BEST GPUs to buy in March 2023!!!

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So What GPU should you buy in March well if you wait until April the RTX 4070 is coming out and some people are thinking should you wait for that I just did a video more broadly on this topic but I did want to mention should you wait should you wait should you wait well the RTX 4070 I would be shocked if we saw it for less than 600 I mean maybe it could come in at the 500 price point of the 30 70 but I'd highly doubt it that does not line up with anything like Nvidia has been doing uh so in general I guess what I'm saying is I'm not expecting this to affect much of the lower end market and any disruption we see would likely be more in that 600 Price Point again I would expect this to be somewhere in the 500 to 700 price point considering the 470 TI is at 800 speaking of the 4780 TI and the 4070 these are rumored specs but if you look at the rumored specs it is uh it does look significantly cut down um so I you know I have my down on whether the 40 70 is going to offer amazing value or be too disruptive to the overall Market but I'll just throw that out there now I haven't seen any other release date word when are we getting something lower and from AMD I don't know um but anyway just thought I'd throw that out there now if we jump into the actual Market uh the GPU that you should buy is a 40 90 at sixteen hundred dollars it is available for its MSRP right now and that's the end of the video what are you guys poor sorry or or maybe that's how Nvidia wants you to feel anyway um I do want to mention that the RTX 4090 is now more readily available and at or near its MSRP and it is the most powerful GPU on the market so you could go with that now the vast majority of people are going to be borrowing at the much lower end uh if we look at the lower end of the newer generation with cards like the RTX 3050 you should absolutely not buy this because it's way overpriced for what it offers you now speaking of overpriced gpus uh when you're buying your new GPU upgrade you should sell your old GPU to help fund that upgrade and at today's sponsor you can get the best price for your GPU now there's two options here the most hassle free option is to sell directly to Jawa you tell them your GPU model and condition they offer you a price immediately you ship it to Jawa they receive it inspect it and pay you immediately however if you would like more control over the listing you can manage the listing yourself for sale you create your listing choose your price gamer is your graphics card ship out the card within three business days you get paid two days after buyer receives the GPU but now you might be like but why would I do that on Jawa when I could do that somewhere like eBay well compared to their competitors Jawa lets you keep more of your money on the listing uh they have some of the lowest fees on the market they still have strong seller protections and they're a more gamer friendly company focusing on selling you know the PC Hardware all of that also when buying a new GPU you take a look at Jawa as well they sell both new and used Hardware anyway let's jump back into why you should not buy the RTX 3050 I did a whole dedicated video on this uh looking at the graphics cards in this price point which is I think where a large portion of buyers are actually buying in this mid 200 range because I mean the economy these days guys anyway um so an RDX 3050 is around 270 dollars in RX 6600 XT from AMD is about 260 dollars in RX 66 50 from AMD which is like a 6600 XT but it has slightly faster memory so we'll be a few percent faster is usually priced pretty soon similarly and right now we're seeing it at yeah about 260 dollars and then even if you wanted to go the Intel Arc route The Arc a750 um is priced at about 250 dollars although I think there's currently one of the models available on sale at Newegg right now for 230 dollars now the a750 the 6600 XT and 6650 XD all offer way better performance than the RTX 3050 does at a similar price point and so I'm just tired of people buying this however we should probably at this point address why do some people spend more for NVIDIA gpus and would that make more sense to you my buying guide today is focusing mostly on gaming performance and in gaming performance um a lot of times you can get better value from competitors like AMD compared to the Nvidia Hardware however for people who are looking to do productivity workloads you should look very carefully at which applications you use in your workflow and if they are accelerated as well by AMD Hardware as they are by Nvidia Nvidia has larger market share so a lot of professional applications spend their time you know optimizing for the you know the the larger market share uh competitor which makes sense there's also feature differences like dlss upscaling versus FSR upscaling um fsr2 is getting pretty close to dlss2 but I would still give the image quality Advantage a little bit to dlss and then there is a ray tracing advantages AMD gpus lose a larger percentage of their performance when enabling Ray tracing however when you're comparing two specific gpus keep in mind that if your Baseline performance is significantly higher on AMD then even if you lose a larger percentage of your of your overall performance when enabling Ray tracing you might still come out ahead in lighter Ray tracing workloads or tie in medium Ray tracing workloads Maybe come out behind and heavier Ray tracing workloads and that's what we saw when specifically comparing my 6600 XT versus my RTX 3050 and um you know speaking of newer games and engines we sign Unreal Engine 5 with its Lumen lighting system which has a software Ray tracing support but also can be Hardware accelerated the hardware acceleration did not seem incredibly demanding and so the AMD gpus have been performing pretty well there and many games will be using Unreal Engine 5 in the future so just something to keep in mind anyway I've got to say at the 250 dollar price point I've got to give the win to the uh 6650 XT from what I'm seeing right here although sometimes that jumps up in price and the 6600 XT is a little bit better they kind of trade blows and honestly it's a few percent difference for that faster memory get whichever one of these is uh is noticeably cheaper if they're the same get yourself a 6650 XT um uh you know or or if you want to go the Nvidia route just realize you are paying uh the same money for a lot less per gaming performance just be aware of that uh and Away you go now if we did want to jump up to the next pricing tier we could look at the RTX 3060 from Nvidia the 3060 is significantly faster than an RTX 3050 and and I do want to warn you guys right now uh to not get scammed by a a kind of a shady move that Nvidia did here uh which is the original 3060 came out with 12 gigabytes and that was out for a long time and then they kind of slipped in an eight gigabyte version of the 3060 later on the 8 gigabyte version uh on the actual Market doesn't really seem much cheaper than some of the 30 60 12 gigabyte models right now they seem basically tied when you compare the cheapest of both and the eight gigabyte version not only has a lot less vram but actually performs worse because they cut down the memory bus so with a slower memory bus there are games where it actually can perform significantly slower than the 12 gigabyte model even when you're not surpassing the 8 gigabyte vram budget so please don't buy an 8 gigabyte 3060 unless it's cost significantly less which just is not what we're seeing here so just be aware of that issue now again the 3060 is at a price point where if you compare it to um similarly priced competitors let's see right now we're seeing the cheapest 30 60s 343 dollars if we look at the AMD side of things you can get a 6700 XT for about the same price they're they're uh 350 dollars right now and the 6700 XT against the 3060 I have to give the win to the 6700 XT in gaming performance again which is what I'm focusing on here they both have 12 gigabytes of vram so that's not an advantage either way you'll get significantly faster gaming performance from the 6700 60 in light Ray tracing workloads they'll be basically uh you know the AMD card might even still be ahead because it hasn't lost too much of that performance lead um although they get closer together medium Ray tracing workloads they might perform similarly and in the heaviest Ray tracing workloads the 3060 could come out ahead but you might be asking yourself is it worthwhile enabling that heavy of a ray tracing workload on the 3060 um because your overall performance will be fairly low you might use upscaling but upscaling at 1080p in my opinion does not look great but maybe your opinion differs um so there you go now I will mention that sometimes the 6750 XT comes in pretty close in price to the 6700 XT and is worth the upgrade right now I'm seeing 380 versus 300 and [Music] um 350 30 price bump again the 6750 XT that those 50 class upgrades are slightly faster memory you will get a bit better performance uh the 6750 XT I think is around somewhere in the five to ten percent faster than the uh Baseline 6700 XT model it's a 30 uh 30 extra is worth it to you you could take a look at that um depending on the pricing when you're shopping now if we do jump up to the next performance tier you see the RTX 3060 Ti from from Nvidia and in my opinion the 3060 TI is where it starts to make a bit more sense from the Nvidia route when you can get it around its MSRP of 400 right now we're seeing 420 dollars uh which is a little bit of a shame sometimes they are right there at 400 or uh occasionally less but it's been really hard to find anywhere below MSRP and that's the case with a lot of Nvidia cards despite the fact that there a lot of these are going on two and a half years old at this point anyway uh the 3060 versus the 6 6700 XT is a much much closer battle in certain games um the AMD GPU does pull ahead by a a bit of a noticeable margin but uh in in a many many games they're close enough to each other that I would call it basically a tie the the main advantage for the 6700 XT is it costs a lot less and then the um uh it has 12 gigabytes of vram over the eight gigabyte gigabytes of vram on the 3060 TI so with that Advantage uh in most games that doesn't matter however in recent games like I've seen in Hogwarts Legacy if I was trying to play the game at 1440p Ultra the 3060 TI could mostly get around 60fps other than when it would just absolutely choke and stutter uh because it was running out of vram so I will admit that Hogwarts Legacy is a bit of an outlier here most games don't perform like this could it be an indicator of future you know how future games will be optimized I don't know nobody can completely predict the future but I will say that that vram concern well could be a concern something to consider now you can always turn down settings use upscaling things like that to rain in the vram but you know if the game could run at 60fps if it wasn't for the low vram it's really a shame to see that happen uh to the 36 DTI and again you don't run into that issue with the 12 gigabytes on the 6700 XT again if you look at the 6750x D that would be still priced a bit under the 3060 TI and then would regain more of a noticeable performance lead I don't have one for of my own for um head-to-head comparison videos um I just have the 6700 XT Baseline version to show you the head-to-heads but definitely something to consider there now if you go up to the next performance tier from Nvidia we're talking about the RTX 3070 and the price jumps to 540 and from a price to Performance standpoint this makes absolutely no sense the 3070 is faster than a 3060 TI but is it 120 dollars faster than a 3060 TI and it still has the gigabytes of vram so it doesn't solve that issue either it'll it'll run to the same vram concerns I I would say that's even more of a problem for the 3070 because the 370 is getting fast enough that you would again be even less willing to want to turn down settings to rain in the vram if it's still just from a baseline perspective uh more competitive also if you look at the 3070 compared to some AMD competitors like the RX 6800 we can see the RX 6800 non-xt right now for 485 dollars so coming in significantly less expensive 45 dollars less than the 30 30 70 but it's also offering 16 gigabytes of vram so you will never realistically run out of vram at at settings that would be realistic to play at on a 6800 so that's no longer a concern um also the rasterized performance is now noticeably faster however again there is that Ray tracing advantage to talk about where as we enable Ray tracing the AMD gpus performance falls off a bit uh well well it can falls off a lot if you enable heavier Ray tracing workloads so that's something to consider um but there's a lot of reasons why you might go with the cheaper GPU that has double the vram capacity and higher Baseline performance here uh so I would give these 6800 non-xt my recommendation at the 500 price point for very solid 1440p gaming really good 1080p gaming um and then if uh you wanted to go up to the 6800 X XT version I'll mention that that is sometimes available um for a 520 ish but that's getting harder and harder to find more typically around 570 dollars which is what I'm seeing right now and then you just have to ask yourself is that jump in performance from the base 6800 worth worth that that bump up in performance and it could be um but it's something to keep in mind now at this point the 3000 Series from Nvidia really stops making any sense at all because the 3070 TI jumps up another hundred dollars to 630 dollars and it's not that much faster than a Baseline 3070 so this makes absolutely no sense at that price point at the 600 price point uh you could probably get yourself a 6900 XT well there's 650 dollars but yeah so roughly the same uh the same price you can get a 6900 XT from AMD I don't have one of my own to give you some head-to-head comparisons on but overall performance uh for the 6900 XT versus the 3070 I I would definitely go with the 6900 XT um the 6950 XT is another 50 um and I think would get my default 700 recommendation because there's really nothing to compete with it at the 700 price point um if we look at the Nvidia gpus um the 3080 it looks like there is one in stock here at about eight hundred dollars but there's not really any reason to consider buying that when you can get an RTX 4070 TI for 800 which is faster than the RTX 3080. uh as well as coming in at much lower power draw and comes in with newer features like av1 encoding and dlss3 frame generation so now that we're up to and we can pretty much write off the 3090s as well because the 3090s buying them new uh is ridiculous if you find a good deal on one used maybe consider it the 3090 performs very similarly to the 4070 TI uh the 3090 TI is going to be a little bit faster than the 4070 TI um but again let's see what sort of pricing you can get the only real advantage of 30 90 has over a 40 70 TI is um the extra vram at 24 gigabytes which might be useful in professional workloads um the 4070 TI has a massive uh lead on power efficiency as well as like I said the newer features like av1 encoding and the dlss3 frame generation now the 40 the 800 price point has got a lot more interesting this month because the 7900 XT not XTX but XT is I don't know why this RTX 2060 is popping up here but um there are multiple models available now at eight hundred dollars for the 7900 XT which is a hundred dollars below its MSRP but its original MSRP was kind of pointless now the 7900 XT versus the 4070 TI is a very interesting comparison um overall they're you know this is really going to be come down to which which features you value more the 7900 XT is usually a little bit faster at um at non-ray tracing performance in light Ray tracing workloads could be a tie but a heavier Ray tracing workloads will be at a noticeable disadvantage and the 4070 TI is fast enough at Ray tracing or that could matter to you the um main advantage the 7900 XT has is 20 Gigabytes of vram instead of 12 gigabytes of vram now 12 gigabytes of vram for the most part I think is still pretty good at 1440p although there are games where especially with Ray tracing enabled you could run into some issues um those are still fairly uh rare occurrences but can happens with something that to you know keep your mind on the 20 Gigabytes of vram is certainly nice to have so do you value Ray tracing over the 20 Gigabytes of vram um there's also the Nvidia frame generation feature on the 4070 TI which AMD is probably going to be talking more about fsr3 soon but uh we still don't have an official release date on fsr3 nor do we know if it will look or perform as well as frame generation does now frame generation itself and video wants this to be a huge marketing uh thing for why you should buy the 4000 series and I think it's a good feature and I'd rather have it than not have it and in many games where it's enabled I would enable it it helps the motion smoothness but it doesn't help the game's responsiveness because the generated frames are not interactive it also has to slightly delay showing you a real frame to give you the interpolated generated frame um it works best at higher Baseline frame rates so it's it does a really good job of let's say you could play the game at 60fps but you have a 120 FPS monitor well now you can uh you can get closer to that 120 FPS but still keep the settings high and if if the if the frame rate is lower then the difference between each frame is larger so there's more image artifacting as the AI trained algorithm tries to guess what's happening in between those frames and also the lower the Baseline frame rate the more noticeable the slight loss to um you know the worst input latency becomes so just something to keep in mind but in general I do think that frame generation is a good feature and I think is something you you should actually consider in your buying decision but don't consider it actually doubling your performance because I think performance is the wrong word for it it helps your motion fluidity at a minor trade-off to latency and image quality anyway uh so the 800 price point I'm gonna say this is really going to come down to personal preference I would personally buy the 4070 TI over the 7900 XT if they both cost 800 that's because I think that the um at this performance tier Ray tracing is meaningfully usable at 1440p which is where I would Target the 4070 TI and at 1440p I'm less concerned about 12 gigabytes of vram um in in the near future in many games and games where it is an issue you can probably use dlss and the LSS at 1440p doesn't look too bad and usually would rain in that vram uh that vram issue so I would come in at the 4070 TI I think other people would come in with the 7900 XT but I'm going to give the 4070 TI my 800 recommendation but it's a small lead and it's going to come down to personal preferences um also I do like video editing and things like that so the productivity use cases and things like that um professional applications there's those things to consider now if you jump up to the next price point the 7900 XTX gets a default win at the one thousand dollar price point there's no real competitor at the one thousand dollar price point and it is available at the one thousand dollar price point you might say what about the RTX 4080 well the RTX 4080 costs 1200 it is available at its 1200 MSRP but 200 is a lot of money and I would give the RTX 4080 my 1200 recommendation so if you're buying a GPU at the 1200 Mark buy an RTX 4080. if you're buying a GPU at the one thousand dollar price point buy a 7900 xdx um if you have enough money for both gpus I would personally buy the 4080 over the 7900 XTX I think 16 gigabytes of vram is enough right now so I don't think that the uh the vram advantage on the 7900 XTX is that big of a deal um I also think that the 4080 is strong enough that Ray tracing performance matters and is very usable and it has a sizable lead there the rasterized performance advantage of the 7900 XTX is not that big over the 4080 but the 4080s lead in Ray tracing is Big so if I could choose between the two I would definitely buy the RTX 4080 if they cost the same now whether you want to spend 200 more on a 4080 really comes down to you so like I said I at one thousand dollars I recommend the 7900 xdx at twelve hundred dollars I recommend the RTX 4080 and both of them I think are overpriced and I would like to see the prices come down I feel the same way about the 800.40 70 TI and 7900 XT now past this point um you should buy a 40 90. uh it is more widely available at or near its 1600 MSRP which is a lot of money but it is faster than anything else on the market and um you know I think especially if you're trying to game at 4K resolution and you are somebody with sixteen hundred dollars lying around and that's not going to you financially it is really nice to have that extra performance at 4K um so there it is I really hope the price on this thing comes down and what I really hope to see as we go later on this year is some better and more affordable uh gpus in the mid-range um we'll see what we get from the 4070 like I said the rumored release date is uh April 13th but that is just rumors all right future Daniel from editing process popping in here I realize I didn't address the Intel gpus as directly as I wanted to so let's talk about that um this kind of incidentally I think I showed some Intel footage but basically I think Intel graphic cards have made huge strides in their software support but when I recently tested my a750 on the latest drivers against AMD and Nvidia on the latest drivers I just had more issues with it than I did with AMD or Nvidia at a point where I think they offer better value than Nvidia but with similar value to AMD and with more headaches at least that was my experience and I was honestly giving it kind of a softball with newer Hardware Intel struggles more on older games and again they've made a lot of improvements there but I don't think the value is there for me to recommend over AMD for most users looking for the best value um I think that if you're somebody who just wants to try out a new brand and you're willing to take a little bit of headaches uh go for IT issues I specifically noticed were some random frame time spikes in Unreal Engine 5 when I was testing fortnite less of a smooth frame time graph in games like cyberpunk and I noticed my screen randomly blacking out for a few seconds and popping back in during all of my game testing as well as just on my desktop now I was running through a capture card but the GPU should just read that as a monitor and my AMD and Nvidia gpus have not given me that problem so uh and then also just like when I start up my PC the art Control software kept asking me if it's okay to make changes to the PC every time I would restart the computer along with some pop-ups in the bottom right hand corner just all of these little headaches I would say have been getting better I think over time maybe these gpus will prove to be the better one for the dollar but I always recommend buy things based on how they perform now not how you think they might evolve in the future because that's an uncertainty and what we do know is how things perform now so that's why I didn't give the a750 or the a770 a recommendation I think they provide a lot better value than Nvidia but not much better value than AMD but come with more headaches from the software side of things that have been getting better but are still not where I think they need to be for the just average PC user to pop them into your computer so anyway might as well just recap the whole video summary which is basically at the lower and mid-range I think AMD provides much better value than Nvidia and a more stable situation than Intel at pretty much every price point up until about five hundred dollars uh and actually they win by default at the 600 and 700 price point then once we get into the 800 and up price points I think it's much more competitive for NVIDIA I think amd's 7000 series gpus are reasonable where they're at but I think choosing the Nvidia options also makes a lot of sense uh when you weigh those features and again I explained all of that in the video so basically at the high end you might be actually wanting to take advantage of the Nvidia features with Ray tracing and things like that and that becomes a little bit more compelling for a lot of people at the low end where you're a lot more budget conscious I think it's just hard to leave that performance on the table and I think that you'd be less likely to crank the ray tracing settings um anyway now I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 61,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mmfeD_aONRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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