Jase Robertson

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[Music] good morning let's stand up this morning most important person in this building this morning is Jesus and we're here to worship Him are you ready to worship let's do that God we thank you for today today would you change us would you be with us would you transform us and I pray that today we would walk out of here with purpose and a mission to reach this world we thank you God [Music] our praise our hands our eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah shame [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we know fear kind your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in Dave spirit of god or our hearts are wide open Jesus we need in the space breaker walls down Spirit of God 400 thousand here Jesus we need you [Music] it's just spirit fall this morning Lord [Music] let heaven fall that ever falls in your presence there is peace in your presence we are free there's no better place to be there's no better place to be in your presence there is truth in your presence mountains blue we forever - you run to you is it your presence there is speech in your presence we are free his no babe to be come on there's no better place to be to see your [Music] in your presence my Reaper - you reefer [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] these are highly in the prayer [Music] I raise a Holly [Music] my weapon easily I raise aha [Music] my phone [Music] now [Music] la our reason Haleh [Music] inside [Music] watch the dark [Music] our razor [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop now you're gonna from [Music] [Music] singing sound [Music] louder [Music] [Applause] the press [Music] [Music] Singh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I raise [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] loud little la ma let me hear you come on you can do louder [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sing a little [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see the store powder it louder you're gonna hear my praises roar from - hope we love damn is defeated I'm gonna stick here oh I'm good middle of the store louder and louder you're gonna hear my praises roar up from the ashes hope damn is to feed the king [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's alive isn't he thank you Jesus we are alive because you are like Jesus [Music] Prison a screw [Music] he's come to take my Mauri team lifting me up from where my freedom song is foundering all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] they've already know [Music] go to her [Music] that drop inside Raisa their angle gonna hold my body [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're the smooth and Velvets ha [Music] he's always telling me [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh my body [Music] here that's wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see this out [Music] there was a battle a war between devil eye [Music] on a tree let's cruise anyway to pack every [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] Oh [Music] there ain't no [Music] could hold his body oh if you walked out of the brain [Music] walked out of the grave I'm walking to if you walked out of the brain walk into if you walked out of the Grady's I'm walking to yes the grade [Music] walked out of the gray [Applause] if you walked out of the Hawkins [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my body [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] we just thank him this morning thank Jesus for our life thank you God thank you Jesus [Music] got our message that we get to walk every day as believers as if death could not get you it doesn't have to get us so God if you went before us if you are the pioneer if you had everything that life had to throw at you you were made in every way like us and yet you did not sin if you could not be hold held down by death death doesn't have to hold us down and I Thank You Todd for that that is so true so god addiction doesn't have to hold us down depression and I just pray that today you would help each and every one of us to know and understand that you are the God who came to bring life you are life and today God that life is available that light is available to open our hearts this morning to what you have to say through your word I pray help us maintain the courage that we need to face this life that you've set us here in the city in this region to live we pray this in Jesus name and everyone said man you've got a hand this morning awesome yes well you can go ahead and be seated we are so glad that you are here this morning I am pastor Jeff lead pastor here at First Assembly of God all right yes welcome if this is your first time at First Assembly I am so glad that you could be with us this morning and if you wouldn't mind taking a moment there's a connection card on your seat or in the the pew back in front of you we just asked you fill it out we want to stay connected with you and we're so glad that you could be with us and you can drop it off in the offering that's about ready to come by so yes and you may say who is this beautiful woman this is my wife Rochelle and we are so glad that you are here our Usher's are coming forward and as they do we have the opportunity to give this morning we say this is what we do every Sunday scripture says that we return the tithe to God ever the money I make none of it's mine he just says I get to keep 90% of it so I return the 10% we want to be a generous congregation so our goal this year is to give $450,000 away to see the city reach to see the world reached in various missionaries that's our goal it's ambitious but with Jesus Christ we know that all things are possible and so that's a word about ready to do this morning we're worshiping as we give back to Jesus and give over and above that to to efforts all across the world and all across our city and our region so you pray with me as we take up this offering Lord we thank you today we come we are so excited to be able to give to you return the tithe to you give over and above that to kingdom builders to reach this world for you God we're not giving to feel religious we don't give just because it's what we feel like we should do we give because you first gave your your first you gave your best to us and so god we return the tide to you and we give over and above that what you asked us to we thank you we pray this in Jesus name and everyone said a awesome a couple of announcements so that you are aware what's going on next Sunday we have baby dedication and so if you have recently had a baby and you want to dedicate your son or daughter to the Lord you can sign up on a connection card or you can email the church send a carrier pigeon however you want to do it but we want to get you connected with that also if you are new to first assembly next Sunday morning at 9:30 we are having our catch division class which shares all about what we believe here at First Assembly how you can be a part of the family here I get louder yes first assembly and that's dangerous you might not want to do that at and as so if you would like to come to that you are welcome and every Wednesday night I'm telling you I love Wednesday nights Wednesday nights are buzzing here at First Assembly at 7 o'clock we have kids programs in our youth program and adult Bible study and so you are always welcome and just want to invite you to that a lot of stuff happen and we are we are so excited and I'm just gonna tell you a couple of my irrational fears one of them has been put to rest about this weekend and that is last night at about 9:10 p.m. when we got word that Jason landed because I'm just telling you I love every one of you but I don't want to face you if you think he's preaching and I'm and he doesn't come so he's here this morning I am so glad each and every one of you are here we are so excited to have Jase Robertson here and let me just tell you why are we having Jase Robertson in I tell you what obviously one of the stars on Andy's duck dynasty it's a hilarious show my daughter's actually for the first time they watched it yesterday for the first time yesterday morning we came home last night they said can we watch duck dynasty again let's do it and every time he came there's like oh there's there's Jase there's Jase not not simply because he has a wide following across our nation and world I'm sure but because his message is much bigger than his platform and how do you know when God gives you a platform yeah you can go ahead and clap that's good when God's giving you a large platform you better have the message enough to bring it and that's exactly what he does all the time not only on TV on the podcast but obviously he has a family you follow him and I tell you what we are so excited to be able to welcome Jase Robertson could you stand and give a Kentucky welcome to Jase Robertson [Applause] where we at Henderson Kentucky good to be here y'all have a seat you know they told me on the plane somebody said I heard you were gonna be in Henderson Kentucky let's see well how'd you hear that they said look that place is Lively I said well I'll tell you this it's better than being deadly so I'm glad to be here what pastor Jeff didn't tell you is that his kids watch duck dynasty for the first time yesterday and then they met me this morning back in the back and one of them said what happened old age is creeping in the resurrection is looming larger by the second well I knew I was in the right place when we took a Johnny Cash song and I'm not sure how he got those words right but you know what the Lord works in mysterious ways does he not cuz he got that right so you come here and you see a show called duck dynasty you hear that I'm coming up here and gonna preach and I want you to relax cuz I'm technically not a preacher that may be a shock to some of you and you say well what are you doing I'm a believer I'm a believer and you say why does that matter because I know some of you have stumbled in here and so I'll tell you what ain't going to no church but I will go here that guy from duck dynasty and I'm glad you think about it and I know that you're curious about how does this happen because when you see a show that comes on TV that's not like other shows and you said what do you mean our show you can actually watch from grandparents all the way to kids and not have to worry about what's gonna be sad I think that's a good thing he said how did that happen how did you even get on TV and a lot of you Sarah watch you see my wife and you think well how in the world did that happen it's okay look for years I've been I've had to go through this where we go to the airport we step up you have the security line you know when you're traveling together you walk up together and the guy says wait your turn sir he's like no he's with me oh really yeah on purpose [Laughter] stuff I have to go through right so it reminds me when you say well how did this get started I'll tell you the TV show my brother and I were in New York City on purpose we were going to watch baseball game I was doing a seminar about how to operate these these are duck calls you know the technical term for him is air traffic controllers it's the same line I told my wife's dad when she said you need to go get my dad's blessing in order for us to be married I said okay well how did we do that he's like just go ask him I'm sure he'll say yes so I went in there and I said look wanting to marry your daughter and he said absolutely not so we never went over the part of what happens if he says no he says what are you planning on doing for a living and in that moment he's already said no I did I was thinking what can I say what can I do and I was like I'm gonna be an air traffic controller oh well that's pretty cool so then it was still enough so I did the mature thing I said well we're doing it anyway and you're invited and he said well I'm not sure I like where this is headed and I said well you're a preacher and he was says y'all understand this verse it's better to marry than to burn with passion that was not a good verse to tell your future father but as God usually does when you have conflict and let me tell you in a family you're gonna have conflict and you have a family like mine you're gonna have a lot of conflict but God brings us together gives us grace gives us hope he gives us a reason to smile when we should be frowning I met a guy yesterday 16 years old he had had over 200 surgeries and I looked around and thought you know you think we got problems I'm looking at this guy and he never quit smiling encouraging it's inspiring it was an honor to meet that fellow so I'm in New York with my brother and we're outside of a AME he said look I'm gonna pitch this show in here I think it may go good my whatever we're drinking $4 cups of coffee it was weird the first time I've ever done that we're outside you know I feel kind of claustrophobic because I'm an outdoors type of guy you see the way I'm dressed I get nervous always know that if I'm dressed like this I can just go run out in the woods just hunker down nobody else see me it's kind of a freedom thing you know so all of a sudden you know there's people walking everywhere in New York City they're driving too but you're walking this fellow's walking pretty fast in a blink of an eye he dropped some coins in Willie's coffee cup you can't make this stuff up so I start laughing and he's like why is this funny to you I spent four dollars for this I said you know what's hilarious is that God was walking so fast in such a short period of time he realized that even though you were 50 pounds heavier than me you're way worse off he got it right oh it's awesome he thought we were homeless I learned right then I was introduced to facial profiling we had the beards we were dress he's like guy needs a buck you know give it to him that happened so I'll tell you that story the last thing you would think is that we were gonna make it on TV that was our interview to be on TV and we were mistaken for homeless the next time I go to New York now we have a show I'm in the Trump Hotel living it up we're at the trunk I'm looking around we're fixed to go to a place that costs like $700 and I'm like I need to go the bathroom is like find somebody you know so I was like Oh sir where's the bathroom he's like right this way sir we go outside and I think these Trump's they got an outdoor facility she's awesome that is literally what I thought he pointed to Central Park and he said have a good day sir I thought did I just get kicked out of the Trump Hotel so I circle back oh I'll get us a more she said I thought you had to go the bathroom look I do I just can't escorted out of this joint you say that's funny so the next day I'm on a talk show and ice they say how's New York and I was like well I got kicked out of the Trump Hotel that was weird they laughed you know well it got back to the Trump's this is way before they were ever you know running for office well it was kind of embarrassing so they called me up I don't know how they got my number but they did say hey the next time you're in New York we want to take care of you I didn't know what that meant but I wanted to find out so the next time I was in New York hey I'm in New York and guess what they took care of me it was awesome so I had a meeting with two sons Eric and Don jr. because I didn't know that their family are the biggest contributors to kids with cleft lip and palate and my daughter was born with that condition and this the guy introduced you to that had the 200 surgeries that was he had a little more difficult situation than that but he was in that that count and so that's how I got to know him and so you said well what did you do when you met him I did the same thing that I've done with everybody and that I'm gonna do with you today I introduced Jesus to them you said well why did you do that because I believe Jesus is real there's a verse in this Bible Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever now I got a newsflash for you you're not things change you get older things happen there's three questions that I want you to consider and put in the back of your mind because like I said I'm a believer I go out in the world I do meet on Sunday mornings at various places and people and we celebrate I like it when I come in a place like this and I say yep these people believe they're going to heaven I don't like going into places and I say I thought y'all were going to heaven what's wrong what happened but you live like Jesus out there that's where it's difficult that's where you're persecuted I did an event was a group about this size and I am 100 per 100 percent convinced that I was the only sober person in there I was doing a duck call seminar we had live strippers that they were bidding on everybody was hammered but me but I had made a deal with the Almighty and we'll talk about how that happened in a second but I got up and I held this up and it probably took about two minutes for the crowd to get quiet they did were you nervous yes I said some of you are not gonna have the ability to retain what I'm fixed to share with you but I believe your subconscious so get it but I want to explain this to you in less than one minute before I get to these because that's what they hired me to do was talk about these but I said look you got three sections Genesis to Malachi says Jesus Christ God in human form the image of the invisible God is coming to earth a few y'all said Amen none of them said a word Matthew to John Jesus Christ the image of the invisible God is here on planet Earth he came to earth and acts 2 the revelation Jesus Christ God in human form anybody want to guess he's coming back to the earth if you want to know what God is like you need to look into Jesus Christ you want you life to change for the better you need to fall in love with Jesus Christ so you say why are you here I'm here not to get you back in church I'm not here to make you religious I know a lot of you probably had bad religious experiences because people screw things up that's what we do we screw it up I think there's a verse in the Bible that says all have sinned not me right well you're a liar you just sent we screw it up we screw up religion how could someone go to church and miss Jesus though I'd like to say that all these people responded they didn't I went through the duck calls I went out on the road but through the next few months people started calling the shop in their life hey man I was at that Ducks Unlimited meeting that night when you held your Bible up and uh well I got to thinking about some of those things and they always brought up those three questions that I'm gonna ask you the three questions are how did you get here I don't mean here this morning well our drove no how'd you get on the planet well my mama I don't mean that how did you get here on the earth it's a valid question there's not many options you have seaweed seaweed yeah they teach that in universities across this country you trace it back well technically fish and they tell you a story they say there were some combustible components flying through space you raise your hand and say where did that come from they say don't worry about that it collides there was a spark the spark went into a mud puddle you're like well where in the world did that don't worry about that all of a sudden BAM there was like it was in the mud puddle it jumped out it grew it grew a tail the tail fell off BAM you're here now some of you are laughing but I'm telling you that's what they're teaching you read it but I'm looking at that light huh that's hard for me to believe as an outdoorsman as a hunter I look at the details of life this planet is literally teeming with life and colors it's breathing and so just because I didn't see this place when it was built I know there was a builder if I invited all y'all to my house you show up and I was like look my house was built 50 years ago and I say look this house just cropped up out of nowhere let's say Jays been hanging around side too long way too long we know somebody built a house it has a design don't read something this is Hebrews 3 now it says fix your thoughts on Jesus Christ that's what I'm trying to do I'm introducing you to Jesus Hebrews 12 will say fix your eyes on Jesus you said well how do I fix my eyes on something I can't see there's a word called faith it's being sure of we hope for what we hope for and certain of what we do not see why explain this to you you gonna have to believe that Jesus Christ real or not cuz when he's real things change oh they change in a hurry but he goes on in Hebrews three and listen what he says Jesus is of greater honor than Moses just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself for every house is built by someone yeah we see the design but God is the Builder of everything too many details how'd you get on the earth acts 17 goes through a description on what the unknown god is like it's awesome now it's in the section of Jesus's coming back but he found a group of people that were bowing down to this sign that said to an unknown God cuz that's what I'm trying to introduce you today what is God like if you close your eyes and picture God a lot of your minds would just go blank well no wonder you're struggling following you you don't have that image in your mind it's hard to see so he said look God the Lord of Heaven and Earth explaining this and I'm paraphrasing but mostly quoting the God Lord of heaven earth he does not live in buildings built by hands don't look it up back seventeen that's what it's in your life wait a minute I thought he was in the church building he does not live in buildings built by hands now he made it he made the staff they then lived there and it says he's not served by human hands as if he needed anything do you think the God who can make this planet he could make you to make all humanity to make the galaxies to make these stars that are so big there's so much bigger their stars out there so much bigger than the earth that if the earth was a golf ball Canis Majoris is one you could fill up the state of Texas two feet D with golf balls on how much bigger that star is than the earth you're like you learned all that from a telescope google it you'll see it and it's not even the biggest star we can't relate to this but I know one thing he doesn't need us doesn't need us so then act 17 goes on to say but God from one man made all nations of men and he determined the exact times for them in the exact places where they should live you said the Bible says that yes and he did this so that all men would seek Him and reach out for him and find him you said what does that mean question 1 how did we get here if that's true if Paul was right this is inspired by the Holy Spirit it was right then you're not an accident you're not junk you were actually made on purpose for a purpose so it goes back to my family they say yeah let's do this show they said in reality shows look we won't drama we want a lot of four-letter words we want a lot of conflict my dad said I think we're out on this so we're into Faith Family and Ducks what he said they later her own marketed that you know and see so well how did this show even happen my uncle saw walked in about that time they were like can you do this on TV he said did what Hey huh so we made a decision we got around the table we had Hollywood people there we said a prayer and when the prayer my dad said Amen they said how often do you all do this we had just had a meal same table you've seen on the show now dad said how often do we do it we do this every day we're family no matter what happens during the day we come together as a family we have a meal together and we pray to God together that's what we do and it's not changing they said we'll try to make it work so on the first day of filming so I says hey where's the director we're like you're gonna this is gonna be difficult working with them he's hired where's the director it'sit's uh leave it leave it alone dude no I want to talk to the director I was like they know what you're doing they're professional he kept screaming where's the director finally the director little mousy fella comes out there and he said hey I'll let you know something you're not directing this we all laughed then he's crazy then he said something profound he said God Almighty is directing this so you learn about sigh he's crazy but he loves the Lord and I like it well the question is what are we doing here how did we get here you got options I believe God made me my masterpiece what are we doing here well acts 17 says that God put us here to find him here's what's interesting you read this the biggest struggle people have once they fall in love with Jesus is we still myself there's something that's called grace which is awesome you'll spend the rest of your life trying to understand it let it motivate you but it's that God loves us and he forgives us despite of our mistakes but he also uses us despite our mistakes the number one challenge you'll have if you walk out of this building and you try to live for Jesus out there cuz you remember that's what I that's what I'm here to challenge you today it's easy to do it in here I mean some of you felt a little uncomfortable because you're like man something's people are like dancing around and they're you know I'm just not like that you know that's fine you know that's fine and it might make you feel you know uncomfortable but as you walk with Jesus and you love Jesus and you figure it out there'll come a point in your time when you just can't help it you're like you know what I'm excited about that I have a laid-back personality no doubt about it but inside when I think about Jesus and what he did on the cross for my sins and him coming back from the dead look I'm like I only say that to say if you only tie your relationship with God to what happens in buildings every Sunday morning you've just there's a hundred and sixty eight hours in a week you're here too this means nothing sit down to church feelings that don't make you a Christian sitting in the duck blind don't make your duck hunter I see it every year people come in I'm like I don't know what he's doing so what are we doing here God represents us through Jesus in heaven he's the same yesterday today and forever he's eternal he's real he's alive and well he's representing those who love Him in heaven right now I think that awesome but guess what we're representing him on earth that's why we're here why didn't God just come down right now and take everybody who will he knows everybody that's gonna respond to it why didn't he just do it why are we sitting around waiting what's the deal while we having to overcome adversity why are bad things happen because God is using flawed human beings to make his son known that's it you're not gonna come up with another reason why we're here when you don't have that figured out well you just you turn into a restless wanderer on the earth you know you see it every day and if you don't have God in your life and Jesus is not real then you just start going out there doing whatever and then what happens make a mess the third question how are we leaving hmm how are we leaving Jase is getting deep we're leaving they leave in what how we leaving the earth nobody that well I'm leaving in a box well no wonder you're so depressed that's it I went to Israel last year for the first time I'd read this I went over to Israel and I'm like man this is the Bible in picture form this is cool we went down to where they think Jesus was crucified woman got up she went through Jesus did who he was basically what I just deal with you well this is awesome and then we went down and visited some of the tombs and they're like these are the types of teams that he would have been in you know oh yeah walked in and they you got in line you went in by yourself got in looked around it's gloomy dark cold as I was coming out it was just a hole in the rock you know I stuck my head out and I had a moment here it was the moment I thought this is what Jesus did he was dead and he stuck his head out said no I'm not dead and now I'm sticking my head out thinking I believe this this is gonna happen well I was ready to worship then yeah he's real he said what'd you do we had 50 in our crew wasn't a church trip Israel reached out to people that have a lot of followers on social media evidently I have a lot of followers on social media I'm really not into it but I noticed it's big numbers so they said look come over here we'll give you a free trip to Israel if you'll just post your pictures on your website on your social media I might do so awesome great idea I'm in can I bring my family yes so we had photographers we had young people well you had to say that you were a believer to go but who doesn't want a free trip so a lot of these people most of the people were young they were photographers they would they said they were a believer so they could get a free trip to Israel but you know when you're around someone for a week every day you figure out some of these people are not believing in Jesus I see it the way they dress what they say how they act how much they drink what they're smoking you know all that was going on yep she said what'd you do I introduced Jesus to him how can you be in Israel you're with duck dynasty crew and Miss Jesus we gathered around the campfire one night in the Negev desert the night before Israel's neighbors had lob some bombs over we had gone to a a group of people in Bethlehem who loved Jesus and now it was Muslim controlled the church building that we were in had been bombed 14 times and I'm sitting there thinking what about number 15 there were buckets of water in the house and I'm like what's the water for we tend to baptize people back home I thought they were like sprinkling he's like no that's in case they throw fire bombs we got water to put it down a preacher had been shot five times in the chest they were scared of him now cuz he lived there so he said was it dangerous what you were doing singing to the Lord and this kind of community is dangerous my faith got real at that moment oh you know what this old boy hears people shooting at him but when you believe that Jesus came back from the dead we're not shrinking back from living a life of Jesus cuz you're threatening to kill me that's not a threat the most dangerous people on the planet are people that know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is real and they know that they're coming back from that ground so there's two kinds of people on this planet you said just - yep there's people that when Jesus comes back they're gonna be surprised that you'll have to see which camp you're in and there are those who say oh yeah counting on this I don't want you to be surprised you don't have a better idea for those three questions I'm gonna share I shared I introduced Jesus to you look he's about life he's about love he loves everybody he's about light so what's what's the difference in us in the world cuz we all sin we do it in the light we're honest about it we come down front we said oh I screwed up I messed up I love Jesus I don't want to do that anymore that's called living in the light we deal with it you know my 14 year old daughter she's 16 now and she's 14 another strategy wasn't good she's been to a lot of surgeries physically you know she's been awesome she shares her story but you know what all of us when we get to be 12 13 and 14 we start understanding what sin is we all choose wrong her attitude was bad so I was like something's going on you see somebody with a crappy attitude that means they're doing a lot of crappy things not rocket science I know we have to laugh but it's this way it is you know what's wrong this person's attitude oh they're cut not they feel guilty about it that's God's DNA in us where did this shame and guilt come from anyway I got her phone now it's like is there anything in this phone that Jesus wouldn't love all know it you know it's fine so I started going through it looking you know where's the action kids on this phone all the time you know where's the action I discovered a app called snapchat I called some of my Hollywood friends tech guys you know I was like they say you can delete all this he's like Oh nothing's anything that was put there we can find it I was like I want you to find that know about two hours later I opened my daughters she's asleep I said I thought you said Jesus wasn't gonna approve of everything on his phone she's like so the next couple days I posed as her on snapchat I'm getting know all her friends this is going good right my daughter came down to school next day and I was like your life's over you're not going back to school we're fixed to have a spiritual surgery he said why are you telling this story because after a couple days they found out that it was me as dad was it wasn't me up so I formed a group chat I learned how to do that it's awesome took her eight best friends and I said look things have changed if you want to help my daughter and be a friend of my daughter they've been forward you will need to come to my house and bring your mom dad or your Bible and we'll have a meeting if you don't want to do that then I want you to stay away from my daughter now it's fortunate the seven of the eight girls showed up which I think it means you know what they wanted to be her friend you saw what you do we sat down and we introduced Jesus we didn't throw rocks were we mad yeah but you know what God works through grace they've made bad decisions they got into a world where they didn't think God was watching and they started doing things that weren't right as adults we need to have these talks with our kids the problem is the adults have turned into cellphone zombies you see them on the road every day you're like what why are we stopping yeah there's somebody up there at the light on their cell phone then we go home and we all go to our separate rings those meetings were awesome you so what'd you talk about we talked about getting high on Jesus rather than some of these parties they were planning about getting high on drugs and drinking too much somebody get home Jesus that's Ephesians 5 he says don't get drunk on wine be filled with the spirit speak to one another that's when people say their life Jase you wanna smoke this no man I'm home Jesus where you better we have difficult conversations for the kids you know why there's God's way he's always the best way when you look at what Jesus did go through the book of John what did he do he went around and he helped messy people he took up for him he defended him and the religious people said we're gonna stone her she's an adulterer as we caught her in that do a circle he said if you're without sin be the one to throw the first stone they all went away Jesus didn't function like most religious people think he should function he had a reputation of being a glutton and a drunkard people look at us we have a reputation of being a bunch of crazy redneck hillbillies yep and they meet us they're like men you're way more religious than I thought I'm like no I'm not religious I just love Jesus my biggest fear as a kid was public speaking they want cuz my dad my mom and dad were not Christians when I was a kid this is hard for me to share but I'm gonna share it I want to get real they weren't Christians my dad was a raging alcoholic he abused us he beat my mom he cheated on my mom it's all things that she shared before and she wasn't that bad but she didn't know Jesus she tried and so there came a day cuz when you're in sin when you're in a pigpen you start doing irrational things like eating pig slop some y'all doing that you're like boy it's not bad you know they got a drug out there for everything you get hooked on a pill people turn into zombies you know just not rational so my dad thought my mom and his sons were the problems he kicked us out so y'all get out of here y'all are the problem I didn't make sense so we leave my mom drives to West Monroe where we live now pulls in the church parking lot said I need some help I don't have a job I don't have any money I have an alcoholic father they said we'd love to help you now they introduced Jesus to her they helped her get a job to get on her feet she responded to Jesus she surrendered they said we'd like to go talk to your husband they said my mom said bad idea the old pastor who was kind of a radical thinker he believed that we should live like Jesus outside of a church building he got into a vehicle and my dad's sister and they drove to a bar and they walked into that bar and they sat down and they introduced Jesus to my dad in a bar while he was drinking and my dad said unbelievable and they said nope it's believable my dad within the next few days drove down for the first time in his life he pulled up to my mom's work and he tears streamed down his face they introduced him to Jesus and they both responded I got to seed that transformation that's why I didn't learn about God in the church building I learned out there in the real world I saw a drunk dope smoking idiot suddenly turn into a butterfly it was amazing so when you say how did this happen why did my dad say we're not compromising who we are why happened but you know in Jesus it's every man and woman for themselves Here I am I'm bitter you know what I don't like my dad cuz he's a brute that's bitter something about bitterness you can fall in love with that and cling to it it'll drive you like a train till all of a sudden you look up and you're going off a cliff you say what happened but 14 I was introduced to Jesus but I had this moment I thought you know what if I embrace the blood of Jesus for my sins I'm gonna have to forgive my dad I don't want to forgive my dad what I did and then a cool moment and we stressed baptism a lot more in a lot of religious groups but Jesus saves you but you know what God gave you an opportunity to surrender you read Romans chapter 6 you get to reenact Jesus's death barrel and resurrection you get to humble yourself kind of like Jesus did when he was baptized why is the creator of the universe being baptized he humbled himself for us he became a man so he can die cuz God can't die that's why it was impossible for him to stay dead and I like that about my Lord and Savior so I responded our family was healed we've been sharing Jesus ever since now I went through I know you're clapping to Jesus I went through a rough a rough stretch because I was shy in my weakness cuz I didn't understand how God works he'll take the very thing that you're weakest in and turn it into your strength I told you my biggest fear was public speaking here I'm speaking to y'all and you're like what you're doing quite well well I'm a mess inside in my personal mom but I know I got the Holy Spirit of God inside of me it ain't about me and that same spirit will raise my dead body from the ground she said why did you tell the story about your daughter look I did one of the few things I lived a Christian life at high school first two years I just tried not to do wrong for 14 to 16 but I realize God is not a legalist you can try your best to be perfect you're not gonna pull it off that's what the Old Testament is about that's why we needed Jesus what we do is we represent God we shared Jesus we introduced Jesus to people and when they said well you think you're perfect you're like I know I'm not perfect but Jesus makes me perfect he uses me in spite of it he can use me can use you so I had a phone call one night because I was wrestling with this it was a prank caller back then we had phones attached to walls picked it up they didn't say anything I had a moment here I thought you know what I'm glad you called I want to share this with you you don't have to say a word first person I ever shared Jesus with I went through the three questions I went through jesus is coming he's here he's coming back and they just said nothing Oh after three hours I said that's all I got I'll back tomorrow I'll try to get some more information if you want to do it again and they did another three hours goes by the next night and it was a female she kind of broke down she cried she hung up I'd like to have more to the story than that but in that moment something happened to me I realized something they're saying about me what else could I have talked about that a person who I didn't know who didn't say a word but sit there and listen for six hours this is real those problems I I said those questions those are real go out there to even borrow in the world and say how'd you get here huh what are you doing here how you leaving it scares people you had the answer in Jesus we introduced Jesus to people in their life I'm here on purpose I have a purpose I can live forever there's actually a way to duck-hunt forever oh yeah and so then in your life you just trust God don't let the world take what God made and say it's their own the world didn't invent sex God did the greatest sex on earth is God sanctioned disease-free comparison free you said what are you talking about God said a man and a woman get married and keep their sex right there so I thought in highschool I thought I'm doing that that's what I'm gonna do was it difficult yeah but I had a plan you said how'd you pull it off the first sex I had was on my way tonight I'm saying that cuz I know there's young people here and I don't want you to listen to your buddies at school who don't know what they're talking about saying oh that's just crazy oh no it's awesome God's ways always the best way you said what about me I messed up well we have a cross and we have Grace and we have new beginnings but overall God's Way is the best way and my buddy see they said you're not gonna know what to do it's gonna be embarrassing and later on in life I saw him I'm like I got three kids I figured it out [Applause] so I told you that story because I wanted you to say when you saw my wife and you said how did that happen I wasn't strong enough to do that a lot of you guys said I could never do that here's what I did every girl I went out with as soon as they got in the car I'd say look I want to tell you something I love Jesus I'm never gonna touch you in an inappropriate way and if I deal want you to stop me I'm looking for a girl that helped me go to heaven I would have him get out of the car immediately and I thought time-saver but when I gave this speech to my wife shockingly cuz I've looked at it though she's hot he said well you're just the guy I'm looking for that's how it happened so I came this way all this way I miss until season this morning because I think there's somebody in this audience perhaps a few of you who have not fallen in love with Jesus I want you to go to your house we're gonna give you a chance to respond if you want to make the commitment here you make the commitment here today but look at your house that's where it's gonna happen I want you to go there and I want you to turn to the book of John and I want you to see what Jesus is like don't call your preacher no offense go to your house get this out and say what is Jesus like and if it if you realize how awesome he is I don't see how you could miss it you say you know what I'm gonna make him the Lord in my life I'm gonna surrender and you watch me buddy things are gonna change out here and then all of a sudden you'll look up and everybody you're around they start saying this guy's for real this lady's she's for real and God will use you to bring other people to this son and if I don't see you again before that see you in heaven and it'll be great incentive for you to make it and we'll have a whale of a time let's do it [Applause] [Applause] you may be seated with every head bowed and every eye closed Jace came all the way here this morning to introduce you to the person of Jesus Christ my job this morning no one's looking around is to set up an opportunity today where you can respond to him so every head bowed every eye closed you're here today and you say you know what I can't answer every question but I do know I want to follow Jesus I want to begin a relationship with Jesus and I want to leave this earth much different than what I thought I was gonna leave it I don't want to leave it in just a box I'm gonna leave it knowing I'm gonna be in heaven with him forever I want my sins forgiven I want all the stuff that I've caused in my life that sin has caused in my life I want to find that solution in the person of Jesus Christ if that's you nobody looking around just raise your hand say that's me that's me yeah just as simple as saying that's me that's me several people here this morning who said I want to do that and there's several other people who want to meet you there's several other people who want to stand and pray for you and say what's next so can I encourage you Jace came all the way he hates public speaking because you were here today so with every head bowed every eye closed if you raise your hand can you muster up all the courage you can and just stand to your feet and said I this morning and committing to following Jesus Christ just stand to your feet all over this place several people yeah let's just stand to your feet just stand to your feet could I encourage you more if that's you and you you say yeah I want to encourage you to come down to this little space between the chair and the front part of the stage that's called the altar if that's you can you just come forward this morning we want to celebrate with you can we celebrate with you this morning come on down come on down keep coming all the way from the back to the front we're waiting for you we're celebrating with you because you just made the best decision you could ever make in your entire life come on down we're waiting for you keep coming keep coming keep coming our altar team you're gonna come right now our altar team's gonna come and they're gonna in a little bit show you what's next yeah come on keep coming it's never too late if you say I still want to make that decision just keep coming down I still want to make that decision here now it's not too late someday it will be I think I speak for the rest of our church family when I say you may say I don't even I don't even agree here's the cool thing you don't need to agree with everything scripture says to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ you said on belong in church neither did I when I first came to Jesus so this morning we're gonna pray together it's a prayer of repentance kind just say for those of you maybe you made that decision for those who came up here I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you that today you said Jesus is gonna be Lord of my heart in my life in my mind so I want all of us to pray this simple prayer repentance together everyone in this building dear Jesus I trust you with my life I know that you came to this earth you died in the cross to forgive me of my sins so do that right now forgive me of my sins give me a brand-new life give me a start over I submit my heart to you and I submit my will to you take total control of my life in Jesus name a man can we celebrate with these this morning thank you God oh let's give it let's give God a standing ovation this morning thank you Jesus thank you God we give you honor we give you praise now our altar team if you came our altar team's going to give you a card I wanted to write your name and to write the decision you made today because on September 29th we're gonna do just what Jay said we're gonna baptize oh I'd love to baptize each and every one of you see I don't like water that's alright you don't need to like water to get in the baptismal tank here's why we do that it's a public profession of an inward commitment it can to the rest of you who are here today can I just say if you're following Christ maybe you're here hopefully hopefully you're not missing out your church today but if you are I'm joking if you are can I just say can we take this city for Jesus Christ can we take this city for Jesus Christ and if you do go to another church let me just say I'm praying for you I'm praying for your church because Henderson needs more than one church and if you don't have a church I would love for you to call First Assembly your home let me pray for you before we leave food trucks are gonna be outside you just do that here in a little bit but let me pray for you god I just thank you for each person here today thank you for the fact that there are those who said yes to you this morning a relationship with you this morning god I pray that today we would understand you have a hope for us you have a purpose and a plan for us God you have a purpose and a plan for the city of Henderson and the surrounding area god I pray I ask you that you would God just help us to reach this city for you reach this state for you thank you for those who said god I am responding this morning maybe for the first time maybe for a second time but God I pray would you help us to live out our faith not just in the building but outside in the city because people need you I thank you god bless this food to our body be with us as we go in Jesus name Amen amen heaven awesome we will see you next week [Music] you you
Channel: Henderson First Assembly of God
Views: 23,897
Rating: 4.8635173 out of 5
Keywords: Jase robertson, duck dynasty, robertson, duck commander, a&e, duck hunting
Id: yGxdNeWcc6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 51sec (5091 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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