Russell Peters | Just Friends

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you're you're jewish right it's clear yeah i don't know i don't know what to give it away you look like you were circumcised twice you know what i mean just [Laughter] good to see you buddy is that your wife with you no the the lady beside you no your what friend i gotcha how do you guys how are you guys friends how are you how long have you been friendly for where you from bert toronto oh wow okay and you too st louis oh yeah that's definitely different and what are you doing out here you work for what do you do with the hospital you handle complaints this is the chinese version of outsourcing this is it makes total sense see in north america they'll handle the complaint department they'll give you somebody who doesn't speak english and over here they give you that someone didn't speak mandarin sure okay i'll take note of that [Laughter] i love the way mandarin sounds it's so good you know what it sounds like it sounds like you gave somebody like really like a steak and they're trying to be polite while they're reading it how's the steak oh sure so good sarah what are you doing out here bert you're in supermarket trolleys well get the [ __ ] out of them um you're too big here you make supermarket trolleys well you don't i mean they do you know but uh you know [Laughter] huh well good to see you buddy mauritius guy good to see you just an indian guy from mauritius aren't you just a [ __ ] french-speaking indian that's all you are you're a frindian and white guy here how are you sir it's nice i'm glad the minorities came out um is that your wife with you oh yeah yeah you too sir huh it's funny because you see all the white guys with chinese women and then you know they didn't come out here for white so that's why they you know worked out well you know how long you've been living here sir 20 years what's your name all right i don't need the full name dan he's like dan brady and what do you do dan independently wealthy as opposed to sharing it with somebody else i too am independently wealthy dan i don't share it with nobody nice and how long you been married for oh you're just friends okay that's how you stay independently [Music] wealthy
Channel: Russell Peters
Views: 437,017
Rating: 4.9142165 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Peters, Special, New, Old, Comedy, Comedian, Comic, Very, Funny, Hilarious, Humor, Humour, Best, Canada, Toronto, Brampton, Indian, Asian, Stereotype, Brown
Id: C694DadNF9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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