RTX 4070 Ti Vs 5 Most Played Games On Steam

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Dawid sammenlikner Nvidias RTX 4070 Ti med det mer nøkterne RX 6700 XT fra AMD i fem populære spill.

P.S.: Vi har RX 6700 XT på lager.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VingerDataAre 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2023 🗫︎ replies
would you look at that I finally got my  grubby Little Mix on a 40 series GPU this   is an RTX 4070 TI and in today's video I'm  gonna test it in five games that have been   on steam's most played list for as long as  I could remember to see how this performs   in games that you're playing and then I'm gonna  put it against a significantly cheaper but also   very powerful graphics card to establish  just how much more gaming you're getting   compared to a good value from the previous  generation for its frankly obscene asking price thank you the 4070 TI in question is some p  and Y variant that I've not been able to find   for sale anywhere but I got it through  one of corsair's build kits that Anna   put together in the last video the card comes  with an overcompensatingly massive triple slot   cooler on it with the now very trendy through  backplate airflow design the cooler shroud is   a bit plasticky for my liking but at least you  get a metal-ish backplate and at the end of the   stubby PCB we have a 16-pin power connector all  in all it's a pretty basic version of the 470   TI but it's got it where it counts having said  that let's do a quick teardown before we throw   this card at some of the most addictive games  on Steam so this is going to be my first Peak   under the hood of a 40 series GPU and I'm not  gonna lie I'm pretty excited let's check it out foreign yes that just pops off so there's  actually no contact between the back of   the PCB and the back plate but I don't know  how much contact would do considering that we   have this like plastic coating on the bottom  of the back plate now on the back of the PCB   you can see that we've got some some ectoplasm  all over the place that's not the kind of thing   that I'm used to seeing on a new card this kind  of spunky residue all over the back p and Y was   clearly real excited all over the back of these  other than the excretion all over it this is such   a tiny little PCB look at that it's like it's so  small and then that says no tearing up on it for   some reason I don't know what they mean by that  oh the rear i o Shields keeping things in place and then this should just pop off yes now I think  we can finally get around to popping this off   yes that was really easy to do now oh I despise  those fan connectors I really do but it's okay   they've only been mildly mutilated there is a  lot of fin stack going on and we'll see what the   temperatures are like later on there are six  heat pipes running through the length of the   cooler they're not the fattest heat pipes ever  but there's a reasonable amount of them the PCB   is Tiny and adorable there are some power phases  all over the place there's also 12 gigs of gddr6x   on here with our RTX 4070 TI die in the middle  oh let me clean it off and have a closer look yeah it just looks like any recent Nvidia die not  entirely sure why I'm disappointed by that but I   was expecting something a bit more exciting under  here like a xenomorph scrotum or summon and after   that very reasonable disappointment it's time to  see how this Beast runs some steam Esports titles so lost ark is taking its sweet time to launch  for the first time that's not the graphics card's   fault I assume that it's just been busy installing  Amazon malware on my system in the process now I'm   not going to be testing any of the games at 1080p  today because frankly if you're buying a 4070 TI   for 1080p gameplay your money should take a  restraining order out on you so I'm going to   start all of the testing at 1440p and for lost Arc  I'm gonna have the rest of the settings cranked   and just a couple of moments into my first lost  Arc experience my brain was struggling to process   it our armor Gunner but after choosing a very  agile lady character I was ready for some testing   okay well straight off the bat were pegged at 120  frames per second and we're just using 45 of the   GPU at 37 Watts this 800 graphics card really is  putting in some work here it doesn't even seem to   notice that a game is happening at this point oh  I need to be mashing more buttons I see that was   the mistake I was making so that's how you play  the game so I swiftly swapped the 4K to wake the   GPU up a bit hey there we go the graphics card is  actually having to do things now we're sitting at   about 80 utilization but still pegged at 120  frames per second but despite the higher GPU   utilization we just lost 0.3 of our average FPS  so basically a rounding error worth of performance   loss going from 1440p to 4K so I had to figure out  how to unshackle the frame rate to get any kind of   useful numbers okay so now I've actually managed  to unblock the frame rate so we're not just stuck   at 120 frames per second now we're now getting  over 300 frames per second which I think is kind   of a minimum requirement are you really even  gaming if you get less than that sarcasm aside   this time we got a more reasonable performance  impact Boeing to 4K but we were still getting over   120 frames per second this is some very fluid lady  running in circles action we've got going here wait a minute I may not have played pubg in  a while but I have hundreds of hours in this   game why is it forcing me to do AI training  matches and while I slept my way through the   mandatory basic training let me quickly tell  you about the settings again I started off   with 1440p but this time with everything set  to high settings so at 1440p high settings we   we are getting lots of frame rates although  when we do have lots of distance in view it   actually drops to about 160 frames per second  I think that maybe more of a game problem than   a graphics card problem considering that we  have about 40 utilization and we're barely   drawing 100 Watts on the GPU now moving over  to 4K uh when we're looking at the big scene   it's running about the same although this time we  are getting roughly a hundred percent utilization   so the GPU is having to work harder but that  is a 140-ish frames per second while looking   over the expanse of the map but when it comes  to a more varied Benchmark run the 4070 TI does   curb storm pubg at both 1440p and 4K even at  these much higher than competitive settings the first thing to bear in mind with Apex  is that it has a frame rate limit out of   the box of 144 frames per second but at  1440p very high settings that basically   doesn't use the RTX 470 ti so I've uncapped  it and again we're well over 200 frames per   second at 1440p so basically this card is a  monster the 13700k in here is also putting   in work it is feeding the 4070 TI frames  very effectively yeah it's changed over to   4K and see what happens changing to the native  resolution of this display we're still getting   almost 200 frames per second so we're well over  the refresh rate of this monitor we're actually   getting a surprisingly similar ballpark of  frame rate for all of these games and even   with the higher than normal settings I've been  testing with for any of the three games I've   tested so far unless you're running a 2  140hz 1440p display or 120hz 4K display   the 470 TI is mostly an epine purchase at this  point but maybe the next game will change that oh nope never mind Dota 2 is not the game  in this lineup to change that speaking for   personal experience is somebody that's played  quite a lot of Dota 2 you'd be hard-pressed to   find a system that wouldn't run this game well you  could probably dig out the command computer of an   Apollo 11 Rocket from 1969 and it would still be  able to run the crap out of this game even at 4K came on Steam by far CS go is the most  convincing argument I've seen for this   800 graphics card in the Roundup so far at  1440p you can see here we're getting well   over 500 frames per second and in terms of GPU  utilization we're sitting at about 50 percent   that is higher than some of the other games  yeah I I guess that means that csgo is worth   buying an 800 graphics card for uh that's a joke  by the way it isn't although maybe things change   when we switch it over to 4K wow that has  barely dropped um although we are getting   slightly higher GPU utilization so that's worth  it I guess anyway with that I think this is a   good point to throw in our cheaper previous gen  competitor to see how much performance we lose no I get it this is a slightly unfair comparison  but hear me out for a second because at the moment   you can consistently get 6700 xt's for under  400 and the last time I checked aside from   some of them occasionally breaking this is a  fire breathing monster of a graphics card and   I was just curious in games that most people  play how much more performance are you getting   paying more than double for something even more  beastler how much graphics card do you really need oh yes we are getting very very many frame rates  here on this 120 hertz monitor you really miss the   280 frames per second of the 4070 TI actually  Jokes Aside let's set it over to 4K and see if   the 6700 XT is still saturating the monitor now  there's a whole bunch of explosions and death   going on here but this is actually the first time  since we've started testing for this video where   we haven't gotten a surplus of frame rate for  our monitor like what is this unplayable garbage   we're just getting 90 frames per second  at 4K very high settings what an outrage oh okay well with pubg at 1440p high settings  indoors we have lost over a hundred frames per   second compared to the 470 TI but looking  into the distance we're getting about the   same frame rate although this time it's  not because of engine limitations it's   because the graphics cards maxed out  which I don't know it feels like a bit   of a technicality to me switching over to  4K again we're descending into the depths   of unplayability with a mere 80-ish frames  per second at high settings that nobody uses I don't know what that does but it's scaring  the crap out of me and it is kind of tanking   the frame rate a little bit at 1440p very  high settings with Apex we're getting quite   a lot of frame rate with the 6700 XT and it it  feels very stable like look at that frame time   graph it's looking good although of course the  4070 TI gave us a lot more performance we were   averaging over 250 frames per second at 1440p  with that card now at 4K while terrible things   are happening to my team we're getting almost  half the frame rate of the 4070 TI but with   more reasonable settings for a competitive  shooter the 6700 XD should still be able to   saturate our 4K High refresh rate monitor now  with both DOTA and CS go it's basically not   worth testing with DOTA there was very small  fluctuations in frame rate and even if 4K very   high settings as a keen player subjectively at  4K I just couldn't tell a difference between the   two graphics cards with cs go there was a bigger  difference in frame rate between the two graphics   card mods but at 4K we were still getting  almost 400 frames per second with the 6700   XT so my main takeaway from this video is why  would you buy an 800 plus graphics card if a 350   one performs like this especially considering the  monitors we all have but then again that's only   based on a small sample size of very popular games  and isn't taking into account things like future   proofing anyway with that until the next video  subscribe for some more arbitrary comparisons
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 167,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: Yaj2-hPRvJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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