Burial Service for the late Sis. Tameka Campbell || September 16, 2021

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] hello and welcome to the signum fda church youtube channel for the service at the graveside for the late sister tamika campbell we thank you for joining us here today on our youtube channel we encourage you to like to share and to subscribe to the signum fda church youtube channel today we'll be taking you on the journey that we are going to make to reach the place of internment stick around with us as we'll take a musical selection at this time be blessed [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus is [Music] jesus is teaching a temple [Music] no one speaks like him [Music] we live just to die for our sins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] dying for our sins [Music] yahweh jesus is buried but he will not stay no he will not say is [Music] jesus is rising now he lives again [Music] god [Applause] again [Music] again hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the day that we dreaded most you know while we were going through all of the the whole pain of trying to just come to a place where we accept the fact that tamika has passed this day when she will be finally placed beneath the surface of the earth is the day for me i dreaded this day most of all and i i am i am just just a friend so i can't imagine the pain that garfield matthew um tommy's sister and other family members and friends are experiencing but i want you as we prepare to transition from here to cut the place of internment let us remember that this will not be the last time we will see tamika i will remind you of the the quote i shared yesterday from the book education page 305 where the servant of the lord said that guardian angels will mark the spot where tamika will be laid and on resurrection morning her guardian angels will be the first to to greet her matthew you have to be strong for daddy and daddy you have to be strong for matthew and for sister sharion and and um and tyrone it's not going to be easy church family members it's not going to be easy but as a songwriter says one day at a time sweet jesus that's all i'm asking of you he will give your strength for each day and write hope for each tomorrow i know that many of us are anticipating just to take a last view a last glance but we have to do our very best to ensure that you know we we we support brother marty and at this time we will not open here but hopefully when we get to the graveside we will just have a short a very brief uh viewing of of sister tommy's body at this time we're gonna just pray and um and then we're going to be on our way to the dove cut let us borrow heads of prayer eternal god and our heavenly father this morning is indeed a very sad day even the sun refuses to shine in its fullness but we know lord that while the sun is not giving us the fullness of the light we're happy to know that you're willing to shine in our hearts and so this morning we pray for the entire family we pray for sharia and we pray for matthew we pray for garfield we pray for tyrone and all the other members of the family friends and loved ones it's not easy but we believe lord that you will give us strength for each day and write hope for each tomorrow as we leave from this place to the place of internment we ask that you will go before us fly the chops of the enemy we pray that even as we journey to dove cut this morning that your angels will be dispatched to beat and to keep in check the forces of evil we pray lord that everything will be done according to your will and we ask now that you will strengthen strengthen your people strengthen martyrs strengthen garfield give them strength we pray shari and tyrone and all of us give us strength we look forward to the day when that itself shall die and we also look forward to the day when if we only live for you and remain faithful in spite of the pain when the eastern sky would have been rolled up like a scroll and those who then christ will comfort from the grave in their new bodies help us lord solely that we'll be able to reunite with sister tamika again in jesus name i pray amen and amen coming soon jesus not just a savior [Music] [Music] [Music] is coming soon coming soon jesus in all his glory are just a savior [Music] [Music] for he is coming soon once he came [Music] and [Music] bow and worship his great name [Music] coming soon jesus [Music] [Music] for he is coming soon [Music] when he comes he'll bind the power of old satan little children with the land and lion will play all the earth with his glory for all tears are wiped away [Music] coming soon jesus in all his glory not just [Music] [Music] [Music] he is coming soon [Music] coming soon [Music] jesus in all his glory not just a savior but a raining king coming soon and the whole world will be with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] give way take your troubles to the lord ask him to take them all and as long as he leave them there [Music] and just rest in [Music] rest in the arms [Music] [Music] there are times when your heart [Music] [Music] just go down on your knees ask him to fix [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus oh don't let him see [Music] hallelujah there are times of god but we feel as if we're all alone seems like there is no way out of our situation but i'm here to tell you that jesus got you back and all you have to do is relax and rest in his heart [Music] [Music] his promises never fail if you believe your will always [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] trust don't ever see he's asking me [Music] when you feel like you wanna stray when all around you gives way take your troubles to the lord ask him to take them and as long as you believe i'll know you will receive leave them there [Music] and just rest in here [Music] of jesus [Music] [Music] there are times when your heart is filled with grief and bad but jesus understands [Music] just go down on your knees ask him to fix [Music] [Applause] jesus oh [Music] [Music] and [Music] is [Music] when the road is called up yonder when the roll is called up yonder i'll be there on that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in christ shall rise and his resurrection shame when the chosens one shall gather to their home beyond the skies and the road is called up yonder i'll be there oh when the world is called up yonder when the roar is called a piano when the road is called up yeah under when the world is called up yonder i'll be there shall we boy heads of prayer eternal god in our heavenly father we have come now to the place where your daughter tamika will be laid to rest we pray no lord that as we gather at this grief side that angels will attend to and to matthew garfield sharia and tyrone and all the other members of the family and those of us who are here to give support and also to mourn with the family we ask no god that you will comfort them we know that this is not the end for tamika because we believe in your words lord that resurrection mourning is coming and so now lord it is difficult it is painful but we ask for strength and we ask lord for grace and for hope this morning we pray now that you will draw close lord to every family member to every person here at the gravesite and perhaps those who are viewing online we pray that you will provide comfort help us to understand lord that not long from now that itself shall die and we will reunite with our loved ones hear an answer prayer we ask in jesus name amen i heard a great voice from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things i passed away at this time we're going to be lowering the casket so i'm going to invite the paul bearers and the attendants at the graveside to assist sharian for as much as god in his infinite love and wisdom has permitted our dear sister to fall asleep in christ we do tenderly commit her body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust in the shore and a certain hope of a joyful resurrection when our lord shall return in glory then this body of our humiliation shall be changed and made like his glorious body according to the mighty working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself and this time we'll be singing a few hymns and choruses as we will sing is there's a land that is fairer than dead by faith we can see it afar there's a land that is favored and they join with me and by faith we can see it for the father waits over the way the father waits over the way to prepare us to prepare us the darling place in the sweet or when the sweet in the sweet by and by by and by we shall meet on that beautiful show beautiful show in the sweet in the sweet bye and bye bye and bye we shall meet on that beautiful shore sing on that beautiful show in the sweet and the [Music] we shall meet on that beautiful show [Music] [Music] by [Music] we shall be there are some choruses that are shared in the program and we're going to sing no grave can hold my body down as the word men continue to work [Music] [Music] hold my body down [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] can hold my body down [Music] shall rise one last time please hold my body down we shall have a new name in that land in that sunny land new name precious name in that sunny land new name precious name in that sunny land oh we shall have a new name in that new name precious name in that oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is precious name in that sunny day i'm gonna walk the streets of glory by and by by and by i'm gonna walk the streets of glory by and by by and by i'm gonna [Music] the streets of glory by and by by and by we're gonna walk the streets of glory by and by by and by streets of glory we're gonna sing redemption story what the streets of glory by and by we should stand by when the morning comes when all the saints are gone [Applause] we will understand it better by and by by and by oh overcome all the saints are gathered together home we will tell the story how we overcome we will understand it later by and by oh oh [Music] we shall have a grand time up in heaven have a grandson oh we shall have a grand time in heaven we shall have a grand time up in heaven [Music] oh um [Music] [Music] oh i'm gonna walk the streets of glory by and by by and by we're gonna walk the streets of glory by and by by and by oh we're gonna walk the streets of glory we're gonna sing redemption story we're gonna walk the streets of glory by and by oh we're gonna walk the streets of glory by and by by and by where are we gonna walk walk walk and we're gonna sing redemption story we're gonna walk the streets of glory by and by oh i know where i am going i know yes i know i know where i am going i know yes i know [Applause] i know where i am just want to read at this time the acknowledgement the family of the late tamika campbell wishes to express sincere thanks and appreciation for to friends and families for the comforting expressions of love and support extended during this time of bereavement may god bless you all let us call our heads as we pray loving eternal father indeed we want to give you thanks for this opportunity for us to be here to say farewell to our dear sister in this life [Music] for you said in your words that i am the resurrection and the life so we are assured that one day not far from now we will see our dear sister tamika again we pray oh god that you help us all to be faithful help us to be true and help us lord to make our calling on the election shore i pray for every member of the family i pray for every member of our church family lord may your blessings continually to be with us and as we prepare to leave this plot of ground i ask lord for your guidance and your leading to be with us i pray lord your constant blessing to be upon us and grant lord that in that final getting up morning when we shall once again see our dear sister tamika i pray lord that you would keep us all faithful is our prayers in jesus name amen amen amen god bless you everyone let us continue to keep the family in our prayers and let us continue to serve the thoughts that she said we would like to thank you all for joining us for this thanksgiving service and barrel service for sister tamika campbell we really appreciate all the persons who have joined us on all our spirit social media platforms on behalf of the family both in jamaica and abroad pastors elders and the church family at large we say thank you for joining us i'd like to say a special thank you to operator of your blade and the rest of the production team here at sydney authentic church for making two days these two days successful remember to like share and subscribe to our youtube channel and turn on post notification so whenever we go live you will be notified until we meet again do keep safe until we meet again to fifth tamika or auntie or motivational speaker a woman of god tamika miki tummy on that great it's not morning in the sky for in a little while we are going home [Music] by the grace by the grace hallelujah glory hallelujah by the grace the grace of god [Music] i am oh by the grace hallelujah i have been walking and walking with jesus that's why i'm safe and i've been talking and talking with jesus hallelujah [Music] how sweet how sweet the sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] worry the grace of god grace [Music] grace [Music] [Music] in grace [Music] [Music] [Music] my savior's in heaven interceding for me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] the grace of god i am [Music] you
Channel: Sydenham S.D.A Church
Views: 4,479
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Keywords: Tameka Campbell, Tameka, Tammy, Mekkie, sydenham sda church, #sydenhamsdalive
Id: SKcMqn2N_VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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