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playground go bye-bye I mean it kinda did I guess it just fell over you fell off plus ratio plus you're a playground maybe give it a glass of water and a warm meal and it'll wake right back up you know what I'm saying someone just lost their suitcase oh they just straight up left it it looks like it's in the middle of nowhere out there gotta cut on Booth fingers and now can't hold a pick oh well you're gonna have to start working on the middle fingers man and not just for what you used to work on them for I was enjoying my vacation was all right someone's always got to be breaking the hell in vecna happening to my lettuce it's what oh so your lettuce is just getting gross who infected it blue waffles did our cat didn't like his new litter box finally found the smell oh thanks you little turd you know my cat munchkin did that a couple of times then I put him in a pillowcase for four days and no we don't have that problem I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I don't want any of you to think that I'm not joking and start yelling at me on Twitter about something like no don't don't it was clearly a goddamn joke at least for now my beer froze a bit a bit you want to undersell more things to me man your beer froze so hard it has a thrasher metal haircut my thumbnail after getting hit with a piece of granite it was hit with a piece of granite you need to give us some more detail here ask my wife to keep the oven on low for the burgers puts it on low broil and forget to take the plastic cover off no oh hey well those don't look too bad let's be real someone's shoveling bugs tomorrow wow I'm speechless uh if I showed up to work and I was told I had to clean that up I'd quit no I'm not an arrogant jackass that wouldn't do my job I hate bugs I will not get near bugs get the boy away from me you creepy little freaks I accidentally dropped the tab into the can I've only done that once you just gotta be real careful going forward dude came home after a 12 plus hour day of work to find this did it cause any structural damage to your home or anything like that or is it just gonna be annoying to get out of the way seriously think about this one could have been a lot worse got home and there's no meat on my bacon cheeseburger to be fair the bacon and cheese are spot on yeah that's definitely interesting it definitely does not beat however the one time I ordered a few regular the dollar cheeseburgers from McDonald's and when I got home there was no beef patty it was cheese and condiments on bread I begrudgingly ate everything anyway looks like someone tried to steal my car last night well they certainly tried I wonder why they gave up maybe because they noticed halfway through there's a clutch and they didn't want to bother with a manual when the earthquake hits at the wrong time oh well now everybody knows that uh you're no I'm sorry I'm not even gonna bother I'm not even gonna bother sorry guys ordered a Quarter Pounder from ubereats three pound delivery fee and other fees um something seems a little incorrect here also can we just talk about the fact that your five dollar burger becomes a forty seven dollar order through Uber and doordash and whoever but the driver gets paid nine cents and if you don't give them a giant tip they virtually make nothing at all these services are trash Oh that's where my prescription sunglasses went oh into the lawnmower why'd you put them there that's a terrible place to put them tripped and grabbed my car door handle oh I know what's got yep there It Is Well you know how cars are constructed these days poorly my poor neighbor Direct Hit oh shoot let's hope he's got the full coverage for that one the roundabout near my house caught fire just the roundabout how often does a roundabout have anything happen to it at all let alone fire it took me 15 minutes to finally get the key out of the ignition oh Honda thanks a lot well and any other car brand there are those moments where you just can't get the sucker out of there for some reason when your friends playing lands early in Atlanta but the break fails and catches fire upon Landing well look they're not designed to do that but they're designed to be able to safely stop if that happens first day in months I've had off to play games damn that um dude I I'm sorry that's an expensive Monitor and I apologize on behalf of the universe morning commute a nail got stuck to my tire last night and my tire decided to explode halfway to work well at least you're okay no seriously think about this sometimes you gotta look at the Silver Linings okay slip down the stairs and my elbow landed on my bag now my iPad is curved does it still work but does it does it still work though partner left this under the pan while cooking left what what is that a Zippo [ __ ] bag what a [ __ ] my robot projects feel off my wait my robot projects feel off my what is this and most of the parts are broken anyway let's take a look at the yeah oh no I'm so sorry went camping with the Buddies last weekend and found this surprise in my tire hey I found one of your tent pegs in case you were wondering where one went well I wasn't what would you like me to do about it no for real though that sucks dude my pizza that got delivered tonight looks like your pizza that's going to be returned or refunded completely I'll still eat it but I'm not gonna be paying for it if it's arriving like this come on my watermelon randomly exploded it actually full-on exploded are you sure you didn't do anything to it come on We're Not Gonna judge you none of the pieces fit this was supposed to be relaxing none of them fit dude return it take this photo with you and give it back look a lot of places are going to take it back no questions asked anyway dude rip food oh oh I see well I'm sorry man there's not much we can do for you just drive the sucker out and send it to a recycling facility how MSI returned to my parts from an RMA defective motherboard wow no that no they're paying for all of that [ __ ] MSI are you freaking kidding me are you actually kidding me screw you my sister dropped a liter bottle of buffalo sauce are you sure your sister didn't accidentally fall into pieces maybe rip open that's no come on before I was meant to wake up I heard a noise of something crashing to the ground and breaking into pieces didn't check immediately but got up a couple of minutes later to see this the shower door for those confused how in the hell did your shower door explode do you have a cat a cat that knows how to shoot a gun went kayaking in 100 degree heat put my sandals back on at the beach to find that they shrunk just a little bit just a teensy weensy little bit huh only two hours into having a six-year-old guest hope we can get it fixed a six-year-old guest was it someone else's kid well I think the parents get to buy you a new TV put a soda in the hotel refrigerator last night and apparently it was way colder than it should have been yes some of those are really just freezers that sucks I just wanted some chips well that's too damn bad dude chance of dying from this raw Sonic chicken sandwich oh your chance well I don't think it's very high but you should go back and say hey I just bit into a raw chicken sandwich what the [ __ ] well oh I'm so sorry moments like this are last straw that broke the camel's back kind of moments for a lot of people I know it would be for me someone broke into and now is living in my grandfather's old storefront and turned it into a drug den huh uh was no one watching the old storefront stray bullet hit the hood of my car on the fourth oh that's really really cool not only are people causing freaking wildfires because of their goddamn fireworks but they're shooting into the air which destroys people's property and can potentially kill them knock it the [ __ ] off this one tried to make it through the flooded Street did it work no it's a valuable lesson don't think you're better than the world don't think you're stronger than God I'm in Suite 86. okay Suites 1-29 uh 30-46 87 and 88 and um uh wait hold on maple syrup spilling in my fridge I'm not gonna lie that's actually devastating even if it's on a shelf where you can pop the sucker out and really clean it by hand that just feels awful either my dog got bored or somebody brought home a tall beaver and I can't find the beaver yeah I think your dog really got bored or you've got the weirdest termites in human history puppies ripped apart a neck pillow in my son's room millions of tiny polyester foam balls everywhere oh that's great micro Plastics to the freaking rescue and it was made for kids whoa whoa yeah the previous generations got lead poisoning we eat flick and plastic thanks a lot Boomers passengers totally fine car not so much well that's kind of the idea I know this sucks this definitely sucks but that's why cars are designed the way they are pull up the car you need to be able to walk away the wind knocked over a vase and it hit my treadmill just as I was going to start using it again hope it's not a sign nope I don't think it can be you just gotta keep going bro my FLT I don't know what that's supposed to be had some issues today right in the middle of a packaging delivery truck electrical system error contact your service partner what contact your sit now shut up hey cleaning a microwave is really fun and you're gonna learn on a trip book to first floor room first floor is really the basement beautiful view out of the tiny window your air conditioner probably works a little bit better down there though right someone sawed off my wing mirror this morning they sought it off can you make money off of a soda mirror can you what's even the point someone had a bad day in the DC Metro ice myself please help God bless what would you like me to do that will help you donate it with one cup to two girls thank you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 422,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Wellthatsucks
Id: fm52Ws4hTuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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