Swift & Unexpected Upgrade🙌🏾

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it's monday welcome to a new week [Music] hello friends welcome back to the channel to anyone that's new welcome my name is elita and i share prophetic words that the lord gives me through dreams um today though is more of a it's not a prophetic word that's based on a dream sorry about the lighting guys the sun just decided to hide behind the cloud but today it's there's no dream that i want to share with you um there was a situation that happened over the past three days over the weekend with me and michael and i really felt the lord just impress upon my heart um yeah he really moved in in our lives if i can put it that way and i believe you wanted me to come on here and share that experience with you guys to encourage you um well to encourage those of you who need this encouragement so um so it is like a prophetic word uh it's just not based on a dream like it normally like i normally bring to you guys um so it's so important that before you take a word and you run with it and you do the things with it take it before the lord especially if you're hearing it for the first time the lord has not spoken to you about any of this just take it to him and ask him to confirm the word his voice should have the final say in your life you should know from him if this is something that is meant for you for some of you this is something that the lord has been talking to about he's been sharing with you some things giving you some direction and this word confirms that that's great i still encourage you to spend time with him still i encourage you to get your specific instructions from him any questions you may have let him answer those questions only he can okay i only know a little bit of the story i don't know the whole story i'm gonna share with you my experience over the past few days and how god came through and um i believe he's saying this for many of you that this is how it's gonna come through for you in this season so let's get into it so we have been staying at various airbnbs and hotels um since june since about june 12th yes and or 13th rather let me say june 13th and um just no stability just in this place of transition um i am still here in another airbnb as you can see and um just really still trusting god for you know our home for stability and all that but something very interesting happened because um like i said we've been staying in all these different places and we've been having it's there's been a lot of warfare there's been a lot of opposition a lot of things that have been happening that haven't been making sense um you know just from it like all these attacks coming from all sorts of directions like to lack of finances um stuff that you know i haven't really had to contend with as much or it wasn't as bad like it just all of a sudden went really bad in terms of finances and you know then having to leave home and having to just be in this transitional space and all the stuff that comes with it and other things that michael is dealing with that are not for the faint-hearted um you know which also becomes something that i'm dealing with because we're one so we're dealing with all of these things together and it just felt like we were drowning we just didn't know what was going on like lord is there something that we've done wrong like what is going on here why are we having so many attacks and um you know i can't share too much yet with you guys the lord has not released me to to share a lot of the details yet which i do look forward to sharing with you guys but i will say that on when did we move out of that last hotel today's monday so we moved out on saturday so on saturday just before we checked out of the hotel i remember being in the shower i pray in the shower like that's one of my favorite places to pray because you got the water going and it just i just didn't just start going into it you know and i'm in the spirit and it's one of the best places for me um and especially in a place like that it's almost the most private place because it's a hotel room i can't exactly just be like oh do you mind going out while i have someone on one time with the lord i can't do that so the showers have been a really really awesome place to pray lately um and i was just crying out to god i was like lord i i'm at my woods end just my heart was broken just a lot of pain and just crying out to the lord and i remember coming out of the shower and getting back into the room and it was pouring outside it came out of nowhere y'all okay where we are right now yes it does rain sometimes it rains quite often but this rain came out of nowhere we were actually staying at a hotel that's in the middle of a rainforest and you would expect rain all the time like it shouldn't have surprised me but it did because we had been there the whole week and we had not seen rain like that like there was probably a day or two where there was a little bit of drizzling but we had not seen rain like that it was like the shower that just came down from heaven and i just felt the lord's embracing that moment as i was looking at this rain because we had such a beautiful view i hope i did take a picture of the view i can put it um somewhere here if i if i do have a picture if i find one but we had such a beautiful view of the rainforest and to look outside and to literally almost see nothing because that's how much rain it was it was all this rain i just felt an embrace from the lord like something changed in the spirit when i saw this rain it was like i was crying out and i felt god just say i'm crying with you and i'm literally washing away all of this everything that you've had to experience all of the pain all of the uncertainty all of the instability i'm washing all of that away and eventually we went on with our day and we had booked this place that we moved into and we were both just like what on earth did we do you know we kind of booked it for a week it's an airbnb and it was it was not ideal guys it was way smaller than what we had seen um you could barely move around the bed area to get to the other side we couldn't plug stuff in the one plant was just faulty so we couldn't even it was it was a hot mess in that place there was no hot water yeah and i just thought wow lord like how did we get to this point where we just not and i mean it was just not ideal guys and so we started to look for a new place and guys i spent so much time on airbnb right and we found this new place which i had never seen before it just popped out of nowhere i had been on airbnb the day before the whole week and on that day when we're in this unfortunate position in this not ideal place um we found this place which is where you see me right now and we were like yeah let's take it um so we said to the guy who was who owned the place that we're in were like okay we're gonna leave on monday you know just to kind of um you know give the new place some time to prepare for us and for us to be able to um you know not waste money right and get our refund back and so we were like okay we're gonna leave on monday and he was very understanding a very nice host you know he wasn't mean or anything and then we woke up on sunday morning like oh oh no saturday night we were just both like i don't know if i can do another night in this place like just the thought of sleeping here tonight is hot enough to do an extra night was gonna be like oh my gosh or just spend the whole day there the next day so i sent a message to the place to this place to the owner of this place um you know they're expecting us on monday and i just sent a message like 10 o'clock at night to them through airbnb and i said can we come tomorrow like i just booked it online and you know just sent a message saying we're coming tomorrow um we hope that this is okay and woke up the next morning to yes thumbs up it's okay come through we literally we didn't even shower guys because how are you gonna shop without hot water so we packed our stuff gave the guy his keys we said thank you and we came to this place yeah i need to i need for some pictures here it is beautiful it's slightly when i say slightly i mean slightly more expensive than that previous little place that we're at but way better like the quality just the space we have space in here beautiful garden outside beautiful just very secure it's in a gated community beautiful neighborhood everything is just beautiful it's guys it feels like an upgrade even from the hotel in the rainforest which was really beautiful because i loved walking through that rainforest but this place it's like a complete upgrade from everything um and the lord spoke to me he said he said you couldn't there was no way that you were going to stay in that place for a week because that's not where i wanted you to be and i want you to know that even with your life i don't want you to ever feel like you have to settle just because this is what we can afford he helped us find a place that was only a few dollars more expensive and it is ideal it is actually i'm shocked that we're paying so little to be here and the lord is saying my favor is upon you and look at how quickly you were able to switch from that really not ideal place to even better than what you expected because i did not expect it to be this good yes the pictures are nice on the airbnb website but it's even better in person and it was like it was a quick switch i expected to be at that dodgy place for a week but instead and then i thought i'd be there for two nights and then god was like no one night is enough you don't have to settle for this so guys i'm here to tell you now that the lord has spoken clearly you don't have to settle don't think that god is putting you in any position that is less than ideal on purpose if anything he's going to change that for you immediately and guys the change happened for me when as i was sitting in that other place i was like i know this is not what god has for me i know this is not it and then i began to pray and i began to repent because i had started going down this road of woe is me i don't know what's going to happen with my life what's going to happen with us everything is just not coming together it's falling apart the day before or early that morning the lord had brought this beautiful rain that i'd never seen in this place before and he spoke clearly in that moment and now here i was just going down this really dangerous path of it's a hot mess i don't know what's going on and just not trusting and not believing that all things were working out for my good and i'm always saying some of you have gotten to that level where you're so hopeless where you literally do not see a way out your heart is broken you're in pain you're uncomfortable you're starting to accept things that you shouldn't accept the lord said to me do not accept these circumstances you cannot live here i have a better place for you and here we are in this beautiful place um just a complete upgrade and the lord was highlighting to me the quick change the very quick change we were supposed to be there seven days then we said two nights and we were out the next morning the lord is saying that's how quickly i'm gonna change the circumstances for you and for so many others you just gotta be in the right headspace you gotta be in an um posture of praise and thanksgiving because i'm doing this thing i'm about to do it okay just like the previous video where i spoke about you so close you know this is the birthing process you but you got to push correctly i was pushing incorrectly until the lord said change the way you're thinking because now you're believing a lie you're partnering with the enemy do not partner with the enemy partner with god what he has said is true he will fulfill those promises he's going to change things like that i think of david um i think it's it's so he was about 15 years old when samuel anointed him king samuel says this is the next king of israel 15 around that age by the time he became king he was 30 years old guys that was 15 years that he had to wait for that promise to be fulfilled some of you it's been such a long wait it's been such a long time of warfare fighting running away from your enemy who's been pursuing you hiding um trusting god seeking him because david always sought the lord he said lord which way should i go should i go now should i wait where should i go he always sought the lord always trusted god was always obedient things were not always smooth and beautiful and perfect he faced a lot of opposition in those 15 years and guess what right after saul dies he becomes anointed king but he did not take the throne um because there was now some some other issues some other political issues came up so seoul's people were now fighting david's people and it just became many years i'll actually read it i'll actually read it because now i'm just paraphrasing and i want you guys to know that this is what happened even after saul died david did not take the throne immediately so for some of you it's been a long time of just opposition and you know what god has promised you you know who you are you know your position and then finally it gets so close but then there's just more delay it's fault like that and this is i'm sure that's how david must have felt so second samuel three verse one that was the beginning this is after seoul has passed away and some political stuff was happening people were fighting and stuff and then it goes on to say that was the beginning of a long war between those who were loyal to saul and those loyal to david as time passed david became stronger and stronger while saul's dynasty became weaker and weaker guys in this period that you face so much opposition the lord has been strengthening you you've become stronger and stronger and you've weakened the enemy the enemies dynasty dynasty however you want to pronounce it is becoming weaker in fact it has been weakened and the lord is saying it will change quickly for you um there was so it says here there was a this was a long this was the beginning of a long war between those loyalties all and loyal to david and then stuff things started to happen things started to happen and it was like a quick succession of events um where edna left seoul's camp and moved over to david's camp and there was a situation there unfortunately even was killed even though he was loyal to david but there was a quick succession of certain things that happened and then david became anointed king um yeah i would encourage you to go and read second samuel maybe from so second samuel chapter one all the way up until chapter five because you'll get the full story of all these things that happened in between but after certain things happened and there was a quick all of a sudden you know it was like all of these events happened and then quickly david became king so this is second samuel 5 verse 3 to 4 it says so there at hebron david or king david made a covenant before the lord with all the elders of israel and they anointed him king of israel i'm going to pause there because i love how the scripture is written it says king david made a covenant before the lord with all the elders of israel and they anointed him king of israel so he was already called king david and he hadn't been anointed king of israel yet in terms of that formality so it was already known it has already known who you are people know who you are people can see who you are it's just a matter of just a technicality this was a technicality and it will happen quickly it will change quickly david was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years in all so friends it looked like this long time of just warfare that david had to go through but closer to the time that he became officially anointed king it was a quick switch quick things happened and he became anointed king so friends be encouraged please be encouraged in this time you are you're gonna get through this i felt a beautiful shift when i saw that rain it was like i just felt the lord crying with me i felt his embrace i heard him say listen i'm washing all of this away and then for him to allow us to spend one night in that dodgy dingy place and then the next day even though we didn't expect it you know we were just taking a chance we didn't think that they would say yes come through the next day but they did and the host here is just amazing she was like come in any time it's a beautiful place it's so much better it's like a complete upgrade and i believe the lord was this was not a coincidence that things happened this way it's not a coincidence that i did not pick up on this place until after we we entered that other dodgy place then all of a sudden the airbnb was like oh how about this place and i was like where has this place been this entire week that i was looking but that was done on purpose it was the lord's hand so friends i hope i've made sense i hope this was encouraging and yeah guys remember god is a good father he's a good father he's working everything out for your good everything that's going on don't worry he's working it all out you're gonna see quick change in the season why because you my friend are so deeply special to [Music] him emphasized [Music]
Channel: Queen Alita
Views: 6,517
Rating: 4.9505496 out of 5
Keywords: prophetic word, prophecy, 2019 prophetic word, Yahushua, Jesus, Yah, God, bible, gospel, love, new thing, labour, labor, birth, thandiwekaYah, thandiwe kaYah, loc detox, loc journey, loa, law of attraction, worship, praise, pregnancy, wedding, marriage, single, meditation, 2021, dream interpretation, dream, September 2021
Id: P8a4_Kcvh7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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