Following Jesus in the Unknown - Sadie Rob Huff

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good morning good morning y'all can sit down thank you so much that's so sweet but I'm so excited to be here with y'all this morning first of all I just want to say hey to the Cumberland campus and the overflow rooms thanks for being at church on Sunday I'm so excited I love every time I get to do anything with passion I love your church y'all love your church yes it's awesome I love it because every time I come here it's so awesome I get all these texts from people who go to passion that say we're so excited you're gonna be on our house and I love how y'all say our house because it just makes me feel like I belong it makes me feel like a family and that's how y'all treat people that's how your leaders treat people I just want to say thank you to Louie and Shelley for just how you lead how you serve people and love people so well can everybody think the pastors and the team all of you guys the worship leaders this church is just amazing everybody who serves who opens the door you make everybody feel so excited not just about church with about Jesus and that's really awesome you know Shelley kind of mentioned that she has really believed in me and she's really kind of let me have a voice the first place I ever gave a message was at passion I was so nervous and I'm still nervous but I'm very thankful for how they keep letting me use my voice because I feel like in doing that y'all aren't just saying oh we believe in you Sadie you're saying you believe in the younger generation and I feel like that's touching a lot of other people who were my age and younger than just me I know that's true so thank you for how y'all lead and how y'all love I'm so excited I'm pumped I'm gonna read the scripture today then we'll jump into prayer and dive into the message but my passage that I'm going off of today is from Matthew 14 it's a very common one y'all probably know it but I know that the word is active and alive and I know that this is gonna speak to y'all so let's read when Peter walked on water all right it says in verse 22 immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side while he dismissed the crowds so the crowd that Jesus was dismissing so it just happened he just fed the 5,000 so just to have a little context miracles are happen so real cool exciting time and they are on the move so Jesus was like disciples go ahead get on the boat I'm gonna dismiss the crowds and it says after he dismissed the crowd he went up on the mountain to pray to himself when evening came he was there alone but the boat by this time was a long way from the land beaten by the waves for the wind was against them and in the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea but the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified and said it is a ghost and they cried out in fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying take heart it is I do not be afraid and Peter answered him saying lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water he said come so Peter got out of the boat and walked on water he got out of the boat and came to Jesus but when he saw the wind he was afraid and began to sink and he cried lord save me Jesus immediately reached out his hand took hold of him saying to him o you of little faith why do you doubt and when they got into the boat the wind ceased and those in the boat worshiped him saying truly you are at the Son of God alright let's pray before we dive in god I just thank you so much for this word God I thank you for who you are what you're doing what you're always doing god I pray that today we would just be so in tune with your spirit God Lord I pray that your spirit would anoint me to speak this word to your people god I pray that every single person would receive something from your word today god I prayed that it would awaken them I pray that it would give them more passion and more desire to know you and God I pray that you'd be with my words to articulate what you're trying to say Lord we love you so much we have so much confidence in who you are it's in your name we pray amen amen alright how many people are still excited that we're in 20/20 right better be because it's only February but 2020 there's been like so much excitement behind 2020 and y'all's church has been in an amazing series I'm like passion church online i watch on youtube every monday when it gets uploaded it gets so excited cuz I love this church I love this sermon series y'all are and about the roaring 20s and about the roar from the tribe of Judah I love it but most people whatever they hear 20 20 like your pastor had this word it's so good but most people when you're like 2020 it's like it's the year of vision Bay because it's 2020 right anybody like feel like we're going 2020 clear eyes full hearts can't lose like that's exactly what I thought of when I thought of 2020 and that was how my husband felt too my husband was so excited because this guy loves him some vision let me tell you the first time I'm not even kidding our first phone call okay like we're just like he just gave me his number just was going to call me we're getting to know each other asking all those random questions that you ask somebody they go a little deep they're kind of shallow sometimes it was like how do you like your coffee when did you know Jesus what's your India Graham number and I'm not kidding he was like do you have 20/20 vision so literally what he asked me like I'm not kidding and I was like yeah I actually do have 20/20 vision kind of random and he was like oh that's really cool I actually had 2015 I was like so you're that guy well I don't know this is gonna work but hey it's ready to Christians year of vision was 2015 but now we're in 2020 and it's a new year vision it was really funny because we were in the chick-fil-a drive-thru and we were talking about our word for the year and I don't know how much more Christian millennial you can get in the chick-fil-a drive-thru talking about our word for the year and so I look over at him and I'm like babe you know twenty twenties around the corner we got to get a word for the year cuz last year our words just you know so challenging so powerful you know and he's like yeah I know I'm really excited about this so I'm really excited and to nobody's surprise he's like going with vision it's 20/20 baby and I'm like okay yeah I'm like no shock and if any of you know my dad or I've seen my dad on TV or even know the Enya Graham he's an 8 on the other groom my dad is a challenger and my dad like challenges everything that we say he's like do you really believe that are you really confident in that so some of that kind of bleeds through me sometimes cuz I'm kind of like my dad so I was like really trying to let my husband you know just pick his word and let it'd be his word and you know support the vision but I'm sitting there and I'm just like ah I gotta say something I just gotta give a little push back so it's like okay vision is great I love it I actually hope you know for vision too but they'll just ask you like is that word really challenge you like do you really feel like we need more vision cuz you've been telling me so much vision that you have you've been telling me all about this vision is guys giving you we've been talking about the vision we have together and so do you really feel like in 2020 you need more vision I mean Christian was like okay you're right let me think about it a little bit longer so that what another week goes by now we're at passion so again Christian millennial AO who was that passion this year 2020 it was the best place to be in the new year and we're sitting there and he looks over he's like babe I got my word like what is it he's like it's faith he said because what I realized is you're right we have a lot of vision and now I think what we really need is faith for the vision and when he said that I was like now that's a word I love that faith for the vision when I look at this passage it's really interesting to me because I was just reading it two weeks ago and I just realized something what started out as a vision problem actually ended up becoming a faith problem what started out as something they couldn't recognize I thought Jesus was a ghost because they couldn't really see it was the night time it was when that's not what Jesus challenged him with he's like you a little faith what was once the vision issue is now really a faith issue you see because here's the thing we can come into 20/20 and it would be amazing to have vision I love vision the Bible talks about where there's no prophetic vision people wonder astray like we like yes we want to have vision but at the same time we could have so much vision but if we don't have faith nothing happens if we don't have obedience nothing comes of it you could have more vision in you ha and 2019 but still the same outcome if you don't start walking we got to walk into that vision we got to get out of the boat you see vision when we think about 2020 we get excited because we know 2020 has to do with eyesight but eyesight and vision are kind of different things eyesight and 20 and what that's kind of referencing is that the human can see it's like really just the average human can see so if it's a 20 feet away distance we can see it as if it's 20 feet away it doesn't mean we have perfect vision it means we can see it like the average human can see it and I think that's really important to know and it kind of is good to know that even mr. 2015 over here none of us have perfect vision none of us have perfect eyesight and it's important to know because that means all of us are gonna have to have a little faith when I think about that and I started looking at the definition of vision there was a definition that I thought was really really powerful it says it's a mental image of what the future will be or could be and how love that will be or or could be I mean that's an important phrase right there it could be that yes God's giving you this amazing vision and it could be that but you're gonna have to have faith for it to be that you're gonna have to have obedience and discipline you have to wake up and have confidence in who he is and what he's gonna do for that to happen it's what could be Bible says in second Corinthians 2:5 that we walk by faith and not by sight and I think that's so so powerful that we get to walk by faith and not by sight now that doesn't mean it's not scary but that means we have to have dependency on God and I think about that moment with all of them in the boat and what really got me I'm convicted me as I was reading this again just last week I was thinking man all of them in that boat saw the same thing like Peter along with the other disciples it was night time for all of them it was windy for all of them the waves are big for all of them but one of them walked on water that night one of them decided to get out of the boat but all of them had the same opportunity you see in 2020 we could all be really excited about vision we could all be in the same house and I'll be hearing the same words and had the same vision but yet some of us walk on water some of us walk out this door and actually do something with it because some of us believe that that might be God that might be Jesus hmm looks a little crazy seems a little crazy something is different why was it different for Peter that night I think to do with the conversation Peter and Jesus had right after Jesus said don't be afraid listen what Peter said he said and Peter answered him saying lord if it is you command me to come see you on the water I thought that was such a cool thing that Peter asked of Jesus because I think about some of the things I asked Jesus like had that been me in that moment in that boat seeing like kind of something blurry out there wondering maybe it's Jesus I feel like what I would have said is hey Jesus Kolo closer so I can see that it's you well I'll cool it closer to the boat make it shine elaborate let me just see that it's you guys because if I see that it's you and I know that it's you then I'll walk out to you because I know you can do stuff like that if I see that is you then I'll walk out to you Peter didn't say that Peter didn't say walk a little closer let me see that it to you before so I can make sure he said God if it is you command me to come yes it's dark yes it's windy yes it doesn't make sense but if I hear your voice I'm gonna come you're inviting me into a moment with you and I don't want to miss it when I was thinking about this theme that y'all have going with the roar it's so powerful and so you know I don't know much about Lions so I googled lion facts because she's never know when you're gonna and you're gonna catch revelation from Google I in facts and so I line this go it's like 100 facts about lions and I'm like it's a really cool animal you know and then something sticks out to me really really cool it said why the lion roars it was like so blown away in the middle of thinking about this this whole idea that Peter just simply asked for a command and he heard his voice and without seeing anything he came to Jesus and I'm looking at this lion fact about why Lions were and Lions says that they roar to let other Lions know where they are and they're most active at night to let other lands know where they are without any light around it also talks about how they roar to let others over they aren't to protect their home territory you see we have to know that we're not always going to see it clearly but when we hear it clearly we're gonna have follow that roar because we know we're gonna be protected by our key we know we're gonna be protected because that roar is so much greater than the roar of the wind that roar is so much louder than the voices around us that roar not only is that the thing that we're gonna follow but that's the thing that's gonna protect us that's the thing that's calling us home we got to pay attention to that roar even when we can't see it clearly the word says in Psalms 19:1 f5 says your word is a lamp unto my feet Psalms 19 says your commandment is enlightening to my eye and I say that to say because I think sometimes we really need to trust that his word is our vision in times that we cannot see it clearly his word is our vision and you might be saying we'll say it I don't have good vision I don't have much inspiration right now and I also don't really have a word and I'm not talking right now about like an individual specific word although that is such a blessing when were able to receive that from people around us and when the Lord speaks those things I'm not talking about that word being your vision I'm talking about this word being your vision this word is a lamp unto your feet it's a light unto your path these Commandments are enlightening to the eye and every single person just like every single person in that boat has the same opportunity to read the same words but the difference is gonna be for the people who believe these words and take him at his word and walk out of the boat and trust him on the water this is the word and we all have this word you know I was thinking about as I was coming up here and I was I was reading on the way here I thought about this one other part it's really really interesting it says but when he saw the wind he was afraid and began to sink and cry out and I'm relate to that part so much because it was actually the moment that he really got the vision that it was actually really clear what was happening that he freaked out how many of you can relate to that you're like praying for vision and then you got vision and then you started to see anyway is this what you're about to do God oh well that is way bigger than Who I am like that happens to me all the time and like yes I have fainted I'm walking into it oh that's really big room oh shoot but they don't know no I got faith I'm walking back into it like sometimes when we see it clearly that's the time that we freaked out because even when we see it we can't fully comprehend it because what we really have to know whenever we're walking into something with God is that even though we might can see a little bit his ways are higher than our ways his thoughts are higher than our thoughts his like just as the heavens are higher and he's gonna do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever dream of he's so much bigger so we might actually see the moment but we can't comprehend the moment because it's something only he can do in the moment I was thinking about this and how like sometimes I can see something very clearly but I can't really comprehend it and it's kind of thinking that's like the story of my life you know I actually I've never shared this in people publicly but I was on the way here yesterday and as I'm reading this and I was starting to think like I'm gonna have to use my notes up here because I just got asked to speak here two weeks ago and normally whenever I speak places I I get asked for in advance so have plenty of time to prepare and to prep and my preparation looks a little bit different than some people because I found out years ago that I was dyslexic and that's why it was really hard for me to read words because it makes me all confusing stuff my mom and say want you to bring notes up there Billy I'm so confused by them I look and I just can't read it and which is how I started to find out that I was dyslexic anybody else dyslexic okay lots of hands good company everybody's dyslexia is different you know for me the formation of words just start to form together and so it can make it kind of difficult to sound things out and to prepare with notes so a lot of times I want to start to memorize what I'm gonna say well how I prep as I sit and I ask the Lord what to speak on so like I get a word I write it in my own way then I repeat it by speaking it out on voice memo and then I listen to the voice memo and I just asked God to speak through me on it and then days before leading up to the moment that I'll speak I'll stop listening and say God fill in the gap I remember the word you gave me give me new words may your spirit flow through me then I speak this time because it was just two weeks ago and I felt so specific on this word I was like I'm gonna have to use my notes and yesterday I started thinking about this journey of I'm dyslexia and I remember whenever I was little I thought that I must have like an eyesight problem like the teacher had just told my mom that I was like really behind in school and my reading was below average and the rest of the kids and so I was like well there's got to be a problem here it's probably my eyes I probably just need glasses this is home on to take me to the eye doctor well I get there and I was so confused because I could actually see all the letters clearly in that 20/20 test I could see the E and I could see all the different letters and I was getting so frustrated because I wanted the doctor to know I had a problem so I'm not gonna lie I lied to the doctor I was like that he kind of looks like an O like because I wanted him to know like there's something wrong here but I can't see it so they gave me glasses or clearly I didn't help because that wasn't the problem and it was always interesting to me until years later it would kind of joke in my family at the only test I made a hundred on was the dyslexia test because that was when I was like I know I'm new son was wrong and the problem is am I why I was so confusing is because I could see it clearly I just cut and comprehend it very well and then I found out that dyslexia it's not an eyesight problem it's not a vision problem it's the way that my brain forms and processes the words so how did I go through school how do I learn these things how do i how am I able to read the Bible well I just learned how to remember the sound of the word even though I might write it different like for instance even in my notes I was saying what the future held I spelled what the WH athe it was a formation both of those words but I know that that sounds like what V so I start to learn how the word sounds I start to remember though the formation of the word the way that's supposed to be I don't trust and the dyslexia I trust and my knowledge of the word and see that's the thing that we have to see with God sometimes we're gonna see it clearly we can't comprehend it very well but we remember from the knowledge of the word what he must be doing I have to trust that he's doing we see it clearly we can't comprehend it we know the character of who he is and we know the faithfulness of the word there were so many people in the Bible that saw it very clear but couldn't comprehend it but trusted him at his word think about Noah Noah didn't see a thing but started building an ark Joshua saw a ginormous wall but walked around at seven times Sara Abraham saw old age but steps out of their tent Moses saw an inadequate man who had a problem with speaking yet he heard his name called by a burning bush and after a little conversation went back Peter he saw the absolute impossible but he heard an invitation and so he walked on the water they didn't see it clearly they couldn't possibly comprehend it all the time but they obeyed his word because they recognized his voice but here's the thing you have to start to learn his voice if you want to follow the direction of this word you have to start to trust this word and in trusting that you have to have confidence in it to have confidence in it you really have to know it and be in relationship with it I'm gonna end with this it's a mother Teresa quote and I think it's so so so cool because she's so sweet but this moment is so savage this person came up to her and he asked her a question he said mother Teresa can you pray for me she said yes I can pray for you and then he said can you pray that I have clarity and mother Teresa said no I will not pray that you have clarity like and I always like when I read that part it shocks me so much because like people have asked me to pray so I'm like for some random things honestly somebody asked me the other day to pray at their laptop but come on and y'all I literally prayed for them because I was like all right Luis be with this person I don't know it's to pray be with her because somebody has to pray I just say yeah so I will offer this prayer but Mother Teresa literally told this guy no I won't pray for you for clarity she said because clarity is the last thing that you're holding on to she said I've never had clarity but I have trust and so what I will pray for you is that you have trust and I think that that is so powerful because I think a lot of times we're just waiting on that last clarity if you'll just come a little closer to the boat if I could just see it a little more clearly maybe in an hour the Sun will come up but what if right now he says come what if right now he says walk out here join me well then beyond the clarity beyond the vision even though I hope we all have a vision and 20/20 I hope that we have sight I hope we help with those things I'm gonna trust you at your word and I'm just gonna start walking today on this Super Bowl suddenly I'm gonna walk out of this building I'm gonna start trusting you at your word before I have the full picture of what its gonna look like if I had waited on the full picture I I don't even know if I would have started walking I feel like the Lord called me into something way before I thought I was ready where I was ready but that's how it built my trust and my confidence that only he can do these things and when I walk with Him the miraculous things happen when it's something I can't comprehend when I can't see it clearly when I can't understand but I just say I heard your roar and I can trust that roar
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 157,403
Rating: 4.9630146 out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio, passion city church worship, louie giglio sermons, passion city, giglio louie, passion, city church, louie giglio 2019, giglio, passion city church sermons, Atlanta, Sadie Robertson, sadie robertson dwts, sadie robertson Huff, sadie robertson wedding, sadie robertson passion conference 2020, Sadie Rob Huff, passion city church, Duck Dynasty, live original, fearless, dyslexia, in the Unknown, jesus, Worship Matters, W2O2R2S2H2I2P
Id: wzmvPOgywKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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