r/Facepalm | WHYYY?!??!!?!?

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amazing laminated two-dimensional braille how handy and helpful [Music] hey hey hey what's going on folks welcome back to mk it's me your host robin and today we're going to be taking another look at our slash face palm without any further ado let's hop right into it what did you bring the cap along for yeah i think people have just completely forgotten what the design of a baseball cap was meant for they've completely forgotten yo people born in 2003 or 23 now that's crazy american girls are really like this irl i'm not american i'm arizonian yeah employees have barrier to protect themselves customers oh man i'm gonna slap you in the face what a deal is it the asus rog strix nvidia geforce rtx 3060 ti is on sale for oh cool hey johnny is this a double or single decker ah it's how does this stuff happen there no way this was just an how how ask your doctor if medical advice from a television commercial is right for you look as long as you're asking the doctor i think we're all copacetic here so this lady came in this morning and walked up to the front desk to greet us before gasping loudly and saying i forgot my dog she forgot to bring her dog with her to the vet look we've all had a slip like that before man so i just bought a ti-84 and it was missing the i o port so i drilled a hole into where it's supposed to be and now the calculator is bricked help that's how you think that this works really you just need to put a hole in there where are you from i'm from brazil brazil does not speak english yes but humans can learn more than one language wait since when can humans do that my family is sending my 91 year old legally blind great uncle to europe alone for a vacation when i deadass watch this man microwave his birthday cards four months ago alone are they trying to kill him russian mcdonald's fan changed himself to eatery and attempt to prevent closing look at least he's standing by something i guess more than i can say about myself chicago dying the river green for saint patrick's day the fish i really hope they use some sort of environmentally friendly dyes and chemicals for this but this still seems incredibly irresponsible and dumb gas stations increasing prices when oil surges gas stations decreasing prices when oil plunges oh yeah they're never gonna give you a break guys i'm stuck in the wework lift hi guys as a gendered pronoun we all recommend alternatives like folks all everyone y'all team crew etc we appreciate your help in building an inclusive workplace at headout folks i'm stuck in the wework lift i'm pretty sure that at this point just like dude guys is neutral fox news and facebook did to our parents what they said video games would do to us i know and it makes me more sad every day i work on an oil and gas installation this is how they want us to save the planet i thought it would be much harder but this is easy peasy please save the planet and reuse your towels thank you i guess the idea is even though what we're doing is incredibly minuscule and small if you do it on a scale of say billions of people it might start to kind of add up but the big companies are the ones who need to actually do the work here i got dumped for having red hair my boyfriend's mom didn't want to risk having ginger grandchildren so she made him dump me he married a blonde and had two ginger kids karma my kids are blonde oh i love genetics can i get another 100 donors from twitter tonight we must defeat grifters contribute a buck to 98. a buck 298 a vote or just some common sense if everyone contributes a small amount of their income we can pull all the resources together to defeat socialism they forgot the whole of the straw i think it's safe to say i've never seen that happen before what are the odds why don't homeless people simply take out a small loan and learn python why would you need a small loan to learn python honey why does this coffee taste like soap you really got to pay attention to what you're buying no matter what it is no matter where you're buying it from please for the love of god look at the picture and the title and the description a new gen xbox console will be priced lower than a vial of insulin that keeps me alive for a week three hundred dollars versus three hundred and twenty four dollars imagine having to buy an xbox every week for the rest of your life just to survive this is my america and it's utterly pathetic i can't believe we just can't figure out how to do health care i had to jump off my train today oh uh how fast is it going you do a rolling stop just saw a job ad for a latin teacher the ad specified that successful applicants must be a native speaker of the language good luck with that when it comes to job listings i guarantee you they're just throwing at it just apply anyway you'll get it if you can speak latin if you use facial recognition for anything the government has your face lol wait until you find out about driver's licenses and school ids so they know what you look like for a decade or more until you grew up and matured [Laughter] americans do something about inflation and gas prices the u.s government best i can do is make daylight savings time permanent look i'm very happy that they're about to do that i hope it goes through daylight savings time but you're right holy crap congratulations to the two winners of the doggo drawing contest remember that the winner of this contest was chosen through likes oh that cool that's just fun man thinking about neurosurgery in the anarchist commune the traveling neurosurgeon who learned their practice by playing operational lot finally visits your commune they have no anesthesia because the person who makes it decided not to you get accidentally lobotomized they leave because there are no authorities to call the am i reading the logo for the prime minister and cabinets pm and c women's network has been taken down after it was mocked on social media for its phallic appearance yeah i hope they try that again re-watching the mandalorian i mentioned noticing some foreshadowing to an upcoming event in the series my wife said hey no spoilers i said we've both already watched literally the whole show yeah but that part hasn't happened yet this time this is how people can re-watch the office 15 times a year over hundred and twenty dollars worth but due to medical reasons i can no longer have coffee i only want 30 bucks what about the coffee machine in the picture that's a microwave okay and a woman on american airlines plane duct taped to her seat for trying to open the door mid-flight well i'm glad they duct-taped her and i hope she gets arrested big time i know she did but you literally cannot open the doors when the plane is in flight you'd have to be the hulk to push that open all i've ever wanted from a yogurt is to know who the cows are notice how they named all the cows traditionally girls names there's a deep connection between misogyny and consuming animals i feel like yogurt from a bowl wouldn't taste quite right yeah wouldn't really be yogurt would it rosa on earth a magician puts his hand in his hat in the rabbit realm the hand emerges it is time the rabbit council must choose a sacrifice actually that's not what's happening magicians use the techniques such as misdirection and press to digitization to pull off these illusions yes i know i'm nerdy oo woo did you really oo-woo at the end of that men who expect from a girl because they paid for dinner you think i'm worth 60 follow me to see my naughty side i post every day so um three dollars for 30 days trump advisors want to modernize national parks with wi-fi food trucks and amazon deliveries they missed approximately the entire point of a national park of course they did they do that on purpose seen in a customer's home need a pillow i think they're good i wonder if they'll let me borrow a couple hundred how to piss off italian and chinese people in one dish dim sum pizza okay let me just let me just look at this for a minute i do want to try this if this is real which i really don't think it is real i would have to try this you don't walk past the freezer at walmart see this in there and go no even if this is the most vile looking thing in the world to you you have to take it home and you gotta eat the our guests burn it the plastic of this electric stove wow why oh an electric stove with plastic yeah that seems really smart and safe and swell overview you may have heard that muscle weighs more than fat however according to science a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same the difference between the two is density wow what do you know this is why the lust of the flesh is evil even the woman's reproductive organs are shaped like lucifer himself how much more proof do you need this is evil because when man lays with the woman he lays with the devil we all came out of the woman and therefore we are all evil and born of satan even you atheists this is why we must repent to our lord it's the only way to heaven makes sense oh my god huh no reviews so why aren't there reviews to review and purchase ridiculous no reviews really i'm purchasing anyway like the knob and we'll see how strong these are all right sure you do that clipart rock nft worth a million dollars accidentally sold for less than a penny oh no who gives a sh hope that stung the things you wouldn't think it would be necessary to make a sign for the dressing rooms are not bathrooms there's always one there's always one guy that has to ruin everything for everyone teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons we do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene and using a weapon against one of the teenagers you all need help and i mean that sincerely i i don't know what schools you attended but knife fights weren't a regular thing at my schools yeah i think they went to school in a music video rescuers learned that the exotic bird they found was actually a seagull covered in curry magic mike grossed 167 million if you still think girls like dad bods keep dreaming pal alright well shrek grossed 484 million just so we're clear a kid born in 2010 is now 18 years let that sink in okay i never thought i would need to explain basic math but since we're here kid born in 2010 now is 20 20. so you add to 10 to 10 you get 20. simple math so the kid is 20 years old in 2020. simple yes very simple folks just a teensy weensy little one could a small nuclear war reverse global warming ah you know let's find out this guy came into my thrift store and asked if we wash our clothes before putting them out and i said we don't and he went straight to the underwear and swimwear section and started to sniff them i think all of you people are weird in this situation if they can make a person believe that water can stick to a spinning ball they can make them believe anything all right yeah you're right you're so right today is the day we take the stairs well that feels a little mean i tipped the prison mortician to sneak me out in a dead prisoner's coffin i realized i was doomed when i opened my eyes only to meet his cold dead ones you stole this from alfred hitchcock why'd i say alfred alfred hitchcock full on full episode twist and all i want to be a stripper but i can't stand the thought of seeing men happy fair point tasty not knowing their audience very well what's more comforting than a bowl of noodles with spicy and savory ground pork with fragrant flavorful sesame oils scallions and chili garlic paste this dish is a treat for all the senses vegetarian um if the federal reserve can continue to print money what's the reason for us to pay taxes if you think your english is good i challenge you to write any word that starts with t and ends with t teeth you were so close you were so close if you ever feel dumb just know that when my friend was 14 she went to a psychiatrist because she had a voice in her head it was her brain like literally just her thoughts she thought that she was the only person who had the ability to think for 14 years well kids are stupid hanging on by a thread dude just get some what is wrong with you people in high school i went to a sleepover and the girl i like climbed into bed with me and she started tickling me and i was like okay well time for bed and i think about that twice every five minutes say goodbye to toilet paper the roto wipe yeah instead of a bidet you should just erase your people mad about a tornado warning interrupting the bachelor nothing changes shut the hell up this is just as bad as people complaining about getting amber alerts oh no my youtube video was interrupted by a child being kidnapped fitness influencers are promoting fish tank cleaner as an anti-aging cure doctors have warned that ingesting methylene blue is dangerous and that the compound can be toxic for the human body they're like these people should be sued by the states they reside in the majority of people believe the most frequently washed body part in the last two years was the hands but in fact it was the brain wow are you 14 and deep i accepted a job at wendy's what that's crazy you already had a professional career here's the thing what society is letting happen right now isn't working every place is understaffed and no one wants to work i'm doing my part by taking on an additional part-time job so the economy doesn't become well dead we'll all be sorry if us as an american community lets that happen you know what else the general manager was so gracious from my perspective he's happy to hire someone doing this for the greater good as opposed to doing it only because they have to so on saturdays sundays and some weekday nights come see me on no what the what is this he looks like wolverine if instead of claws three flaccid penises slowly came out of wolverine's hands even that's too good for that dude all right wow would you look at that what a fun note to end today's video on ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed the video to consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it make sure to get yourself subscribed and if you want to see or hear more of yours truly you can check out the links in the description down below and until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 591,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Facepalm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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