RTX 3090 vs 4070 Ti : The Ultimate Comparison!!!

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I know some people are going to be mad or confused why I'm comparing the 30 90 with the 40 70 TI well why am I doing that well a 30 90 costs like you know over 1300 its MSRP was fifteen hundred dollars the 4070 TI uh you know actually cost if you type it in correctly around 800 and it's available new at that price or a little bit uh over that but why would I compare these if they cost different amounts well on the used Market you can find them for about the same price in other words a used 3090 uh is selling for around the same price as a new 4070 TI and I've seen some people commenting on my videos why would I buy a new 4070 TI if I could buy a used 3090 for about the same price so I thought you know what let's actually do a detailed head-to-head comparison and I'm seeing these sold listings at jawa.gg johnboy.gg which is today's sponsor java.gg is a place for people to buy and sell computer hardware and this is a great way for you to take advantage of the high prices of GPU use right now which is to buy a new one it's expensive but if you have an old one to sell you can make up a huge amount of that pricing difference now you can actually sell your GPU on java.gg in two different ways you could list your card for sale yourself where you create your own listing and your price and somebody buys it and you ship out the card and all that but another option is to sell directly to jawa.gg uh you tell them your GPU model and condition they give you a price within 24 hours you ship it to Jawa and then they actually inspect it all that do the sale now why would you sell on Jawa instead of something like you know eBay or something like that well like eBay they have good seller protections uh good fraud protection all of that but unlike eBay they don't take as much of your money they have some of the lowest fees on the market so you get to keep more of your money they're also very gamer friendly focused on gaming PC parts I think a little bit of consoles that kind of thing anyway so check it out the link in the description and the pinned comment to sell your your GPU on ajawa.gg let's do all of our detailed comparisons I'll give you some final thoughts at the end let's begin our testing with Unreal Engine 5. now right now the only full game we can do that in is fortnite because epic Who develops fortnite also develops Unreal Engine so this is the first game featuring the new features like Lumen and nanite lumen's a new software-based Ray traced lighting system which looks excellent although it does have a hardware acceleration option which in this test I have turned on we'll try it with it off as well the hardware accelerated version gives you a little more accuracy but does take a bit more of a performance hit now at 1440p with the Epic so it's a maxed out preset with Hardware RT turned on the 4070 TI is winning by about five percent so it's basically a tie and we can see that the average frame rate is close to 60 but a little bit below you can also check the current frame rates and one percent lows and you can see those labeled for you in the top left corner there throughout the Benchmark runs now since both of them were a little bit below 60 FPS which is not ideal I thought we'd try turning the hardware Ray tracing off so this still has Lumen enabled at its epic settings um but it just turned off the hardware acceleration so it's slightly less accurate we now see the 4070 TI winning by about six percent by the end of The Benchmark run and both gpus are spending more time above 60 FPS than they did before although if you compare these frame rates versus the ones that we saw with Hardware RT on there's not a massive performance difference so other Unreal Engine 5 Games may use more demanding Ray Trace settings but these ones aren't too crazy although the overall performance here is like I said only a little over 60 FPS at 1440p Max settings now if we drop these settings down to high this is the high preset overall and have the hardware accelerated Ray tracing turned off we can actually see that both of these gpus are able to deliver a much higher refresh rate experience uh not crazy how I understand if people were actually playing fortnite you'd probably turn the settings down lower than this to be more competitive but right now we're not really using this to test fortnite we're using this test Unreal Engine 5 performance we're seeing the 4070 TI about seven percent faster at these settings so maybe the lower memory bandwidth or whatever uh is just slightly more favorable really it's it's not that big of a difference and um averages closer to the 90 FPS range on both of them now if we want to step up to 4K we see a couple of interesting things first of all if we try it completely maxed out this is the Epic settings with the hardware accelerated Ray tracing turned on we see both gpus in the mid 30 FPS range and we also see them exactly tied in their average result by the end of this Benchmark run which I thought was extremely interesting because we did see a bit of a lead for the 470 TI in the 1440p results so it does look like we're seeing that at 4K the 3090 performs um you know relatively to the 4070 TI it catches up a little bit however I was curious if that would also be the case if we use some upscaling so we're leaving everything at 4K Max settings other than we're turning on some upscaling now I believe that dlss has been added back into fortnite now as of the time of filming but I recorded these Benchmark runs before they had added dlss into this build of the game so I'm using TSR upscaling temporal super resolution which is an Unreal Engine 5 uh upscaler so this is at the Quality setting which renders it at 1440p and then upscales to a 4K like image it's similar to dlss Quality here we can see neither GPU giving us 60 FPS they're close but we also see the 4070 TI back to that five percent lead so here I try it out going back to Native 4K resolution but this time let's turn down the settings and see where that gets us so first I drop to the high preset and I turned off the hardware accelerated Ray tracing so it still has Lumen enabled at the high setting not epic but it is not Hardware accelerated anymore now here we're seeing them tied again so even though the settings are reduced being at that 4K resolution does seem to be bringing the 3090 into the uh into the tie now overall both gpus are only averaging a little bit above 50 FPS which you know if this was a single player Unreal Engine 5 game at 4K you know it might be fine on a variable refresh rate screen but I thought uh let's see what we could do if we also upscaled so once again since I didn't have dlss quality available I used TSR quality which again renders the game at 1440p if you're to Output a 4K like image and again this is with the high settings with Hardware RT off this brings both GP views to an over 80 FPS average and the 4070 TI is at a six percent lead overall again so it looks like that at lower resolutions the 4070 TI is faster than the 3090 but at a native 4K resolution they're exactly tied at least in this particular game so I was interested in the 1080p results I was like okay if we lower the resolution even further will the 4070 TI pull even further ahead and actually we did see that by dropping to 1080p epic preset with Hardware RT on so it's completely maxed out 1080p we now see the 4078 ti with a 10 lead and it's averaging over 80 FPS while the 3090 is averaging in the mid 70 FPS range so it does actually have a bit of a noticeable difference here now obviously these gpus most people wouldn't be targeting a 1080p build with it but there are some competitive FPS players out there who actually do still have 1080p mod editors just at extremely high refresh rates and have high-end gpus going along with that now before we leave 1080p behind I was also curious about the difference between Hardware RT on versus Hardware RT off to look at the generational difference between the gpus so this is now 1080p epic settings like before except I've turned off the hardware accelerated part of the Lumen Ray tracing and now we see the 4070 TI with a nine percent lead and you know it was 10 with Hardware RT on so I'm not going to get too hung up on you know the 3090 caught up slightly by one percent guys that's it's margin of error anyway um so in other words I didn't see a massive difference there let's go ahead and jump to a different game this is a plague tale Requiem at the 1440p ultra settings we see both gpus delivering over 90 FPS during this cut scene although we'll see it drop below that when we get into actual gameplay and now the 4070 TI only has a two percent lead at 1440p so it looks like this game engine is less favor favorable to the new architecture although it's not a massive difference it's pretty comparable uh plagetail Requiem is one of the best looking games I've seen and you know not every next-gen game is going to be stressing you know is he going to be using Unreal Engine 5. so this is an in-house engine by this developer but this is another game that's targeted at just the current gen consoles it's not trying to be cross-compatible back to Xbox One or PlayStation 4. so this is a stressful demanding new game and we can see that when we try to run it at 4K Ultra we see a couple of interesting things one is that neither GPU can deliver a 60 FPS we have the 3090 closer to a 50 average but when and this actual gameplay scene they're both down in the mid to low 40s and now the 4070 TI is actually slower than 3090 uh delivering only 96 of the performance of the 3090 and again we're seeing that theme where at 4K the 3090 is a little better relative to uh to its 1440p performance and this game does have dlss so turning on dlss quality which again actually renders the game at 1440p and then upscales to 4K we now see them exactly tied um so matching performance at these settings and they're also both over 60 FPS now in the mid 60s in this actual gameplay scene in more demanding areas of the game you could still dip below 60fps but you can see both of them can deliver a good upscaled 4K result now plaguetail Requiem is one of the few games that does feature dlss3 frame generation which the 30 series can't use but the 40 series cans so notice that this is actually comparing the 4070 TI versus itself dlss quality versus the LSS quality plus dls3 frame generation but be aware as I'm you know read my box on the screen here and I have a whole separate video on this topic that frame generation increases the motion fluidity by adding in generated frames but those frames might not look as good as real frames and they also don't improve the game's responsiveness so they're not really in Apples to Apples when you when you look at you know 90 FPS with frame generation versus 90 FPS without frame generation they're really just not the same thing so I don't like to you know compare them directly but it is a cool feature that I actually really like in this game um don't get me wrong about that watch my full video on the topic I did also test out 1080P and we once again see the 4070 TI gaining performance relatively we're at 104 of the performance of the 3090 at the 1080p ultra settings and both gpus are delivering well over 100 FPS most of the time in the game at 1080p so again I understand most people wouldn't be using these gpus for 1080p but I still think it's interesting to test out the resolution scaling and like I said some people would actually use these at 1080p they're just the minority let's jump into Unreal Engine 4 which is is still an incredibly popular engine and let's look at one of the most recent graphically demanding games in Unreal Engine 4 this is the Callisto protocol now this is the 1440p ultra settings and we can see that throughout this vent built-in Benchmark run uh the frame rates are all over the place uh there's some demanding scenes there's some scenes that can even become a little bit CPU limited if you watch the GPU utilization drop a bit but overall the 4070 TI is nine percent faster than the 3090 here at 1440p so that's a bit more than what we saw in Unreal Engine 5 or in a plague tail Requiem so I thought that's at least interesting to note and both of them are delivering good overall results at 1440p if we jump up to 4K Ultra the 4070 TI is still delivering a better performance um at 105 so a five percent lead over the 30 90. but it's not as you know you know it's still falling back compared to the 1440p result I guess is what I should say since I had a nine percent lead at 1440p so we're still seeing that uh kind of consistent Trend now again for overall frame rates are up and down all over the place throughout this Benchmark run the average does come out over 60 FPS for both of them uh by the end of the run it's just kind of like I said this this game in in this Benchmark run of this game the frame rates are all over the place now we can once again look at it at 1080p I was curious if we would see the performance scale differently here but we're only seeing an eight percent lead why is it not better than the 1440p results well I think one possible explanation is if you watch the GPU utilization percentage that we can see them drop below pretty significantly below 100 at times like even down into the 80s that kind of thing in other words at this low of a resolution the game is getting CPU limited so if the CPU is the limit at times that doesn't allow the 4070 TI to you know stretch its lead over the 3090 if they're both CPU limited to the frame rate that the CPU Max is out at it still has a lead because it's not always CPU limited but that's why we didn't see it go further anyway cyberpunk 2077 is not a new game anymore it's a little over two years old now but it's still one of the most demanding games um out there especially once you turn on Ray tracing but I thought before we turn on Ray tracing let's just try it out at the ultra preset without Ray tracing and at 1440p both gpus are delivering excellent results although the 4070 TI is a little bit faster we're seeing a five percent lead by the end of The Benchmark run but both of them are averaging over 100 FPS for the actual Benchmark run overall and even the 1 percent lows up in the 80s so obviously both of these gpus are more than good enough for 1440p ultra settings in this game which does that beg the question about well how about the ray tracing but before we look at Ray tracing I'm once again curious what happens with the resolution scaling results if we take a look at different resolutions so 1440p Ultra they're both doing great 4070 TI has a 5 lead at 4K Ultra we're actually seeing the 4070 TI drop down to only offering 98 of the performance of the 3090s so the 3090 pulls ever so slightly ahead at 4K also notice that neither GPU is able to deliver a 60fps experience during this more demanding bar scene area they're both down in the 40s and this is just what's true about the 3000 Series of gpus is that none of them not even a 3090 TI could actually deliver a 60 FPS average at stock settings at 4K Ultra um by the way this also gives us another chance to kind of slow down and talk about some things uh one thing we can talk about is the power draw notice that the 4070 TI is only reporting usually around you know 270-ish watts of power usage whereas the 3090 is usually up closer to 340 350 watts of power usage so while they're delivering extremely similar performance the Energy Efficiency of the 4070 TI is actually significantly better than what we're seeing on the 3090. now before we start trying out Ray tracing I thought we'd take a look at what if you did want to play cyberpunk at 4K using these gpus obviously you don't have to play at the ultra settings if you turn down to the high settings it helps get you closer to 60 FPS but if you also use dlss quality it really pushes you to where I think most people would want to be in a first person shooter type of game even in single player which is averages that are well over 80 and even pushing near 90 for the 40 70 ti so much much better overall we're seeing the 470 TI at these settings with a three percent lead over the 3090 because again even though this is 4K this is 4K dlss quality so it's actually rendering the game at 1440p and then upscaling to Output an image that looks like 4K although not quite as good I know it's like the palm tree branches and some lines in the pavement and things like that don't don't look as good as native using dlss in this game but overall I get a huge frame rate boost so they're both performing well at 4K now just it's always worth tweaking the settings but now let's dive in to a bunch of Ray tracing I love using this game as a ray tracing Benchmark because it has so many different Ray tracing settings let's look at this at 1440p first so first let's look at the RT Ultra preset and let's look at it at Native and using dlss because at Native resolution the 4070 TI has a 9 lead but both of them are only in the mid 40 FPS range going through this uh demanding bar scene area whereas if you kick on dlss quality to again render below 1440p and output an image that looks pretty close to the 1440p image you now see that the 3090 and 4070 TI are delivering over 70 or 80 FPS respectively and the 4070 TI's lead increases to a 13 lead over the 3090 which I think is actually a little bit more significant like it's one percent lows are around 70 versus around 60. it's fairly noticeable so we can see that not only does it have a good um a good lead here the dlss again seems to accelerate that since it performs better at the lower resolutions however I do want to mention that um you know there's a lot of different Ray tracing options available level whereas the where the RT ultra settings uses uh the ray traced Reflections as well as local Shadows Sun shadows and the RT lighting at the ultra setting you could just enable Reflections which are very impactful to the image in this game and if you do that the 4070 TI has an eight percent lead but both gpus are delivering over 60 FPS uh experience which is really nice so you can play at the native resolution if you don't like how dlss looks and still get the ultra settings plus RT Reflections and a good frame rate um alternatively you could try out the RT medium settings these don't use the reflections but they do turn on the local Shadows Sun shadows and the RT lighting but only to the medium setting and some people would prefer the look of that and the problem is it's a little more demanding than just using the reflections and we see the gpos averaging in the 50s rather than up over 60. with the 4070 TI with a seven percent lead over the 30 30 90 but that is showing that you can get decent performance at Native 1440p if you're not maxing all of the ray tracing settings however what if you wanted to use some Ray tracing at 4K well we already saw that um even 4K Ultra with no Ray tracing was actually too much for both of these gpus to deliver an experience that most people would want if you try taking the ultra settings and then turning on um just Ray traced Reflections it crushes it even further to where they're both in the 30 FPS range a lot of the time but if you turn on dlss quality you get a massive bump in performance for both of them um and we actually see them both delivering over 60 FPS if you just enable dls's quality so if you use the ultra settings plus RT Reflections and dlss quality I think you get a pretty good result here with those settings the 407 TI is six percent faster than the 3090 whereas at Native it's only three percent faster uh by the way an interesting side note I actually see that you get a better boost here using RT Reflections plus dialysis quality than just RT Ultra with no RT reflections with dlss quality and I wonder if that's the the ray Trace Reflections scale better to the lower resolutions than the ray tracing does but that's a whole other note anyway um the let's take a look at Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. now first we'll try it at the 4K extreme settings just to tax the gpus as much as possible and this might also be representative of what you would do if maybe you were playing like um you know the campaign something like that although this Benchmark run does go through the uh through one of the multiplayer maps we can see that both gpus are delivering uh well over 60 FPS you know the the 390s kind of in the mid 70s but the 470 TI's in the mid 80s there's definitely a difference here and the 4070 TI has an 11 lead at 4K this is one of the best 4K advantages we've seen remember in Unreal Engine 5 uh we saw the 4070 TI just tied at 4K and at the um you know 4K Ultra settings in cyberpunk we actually saw the 4070 TI slightly slower than the 3090. so that was giving us a hint that the 4070 TI is a bit faster than the 3090 in this engine compared to our typical results that we saw and by going down to 1440p and I'm also turning down from the extreme settings to the balance settings because I think this is more typical of what someone would actually use when playing multiplayer competitively we're now seeing the 470 TI with a 21 advantage over the 3090. um now both gpus are delivering excellent frame rates um you know with the 3090 up over 150 much of the time and the 470 TI up over 180 much of the time but I still thought it was interesting that the 470 TI does better in this game than it does in other games especially since this is a game where we've noticed that AMD gpus outperform the their Nvidia counterparts compared to what's typical so something about this game engine must favor something about um the 4000 series architecture and AMD architecture for that matter compared to the 3000 Series I decided to try out going down to the 1080p balance settings here just because I know for competitive players um you might actually be buying extremely high-end gpus like this to play at reduced settings 1080p in order to get high frame rates just be aware that as we're at 1080p with reduced settings the CPU and RAM limitations of the system do start to factor in more than they do at the high resolutions and settings and that's just something to be aware of as a competitive gamer if you're playing at low resolutions and turning down settings your CPU and RAM becomes much more important than it does for people who are playing at high resolutions and graphic settings anyway we are seeing the 470 TI increase its lead to 25 percent over the 3090 so it is interesting to see that result now if I was going to speculate about what's going on here I do think the 4000 series has especially the 4070 die has less you know memory bandwidth but an increased memory cash so perhaps this game likes the memory cache and also so maybe the uh Forza Horizon 5 also likes increased cash because we're seeing a 21 lead over the 3090 in this game even at um you know 4K extreme settings which I thought was once again very interesting because like I said in Unreal Engine 5 and in plaguetail Requiem at 4K the 4070 TI is basically tying the results right even in cyberpunk basically tying uh at the 4K and here we're at 21 lead now this is another game where amd's 6000 series gpus performed well relative to Nvidia um you know when I was looking at benchmarks of the last gen and again I think they have that Infinity cash so I'm wondering if this is a game that responds well to that type of cash and I like I said I think the 4000 series from Nvidia does have larger cash than its 3000 Series did so I'm I'm just speculating on why this is happening but hey it's happening now if we drop down to 1440p we're seeing a um we're seeing another lead a good lead here for the 4070 TI now once again though actually if you look at the GPU utilization on the 4070 TI here uh we're actually seeing it drop a bit below 100 at times showing some limitations from the CPU and RAM situation modes from the rest of the platform and you can also see its energy consumption drop when that happens um so even though it still has a lead here it probably could have had a larger lead if there wasn't any limitation coming from the rest of the system which is interesting anyway let's go ahead and test out DirectX 11. I'm using God of War for the DirectX 11 test because it's one of the most recent and you know nice looking and you know a popular DirectX 11 games and um here we're actually seeing the 40 70 TI only giving us 96 of the performance of the 3090 so at 4K Ultra it's back to the 3090 scaling better and the 4070 TI having the loss here so I wouldn't say this is so much that dx11 seems to perform weird uh you know considering that this isn't too far out of line from what we saw in cyberpunk for example using dx12 where the 4070 TI gave us 98 of the performance of the 3090s so not too crazy earning also both of gpus are giving us good performance here in this scene uh where he's I actually have control of the character it's 77 average you know versus 80-ish performance wise and averages 88 versus 84 although um this little cut scene I'm using you know averages higher than most of the actual gameplay but this is an easy way for me to get side by side Benchmark results anyway um if we drop down to 1440p ultra settings we actually still see the 30 90 ahead although now it's basically a tie the 4070 TI is giving us 99 of the performance of the 3090 at this resolution so this is one of the weird results where in the sense that the 390 is winning at 1440p which is unusual although it's this game is performing like normal in the sense that the 4070 TI versus the 3090 is better for the 470 TI at 1440p relative to 4K in other words it closed some of the Gap that we saw there um but anyway let's jump over to another Graphics API with Vulcan so we're using Red Dead Redemption 2 for the Vulcan testing and we're seeing the 4070 TI with a four percent lead at the 4K I'm calling the favor quality Max so basically if you take the pre-graphics preset slider and slide it all the way to the right the favor quality setting that's what I did here for the graphics settings both of them performing well in the upper mid 70s to even the 80s range at times um and you'll notice that I'm not showing you the average and one percent lows here because as I this Benchmark run has load screens in it um so I'm just doing it off of these end of The Benchmark Run results I use the average there to compute the four percent lead so that's where I got that from rather than from my own um Riva tuner statistics server uh results now Horizon zero Dawn just to throw in some more games here I saw an interesting result where at 4K ultimate we're actually seeing the 470 TI at only 93 of the performance of the 3090 which again is a bit of an outlier again it's normal for the 3092 you know you know increase its uh you know its relative performance versus the 4070 TI at 4K but it was unusual to see the 4070 TI at only 93 of the performance of the 3090 I think this is the worst loss for the 4070 TI we've seen throughout all these Benchmark runs so that was interesting and at these settings we shouldn't be seeing any real CPU limits or anything like that the gpus hundred percent utilized Now by dropping down to 1440p Ultimate we now see the 4070 TI with a two percent lead so this game's only unusual in the sense that the 407 TI fell that far behind at 4K but it's normal in the sense that um when you compare 1440p versus 4K the 4070 TI is better relatively to the 3090 at 1440p than it is at 4K although this is one of our worst 1440p results with the 470 TI only having a two percent lead at 1440p but again when we saw it losing with only 93 of the performance of the 3090 at 4K uh then you know that's actually pretty good gain relatively by dropping to 1440p let's take a look at Tomb Raider just for fun before we go here at 4K highest highest is just the name of the preset it actually doesn't have the ray tracing enabled we see basically a tie with the 4070 TI with a one percent lead over the 30 3090 and if that doesn't match up to what you're seeing on the screen here this is a much longer Benchmark run I'm just not going to show you all the sections of the Benchmark and again it has load screen so I'm not showing you the averages and one percent lows because I turned those off because I didn't want them to get messed up by the load screen results instead I'm using the average results as reported by this Benchmark itself which I'll show you right here anyway let's pop out and give some final thoughts on all these results so if you had them both available for about the same price which one would you pick and I do have them both here I'm actually showing them here because I've been getting every now and then random comments I do try to read all my comments of people saying like benchmarks like the ones I do showing the side by sides are always like it can't possibly be real like how can you show fortnite if it's the same footage when it's a multiplayer game guys I'm using the replay features I do really have these gpus some I saw a few random comments like oh you can't can't be real it can't be anyway I don't know maybe there are some fake Benchmark channels out there I don't know but I do really have the cards I actually got sent to those by Nvidia get review samples anyway with that in mind let's talk a little bit about this if you have them both available for the same price which one would you pick I would absolutely take the 4070 TI for gaming it's only real downside and I was like is there any reason you would pick the 3090 well if the 3090 was available significantly cheaper they offer similar performance so then you might take the 3090 um but that's just not what I'm seeing right now and then if if you need it for a professional workload where the double the vram capacity on the 3090 is useful for your professional workload then I think I would take the 3090 over the 4070 TI however for gaming I do not think the 4070 TI is going to be um significantly handicapped by the 12 gigabytes of vram it would have been nice to have more don't get me wrong but I don't think in any of our tests we saw vram becoming an issue and as games get more demanding to where they might actually use more than 12 gigabytes of vram I think it's likely that what would be happening is you'd have to reduce the settings or upscale anyway on the 40 70 TI just from a performance perspective which then brings the vram you know usage back under control now maybe you have some kind of use case that I don't really test like VR or heavily modded games or something like that and maybe you know more about the vram capacity needs for that application than I do but in just the normal games um out of the box like I tested I really think the 470 TI is offering you very similar performance when one GPU was better than the other they were often basically tied the 4070 TI had more wins than it did losses even if they were small differences and occasionally like in Call of Duty it was a more noticeable difference and then the other thing is the 4070 TI is delivering this performance uh for significantly less energy usage which is really nice it'll take up less space in your case most likely all of that um if you're curious about the models I compared here by the way it is the um Asus tough uh gaming uh OC version that not the non-oc version um that you see listed here so it's the 850 dollar uh model that I was testing here I was testing it is out of the box setting so it does have a very small Factory overclock but that's not significantly different than what you'd see on a on a non-oc card and I was testing out the founders edition of the RTX 3090 so yes a custom cooled version might do a little bit better and overclocking and all of that now some of you guys are like this guy's just an Nvidia Shield trying to show that the 470 TI is good value because it's better than a 3090 but the 3090 was bad value to begin with so let me just address that and say guys I've already tested the 4070 TI against better value gpus like the 3080 so if you want to watch that comparison I've also done the 370 TI versus the 4070 TI I've done all sorts of comparisons the 4070 TI up against a 7900 XT so we've visited the value proposition versus other gpus that are better value than a 3090 already I'm just doing follow-up content because like I said I've actually seen comments on my channel wanting people's feedback or even just confidently saying I can buy a used 3090 for that price so why would I buy the 470 TI and I'm hoping this video showed you that if you're actually considering that exact transaction unless you need that more vram for a professional use case or you just absolutely confident your games needed I would rather have a new GPU that is more energy efficient and has slightly better performance on average especially at lower than 4K resolutions and I really will end with that is the 4070 TI good enough performance for you I think we're seeing that it's a very good 1440p GPU and it's a respectable 4K GPU but in the more demanding games um you're definitely going to have to turn down settings or upscale or both to reach frame rates that you'd be happy with at 4K but like I said I think that then helps control the vram utilization as well um anyway what do you guys think let me know in the comments section I hope this video was useful for you and I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 182,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: shHSg_Ps6lo
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Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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