Sadie Robertson - June 2018

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they gave me this long bio of our guest speaker but I forgot it on the front row so I'll try to wing it actually whenever I was reading in the back and she walked in I was like do you want me to say all this she goes I hate when they do that I hate when they have to talk about you know runner-up on Dancing with the Stars over a million people following her blog award-winning actress for the TV show duck dynasty the dimples I mean America's Sweetheart right here I said what do you want to be introduced as she goes can you just say like hey here's Sadie and I'm like yeah we're here to serve you so hey everyone here Sadie yeah good good good well I'm so excited to be here so honored to be here what a great weekend to spend with family first of all I girls pastors are absolutely amazing just want to honor them for who they are and what y'all do yeah y'all have it going on here and this church is amazing thank you all for what y'all are doing how y'all are giving supporting people in South Africa and I'm sure all over the world y'all are an amazing an amazing Church so it is awesome to be here this morning I promise you I could not stand here without the grace of God just the power behind the blood and the name of Jesus Christ I actually struggled with fear for a long time of my life and so to stand here today in itself it's just like can I get a witness that God is a real people and he when you can stand and say I am a child of God there is no reason to be a slave to fear because there is complete freedom in his name so I'm gonna kind of share some of my personal stories with that and just kind of remind y'all if who our God is today and so I pray that y'all's eyes are open to seeing your ears are open to hearing and your hearts open to receiving everything that God has in this word today but how many of you know that fear can be like really ugly like can I get a witness of the ugly side of fear anybody in here struggle with here okay yeah fear got really ugly for me all right this one story I'll tell you real fast and it's actually right when I got asked to do Dancing with the Stars and I was like no way Jose why in the world would I go on Dancing with the Stars first of all I've never danced a day in my life in front of like any human being so that was like step one step two why would I learn to dance in front of like millions of people on television getting judged each week it just didn't really sound appealing to me I was like that is terrifying I said like no I don't really think I'm gonna be able to do that but when they asked me to do it my brother John Luke on the other hand was like yes I will do it I don't want to go on Dancing with the Stars and my parents were like no you're not going on Dancing with the Stars well John Luke partly really the reason why is because he is like the most uncoordinated person in the whole world ylai has all the confidence but like no coordination so my parents were like it just doesn't really sound like a good idea sorry John Luke what if you went you'd be out like first round Sadie if you go you at least have a chance like you need to do it and I was like no way that is just like I just add there's no way I could do that so my mom set up with me all night trying to make this decision she's like please do it would be so fun and she's doing the whole spill and just flash to do it and God gave you this opportunity and greater is he living in you you know she's giving it all to me and I'm just like mom I cannot do that well the next morning I wake up and my little sister who was 11 at the time looked at me and she said Sadie can I ask you something I was like sure she's like is this the fear talking or is this Sadie talking and I was like woah wait actually whoa yikes that is so good and I realize in that moment that I was about to make a decision as pastor said to me after from the spirit of fear and I think it's really important if you're a child of God you do not make decisions I'll be the spirit of fear because you will say no to things you should say yes to and you should say you're gonna say yes the things you should definitely say no to and this was one of those moments that I was just about to look my little sister in the eye and tell her I wasn't gonna do something just because I'm afraid to do it giving an excuse to not do something fear is no excuse my mom always said it all growing up you can have a million excuses why not to do something but fear better not be one of them and fear was about all of them for me and so I just said all right Bella you're right um I'm gonna do it I think I'll do it you would think that in this moment this is when everything gets good you're like okay I'm doing yeah it's gotta be awesome besides they're like totally not what happened I was like I'm doing it then I was like I don't know how to do this there's like all hitting me in the face at one time and this is when fear got really ugly so I was on my way to Mary Kate's Alice who was my best friend at the time she's now married to my brother they were dating and I was on my way to her house just kind of like confined and a best friend and just tell her like listen I'm about to leave for three months I'm terrified I don't know what to do and just kind of just spill it all on her and as I was on my way there I just started having a full-blown panic anxiety attack I was shaking I was like literally trembling I was sobbing makeups everywhere and then I literally threw up in the car okay it's ugly and not cute yeah this is fear everyone it's just not good so I get to Mary Kate's house and I'm like so embarrassed I look terrible I'll pull in her driveway and I'm pulling up I see my brother's car and I was like skirt never mind I like start to leave I'm like I'm not about to go in my car and let my brother see me like this and next thing I know mr. tall lanky himself starts running out as fast as he can try to catch up to my car and I'll just keep driving I'm like no no no boy this sucker is fast so he is booking it and he gets right up to my window and he looks at me and he's like roll down the window stop the car and I'm like no I keep driving he keeps running he's relentless and so finally I stopped the car but I just like mal to him I'm not rolling down the window I'm leaving and he's like no roll down the window I'm like no lock the car door the dude jumps on my car I was like what in the world so you would think in this moment being a good sister I would you know just finally unlock the car surrender oh no I kept driving kept driving with don't look on the car hello that's fear I'm driving John legs on the car I'm not going fast but you know it took 45 minutes of me circling the neighborhood this is not a joke people because I was so ashamed and that's what fear does fear locks the car door for your rolls up the windows fear doesn't want to be seen by the ones I love you don't want people you don't want to welcome people into that but the truth is the ones who love you they already see it because they know you they know who you are they know what you hold they know what you carry and they're not gonna be willing to let you surrender to fear and let that limit your life and so what a great brother in picture of just believing in this sister to stay on the car so finally pull up to Mary Kate's house and unlock the door and he opens and he's like whoa I'm like yeah this is why I kept driving and I get out of the car and it was such a special night because he just looked at me and he was like Sadie what are you afraid of you're going on Dancing with the Stars and you can actually probably dance if it was me I couldn't even dance and I'm not afraid and he was just being silly and just being goofy and just kind of reminded me of why this should this should be an awesome thing this should be a good thing don't be afraid and I think that it's important to surround yourself with people especially when you're dealing with something like fear who don't call you crazy but also who don't justify what you're going through and say like oh yeah well you're afraid yeah you're going to dismiss ours you should freak out oh you're going to say how do you have reason to be scared but say no you have no reason to be scared because what God has put in you is absolutely for this and he wouldn't call you to something that he's not going to equip before surround yourself but those types of people who believe in the God inside of you so before we even start today I want you to grab hold of the hand of the person beside you whether you know them or not just go ahead and grab hands we're family guys I know it could be awkward you're like Sadie no for real it's good it's all good and what I want to do for the next minute or even 30 seconds I just want you to pray for the person beside you and just believe in them just pray a prayer of believing in who they are and pray a prayer of freedom over whatever they're going through cuz as brothers and sisters it is so vital and important that you just know somebody believes in you you just know somebody's get a believe that there is freedom for you to find and so I don't know what the person beside you is going through I know what you're going through but let's just take 30 seconds to pray for each other as a family god I thank you for what happens when we come together as a family and believe in what you can do father god I thank you that you were a limitless God and there is nothing that can come against your word so God today I pray that as I preach your word and begin to declare the things that you have already written God that they would begin to feel that power release in the room God that people who have been struggling with fear for years and years and years and they almost feel like it's a part of them god I pray that I speak straight to their heart and remind them of who they are and what they are called to do and they would walk out of here free from any spirit of fear or anything that was holding them back god I pray that we put full belief and you today God I pray for my words would you just divide it into so many ways into all the hearts of the people today that they would walk out and there would be a seed planted that they would begin to grow and study your word God would it be just something that encourages them to dive deeper and who you are so that we can believe and be confident to trust you and all that you do it's in your name we pray amen and then thank you thank you for praying that it's awesome okay before we start I'm gonna start on this short video of us you fly and you go up to 14,000 feet and somebody opens the door and realize you've never been in a freaking airplane with the door open tower terror terror terror and then people start going out of the airplane and the guy launched up to the end of the thing and you're standing at your toes up on the edge and you're looking out down to death they say oh - and he pushes you on - because people grab 1/3 and you fall out of the airplane and in one second you realize that it's the most blissful experience of your life you're flying [Music] there's zero fear you realize that the point of maximum danger is the point of minimum [Music] the lesson for me was why were you scared in your bed the night before what do you need that fear for everything up to this stepping out there's actually no reason to be scared and then in that moment all of a sudden where you should be terrified is the most blissful experience of your life and God place the best things in life on the other side of fear is so true I have found that to be so true that God has placed the best things in life on the other side of fear and most of the time the very place fear is in your life their fear is conquered and that is what builds that confident trust that you're gonna have in God to continue to do the things that might seem a little bit scary but believe that God is gonna come through and be your strength in your weakness he's so good like that one time um I actually asked my mom because my mom is like the picture of fearless like she could be like the postcard for like a fearless ad she is like I don't know what about it is just like there's not of ounce of fear in her there's never been it's crazy like proverbs 31 she laughs at fear of the future that is my mother like even if she's in the face of danger she's just like chillin like she's so mellow and so one time I was just like mom okay I just like I don't know if you're even gonna be able to answer this but like how are you not afraid of anything like really how do you do that and she looked at me so well baby um I just really believe what God says I was like oh okay well that's one way to put it she's like I just really believe what God did it's true and then he's got me and it was like so simple but it was so profound because what if we just really believed what if we just really believed that God is who he says he is you know that the definition of fear is believing that something bad could happen at some thing could be dangerous or a potential threat to you when I read that when I finally looked into what fear really is and I saw that it's actually taking belief that something in front of you is a threat to you it hurts me so I was like okay here's the thing I have two options in my life I can either choose to believe in fear and choose to believe that whatever's in front of me is gonna overpower me or I can choose to take belief in faith and a God who says there is nothing on earth that can overpower the power that I have placed inside of you what are you gonna choose because whichever one you choose there's a major different lifestyle that you're gonna live and so I want to remind you of a guy that just chose to believe what God said and it's Daniel so I know you've probably all heard the story of Daniel in the lion's den you probably all read the Book of Daniel but I want to read this and remind you of the story because it is so powerful and it is just a guy just really believing that God is who he says he is and seeing God's faithfulness over and over and over again in his life Hebrews 10:35 says so then do not forget your confident trust that you have in the Lord for it will be richly rewarded patient endurance is what you need now so that you will be able to test and approve what God's good perfect and pleasing will is for your life if we're gonna have a confident trust in the Lord if we're gonna be able to be bold for his kingdom to stand in the face of danger and have a confident trust we're gonna have to begin to walk life out with him and see his faithfulness and that's what Daniel did because we're gonna talk about Daniel in the lion's den but it's important to know a little bit of a back story of Daniel many of you probably know Daniel chapter 1 that's where the Daniel fast comes from because Daniel chose to fast in this very intense moment where the kingdom was coming the kings were coming and they were looking for the strongest men they were looking for the best-looking men the men who were the wisest and in this moment this is when Daniel chooses with him Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that they don't need any special food they don't any-anything but what God provides and they're just gonna choose to fast and drink water and eat vegetables and God honored that fast and Daniel one and we read about how God gave Daniel in that moment wisdom beyond any other and he also gave him the gift to interpret dreams and many other gifts and so it's important to know that because in the next few chapters of Daniel we see how that really came into play in Daniels life many times if anybody needed a dream interpreted Daniel was the guy to call if anybody needed anything Daniel was the guy to call and so in Daniel chapter 6 we're picking up where the king was just about to appoint Daniel as the next king because he had seen how Daniel was obviously well favored by God he had seen the gifts that he had and he could see that he was a standout amongst anybody else he was very very gifted and found much favored and even in the King's eye so the king was about to appoint him well the people in the kingdom of course did not like that there's a lot of jealousy involved and so they decided that they were gonna try to find some way that they could get Daniel in trouble because they were like we got to get rid of this dude like he's going to be the king this is our competition how can we get rid of Daniel but the problem was how can we get rid of Daniel because Daniel doesn't do anything wrong that's what they said they're like well Daniel doesn't do anything wrong so how are we gonna get this guy in trouble so they said if we're gonna get Daniel in trouble then it's got to be something that's against the god he serves which first point of the day that's pretty awesome if you live such a life that the only way people can get you caught is by doing something against God and they're not really even doing something I thought was a total play that's pretty cool and so they were like we got to do something we gotta like try to figure out how he could like somehow whatever get in trouble that and you won't go gets his God so we're just gonna make a wall that if anybody prays to any other God than King Darius for the next thirty days and they will get his throne into the den of the Lions well of course the King said okay he made the security put it in writing and it was the stampton co2 was approved for the next 30 days no one in the land could print any other God but the King Darius and it says as soon as Daniel found out that the law that this decree had been made he went back upstairs in his room and his windows and opened it towards Jerusalem and three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed just as he has always done that's a steadfast believer right there just that he has always done he went back and he prayed to the God that he continuously served he had a lot of confident trust in that God and so of course because it was a scheme the king's men saw him doing this and went and reported it to the king and they said king didn't you say that if anybody prays any other God but you then they're gonna be thrown into the din of the Lions and the King said yes and he said well your servant Daniel was found praying to the God that he has been serving continuously and he wouldn't honor your your wish and so the king was actually greatly distraught he was like oh no like that was not the plan because he actually loves Daniel he actually sees the gifts that Daniel has in his life and he actually wanted Daniel to take his place after that but now he made this law and he has to honor his law so he says and so he has to throw Daniel into the lion's den and that's where we're picking up right here but it's important to know the backstory because you see that Daniels confident trusts and the Lord was not shaken and there was a lot of patient endurance because he's about to go into the den with a lion so we're gonna pick up in verse 17 actually verse 16 I'm sorry it says so the king gave order and they brought Daniel and they threw him into the den of the Lions and the King said may your God who you continuously serve rescue you I think that's kind of cool that this King he's not really sure where his faith is and he's not really steadfast and he's not really confident but he is kind of like let's just see if this happens like let's just see I really hope that the gods you serve I really hope that what you've been doing I hope it lasts because the King saw something and Daniel that was significant I think that's a good point too to think about and verse 17 it says a stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the Lions Den and the King sealed it with his own signet ring sealing the fate of Daniel so that his situation might not be changed then the King returned to the palace and that whole night he spent without entertainment and without food he was fasting for Daniel at the first light of dawn the King got up and hurried to the lion's den and when he came near the den he caught out and an anguished voice and said Daniel servant of the Living God has your God whom you continuously served been able to rescue you and Daniel pops on up and he says may the King live forever my God sent an angel in the middle of the night who came on my behalf and shut the mouth of the lion they have not hurt me because I was found innocent in his sight and I have also been found innocent in nearside I have done you no wrong your majesty then the king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift into out of the den and when Daniel was lifted out again there was no wound found on him no wound found on him because he had trusted in God that's powerful then right after this happened it gets even better King Darius the same King who had just wrote to the all of Atlanta that could only pray to him is now making a new decree that every nation and every person of every single language on earth may say he issued a decree they may fear and reverence the god of Daniel for he is the living god and he endures forever his kingdom will not be destroyed his Dominion will never end he rescues and he saves he performs signs and he performs wonders in heaven and on earth he has rescued Daniel from the power of the Lions the king new decree was that so I don't know if you've heard Daniel the lion's den story since you were in first grade that will forever preach every single part of that that is really believing and who God is and there is so much consistency of who God has always been and so I'm just gonna pick back up and read the first part and make a few points of what the Lord's been showing me as I've been reading this but this is a really cool thing so the first point verse 17 a stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the lion's den and the King sealed it with his signet ring ring sealing the fate of Daniels life so that his situation might not be changed how many of you know that there is no king of this world there is no power on earth that can seal the fate of our life whenever God has placed destiny in our life when he knit us together in our mother's womb gave us purpose gave us freedom gave us plans to prosper no king of this world can do that let me just show you about the consistency of God in Matthew chapter 27 Jesus had just died on the cross and Jesus as you know whenever he was alive he was predicting his death and he was prophesying to the people and he said to them one day he said he said a few times actually that on the third day he would raise and so we're picking up Matthew verse 27 chapter 27 verse 62 it says the next day the one after preparation day the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate and they said sir we remember that while he was still alive that the deceiver said after three days I will raise in I will rise again so give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day otherwise his disciples may come and steal the body and tell all the people that he was raised from the dead the last deception will be worse than the first and so Pilate answered go make the tomb as secure as you know how so they went and made the tomb secure putting a seal on the stone posting up with the guard how many of you know there is no tomb there is no seal there is no power of dark that can hold back the power of God when he has already put his word in place that's the consistency of who God is that's why I love to read the Book of Daniel and then read the life of Jesus because you see how God is so consistent with his people he is the same God yesterday today and forever the angels say in Revelation as they surround God day and night all they can say is holy holy holy are you Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come every new side of you is holy where you were it was holy where you are it is holy where you are going it will be holy the angels declare that day and night and I want you to realize something in Daniels life and with Jesus in Daniels life Daniel was living a great life Daniel was literally the one that God showed so much favor on because he fasted he was a righteous man who was found blameless in the sight of men in the sight of God he was doing great things and guess where he was led to the lion's den isn't that interesting that we can be following the perfect will of God in our life and we can still be led to the Lions Den Jesus he's Jesus he actually used God and he was led by the spirit into the wilderness is it that interesting we can be following the Spirit of God and we can be following the perfect will of God confidently walking in it and we can still be led until the wilderness and to the lion's den and so I just want to tell you that because some of you might have been disappointed where God leads you and you might be sitting in the lion's den right now and you're like what in the world god I've been following you I've been fasting I have been righteous God why am I in the lion's den why am I in the wilderness and can I tell you that maybe he placed you in the Lions and he allows you to walk until the wilderness so that the kings around you will see what a faithful God he is in the middle of the lion's den in the middle of the wilderness and so it doesn't matter if you're lead to nashville tennessee if you're lead to hollywood to DC to wherever it doesn't matter if you're led to a job you didn't think you wanted to a school you didn't think you'd be in no matter where you are just as the angels sing i want to join them and saying god i don't know where i'm going i don't know where you're taking me but i know it's gonna be holy because that is who you are don't lose sight of his face don't take your eyes off his face so daniel said whenever the king caught down he said daniel did your god save you and daniel cried back to the king and he said may the king live forever my god sent an angel on my behalf to shut the mouth of the lion you want to know another parallel with jesus in matthew chapter 4 when jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness he had been tempted he had been tried for many days Jesus ain't wavering not to be Satan all day every day and we get to the last point when Jesus had finally had enough and it's so similar to Daniel's situation cuz the enemy said he took him to the highest place on a very high mountain I'm dropping everything today I'll get it and he said all this I'll give you if you will bow down and worship me and jesus said to him away from me Satan for it is written worship the Lord your God and serve him only when Jesus said that the devil left and the angels came and attended him so I just want to point that out because it's so similar to Daniel when the kings of the world and when the enemy come and they say if you would just bow to something other than your God you will be so blessed if you would just do this for a minute you will be so close and if you don't know man we're gonna come get you we're gonna come throw you in the Lions Den it does not matter if all the enemies of the world are against you if you just begin to say all hail King Jesus may the god of the universe live forever and you just bow and worship the one and only God that you've continuously served all of heavens armies will fight for you all of heavens armies will fight on your behalf so join the cry of the angels join it and they'll join you let me tell you it's pretty cool then it says and he shut the mouth of a lion I think some of y'all may need to hear today that we serve a God who will shut the mouth of a lion I don't know what the lion looks like in your situation I don't know what lion has spoken words over you I don't know what lion is prowling around you and making you scared I don't know what your lion looks like but I just want to encourage you to just say steadfast and wait for him because my God will shut the mouth of the lion he was shut the mouth of the accuser he was shut the mouth of the one who gossips about you he was shut the mouth of the one who put tried to put shame on you he will shut the mouth of the one who came to kill still and destroy the purpose God's placed in you the destiny he has for you the purpose that you might not be able to fulfill unless you finally just begin to get confident and who you are and just let him shut the mouth of the lion don't try to fight it he will shut the mouth the lion I love that that gives me great rest and so I pray that that will rest upon you today that you will really believe that and then it says he came out of the lion's den he was found innocent in God's sight he had never done them anything wrong and I just remembered this randomly but there is a verse in Proverbs and it says the wicked one flees from the pursuer but the righteous one God makes us powerful and us fiercely as a lion I just came to my memory right now I've let that's the Spirit of God just saying the wicked one would flee the wicked one would not want to go into lion's den but the righteous ones hah knowing that when you were righteous in my side I will give you the power of the lion he is really no match to you so the king was overjoyed lifted Daniel out there was no room found on him because he trusted the Lord you can be in the Lions in and come out unharmed I want you to know that - you can be in the Lions Den and you can come out unharmed as I was looking at this story I started to think about gosh that would really be the picture of boldness right there I mean to just stare at the face of a lion all night it's just you and a lion who's like ready to devour you and then I started thinking because I've heard somewhere that like lions are most active at night and I've heard this message preached like when we were little in Sunday school and they would talk about just the fierceness of a lion and how they're most active at night and that's when Daniel was in there and all these stories from when I was little I was reminded of and as I was thinking about this and just thinking about like wow face song with the lion boldness you would have then I thought wait a second if it was the hours of the night and there was a stone road over the tomb I mean wrote over the den unless there was a fire in there you wouldn't see the lion in front of you you might not see the lion in front of you but I'm sure you'd feel the presence of the lion you'd probably hear the roar of the lion every so often you'd probably hear the pacing around you you might feel it brush up against you every now and then you would have a steady reminder that the lion was in there but you might not actually see the lion and so what I'm trying to say is fear doesn't always give you a face to look at sometimes you don't actually see a huge storm you don't actually see this beast in front of you you don't actually see face of what you're afraid of and all of a sudden you're sitting there and you are panicking inside and everyone around you doesn't see the fear you're seeing and so they don't know how to help you but it's there and you feel it and it's real and it's a spirit of fear and I want to tell you something you are not crazy fear is real you will feel it you know it will make you cry it'll make you throw up at times it'll make you shake make you tremble but my god is more real my God is there and I believe that when you begin to fear the Lord when you begin to stand and all in reverence of who he is in the same place that the fear of the Lord is there will be no fear of man that other fear has to go when you acknowledge the power of the presence of God it has to leave it has to cease that's why when Jesus said no I am only going to serve my god the enemy left and the angels came and so every day I want you to Clare if you're in this season of fear declare freedom over your life declare that he is more powerful than the presence of fear that's around you just begin to speak victory before you see it and I'm telling you you are going to start you might not see an angel but you're gonna start seeing at the mouth of the Lions are shipped it's gonna be good guys I want to show y'all a video before I leave because this is like personal victory for me this week I actually went skydiving whoo it was crazy I was like I got to do this it's like I have been afraid of things all my life and I've I know what fear feels like but I wanted to know what boldness felt like I wanted to know what it felt like whenever like you're actually in the face of fear and you have no fear and you're just confident and you can just do it and I was like what could I do to set myself up to be bold skydiving so I was thinking this is great and so I've planned this trip asked all my friends to go with me every single one of them said no ouch but I was then like well we are flying all this guy that is kind of a hard thing to ask you what to do and so I saw my friends they said they come with me but they wouldn't do it like that's fine I just I have to do this I just wanted to do this so bad this would be just like the picture fearless so I get in the crowd a y'all I was on another level that day I was so excited I woke up I didn't even need my coffee I was like good morning fearless I'm jameelah Scott today and uh I'll let that day I also think that that's just something when you make your mind up that you're gonna do like the scariest thing ever like later in the day you make have peace all day like you're like walking around you're like oh yeah I got this is like nothing can touch me really so maybe we need a challenge I want to do more stuff like that this is trust guy and so we did there that day and it was so sweet my sweet mom who has walked through my whole journey is here with me who's answered every panic attack call who has taken me to the hospital only because I was begging her to and then in the parking lot she turned around because she knew there was nothing wrong with me so just to say she had just been there she's just been there through that three years of fear she showed up and surprised me to see my face on the day of pure freedom and she said I'm with you so my mom and I were about to jump in my friends decided your mom can do it we can do it everybody's now jumped bail this guy it was awesome so we ended up going up there and y'all it was just the most incredible thing I've ever done as I was on my way up it was just like I can't even tell you there was no fear in the whole process but when I show you the video you will see this it was kind of funny like you think of skydive and you kind of think like you're like run like jumped out of the plane not how it works you actually like scoot up to the plane and it is like you're scooting they open the door to this plane and like he said this the first time you are in a plane that the door is open in your life oh my gosh so it kind of scooting up to the plate and you're getting to the end of the door and then you just dangle your feet over the edge before they push you off okay and so I was like certain to scoot it I was like okay be bold be bold be bold be one you got it you got it you had people people you vote and you're seeing this video I had about 10 chins that day it was like all my chance we're saying no no no no and yes you gotta go getting like triple chins and I'm like over the edge and I'm like he's like ready set go and you are just like following through the sky but like you said in the place of maximum fear there is I mean in the place of maximum danger there is minimum fear you're not afraid at all and I was like how could I not have been afraid and I think part of it is you're not in any control of your situation at all you don't pull the chute your body's going 140 miles per hour a hunt 14,000 feet in the air I mean once you go you're going like one way or another you go in down okay and like for some reason there's comfort in that like I can't do anything about it so we're already here and I challenge my life to look like that that just surrender control once I'm in with you Jesus no matter where you got me and for these 10 seconds we're following we're following you that all of a sudden they tell you they tap your shoulder and you put your arms out and then you go from falling to flying it's the most blissful thing in the whole world you have so much freedom there's so much peace there is literally not an ounce of fear and you start to realize anything that you could possibly be afraid of it's below you and it just reminded me of that God's peace is above us just look up it's there I remember at one point of this like experience this bird just flew underneath me and I was like that was so cool yeah like he's your eyes are open to creation and so as I'm falling then all of a sudden and flying all of a sudden they pull the chute and it was so funny because they had told me right before I went they were like hey just so you know we have a GoPro and your audio is gonna be on the GoPro so we're all gonna watch and listen to you after and I was like oh I don't really know about that we're gonna be full of this guy 140 miles per hour there's no telling what I'm about to say but it was awesome because the minute they pull this shoot you actually can't hear anything as you're like falling cuz the wind settle out but the minute you pull the chute you can hear everything literally what I said away Jesus fearless freedom I was like how it was awesome only in you God and it was such a day of like God with when I'm not in you I couldn't do something like this but when I'm in you I get to skydive I get to do these crazy things and just trust that you've gotten me I get to just see new sides of your creation and there is a whole world out there on the other side of your fear so just let it go let it go there is this moment when he pulls this shoot and you bounce back up and that's the moment that I just begin to say Jesus fearless freedom and then you just kind of float down and you get down in I remember in my spirit just feeling God saying why would you ever be afraid I got you I'm that I'm that shoot like just pull it I'm there boom you're good and so I want to show you this video I kind of just want you to ask I go what do you want to show me through this video because there's so many different parts of it as I watched it they are just cried does that God just showed me so much through it and so maybe it's one of those things that you need to let go of the control in your life maybe it's one of those things that you need to really be bold in the situation maybe it's one of those things that you feel kind of like you're all fallen or whatever and you just need to ask God to allow you to soar like wings like eagles maybe it's that I don't know what it is and he wants to show you today but I believe that there's a message to your fear today that he wants to speak to you so maybe it's through the visual of this or maybe it's through the word but however it is I do pray you ever see of something as we watch this video here comes my tensions it's very very cute [Music] she's kind of let go you know what wings like eagles she still the fine singer it's really going good and boom it's not something he's got you y'all I'm gonna pray prayer as we end today but I just pray that you begin you go home and that this just planted a seed in your heart that you would begin to water I pray that it sparks you to begin to read so that you can just truly believe what he says simple as that just believe what he says he's consistent and there's confidence in his consistency so god I thank you so much for who you are god I thank you that you give us freedom over fear god I thank you that you are the parachute in our skydive God thank you that you always have us that you're always for us and you're always with us God I pray for a body of steadfast believers for believers who are a whole heart and I'm willing to say yes no matter where you lead God that they would just know that that's already where you're going and that whenever you they get there that they're gonna be able to say holy holy holy are you Lord God Almighty God I bless their homes as they leave today god I pray for their car route conversations may it just spark encouragement what people feel the freedom to release the fears that they've been going through we just expose any of that that's been in the darkness of our lives god I just pray that you begin to radiate in their homes God and just begin to give them new revelation speak to them in their dreams God we love you we thank you and god I thank you for this church god bless their ministry and bless their pastors give them more wisdom and revelation as I study the Word of God and be with the body as they love one another so well we love you it's in your name we pray amen [Applause] do not move got a question we're gonna have a little quick interview question when God told you to deal with your heart not your circumstance about your fear yeah okay so I shared this in first service um whenever I was going through my journey of fear like for like three years I could not figure out how I could not shake it I was like God why am I so afraid like my mom is like fearless my brother's fearless why am i afraid then I was like a believer in him I prayed all the time I couldn't figure it out it's about three years of this goes by and I'm on this tour called winterjam that they asked me to speak on and I remember I was praying backstage and I was like God like I don't want to be afraid anymore like why is this still the story of my life and I've just begin to pray it I remember the first time so clearly to my spirit he said Sadie you're so afraid because you're praying for your situations to change and if you would just stop and you would just pray for your heart to change you're gonna start to realize that you can be in the scariest situation you've thought life had to offer but yet then you're gonna have peace that surpasses all understanding because that's whenever I fight for you I catch you I carry you and so in this moment I realized oh my goodness I have been praying so much for my situations to change in life and whenever that wasn't happening I would get afraid that was like my excuse to retreat to fear but when I just thoughts and began to pray for my heart to change I did realize I can stand on stage right now and not be afraid because my heart posture is different and in Daniels story he reflects that because his situation he was placed in was an unchangeable situation by the stone rolled over it but yet because his heart was willing to stay steadfast everything changed about his circumstance so good 20 years old until tomorrow and instead of running to the bar when she turns 21 she'll be speaking to our teenagers at youth camp it's so happy birthday Sadie there's a little kid behind you like yeah in fact why don't we sing her happy birthday she's gonna be with our church family [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Cornerstone Nashville
Views: 217,487
Rating: 4.8973274 out of 5
Keywords: cstone, cornerstone, church, nashville, god, jesus, christ, religion, prayer, hope, grace, mercy, love, savior, believe, faith, christian, sermon, service, servant, bible, scripture, testimony, christianity, salvation, holy, spirit, gospel, lord, truth, word, prophecy, prophet, study, preaching, pastor, ministries, galen, davis, mission, madison, tennessee, gaylun, sadie, robertson, duck, dynasty
Id: aDooLbM_vS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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