i won't even give you a bible verse it's just a thought process that i want you to subscribe to and you know take take your time think it through and see if you want to do it but number six chronic stress is not to be praised chronic stress is not to be praised many of us when somebody asks us you know how are you doing he said boy i'm stressed out you know you kind of want the person's pity but at the same time you want their their um their their approval of the fact that you're doing something good with your life man yes man you're pressing on you're pressing towards the mark of the high calling you know you you're working working every day so you should feel good in yourself because you're doing a good job you're always moving you're always stressed out well guess what that is why we're having this this this this mammoth problem know where stress has become a pandemic i know we're in the pa you know covered pandemic not necessarily trying to play on that but even from before coving the world health organization had had established that being chronically stressed is of mammoth proportions and right across the world is causing health problems but why is it that we have not taken this and run with it as we have run with nutrition and diet and stuff like that it's because we have gotten to a place where we praise being chronically stressed out honestly there was a time in my life where i thought that the more i could pack in a day is the better job i'm doing at serving god and moving towards my goals but stop for a moment and look at the people who are really at the peak of their performance and you'll realize that they don't try to pack more things into less time they actually understand that less is more the more you focus your energy on the given things that god has called you to do and stop filling it up with all the other junk out there then you'll realize you can streamline your focus do deep work and just move forward without being stuck with other clutter that comes with always being stressed out now the point i'm making is that you're doing harm to yourself and to the people whom you praise when they're stressed out instead of saying to them okay take a minute reset and ensure that you're on the right path no what do we do we say that when you're stressed out it means that you're doing a good job and it should keep going i'd like us to re-evaluate that thought process in light of everything else that i've been explaining and finally and perhaps most importantly among the seven points is that there is a solution to chronic stress i've given you all the problems with it well i'd like to give you some good news today to let you know that there is a solution to chronic stress and i'd like to turn the bible with me to matthew 10 verses 28 to 30. i told you i'd be using verses that you're already familiar with i just hope you see them in this new light no it says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest let's pause here for a moment are you one that is heavy labored or heavy laden do you labor under heavy lane well god said that he will give you rest he said take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light now friends i want you to understand that this idea of being easier being light is relative so certainly the christian walk is not easy by a long shot you know doing the things that god has called us to do is not a light burden by a long shot however relative to not doing it it is very easy and the yoke is very light just compare a life filled with faith and trusting in god versus one where you're chronically stressed out having bad health problems and then you end up dying and going to hell having never really learned of god and having never really been drawn closer to him one of them is obviously a better life and that is what god said when he said that his yoke is easy and his burden is like it's relative to a life where you're not trusting in god where you're not giving god everything now i i kind of started out by vilifying you know all the things that we always talk about in um in in new start i spoke about the fact that nutrition and exercise and stuff like that we talk about all the time but then there are other things that we don't but let's just go back to that for a quick second and there are two things in here that i'd like to point out to you the two things that start with t temperance and trust in god if you understand these two tenets of health very well and put them to work for you you will realize that you cannot be chronically stressed out and completely surrendered to god at the same time i'll end on this note matthew 14 verses 29 to 30. in fact the whole of matthew 14 right he's a lot of that that passage in matthew 14 gives us a story and i'll just start by relating the first part of the story because you know this story all too well so the disciples were out at sea and you know the sea was just rough and all of a sudden they saw this ghostly figure walking towards them underwater that ghostly figure turned out to be jesus himself and then peter said lord is that you and jesus said yes it is me and peter said listen lord if that is you that instruct me to come to you and this is what verse 29 verses 29 to 30 said remember peter just said lord if that is you instruct me to come to you and this is what peter what is what um jesus said come jesus said come then peter got out of the boat walked underwater and came towards jesus let's let's stick a pin right here so for a second peter who is well aware of you know how to sail on water how to swim in water has never seen somebody walk on water that's how he thought that jesus was adopted he literally thought he was a ghost but peter who knows that about water got out of the boat and started to walk on water peter acknowledged in this moment that what god had called him to do was not normal in fact it was supernatural it could not be explained by science by physics by medicine by nothing like that because surface tension cannot hold up a whole human being if you should walk on water can hold up an ant he can't hold up a human being so he understood very well that what he was called to do was not normal but it was ordained by god and it was instructed by god because god jesus literally said and so peter got out and he walked on the water and he came towards jesus but here it is now the bible said but when peter saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink and cried out lord saved save me so so just imagine this story peter is walking on water doing something supernatural while looking on jesus focusing on jesus then the wind came in obviously he can't see the wind but he would have seen the waves coming up and he would have felt the wind and he would have taken his focus maybe his eyes were still on jesus i don't know where his eyes already have never said that but his focus hundred percent shifted it now shifted to the wind to the circumstances the things going on around him is where peter shifted his focus too and then he became afraid man if you don't get anything else to get this when he was focusing on jesus he was not afraid but he started to focus on the wind and he became afraid and then he started to sink many of us are currently focusing on the winds that life will blow at us we're focused on the circumstances around us instead of being focused on jesus but then the bible continued to say that when peter started to sing jesus reached out and saved him so i just want to encourage us today as we're sinking in this stress and this this new you know this fast-paced way of living that has us been chronically stressed out also just stop one moment and understand that if we're always stressed out we can't be focusing on god and by virtue of not focusing on god our spiritual life is suffering and their opportunity costs to doing that so god is reaching out to us today and he's saying come my child walk out on the water and i will sustain you put your faith and your trust in me and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is light friends if this is your desire that today you will stop with this foolishness about praising being chronically stressed out and not having time for god not having time for the things that he has called you to actually do with your life then i invite you to just make a decision for god today there are instructions on the screen as to how you can do that all i want you to do for me right now in this moment just close your eyes and say god i choose you god i choose you then follow the instructions on the screen but please to make that decision today guys that you will choose god faith over fear you will put faith in god and not be fearful about the situations around you so you don't start sinking like peter or if you're sinking you can reach out and touch his hand he is trying to pick you back up so friends if this is your desire and you know you want to give everything to god today and you want to trust him and you want to stop being fearful because you understand that not only is it hurtful to your health but also to your spiritual life i invite you to bow your heads with me and let us pray dear god you have seen the decisions made by your children you've seen that many of us many of us who seem to have our lives together are in this state of being chronically stressed out and we understand that it has physical mental and spiritual implications for us and certainly eternal implications because if the devil can keep us focused on the fact that we can't do things then our spiritual life will suffer and we won't be able to make it with you to heaven the devil doesn't really care whether we're going around in circles being always stressed out in fact that helps him but you want us to be steady on the straight and narrow path with our eyes fixed on you and our focus never wavering and so today i ask that you'll give each of us the strength to go through our trials to go through our stressful situations i pray that everybody leaving this place today would have gotten an appreciation for this reality that a life with you is ten times better and certainly less stressful than a life that is without you father when it's all said and done i pray that none of us within hearing of my voice or even myself will get lost in this you know hustling bustle of the 21st century world and end up losing our way but that we will all meet on the other side of jordan even if we never get to see each other in person again we'll be sure to meet in the new jerusalem and these are the mercies i ask in jesus holy and precious name amen amen amen amen we give god thanks for the spoken word thank you dr mohan singh on behalf of our pastor and the members of or sydney mr church for sharing in our worship service today and thank you all those who have participated so far for sharing in this worship service in response to the word that we have heard today i'm gonna be singing the closing hymn which is number 532 day by day and with each passing moment [Music] day by day and we teach passing moment strength i find to meet my children trusting in my father's wise bestowment i have no cost [Music] he [Music] lovingly it's part of clean and pleasure mingling toys [Music] every day the lord himself is near me with a special mercy for each old all my cares if ain't would bear and cheer me he whose name is counselor and poor the protection of his toilet treasure is the church that on himself he lit as thy days thy strength shall be in measure this the pledge to me amen help me then in every tribulation so to trust thy promises o lord that i lose not faith with consolation [Music] offer me within thy holy word [Applause] one by one the days the moment fleeting till i reach the promised land let us pray heavenly father we give you thanks and praise today for this worship experience we thank you for your holy spirit who was here with us we thank you for the prayers that are sending to you we thank you for the songs we thank you for your spoken spoken word thank you lord for your manservant young man who has committed this life of service to you in ministry and in medicine we pray every father you continue to bless him and sustain him by your grace we pray that as heirs of the word lord we will see to align ourself with the laws of health lord because you wish above all things lord that we should prosper and be in hell we know lord that many of us are fearful but pray heavenly father that you replace our fair with faith may we lord recognize that you are the chief minister of health may we recognize lord that you are the bomb in gilead may we recognize lord that you are the great physician so whatever our elf issues are you are able or to fix it so may we take our problems our brokenness to you knowing lord that you can give us release bless our everybody lord we pray in a very special way for our members who are not doing so well those who are sick we want to place the very special way sister melinda palmer who will be undergoing some medical procedure next week be praying father that you will be with her in a very special way be with the doctors we pray lord that you will help her not to be fearful but to have faith in you thank you for your leading thank you for your blessing and we look forward to the day when sickness will be over we look for today when we will heat of the tree of life that will sustain us we look for today when jesus will come and create a new order until then lord keep us true and faithful and we look forward to today to celebrate with jesus in the earth made you now in benediction may the blessing of god father son and holy spirit rest remain and abide with us now and forevermore amen we thank you brothers and sisters for worshiping with us today and we hope that he will join us this afternoon in our as we continue um in this health series please the link will be sent in the group so please join us this afternoon for the afternoons program god bless you and you have a pleasant server [Music] so many songs have tested him throughout the course of time so many still reach out to him with broken hearts and minds and every one of them will say there's no exceptions that they fight the jesus [Music] he brought his people through and then he came to show his love for me and then he rose again to prove that every story had been true and jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sometimes this world brings troubles i find so hard to bear i know i could not make it without jesus [Music] that jesus never faced so what can i do to prove this to you tell me how can you deny no untold facts no mysteries it's all so cut and dry [Music] don't you know don't you know jesus [Music] because jesus [Music] never fails jesus never [Music] jesus never [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus
Channel: Sydenham S.D.A Church
Views: 762
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: #seventh-day adventist, sydenham sda church, i will go sda, sydenhamsdalive, i will go - chosen to go, sabbath service, cjcsda, evangelism, virtual church service, virtual church, sydenham sda virtual church, advent message sda, lead me lord, Go Ye therefore and teach all nations, giving thanks, Praying for a Heart like Jesus, online church service live, Called Equipped. Time to Go, September 11, seventh day adventist, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, healthy living, Health Day
Id: Zel1pueBDug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 6sec (11106 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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