RTGame Archive: Portal 2 w/ CallmeKevin

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everywhere but it would pop up now there we go okay hey we're good awesome I'm going to open up your chat to go yeah how's it going folks everyone's making their way and already can you hear me in Kevin okay oh he's lurking in the background yeah we're just getting everything set up before we go and just making sure it's all okay it's happening hi dad I could refer to either of us yeah they talking is that my yours let's hope into your horse cuz I ate my last one oh good yeah how's it going folks doubled ahead sure okay how's it going folks you're all very welcome to the stream we'll just give folks them a minute or two of the hop in before we get going which has been trying to get the game set up sorry we're a little late she'll be okay oh Jesus look them all in the chat already okay yeah the flood men I do a thing on YouTube now I give them like an hours notice before the stream because it tends to be at the crowd from YouTube isn't it they're not aware that which exists because it's outside of YouTube and YouTube's really slow to share the notification yeah yeah so I have to like pop it up well in advance so he's a bit of like a landing party whenever the stream goes live because it's people who just like open it up in a background tab and wait an hour like organizing your own surprise party or to no one tell them oh god yeah I think we should be good if you want we can just get going from here can indeed I'm just retweeting you oh and let me type or tab back in and I'm good to go yeah I guess get the drama going like we need people to think this beef between us could further our own careers because that's how it works in this modern age you to eat me some guests on the channel today hey this is working correctly - we have to reset all our progress so that's why we were trying to figure out before we went live but it seems to it worked okay we're playing portal 2 we're playing the co-op mode yeah we're gonna solve some puzzles attempt to solve them yeah the key word is try yes and sometimes uncomfortable sometimes it's a thought that's all that counts thank God because I don't think there's gonna be many results yeah I vaguely remember bits of this like yeah it's like it's pretty easy to get started you just have to step on the button I'll leave you through this one I think you have to shoot a portal true there don't leave there's any way to go I think you just need to walk on through oh okay we're already struggling that's hard dude okay is that gonna Oh oh yes all fair he could oh we get a partner view - I forgot about this how'd you do that does that open that door um oh wait yeah yes yes I I know what I'm doing now we got that we gotta just like remember how this game works okay I got it like constantly look at like the bottom right just to see what you see yeah just keep that door open yeah and if you put your oh wait I'm I'm dancing oh okay I'm gonna pump portal there so you open this door here yeah just step on that button oh right want to come back to me and through your portal Hey yeah and just hop in here hey awesome just to show you where they go how do I like bring up your screen or is that not possible if you press and hold tab I wish there was a way to do that permanently because that's actually really handy I can just see what you see okay he's here control and I can't seem to do it oh okay why does it awesome I'm raiser is there a way to just toggle that permanently because I would actually love that it would be so happy let's see what does anyone in chat even know can you just like make it so you have partner view permanently cuz like even for the stream like that's really handy to have you can just say you haven't seized do I need to put like a paperweight on my keyboard it's not a bad idea if you had something but I don't think I have anything like that no you can't uh do I have anything that might work as a paperweight this work that works okay I just need a little more weight on this why are you because I'm struggling here I don't know what to use I've got like a little battery pack thing that's like small enough but the problem is it's like up and like it's gonna fall over very easily but it seems to do the job hours how I do it but that's oh not today it's probably out today fool me once are you so fast we solve that puzzle you're not fooling us alright my am 500 year old the camera is working as a paperweight for my botton right perfect it does have an angles really seriously on the button you just need to pick it up at the start of the round and reapply it to get the camera view back like yeah cuz that's just like you legit handy to have is like it's just like permanently say what you see knew we'd have to solve like real world oh I just have to press this button for you hang on so if you pop you're right your orange portal there yep and I'll go true there you go oh yeah I can do apparently there is a console command to hold why did they make this game so complicated I don't understand couldn't even reset the save file before plus remote view in the console I'm just gonna see if this works cuz if this could be handy for yourself yeah for sure yeah it does okay so it's just plus remote view and it permanently keeps it up okay if you start typing it it'll fill in the rest area what was it again + remote view I like + remote underscore view I believe thank you to whoever suggested that that's handy yeah thanks guys yeah yeah we don't we don't need the paperweights anymore okay I found another button up here how many buttons have we got I think this is on a timer you might have to do the one across from me if we just set two portals down like we run between the buttons so like I've got two here if you set one up there and then one is there and then you start on the bottom and then we press these in time and then we run to the others okay sounds good I just made a mistake hang on there we go okay okay okay we ready two one go run to the other side okay yeah didn't yeah we got a ball no if I can't have the ball take your head no I don't know we can take this with us yeah we can't unfortunately not as much as I would like to there's a valiant effort guys in chat what's the console just spawn like 20 balls that's what we can have some console commands in this game I wonder what kind of stuff you can do I mean it's just a source engine I imagine some of its similar III dive yeah I've messed reality f2 console commands just like with like my admin friends imagine some of it crosses over because it's the same engine I think so anyway all of f4 is not a console command guys we're not there it still disappears the window alright he's in prison guys come on yeah he just saved so many cities and cities guy bring you for your crimes the world itself gonna make much progress are we no we're just trying to kill he should die hang on just generate me a moment can you actually no I think I might I just feel pain it's good enough for me okay so you can die good to know wait can I pick up my corpse now oh it's gone split-screen disappeared after I really launched the level again so I just I'm gonna stick to the oh poor wait do you think I'll just apply it again yeah every time it loads it seems to reset yeah we just need to don't know where I'm bringing it so that so you you pop your own Oporto the genius there we go so you can use portals to solve this you can also just cut down these bits of wall should do the same damn sure contractors in its a bunch of cowboy builders here this needs to be moved a little bit Ohio I'll go I'll go back and adjust it there we go okay we're good can I hit you with it too though I don't think so Oh maybe another time keep going forward yeah you're gonna do this every time we play in this game I have just as much fun every single time I do it never gets old yeah what do we got here where's the there's the cubox you carry them out you don't want to get shot okay do I get your things sure yeah just like just light them on fire groovy this is lovely I would kill any shadow we get to kill other people together is that is that right there is there another note I need oh yeah portals but I didn't I didn't actually look at what we have to do okay I think I've got an idea oh yes yes yes I see so pop it straight through there and one here and there there we go oh my lasers Oh watch your step doing good real talk about this I think everyone is except for me let's keep going how many are in the first section cuz this is pretty much just teaching us right so was there like eight I'm not sure oh my loading screen was freaking out with the console client there I think it's getting angry I think it's because I asked to reset it every time they keep talking about don't don't mind them don't mind them okay is it's the new spicy may may on the channel they think they're hilarious yeah I get it garlic I like it basically yep not included I'm gonna go in the box go for it yeah you got to be real careful here a lot of ways I could potentially die okay I need to get this box out I get to even like a simple portal wall I could escape well I keep it keep a low a moment there we go she got it I got it teamwork a slash escaping before you murder me he did pretty good because I was doing no rhythm I was just going from one to the other okay so here we need to just hop out there that's really straightforward it's something it's starting to come back I remember some of these puzzles we're getting through it I'm just waiting to it's a little bit harder yeah then once I started to do some gels and stuff we're just gonna die there's gels is there oh yeah you got about that whole thing I wonder if I need to pop my chat sub vote because the spam is getting outta hand it's just all my garlic garlic it's not even relevant to the stream today like don't think I mentioned it like that's the thing hey pop it in submode wads we'll open it up later because if people join the street they're gonna wonder what the [ __ ] going on I mean I kind of am too i key things and I'll look out for you you stand right there I hope this drops slowly we got it I trust you okay I'm alright you need to because he can quickest yeah oh no hold on I got you I can guys need to raise the sword as high as you can swap them this you got plenty of time there we go let's go let's go let's go we're doing good okay I don't think so if you can put one like oh yeah I'll set up a part for you there you go Vlad good lad thank you very much all right I'm on the way I think it actually is easier to sue the paperweight because I keep forgetting to reset the console even the paperweight I think is the way to do it yeah a paperweight too because we're just blasting through these levels cuz we're still [ __ ] smack absolute brain power on display that's probably why they were spamming Garelick in the chat they just couldn't comprehend what we do a different topic we need something simpler in the shaft doo-doo-doo - - - there we go just waiting for like the difficulty spike and then we'll make the chat really angry yeah like once if they if we take even a fraction of a second too long on these puzzles like someone's going to snap yeah that's just how it works how could you be so stupid and not see the solution in the first two seconds yes I used to hate doing videos on these games like way back in the day because I do like unedited videos and they just do long videos of me trying to figure out the thing and it's like people don't understand that like I played this last week and I understand it why doesn't this guy oh where are we going here don't do it move on your portals a moment oh great lovely in disc was the disc we got a disc just electricity do these in sync this one button yep treat to one try a minute I don't think so it's green now Green is good no Green's not good did we get it oh my god without even counting it oh wait what what's wrong with it okay maybe that's what you're supposed to do - oh but I'm in here now anyway okay your portal on that side genius way right here right here I'll make I'll make a door for you there you go I got a door I'm trying to crush the disc no experimenting this is what it's about it's about science let's pop it in that's a big disc to hold Disney collection I think she's gonna kill us yeah I think she is thanks cloud us appreciate it no after all her hard work the first time I've died it wasn't you who killed patient to be fair that was assisted suicide he wanted to go oh Jesus I don't know about hold up in court but he wanted to die it's not my fault we have to go over here I portlets what's wrong with my blue huh your cell is gonna work mentally unstable you keep attacking me haven't attacked you once Oh God thank you to everyone it's been seven to two just avoid the filter in chat appreciate it guys okay now this is where the real game stats yep we'll actually have more challenging puzzles I need to actually get up there oh yeah you just hop in there and then you can sell portals for me there we go and now I'll put one thank you Jesus we're so good okay and now you need to put yours there yeah there we go ah I'm doing good we're going treated is really quick yeah Weston's room I know it's like you know the tutorial to teach you how to play the game we've played a few so we basically understand it but I still feel smart yeah I'm just like kind of quite surprised like the speed we're going oh so here there's another momentum puzzle here here it so I'm gonna pop one down there and there's a spot for it there so if you can pop like a portal I know why you point and indicate think the the controller so uh-oh its f so yeah so you pop one up there and then one here one where here yeah so Papa Lincoln one here and I'm gonna go true here there was a Ledge up there I was wondering where you were going to okay now I need to go up and so we not get a second button the second button is over there do this no [ __ ] hold on okay oh okay so I know what I need to do so I need to now set up the link for you so now you can get up there I know you set up the portals for when you get momentum okie doke so anyone there yeah and you step on the button - and we're good give me the bar I bought [ __ ] it's my ball I'm taking it home no she never does it's not very kind to us is she maybe she might like a more positive in the eventual portal tree think it'll ever happen I think it will yeah I'm kind of like hopeful cuz I know valve counting the tree is a meme in of itself now cuz you know they've got a pretty bad track record of doing this but I reckon someday they'll make a new game that isn't the card game and no one really plays anymore played one though which three I think it might be left 4 dead 3 I think that's my what I want it was like in 40 so I thought a while back or like suppose it leaks but just nothing came of it yeah there's been a lot of leaks of it but figure out my head already unto you the moment okay Kevin so you need to just move your right one and launch wrong one stay there don't move the are in Jordan launch me there you go there we go yep oh it's trippy I like it okay to do that just this once are we gonna help well good good doing good I want to say Idaho cloud is the sarcastic day trade ever changes maybe she'll actually care about you but I hope she stays cynical oh yeah I mean might care about you a little but not too much be hope a great character so even this whole game in general it's all like robots and there's such good characters yeah I like a Steve merchant in this game is Wheatley I just replace the paperweight praising me over you as well I don't know what's going on there you just stay in the loop and I'll work out where you need to go I'm not obviously you yes is there anything over there there we go my ball button I'll jump down everything is fine I got my ball I'm happy I got a not step off this or you die there we go you walk around and then I'll pass up the ball because I think yeah I think the Grange destroys it we go solid you don't understand how hard it was for me to hand over that ball I have to work out so many calculations like what's the ideal angle but a bitter resentment handing over the ball like it is my ball sliced in the door trying to raise awareness for have dangerous automatic doors are very careful when you're going into Tesco you know how many people have died today that might be zero could be 5000 never know it's a reason we don't go in the aisle off the back lion I just pay like three or on the guy delivers it he takes all the risks oh the war zone there now to face the real world okay what are we looking at there's a button up there and up there do we have something for momentum yeah we do okay in you go for a momentum shirt just figure in some stuff thank you okay there who's my moment to shine Troy have other skills okay I'm one in here yep you go in there fect okay and you're gonna have to try hit the buttons once I let ya okay okay and then you've got to send me through the other one to hit the next yeah you just go back true art it look at this oh we got tree balls before them oh we all get a ball oh the eggs yeah they're gonna die in the grid though uh-huh it's so traumatic companion balls do you get companion cubes in the coop or is that surely there's at least one puzzle that uses the companion cube here be amazed if there isn't it has to be an easter egg at least if it's not like available normally surely someone here will no no I almost had it this is smashing my head yeah y'all right there hey look behind I couldn't see I was like where the hell did you go yeah that's my cell phone strong independent robot okay hey you yeah if we if we both just go in here oh wait wait okay there's the thing there yeah it couldn't be that simple yes hang out okay try go back in there again and okeydoke on the way this is like a timeshare isn't expensive there we go right one here and send you across yeah I'll come in that way see I'm not really sure how you're gonna call me a No well guess I'll just go on ahead come back through mine right oh you can yeah today don't back true yeah let's pop one there for now more yeah I think we're gonna have a lot of the bouncy plates there um let's go true here that opens up the end oh there's a there's a cube up there you see that I'm just looking with working get momentum is there anything up there were you were no there's no wall or anything oh yeah wish to use this thing back in here okay yeah use oh if you just move your orange portal above it you can grab the cube all right there you go okay and just pass on point so coordinated let's be various is amazing most people probably just chew it into expect mr. murder each other well actually cooperating it only murdering each other a little they didn't realize where genius so sorry the plural gene I mean I oh okay I have found a fault and you want to go true here wait through through to you like go so pop one ears there and then on the other side yep oh this is Christ okay is there anything over there that can help I could I can see the clear spot for you to pop portal and I've just said I'd appreciate it oh alright I got it I got it ain't appreciated alright hold on I'm gonna try something a bit risky but I might be crazy enough to work oh there we go who did it our genius is shown we go I can feel that it's it's starting to get there now like our brains are starting to actually have to work yeah at the sink in that last puzzle so it's not a good sign I'm worried for what my cup I want to say that the best time for portal to co-op is 25 minutes I don't think we're gonna do that honestly how long we've been gone so fast like only 25 although this looks interesting I like the look at it yeah we got a lot of stuff here okay so here's the first aerial faith plate Oh God dot okay hold on I fell down okay if I write you some you keep your portals where they are and I'm gonna set up the next two for you get lon I'm oh I already said I already see how to do this that is this is really easy do do this is really straightforward there's just a lot of fluff here in case you fall down and I think I'm going there you go magical journey it's just beautiful okay press that button there press the button there oh this one here please have an issue look behind you and up across there it is let's activate this okay and I go you later so you just need to do yours here and then I will come over to you you're so high maintenance oh my god you just have so many demands yeah there we go I'm down your head okay yeah the chambers are getting bigger and bigger yeah a lot of jumpy jumps okay so what we looking at here oh you're already on the plates I see oh yes well listen me oh just just back oh yeah over there I think you need to catch the cube somewhere Oh perfect okay we just need to sync it up so I'll just keep going the circle they keep going here I'll hop on to and I'll try to catch it as well don't want to push the button to him oh yeah we might need to do that we could just keep going around I quite like it it's on my way back how do I make my way back I don't know I'm happy to keep going there we go I need to like crash-land into that damn fraud okay next time there was a trial we're still on track to do in 25 minutes oh I'm pressing it too far like yes yes I'm pressing it way too fast I'm destroying them so hi you what the hell okay yeah I need to catch it towards the end like when it's all I see I see okay to late I'm looking at your cam which is actually is helping a little bit here okay that is useful yeah but I would be throwing up everywhere if this worm here we go no I can't roller coasters oh that one was close oops enough this is it are you going up yes hey we got it now you just need to land safely oh no we need it on that side we need it on that side okay so I just need to go back on here just bounce your way back it's great I feel useful okay girls in the wall I noticed like a bunch of Easter Egg zones is there like a way to get up there we're like missing panels in the ceiling oh I'm not sure I'm is all-aware I'm in the coop but I know there's a lot in single-player yeah I'm wondering how many Easter eggs are in the coop as well anyway you can get up there don't thinks we can't annual please we need our daily murder fix well Kevin's been killing me a lot so I don't know what to tell you side your honor Oh God I think there will be more m to dental mergers and maybe some not so accidental murders as we go on and they get a bit more complicated - if we just have the way for the creative means to kill each other it's not satisfying if like you just point a laser at someone this is a little satisfying it's a little sick okay so we just need to slam our bodies in right the wall okay I think they have it like kind of marked for where we need to go on each I'll take this one you take the other one okeydoke oh sorry I didn't know you were going we have to count down alright three short work - what okay let's just go just keep going come on we can synchronize this up oh we already got it Kevin we already got it Kevin you need to stop slamming yourself into the wall where'd you go already oh I just gotta keep hitting the button I can't stop okay I nominate you to this one up here do this it's fine yeah oh okay so I'm gonna have to hold it there and then there's late that yeah does the thing for it there well yeah we can just I know you've you I can just lift them up the yeah likes and effect down for a second okay we just need to see what it does I think it does something with this yeah it does okay I'll go quick I'll go quick it trusts you completely I'm not even gonna turn around it's like a trust test I did it alright can I turn around now no no you cannot no they were good yeah where we headed next okay well I think you worked it out Oh or did I I could jam the door with this block no the block will die I could jam the door with you okay I think there might be portal on the other side of it oh if we if we just launched no if you just launched the box and then we both just run true bond you're making too much sense now okay try it yeah well I I need a 3d way to get over there we go just put a portal in when I'm back there nope very nice very nice worked it out how many is that ie brunchy yeah like we've done like almost two chapters worse we could finish the game at this rate like we're making really good time I don't know how long the co-op mode even is it sure things we playing like I'm pretty sure is 100% like speedruns oh its console reapply my paper way to go okay we got a different kind of one again yeah and it already looks kind of complicated yeah you seem to be hurting yourself quite a bit there yeah it's nice to just feel like we see what we've got surfaces can we latch on to pipes over there oh okay there's there's a fall here we could use for momentum where oh yeah okay see that is where we want to go yeah there's a button I think off this one yeah the time thing or what if that what did that do okay that changes it so the cubes go up now or no it only changes of the cubes go up once so that means yes and we both like to do we both need to do the phone yep yep I got mine lined up the offer it's gonna be hard to catch okay here we go first try look at this calling it only took me 25 years Oh God all those years wasted in school I know right I have to hold this okay so you need to look at what this does and oh this stops the fire I don't oh wait I got momentum here okay cool down I go you make your way over nice is there anything of note in there I'm gonna take a look is there is there a space for me at all to portal my way over here is this my fate now oh you're in the office you can see you oh I gotta bring you over you got to get me over somehow oh yeah I need to shut down the fan on this end so how are we gonna get the laser yeah it's like it's it's not tall enough right now is there oh wait can you use this weight had effect like ping can you use this to get the laser through the window to me I don't know if I have a surface for that there one over there somewhere or something I thought I saw one a while ago but I might be wrong Oh lightly this one oh just hang on a moment actually Kevin sorry Shelby just thanks for like the hundredth up and quit there just wanted to say I love you both and have missed your streams works been crazy with glad I'm finally back oh thank you very much Shelby that's very kind very some kind words for yourself there or to Kevin oh I don't know what their works I think I missed it but thank you they miss your streams as well oh very good be back soon okay wait wait I got something yeah if I can figure out at a Crouch I can go right oh okay oh yeah so I've got I've got the laser over to you now where do you put this on the fan there we go the fan is shut down oh nice okay that turned off the laser as well okay so now I can get across - yes siree Bob and we go I hit the blade it's it wasn't moving it just hurt me a bit it's okay we've been too smart anyway a little downgrade is fine little brain trauma need even the play and feel the bit just take this hammer and give it a few good swings okay another disc we need to find another disc yeah I think that means I were at the end of a chapter each time and it is five chapters total so I we've done like two in like less than an hour [ __ ] response the first one you can't destroy a blu-ray technology do can see them I want both she's gonna kill us now he's gonna kill us again yeah oh no my paper weight fell hate worse than - no it's true Oh God so it's like it's a little battery pack that's tight like a pokeball I have on my desk but like the battery pack fells and the pokeball starts falling as well very precarious now it's not going back there we go okay I got it I was gonna ask earlier when you found something that worked I was like what is it maybe I'll have it to like very specific there's a plate there that one's become active oh yeah we got two buttons - I don't no idea what they're for but okay we're going up now it seems fine goddamnit always this yeah this is the steam workshop courses that's unlocked yeah so you can do custom levels in that here so we'll just make our way back for now yeah you can just make your own I think she's pretty cool I'd make my torture chambers it'd be crazy just like it look like it's solvable but it's just impossible up there guessing it is the one up there we need to go to you right possibly like we need to get on that I don't know if we have a momentum you see anywhere that like we can gain momentum over to me oh I destroyed your portal hang on sorry wait I can put mine down oh you got it okay back up you're trying real hard body block we aren't sure no no I was catching you dude I suppose there's a few times now oh thanks everyone in chat side bless you appreciated it is holy Sunday after all it is it's the Lord's Day they are a my god what happened here I feel like we happened here of us playing in the courses no don't that was real close mister they play way back over and we'll keep going very good pretty good and if we you can put one up I hear it be careful before oh wait there we go good not good flying along I know I can remove my portals oh please about this thing I don't want to die like this oh I see we're supposed to do hang on nope oh sorry I'm supposed to do that after very good there you go um how do I get up I can get you up here somewhere if we're uh your poor head you could create a second ledge to catch me now just see if I can if I can angle it it's gonna be a bit risky but I'm gonna try just get right on the edge I'm safe yep I'm safe and now we just walk we can both walk over here but we need a bowl still oh does a button over here check what that does let's just drop me I have an idea Yahtzee all the way back Oh Jeannie I swear are we going of weird the vault oh it dropped all the ball drops down there so we have to catch the ball I think once you press the button we don't really have yeah so you need to get back down there oh hey I'm gonna do this so you're safe okay okay oh yeah the bolts behind you balls behind me hmm oh okay so if I let go of it just barely before I go off it's fine so you need to create a bridge to catch both of us all right I'll try yep okay you got you got the first on that it's [ __ ] hold up hold up can you put your portals down yeah I need to get you back up it go up key don't hang up oh the ball almost rolled into a different grid uh-huh so I need to get you a bridge again right yeah you need to get me a bridge so make your way so that you're on this one here first so that you don't fall hey cuz I'm gonna lose access to my portals and then you pop one down here and then you pop your second one as I fell okay yeah you can probably do it that way now and then it won't be a you need to break this one first so you need to replace what your portal sure is it would eliminate the risk if you have your own because I'm gonna hit the grid so I'm gonna lose my portals anyway I was saying that you could block the grid with your 1 and then I could put mine underneath yours if you get me oh yeah sorry I get you know okay adjusting I'm gonna hit this grid and didn't you save me with your grid okay we're gonna sandwich me let's go we go okay and then we can you can just like ride the bridges back this is gonna kill you almost almost didn't get me the bridge isn't gonna make it complicated as they hopefully knows oh I can't wait to get the gel that's where things get really intense in the scope clear gel Athiya donate and then you have like the Sprint and the bounce ones they are good fun complicated with them paperweight reapply we haven't thought that's true heavily wait if you put one up here now oh I can see me oh Jesus you look great oh sorry oh sorry help it's alright it's like a childhood wonder and then you have to replace my own okay replace your one then we go back in here and then you replace that Jesus were on fire aren't we okay and then we just do this oh wait we just done a little bit higher oh yeah we can just do that we don't have the job little less precarious way Christ to follow just like kind of impressed as like wow we actually did this amazed we're like completing the game like nothing that's actually really gone wrong it's the first time ever used to this the key word is yes yeah we getting too cocky now oh yeah here's like a tricky looking one looks like a monster I can pop one here then get us over here what's the button there it drops a box over here so I think I need to yeah yeah you catch that bowling know if you just pick it up you can grab it there I can't you reach that I've long arms really good for it come on you got this ah my ball there you go okay oh okay so we need one up here I think for once it's alright it's alright um here make a portal so I can get over to the bridge for a moment okay hold up don't want to drop this there we go you get one up on that opera one night yes you can and we're good lots over there complicated now God raised us like doing the Leaving Cert all over again I wouldn't know I feel so sorry for like everyone a student like do that every year because like it's it's an awful set of exams like so intense like the pressure is just yeah you better know your Irish poetry now yeah to become a doctor ye but like my moments like a secondary school teacher and like she had to learn Irish to be able to teach she teaches maths and she's Canadian she's not even Irish Gillis you have to learn this yet to learn it like it's absurd is it's ridiculous oh I think I so I think we have to do something kind of convoluted here I need to make a bridge there Hugh needs to pop portal here and then just kind of block it with that awesome yeah and you need to put some downs I should I can just make my way around Oh God on the stroll off you're scared yeah do we not you ox or anything that's just it yeah that's it excellent work if you were human you would want to reward for completing this test you never teach maths in Irish I presume well if you're in certain parts of Mayo you might not be so lucky yeah christ almighty imagine in the West of Ireland it just seems it just seems horrible like I'm glad it's behind me I never understand when people are like oh you'll miss your school days when you're older cuz yeah very rarely thought of stuff like I miss that it's like it's cool that you can see your friends every single day but harder than that yeah it's pretty [ __ ] oh here we both need to go up here so let's just step on the plate oh yeah please okay apply the paper right I don't know we click up there and how do we get up there you need momentum or something or how does this oh wait there's the thing up there Oh is there walk through to it or what yeah just put put your red one here ray you're in here put your red one there yeah oh it doesn't reach wait no it does wait no good I thought you had spawned in this light bridge so I thought I was gonna delete it if I put my porn uh no we're good Ceylan truely's can we shoot true this yeah we can okay I was wondering for a second there right away you want to see so scary he's just Christ's light be hurt okay I like so we need we need to stand close together here okay me now do I get to do something yeah put the red one there we can we reach that okay I got I got I've got an idea to save us but we need to really time our jumps okay I need I need to slowly raise this portal oh okay come stand with me okay because we need to tie this I'm scared wait hold on hold on a timer like you can do this jump I made it lower down it we're further away from go okay tree better timer hey another time Hey that did it yeah now put the red one there oh oh that was close okay and do you want to use your second portals where are we going now so I mean I could just use a standard portal all right there oh I broke it that's okay we can try and figure out what we have to do anyway is there any way I can I don't get back oh okay wait I think I see it yeah so if I put one there very nice and then you know that's not right is it but can you just put yours a little bit lower and I can teleport us back to like I can put us all away I don't know it won't work what have I done wrong whatever be done oh wait wait why is it just pop a red one there actually papa red yeah pop one there then we both go in here right CS yes yes yes the color on here it which was my only color okay red that's there there we go I was not confident in there I don't know if you could tell wait can we make this there's a place to get momentum down there oh god okay wait so it this is supposed to be a momentum jump doesn't seem right at all okay Kevin I'm gonna to jump with me like it's gonna be real risky because I have to break your portal for this to work oh I see okay wait wait okay you you jump first guy can't countdown you jump all establish the link and then I'll go after you okay this should be done but I'll do it go everything is fine this way to watch like oh wait hold on they'd saved come on up oh thank you I went slightly too high we're getting there it's getting a bit they're getting a bit tougher now yeah actually dying from time to time I think a lot of the the problem with co-op as well is like you know other person is doing stuff and then you kind of lose track of what's been done yeah hey deployed oh you're already off okay I've solved it all puzzle complete exactly what does that even take you ow okay I have to put one there oh hey I'm gonna just rewire these oh I'm going out here out yeah and then ray you put that there do you have a yellow one there so you can okay so I need two yet so we both go through here at the same time okay you go first right out again oh oh yeah you got me with the presser you just you just need to replace that one and do it again yeah I'm good some masterful tactics there okay right so I'm going to need to pop one there where are you hold up let me reapply my paper no III think I actually got it hang on no I don't you drop on top of my weight I don't think I can above mine but I don't think it's gonna accomplish anything we just got oh we just got to move mine and then I think we're done so I'll just come down oh yeah you just put the earth you just put your head there and we're good yeah well we're overthinking it so much it's like how do we reconcile four portals there's so many connections we need to make it's just like this match our brains can't help think about every single possibility there's so many permutations uh-oh you're gone already I just jump in and see what happens most of the time that's not helping uh I mystery solved I can go true here hey now hey wait wait wait wait I know you do this with less portals I think yeah if I go on this middle one and I can get myself up here right nice now for the next step yes so you need to keep that yellow one there we need to get you out of there basically so you can fly across so keep your yellow one there and I'm gonna make like a bridge for you to save you there you go you can choke here now all right awesome I did if you use your red portal to jump across jump across - yes so you can use the plate I forgot we had a place where they actually actually come with your hanging don't go through yet they'll go through it it smacked my head on it four times let's stop yeah I'll go first what's wrong with it it's just after hit your head so many times the kids a bit tough we know it's right did you few of your paperweight apply did you see how my screen oh wait I did but I didn't see what happened well your portal was like crops like it was a bit of a misson and I couldn't go true that's why I was hit my head there's like a bit of a misson I'm good okay I'll make my way true there we go oh okay wait isn't there there is another bit I think actually yeah you make your way that doesn't can you you can see what I see yeah it's like in that earth out here here if I pop this here and then you you get the beam of light so that it catches me and I can walk my way across and so I don't need to come across at all no no you don't need to come across yet okay but I hope I get the beam across so if you pop one there and then catch me there I can walk down there we go yeah I'll just walk in here and now if you pop it there we wait which color okay just in case don't get me killed okay and yep you got reverse okay here I go wait there we go yeah we're in the clear hi come in for a hug like 80 miles an hour have this envy or someone just mentioned it in the chat I think they were working on it in VR I think it's gonna be part of the headset they're makin that's released in the summer at some point or they're announcing more about this summer or we don't know cuz its valve more bridges how the hell do we get past this I've blocked the fire oh okay okay wait so that blocks that we just need to find a way to get true ourselves you just walk it only lets us true this little corner how did you get you let it go oh this is um we're gonna need your portals again because there's more turrets okay after just forever which wasn't I am light blues getting the beam okay there's spots for them here okay good oh he can they are shooting me we've done it again God BK yeah yeah I keep getting shot a little bit me once their eyes on you there's one over there oh it's too here is this good I send us Oh careful I'm getting shot it ah yeah I can do that okay great oh god the button yeah we need to get that button okay where does that drop the thing okay Kevin you just risk your life okay you can it's no problem go get the bun hey got it oh no I got a no problem I'll give my life for a ball okay and now if we just get the flat bridge across I can jump on it I could deliver the ball so now you need me no it can't get in can you move your bridge back a little bit oh no the ball the vault slowly roll it away is that enough room to work Kevin that's enough room I think I even though your characters a robot I could just see the panic Oh No okay we got it we got it just run quick here it's got a problem good thing I'm out of you I already right into the pot good I think we're almost at the end of trap the tree died again I'm pretty sure it's five total so like we're could be close to finishing the game I think they aren't getting more scary each time though they are but like we're still going true I'm quite quickly oh he's nice talking about no no he's shooting fire alright let's stop this petty feuding of the six chapters total apparently okay no not again I got myself killed and I lost okay we got to get that turret oh yeah that's what we're supposed to do I like being different though okay okay we're safe we're safe don't worry first beam everything oh no no no no okay you keep that wall there a moment worried okay III need to do the wall I need to do the wall I can raise it up free if you want no no it's okay oh you don't trust me or something okay if you get me portals up there okay I want you to stand behind that grate there - yeah I'm gonna raise it a bit okay - you okay I'm ready to be saved okay no I can go from here I think oh I got him [ __ ] that's a powerful thing I've ever seen you just flew in from off-screen and took him out we did it together that's the important thing yeah oh god the throne had a lot more turrets Jesus Christ like we're just under fire now oh [ __ ] my train look kinda safe here he can get my feet if he really wants to but I don't think he wants to I think he wants to get you actually where do I go I got a button good they do though oh that pert that pops a bunch of stuff over here okay okay I need to work out where I'm putting this then wait okay wait I'm gonna depress it if I press it here then the cube if you catch the cube you see I'll flood that of my portal yeah but you catch the cube you can pop it on cuz you could hit the turrets and get them off how do I hit the turrets and there's like walls over here I don't know if you can angle them I can't see too well through this blue yeah I can't cuz it's glass and the way I can get these ones here I'll start taking them out I missed both of them you got a ball ball went away Oh am i okay I got one oh hey got one of it let's just take these guys out there we go oh hey I got the cube - hi I just like yeah okay I lost it you have no idea shoot across here I need to basically save one of my portals I need to find a way back I could put one up where your light blue one is no problem so I could probably do yeah but it oh you do that then I'll press the button just soon as I play great okay yeah go for it you just keep positioned in that orange one now to take one for the team oh there we go you have to angle the shot right on my abilities my first guy video was that 360 noscope on modern warfare 2 so I know what I'm doing I remember that one I just come over using that or I think so like if you pop your orange one there and catch the cube you can pop it on the button no no the other one Oh duh hold on here now here I got it I got it yeah so you catch the cube when it comes out I'm ready oh wow alright okay good I thought it was going to shove me into the [ __ ] water there you're okay yeah you keep that there now so that'll help I come across yeah you should be able to see why not hello oh this is just the end of the level we did it oh my god Layton but we did it early number one for portal 2 section at which I don't imagine many people astray in this case he's worth portal 2 League and it's pretty nostalgic though oh it is yeah I'm loving playing this again there's such good games I really wish that Valve would turn back into kind of a video game studio look did I love steam so much like valve like you know you have all these fantastic ie peas please make games we know you've tried that card game but you know this is really not good it's no one really wants to play it in the end probably not Oh God won't be looking at oh there's a thing in here well you got a ball I got a ball bike don't know how to give it back out [Music] let's see pass it out to you oh yeah you can get what's the ball you get give us are you thank you I just pop this Oh cells we belong in just a padded cell the future when we retire from this YouTube life can we catch that ball and we've got a button here that did something what's the button do you know it's after pudding oh okay it gave me a bridge okay so you can use that the catcher where's the other is there another wall oh no there's one there that I can block it with and I could yeah I could probably catch it off there yeah oh it's on the other side now we need it on this side through here you can put a portal there anywhere it's hitting I need to get some height I'm probably just go down there right I can yeah I can't launch it anywhere um oh [ __ ] yeah yeah well they go one spot to put a portal here that's not exactly helpful and I can pop my utter portal there I can do these two that I need to get the bridge I know that um like I can't hit anywhere oh wait does the spot here with the portal - do you wait I think this works I think I might be able to catch it for me okay have you settled up and will I put my boys yeah put you guys back where they were positioned me know that that just goes off you do this it's not even close and this is fine it's just going for a loop okay this is work it's hard I guess uh wish I could do something else what do that no I I can't really do much with my portals there hmm it wasn't slope here we needs like juggle it hard a way to get it down safely so we just said we can hear your brains choking it's not much choking hmm wait I think I got it got it wait I think I lost it yeah yeah I had it for like a second well it was a valiant effort yes I like I totally analyzed the situation got kind of a solution then I walked down the stairs and forgot it it's like a sim you've got an action cancelled oh no is there any way no that has to be part of it yes but then what one here and I could go in there now hold up hold up hold up what if I go in there now and then do that no you can't if there's no way of sharing our thing is there I think this will catch it Elise on the final bounce we do have to juggle it this is gonna be really gonna have to coordinate though hmm okay we're okay if you I'm gonna pop my first one there okay then you pop one there when it bounces off that I need you to replace it with that okay hold on why are you pinging I can't I couldn't see the place it is there I've got an idea hey you want a red one there so initially and you want to put your bridge yeah I know I move my bridge I think the catch it yes that I could work I just need to wait for it to bounce yeah I know hopefully oh it's here I thought it's just gonna roll away for a second yeah me too I oh my god we got it brain functions running low Oh got there in the end you just weren't in sync now oh there's more oh no there's a bridge here uh-huh yeah I'm not liking these bridges here yeah that we could just pop that one there you have a space here no one up there are we trying to get to like stops there I imagine so hmm do we have any place to jump off for momentum I don't think so yeah I think I need to concentrate my brain is shutting down I think do we just walk up that and just try jump it it seems too simple but I want to give it a go anyway yeah where's the bridge oh god oh god Carrie that's a dicey jump oh wait there's a thing up here oh okay yeah and we'll just use the momentum after we drop down I see that's in the middle yeah I see what's going on okay that's that's fine so basically I'll just stand over it you put one you'll have to kind of do the haired pad here you'll have to go there oh yeah I have to pop one there and then replace mine below my feet okay is yours lined up good to go this is fine everything is fine yes Oh actually supposed to body block each other for this right oh I finally paid off rising Li okay I got the disc I destroy it it's bad she's gonna kill us every time that's what we have to do we were programmed to die existence okay no she's not no she's not okay oh good how're you doing that I'm for sticking around like how many more do you think we'll be able to do up to you yeah I'm down for do another chapter it's like we've gone to your tree of them and it's like half for like actually doing really good I'm really impressed by how fast we're getting through this yeah I thought a lot more of a struggle yeah like it's only been an hour and a half and like we've done entry complete zones yeah alright I have a feeling we're at the halfway point this is where it'll get really hard I think we should do this one okay let's try this one and then we'll just see our on on time or never a long game yeah it is kind of sure but the second one is a fair bit longer than the first person was only like two hours yes this one like five six hours I think it's like eight it's actually quite a bit oh this is like the gravity gel I remember this up to you okay uh us up there is there where it's very peaceful it's you know like ears underneath us just grinding away it's that button I'm just gonna stay here for a second because I don't know if that's gonna yeah yeah just sit tight experiment oh I got ya I got ya there we go oh you might be too high for the door it's her one you gotta burp charlie Oh God it stopped alright no everything's fine gravity gel that's you know what I mean guys the gravity thing I believe it's excursion tunnels please if you don't have set Gabe Newell now personally call her into your house where he does Jamie it's what he does I mean he's not developing games these days sure he's gotta pass the time somehow the color and everyone's home give out the pastor are we does that even do all that hops at open yoga gap yep sorry I had to send a message very unprofessional but I am back for good now how dare you okay I am accident again here I think you just have to jump into that if you just jump into that there yep okay see you later um what the way to do now can you knock it in there and and where up there I think I need to be higher oh I mean you got a portal up there so I can do some huh I don't see anywhere that I can mm-hmm if you leave it leads back up there way up there oh you held that there one up up here and then on this yeah sure and I think that'll put me through this yeah hopefully be good I don't even how did you get over there huh okay well we did it I'm actually not sure how this time do I need to open up this so oh I got a cap it it's all hard to just leave go the ball I want it you got it that story entirely I'm I didn't see anywhere where you have to place one I think I know what you have to do so if you pop one there okay yep and then I need to I need to find a way to get up to we need to press this into this here oh okay I couldn't see that yeah do I do that it was this oh wait I I think I see yeah I see and I think I gotta come back down okay take the tunnel and then open that and I need to get you back up there just move your oh oh here there we go we need to get the ball into that do I just throw it you think you can throw that fair I don't think I can no I don't trust myself here I shouldn't have thrown me the ball if the ball was well will it make it on the Fate plate should I try this that's I'll test my body yeah cuz I know no it won't wait alright I believe in myself oh god no roll that and I lost the ball I think we need to keep the ball up there we gotta start all over again yeah okay here I'll get you across okay here we go and try this again oh I don't have to leave the ball up here so weird leave the ball up there for now but I can't come back up here then so I'm not really sure use just stay up there for the time being okay I don't think we bring the ball down I think oh wait this you move the oh wait huh problem okay I can put it out there but I mean I can't get down there oh wait no I can what am I saying dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb okay yep and then you portal of course we got it easy the challenge Jesus Christ that one was hurt [Laughter] supposed to play an officer who's easy to hit we were just going through the levels too fast there I've no one can really take in what we were doing not as young as I used to be my brain starting to slow down a bit what sixteen really hit everything went downhill from there like well my use is over now the best Oh behind me GLaDOS trash-talking me to you oh yes she's now telling me about a blue orange I were just discussing your behavior at last science collaboration points good mean GLaDOS discussed it and we felt it was deserved that can't be good everything's fine so okay do we get to see what that is sir things are better remaining a mystery in it yeah I think everything's just on the move hell is going on well the there's now it's like a crusher thing down below awesome thank God I was worried we didn't have one of those oh there's a plate over there as well what does that do momentum here or do we just oh wait I think I get it Oh get rid of it and we get momentum right oh yeah I'm here so but y'all know I did it wrong sorry I've oh good okay I got it now I know I don't have it hang on I keep messing it up you actually you I you know the solution I'm just like trying to sabotage you right now I think well it's working I don't really know the solution I'm just kind of brainstorming here I was just trying to get rid of momentum so that I could yeah I can I can save you here so if you pop yep but instead enough to get me across a leaky file is pop one of yours there for now okay and then so I what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna replace this portal and move it over here so you need to pop an orange portal here when you start to fall okay yes I got it let's go oh [ __ ] stand on the button I'm supposed to stand on this button okay we gotta at least vetoed a solution yeah back up you go for hubble's got it okay I'm ready when you where let's go perfect absolute perfection there we go and now now you can get the box pass it down to me and that means I can hold the button I'm just going to drop it down yep thank you so many people were telling me to kill you there as well really ever saged you like just just let go of the beam okay can you shoot anything from here get most I can get all of them okay so you have to continue have to control the beam wait can you just do it that way no wait you need to you need to pop one there and there I need to get momentum now - okay there we go okay I got one there so I got a plant my dark blue as I fall so you just move the beam there now I need to use okay ready yep we're good slowly Coast on over here you guys in the twitch chat to try open it up again see if things have settled we've had it on sub-only mode the entire time because of the spam before gonna chance this on the case okay four out of nine these are getting harder yeah let's keep going every time you start a new one it's overwhelming you're just kind of looking everywhere like ah again yeah oh I gotta take on a new set of levels god you're just working stuff out apparently hey Joe I don't see what happens it usually gets me killed but I think we got it didn't even know where we're headed why is that room glow II don't I don't know we gotta get something there what does that even activate Oh that drop the cube okay yeah you want to get back down there and I'll press the button for the cube okay um joke will I catch it with my try catch the cube with the yeah there we go it's in the bed it's hot early and okay nice oh it's gonna this is nice oh we can just sit back for once resolve itself out no no please please reverting to my usual way okay this is these to go here I almost hit that button for no reason it will just destroy the box it's my natural instincts of messing with things kicks in I'm just gonna pop that there for now I didn't really actually look around this level like at all just trying to work out where we go next okay so hop into the beam for a moment okeydoke on the way it's actually pretty straightforward so you just need to pop one here and then one here wait was it the moment the moment is passed okay um what what the whole beam just disappeared them though holding up the beam at the moment oh yeah you're doing that I could send us back the other way which might be fun how about that okay I don't know but we got to work this out still I got this hold on hold on let's go back all right follow my lead might have to be a little bit closer you oh yeah wait till we're over the ledge yeah I see what it is yep okay so break it and we fall down did we fall down yeah pop your pop your red one there what how did you work that [Music] okay I'll make my way over I had a different solution but okay each solution is a correct solution unless it's not but I assume yours what we are equal Genii I faked it was oho glare oh no we're just like forcibly emotion we have no say in it anymore happy here we go Oh do-do-do-do to do too good yeah more in this one I feel like there's a bit more thinking and a bit more luck involved yeah I feel like I have to focus so much while we're playing this - yeah you just properly concentrated that like not screw it up screw it up no ought to be agonizing for people here oh god I was reverse beams perfect hey I'm hitting a cross I don't know why we'll see you later I like hell you are hey boy cube and who knows what we're gonna do with it is there a cube up there Berlin and you're gonna reverse it and then we're gonna head over to yonder okay a reverse one ready there you go coming back I'm going this way I don't want to went away I don't know what the plan is here well just yeah just come out here and like pop the cube back down I think we can use that for the button now we just need to work out the rest of the level first no no that doesn't seem to do it I think we need to put the cube in here oh yeah the cube needs to be in the beam oh [ __ ] oh we had it in the beam too it's with this thing could you launch it on it let's find out go cube oh he's such a bleep there he goes yeah I think it's got it yeah we're good that's lovely orange to be clear well no I think people are doing a new kind of spam in the chat now guys I'll lock it again please there's spam and Doritos for no reason like they're sometimes what they do is they just pick something random and like let's just spam it and there's no rhyme or reason and they just lock it for everyone and ruin the chat we have to crack that on them quite a bit oh yeah one more chance guys and that I'll lock it for good bless the mods yeah um we got this more complicated oh I know I can't go in I can't go in cuz it's a grid right there you can go true here No are you scared I was about to kill myself there I'm just gonna keep doing flips just enjoy yourself you know whenever you're ready see if it's anywhere you can pop a portal and do something I'm dude oh no was that triggered by you or is that just random I think that's just a crusher that's there hey so do I have to just tie him it or what don't know oh you can you can hop back into this beam okay yeah and now you can move that portal ah yes and that's how we get here across god it's a bit slow you can probably go across already jumped oh I know you can't go this way this distance there okay mouths lost chat for good they had a chance everyone I did yeah victory toe is like an unruly class sometimes lines we do now do you have to get me across yes I can get wait [ __ ] no I can't um oh wait hold up hold up I can put one here and then here and then reverse it oh yeah you can sorry yeah do that Hey that way I'm not gonna die here and yeah if you can jump into that one across from you cuz that that thing's gonna crush you I think it doesn't like you oh yeah I forgot about that it's all good you put another one yeah let me just try it again there we go okay and now I'm in the beam so I think you need to put it the other direction and I'll bring you a cross oh yeah you can do it cool yep yep yep yep yep look little shortcut you move glad I didn't die there I thought I would probably do something cool and I can show off a little bit like gonna cost you he's really starting to trash-talk you down y'all know that I'm telling I'm telling you Gladys doesn't like me anymore oh god why missiles been there we go oh my god okay you got a plate okay at least you're happy okay so there's a target up there there's another plate here and they just smack you into the wall I like them oh you shut the tunnel and this is the tunnel I can get the tunnel out by doing that okay I can get me across with it then here but I don't know yeah but if you do that didn't like that's gonna destroy it need to get over to that said can you reverse it yes I can't me to the button I don't know what this button does but maybe you can jump on something new and oh that means that's a place for portal there put you up there if you jump on if they go true here I see that's the problem though it's the timer can you stand on that the where does that take me there you go oh yeah I'm just true we need to get you up here now okay I got I got a point here that I can do and then I can pop out there okay cool and yeah so if you just jump into that then it should carry up do you put one where is it yeah there for me just so I can get across to that section and then I'll jump off here there we go up again this is going way too smooth we're doing good this is a shock I gotta say the next levels go on to kill us we're getting too confident again yeah we're building a bit of an ego game's gonna put us in our place those emotions so I can trust you 100% and have faith in what we're doing here to do to are doing really well it's like that's something I never thought I'd hear yeah thanks appreciate it last test we got two more to go this is get true there's a lot of crushing blades okay here it goes I think one of us has to go in the box worried I'm headed this way and you get in the box there you go figuring things out I needed like an aerial view oh yeah I can get you there we go here I go all right perfect I'm across here with no bombs and where are you in the thing jumping around hold on yeah Cory it's okay wait you go in there and then past here I have to reverse the the beam and you have to place the portals you need okay it's it's gonna fine as is but oh [ __ ] yeah it's gonna get complicated real quick hey can you reverse it oh my god oh no okay this should be one kind of Aloha oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm not panicking yeah oh no okay that one just crushes you arning it just smashed me out of nowhere okay good we now know it does that it's cool and you go again take two panicking at all totally fine ready to reverse there you go so one above me here although is one above me here oh yeah that's probably a bit safer then okay forwards again and go and behind you yes I'm gonna push it real quick okay very good break away go go all right okay there's another one kill me here so just oh okay me there we go perfect oh it's cutting it real close in that 100 you know like okay no oh right at the end we were so close oh no you got popped out yeah in your go again I'm a glutton for punishment this is fine which isn't gonna keep said do you true the gobs list you go okay alright reverse I go mmm okay love you forwards we go you're doing grace take care of me I gotta wait for this play it extra safe okay there we go good this is good and you go it's great go crush no crush okay up you go Michael you need to plot the other one real quick first there we go there is a turret there hey I wanna jump out so they can get that box how the hell do wait wait is that there was a arrow things there oh that's just where the portal is great first I'm gonna try and kill this turret wait you can kill her what the beam there we go now what is there anything else in there I think I'm good you can just better reverse your back come out come out this way is that good hey I think I don't know where we need the Box is the only thing she box up here I think okay yeah well let's get you back up a bit first Oh turret diversity little appear but I don't know how I'm gonna get it up there you can pop a portal up there can you not oh [ __ ] oh my god how do they work you may really did not feel like it should have worked it okay okay I need to get to where is the laser um I don't know but I'm assuming I've got to go out this way if you reverse me yep come back to save God this has been faking stressful is if there's a spot for a box here though I imagine that's where we have to put it make your way out but I drop into the other one no I can just stay in this and then well sorry scared me yeah I think you're safe to go back down like this ground down there and this is for you to put portal oh very nice okay I love being on edge yeah so we can get you back out so I'll just do this for you so my have to return to normal there we go okay now for here we just need to agency building some momentum and we should be good we're good Oh box delivered oh my god if one more to do one of the non-standard ones where you gotta find a disk and destroy it okay probably wrap up things I think we've done pretty good this stream actually makes them seem intelligent rare some harsh words and like there's always guys for your support appreciate it like I feel good about myself any self esteem anyway oh you wanna air I don't even know what we'll use it for but yeah I'll pop them there for now oh I'll true here apparently let's go likey what is this a lot of spikes hope you get us that's a lot of poor turrets so I need to do this oh God good oh no oh [ __ ] I don't have the wall oh no we need the wall realize we needed it okay so I'll be on the I'll be on the beam you take the wall okay sounds good to me okay I just like having my yellow one at the ready you know okay I understand Oh got me killed but yeah alright okay okay yeah so you just need to keep us safe as we kind of Traverse this no problem you can trust me now I'll do the beams there's another one here you're gonna need some oh my god is this a thing it has a thing oh we're fine oh I'm fine [Laughter] I'm fine I made it yeah what oh my god you're alive yeah I made it to the engine I placed a yellow portal there I don't think there's anywhere for me to place it so unfortunately you gonna have to go through by yourself that's gonna be fun don't know if it's even possible actually me neither let's find out oh wait the the turrets are gone know that I've reached the end so you can actually do it fine oh where are you muffled thanks to us oh you fell down there oh you're supposed to hit that great then yep oh okay we panicked over nothing and just died hey we are oh wow this is the end yeah that wasn't bad at all I feel like it's setting up something more difficult oh for sure putting it this one with the beam second okay I couldn't get us up there you're gonna have to just position the wall as we go you ready let's go wait why am i stopped oh I should not be leading the charge God where are they now oh [ __ ] oh just do your best okay we can hop out here perfect we go from here oh Jesus Christ oh wait you chewed on them yeah there's a point there hop back into this okay faked we got it it's great you're not that yeah you're good I'll just in shock about how well everything is going this never happens to me over here it's having a great time enjoying yourself oh my god we've made it it's still one more bit to it yeah last part that's a lot of turrets in their stores never open yeah I can get that out of all in there just look at the wall I think yes can you actually get the wall from there oh my god yeah the turrets up here okay uh where am I out oh okay let me just get it again it should protect us when we're in the beam I think it should be the right height yeah we're good don't mind us which one eighty self kaneki's red yeah I keep forgetting to cuz I use the other one like you're just oh I see the wall you're supposed to use well me oh god oh [ __ ] oh sure we knew that will protect us Kevin okay hold up hold up move there we go yeah that's perfect you're just knocking them over what I see I see as we got a disc hey we do know we did it okay they respawn I I don't mind existence to be completing text and then being killed everyone dies in the end life is also the test while wise words now we die as always thanks Gladys appreciate it thanks though we've got our back Oh God should we call it there I think so yeah I'm pretty happy with how far we got to a lot of the game done how do you do that again I know how to do a high-five ha ha not quite the same but you're like you're rock paper scissors there we go yeah we bolt loose no one wins like thanks for joining me say it's good one I'll leave the game yeah you I assume an auto saves and yeah yeah an auto saves because they're how much like difficulty we had we like getting rid of the saves before I don't think we need to worry like our progress is tracked hey awesome yeah I'll talk to you in a little bit then sure I'm just gonna wrap up the story man thanks for having me and thanks to the chat for watching thanks Joe yeah I'll talk to you soon all of us oh there we go are you doing folks hop on out here a moment hey how's it going folks yeah we get a moment just the talk I guess good straight guys thank you very much so lonely yeah I dad I honestly kind of disappointed on the spam today guys like we've talked about it before right there's no point in just spamming if it's completely irrelevant to the stream I don't know why it was so bad today hey I'll just pop it on submode more like I've got no issues with that but like I prefer having it open to everyone Oh God it's funny it really isn't it's kinda decide Oh God well thank you to the four thousand people have made it out for this to like Jesus actually pretty high I hope you all enjoyed the stream here we'll start rolling the credits sure we're gonna do a rade in a moment too so if you want to stick around like even two minutes I'll send you someone's way woolen is doing some osoo which is I think that really that's not really intense game is also again we gonna send you all ones where anyway Oh God you guys are actually pretty good at this yeah like I'm surprised honestly I haven't think it would go nearly as well as the date like we made steady progress the entire stream sorry for missing so many of the bits too it's just like the nature of having someone on the channel you know it's hard to catch it all thank you to everyone I like donated and subject especially quite a lot craftsmen faust boss Daniel which was right at the end there thanks guys you surprised yourself well yeah that we actually made so much progress in portal I thought we wouldn't even get the first chapter done and we just be like horribly stuck both of us gave of the fair bash though that's expected more of a struggle though me too yeah like we did really well we did four chapters ain't there making a portal vieira game yeah I think I heard something about that I think it's gonna be on the valve VR headset that's why wouldn't it be you you guys it's winter here oh yeah a lot more people are gonna be getting out for summer soon aren't they yeah it's like we're into May most a lot of people probably go into exam season the like but soon when everyone's gonna be free and that's cuz she kind of need okay we're gonna go read we'll go send him some love haven't read them in a while it's playing Oh sue thanks for coming folks I'll be back probably on Tuesday there will be a bit of a different video going up tomorrow a bit of a sentimental and honestly because it's particular anniversary of some stuff that started last summer and kind of change the channel forever I just want to upload like kind of like a special thing and Dobey I can announcement tomorrow too in that video for a special thing what we doing on Saturday of next week I know I said I was gonna play play again Connect Saturday but like I'm gonna find a different day to do that well now I'm not playing in a plague tale well we'll find a different day to do that because I want to do something special next Saturday yeah Gosei the will till then take care guys talk to you soon
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 552,948
Rating: 4.6166668 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-430158268, rtgamecrowd, We're playing with Portals and killing eachother ft. CallmeKevin, Portal 2, Twitch, Gaming, We're, playing, with, Portals, and, killing, eachother, ft., CallmeKevin, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: YqvgFiNAhaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 4sec (7744 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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