I Removed 30,000,000 Blocks In Minecraft...Here's Why

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I find it kind of funny how his entire viewer base is completely oblivious to the fact that he is cheating all the time haha πŸ˜‚. Like I read comments like "WOW you put so much effort into ur videos man I love watching them."

Oh if you actually knew the "real" amount of effort he puts into them....

Can't blame them tho, the average Minecraft player probably doesn't know how the game works on a more advanced technical level so what they see is what they believe it. Ig we really are in a minority then.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EksEss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The lava patch doesn't even flood out in the preview pic LMAO

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/phy361sm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I died watching it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pepe_is_a_God πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why is everyone here hating on him. Can someone explain?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AwexPlayz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

damn you discovered beppo now? the entire tech community already knows about him. also sci is pretty easy to beat ngl

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ferkokrc5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This man is just a fucking clown lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JustSomeAsh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
holy cow this is insane yeah that's me this is a giant hole in the ground and that is a chicken now you're probably not wondering how this all happened but i'm gonna tell you anyway suck it this all started back in episode four i just finished my upside down island build in place of the end and i was kinda kerfuffled wait now that i've destroyed the end where am i gonna go to get my end fulfillment i miss the end island you see the end island is somewhere special for me i would always go there to clear my head after a long day's work [Music] and sometimes my inventory just kidding it's hardcore instantly i got to work this is a 500 by 500 outline which i will dig out the insides and build the end island in the middle of maybe even in that order it's hard to judge how large this area is oh that's it i i don't know how there's like i just said it's hard to judge how big it is it weren't so large any old fool could tell it's not the end just by seeing the overworld a few chunks away oh and i know you're all asking yourselves why did i choose specifically right here to build it but beppo why aren't you just building the end island in the end dimension and to that i say just because you put syrup on something don't make it pancakes okay so i need to mine this entire 500 by 500 chunk completely empty so i can build the end island in it time to start digging just kidding it's over 30 million blocks what do you think i am an xl 3300 v rough terrain wheeled excavator with multi-channeling dual combo fiber banana pancake instantly i started constructing a world eater what's a world leader i'm glad i asked a world eater works the same way as many upon a latrine hovers over the target while continually dropping bombs that slowly eat away at said target oh wait sorry i was wrong i needed honey first so that i could build the world eater instantly i started gathering bees for a honey farm bing bam boom and all right that should be enough get it like a b boom one b farm finished yeah that's a little bit slow oh yeah 20 b farms finished that'll ramp it up actually how many are there one two three all right now i just need some core quartz oh look at that there's a baby strider on another strider oh look at that it disappeared suddenly wonder how that happened all right grab some cobblestone redstone craft up the supplies boom that's a ton of honey now that we have all the supplies allow phase one to begin the world eater uh houston we have a problem i can't jump i try the edge aha it worked on the edge suck it science i wonder if it's a bad thing that i'm making a machine that was built for version 1.15 while i'm in 1.18 nah it's probably fine since my memory is exactly what it used to be i had to continually swap worlds to remember how to make the world leader two hours later and it's done well part of it is i still gotta construct the sweepers these bad boys are supposed to remove any water or lava that could potentially get in the way no no no no no no really why is the sweeper moving aha i'm freeze as you can see i had it fully under control and no trouble at all making this machine because i never make mistakes in fact i can say without a doubt that 13 of the sweepers definitely did not go flying off into the distance for the rest of eternity and make me afk even longer at the honey farm and after all this pain and suffering i discovered something much much worse hold up for these sweepers to even work i need to manually remove all these blocks down here because the tnt doesn't fall over here it'll take me hours to remove all these blocks i am such a i hate my life [Music] after 30 minutes of mining and removing less than one percent of the total blocks in that row i found a better approach three two one ah i knew this would work i'm the smartest man alive i will never die oh whoop almost died there in a butt shell in a nutshell i made a small world eater so that i could have room for a bigger world eater anyway this had its own array of issues but i figure you don't care about them so let's just skip when it's finished yeah look at that massive crevice looks like a giant earthquake took place here the quake zone quaker oats hmm now i'm just hungry okay sorry that was a lie but honestly this is on you for believing that i like quaker oats what a sicko with that it is now time to move on to phase two the eatening of the world okay let's start the machine all right so far the computer is barely handling this i don't know if it's gonna be able to my frame rate is like negative right now this is not good oh no no no the machine stopped working and half the sweeper somehow went the wrong direction this in no way is my fault for messing up the machine that i have no clue how it works and was watching psych while building it so yeah this is actually 100 my fault but i'm so mad i'm gonna blame literally anything else besides myself yeah i don't like making complicated redstone machines very much simple fix though instead of one long line i made five shorter lines so simple in fact that it only took me three hours luckily from all this time spent i learned important redstone skills that i can utilize for weeks most likely days all right and starting the machine okay great it completely broke but it's okay i think i might maybe know why possibly maybe possibly okay i'm just gonna go fix it and starting the machine for the first time ever without any problems beforehand i knew this would work now i'm just afk here overnight and hopefully it'll be a giant hole by the morning i actually have kade in a box instead of this minecart i may be dumb but i'm no idiot [Music] and the big reveal oh no why is it not all destroyed i mean a good eighth of it is destroyed and eighth of the eighth oh depression remember when i said this machine was built for 1.15 but it's probably fine me neither but either way it was definitely not fine turns out the sweepers were not up to snuff or i built them wrong either way no matter how much time i spent i couldn't figure out the problem with them man i do not feel like figuring this out right now okay fine i spent two minutes and then gave up but it's not really my fault this machine is insanely complicated i mean look at these two screenshots one is the world eater that i just made and the other is a literal working computer in minecraft can you guess which is which wrong they're both the world eater so i decided to do the dumb thing go through the entire 500 by 500 by 120 block chunk and remove all the water and lava manually no really i'm 100 serious this took two days i have severe depression and i probably also missed some spots but on the bright side i wasted a ton more time trying to remove all the spawners in this area because caveman brand me thought tnt couldn't explode spawners they can in case you morons are as dumb as me the sweepers were not the only problem but trust me you do not want me to go into the details of why this didn't work mostly because i don't want me to go into the details of why this didn't work i'm gonna blow this stupid contraption up because i have no clue why it doesn't work and because of all you nerds out there yes i am blowing up the tnt but it's okay i'm grabbing pretty much all the resources that it drops [Music] nice hey looks like somebody found new tutorial for a world eater and actually decided to test it beforehand in a separate world before spending like 10 hours building it just to find out it didn't work me it was it was me i i found the tutorial all right now i'll have to do is remove all this obsidian and turning on the machine uh enough oh this is no bueno oh uh no this is not working big problem aha i figured something out oh only three are going you know i really like making redstone machines unfortunately the replay mod file wouldn't load past a few hours into recording but i still got most of it on the laps the only problem with this machine is it left oh so many blocks sitting in the air and i know you're all thinking it's really ugly but it's okay because so am i but just for you guys i'ma fix it and lucky for you idiots there's a little thing called editing ah much better you know i feel like i just keep getting dumber with every video i just realized i have to obliterate my iron farm because in the way of this hole i could have built the hole anywhere and i decided to build it over my iron farm guys this huge area is only a sixteenth of the entire hole activate speed run music after two more days of building rebuilding destroying rebuilding destroying rebuilding destroying followed by more rebuilding the machine destroying the machine and then finally rebuilding the machine once more and then destroying it so i could rebuild it and then destroy it for the last time i was halfway done with the hole but don't worry i'm enjoying the process i've always been a fan of torture suddenly something very bony cut my eyeballs yo what am i on the skeleton fan oh i forgot to mention i was obsessed with rhyming at this point and i still haven't figured out why stop it i mean or else i'll eat a peanut why do these horses keep killing each other oh i got a helmet oh lame i don't care about that garbo oh snap i got a bone wish it was a cone or maybe even a scone come on leave me alone call me on my cell phone okay thank you thank you i know i'm amazing freestyle thank you the horse was exceedingly fast okay fine he was actually kind of trash but i kept him named jeff with one f learned that you can't put horse armor on an undead horse and stuck him in the wall for safekeeping i take care of my belongings also there was a wandering trader so i took care little wandering traitor nerd over here with a couple of buddies he's hanging one of the llamas off of a cliff dangling him okay i gotta rescue this guy this is just this is animal cruelty right here sir don't worry i'm about to rescue you you will not be hanging much longer boom problem solved now neither of them are hanging oh hey how's it going no way diamonds look at how insane this is this is one corner of it this is unreal this is the most insane project i've ever done wow i cannot wait to see what this looks like when i finish it this is already so crazy this area is so massive that the only mob that can spawn is slimes and when i say slimes i mean slimes i guess what else what i mean literal hundreds of cuboidal burgers bouncing around like giant trampolines but actually it was really good because i was able to purchase many a slime ball from them and without them i would have ran out of slime like a year ago when i started this project hey little guys time oh man the tnt started clipping me that could not have gone worse wait no it could have gone worse hold up i thought this was a kid's game this looks like a giant pie with one slice left time to eat that slice baby ah what a nice time in a perfectly normal kit is this a giant hole how does this get okay i can't fake it but look how massive this is i spent the better part of the next 18 minutes and 22 seconds removing all the lava that was left behind in the deep recesses of the bedrock now you might be thinking that it's time to build an and island idiot maybe some other youtuber called quits in this hole and build the end but they call me oil cannon bebo for a reason i have no clue what the reason is or its relevance but the point is i like to go the extra mile and by mile i mean bedrock and by go i mean break and buy extra i mean this and by subscribe i mean you should subscribe right now before you forget now now i know what you're thinking oh it can't break bedrock blah blah blah clearly you haven't been introduced with jeff with two f's chef is a machine that i whip out on rare occasions and all the time i used it in the last episode to clear around 20 000 bedrock but now i'm going to use it to clear just a tiny bit more than 20 000 in fact it's more bedrock than i can count because it's a lot of bedrock not just because i can't count very high and i suppose that brings us to phase three breaking the bedrock this hole is 500 by 500 blocks that means there's 250 000 bedrock but that's just in one itty-bitty layer there are five layers however each layer of bedrock has more than the previous so in reality this is somewhere around 600 000 bedrock oh but that's not all this machine uses up one piston for each bedrock it breaks that means i not only need 250 000 pistons and cobblestone slabs to place but i need them five times that's 1.25 million pistons and cobblestone slabs that i have to place by hand and if my math is correct which it never is that's over 723 shulker boxes of pistons and i know you're all asking me why am i doing this because i'm an insane person who loves to torture myself however i have a solution well sorta while the machine runs the pistons that it uses drops so i can pick them up because of this i can run the machine on a quarter of the area at a time and i only need to craft 62 500 pistons that's all with speed 2 and spam clicking i can place an average of seven blocks a second that means to place all 1.25 million pistons it would take me 49 hours that's 49 hours of placing pistons as fast as i can click so yes i got an auto clicker sue me actually please don't sue me i'd like money otherwise this video would be coming out in like 2050. you know i always see those videos of people getting killed by creepers in their hardcore worlds and well where are those creepers now please take me away end this i hate placing pistons alright it's been about 30 minutes of placing and this is how far i've gone to be completely honest i've placed more than i expected but we still have an extremely long way to go well i kind of lost track of time but i think it's been around three hours i've just been binging psyching brooklyn 99 while placing these anyway check out the progress before i start the machine i need some end stone for the actual end island build i'm not sure if i'm gonna start building the end island while the machine is destroying the bedrock or wait till it's done or what so i'm just gonna get it now and we're here oh what the heck oh the tnt from the dupers back in episode three must have gone through the portal and ended up here man that could have gone way worse after many trips back and forth i end up with around 70 000 end stone probably more than i need but i can't be sure all right so i got a nice hole here let's just build the machine and boom all right big reveal is it working first try yes it's working i knew it would work i had no doubts at all oh wait a minute the bedrock isn't being deleted of course it didn't work this machine never works i knew it wouldn't work i i i knew it wouldn't half an hour later aha i can't believe i actually fixed them i mean uh yeah i knew this would fix it i knew it would work i'm big brain genius you know math einstein smart things oh also some people were confused about the bedrock breaker last episode so i'll show you nerds exactly what i have to do so this layer right here is in the way of the machine going down so before i had to shrink the machine each time i lowered it and then remove a ton manually but i have more room here so instead i'll leave the machine the same size and just strip manually i mean remove these strips manually while i wait for the machine to break all the other bedrock [Music] two nice all right and there we go this strip has been lowered oh i just realized some of the tnt blew up the pistons that's okay i can replace them pretty easy easel easily easier easilier eel's leer yeah that's the one eel's lear i do grammar well guys i've been at this for i think two or three years now and i'm almost done with this corner i got all the layers down to the last one i've been manually removing these chunks on the sides but man i am beat and my name is pete rhymes so it must be true placing hundreds of thousands of pistons is extremely annoying but i gotta do what i gotta do so back to work occasionally a zombie will pick up a piston that was dropped on the ground and now there is a horde of zombies forced to stay and hold pistons for the rest of existence their existence that is what the creeper oh yeah man sitting in a minecraft like a fool all right look at that everything is perfectly level one layer to go here it is boys the final layer look at that that's void right there oh snap this is becoming a reality i've been at this for over a month now i mean i still have to build the end island but this is dude as you can see here all these 15 hour 18 hour replay mod clips these are of the bedrock breaker but as soon as i try to join them they don't load it just crashes the game i think because they're so long so unfortunately i can't show you the epic time lapses i had planned but what i can show you so i go to my statistics here pistons placed i can't even i don't even know what this says the numbers overlap like what is that all right so after running the machine for almost an entire week and two days at nine hours and 22 seconds and then doing some serious cleaning up around the edges this brings us to right here and right now i present to you and also me the whole holy cow this is insane and i suppose that brings us to phase four building the end oh yeah all right first i need to find the very center all right this is the middle block now i have to build to the actual center of the hole and boom now i'm just gonna go down there we go destroy this and boom we're here all right now i'm building the entire end island so i'm gonna start with just like a you know just a layer here and then i'll just go layer by layer higher and higher and it's going to be hollow in the middle because i'm not that insane all right the second layer will be about this big i think yeah that's looking good now third layer all right now instead of doing one layer at a time i'm gonna start building up now this is how i built the mountains in my last episode as well as you just kind of build up in the corners and then you follow it with the rest of the block so i've made a basic bowl shape here and oh there's an enderman oh snap hold on i gotta save this enderman there we go name him i have to keep all the endermen that i find that way once it's actually the end island i can have it populated with endermen all right so now i have a whole bunch of spikes going up and i'm just gonna fill these in well well well what do we have here just gonna build a little house around you yep this is a house for sure okay anyway how would you mr llama like to go on a space adventure yeah i'ma fly you boys around oh yeah oh yeah oh one of them just fell well too bad for that one oh and now they're both dead i wanted that to happen anyway [Music] all right let's fly over to see what it looks like oh yes oh yes this is looking good so far i might need to make it a little bit wider though it's a little small but this is looking really sick i mean look at this i've placed around forty thousand endstone i think um so far and yeah it's looking really cool it's so huge there's pillagers here what the heck how did you get this end island numbnuts oh now i have the bad omen thing i can i can get a totem finally you guys can finally stop commenting about how you need a totem and a thank you you know i'm just gonna leave the raid here i don't really care too bad for you villagers the raid's gonna keep going but i'm not gonna save you all right look at this guys i've finished all of the edges now all i have to do is make a top for it and then we can start the obsidian pillars and the end cities and decorating all that this is looking so cool this totally looks like the end this is sick grab some more and stone there we go and in the end it looks like it still layers like going up in like the middle is the highest part so i'm gonna have to do the same thing with the layers oh i just realized there's gonna be a ton of mobs spawning down here once i cover it up and i probably don't want that so i'm gonna light this up a little bit never mind i already ran out of torches it's probably fine all right we're down to the last layers little hole i just gotta fill this in oh look at that it's a pillager oh look at that he died look at that arrow flying up wow all right anyway all right filled in boys check out the end island oh yeah all right now i need to make it look actually like the end island so i'm gonna grab the last bit of obsidian that i have which is i'm almost out but i think i have just enough of this there we go oh also i made my totem look like a piece of steak so see that steak in my left hand that's actually just my totem of undying this way um anyone after this episode you won't know everyone that's not watching this is going to think that it's it's a piece of steak when in reality it's a totem you know it's just a fun way to troll the newcomers so i think this block is the perfect center yes it is market with obsidian was it 31 this way 40 41 and then go this way 16 and then up 22 uh 27 4 20 69 2 hours later all right so i messed this up like a hundred times trying to get where the obsidian pillars are in the correct places but i think i finally got it i don't know how i messed it up so many times i'm just absolute garbage at making obsidian pillars but um so these are the centers of them so i'm gonna start building them up like this that's one two three also obsidian pillars are different sizes so i'm gonna have to randomize the sizes a little bit but i'm trying to get all the dimensions exactly like they would be in an actual end island so i have a screenshot of a real end island on my other monitor so i can make sure i'm doing it right this one's going to be absolutely massive all right that's all 10. now i'm going to actually build up the obsidian pillars all right there it is boys we got all the obsidian pillars in place this is starting to really take shape and looks oh you know what i need to do i need to build the end portal right here and since you know i can't get bedrock instead i'll use deep slate cobbled deep slate it looks similar to bedrock you know if you don't if you don't know the texture bedrock really well it looks kind of like it so i'm just gonna build the end portal right here yeah that actually looks pretty good oh i need something that looks like the actual portal blocks themself though all right next i need some end crystals because it's not the end without end crystals obviously so i'm gonna go to the nether find some gas kill some gas let's grab some gas tears gravel ready for this voice it's gonna be the most satisfying oh yes all right and end crystals acquired i'm also going to grab some black stone for the portal block because i think if i make black stone slabs that'll look similar to end portal block i might be wrong we'll see it's more of an experiment really all right i also made some iron bars because in case you don't know some of the end crystals have iron bars around them in the end so i think that'll really top it off you know make it look perfect and usually there's a bedrock block that they're on top of so i'm gonna see if i can place it on top of these and nope i can't place it on that rats well i'm not you can't complain that still looks pretty good so i'm just going to put that on all of them and crystal in the center all right now this one i'm going to put some iron bars around because it looks sick well actually just because it looks realistic but you know i think it looks kind of cool anyway nice boom boom boom boom boom boom boom oh yeah okay so i'm gonna make some polished black stone slabs these normal blackstone slabs don't don't quite cut it they're just a little bit too texturey so i think polish blackstone slabs will really really look good i hope maybe actually look like the portal honestly yeah no it kind of works it it does work it looks good if you don't like you know look at it with a telescope then actually it's um i like it now as dope as this end looks right now it you know you would think it's finished if you were an idiot good thing you guys aren't idiots because i need some end cities in this joint i want an entity maybe some chorus root some shulkers oh yes i need chokers okay to get shulkers i need a whole bunch of rails and minecarts so go to the gold farm oh yes tons of gold sweet all right that's more than enough gold i hope and make all of the rails very nice all right to the end oh there's an end city suite already actually it's uh it's kind of small probably only has like one shulker in it anyway now let's go to a different end city oh yes now that that is an end city the last one is more of an end house this is an end city it's even got a boat all right so first i'm almost on the exact axis so i can just go build a thousand blocks in one direction i'll make it to the end portal um because the outer islands are actually part of the end if you don't know so i'm just gonna bridge this way one thousand blocks um this might take a minute [Applause] oh yes okay there's the island sweet so if you don't remember the end portal is in the center of this upside down island so if i break in right here yeah there's a bedrock right underneath this all right now it's time to place rails on this because i'm going to be bringing shulker's in minecarts over here normal rail powered rail and we made it oh and i have levitation all right i got that one shulker in the box sweet but now i have to send him away gonna be difficult get a powered rail underneath him yes okay okay and now if i power this see ya all right now i just have to do that just a few more times boom please all right now that i've got a couple shulkers on the way over there i'm going to mine down a bunch of this end city because i need these blocks to rebuild an in-city all right i've got like three and a half shulker boxes at end city loot now let's go to the island oh man this guy keeps trying to shoot me as we're going look at that you just the bullets don't go fast enough you're bad all right now comes the very difficult part so they aren't in the portal yet as you can see they're just chilling right over here um i'm gonna go into the end portal okay now i'm gonna use a compass to find the exact spawn now i'm gonna make some rails that go into a nether portal because the end island is like two thousand blocks away from spawn so i'm gonna go through the nether because it'll be a much shorter travel now i have to make it to the top of the bedrock sweet alright we're up building another portal all right now it's time to send the shulkers into the portal uh guys um why is he not going in the portal excuse me what okay it turns out the problem was it was because he was in a boat or i mean in a mine cart so my car wouldn't go through the portal but i just broke the my car so we're good now all right now get the strokers over into the next portal boom boom all right that was way too long but i got all the shulkers over into the end island now it's time to build the end city okay now that it's night i'm gonna go around and name all of the endermen that i find so that they don't despawn because i just want a ton of enderman to populate this area otherwise it's not as realistic oh yeah check out that end city wait where are all the enter men i named like 15 or 20 of them i'm so confused oh they're inside of the island they just teleported in there and they stayed in there all right i think i've completely filled it up with water so enderman should not be able to teleport into here any longer and they'll have to stay on top of the island all right now i have to bring the shoulders to the actual end city all right there's one right here it's gonna be hard to keep them because i don't want them to be in mine cards but i think if i just leave them and i don't get too close to it they won't teleport around the shulkers can't teleport all right sending this last shulker up to the very top all right sweet i've got all the shulkers in place now i'm just going to take this down and boom all right guys this took me over a month to do most of it was just placing pistons like the bedrock breaking took the longest that was the most insane part but this is a 500 by 500 hole with the end island built in the middle it's funny because digging the hole took me 90 of the time building the end island that was the easy part that that took like no time compared to all the other stuff but this is insane i have no clue how i'm going to top this in the next video so give me any ideas if you have for a future video because oh man nothing is off the table most insane thing you can think of peace
Channel: Beppo
Views: 8,462,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, wadzee, sandiction
Id: yavs-YfwPwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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