How will the RTX 4070Ti perform over the next two years?

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all right GeForce RTX 4072i 4K performance over the next two years question uh will we see it dip below 60fps more consistently considering it only has 12 gigabytes of vram so yeah most games it doesn't dip below 60 FPS for carrying there's like you know use cyberpunks I think on the high preset we went down to like 49 FPS no upscaling but that's pretty much what that did uh I mean games are going to become hopefully more visually impressive and therefore demand more Hardware uh I guess these sort of questions I get asked a lot like what how will this CPU or this GPU work in two years will it do a b or c and it's like I don't know realistically I guess the more important question would be how will a 47 ETI compare to a 700 XT yeah in that period like which one will age better so which one would be better to invest in right now it's difficult question that's a difficult question again like do you expect and again another 40 a 40 70 TI is a very expensive product but then all high-end gpus are very expensive these days but would you be upset if in two years time you have to turn down Textures in the new latest single player visually impressive game to make it run acceptably on a 4070 chai and then maybe you don't have to do that on a 700xt I mean that would annoy me but then you know the counter to that is if a lot of games start using Ray tracing in a more significant way they're potentially in video well Ray tracing though does use more vrams very well so so that may even be a worse counter in the sense that the 700 XT actually becomes the better Ray tracing GPU because like in the games where the 30 70 let's say TI that's and gigabyte Varian buffer there's got to be examples right now where that has worse Ray tracing performance than the 6800 which has 16 gigs of vram whether the 6800 has acceptable Ray Tracer performance to begin with is pretty questionable so that may not matter anyway I think that that comparison is probably much more relevant though with the 7900 XT because that can achieve you know 30 90 levels of Road tracing performance like sort of yeah so it's a tough one it's one of these crystal ball questions obviously we're guessing we can't tell you for sure but its competing card has uh like 20 gigs of vram Yep they're running it nvidia's been running it Finn in the last couple of generations I think we've seen the the 30 80 12 gigabytes in the previous generation was you know didn't really have an MSRP but it was effectively an 800 GPU from a generation that launched over two years ago and we've seen the new 800 card also have 12 gig so it's not really an improvement and we're talking about you know the high-end cards do have sufficient vram but if an 800 card has 12 gig then potentially we're going to be running into issues with 500 gpus if they only come with eight gigabytes of vram that's probably not sufficient well traditionally we would have said 500 is quite a lot of money and you wouldn't want to be making near-term compromises with such a product yeah but obviously with these vram discussions it's not like CPU cores you can't it you don't get to a point where it's like you just don't have enough to play the game generally you can dial quality settings down a notch and not all the quality settings it's like admittedly textures do have a big impact on the overall presentation but you can knock down textures a little bit maybe a little bit you know lower texture quality but then it's playable you're back within that say let's say in this example 12 gigabyte Varan buffer whereas if you don't have enough CPU performance and I shouldn't have even said cores because I'm getting sucked into that silly argument but if you don't have enough CPU performance to begin with then you can't really do too much like some games you can lower NPC account and stuff like that but getting off track um I think on a 500 product for and I'm gonna get trapped here I'm going to upset people but I think for this generation where you have two thousand dollar fifteen hundred dollar thousand dollar gpus five hundred dollars is now gulp affordable like that's your that's your I know I can see the comment section now Steve says 500 gpus are affordable there's no way for me to have this conversation without getting into trouble I am not justifying 500 gpus I'm saying it seems quite self-evident that 500 gpus aren't going to be massively impressive they're they're treated it's a mid-range budget type category now it just is you're not going to get 20 Gigabytes of vram on a 500 card for this generation it's not going to happen eight gigabytes to 12 gigabytes well I shouldn't even say because I don't know but I think it needs to be 12 but I won't be shocked if you see like 500 cards with eight gigabytes of vram which would be terrible but yeah which will be terrible um because there are games that when the 3080 was launching and 370 with eight gigabytes of vram the 3072 years ago was sort of in a couple of games you could see the the the signs of heaps there's heaps of examples now as well where you can clear it if you want to the issue that I have with vram is that the consoles have 16 gig and that means game developers will be targeting if they're making a next-gen only game which I expect this year next year there'll be many more examples of games that are targeting those consoles and not the previous generation so PS4 they've put those in the bin they're like we're going for the capabilities of these new consoles if game developers start targeting 16 gig and a 500 GPU only has 8 gig that's not going to be a good situation the high end needs to have 16 gig so that you're giving that that sort of yeah we're giving parity with consoles 12 gigabytes for sort of that new mid-range 500 thing probably makes sense and then you'd really want to be seeing like eight gigabytes for for the entry level mainstream products yeah you'd want the 40 50 to have eight gigabytes of vram I totally agree they're not going to do it I totally agree and that's my opinion as well uh I guess all I was trying to say was the lower down the product stack you go I think I personally would be more willing to compromise on things like texture quality for future games yeah but if I'm buying a 40 70 TI at what like what are they selling for typically 800 yeah if I'm that's MSRP right so that's the lowest price you're going to get one for at the moment if I'm paying 800 us for a 40 70 TI if I have to turn down texture quality in the next two years I'm not going to be happy especially in a game where yeah it's it's a noticeable reduction in visual quality if it's like you disable the textures one Notch from unplayable to playable it's like you've got to squint maybe you can tell the difference not not so worried but if it's if it's a reasonably noticeable visual upgrade and the radio and GPU can do it because it's got 20 Gigabytes of vram and the 4072 I can't do it I'll I'll be unhappy quite a like when we were comparing the RX 6800 to the RTX 3070 uh I can't remember exactly what I said my conclusion but I'm like technically at the moment the 30 70 is a better product dlss better Road tracing all that sort of stuff and I think I said something like the only Advantage the Radeon GPU has is the 16 gigabyte variant buffer versus eight so twice the amount of air I mean I copped quite a lot of flack for saying that um a lot of people push back but I think now if we were to compare those two um in playable conditions with the current generation of games and then especially the ones that are coming yeah and we're going to run to issues I think we'll find the radio on GPU average uh aged better yeah I mean we're going to get to a point where the RTX 2080 TI launched with 11 gigabytes of vram and that was quite a while ago and then that sort of performance has become the 3070 with eight gigabytes of vram and then this generation that may be what like a 30 60 hopefully tier of tier of 40 60 sorry tier of GPU yeah and we could be looking at the flagship card from many years ago having the ad the actual adequate amount of vram for that product and this generation that card having eight gigabytes maybe they'll even cut it down below eight which would be really silly yeah yeah as performance of these cards increases the vram capacity is to increase with it they can't keep it stagnant or go backwards and yeah okay people spent twelve hundred dollars on a 2080 TI and you probably hopefully looking at more like 400 dollars or less for a 40 60 now but you still you want to see you want to see improvements and certainly textures are one area where games could definitely do with additional Improvement makes the biggest Improvement really because it affects all areas of visual so yeah it's going to be an interesting one to play out this whole vram thing because it feels like this year there's going to be a lot of sort of high performance big Flagship titles coming out that I imagine will be targeting next-gen sort of the next gen of gaming and yeah eight gigabytes hmm we'll see yep that wasn't even the question the question about 40 70 show over the next few years but yeah I mean we can't answer that question so I'll keep you posted tune back in a few years and I'll let you know the 40 70 TI is going but let's get to the next one
Channel: HUB Clips
Views: 35,891
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Id: jPvXnG_DcbA
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Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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