RTGame Archive: Good Job!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys sorry about the delay there it's just finishing dinner and I was just trying to get everything set up only a few minutes off so it should be okay but naturally because I'm a few minutes late people want to crucify me they demand blood you know I should be put up on the cross to redeem for my crimes [Music] dear how's it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream ironically the name of this game is good job as I'm late oh I take that as you will look at that this games actually made by Nintendo surprisingly I thought this was like an indie dev or something on switch cuz I was trying to find this on steam i was like wiseness on our platforms this is in-house Nintendo though that they made like a smaller scale game so that's pretty cool cuz that's a good sign of quality for the game but yeah we're gonna be playing this today good job this is a physics sim can you guys it's too loud isn't it I am I better not better cool just making sure I get that that's right okay audio okay - before we get going just making sure again yeah it's me It's Made enhanced by the Nintendo so I'm expecting good things it's a pleasant little surprise I'll go in the audio let's go okay oh it does have co-op I didn't I didn't know that okay just see if there's any sentence language English color assistance oh okay that's that's quite traumatic yes depression do I notice like normally colorblind settings but I've never seen something way it's just great uh that's just turn off the color okay let's go play was this game about your trying to solve problems in your workplace using like catapult physics [Music] first day on the job I've got my knee degree no no I've just got a pair of scissors okay good enough let's open for business have the rise and family I'm dead families no more giving me a hard hash I think I'm the little kid and that's like my dad with the top hat or something if I have to guess oh yeah that's definitely on the forklift but that's what I would do yeah no I'm just killing the man does this seems accurate okay oh we got our work ID now - it's time to start work at the company welcome aboard okay that's a good work son how can you even see them from there eat the rich as some nepotism going on here you know I should not have this job I think I skipped the application process this is what did in the Catholic Church back in the day though like Martin Luther came around same premise that's how the Protestants got their start and get your work uniform hello friends how is it nice to meet you too can I just okay I'm just making sure give me my uniform go to floor willing to start working you guys just clean that up okay floor one finance we have legal accountant and taxes that we gotta do look I'm just provide the janitor with more work okay God love him like I don't want him to run out of stuff to do I don't want to be laid off these are trying times right now fan likes her sizes and bits thank you very much I hope you doing okay okay let's let's go to finance I have to replace the projector give this a go oh gods 5,000 people there already - you're all very welcome to the stream oh look we got our like little work jacket on there to the projector exploded in the conference room okay let's go let's go get a new one hello I'm here to help I haven't taught this trip excuse me excuse me it's not it's not opening the door did anyone help me with this what can I do well I've got an idea hang on okay no she didn't mean to sit in the chick and move the chair grab the plug okay so that's that's powered on the door is open but I I had a different idea no that just killed a man hang on I'm trying to it's sure hissing yeah thank you thought that got it out okay we're making progress and look he's not dead he's okay where the projector go wait where is it oh it's fact it's in the back hey buddy how's it going oh Jesus zero notion thank you for the 50 euro hey you got any hope life's treating you well thank you very much my mom hope you're doing well too just get this in again and I got it they need it in the conference room below I'm almost here I'm almost here let's just set this up there we go we did it good job fix the office we got an A - that's that's pretty good - the lobby [Music] Oh God you can kind of get an idea of how this game works it's like janky physics trying to solve office problems I pick up the people are like just bash them over the head with it like a flower pop I got it I got to use the physics I think to kill him Oh Pepsi okay all right 102 the elevator looks like a wrestling ring probably is I forgot the hats oh I forgot to pick up a hat there then they okay yeah I can see a hat like right there okay reroute the internet cable okay so we got a we got to bring that cable over let's let's get this hat real quick - you did it you got like the insect antenna it's just no I can't bring it out that way bring it true here bring it true here is there a limit on how much cable I've got or like it can I just like drag this all the way I'll just I'll just leave that there for now alena Excalibur and tactical thank you for the bits thank you very much guys go we need to clear a path for this cable [Music] alright that doe Diane that that's not right I need to need to take the plug what angle can you actually make it a lot fire doesn't let me take the plugs Stroh's a little bit yeah like after you've encircled the man and no doesn't let you take it any further yeah how's it going let's pop this in here oh it's a Nintendo switch here gonna take this and resell it on eBay look at that we're getting very meta okay well we'll just let's leave that there I need to clear a path for the internet cable excuse me okay they just needs to go in there so if I just yeah I should do now I'll go pick up that cable there we go see the Internet's fixed good job sixty one sixty thousand dollars in damage you only gave me a deed for that do I lose it's a given me like a bad grade because I broke a lot of stuff I [Music] thought it would be like a high grade if you break more stuff it didn't break enough yeah okay this next one we're going ham on it hey excuse me just plug that in there give me give me your coffee I just Circle this guy that's just why I like entrapment it's not about me yeah we'll just just leave that there sure Jimmy nine to five good AIT I watch your YouTube videos for all this is the first time I'm catching a stream keep with the good work and stay safe PS I'm waiting on for your u2's to come in the mail oh thank you very much Jimmy the youtubes will be shipping later in May just so you're not waiting day by day thank you very much stuff okay gather the workers so everyone in a green hat is needed header donations backlog yes they are I'm just trying to catch them when I can there's quite a few apologies are just for missing any oh there's a hat [Music] moving up in the world I need I need to get this guy over there I mean I can just drag him not a hat prefer the other hat okay he wet himself there he's doing fine it's a hat in there too excuse me excuse me I want the Hat I need to get more creative with this put that there move this shite take the cable cut hot put that there honest cable doesn't go in here oh wait no that's what that's what I'm supposed to do there we go oh I figured it out now it's facing the wrong way and I need to get on the other side bounce it round just yank that out pop this across go back get the cable stick that in oh thank god okay we got the Hat where'd it go there we go oh it's not a hat it's a fanny pack okay god we look terribly naked when we're wearing just stuff oh yeah there's an employee in here - I need to get him out come on pal come on you're running late for the conference meeting clear away for them like we need we need more momentum or something I'm not getting enough there maybe if I break it from the other side oh yeah so there's there's a plug here pop that in there that's just a valuable trophy that's fine so now no that's the wrong way again oh this just breaks the glass on its own yeah just push it into the wall come on come on uh-huh please let me in that's not working okay well I can use that if we take this pop it there set up the plug and we can finally get this worker out thank God dude you got to come to work wait to see is he gonna come come on dude I got I got a like push him over oh there's another thing here I need to get that sees him put him in a chair where's the chair oh this is chair here hang on okay come on pal there we go okay let's get him on his way to work then no there's too much junk in the hull come on pal I still need to get that like that room open too oh no it opens when you get here you can do something more fun all right no I can't get that over there oh god okay there we go that's it the job all right just just come on in just come on here we don't have to worry about the door anymore let's do this again didn't quite break the glass that time but that's okay okay come on mister no this this guy you can't get up Annie I need a plug from over there or some can't do blips just take this ie thank you for a hundred bits thank you very much go go it's not heavy enough bring this in here didn't mean to break that that's fine take this plug ah you're kidding me it's not quite long enough Mik thanks for a thousand bits at my first online class I end up singing all the country rose my teacher not knowing how to stop thank you very much 100 bits both sizin bits even Oh does the plug right here I didn't see we did it we got him up the blip okay come on come here mister get in the chair get in the chair you come with me there you go another one got to work okay we got another worker in here we still need to get do we how do we get in there I just hope that the plug does it no not quite I need a slingshot something else over there Leo thanks for 300 bits saws thanks 400 bits thank you very much I take this projector that's B someone should really gotta clean up all this mess getting real bad in the hall take this there we go that should be enough but she's got a walk past no it's not enough we tend to break enough oh there was something under here too hang on I don't think I can get it it was something on that shelf and it's stuck so difficult to navigate this office is already so destroyed there we go get this man to work excuse me sir you would need us in the meeting room didn't even make it all the way and there we go okay how many more do we need this is two more hold this guy over here but where's the last two guys and I hidin I don't even is that one there oh it is one hey buddy come on up men guys on the rug yep yep okay there's one more guy who's survived at this point oh this man up here okay hey buddy I just need that office chair thank you this is gonna blast him the wrong way okay he should be fine please thank you for 100 bits thank you very much yeah we did it the meeting can begin of 10 minutes I only cost one hundred and fifty two thousand dollars it's pretty good just a minor concussion I think we're doing pretty good okay that's taxes soreness promotion level unlock the auditorium is now unlocked Oh Ryan thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much we're doing pretty good why would you promote this man well he's working hard I got the meeting together didn't I only two people at all teacher and that exactly and there was eight people you know like that's success right there oh does a lot of people in this room set up the projector okay excuse me gents a low battery yeah people are gonna scream at me if it'll plug this in there we go 400 laughs thanks to trade your bits blue is cute but thank you for 500 bits this game was a wonderful example of the beautiful creativity I intend Oh can manage would not help their IPs yeah I'm actually surprised that it's by Nintendo but like this is in house oh that's us so from the door I just gotta move these guys yeah what have we got put this in here don't mind the urn low thanks four thousand bits it's most definitely a game I'm going to buy I'm glad I just saw it in like the ladies antenna direct nails like this looks kind of fun ciao my friend Molly as well we recommended it oh [ __ ] hell ran again thank you for the 10,000 bits like Jesus Christ you can calm down there now if I ever I just meant to put that down yeah I I I need to clear these people I need I need like something the slingshot seriously Ryan thank you very much like it's unbelievably generous oh you can just okay i need use no that's too full they just come here a moment I'll just get some out of their seat excuse me I'd have to move these people just I need to get this ramp what can I do i I doesn't let her plug over here there we go [ __ ] hell Ren telling me to calm down was the wrong message awesome working everything you're doing Jesus Christ thank you very much man it's incredibly generous of you oh no that's back to the lobby no no no don't go this way cancel on Lucy and just gave 10 gift subs as well gee calm down let's thank you very much I'm just trying to move these people I haven't done anything you all be in my pastures right now [Music] okay okay look do I just I just need to get in there is there anywhere else I can go on this level excuse me excuse me oh there's the door here maybe I could just walk between them I why didn't I think of that yeah that should be fine opens that door that doesn't do anything not just that just powers the vending machine Oh does this hat over here isn't there come on come on yeah we need to use the physics more hang on [Applause] okay I I can use the physics even more now hang on Jesus Christ hockey player thank you for the 1400 ran thank you from there mm probably kind there we go it didn't get the Hat use the bench up top is there a bench up top I want to get this hat first I'll get it eventually I just have to keep smashing it into this wall come on there's only so much foundation give me the Hat give me the what oh you bastard trying so hard thank you again my man like Jesus Christ doesn't just kill this man on the sofa no no we're not gonna be able to I cap I'm trying so hard to get this okay all right that's I did it I did it oh thank god I don't even like it I'm gonna go back to this okay we need we need we need to go back up oh this is another hat here we're looking quite dapper now real and em let oh thank you for the hundred bits each okay so it's not that way I still just need to move these people oh I did it perfect we found a way okay we got another photocopier here so where can we put this that opens those two doors pop it in here it opens these two doors I would he'll do that work look it was the solution okay if it looks stupid but it works it ain't stupid move these whiteboards oh I can like I'm gonna just make a quick open insulator hang on oh no I can't do that yeah because I throw closes robbing this door move this pop that in there there's a bucket in here anyway give me give me this plug no give me the plug Brian thank you again my man like Jesus Christ thank you very much there we go oh thank God projector has been acquired I just need to get it down nice and easy [Music] wait no I did it wrong again you know if I pop that in there I'll [ __ ] the whiteboard stuck pop that in there take this plug okay we can keep take this out let's just put this one in here I mean we can grab this plug no that doesn't fit oh wait no I know cuz I I wanna like get it out if I Tundra I'm doing something wrong yeah let's open the doors again I don't want to just wheel the projector down the stairs guys cuz that's lame I have a grander ambition than that can i fling the whiteboard thank God let's just get rid of some of this drywall flare some of those left whoa okay so now it doesn't matter if I unplug that one because the wall doesn't exist anymore move these whiteboards now it's just short okay all right I think I think I can do what I was trying to do this entire time and I hope this works nope pop that there we're going to slingshot the projector hasn't worked there hasn't hook I just fling a chair and break the rest of this door oh it's not heavy enough use the other wire there's a piece oh-ho what what is banging we be jammin detector doctor doctor oh I can pop out there oh this works oh my god okay guys okay they need the projector okay guys oh thank god that narrowly missed people [Music] use me all the you have to get upstairs okay I'll be real careful how I am yeah we go we're good we can finally set it up so once I just drop all this [ __ ] what we did it for it's 12 minutes on that one only 200 grand to plug in a projector that's not terrible it would cost more if you call a handyman not very handy almost a quarter of a million in damages [Music] alena thanks for 200 bits this game is basically summed up by the sentence some of you may die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to pay [Music] [ __ ] hell man look sacred I want to say at this point you're pushing your luck you're pushing your luck No thank you very much like seriously and normally we thank people that normally most favorites like thanked people when they give donations I'm like the opposite right like Oh someone give you a hundred bucks go [ __ ] yourself what's wrong with you how dare you do this it's Jesus no but seriously thank you very much man oh say at this point I'll stop at the same shade lads to love a god no it's not that same [ __ ] all right guys him lads please okay container storage we have to find misplaced cargo it's as simple you say thank you very much man [ __ ] hell yeah we got to sort the containers let's sort the containers so what I need to get the controls up there do i I think I just walk around there's a Christmas hat on it okay let's go true here okay so you can use this to grab a container we just got to gently ease that I it's stuck god no I dropped it we just we just visit it's like it's like that episode of friends just pivot trying to get a sofa upstairs there we go oh thank god we're in the clear yeah we got the we got one container got a press and hold did it I pick up a person I want to just I want to just end this man's life I want to see if I can do it just curious it was just an innocent like honest experiment just wanna murder a guy this is what we doin to the Amazon workers they like dare go to the toilet and Papa Bezos house this is what he does can't get that crown I just drop it on this man he should be dead qwq thanks to the five quid thank you very much heard you complain besides Tony had a spy bastard yeah let's get this container he's too powerful get this round I wish I could just like cut across the wrath of the room but I have to go around there we go okay that's two containers down need to get this one here no white right you get a higher score four more damage you cause now you get a higher score for the less damaged of cost but it's quite fun to cause the damage I find that there get this one too [Music] okay drop that this just looks really depressed and I don't know huh own a good time where's it where's the next box you don't actually see it there's a lot of hats that are hidden about here too oh I have to get the purple ones too okay pick these up guys Phil oh thanks 100 bits flower gothic thanks for 250 gotten into the habit of listening along to you while writing but now I can't look away from you Amazon warehouse simulation oh thank you very much hope the writings going pick up a person I don't think I can unfortunately pop that there I can try to [Music] give me this man No so you can't just get a person where is the Santa hat this is quite a few hats I keep missing them I'm like I'm like trying to just like play on the arm did it ball somewhere gotta get this out okay if I move this one I can get that one out I was on treats its employees better it sounds like a challenge [Music] come on just ease it out oh yeah we just got the bump so we don't need that bit at all man great okay pop that there I just pick up the glass floor oh that makes it easy good job six minutes only $100,000 I broke a lot of items I like gun for 1/2 I see one that I really like hey 102 speed is all that matters yeah I'm always getting the good speed result like I do the job quick you know I can promise that she's just the collateral damage that's the main issue crush the package oh okay so I got to get it in there can I pick up this human being and put him in the crusher - okay that's not a good star there's a lot of projectors here oh we got a forklift though I take this upstairs No if I can just drive this around yeah god it's actually quite difficult to steer this thing okay we got it I see Vikon thanks for the gifts up right there that's like long thanks 5 quid my idol is behind turnips over four hundred twelve bells today if you want to come sell your parents let me know oh [ __ ] actually sounds kind of mine solo no I do actually need to sell my turn oh so I did the shop will be closed by the time I finished today's stream unfortunately okay I know that look let's lower this real quick now if I lower it it kind of starts falling sell them on stream I do need to sell my turnips I'm very anxious about it because I like no one see like my turnip rice like sixty two bells pause the stream and sell them now silo know what time zone a.m. maybe your shop might be open later if you down for it and you're okay with that swimmer it's good to see you man sell them sell them okay I'm just gonna see if I can hear back from send me a DM on discourse that long I'll have a look at that later we're good for the shop for a while okay so drop that off there [Music] oh and now we can go through here hey guys we're playing this for now we're playing this for now we're not no it would we're playing this for now if it works out that we can do it later we'll do it later I'm not doing it now I'm not doing it right now no I'm playing this if it works out that we can do it later I'm down for it but not now I'm playing this game right now okay I'm popping it in submode then alright hang on you guys got a chill you guys got a chill biggie Ike's there lots let's keep going a little bit stressed now you guys didn't do it thank you if I pop that there believe that down how do I get out of the vehicle okay oh if I wait perfect okay we just need to I've lost it that let me pick it up anymore hang on don't don't go in there it's so difficult to [ __ ] steer this thing no it's going under the conveyor belt no now it's lifting me up come on game oh my god wait no okay now we're in a spot about her I don't know how to get this now what do I do mr. Nutter what I can get half the girls up here there's a guy pooping in there if i softlocked oh no he we thanks for 200 bits rival that thanks 400 bits thank you very much guys that sounds really cool with like the keychains he made rile up be happy to have a look later keep on going I'm trying to see if it's just another thing I can use like a unit here there's a single plug oh that's gonna be enough though it seems to be like a safe just have a plug on it lift up the one on the bottom floor but I don't I don't have anything to lift that one now I'm trying to see it as another forklift I don't think I have one forklift the other forklift yeah I did that but then I put a forklift well he doesn't there another one here oh thank god okay you can still salvage it thanks to the 4:15 but thank you very much all right I can't catch every donation unfortunately there's too many definition of a personal problem thank you just close and stream like way too much like you do a lot I need to like rework the way I do in the film at some point dreams got very big very quickly I can kind of stroke one there we go we fixed it okay need to turn this way okay that works so we now know this can break the walls so I just need to get this package over here don't get stuck don't get stuck I got the package that's good and now I just need to get it again [Music] there we go easy does it easy push it down drive it through the blip lift it up oh thank god okay I want to get that guy in the toilet too and just see if it's possible yeah turn around the other way I wanna see if I can get them it's good I'm trying the poop let me in let me in torklift is getting stuck again move those out of the way there we go we got them avocado not quite oh he's cheering wait no come back get on my forklift [Music] finished pooping but I need together it doesn't go up if you've got a person I can't do it I broke that vase forklift stuck again haha it's so difficult to hear I'm [ __ ] wedged okay is there a chair I can get them in yes there is okay we just need to take this we have acquired the chair [Music] gotta get it past the blip [Music] okay lower it he's in the chair come on we can do it and you go above go go go press the button press the book no he's behind it oh you bastard I think it will go chop that man still alive I didn't do a good job at all you get a B yeah I'm gonna try open the chat again I don't want to have it and sub only mode but you guys got to calm a bit okay I'll pop it in submode again if it gets real bad I'm gonna try it because I like keeping it open there we go okay - oh tree mods you can just like time out anyone who you see is particularly problematic just work away okay got out of the workers 21 Jesus Christ we need to get a lot of him over here okay and we have we have conveyor belts this time - yeah well I mean I oh there's a hat Manhattan yeah like this happen yeah well we can get the first few on their way I said we can get the first few on their way I got to prime this table out of the way we just move that real quick oh no he doesn't he doesn't fall off you can't go past that oh now he's down there I can't drag him on any other way dude dude get on the okay good job he's on the conveyor belt come on get the work get the I'll breathe down your neck I'll do it if you don't go and I'll learn them yeah we gotta get all these guys to just send him on his merry way come on oh my god he just won't stand up you bastard there's a ramp oh yeah there is okay come on pal get you to work they're just kind of going around here at the moment but we can get them down at least and onto this conveyor belt Cyclops thanks for ten quid ATL of experience videos make everything so much more fun cute with the good work thank you very much pop him there just bury this man over seems to be doing okay I need I need to get this guy on a box my man my man would you care to sit sure okay can find alternate solutions move these boxes I just dragged them enough with the table these out of the white come on I gotta get him a chair I just gotta get him a chair he's having none of it where's the chair this guy he's got a chair yeah you don't need that chair anymore oh my okay we lost that chair shouldn'ta brought downstairs music thanks for 100 bits thank you very much these workers they're invincible made the world's strongest material there's something it's got to be some way to get this guy to work I think I think I can get him on that ramp if I just like push it enough just gotta clear all this shite and get him on the ramp come on my man come on my man sign on the conveyor belt come on stand on the conveyor belt no he's going the other side I need to find a chair let's go find a chair cause a bunch of them here my man to sit on the box please then don't want to there's a bunch of them there too yeah we got we got a crane too there's so many of them the move okay we can get these guys sorta at least come on how about just hop down just huh all right we'll get them down that way oh my turns out on it give me that chair I need this for the guy over here believe that there that should be safe Oh God Excalibur Thailand thank you for hundreds each of your series to make my day thank you very much hope you havin fun made it but maybe this is Amazon's way to decontaminate packages possibly get this guy there we go he's in work it's got a grab a few Elise oh my god you can pick him up oh we're launching a taxi service but don't hang up it's tough there we go all we're getting them all now it's down your go no no no no no no no give me give me the bench give me the oh there best shot okay there's a few one check it the ones in there as the foreman pick him up get on lads get on lads god exactly thanks to the 48 of 100 bits if you love the stream in this game Volta so adorably goof thank you very much Henry thanks for 250 as well good question was the crayon thing thanks to some people's name I have a sub and hit by to want the Holy Trinity of badges and that's like if you have to a crime this there we go okay we're missing the guy in the chair and then these three muffets over here like I can get a few of them get in the chair I can just I can just drag them down here back in no he's at work okay that's fine there's two more people here that I need to go I don't know how to actually move them please sir please step on the conveyor belt oh that worked yeah please sir what Hey getting them down there we go just one more working again now because he'll make his own way there soon here's this bastard I left a chair over here I think I just gotta bring this in the site just got up bring this in sight did it we got everyone the work safe and sound whoa was an ordeal we didn't cause as much damage still Adi okay it's all we did better that round that's okay a to a tree then we get a promotion level loading dock is now unlocked nice doing good okay let's go over here game is a huge cluster [ __ ] basically it's very cute honestly I quite like it reminds me like the little portal characters B actually stands for vide see look I'm doing the best I can okay what do we gotta do load the packages gotta get them there oh gods a lot of stuff here already a hat over there I do have a crane that can't reach the one up there then take it okay I'm gonna use the crane at least to get this one and check this one off the list drop that in I don't know if we can use this for anything else I can I can use it to get this thing I can still get it oh we can get a forklift up here grab this this might help I just gonna be very careful not to steer it off okay that pushes that up okay so I gotta be careful with how I steer yo moving up quite literally I just need to drive this round then so I can get that package on the steel beam oh you just need that green box okay all right we did it we survived now we can deliver in peace no I got ya okay all right we're fine we're fine we got it then we got it there we go oh okay another one done problem there is we didn't fall I'll be replying and say hey where where is this next package its trucks over here amber thank you for a hundred bits thank you very much very hard to see right now there's a package way up there so we need to find a way to go back up clearly wait where's the lift there it is okay so we'll take take one of these with us like one like the photocopier skip this is a good measure wait wait I can do it there we go okay the guy everything we need photocopier sparking it's fine there was some other stuff on this floor that we needed no it's next floor they're getting stuck again that means do that call the lift I need I need to get a plug over there somehow okay oh if I pop this here I get my photocopier and I plug it in then I can bring it up pop this here I have a plan there we go see now we're taking it up with us god I hope it's got enough there we go enough reach okay so we need that parcel up there so I need to get the forklift now no no we got to go back down and get that just leave that there a moment Emily thanks to trade your bits this is why jobs require a forklift certification it's true God let's go back on it okay doing this properly that time and now we have the forklift - so we can go and get this [Music] we got it there's one on the middle layer - yeah let's send that one on its merry way there we go okay we will that fault that didn't fall her oh god it's just a floor below us okay think I can get this does this witness another one over here what okay now we got that one down has any plan to do that I can get this there we go yeah we just hop out here no I need the forklift oh it's lightweight I can carry this parcel where do the other parcels go one of them fell over here ah [ __ ] it's stuck over here now I move this it's too heavy wait I've got on the conveyor about where does this go when does this go perfect okay that's gonna drop that down then though I may not need the forklift I just have to find without extra power so I think it might have fallen have a look that one's on its way down yeah we can get another forklift for that there was one that fell but I'm never gonna find it here where was it I don't see it at all fell on the belt there was another one that fell oh wait oh there it is oh they're all here never mind yeah they all made their way over somehow Oh we'd lucked out there got a trite turn got it you have it yo yeah that's four gotta find that last one big pack thank you for 30 quid in his trouble and time you make me not won't die thanks no problem at home and thank you very much Joe and toast thank you for the hundred bits each thank you very much guys ever look like you went around the world in 80 days and stopped off to work in the factory not dad yep fried thanks 400 I'm your chief suppose the abusive and helped me get through some tough times especially mitts all the social social isolation stuff quite enjoy your genuine reactions the gameplay and how you just play how you want to also enjoy your efforts to keep the chatting on toxic keep doing what you love and I'll be right here watching oh thank you very much Fred unfortunately I was just a bit rowdy like because I get stressed too in like this good chat is like freaking handsome dogs myself so always only ever a couple of bad apples or everyone else that's what like those are the times I gotta pop it on sub mode though cuz the only way to stop it cuz challenge is to a big nap like do it any other way I'm trying to find this final box - I don't see it it's like there's four I thought the utter almost here is around here truck is hiding it is it oh yeah there it is we've got to pick this up come on cool we did it that was a tough one gosh yeah like a night you know ideal world I never have to pop it on sub mode or anything like that it's just there is just a lot of people here sometimes and sometimes people just do start screaming at me it's like way too [ __ ] much and it stresses me out when that happens I do want to keep it open though if we can help okay floor tree now unlocked aleena thanks Roger pits his CD thanks 400 as well amber thanks 400 thanks guys okay next floor I've got a flower garden a cinema and a swimmin lovely workspace not everything pot ever need you know you never need to leave work just live your life in here I know that it's like always like one of the big things about Google because like Google is quite famous for their workplaces being it's like yeah we have everything you can need is like games rooms this is a pool no here's the relaxing room you can do your laundry at work just don't leave work like that sounds [ __ ] nightmarish honestly just stay in work all the time don't go anywhere you know you're gonna go on holidays we have the company holiday come with us on holiday it's like give me a bit of privacy Google please stay forever we'll make sure you do it sounds all like positives but you spend no your time and work that'll actually a bad thing I would say you want to be able to distance yourself where to live Google make the flowers bloom 246 oh good god there's got to be a fast way of doing this the best way to do it okay there's a bucket here I imagine if I just knock this over cuz because I'm gonna be here like forever didn't even register all those ones um I got to refill it with water okay no there's got to be a better way there we go okay oh okay you can just fill in like these sectionals go okay gotta let go the hose for a moment no I just got to untangle it chip thanks for having your bits aren t just wanna say thanks for keeping everyone / my spirits up while this crazy is happening real nice to have the consistency of your streams thank you very much I'm doing the best I can Ruby thanks for Andra as well thank you very much coffee Bret thanks for 100 to get that in m8 maybe this isn't as bad as I thought at my feet I was thinking I would be here like the rest of my life it seems to be going a little faster sprinkler system there oh that you can connect this hose nozzle to this now I can use this [Applause] it's not growling them I think it is why didn't the flowers all look destroyed oh it's because I'm stepping on them I would explain it yeah if you wore them here they activate I'm gonna miss like one flower fry at the end and I'm just gonna have to like traverse this entire map until I find it hey lads [Applause] fill that with water I wish I could just flood all of this I almost missed that one over there gotta get that in every Eve thanks to Toulon trip it's meant to work on an essay but instead of Rada watch your streams keep those keep up distracting us all from working from home thank you very much hope the essay goes well Brett I owe you breakfast early are you planning for the whole street was it in their game being played this game the holster is what I want to play tonight I'm probably not gonna do animal crossing legs because of what happened before I don't really want to know hopeless and Abel another time come on it's so close please I don't like surely a config got to get rid of this thing come on there we go okay that's another one hope I haven't missed like a single flower probably have oh no these ones are gonna take a while to get to still all add up what does that do my papa we got a fireman hat right there oh you can angle the hose I didn't realize at all oh my god okay this is what I was missing oh this makes it so much easier just want to make sure all the plants are catered sup hey we got involved - fighting 100 bits with a top tip there I need to hook it up to this nozzle here you go go don't care I can go back up I know how to do that what come on come on you can hook it up let me just go above it oh my God we're so close on this please sir thank you Oh God hiya planks for six quid for four years now my mom has headed the voice of every single gaming youtuber a streamer I've been a fan of until today apparently yours is the only voice she likes oh thank you very much hi opal you and your mom are enjoying the stream that's very sweet funny thank you for 500 bits as well artistic thanks for 100 bits yeah I got it there we go yeah we're missing seven plants she's got to find him so much like just junk everywhere and I want to put that one back in I need to get this hose back let go give me this one there at the bottom are they okay make our way back down Wow mario sunshine switch looks weird lots there they got the bottom see one there there we go six more Mel thanks for six quid hey Danny of its helped me out with life lot my mom just died recently so you've hid since tracked me how maybe the best thing for me right now love you Daniel no I'm sorry to hear it I hope you're doing okay very much for the kind words to the right is it out the nose one here hang out there we go it was right there it was right there like I it being right there isn't a good direction there's one here I got this one oh okay they're all here oh thank god oh we did it wait now we did it cool this looks a lot nicer now think actually did a good job that we didn't cause that much property damage I broke 80 trees things that's just cuz I kept walking on the flowers more than anything I'll tear thanks for your hundred bits thank you very much Lucy thanks for 150 what were you doing okay thank you very much hey thanks for a hundred as well thanks lads you literally broke every flower I didn't mean to well note that I didn't break the hedge I didn't break the hedge that's still intact because I couldn't physically break it let's go the recreation the cinema [Music] you need to get an a I think if I have to get an A every level like we'd be playing this game a very long time it got out of the workers all we need to get them to the cinema area it doesn't move in this chair all that guy is just weak cool that's one hey buddy buddy in the chair get in the chair not get in the chair okay oh I think I know I'm supposed to do there you go pal yeah there we go - you didn't clean it all up but that's okay still work the way I want it - it's one of them over here got ahold I don't know what the hose is supposed to help me with here I can just put it on the sockets oh he's just trying to watch TV break all the electronics until he gets the message dude dude you're right there okay no this that was the goal all right he's there I thought he wasn't gonna go in for a second what's this snorkel I like the fireman hat milk nice 300 bits thank you for working out with the streams and YouTube videos I really appreciate your work and you remember the rest - and take care of your health thank you very much milk I'm honestly doing pretty well but I've been feeling really happy lately honestly all the world's a bit shy at the moment but this one's the kind of some good things happening too in my personal life lately so you know it's been pretty nice Emily thanks for 200 fits as well my trip to Ireland with my grandma got cancelled with all this happening so I've been happy to see my favorite Irish lad stream and lately no problem at all Emily yeah it's like [ __ ] love like just playing with the gang honestly Kevin like Jack Brian and ahi I think we're planning to do some more stuff again soon too because like we're honestly just having a lot of fun that's kind of a shock we didn't like gather together the Irish lads like before sooner than this like those dreams are funny because yeah we just all get to be like are you rich I guess and like play that up a bit because I know a lot like one of the comments I always see is that like Jesus they all sound more Irish when they're playing Joe I think is quite funny and sweet and you got fire extinguisher do I go to the [ __ ] cinema go to the cinema sir no come on warm yourself up hook this one help oh we did it I'm just - handing that - best to us or something bun shanks for two hundred bits what's freaking out and all that's awesome that you're doing well and streaming a ton I think it speaker when I say we appreciate the freakin crap out of you punch thank you very much look we got an A - we did that so quick I'm getting better at this I actually did a good job not a shape a trio tree our tea hack the game confer her right there okay what have we got to do here gather the pool toys you got to pop them in there all right well there's one right here once you pop them in the disappear grab these pretty pretty good start come on come on I need to get this one here come on Chuck okay I can I can still pop them in we just got to use the paddle board and catch up with it nope with slowly gaining speed come on put it in put it in how do I get this out and I need to swim with it there we go okay let's leave that there it's gonna take a while to gather all those it's the best way to be doing it if I just create like a barrier slow it all down huh form a bit of a blockade no no no now it's going again no no just one guy get out of the way give me give me a tool got the alligator I I need to get the tray like out of the water that's that's the problem here is there a way for me to drain the water I wonder how doesn't seem safe I gotta I gotta get that out this looks like it's plugged in and maybe this will help everyone that pool is Ted I'm just trying to be creative with a solution I thought I don't want to I'm very lazy I I know I could just grab every bit individually but if there's a way to do this faster I'm gonna take it there's like more [ __ ] in the pool now to pop it in try not killing people you ask too much coffee breath thanks 100 this game only on switch yeah it's made by Nintendo so the only place for it I thought it was like an indie studio or something but actually is just straight-up Nintendo it's kind of cool they don't normally make stuff like this imagine not killing people I gotta get this one still need to get that man on the alligator out - come on so many people just in the water give me out think that I think that's a floatie - yeah it's a rubber duck it's giving them a shock would you write it as character and smash in the arms guy 100% no one cares about arms no one arms is uh not splatoon on switch basic damning criticism right there it's free though I mean I could give I arms that go if you really want me to cuz it is I did I forgot it's actually free right now I don't think people care about though like if I'm playing I'm playing if like the meme go for it if you want get me every we'll do that in Thursday then do it it just fair well I'm a bit biased going into it I think it looks stupid honestly hey bring a fit adventure actually had some function because it was actually a very good exercise game you know like stupidness of like the RPG aside arms just look stupid yeah it just looks dumb to me I don't know how I'm gonna I'm gonna do with it Emily thanks for to 255 bits yeah thank you very much give me the paddleboard just trying to clean up this pool I'm still convinced with some better way of doing this but I have not found it anything else in the water I haven't got it all I think I've actually got it all I've got a roll this one oh we got Katamari controls about bring it over they miss one in that pool okay I'll have to go back and get it no don't go in go in oh my god you're supposed to use these oh that makes it so much easier god I wish I didn't spend like the last like 20 minutes trying to get everything you know wait wait I can get it back I hate this level and I broke another face by accident hey is the trolley exactly thanks to 200 bits I'm very concerned about the fact that everyone in this office is just naked well some of them have hats in fairness they're in a pool no I'm just wearing like a cape and a fireman hash granted it's close but it's not very much get the trolley back there we go oh we got to get that big ball - yeah it's fish from out of this pool real quick I'm gonna use the life ring to get them to because I'm smart and efficient when it comes to playing this game get these go gotta get this alligator got it get the alligator again there we go okay three more I'm almost there Mel thanks for the four quid and realization sets in oh [ __ ] wait where's the last of them we didn't get to use the like the plug at all showers else we got this one in here subscribe this turtle real quick that turtle just break them broke the door okay I didn't realize that's a guy on it get off yeah I don't want to be on it myself I go we got the turtle out they quickly quickly we got him gerrae thanks for tree hundred bits everybody hates the water levels so obviously apply this as soon as I saw the trailer my wife said I have to CRT play this game it's honestly really fun yeah I'm gonna good time with it you can use this to thank slingshot stuff with this why did I do that why did I do that what was I trying to accomplish I just have to swim round them there's there's one the last balls too let's get this there's just me using the game lagging a bit too I don't think it's even OVS this time there are some funky monitors satins going on can I get this wrangle the big ball I can just go around and push it go to here go oh god how do I get this out of the water okay come on push it okay I can I can use this I can use this gold hat where's the gold hat I don't see it well that wasn't spinning in the bottom-right corner I'm gonna put that there just to gathers himself don't mind that door I'll catch the ball this one here is that okay different fire Manhattan toss that in okay I think we've stopped most of the flow of these things now yes we have don't want the snorkel try to get this ball out come on pop okay I'll take it being in another pool just got it get it in the carrot move this real quick don't you [ __ ] dare fall off what no okay bring the car closer shouldn't have to go that far got it so horribly stuff oh no I got the wrong hat too I need to get my hat back give me my hat we go oh we did it thank God water levels always the worst one rule of thumb for it doesn't matter what the video game is it's always the worst one don't play subnautica the worst game I've never played some not account okay zen garden now and locked let's keep going you take that back we'll go a few more levels happy to keep playing for a little bit longer having fun with this okay got her the boulders why this is even a job in your workplace someone moves the Boulder collection during the night oh no doesn't even happen okay well I'm on the scene okay and the japanese-style doors can I pick up this everything I hope oh that's fine crepe music this is gonna go off every now and then I think now oh no it is we got here I got a little towel I need your Boulder sir I mean I need to get him off sir that's gonna keep doing the bong uh while we're playing isn't them to get this one there we go okay well I got this one at least sir if you could get off that folder and use this one to help us get things pop it in here come on come on get it true Ren thank you very low 2,750 bits Jesus Christ mom hey thank you as ever I hope you've been enjoying the stream this is such music to my ear it just keeps going we need to finish this one as quick as we can for everyone to like lose the will to live got to get going oh my god aha you dumb Boulder boom I need I need to get that thing I need stop oh thank god okay it's one damn peace in our time [Music] it just moves back need to wedge it and like you've heard a thousand I'm going deaf trying to stop it please don't do it oh my god [ __ ] bomb like just stop just stop I can still hear it if this doubt I pop this over here and then we try aim this hits the boulder come on we're not doing it right Oh God come on roll there we go oh we got it seems to have stopped to pop pop was in pop this pop of this chip the boulder that's fine okay we only have to get two more do I have to bang this I do hey it's not that bad lies you have no idea what I just have to go true pop it in the gong and cease for now I kept saying bong is that was like the noise it makes the gong you're right okay I need to hook that up let me go come on knock it over so difficult to aim it okay we got it in it's in the water oh no it's hit the gong you know where it where is it where is it it's just the hose where'd it go I I need to find it I don't see it the boulder broke where's the boulder then the gongs gone that's it down there ran thanks for 9,000 what do I do if the boulder is gone then like I'm missing one I don't know how I get that hose back to cuz I I definitely wait now I can just just need to push and pull there we go bringing this downstairs how do I get this last one now I don't actually see where it's gone I think it's stuck in the river somewhere check under the gong where is it where is it Oh get me out of here Oh [ __ ] hell Ren gong is now my coals he says Jesus how much are you donated today like Jesus Christ my banks gonna be calling with this right thank you very much present needs an intervention the [ __ ] is the folder okay I don't want to put up with that guy again I just want to find him what do we do it can the boat will actually break it's close to the pillars I gotta just jump in let's go that's pillar it's got to be in here somewhere Oh [ __ ] sake deal with the gong a small price to pay for salvation dude what the [ __ ] thank you very much where is this Boulder where's this Boulder the left stairs now what's even causing that [Music] the left stairs I don't I don't see it I think we may have to actually restart because I cannot find this thing go in like I'm seeing everything I can interact it right now there's a pole mr. price man thank you again I'm just not trying to be short with the donations it's just I'm trying to genuinely find this thing and I'm getting quite frustrated sake man where is the folder where could have it actually gone I think the physics are supposed to make it so that it can't get stuck wait wait was that it that's the hos let's get out of here real quick go see the map is there a map go to the right bottom something else broke oh my gosh Jesus let's dude's got a vendetta holy [ __ ] thank you for the 50 gift subs wait there oh my god how to [ __ ] to the end up here oh I broke that oh how did it go that far I looked everywhere for thank you so much man for all the donations not like seriously you're going overboard but thank you pop it in pop it in please please oh I'm gonna go slow oh thank god good job we did it Jesus Christ I could cuss stop calling it a bomb that's a different thing Oh [ __ ] sake [Music] gotta go was fun watching you have a nice day all the best man like take care [Music] Jesus Christ hey I think so we don't hit 76 thousand bits and like the last bonus stream dude what the [ __ ] the tragic thing is the monthly top zero resets tomorrow it's like the worst possible day to go all-in but sure look okay call the elevator let's keep going okay so floors the tree is done we'll go we'll go a little bit more here well I'm gonna wrap up the stream for close to 10 o'clock tonight I'm having a lot of fun with this I think this game will strike twenty quid on like the switch shop if anyone's interested in it how long how much content is here but like oh it's fun as long as I support you it's all worth it thanks for no tires in mine like Jesus hey guys thanks for 10 quid as well thank you very much this is the first one that one's locked 401 is this one Google production let's try this I'll go a few more oh good god I think we have to clean it all up clean up the goo that's a percent okay so the problem is here if you step in it you're gonna spread it so I'm gonna I'm gonna need things that can help to clean this up was this dude [Music] that that's just like a grapple point that doesn't help that's a drum of food okay so I need to just buffer of the floor and those people will just do [ __ ] ever - oh my god live coming at your fast cleanup the goo that one guy is just spewing everywhere oh that machine just causes good unplug it like God [ __ ] sake done it again no I am trying to clean the floor but there is so much [ __ ] no I didn't okay if we just break it all and then we clean it up we just start over from scratch this is a kind of logic thing does that mean we can't break any more that we do can't spill anywhere else I don't know what to say man thank you for another 50 good subs that goddamn scientist plug that one in again through [ __ ] scientists just trying to clean just getting stuck in everything I have to 34% then you're gradually making progress you don't have a direction it just kind of just takes you wherever we just clean up this area real quick 45 percent doing good guys at the Dubai renounce pilla I'm doing my best to tidy up this place it's sick of having to clean up after you halfway there they keep plugging in the goo machines all right thank you further 5900 sake not most of all I can say at this point he's like dropped like over a grand at this point - thank you time to get it that [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's empty oh you can just go through the glass great I'm cleaning up over here makin progress oh no that's I got that pipe is just spewing it they keep plugging in their machines Emily not that Henry thank you all for the best trying to get through the glass right now laying up all this 91 problem is some of the goo is coming from like machines that like I was making a continuous supply of it I need to get the valve or something yeah get those let's get all these bits that we can this car you doing it just stand on the sink god it's only a little bit left Oh for [ __ ] sake [Music] dude well thank you for the 100,000 bits I don't think I've ever seen that unlike my channel like just ever mad man [ __ ] did it I want to say that thank you for like the thousand dollars you just gave [ __ ] sake and this guy keeps plugging in this machine I'm gonna be very upset if he keeps plugging in no no you're not taking this thank God got it off I just need to find some way to clean up the rest of these things oh there's a valve on this one okay let's get it hang on it's off is it there we go it's off Ryan thank you for another thousand you very much from an I think I think we're gonna leave the turnips for the time being but thank you Jesus we're getting or Heat just get the last of the gun it's so close now laughs it's finished someone they just prize themselves upon like [ __ ] spilling it I think oh no I not to me go over here you know this up thank you for another 500 come on not everything hey think we're almost good 98% it's like that mean better go over there take my way across here I think this floor over here is pretty clean yes it doesn't quite let you get it so I got it I got to get that Valve over there oh no oh it's got a hat in it though [Music] it's got a hat it's got a hat I want the Hat I'll get it hasn't tip turn off this valve real quick Jesus Christ dude just stop and you've already proved the point you want I don't have anything else to say oh holy [ __ ] thank you man we just finished mopping up this floor but what bit of floor is left 99% where's the last like speck on the top right I'm on my way Paradis we did it good job the office is spotless [ __ ] sake the [ __ ] hat I kind of want to get that hat still I kind of want to go back now we can do two more levels though we can do two more thank you a gamma man I'm sorry the hair that I hope you're doing alright okay let's go in here oh I'm just stretching for a moment I'm like a bit overwhelmed look what they won good you can stay when the floor is over can you oh wait so if I go back in there well I don't know if I go back in there now I guess I imagine it's reset the heat up the rooms how do I do this that opened the valve what am i what am I looking for but a pipe seems limp now that that just closed the pipe oh but I can so once I do that I can pick up these I do this okay guys we're gonna keep you nice and toasty let's just get this piping hot water if you don't do that Oh for [ __ ] sake man thank you very much seriously I honest to god do not want know what to say at this point like I'm kind of taken aback by your kindness but thank you incredibly generous just trying to play the game yeah I need to get hot water in this room I think no way but this is hot is there another valve on this it's just causing rampant property damage where does that water go after it goes in there Oh bring it into the room there we go okay we got one now I need to just break open this window crack that glass a bit crack in but it hasn't decided to break come on there's no oh I just open this [Music] No crack is the water freezes Oh fine just clear this to walk like a normal person - that's too much I need this to be open up I kind of use this picture oh good job well can hang up the picture that I can burn there a thousand bits and another fifty gifts also I might at this point I genuinely do not know what to say I know I sound like a broken record but seriously it's incredibly generous what you're doing right now thank you very much having a lovely day [Music] I'm just trying to open a [ __ ] window that's clearly what I need to do so I can connect this the trolley here and I like push the trolley hey there we go oh no that now I got to take this picture off the wall you know pop that that huh didn't eat it anyway okay and we can turn off this valve Aidan thank you for the five quid thank you very much for that oh we got we got a backpack to close this valve don't leave that got hot water coming into all these pipes pop that in there I need to connect this up with like tree systems I think this turned on but the hot water go through there pop that into there that one's now hot but it's not going into here oh because there's like a vowel direction okay yes sir yeah the arrows on the outtakes I'm trying I'm trying to keep an eye on it what even thank you for a thousand bits high tea I'm currently working from home playing animal crossing my brakes please destroy my workplace I don't want to go back I'm working on it did I know this valve is closed there we go okay this one's almost at max capacity now so we just need to work out one more set of them which means we need we need to break a hole in here like this this away come on Ram the trolley set Ram the trolley hey come on oh wait is the door here I could just I could just put it round good night yeah I forgot about the door okay there we go that's it no wait that's the wrong order that needs to go in there and we open this valve gradually solving the problem now I have to break this wallet funny even thank you for the to give selves oh man God thank you for the two quid in the kind words thank you very much and do I even have to break that one that trolley go Oh come on gather them together then it's a tight fit need to break it come on it's much I'm trying Baumer thank you for the five thousand bits my god you guys tonight I wonder I'm gonna play me tobias sometime soon in the future love the stream cubes the good work I'm planning to play more me topi in future yeah Hank I was gonna do on Thursday but people request and I get an arm streaming of all things so I might do that instead then I do plan on doing more of it thank you very much for that there's another door yeah but this but we need to get around to this pipe see like this one's not gonna stretch higher enough we need to find a way to break that there's a fire extinguisher in the top right with a fire extinguisher doing it all I need I don't think that's doing it not hot water no that's cold and you disconnect the pipe do that seems to make any difference theater pull the fire oh my god mommy Oh No I don't know like how or why you're still going at this point thank you so much though [ __ ] insane I don't know what settle up I just I just want to break this glass use the utter hot water what do you mean the utter hot water you got we got to connect that up Shirley just I just need to break it [Music] my god man very much point the hot and cold water at the same oh I get it now was I supposed to do that before five hop on one side cold in the other break it no that's that's not done those have to be like oh my god they thought about this but no the cowboy hat up there get that these people are still cold but you heat it first [Music] right he do i heat the glass and then I do this he's the gas canister weather control yeah that seemed to do it let's just do some science on this that gonna explode come on oh thank god all of us hope we didn't need that tank Oh you know we got to get it it still says is Hina they didn't account for you to actually break the [ __ ] tank it's fine it's just valuables sake my mind thank you as ever ii-i've done something wrong here hang on with what water's coming into this one can open this valve pop this one here oh we just need one more bit of cumin and we can do it well okay two more bits three more bits arguably that one already has hot water so we're gonna pop that one back there do we not need oh I don't need that at all do I I see it now nope I am going to need to break this wall again get another gas can its kind of start Rann thank you it's [ __ ] ever like Jesus man yeah bring it over here and now I need to knock it over disconnected to the heater do I not need this big tank in the middle oh my god you're right do he's [ __ ] Christ Lucy thank you for a thousand as well yeah you don't need to fill the center thank you very much we got it we got it oh my god that was a nightmare good job you did it [Music] we got a/c Jesus Christ red you're a legend but are you okay I'm worried through at this point [Music] seriously though thank you very much mom very generous caliber thanks 400 bits to like dude dude I'm just looking at the [ __ ] chat now [Music] normally I try not to let donations get in the way of the stream itself because you know folks that these streams it's never about like money around the eye it's never about donations I always want to be about me just playing the game and having a good time but it comes a point after so many thousand dollars where it's just kind of hard to [ __ ] focus and you just gotta take a step back and kind of take in what the [ __ ] is happening I call this [ __ ] man I don't know what I did to deserve this but thank you [Music] back to zero he says let that one thank you very much okay we're gonna go one more level and then we're gonna wrap up the stream last one coming up wait no sorry we're gonna finish this floor there's two more Alena thank you for a hundred as well lizard thank you for the 500 pets thank you lads it's Jeff besos he didn't like that I made fun of his Amazon warehouse in a previous level here stop the hush money [Music] deliver a big cube okay big cube this cube oh good god it absorbs the goop oh good [ __ ] I thought that was Adelaide that's all never stop it would calm down thank you very much oh good god the cubes got too big yeah but you can make it so it absorbs everything in like the bottles too I got to try to get it on this not big enough a thing suck it all up it's very light thankfully we're pretty good for just like lugging this around the office how big you have to make this cube before like absorbs a person thank you for another 15 oh girl pick all this up getting a bit heavy get a bit heavy that's okay keep lugging the cute Christ yeah we need to make it bigger I need to get it in there that can I use this to break the gas canister hang on very good get all this get the canister over here hang on oh my god yeah okay we're doing this hang on what you can do is if I pop it here it's gonna go in the tank I gotta line it up I was lame is what anime does to you oh yeah well I I can I can just turn this on leave this here there we go okay let's let's make the queue bigger I don't know if it's still gonna grow anymore thank you for an out of 10,000 mine look in hell I think it's not as big as I need it to be it might be this could this could swallow a person at this point you can still hold it surprisingly excuse me excuse excuse me guys sorry sorry I'm just tripping I'm just trying to deliver it pop it in how do I get out of here it's not big enough apparently Thank You further aside actually this great it looks like an acid trip basically where we're at I can't get it true I need to push it from the other side oh you can't really push though is the thing oh no wait pop it in in how is it not big enough it has to be there we go good job oh good lord [Music] look at it just go true all the pipes there too as very satisfying to watch oh my god big cube is being harvested GG yeah there's one more level on this floor and then we're gonna wrap up [Music] biome is now unlocked last one and we'll call for tonight Oh people have enjoyed this game is actually has been quite fun oh it seems like a kind of stress solving some of the puzzles was very cute for what it is I just don't know how much content there is here for like it being 20 quid I'll be like the main thing I'd say about it kick ass thanks for five gift subs thank you very much Kinect water to the biome okay this game is good ciao so we got a we got to be connecting a lot of Valve's here Ryan thank you for another 500 bad aleena thank you for a hundred you gotta close these valves I have to guess because we want to be water I got a workout some kind of lever puzzle that's cheap from Nintendo game honestly [Music] if I guess it's like more like Nintendo kind of indie game this is like smaller-scale [ __ ] hell you know with like the bartender has like identified a customer has been there like all night and just like having pints like pretty much constantly it's like 12 o'clock last call comes around he's already smashed there they go like giving like four more points bartender just turns them and says you've had enough you've had enough you need to go home that's where we're [ __ ] ass okay there's one water we need to get more of these okay I think I think you could fill up this entire little reservoir with water if not the gas it's like a drain there still says zero out of four that's it [Music] there we go that's what we have to do this is Christ he says check my following hours I don't know how to do that I just click on someone's name he first started following 18 hours ago well you must really [ __ ] like the stream Jesus Christ turn that Valve turn this one okay I can use I can use this tank catch the water okay and that means I can connect it here water there we go okay so that that's gone in there now so I just need to turn this valve not a bush great credit score Oh No what does this valve do oh okay this lets you just turn this so we're putting the physics into here that didn't break too much of the biodome oh I'm sure it still works we need to connect this lot let's just yank this no no that's what you're supposed to do we need a different truth what we need one of these boxes hey there we go go around there now we need to take this one will cause some less property damage at this point in the office I say less a little bit it's not as damaging though okay there we go so that one's going there now I need to do is I need to pop this here catch it I think and then deliver it God which one am i catching it with though [Music] Jesus Christ man thank you very much realizing bits I don't think I can make it a moat cuz that's not how we work here but thank you it's very kind close this valve you're into that let me see like I don't know how I'm actually supposed to do that I don't know which tank I'm missing clearly missing some get the other red tank this one is it this one this one connects here but I still need to get it in that systems that makes sense like this goes here but so how do I get that water in oh my god okay I see what I'm doing line it up [ __ ] sake man this skill go you're just still going thank you very much I really don't have much more to say thank you okay open this valve little bit of the biodome then okay we need to redirect it this way Zack thank you for the thousand bits man thank you very much this is going in here I can turn it in here King thank you for 10 quid as well thank you very much yes that's going in there it's mixing with the jello but I need to do is turn off this valve so that it's just water now that fills not going to purge it or yes it is [Music] that gonna keep filleth okay no it's hit max capacity thank you for those 17:45 he says he's done thank you very much man for everything incredibly generous you didn't have to do all that fly oh thank you for seven quid as well thank you very much what is this it's a puzzle game you're trying to solve problems in a good job on the lower level do I have to do something Oh God is look it is a valve here oh I see what I can do so I can put that there it goes up there I gotta get it around here turn that valve the water goes down open this file water goes around oh my god goes true here we did it moves that real quick biodome is complete humanity will be spared [Music] there is hope yes ah God back to the lobby okay I think on that note I think we're gonna try and wrap up the stream there is a good point to call it I had a lot of fun with this game though I'm curious how much there is I might try just finished the rest of it like off stream or something in my own time but it was honestly good fun only reason I'm saying that is because like I know like Mito people want me to do meet Opie I want to do more animal crossing I think we do more with the Irish lads in the weekend too so there's just quite a bit in the pipe [Music] it's another eleven hundred and he says get the turnips the shops closed it closes at 10 o'clock I don't think I can say Ilona I don't know if you're still here I got my discord open don't don't worry about like laughing with chat earlier I don't can you if you can still hear me you can tell you for sure are you are you in Europe you in the new Americas ah the typing hey Solana I'm here I'm in America so you could on time do you want to give me would it would it be okay if I was to hop over and sell them then if you gave me like a dodo code or something cuz we can do that that's fine with me let me go get the code thank you very much Solana okay I think we're gonna get the turnips old then as well because this is kind of like a stupid stream at this point he just says Canada here's like $100 just that [ __ ] me what does that mean okay alright asylum is in the States so that means we can actually hop over and we can do this so I'm just going to update the stream real quick very quickly and literally just selling turnips and end in the stream all right okay we'll go we'll go into this real quick I think 400 Belle's of the turnips are pretty good [Music] oh let's say I have the dodo co2 okay let's go stopping here real quick 300 [ __ ] thousand bits Jesus sell the turnips that's something that it did happen so I'm not gonna go into anything else on the town because I want to kept properly catch people up with all the changes that happen in the town on Sunday stream because I'm gonna be planning this again then so just as an FYI I'm literally just getting the turnips I'm not gonna show anything else because I was working away in the town this morning I want I want to save all of that okay I got it I got to just clean out my inventory there we go that's a lot of turn if Sam disappeared it's just real quiet and inside my house there's no music play didn't mean to take that rug yeah we'll do this and then we'll do the subs in that I'll wrap up the stream anyone who is hopping off it doesn't really care to stick around for just turnips thank you very much for coming by the stream today lots hope you enjoyed it had a good fun playing the game the T and RT stands for turnips he's my home's gonna be salvaged now hey if this works night I'm gonna be able to fund quite a bit for the town - I can pay off my home loan I don't have literally got my crown in my head that's worth quite a few bells but that's just you know a friend cheated that in we ain't used in that I will check I'm not even checking my post for this I'm just going straight for the town don't want to spoil anything [Music] let's go through here okay Jesse I won't do that I'm sorry I've got a text saying don't open the letter okay all right [Music] no I'm not doing it no I'm not doing it eat the toast I'm not eating the dodo no not even though that I need to hide this for a moment to when we put in the dodo code so that we don't lob this poor persons town thanks Ellen so thank you again for this okay so I need to pop in the code search fry a dodo code okay so I need to do this hide the screen you can [ __ ] hear it but hang on you there we go oh my god I didn't think about that with the anomalies okay I think we're good III don't think it displays the co2 any point from here I have to leave the Brook you can just hear it animal cross is not a good game for password scissors like imagine using like an ATM ourselves like please insert your PIN now like seven seven four three red [ __ ] sake man 100 bits as well in the kind Birds I'm worried too don't oh I hope you're not putting yourself out in terms of finances in that man it's a lot to give it's incredibly generous but don't put yourself out honest to God seven seven four three off [ __ ] you know my pen that's not my pen guys that's my social security number come on I wouldn't just leak that like that there we got a voice oh dear say Lona how is it going oh my god that's a Godzilla it's good to see you I have turnips thank you very much much earlier in the day what date is it in your town Oh 31st of March okay thank you very much for this okay so all this off turn up prices yep four hundred and twelve that's pretty good honestly so we're making this is gonna give us over a million bells for our return on investment so we can buy quite a few bridges for the Tanana health I don't know why they need to invest 1.4 million bells on specifically turnips but that's a good return the gamble paid off lads as I Lona thank you very much for that I think we got some no Joey we got something for this four ranks of yeah you just made everything off the turnips well I worldwide belly anair the last ones ten million bells Jesus Christ that's pretty good seriously silently thank you very much for that okay I do I do you want some bells yourself like I'm happy to like just drop a few here I I don't know how you're doing unlike the Bell financial state yourself I'm happy to leave you some of you on it [Music] Jesus gift or a bridge now I'm all right well you say that actually hanging wait does the bridge being funded over here hang out oh [ __ ] no she's already fun but okay I tried I tried okay well no likes still at the same time like you got a tip wait no hang on but that just put it into my wallet hang on hey still yeah you got to leave something thank you very much for last Ilona I insist you take at least something thank you very much all the way out of the money trees mark to a no problem well thank you very much for that we're gonna be able to buy you a few bridges for the time now it specifically because a lot it's very kind okay well we'll head on home from here [Music] how easiest Oh okay we're gonna put that away for the weekend as well well I'll use I'll invest some of it into the town I guess over the next few days but I'm just gonna save most of it we can am i tall god someone with three minutes on Sunday next I might invest it all in turnips what do you say lads around - we must make stocks so tempted don't push your luck [Music] I'll keep you posted mortar enough opportunities silo no thank you very much for that it's very kind Jesus we're doing pretty well now okay with that we're gonna wrap up this dream oh I want to save animal cross and what's going on for that for each time we kind of stream it because I like that idea like having new stuff to show each time I I do plan on playing the game more - and gun Sunday I'm gonna be streaming it next so just wait for like the million turnips I have said we're going double or nothing Jesus Christ okay all right we're gonna we're gonna wrap up the stream there this may be a lengthy credit segment because there was a lot of gifts of this stream the O fastest goes yeah it's moving pretty quick thank you to everyone that subscribed thank you for all the very generous donations from each and every one of you it's incredibly kind I've Airy much appreciate the support I'm gonna be back tomorrow I'm gonna be doing a co-op stream with Kevin no way I didn't plan anything for April Fool's so that's not even a joke I know tomorrow is April Fool's Day so it's hard to take [ __ ] anything seriously but uh I'm actually just playing with Kevin tomorrow he picked out a game that he wants to play so we're just gonna chill with that Turk Jesus I think given like the state of the world the moment we can just kind of forsake the like annoying prank a play would say and we'll just do something fumbles done yeah seriously thank you so much everyone for coming but tonight I'm gonna see who's still streaming as well who I can raid just give me two minutes I'm gonna pass you on to someone please to share the love Oh who is going I tal except that he loved us for like to come to his town at some point I still need to take him up on that but he does happen to be streaming Animal Crossing right now so I'm gonna send you his way it's not every day I get to raid the man he's incredibly lovely but him and Jeremy looked out for me and my friend Akio and they're actually in Vegas like they very much took us under like their wings and like showed us about the entire place yeah so go say hi to italics and I'll see you all tomorrow have a good night lads
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 132,174
Rating: 4.8639455 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-579959597, rtgamecrowd, while you're working from home I'm destroying your work, Good Job!, Twitch, Gaming, while, you're, working, from, home, I'm, destroying, your, work, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: MAslgdJ_hDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 59sec (11699 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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