NVIDIA... why do you hate gamers so much? RTX 4070Ti Review

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Scum performance and scalper price.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 212 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OdashiKonbu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watch the actual CES announcement. It's even more stupid.

They even indirectly claimed that the renamed 4070 Ti is even faster than 4080. Smh.

They claimed 4080 16 GB is 2x faster than 3080 Ti, but 4070 Ti is 3x faster than 3090 Ti. Hence, claiming 4070 Ti is faster than 4080.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 179 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kenny_Stryker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

From my observations it seems a lot of people are buying 30 series cards more than 40 series I hope Nvidia takes a hint at this. I definitely won't be upgrading anytime soon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Independent_Bowler_4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you listen to nvidia or and or intel about their own performance you have bigger problems than video cards. You’re gullible

Ignore them. Don’t even react to them being false.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xaxxon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

god that's cringe

please dont watch jayztwocents

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Orlovki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ll probably get one of those cards next year because they can no upscale old videos to 4K and that means I can watch old porn in 4k

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lost_in_life_34 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thinking of getting a PC soon because my 2060 card is decent but it's in a laptop so it gets super hot lol

God I have no idea what to buy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Complete_Resolve_400 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

J2C is the absolute worst of the YouTube tech bloggers.

So click baity, never anything original, and just tries to stir up controversy based on the work of others in the community.

Edit: This was more of a general statement to all his videos. Obviously we all know the Nvidia pricing is atrocious, not disagreeing with that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 157 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MagicHoops3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This company is absolutely laughing, they can basically do whatever they want and people will still buy their shit, me included. (2070S)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Show_Me_Your_Rocket πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
if you can't tell by your sub boxes the RTX 470 TI embargo Has Lifted this morning so they already had their announcement yesterday at CES clearly this is the morning after and we are now going to talk about the RTX 4070 TI more importantly we're going to check those claims is it truly an RTX 3090 TI killer and then we're going to quickly get through those because I'm going to get into a fairly subjective somewhat salty bit now about graphics cards in the State of Affairs today's video is brought to you by the jsons merch store we got t-shirts and gaming mats mugs and all that kind of stuff so whenever you go buy our stuff we don't have to put other ads here and other annoying crap so go buy our stuff so the RTX 408012 I mean 4070 TI 12 gig card is here this is look this is the exact same card that uh Nvidia tried to sell you for 899 Peg does an RTX 4080 12 gig that there was so much outrage over that Nvidia actually changed the name of it to a 470 TI proof they can call it whatever the frick they want it's still going to be the card that it is okay they did drop the price by 100 bucks though so clearly there was a little bit more margin in there than we expected there to be right because we know there's not a huge amount of margin in graphics cards proof already that graphics cards could be cheaper than they are and the uh the greedy green machine is added again so in terms of the claims in the keynote they talk specifically about the fact that it was an RTX 3090 TI killer now look I could sit here and talk about exactly how many tensor cores it has how many RT cores it has how many Cuda cores it has how much memory it has the teraflops and you know what I've learned something over the years there's plenty of channels covering that crap most of the time people really do not care about any of that unless you work in a very very specific type of Industry that those teraflops trans translate to productivity for you but you know what if Nvidia can say the 90 series cards of the past were not quote unquote gaming cards and then lots of 40 90 that is absolutely a gaming card and a 3090 TI as a gaming card when they told me the 3090 wasn't a gaming card then I can say that productivity on a 4070 TI this is not a productivity card so none of that matters okay that's what I'm going to say with that first of all but I'm going to tell you right now that all of the 3090 TI killer stuff that you guys saw that was very cherry-picked benchmarks it was extremely Cherry Picked also extremely cherry-picked against anything 7800 XT and XTX so what I'm going to show you right now are the benchmarks in our mixed use case of gaming titles that's everything from some older engines to some brand new engines we're gonna see exactly how the 48 excuse me 47 DTI 12 gig actually compares to a 30 90 TI and those that reside nearby in the price range [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so on the older titles like shadow of the Tomb Raider and stuff like that it performs pretty well actually so let's go and take a look at shadow of the Tomb Raider's no Ray tracing it's 104 FPS at 4K versus 110 but as soon as we turn on Ray tracing we go from 74 fps to 76 FPS right versus the 39 now the 39 TI that you'll notice on our chart that's a 4013 EVGA card that is a custom PCB that is technically an overclocked card it is faster than a Founder's Edition would have been more than likely however I've never owned or had a 3090 TI Founders Edition and I can't compare it to that so that is that's actually the only 3090 TI card that I have and have ever had so it's the only one I have to compare it to I also want to point out that the tough from Asus was actually sent by Nvidia Nvidia did not send Founders edition cards for the 4070 TI I think that's because they couldn't like re-mill the cooler from saying 40 80 to 40 70 TI fast enough there's four Asus cards apparently that were launched today we've got the 12 gig we've got the O 12g which is a basically a 50 more expensive card that's the one they sent us so this MSRP is 849 dollars we're already 50 above the 799 MSRP which really kind of irritates me because the tough 12 gig not the 12 the 12 oh 12 gig whatever the O stands for overclocked I'm assuming was 7.99 so I would have much rather taken a look at the quote unquote 799 card not the 50 attempt to make it look that much better than either a previous 3090 TI or even the competition because now we're losing value right by adding 50 back of the 100 reduction that they did over the original price of the card which was supposed to be 899 so there's also the strix and then there's the overclock strict which is that in itself is stupid you go all over to like a thousand forty nine dollars on this card which is now just anyway but yeah depending on the titles it can trade blows um if we take a look at the cyberpunk no Ray tracing slower it's a 49 FPS versus 51 in 4k remember no dlss in any of our tests we're we're testing raw performance now the 390 TI actually has 3 000 more Cuda cores and a 4070 TI remember the 470 TI is on a newer process and it is a more efficient process the board itself has a 285 watt board at least in reference the tough model uh is going to be a higher TDP than that probably about 300 watts so the adapter that comes with it just terminates to two standard eight pin PCI Express plugs which was actually quite hard to plug in I want to point out we really had to force that in to get it all the way seated I wonder why some people aren't plugging their cables in all the way on 40 90s and melting them probably because of the tolerance anyway um 104 FPS though in 1440 versus 96 FPS in the 3090 TI for the win 3 and that's in cyberpunk no Ray tracing and then it handedly beats it in 1080. 164 FPS versus 134. so what we're kind of noticing here is 4K titles really narrow the gap between the 3090 TI and a 40 or yeah 39 TI and a 470 TI and the reason for that more than likely is just the memory bus bandwidth and the amount of memory because 4K as you know 12 gigabytes depending on the title can definitely easily be chewed up so we found that in 4k is where the Gap really gets narrow between the two more than likely memory limitations and then 1440p and 1080p the card is very capable of bottlenecking very various engines I mean we've shown that in the charts you can go back and look through them if you're wondering why this at like 1080P or even 1440 in certain titles they're like all like right in the same number it's because we're talking about engine limitations at that point and the 4070 TI in many titles new and old at 1440p is capable of basically hitting engine cap in many of the titles let's talk value here for a second this is where it becomes extremely difficult now the 39 DTI which I don't actually have on the table over here it's actually on the wall behind me because that is my no it's not on the wall behind me that's Kingpin wall I like the 3090 TI when it launched was two thousand dollars now yes over time the price dropped especially as the family lived on and then the cryptocurrency crash you know the mining crash and then ethereum moving to proof of stake so graphics cards no longer being mined on for ethereum and then just availability new family of graphics cards coming people waiting to see what they're gonna cost not buying lead to a surplus of like 30 90s and 39 TI's leading a 390 TI like the founders Edition card to drop all the way down to one thousand one hundred dollars at Best Buy or 1099 making it an extraordinary value for anyone that was willing to spend two thousand dollars on that card at any period in time we are now comparing an MSRP launch card of 799 or 849 in this instance again theoretically because who knows what they're really going to be at the retailers versus what was a two thousand dollar launch card but was had for as low as 1100 bucks at the at the lowest sometimes just at a thousand and you can find a 3080 TI which was only about five percent slower than a 30 90. um for under a thousand dollars which again is about 10 to 15 slower than 30 90 TI because remember that 30 90 or that 3080 3080 TI 30 90 39 ATI was only about a 12 gap between the 30 80 and 30 90 TI depending so if we just do a quick price check right now and I look at like I don't know let's look at Amazon Founders Edition for fourteen hundred dollars a Zotac gaming 30 90 TI amp for two thousand dollars an MSI RTX uh 3090 TI the gaming just a regular old one 1800 and 59 dollars the EVGA 3090 TI for the win three the one we actually used in our test 2 200 and ninety nine dollars and now I'm seeing 3080 tis because that's all the 390 TI's that were up there it's almost like if somebody had told you that prices were going to go back up I don't know if anyone had been stupid enough to make a video saying pricing would probably go back up someday it'd be a good idea to grab one of these cards that guy's definitely an idiot um let's go ahead and look over here Newegg oh my God pop-ups New Egg what the Jesus they must be really burden for money the 3090 TI 24 gig in stock Founders Edition card 1799 the gigabyte gaming two thousand three hundred ninety dollars that is a Marketplace sale by the way that means a third party is selling on NewEgg kind of like how third party sell on Amazon so these people have been smoking crack for the last three months uh Zotac RTX 3090 TI um 1 699 so this card the 470 TI in no dimension known to man whether Rick and Morty or us or whatever will ever sell for 800 or 850 because if it is trading blows of 3090 TI and the market has somehow determined that a 3090 TI is worth Seventeen hundred dollars you already know what manufacturers are not manufactured but retailers are going to do to this card let's say hypothetically because I've gotten I I still get emails from people saying I can get I found a 30 90 TI for 1200 is it worth it if you're gonna spend 1200 you can find a 40 80 for 1200 bucks which I think we can that's a no-brainer the 4080 is not a good value unless you're already shopping at that price point if you are shopping at that price point which is not that many people yeah right here RTX 4080 gigabyte 1269 dollars I would absolutely spend the extra 70 bucks on a 4080 versus a 3090 TI if you can find a 390 TI for 1200 bucks which you can't anymore if this doesn't tell you just how stupid retailers are that they are literally sitting on 39 dtis and 3090s even that are costing more than the new generation which is faster I can't follow this anymore I'm so over this and I know that you guys are too so anyway I got into a little bit of a tangent if you're shopping in this price point and you were even considering a 30 90 TI for 1200 bucks you'd be silly not to consider a 47 ETI at 800 if you can find it if you're not gaming primarily in 4k now 4K seemed to be the limiting factor between 390 TI performance and 470 TI performance but I can tell you right now that Nvidia was boasting up to 1.x performance over a 3090 TI with a 470 TI which is completely Cherry Picked because that is not what we saw at all yes it has a newer it's Ada live lace it's the newest generation it's a smaller process it's faster clock speeds are up however it has 3 000 less Cuda cores in a 3090 TI it is it is more power efficient which is a good thing given the 4090s terrible value in terms of efficiency it's 12 gigabytes of gddr6 it's fast however if you are gaming at 4K and you are playing games that have high texture packs High texture resolution and stuff that 12 gig gets chewed up very quickly which is what brings it much closer to the performance of a 3090 TI however it's still compared comparative price wise the better value even at 4K I cannot find I cannot in my mind imagine a situation where somebody would choose a 3090 TI over a 470 TI at this point or even a 4080 to tell you the truth but the problem is most people are not shopping for a thousand dollar plus graphics cards and that's only if you can get a 470 TI for anywhere near its MSRP time will tell 4080s are still readily available I mean I'm looking at a ton of them on NewEgg pretty much every skew is here at some point even the ones being sold you know what's funny I'm seeing third parties on here that are selling the 4080s for roughly their msrps and they're the same companies trying to get stupid amounts for the 3090 TI's so I don't I don't know how that makes sense but I can tell you right now the 4070 TI a step towards the right direction but it's still the most expensive 70 series card we've ever seen in the history of 70 series cards remember everything that we have seen launched in 40 series has been moved up an entire cost bracket you can call it whatever you want you can call it a 49 you can call it 40 80 40 70 TI 48-12 gig it doesn't matter it's pricing puts it in a whole bin higher than anything before and that's why gamers are mad that's why gamers are pissed now compared to the 7900 XT and XTX it also trades blows however what makes it a difficult cell is not only with everything coming to light about the vapor chamber problems on the the reference card for AMD it's the fact that I still see a lot of comments talking about the extra technology that you give up dlss 3.0 then the newest RT cores RT performance overall yes um you know FSR 2.1 or 2.0 2.1 is out at a few titles it's something that I still see people not willing to give up if the price point is the same now it's a hundred dollars less than the 7900 XT and it is performing a little bit less than a 7900 XT depending on the title but the XT itself is already a weird SKU to exist so close to the XTX and only be what is it 200 or 100 less than an XTX weird times I really can't wait to see what happens when we get down into the 60 series cards but if I had to make a prediction right now if you're holding for those those mid tiers if a 4070 TI can exist for 799 dollars then a 4060 is probably going to be in the 500s which is just sad for everybody if I sound really salty and over it especially if you're in Nvidia rep watch and it's going why is he being so mean I mean maybe Brands just feel the pandemic and the amount of people that we're buying on scalping allowed them to meet their bottom line they didn't care who the card was going to as long as they were being sold I think they think they can just continue to ring out the industry for every dollar that it's worth now here's the other thing we know for a fact that this was the attempted 4080 12 gig we know that you compare the teraflop numbers they're identical that means everything about this card and its performance is exactly the same they were able to reduce it by 100 bucks apparently they can reduce it by 100 bucks and still make money how high do you think the 4080 and the 4090 is above where they could be selling it that's why people are mad and they do all right there you go um I don't know what other brands are going to be I mean obviously all the the flavors you you're used to seeing are gonna be out there but I think every review as far as I can tell is either going to be a tough or a strix based on the information we got from Nvidia about price points and stuff I still think it's kind of slimy that they sent us the 850 model and so the 100 model because I would much rather looked at that that's probably just to try and make it look that much better anyway there you go if I sound a little if just defeated in all of this it's because I mean you guys want buying advice I can't give it to you the pricing is all over the place inflation is a cost of living is up people need to make their rent people need to buy food and make their car payments or car insurance payments and stuff and buying a graphics card right here that is easily a couple of car payments and a car insurance no in one month It's A Hard Sell I don't know sign off down below it's 800 bucks enough like is that cheap enough for you to buy a 47 ETI or you just like screw it I'll hang on to whatever gen card you have for a little bit longer if history has taught us anything the Next Generation which could still be two years away obviously might do like 30 series did versus 20 Series where 20 series was really expensive and then it came back down theoretically in 30 series although that was like the height of the scalping era we can hope for that with 5000 series but it just honestly feels like this is honestly all feels like it's just money grabs at this point whatever I I love this stuff I'm a nerd over this stuff it makes me happy to play with it but it's just sad to to see what the industry's become
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,568,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nvidia is lying, 4070ti vs 3090ti, 3090ti vs 4070ti, 4080 vs 4070ti, nvidia reduces price of 4070ti
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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