RTX 3070 vs RX 6800 in 2023: Don't buy the wrong GPU!

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when the RX 6800 launched it had a 579 dollar MSRP when the RTX 3070 launched it had a 499.99 MSRP and so given those plus the Nvidia feature advantages honestly the RX 6800 again I'm talking the non XT version here uh got kind of trounced in reviews who was it for spend a little more on the XT version or buy a 3070 for cheaper however we're now in 2023 and the actual pricing on the real Market has changed considerably so with now the RX 6800 actually costing significantly less money than an RTX 3070 this is going to be pretty interesting to update these this review in the latest games including Unreal Engine 5. we'll look at Ray tracing performance we'll look at fsr2 versus dlss both technologies have gotten much better since launch in fact the rx6800 AMD didn't even have FSR 1.0 let alone 2.0 when these things things came out um you can see my test system specs below I have everything at the out of the box settings although it does have resizable bar and a smart Access Memory enabled by default on the am5 platform if you look at temperatures the cooler models here are the power color red dragon on the AMD GPU and we have the Asus dual on the 3070. I did the cheapest model available when I purchased them although they're not necessarily the cheap cheapest today let's jump into the benchmarks and then we'll get some final thoughts on which one you should actually buy if you're buying right now at the end of the video let's start our testing an Unreal Engine 5.1 because that's what so many new AAA games have announced they will be using and if it's anything like Unreal Engine 4 that's true with tons of games out in Unreal Engine Unreal Engine 5.1 comes with new features like the Lumen lighting system which is a software-based ray tracing system which is can be Hardware accelerated we currently have that off we'll test that out next and then it all also has features like virtual Shadow maps nanite all sorts of revolutionary technology and right now the only game we can test it in is fortnite because fortnite is developed by epic who is the developer who makes Unreal Engine so that explains why we're testing fortnite and why we're not testing it at lower more competitive settings because really I'm just using fortnite as a stand-in for Unreal Engine 5. now we're also not maxing it out here this is 1440p at the high preset using dx12 so you get all the Lumen and and uh all nanite and all of that here we're seeing the 3070 running about 66 FPS average and the 6800 running at 81 FPS average at the 6800 with a 22 percent lead the middle frame rate counter is the average the one on the left is the current frame rate and the one on the right is the one percent lows but how about that Ray tracing so if we turn on Hardware accelerated Ray tracing that's what I mean by hwrt on we're still seeing this at the high setting rather than the Epic and now we see the 6800 dropping to an 11 lead over the 3070 and both gpus are running slower than they were before by enabling the hardware accelerated Ray tracing it it's making the Lumen lighting system a bit more accurate but does take a bit of a performance penalty although it's not one of the more demanding Ray tracing implementations we've seen in this case we still see the 3070 averaging over 60 FPS and the 6800 averaging over 70 FPS although the 6800 has one percent lows at about 59 versus 49 on the 30 70 and the 6800 overall has a bit of a smoother frame time graph which is uh nice to see and you should be judging the smoothness in this video from the frame time graph rather than how the footage looks due to 60fps capture versus variable refresh rate gameplay anyway if we look at this we're now looking at the game completely maxed out at 1440p I wanted to show you first that these gpus absolutely can play Unreal Engine 5 at good you know High settings with and without Ray tracing enabled but if we go up to the Epic settings and kick on Hardware accelerated Ray tracing both gpus are struggling here the 6800 is still five percent ahead and again this does have the hardware accelerated Ray tracing um but they're both averaging around 40. the 30 70 is averaging exactly 40 in the 6800 42 FPS so huge win here in this video I'm going to call a five percent lead about a tie I don't think you would notice it a little one percent lows are 34 versus 31 so a bit more noticeable of a lead there but not by a whole heck of a lot so neither GPU is able to completely max out the game at Native 1440p now if we enable upscaling Technologies we are able to get pretty close to a 60 FPS average what we're looking at here is the same 1440p epic settings with Hardware accelerated Ray tracing but now we're upscaling at the Quality setting so a 66 in internal resolution and upscaling using dlss on the Nvidia GP you because I think that's what people would actually do and using TSR because this game doesn't feature fsr2 at this point in time now it is compatible with Unreal Engine 5. so I'm sure it'll get updated in it in most Unreal Engine games but TSR is kind of the Unreal Engine version of of a temporal super resolution uh here we're seeing the 6800 averaging about 60 and the 30 70 averaging about 57 with a five percent lead for the 6800 I do think dlss looks better than TSR though in motion especially on the character's arms and things like that just looks a little bit more stable with dlss now let's drop down to some 1080p because I know you could be buying these gpus for 1440p but you could also be buying these gpus for 1080p at higher settings or higher refresh rates but even at 1080p if you want to completely Max it out Unreal Engine 5 is very demanding 1080p epic settings with Hardware accelerated Ray tracing on we're seeing the 30 70 averaging in the you know 54 FPS range with the 6800 around 58 and that's a seven percent lead for the 6800 so not a huge lead here maybe a little bit noticeable especially the one percent lows we're seeing the one percent lows which again is the far right side on those frame uh FPS counters as 48 versus 40. so a much more noticeable lead on the one percent lows uh versus on the averages and one percent lows are I would argue the most important thing because that's the uh you know the most thing you notice the most in uh your frame rate is how low it gets at times now let's reduce settings a little bit let's try turning the ray tracing off so 1080p epic settings without the hardware accelerated Ray tracing still has lumens software-based Ray traced lighting which still looks very good um now we're seeing the 6800 with a 19 lead over the 30 70. and the 6800 is averaging 68 FPS with one percent lows around 55 whereas the 30 70 is averaging just a little under 60 FPS about 58 to 57 with one percent lows around 44. so as long as you turn off the hardware accelerated Ray tracing the 6800 is able to offer a very good 1080p epic settings experience here and not super high refresh rate but um over uh you know around 70 FPS much of the time now if we drop settings a bit for a high refresh rate 1080p experience and just go down to high settings to do that by the way if you go down below High settings on the presets it turns off Lumen and nanite and virtual Shadow Maps which is the entire point of what we're testing here so I understand to play fortnite competitively you would turn settings down further but um here at the 1080p High settings which still has Lumen and nanite and virtual Shadow Maps but with the hardware RT off we're seeing the 6800 with a 26 lead averaging 111 FPS versus 89 FPS on the 3070 one percent lows on the 6800 with 92 versus 66 on the 30 70. so once again seeing an even larger performance lead on the one percent lows than we're seeing on the overall averages now because there's so much performance Headroom here I think it would make sense for a lot of people to turn on the hardware RT to get that more accurate lighting and with that enabled this lead for the 6800 does drop to a 10 lead but that is still um you know a somewhat noticeable lead and we're seeing the 6800 with around a 93 FPS average versus 86 on the 3070. the 30 70s one percent lows are right around 59 to 60 whereas the 6800 is around 77 so again a more noticeable lead and smoother frame time graph when you're looking at those one percent lows versus the overall averages of the two gpus so a very good showing in Unreal Engine 5 but how about we look at Ray tracing more in depth because we saw the uh the 6800 still having a lead even when enabling Hardware accelerated Ray tracing in Unreal Engine 5 with its Lumen system however we're gonna look like a look at here with cyberpunk is as we increase the ray tracing demand the AMD GPU falls off more considerably from its Baseline performance lead uh first we're going to start out with Ray tracing low and here we see more similar to what we had in Unreal Engine 5 with Lumen a light Ray tracing workload the ray tracing low setting in cyberpunk is just local Shadows it doesn't have Sun Shadows it doesn't have any bounce lighting it doesn't have Reflections but here we see the 6800 with a three percent lead and at 1080p both gpus are still getting a high refresh rate experience you might actually use this 91 FPS uh on the 6800 versus around 88 to 89 on the 3070 and we're not seeing a big difference in the one percent lows in this game well like we did in fortnite now when you turn the ray tracing settings to something a little more meaningful in this game like the ray traced Reflections now we're actually seeing the 3070 with a 16 percent performance lead by the way there's no preset that enables just RT Reflections but that's what I'm doing here I took the ultra preset which does not include Ray tracing and I turned on Ray traced Reflections individually also please know if you're using these presets that the game will automatically enable image upscaling using FSR and or DLS you know or DLS that's not and depending on your GPU when you enable these presets I'm manually turning it off to see the native 1080p performance so do make that note and also it can be difficult to make cyberpunk apply settings correctly sometimes people say my performance numbers aren't quite matching yours so to be clear I've turned off upscaling so this is native the 6800 is able to play 1080p Ultra Plus RT Reflections at about 60 FPS but the 370 is getting about 71 FPS here so definitely a noticeable lead there with the 16 lead on the 3070. now the game does offer a ray tracing medium preset which has similar but slightly more demanding uh I actually definitely more demanding performance hit than just enabling the RT Reflections uh so that's one reason I want to show the RT Reflections is it's a meaningful um difference to the image quality with the Reflections in this game whereas if you go to the RT medium preset that both gpus get hit a lot harder on the overall frame rate with the 3070 kind of in the mid 50s the 6800 down in the mid to upper 40s an 18 lead for the RTX 3070 Ray tracing medium does not have the ray traced Reflections although it does have the lighting set to the medium setting it has the local shadows and the sun Shadows now some people would prefer getting that Lighting in there versus the reflections some people would prefer the reflections the lighting's a bit more subtle but I think can at times actually have a bigger impact to the image quality whereas the reflection are much more noticeable in a head-to-head on versus off comparison so interesting now if we go to 1080p Ray tracing Ultra preset uh we're now seeing a 31 lead for the RTX 3070 over the 6800. now the ray tracing Ultra preset keeps uh has well it keeps the um Ray traced local Shadows also the ray Trace Sun Shadows it does add in the reflections and it has the ray Trace to bounce lighting at the ultra setting although it doesn't push it to the psycho setting this game is apparently coming out with an RT overdrive mode with full path tracing although that's not released yet to the public anyway the 6800 is able to average in the mid 30s although the one percent lows drop below 30. the 30 70 is only averaging in the mid 40s so I think most people would choose not to run these settings on these gpus because you saw that you could get a high refresh rate experience if you're just going to turn down the ray tracing a little bit now you could also look into using image upscaling especially with dlss at 1080p not looking too terrible but I'm going to look at more of the upscaled results at 1440p because we I do think these gpus are for a lot of people going to be 1440p gpus so let's look at 1440p as well which will make this a long video but let's do it 1440p Ray tracing at the low setting I did want to show this one without upscaling because this is the only Ray tracing setting where they can get close enough to a 60 FPS average where I feel like on a variable refresh rate screen you might um you might go with these settings now we're seeing the 6800 with a seven percent lead over the 3070 also a bit more meaningful difference in the one percent lows and it's possible but I can't prove it that this could actually be a bit of a vram issue on the 3070 pushing up against its eight gigabytes of vram affecting its one percent lows here and the smoothness of its frame time graph we're seeing the 6800 averaging about 61 although definitely getting below that with a one percent low at 49 30 70 averaging about 58 with 39 FPS on the one percent lows now if we want to turn on the RT Reflections at 1440p I think both gpus drop to a frame rate where while you could consider using it it's not unplayable I think it's a pretty terrible performance hit to take unless you're willing to use upscaling so that's what we're looking at on the right hand side of the screen on the left hand side of the screen we see the native 1440p resolution with the 370 having a 12 lead but only averaging around in the mid 40s with the 6800 averaging in the lower 40s both of them with one percent lows around 30 although the 6800 might have a one FPS lead there not a huge difference um but when we enable the upscaling Technologies with dlss2 and fsr2 at the Quality setting the 37 now has an 18 lead and is getting in the mid 70 FPS range and the 6800 is over 60 FPS average um and no longer has a lead in the one percent lows anyway interesting stuff depends on uh if you're willing to hurt your image quality a little bit by upscaling in order to improve your image quality a bit with the ray tracing it's kind of a there's pros and cons and I can see people going either way on that um now I will mention I do think the image quality from dlss2 is still a little bit better than fsr2 quality although it's not a massive lead and there are certain scenes in this game where I actually think the ghosting is is better on fsr2 than it is on dlss um now here we're looking at the ray tracing medium which again has the local Shadows Sun shadows and medium lighting setting none of the reflections and again this is uh very demanding the 3070 is only getting in the mid 30s uh the 6800 is only averaging right around 30. 30 70 has a 16 lead if you enable the upscaling even the 3070 is not able to hold a 60 FPS average although it's pretty playable around a 52 FPS average in the 6800 out of 46 FPS average personally I feel like with the image quality hit from upscaling if you look at the palm tree branches and things like that plus still being at a pretty low frame rate I I think this is just too much Ray tracing for these gpus in my opinion and even more so when we go to the ray tracing Ultra preset if you look at the native resolution the RTX 3070 is winning in a murder suicide where it is winning by 32 percent it's a very big lead over the 6800 but it's a meaningless lead at the native resolution because the 3070 is averaging well below 30 FPS and it's one percent lows around 20. the 6800 is averaging a little bit over 20 and has one percent lows in the teens they're both doing terribly with dlss and fsr2 quality the 3070s lead drops to 23 percent and the 3070 can average a little under 50 FPS with around 48.49 and the 6800 is averaging a little under 40 FPS with around 39. again I feel like it's just too much Ray tracing for either of these gpus although the 3070 certainly has the larger lead the bigger the more you crank the ray tracing settings so now let's look at what if we just tested cyberpunk without Ray tracing enabled at 1440p Ultra the 3070 uh oh sorry the 6800 has a 16 lead and at 1440p high settings the 6800 has an 18 lead and that's what you're seeing on the left is the ultra on the right you're seeing the high settings um and I also think it's interesting that if you look at the two middle screens here you see the 6800 at ultra settings versus the 3070 at high settings and the 6800 is actually faster at the ultra settings uh than the 3070 is even dropping down to the high settings so that is a noticeable performance lead here um although you know the 370 is able to play the game at 67-ish average FPS you know at ultra settings although the one percent lows do drop below 60. the 6800 can keep the one percent lows above 60 even at the ultra settings at 1440p so a fairly meaningful win there for the 6800 now if we want to test this game out at 1080p at 1080p Ultra both of them are getting such a high frame rate that uh you can't even start running into CPU limits and things like that meaning they basically tied I did see a 30 70 the 30 70 with about a three percent lead although both of them are over um you know they're in the hundred and something you know 100 and mid 110 range even pushing up to almost 120 at times so you know not a meaningful difference there in the non-ray trace performance so I thought interestingly since they had some Headroom for Ray tracing um let's compare it versus the RT Reflections enabled where the 30 70 had a 16 lead the 6800 could get about 60 FPS and the 37 to get about 72 FPS and then you can compare we're just playing at Ultra versus enabling the RT Reflections the 3070 is 68 faster than itself when you have rt off and the 6800 is 90 faster than itself when you have rt off so again you have to ask yourself are those nicer Reflections worth that worth that performance hit even when you can get a playable frame rate using the the ray tracing anyway since we just spent so long looking at Ray tracing where we all know Nvidia has its big Advantage how about we now look at a game where AMD has a large advantage and that is Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and also by extension war zone 2 which uses the same engine and it's just a little harder to test this is the built-in Benchmark that the game features and I'm looking at it first at 1080p balanced because I think a lot of people in this type of game will turn down the resolution in settings in order to get a Competitive Edge rather than crank the resolution and settings here we're seeing the 6800 with a 30 lead over the RTX 3070 although both of them are doing very well at these settings the 30 70 averaging around 150 but the 6800 up close to 200 FPS average for The Benchmark run now a lot of people would still um play this game at 1440p and at 1440p I thought it would also be interesting to look at the balance settings where I think more people would play but also look at the extreme settings in case you're just like yeah more of a you know I'll play the game but if I'm getting a good enough frame rate I want it to look as nice as possible so at the balance settings we're seeing the 6800 with a 33 lead and at the extreme settings we're seeing it with a 32 percent lead so we're not seeing a change to you know the uh the advantage for the 6800 by increasing or decreasing settings although the overall frame rates definitely change um at the balanced settings the 3070 is up around 115 FPS versus the 6800 around 155 um and at the extreme settings the 3070 actually has one percent lows dropping into the 40s and the 6800 one percent lows dropping into the upper 50s but the 6800 with 110 FPS average so big lead there um I think going down to the balance settings for those one percent lows to be so much higher is definitely worth it if you're playing the game competitively but now let's look at plague tail Requiem I will start at 1440p Ultra where we see the 60 6800 with only a seven percent lead over the 30 70. I will mention this is an Nvidia sponsored title and I could have enabled raytraced Shadows but we spent this videos long enough I already did a ton of Ray tracing testing we're going to focus at RT off for the remainder of the video um also I just don't think RT Shadows are particularly noticeable or worth it but anyway both gpus can dip below 60 FPS in the more demanding scenes in this game at 1440p Ultra although they average over 60 FPS in this particular scene that I'm testing although now if once you see the player actually has camera control here uh this 3070 is only around 51 and the 6800 is around 54 FPS so definitely noticeable differences here this is an extremely demanding game that you know next-gen consoles like PS5 and series X are really only running around 1440p 30 FPS um anyway plaid tail Requiem at 1080p Ultra the 6800s lead drops to only three percent so basically a tie although both of them are doing better here this is a really good looking game by the way one of the best looking games I've seen and it's not Unreal Engine this is a custom in-house engine from a Sobo Studios I think the game looks great the character work on the faces I think is its weakest point because I think where you can kind of see their more low budget limitations but the environments in this game and the lighting look absolutely fantastic um so definitely check this game out for a visual treat if you're interested but now let's jump into Unreal Engine 4. um and here we're seeing at 1440p Ultra a tie the 3070 has technically a one percent lead but this is the Tie also going through this Corridor of death as I call it during The Benchmark run this is The Game's built-in Benchmark both gpus dip well below 60 FPS although for much of the rest of the Benchmark run and the game itself uh will be definitely over 60 FPS but that's why you see such bad one percent lows this Benchmark runs very stuttery the Callisto protocol is one of the best looking Unreal Engine 4 games and most recent Unreal Engine 4 games but it is not necessarily the best optimized Unreal Engine 4 game so yeah there's that so they get a good average of 1440p but the frame time graphs are all over the place looking at 1080p Ultra the 3070 actually increases to a 5 lead um that's still you know my arbitrary distinction of I basically call five percent lead or less a tie but it is no it noteworthy to show the 3070 with a lead in a non-ray tracing situation also this game's actually in an AMD sponsored title go figure and it's one of the better performing games for NVIDIA versus AMD so uh it's another reason why I say people want to say like it's oh it's AMD sponsor and Nvidia sponsored where it's just like well does that really matter that much here we're seeing AMD uh sponsor title where Nvidia is outperforming them um you know uh plaguetail Requiem was Nvidia sponsored and AMD had the lead anyway atomic heart uh is a Unreal Engine 4 game as well at the 1440p atomic settings both gpus are averaging in the mid 70s in this fairly demanding opening sequence here the 6800 with a three percent lead which again I would call pretty much a tie so nothing uh too crazy to write home about here I do think this game is very well optimized for the visuals that you're getting um also this game was advertised as a big Ray tracing poster child for years leading up to launch and then they launched without Ray tracing so anyway I can't test out any RT here um although it does feature some dlss uh upscaling and that kind of stuff anyway if we drop down to the 1080p Atomic settings we see a tie 100 100 percent if you look at the one percent lows the 6800 has a bit of a lead but not particularly noteworthy and the averages again are a tie now um I think what we're seeing here though is in the Unreal Engine 4 games we tend to see Nvidia performing better on average than we saw in some of the other games we tested also in Unreal Engine 4 versus Unreal Engine 5 we're seeing some pretty big discrepancies there we're at Unreal Engine 5 AMD seemed to pull further ahead so I was interested in let's look at another Unreal Engine 4 game this one is returnal and now in returnal we're back to seeing the 6800 with a lead over the 3070 this time with a 12 lead at the 1440p Epic settings with no Ray tracing enabled and again it's Unreal Engine 4. so the engine is not always the whole story on on what's going on here now I wonder if what's going on here is maybe smart Access Memory helping out uh because you can see the memory allocation uh and usage a lot higher on the 6800 versus the um versus the 3070. so I wonder if this game is using smart Access Memory taking advantage of that we're seeing a 12 lead at 1440p dropping down to 1080p epic settings in maternal we're seeing a 13 lead for the 6800 and once again if you look at the vram uh usage versus allocation both of them are once again higher on the 6800 so I do have resize bar enabled in my testing but Nvidia makes uh has to whitelist games unless you want to edit it manually and with uh Nvidia inspector program which is a hassle and most people aren't going to do that um whereas AMD you can just toggle smart X smart access memory on or off via their driver software which is definitely my personal preference I guess Nvidia is trying to make it be like uh you don't have to think about it if I wanted to buy an RX 6800 today if I look at PC part picker which surveys a bunch of the major retailers Amazon Newegg those kinds of places sort prices low to high I can see that I could buy one for 465 dollars although granted that the next cheapest model jumps up to 485 and we see 490. if I wanted to buy an RTX 3070 from Nvidia I look again using the same conditions want to buy one today sort the major retailers low to high I see 548.49 and I see another one I know it's 550 they're 550 for the cheapest models see another one at 560. they go up a bit from there so the the tables have flipped the 6800 launched significantly more expensive than a 3070 but now it costs significantly less if you look at the current prices I could buy these at today we can see that the RTX 3070 costs about 18 more than the RX 6800 whereas the RX 6800 actually when you're not using heavy Ray tracing performs significantly better in most games the worst we saw it do in rasterized performance was basically a tie and there were more examples of it performing 10 to 15 or more better in many games using rasterize performance we saw in Ray tracing workloads if it's a light Ray tracing workload like we're seeing with Lumen and uh when it's Hardware accelerated Unreal Engine 5 we actually saw the 6800 still basically tied in maybe even a little bit ahead and same thing with with low Ray tracing workloads in games like cyberpunk now if you go up to a medium Ray tracing workload then we did see the 3070 pull ahead by about the same mark margin as its price increase meaning if you priced these off of their middle of the road Ray tracing performance then actually they're about the same price to Performance even going off of Ray tracing although we did see that with heavy Ray tracing workloads enabled um the 3070 did pull ahead by a larger margin uh than its price to Performance but in other words even if you're buying for Ray tracing performance the performance per dollar of the 3070 isn't actually that much better than the RX 6800 and I think it would be fair to point out that in the current market you could buy the RX 6800 XT version for about the same price as an RTX 3070 now that isn't the review I'm doing in this video but the RX 6800 XT is another you know 15 to 20 percent faster depending on the game than the 6800 not XT version so with that in mind um you know if that's just that would probably honestly just be another good head-to-head comparison video to do uh other factors to consider though are uh the vram the RX 6800 does have double the vram of the RT uh RTX 3070 so 16 gigabytes versus eight now in our testing we didn't see the eight gigabytes causing any significant issues although there have been games recently like Hogwarts Legacy where we have seen eight gigabyte vram cards struggle uh at like 1440p ultra settings I didn't specifically test the 3070 in that but I did see my 30 60 TI uh start to have frame rate dips down into the 30s as it kind of struggled with its vram capacity that sort of a thing now games tend to use more vram over time so this could become more of an issue over time even when using Ray tracing because using Ray tracing also does increase vram workload so something to consider uh when when you're comparing the two gpus as well however you should also consider advantages is that Nvidia does have over AMD there is a reason why they command a price premium but you need to decide if those are reasons why you would pay that much more because again you're paying 18 more here for Less performance or similar Ray tracing performance in light Ray tracing workloads and better Ray tracing performance in medium no so we've established that you know you do get that better Ray tracing performance in the heavier Ray tracing workloads what other reasons are there to buy Nvidia for the price premium I do think dlss looks better than fsr2 it's not a massive difference at 1440p at lower resolutions or at the more aggressive settings I tend to keep them at the Quality setting but if you go down to like the performance settings I think the image quality Edge for dlss is more noticeable so that's definitely something to consider another thing to consider is what are you doing with your graphics card if you're just playing games that's what I reviewed in this video if you are doing productivity workloads there are certain applications that are just programmed with Nvidia Hardware acceleration in mind and less so with AMD Hardware acceleration in mind so but that's going to depend on your workflow so as a professional you need to look into what applications you use and their support on AMD versus Nvidia because some of them work as good or better on AMD but I think if you were going to just throw all of the uh productivity apps out there on a dartboard throw a dart at it and wonder does it run better on AMD or Nvidia I think you're more likely to run into ones that have a have better support on Nvidia than AMD because if you're somebody designing those apps you are going to design them for the card that has the larger market share and Nvidia does have a much larger market share than AMD this is more people out there with Nvidia so you're going to spend more of your time optimizing for their architecture so that is something to consider there's always the debate on AMD drivers and as a single reviewer I can't give a meaningful statistical analysis of AMD driver issues versus Nvidia driver issues and that's really the problem also when you go by comment sections things like that because everyone has their own anecdotal evidence of I have no issues with AMD drivers or I had nothing but issues with AMD drivers or I have issues with both Nvidia and AMD drivers each of those people people is reporting on their own or maybe their small friend group sample size out of the entire graphics card market and to my knowledge there is no data set available publicly that would give us a way to actually answer these questions uh in in a factual manner so feel free to argue about drivers all day in the comments section all I can report on is AMD is definitely offering significantly more vram and rasterized performance with the 6800 and it's doing it for significant efficiently less money and if I was going to buy one of these two gpus I would buy the RX 6800 if I wanted uh to go the Nvidia route I I feel like and I was buying in this price point I would either just spend less money and get a 30 60 TI which I think offers significantly better price to Performance than the RTX 3070 in the current market or I would buy in the used Market I would look for used 3080s in this price range see if I could get one of those um or like I said um if I was going to spend 550 dollars now you actually have to compare against the 6800 XT version uh where the where the performance numbers are even more AMD cited and the ray tracing lead is even smaller for NVIDIA because you're coming from a higher Baseline performance with the 6800 XT anyway what do you guys think let me know in the comment section what other videos would you like to see a 2023 revisit for I just did an updated um 6800 XT versus 3080 video a month or so ago more recently I did 3060 TI versus 6700 XT I've also looked at gpus in the 350 dollar price point uh and in the 250 dollar price point again all updated with recent benchmarks I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 127,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ufGXJVXgzNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 44sec (2204 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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