Running with God - Sadie Robertson | Aug 4, 2019

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[Music] good morning Christchurch god bless you thank you for worship thank you for your presence beautiful crowd today so honor that you're here you're in for a big treat and I just want to look right in the camera and get you to help me welcome my Rustin family come on give it up come on say a special hello we love you we believe in you think of what God's doing it Rustom to Lincoln Parish and surrounding areas and excited about the future this fall let me talk to our Western oucampus really briefly this fall will be a banner fall fall always gets tight in the prime sweet spot worship hour at 10:00 a.m. and so I just want to make an appeal if you don't have to worship at 10:00 and you can shift to at 11:30 or 8:30 service we just encourage you to make that shift and let's make some room for new people of becoming in the fall vacation season over school starting back and people start thinking about man I need to get back my family back in church they're not gonna likely come to an 8:30 or 11:30 they'll come to a 10 o'clock so if you could give up your seat in 10 for somebody who needs Jesus I just challenge you to do that way if you can't I get it it's okay but if you can we just asked you to do that and be a blessing to us for you to do that god bless you fall is gonna be a great great thing and we want you to be a part of all that guys doing State Senator Mike Walz worth my friend thank you it's always a great thing to have you with us thank you for being here today today's a special day and many of you likely or here to see and the ear to hear our guest speaker today she is speaking around the globe literally in mega churches all over the world now and God has elevated her to such a place of a promise in the kingdom of God we're just delighted we're thankful for her ministry and she's a preaching machine she got a word from God and I know you're gonna be blessed today she leads a ministry she leads her her own ministry and her own ministry just slipped my mind man I don't say it liver is no liver regional liver Regional somebody say live original come on would you see would you stand your feet give me a hometown welcome to a hometown girl miss Sadie Robert so we love you so thankful for you I love you darling good mornin good mornin Church how are you feelin good awake good how many of you guys are thankful for Pastor Tom and Trina yeah we have some incredible pastors here I'm so thankful for y'all's leadership for y'all as pastors and I just want to honor them in front of the church thank you for who y'all are to our community it's amazing to be led by y'all so I'm honored to be here I wanted to go to church here I know it might be weird for some of you I'm some of your family members I'm some of you maybe you taught me in school I see a teacher maybe you set by me in school but I just hope today that that wouldn't be a distraction that today that you could just open your eyes to see what God wants to do today open your heart to receive and open your ears to hear from God today you know I've been spending a lot of time praying over this message and hopefully it'll speak to a lot of you but this message it kind of came to me in the middle of a series we were doing here how many of you were here for running with Giants yeah all right so we're throwing it back a little bit to run him a Giants cuz as I was sitting here learning from running with Giants I thought about this concept of what does it look like when we start running with God this big huge giant this God who's our Father what does that look like when we start running with him and you've heard it today said already that every single one in here has a call on their life you were called by God and some of you might have heard that earlier in the announcements and you're like that sounds really good but I don't know if I'm called that are you sure that I'm calling it so I just want to read you the Great Commission and this is from Jesus himself so what he says he says therefore go therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded here it is surely I'm with you always to the very end of the age so we all have this call this call to therefore go each and every one of us are called to go and make disciples so if y'all are sport fans are you played any sport in life you've likely heard it said ready set go I was thinking about this concept because when it comes to sports when you hear those words when you hear ready set go as soon as you hear go there's like this an explosion because you're so ready and you're so set and you know I are ready to go and when you hear those words you just take off but sometimes I feel like in church when we hear this word go from Jesus we're like wait a second I don't feel very ready and I don't feel very sad and I actually don't even know where I'm supposed to go like I don't even know where I'm going I don't even know how to go but how am I supposed to go and make disciples when I'm not ready and I'm not set and so I thought about this concept well how do we go and I think you literally have to keep in mind that you have to go with Jesus you have to go with God you have to start running with that giant and so we're gonna take a look at this guy in the Bible who when God told him to go he was not ready and he was not set to go where God was saying and he had to have a revelation and understanding that God is about to start running with him and so we are going to go and study the life of Moses today so Moses if you forgot the story I'll remind of the story if you've never heard it it's for the first time this is a little overview Moses was born in a really interesting time in history basically what was happening was this new Pharaoh came into power and he was very threatened by the Israelite people because he knew that they had favor on their life and that those were God's people and so Pharaoh decided okay since they seem to have all this power I'm gonna make sure that they no longer have the power so every single Israelite boy Hebrew boy that's born is gonna be thrown into the river to die well Moses his mother had Moses in this time but she saw something in Moses and she said I I can't throw him in the river so she hid Moses well it came to the point where she couldn't hide him any longer and so his mother put him in a basket and sent him down the river and this is kind of one of those stories that you might have heard so many times that you kind of forgot the shock effect of how crazy that really is but there's obviously a call on Moses his life that he survived this in history no no only he survived but the crazy thing is the person who picked him up happened to be Pharaoh's daughter who drew him out of the water so now this Israelite baby boy who's supposed to be dead is now living and raised in a house of Pharaoh so this is like crazy stuff happening this has to be the hand of God well time goes on and what happens is one day there's this Egyptian beating up on a Hebrew and Moses saw this and he saw that that's my people and so he went after this Egyptian and he murdered the Egyptian and as soon as he did that he was like oh no like I did something wrong I gotta hide my mistake so he hid the Egyptian thought nobody saw it's all good I'm gonna be fine but the next day somebody called him out on the murder and as soon as Moses heard that his sin what he did was exposed he felt so much shame and so much fear that he ran so now Moses is completely gone from this life as living in the world place he's gone from all of that and we're picking up in chapter 3 verse 1 and it says now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law he was led to the flock to the far side of the desert and he came to the mountain of God there the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of a fire burning from a bush Moses saw that the bush was on fire and it didn't burn up so he thought to himself I'm gonna go over and see this strange sight why is the bush not burning when the Lord saw that Moses had gone over there God called to him from within the bush and said Moses Moses and Moses said Here I am God said don't come any closer take off your sandals for the place where you're standing is holy ground then he said I am God the God of your father the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob and at this Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God Moses was not ready to hear his name be called that day here to keep him I'm Moses was running from God Moses was running from everything Moses thought like my purpose is over life is over he is literally hiding tending a flocks somewhere and now he hears the voice of the Lord call him by and he is not ready so he hides well he's definitely not ready for what God's about to say because God is about to lay out exactly what he wants him to do and God goes on to say I want you to go back to Pharaoh because I am ago I heard the cry of my people the Israelites and I'm gonna get you to walk them out of slavery and Moses is like what this is what the Lord says he says so now go there it is again that word so go it's time go and Moses responds with but Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israel's out of Egypt and God says I will be with you he then goes on to say I am Who I am actually and so I wanted to get this idea and I mind that what does it look like when we start running with God and it no longer becomes about you but it becomes about what God has purposed you to do you see for me my modern-day Moses story it was a little bit of a smaller skill than going back to Pharaoh and leading people out of Egypt but it happened to have it in a track and field even okay so I used to go to OCS and how many of you have ever done track and field anybody play that so okay we got a few hands do you understand the concept so track is a really awesome sport because everybody competes individually but all of the points go to the whole team and so for me I was a javelin thrower and to be honest I kind of struck a deal with my coach as soon as I started playing I told him I said I'd love to be on the team but I do not want to run a single day in practice I'm just not a runner okay and so I said is there any way that I can just do fields and he said yeah that's totally fine you can throw a javelin and that's what I love to do so said great so I'm a javelin thrower but we come to this point where our team was doing really good and we think we're gonna make it to state and at Regionals we were like having to bring our a-game and so our track coach Huddle's is all up and he's like listen guys this is a big meet I'm gonna need everybody to perform at the best of your ability and we're all like yeah coach like we got this and he's like and I'm also gonna need people to do some events that you're not used to doing because we need as many points as we possibly can get and we're all like yeah coach we're put us in you know and then he's like okay great I need somebody to run the two-mile everybody's like and he's like okay somebody just volunteer anytime now sort of we need somebody to just run the two-mile we just need the point nothing crickets not you nobody's gonna volunteer for this and to be honest I wasn't even considering volunteering for this because I've never even ran the warm-up lap okay so like I'm thinking I'm the last person who's qualified to run the two-mile and keep in mind the race is in two days so there's no like preparation that's going to happen so he goes okay if nobody volunteers during the two mile then I'm gonna have to call somebody and everybody of this was kind of getting a little nervous but yeah I wasn't even nervous cuz I didn't even think that he would ever say my name so we're sitting there and he goes okay you gotta have to do it Sadie you're running the two mile I'm like what and he's like yeah yeah you you're running the two ma you got it and I'm not kidding not only did I start laughing everybody started laughing because he was like that comical and I was like ha ha ha good one who's doing it he's like no it's actually you I'm like okay gotcha coach so two days later your homegirl on the line and I'm thinking like this is not gonna be a good race and I'm looking to my right and I'm looking to my left and I'm embracing against middle schoolers and I'm a sophomore it's very embarrassing they have 0% body fat I'm thinking this is not good for me and I have never ran two laps around this track much less eight so the coach says ready and I'm thinking I'm not ready I am NOT set and he's like go and I'm like okay we're in the race so start running this race and to be honest the first two laps went pretty good I mean I'm in the race I'm like oh I'm so dramatic why was I so scared of this oh man well I see what I didn't realize is everybody else paces the first two laps and the two-mile yes so lap three comes around and I'm winded and I'm thinking I don't even know how I'm gonna keep running this race so I keep going not so bad but pretty far behind left for getting further behind lap five getting really far behind lap six I kid you I'll never forget I turned the corner I look at the cloud and I remind God remember how you said that you would come down on the cloud now would be the time like totally welcome I am like great with it right now like either take me now or come now and so I'm thinking like this would be the moment well that didn't happen so keep running lap seven is when my worst nightmare came to life what happened was I started to realize that I'm about to be overlapped all right now you think that's bad it gets worse not only was I gonna be overlapped by one person y'all I was about to be overlapped by every single other person running the race and so if it hasn't hit you yet what was hitting me is that that means I'm doing the last lap alone and I'm thinking goodness this is so embarrassing so I come across that seventh lap they all finish I'm like good race everybody stay out of it so I can't run it and y'all I'll tell you what I care on that 100 I just bowed my head I was walking with a balance I'm thinking like just can this be any worse and right in this moment where I'm feeling so much shame so much embarrassment totally humbling moment I look up and all of a sudden I see my brother John Luke start taking off from the stands to the field I'm like what and he has on his phone on the speaker my favorite pumpup song it's the heart of a champion and y'all he comes running at me is the heart of a champion and he literally runs the last lap with me it was amazing and y'all I tell you everything everything about this moment was totally redeemed like I'm not kidding I don't even know how this happened but in one moment I think it's over I also don't have breath I'm so winded I'm so tired but the minute my brothers started running with me it was like energy came from where I did not have energy before everything was redeemed it was no longer embarrassing it was amazing I looked up at the fans and I said everybody get up on your feet literally did that everybody got up people were clapping people were cheering in this story that I would have never told anybody for the rest of my life became a story I'd tell everybody because when my brother started running with me everything changed you see because when my brother started running with me and no longer was about my performance anymore it was about this Redemption and so I think that's what happens in this concept when God starts running with you nobody's talking about the first seven laps everybody starts talking about the eighth when the miraculous happens that's what happens when God starts running with you and so Moses kind of like me when my track coach said Sadie and I'm like Who am I and Moses is like wait a second Who am I then I'm gonna be able to do this God simply reminded him not of who he was but of who he was and said I know no I am Who I am you had to keep in mind that when God calls you to something he is already considered who you are God created you he knit you together in your mother's womb he breathed life into you for such a time as this and there is a part of you that's made in his image that he wants to get through to the world so if he's called you he knows that he knows exactly who you are he knows exactly what you're running from and yet he still meets you where you are and he says we got a place to go we got a gospel to preach there's stuff that's gonna have to happen and he redeems everything about your story if you don't feel ready though how do you do that well I think what happens is we don't feel ready because we think that our readiness is dependent on our ability to run we think our readiness is dependent on our performance and we think well I'm not ready because I'm not a good speaker or I'm not like I'm not I'm not the right person for that I didn't go to seminary school I didn't I'm not a teacher I don't know how to go and make disciples I'm just not ready for this I'm not equipped for this and I want to talk to you about this from the perspective of my track coach to me and God to you you see my track coach knew that I was not gonna win that race that day he definitely knew that he knew my ability to run he knew what my performance wasn't he in two days time my performance wasn't going to be at the ability that I needed to do to win the race but he didn't know that with the character that I would finish the race and that is what God is calling you to see God sees it from this kingdom perspective and when God comes and calls you to do something it's not for you to win it's for you to fulfill a purpose it's for you to finish the race that he's called you to you see we can look at Moses life and we can say well of course you're calling Moses Moses is the one person he's the one person of an Israelite people that was actually raised in the house of Pharaoh the one person that Pharaoh would listen to of course you would call Moses but all Moses can see is himself and his sin and his mistake but God's looking at the kingdom God's looking at the purpose God's looking at what he raised him up to do and raised him up to be when God's looking at you he sees all the people that you represent all the people that you're gonna show him to all the people that you're gonna give him glory to there's this verse and it says I humble myself to exalt your name and that verse I think you you have to have that humility to feel ready to run the race because if you're worried about winning and you're worried about looking good you're probably never even going to start the race that God has set before you but if you can humble yourself enough to know that oh my goodness you know what I might embarrass myself I might not say everything right all the time I might make a mistake I might do something that everybody laughs at I might be in the firestorm where everybody is roasting on Twitter I don't know what it would look like but maybe that's gonna happen to me but if I will can exalt your name and doing this God then I'll run any race that you call me to run if you're gonna get the glory if you're gonna be seen then I'll run any race it's not about being ready because when he calls you he's gonna prepare you the next thing well what if you just don't feel set what if you like okay well I'm definitely not ready to do this but I mean I don't even feel set to do this like I don't even feel like I'm in the position in my life to do this right now I need to get some stuff together I mean if people saw me walk out of these doors and change like that people wouldn't even understand like what happened like I'm just totally not in a place to do this right now maybe in a few years I get my life together then I'll do it more people would really understand and Moses had that same thought in Chapter four Moses said okay bull hmm but what if they do not believe me what if they don't listen to me the Lord did not appear to you what did they say that then the Lord said to him what's that in your hand and Moses said a staff and the Lord said throw that on the ground so Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake and he ran from him then the Lord said reach out your hand and take it by the tail so Moses reached out his hand and he took the snake and it turned back into a stop in his hand verse five this said the Lord is so that they may believe that the Lord the god of their fathers the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob has appeared to you this says the Lord I think God gave every single one of us this this is what I'm giving you this is what I'm giving you to go back that people are gonna see my power through and you're like I have not seen my this I don't see my staff in my hand and I just want to propose a thought to you maybe what he's given you as your staff just looks like the snake right now maybe it's the very thing that you're afraid of you don't know how to handle that you've been actually running from that because that idea if that was what God was claiming to do that would be way way way too scary I think about but that for my life when God called me to speak and to preach I was like that that is not it that is not this because no like I'm not qualify I mean I'm so young I'm a woman I'm not that I don't think I can preach and also not to mention my personality I was afraid of so many things I was so filled with anxiety like literally if a teacher called on me to read in school I forgot the English language like I don't know why I just did not like to talk in front of people like in that crowd and so I was just like is not it and it looked like a snake it looked like something I would say oh no way I'm actually very afraid of that I'm actually running from that and I don't know how to use that I don't know how to handle that he's I know No pick it up I'm giving this to you this is what people are gonna see me through this is how you're gonna show people my power and I'm like are you sure okay okay and I picked this up and now it's the very thing that I proclaim the Gospel through it's the way that I go and make disciples and it's a thing that I was afraid of but I think that that's so cool because that gives people the ability to see that I no longer have a spirit of fear I have a spirit of power love and a sound mind only because of the power of God you see there's this verse in Hebrews 10:35 and it says taught me everything I know about confidence it said so then do not forget the confident trusts that you have in the Lord for that will be richly rewarded I think so many times they try to get this confidence in ourself to feel ready to feel set and we think okay one when I'm ready when I'm set when I have confidence in my ability to do this then I'll go it's not about having to be confident in who you are it's about having confident trust and who he is that verse right after that says patient endurance is what you're going to need so that you'll be able to test and approve the will of God over your life it's gonna take patient endurance and it's gonna take confident trust to keep running when it feels like there's nothing else to run for when it feels like nobody else believes in your run but when you see God come and make things miraculous everything's gonna change when that snake becomes the staff everything changes everything changes you know so many people say like God it was the god of miracles in the Bible but he no longer is that God in miracles I just don't really believe that so yeah most has got to see this miraculous side but I haven't seen that and I always try to share with people whenever they don't believe that God's a God of miracles I say when did dead the life lose its miraculous status when did dead to life losses miraculous science cuz I've seen myself go from dead in so many different areas in my life to absolutely fully alive in him only by the power of God that to me is miraculous and I'm starting to think about this maybe we are the walking evidence of the miraculous side of God maybe in today's time God is using us to show the miracles just from Dead's alive just from lost to found just from insecure to confidence just from anxiety to power over fear all these things this is a miraculous God that we serve and he says when I start running with you everything changes because the very thing that you're afraid of is the very thing that I'm gonna use I want to ask you something as a church and I just need a simple response just say it just say yes or just agreement if you agree these things how many of you believe that there's a god yes do y'all believe that God knows you by name yes do you believe that God has purpose for you do you believe that God sees you where you are yeah that's awesome I wanted to just acknowledge that because Moses believed all those things too at this point in the story it wasn't a doubt thing Moses believed there was a god he acknowledged that God was there that God was meeting him through this fire burning bush that wasn't burning up so he knew there's a God Moses knew that God knew him by name because God came and said Moses Moses and Moses responded with Here I am Moses also knew that God had a purpose for his life God literally laid out an entire purpose here's her purpose wouldn't that be great for your life he knew that Moses also knew God was a God of miracles he saw a snake become a staff Moses knew this Moses knew all of these things it wasn't a doubtful theme but the very thing that was about to stop Moses from running the race that God had called him to run guess what it is no shot in security that's it and I think so many times that's it for us we come to church on Sunday and we're like yes Jesus like we totally believe that there's a god totally know that you've called me by name I totally know that you have plans for me plans to prosper you not to harm me plans for hope in the future I know that God Oh God I even know that you're the god of miracles Donna no you have a purpose for me I know all these things but then we walk out of these doors and we're faced with just who we are and we get so insecure and so nervous and we think okay can't wait for next Sunday but that time when you walk out the doors is the moment that you go but it's that insecurity that we face and Moses I mean it's almost comical because it sounds so much like myself sometimes he says Oh Lord I've never been eloquent neither in past nor since you have spoken to your servant see I'm slow speech and tongue it was almost like Moses is like trying to remind God of who he was and God is like um are you kidding literally God says who gave man his mouth who makes him deaf or mute who gives him sight to the blind is it not I the Lord and listen to what he says again now go now go but don't we do that noise this is almost like yeah this has been great great talk good really encouraging to see that become a SAP that was awesome but you forgot one thing sorry there's one thing that you forgot I can't speak very well it's like are you kidding are you kidding I know I made you I created you I considered who you were when I called you and yeah I'm still calling you to go because there's something in you that I know I can get through to this generation and that's for all of you what is it that's just tripping you up that one thing you're like yeah but does that one thing is it like Moses was it your past or is it your present whatever it is to deal with let's talk it out with God so that we can get to a place where even though we know we might not be ready we might not feel set we're gonna go because we're gonna trust that people are gonna see you through me he says now go I will be with you I'm gonna help you speak and I'm even gonna help you with what to say and Moses still says lord please send someone else he wasn't getting it yeah the other day I went install Lion King has everybody seen it the new one is so good it's so good but it hit me how similar this message was to this movie and there was this moment where you know Simba who was literally heir to the throne he was the son of Mufasa he was raised on this Pride Rock but yet one day he made a mistake he was led by scar this enemy and while he was there scar called him a murderer and said you need a run and Simba took on this shame and the sadness and this anxiety this fear that people were gonna know him as a murderer and so Simba ran far far away and to this life where he was just like you know what Hakuna Matata what even matters anymore I have nothing to live for anymore I'm just gonna live out here I'm just gonna waste my life away because it doesn't matter because of this one mistake I made and because of what people might know me as and as he's living this life doing his thing for years he lets us go on until one day he was reminded of something by a reflection that he saw in the water he saw this reflection of his father in him and he was reminded of who his father was and all the sudden he goes but I I am Simba son of Mufasa and what hit him was because this is Who I am and because this is who I'm the son of I have to go back I have to go back because there's this purpose I have a responsibility in this time that I'm still alive and so Simba runs all the way back to Pride Rock and as soon as Simba gets back he lets out this mighty mighty roar and scar the very person who called Simba a murderer turns around and he goes Mufasa you see even he saw the father in him even he recognized the father in him because when you start to see the reflection of the verr father and you other people start to see the reflection of the father off of you when you get reminded of who you belong to when you get reminded of who you're a daughter who you're a son up all of the sudden what happens is you remember wait a second I do have purpose I have a responsibility I have to go back I have to go out I cannot let my past or what people spoke over me or my fear or my shame keep me sitting here Hakuna Matata any longer I have to go back got to go back what happens if he didn't go back well he wasn't a saved he went to save Pride Rock he wouldn't have restored this place that was completely ruined and now it's flourishing by the end of the movie with Moses he didn't go back well witness eating the Red Sea split wouldn't uh gone up on the mountaintop and actually got to meet with God when he actually did start reflecting the Father his face was radiant they say he wouldn't have given us the Ten Commandments rules that we still apply to our life today and not to mention he would not have led an entire generation out of slavery if he didn't go back because of a little moment of insecurity and a moment of having to deal with the shame acknowledge the past and a reminder of who his father was and I think today that's exactly what we need wasn't we on e that's what I need not a reminder just who we are but a reminder of who we were created to be because of the reminder of who our Creator is that's the only thing that's gonna send us back you know I want to just say this to finish because some of you might be hit with this one other thought there's this conversation there's a lot of thoughts that come up when you think about having to muster up this you know I guess acceptance of the purpose that you have to go out and you might have already been able to deal with the insecurities you might have already been ever deal with the past but you just actually the last thing is you just feel alone and you're like yeah City you didn't really touch on that you know cuz in your story your brother ran with you and that's great like you had a friend you had a person you know you actually had that that's great and Moses a story huh you didn't keep reading Aaron was actually sent with him to go back and he got to speak on his behalf he got sent his brother and yeah I'm here and I feel alone and I don't know how I'm gonna go back to my school out of I'm about to go back to my workplace I don't know how I'm about to go back to my family whatever it is that you're afraid of going back to alone afraid that you're gonna have to take that attention for yourself and I just want to remind you of this idea and this thought that you already know but to know something and to realize something or two different things to know something is just to know it as a fact yeah I know that but that word to realize means to actually fulfill something to actually acknowledge something you might know that you were actually sent your brother to 2,000 years ago the coach of life's that has your brother to run with you but if you realize that today Wow Wow not only did God call me God sent his son to die for me and then raised him back to life to know that as you go and as you make disciples surely he's with you always and he's running with you and then he doesn't even stop there he empowers you with the Holy Spirit to change everything about your posture and run this race for him so I'm just here to remind you of that you know a lot of those things but if you realize it today and everything's gonna change and there's gonna be an invitation for you today to start running with Jesus don't run out of here and forget what your college do remember who he is and what he's calling you to and I hope you received the word today and that you go into a time of Prayer and take this word run with this word become this word because I don't really think it'll change your life it'll change an entire generations history and we need that right now honestly and so we're gonna go into a moment of Prayer and I hope that some of us can respond to that not just some of us all of us and if you've already responded to that that it would be a revival in your spirit to run harder to run faster and to keep going [Music]
Channel: Christ Church
Views: 139,950
Rating: 4.9525023 out of 5
Id: n773m2_a37U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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