RTGame Archive: Dreams

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heyo folks how's it going didn't hear me okay this is nice because I'm a bootleg human so I can relate to this oh no uh there how's it goin Oh folks didn't know you're gonna stream say I mentioned last night I might be streaming tonight I'm trying to do a bunch of extra streams and next while just because yeah I think the world could use it right now we're all cooped up inside anyway so you know I got a pass the time somehow yeah so I so I thought its stream tonight I don't know how long I'll be streaming for because if it's off schedule you know I'm just gonna it's gonna call as long as I feel basically I know I've got something to help have to hop off to at eleven o'clock or in four hours from now and that's the project simple games apparently me and captain Typho are gonna be murdering people together so that's gonna be fun oh the how is it going though folks you're all very welcome to this stream just making sure I've got everything together okay hopefully this works somehow the background image has kind of look at that it kind of kind of merges oh okay this game is a fever dream way to describe it this is a game that lets you make games and like just systems and its really [ __ ] weird and I've wanted to try to throw a while Madeline finished moving again got my ps4 out of storage so I can actually give it a go I I really don't know what to expect I know some people have made videos on this and because of the way that it works is that you experience certain levels and dreams so what I'm gonna say off the bat because I know people are like probably have seen like other people play I know donkey has made some videos on it I have not seen them myself what I'm gonna say is just to kind of avoid like play acts funny level we're gonna try and find levels ourselves so I'm not gonna be taking suggestions for levels at all because I don't I don't want to just be like you know play this one iiiii sauce I saw someone earlier suggest like warrior dies in a car crash I don't know what the [ __ ] that means but we're just gonna we're just gonna explore ourselves just so it will kind of find our own gems but necro pig I don't know what that means oh dear Oh Ruby thank you for the 15 hundred bits thank you for these dreams in this dark time done thank you very much to kind premium capping around your bits as well Rosa red white is the moon every convention will be canceled soon oh Jesus okay I'll need to display like my online ID that's fine okay dreams comes with a host of preferences let's just have a look to see if there's like subtitles or something handedness display is that all fine motion blur it's off that's actually kind of nice subtitles medium you guys want a medium or large I think actually having them on large is probably best play the game already oh I'm trying to set up the stream I've gotta play I need to make sure though you know it's quality you know we only ourselves on the pinnacle of entertainment on this channel you know we very high standards I know we got to make sure that nothing ever but that's not working why isn't my laugh track button work and I was gonna hang up now it's working we only six I'm sorry pinnacle of entertainment getting our laugh track [Applause] comedy control scheme wireless controller why is controller motion sensor function for cactus has motion controls sometimes um okay well we'll just go whatever the default is sure you ask the motion all right I had a dream this afternoon there we go in the beginning nothing god is that you no movement no sound complete emptiness I think that is God then something a speck an idea the idea could be anything could be a tree everything that's that's how God made the universe night [Music] well shapes that was a big step for the universe when they invented shapes no we didn't squares our minecraft wouldn't have an inventor without the most exciting of all nice [Music] humanity has been born everyone can conduct this power everyone has an imp imp selves are you ^ the dream the dream of those teams with their energy waiting for you to choose your very own [ __ ] is this which one is yours how many how many amps have we got [Music] which one we feelin that that one's got a winky face now that one's crying for some reason you guys want pink okay we'll go we'll go we'll go with this one [Music] you're mine now oh let's just create the universe real quick press and hold the options button so God got started to screen yes great Giada ps4 controller responds to the smooth oh god this is motion picture I moving the controller attached to the controllers motion sensor you only need to move the controller a teeny tiny amount to get your interest on go on move your think it's doing okay cuz the light bar on the front of the controller as a flashlight beam conducting your email you see that little cluster of creativity move the pointy part of your in to touch it okay that's it no see how that feels yes magnificent doing good you can also nudge the image again to the edge of the support donkey kong's crash course I'm in Tendo line for Nintendo Wii anytime noise thank Rosie press and hold the options button to recenter it now let's play with a dream of us see if you can catch all those dancing shapes unleash those colors and sounds ok let's invent green very good [Music] get doughnuts your natural create reality as we know God said Let there be Beethoven's me going her you're a dream surface your calm down mr. Jarrell wizard Harry you know you found the wall of doubt don't worry everyone down some self oh I'm very familiar with the wall a doubt see that loose break try using the pointy tip of your Impa to grab would play games to escape our day-to-day lives okay are to press and hold that's it pull that wall down oh it was so simple you try doing this in real life the wall falls on top of you and kills you [Music] mr. Gorbachev your idea is getting away chasing down Jesus oh we got a loop box get in here it should be in here somewhere Oh learn how to use the motion controls more verities come on keep up mr. Gorbachev tear open that blue box will be a sweet legendary skin in there you know the only source of energy is you what can you do that's not much you're asking a lot of me okay are to to possess the light bulb oh gosh [Music] can I smash it we have light a good start if only we had a way of experiencing peace now we're really getting somewhere okay we're now at the home the game has become a platformer hmm it must be some way to get up there narrow [Music] begging a charity for the five mil sub that's very kind thank you very much [Music] press circle to basically teleport how to something now the water in camp water plant amazing what a luxury you do almost there [Music] this is an LSD in the game it's pretty fun so far might ruin your life [Music] I must be an actual TSM okay we're here at last three when God was greater than the work University to start with X alone Brooke of the jury let it die let it die let it shrivel up and die Jesus Christ okay there mister give me the red pill this is my home space place you know there's no walls you got a Sunday journeys through the dream of us my little comb friend here is happy to help you wander around okay gotta use the comb ready to dream head over to the glowing orb to open the main menu okay let's go in here options for the main menu where will you begin breezes surf anything to send dream shape and I think we want a new dream surfing if you want to start creating okay I'm not gonna be able to make a level in this game because I'll have the patience but I know people have made levels so I want to get into that it select I think it's connected online when it lets you select we can explore the wilds of the dream averse slipping and sliding through the strangest and most wonderful ideas and creations loose amaretto and a mysterious hand thank you all for 100 per annum Asian music videos and all sorts of world's experiences made by dreamers does this work even on PlayStation Plus actually I didn't dream something is inevitably gonna always pay for all the dream of dreamers imaginations let's try it out oh no of anyone knows welcome to dream surfing explore all that the dream of us has to offer organized into playlists ok yeah so here's here's people who have been like playing stuff arts dream this people currently playing it on me cars ruckus just another natural desire we got asteroid a natural disaster and the soap ha cooking okay let's go l1 plus x2 play so because people have been making videos on this already I'm going to be avoid and read taking suggestions from chat for this string I'm gonna just try and find stuff myself [Music] the original mode for ruckus you're on a timer the story as much as you can for the military can stop you I'm really good at that I can destroy stuff [Music] we're after a series of natural disasters - set city of mastery transparency let me be the creature [Music] let's go we have some light jazz playing this press where to hit things okay so we still have control of it even like this hooking the cap you got to be careful games live [Music] destroy that Stadium pretty therapeutic you know hi I died that guy I quite like destroying civilization if this game knows me trying to fight not these things now the helpful I just like jump on top make the Doofenshmirtz our oh you know we could just drop it to the bottom [Music] a lot of buttons do I have Oh God well that speeds up things significantly [Music] I can't even see right now I know there I am I can kind of see the laser beam I can use my tail to I just want to like sleep like off the bill that's enough I like the laser that destroys society the fastest kill them oh that's the plan [Music] yay murder I think this is the best game we could have started with honestly tonight piney plop volcano [Music] go in there's more of a city in here [Music] charge after that [Music] mr. like it's time linearity or do I just keep going so like everything is gone they topic at high social leaked documents real corporations actually Lobby actively lobbying to block critical charged to save environment supposed to get away from reality right now again Godzilla simulator I like it we go Oh teleport me back and I am I just keep going is the city in just like reinvent fun now it's nice [Music] we just we just keep I'm having a good time not the light [Music] you just write called like Congress extension rebellion rebel for life October 7th we know the fact this time they're going to this island oh god this bombs falling they've wiped that civilization right I'm not that oh there goes the needle hang-ups till I can still control control this vibrant oh he's sleepy now goodbye I wiped out civilization yeah we give that one thumbs up I was a good start I like that one scallop my man thank you for hundred bits thank you for 200 bits even Ruby thank you for 100 chunky I get everywh let's give it bits okay let's find let's find another game that's just let's try southpaw cooking this looks like it'll be quite a different experience first person left hand cooking simulator comedy first person simulation play again for people because people are shouting one in chat like necro kid I'm not taking suggestions for any of the games tonight because again I understand other people have played this already I don't want people to just be screaming 2x1 because you saw X youtuber play it I want to try and see what I can find myself so I hope people just kind of understand that we're just gonna be explore and we're gonna try find whatever we can not taking any suggestions I'm just gonna go whatever takes my [Music] I think for a game like this that's good cuz I we can just stumble upon no I thought on at the beach is like I gotta get my funny moments compilation I gotta get that 10-minute video footage on YouTube yeah so that's why I'm doing it this way I turn this one down a bit press X to answer the phone but what does he want I can't I can't hear him hey what am i doing what what does he want how do I pick up anything I don't know how to hold anything [Music] now just cook my hand we'll get this staked up [Music] Oh r1r guess this may be too little too late he wanted his steak medium-rare it's just extra rare okay move head horizontally move had vertically grabbed chop fry and serve dinner okay chop it up get it in ha the scoop son [ __ ] the pot I give me another pop [ __ ] just like Bob and you stupid eight I'm just destroy in this man's kitchen I haven't made any food I [Music] I got a plate give that one a thumbs up oh just cook your hand it's caliber Sammy worried amber thank you all for the hundred bits go go everyone welcome everyone to copyright infringement the game either actual copyright issues Ball World Adventures heart one adventure true five worlds and thirteen levels increase in difficulty this game is not for the faint of heart but the reward is priceless last time I heard that was Peter Molyneux promising a reward at the end of curiosity you remember that game you remember that one new games fear achill out now okay world select let's go to sky hills oh it's Super Monkey Ball well no they accept you you just move them the ball you don't moving the world every restart to just restart oh you can move the camera to in there crosshair or going fast come on nope okay check one immersion mode [Music] yeah [Music] toggle visuals obviously you can just turn all that off if you find it too distracting okay I'm really bad the jumps there there we go sky hills one one done sky hills one two let's go we're gonna get a high score at our time come on doing good we're doing really good right now No okay you got it you got to stop and wait a little bit here over here the next ledge there we go the green line means you find a checkpoint tip it's good to know [Music] make a way over here that's level 2 it goes real quick level 3 let's do one more oh god you have enough speed you can do it okay I can't see cross here oh my god [Music] medic carry on over here do you got this oh I'm really enjoying this one Oh stay on [Music] Oh where did it restart me there we go this is a very chill game yeah this one rides here like Total Wipeout or something oh that was called Total Wipeout it was like a ps3 racing game [Music] see what a full star level it looks like shall we just like jump on ahead wipeout not total okay oh wait can I go press X to proceed once you proceed you cannot return view rewind exit creation we'll do this one okay this is a higher level oh good god No so close oh they're up and the difficulty I can do it I can do it this game really makes you feel like a ball that's true oh we made it we got the checkpoint I gotta be really precise not fall off the start I was a blip sorry and the blip is just here to stay I'll stay the next well until I can get hold of my other capture card oh that was narrow there go the other way if it does stay for a long while we'll get a [ __ ] blip ammo that was the last oh come on the technical difficulties the ammo it's the quality content we pride ourselves on on this channel okay we made it to the next checkpoint oh I don't like this and they're gonna give you a lot of check points there they get me a check white and then get me a Jack point help [Music] I feel robbed of a checkpoint there thank God at least if you die you die quickly I don't like meat boy or something like that you know yeah we hit another checkpoint there come time it stress 100 but this is super chip honestly so people are saying this is copyright central then is that because like the music that that's playing right now is is that like just ripped from YouTube or something so how this game works is that you can add your own Santa sounds I can jump how do I jump oh no why'd I click I thought that was the jump but give that one a thumbs up okay yeah we got to try an army carrot what's this one when Tommy and his friends I are SEOs Stanley and Frederick Fox as they drift and race their character and starfish Island or to beat your own time whilst dodging ducks and taken right tight turns action car drift driving fun carrot army parody quick racing let's play party oh my is fun attack oh it's a bit better than the old misery tag you know people don't tend to click on those games like this game will make you depressed it's not the most eye-catching in the store front you know gotta be RTO more misery give us a go [Music] I find it fascinating how it's already so varied in terms of things you can do that we've only played a handful of games but like there's so many different physics systems are one the drift how do I l1 the drop the duck yeah I got some guys there make her away trip I got it I tried drifting got a try drifted more duct bomb we need to find the baby Daisy oh this came if you do we can burn dropping then a sick duck there I've why my third all of the stuff not to the Bob draw short cut short we got an extra duck bomb I mean first now wait no I'm not I'm almost there two three laps that was the first one Jesus the long course aim the only weapon you get is a duck bomb catch up with them buna / thanks 100 bits first I've seen you strip off the tackle on thank you very much man I hope you're enjoying the stream great to have you here after a wall of driftin it gives you like a SuperSpeed thing it makes your car harder at the turn am I supposed to be up here all right all right all been for toxic thank you for the gifts of the fuzzy pear that's very kind [Music] and the cat you madman thank you as ever hope you are enjoying your golden lull we've replaced the fire Harry and the golden Harry or the poor the tear subs now and I never thought that day would come but you know I think it was kind of time a lot of people remember the Harry Hill days in the channel and we still have Harry is the first ammo in the channel that's not going anyway but yeah is that we have we have new tier 2 boats they're like fire I want dye and gold I want that yeah there you go Harry will forever be the original and it kind of ties into the new sub alerts we've got that epi facts have been working hard on man's been doing a phenomenal job go over here Harry is greater than I want duh I vote I've always wondered his is there a way to like bring Harry Hill back in - in a big way on the channel because I don't really know how do you do like a Harry Hill relate like Harry Hill money or something but I don't even know what that would consist of oh I don't know if I can stream that to feed Harry ari hill movies stream I feel like that's gonna get me in trouble on Twitch that's the thing I don't want like [ __ ] it and ie TV after me [Music] got some of those speed boots are a bit janky all doctored there go this way Billa Black Bull and City skylines maybe who is Harry Hill exactly but he's not me for some reason a lot of people thought that like I will like that was supposed to be me on the channel people kept me like whenever I show my face in a YouTube video people would be like Jesus like I thought you were like bald it's like I'm not bald of 24 hair lines not that bad we came third I'll take it I thought that was a cute little game I thought that was that was nice he's a popular like he's a not really popular British comedian but he's a British comedian it's a bit underground these days thumbs up okay we can just search search for you can just straight up re Hill no results file what keyword do you want me to search in the off chance hang on no no that one's wait anything okay bulu no results fan okay the way does fallout 4 dreams edition is there we got it we got to see what this this step into the way science beans fall out in dreams goods total six quest for euro and four mini-games let's go you know I actually might have a chance to meet Todd Howard later this year there's a conference call of develop that is on in July and he's going to be invited to it and I'm hoping to be there myself he will brought me around to it last year and it was really good fun so you know if you want me to tell them how much fallout 76 sucks I'm sure he'll love to hear that oh okay options preference display a higher framerate only on ps4 Pro okay let's just go it's a touchpad start like this is the actual main menu play let's highly recommend especially those who have never played the original follow forward on how much of a follow gameplay mechanics i i've played like 200 hours of fallout 4 free roam [Music] thank you to everyone that's given Pitts Alena thank you for 200 it's like you're aged 24 or both Jesus my god oh it's a bit choppy hello hello mr. handy okay just wandering my weapon broke get lost in can no need your advice or help piss off I never scumbag you are no useful to anyone Todd Howard why quest repeats talk to mr. handy let's treat him with respect this time my weapon broke need to find something I can defend myself foot actually do have some weapons outside of this pit boy and sadly I really can't use them you can have all oh my god they've actually modeled the thing thank you unusual find anyone these days is trying to rob and kill you all that out of the day by you that ye though I just press the left trigger to see if I could do iron sights just instinctively [ __ ] that's the actual sound effective how do I reload oh my god Oh ball boys not looking too good you could Cola tim pack a frag grenade this quest diamond city radio does this work how do I select it okay only the radio station works app is a work in progress do I have vats Oh run forgotten God even the Sprint works and that drains a pee he's gonna follow me forever isn't he okay into the ocean we got no we can't swim we can't swim that's not in the game work in progress I think I can go up there a lot that's a lift l1 to activate my god the fact that this is even possible it is kind of insane it's a very rough version but it's kind of mad that still exists Luigi thank you for a thousand bits it's very kind I would say under here that could possibly cause copyright issues yeah the only thing for the developers like of dreams like Media Molecule I don't know what's gonna happen with them sorry for the blip blip count let's get it going it's tulips now Moe thanks 400 bits I don't see how they here that could possibly cause copyright issues I think I just read that thank you war war never changes Ruby thank you for the two hundred bits asking one fall at five is coming out I taught one Skyrim tool coming out Oh robco industries and slopped I can't go that way it's still locked sentry bot is like one like endgame enemy I go in the restaurant no it's just those doors are just painted on 16 times the teats yeah yeah it does look about on power or fallout 76 doesn't it just haven't been disconnected you have them this one four times the map size Metro that's locked - what isn't locked right now [Music] can't go anywhere you have other guns do I I know I access them I don't see him inventory drinking nuka-cola yeah let's see what makes the sound effect how do I I do think this may be just for display purposes right now yeah so though they're on 0 that's that's what's going on there okay this is fall at 77 like fall at 76 just goes to show why you shouldn't skip 72 games in your franchise no it was fairly ambitious but tried to do too much too soon the sewer live and learn but where was the sewer this one here city sewers rather deep I'd like left and right in the overall try moment juniper thank you for 200 bits hey Todd when could we make that Klaus wife who's that Maud already exists oh my god I got a super sledge destroy eggs kill mirelurks playing call of duty now like one the original ones like there's world war two to find the eggs patisserie thanks 400 bits let's see what streams they down my wedding is in 64 day so I'm full of panic mode that over a year work and thousands of dollars we for nothing's this is a great distraction don't you love dude I'll help you doing alright rotisserie yeah I kind of imagine how stressful it is and lots of love here's here's hoping the dust settles soon oh my it's even loot the [ __ ] is the that's a queen I can see why the ps4 Pro is recommended because you seem to walk very slow and out of it I only have a ps4 slim myself oh there's some eggs Paulette 76 - is so good why his fault let 76 3 because thanks for 500 bits animal crossing one week RT how excited I can't [ __ ] wait like animal crossing is like the light in the dark the world needs right now why doesn't just do anything okay gotta at least acted some our crosses code to save humanity I mean it's just perfect timing you know with like none of us are gonna be able to go outside the next while but who needs to when like you know you got Tom Nook perfect god I'm going to die in the sewer like I'm I'm doing my best okay but that that's a very cool like kind of concept faculty even it was able to replicate some of Fallout systems and this that's crazy cool it's Super Mario infinity Super Mario finding is a super mario 64 style game he's asses from other Creators and made improvements to them on making complete games demo levels to give you a taste of what's to come okay play Oh Mario okay no he's just a bit stuck in the pipe okay the knock back from jumping on a Koopa that seems that seems a bit much Mario you know like the license Mario brand keyrings where it's supposed to be the guy but something's just kind of off no I'm seriously I died I all mean this it sound like I'm just like [ __ ] on it so something like the faculties every crates is still cool it just looks a little Walter as I think everything is going to in this game go for a sudden bottom Oh attack I don't feel very confident when I jump he difficult the judge where he's gonna go no Mario he's dead [Music] who's that controls Bock run Crouch okay jumps double jump they have we have a double jump while running X X X flick opposite direction side flip facts we all we have punches almost to find the hidden star let's go let's go around here alright go up here I can Mario punch Mario can punch it like quite a few games honestly and we know it is only Mario 64 isn't it you can spin in galaxy that's what I'm thinking of we did it [Music] we beat Mario God there's a pipe over here we got we got to see what's going on [Music] can I go in it I'm just gonna live here now these guys can spawn oh no they've killed me okay all right that was cute give that a thumbs up okay um what what what do we want to search for most thumbs up show all arts dream seems to be the most popular I'm know I'm a rhetorical question guys well I'm not looking for oh it's a sorry for just for necro Pig I'm not doing that one I'm trying not to just really like terms that we search I'm trying to see what comes up fortnight yes I don't want to be recommended a particular level fortnight oMG fortnight fortnight versus well this eliminates okay which of these two very cursed levels do we want to do first when I hear this Family Guy or Wallace eliminates fortnight blip Wallace play possess Wallace there's Gromit hello God pull out all the sub Hank huh wait where's sentence send to folks let's go why is Sanz here wise Wario in there why why have we got sands they do it I I need to turn this down it's too loud it's too loud on my end what do i what am I supposed to do well having some I just kill him you just come back go to the house again find a gun I don't see a gun [Music] fans can you help me I I don't know why Wario's here I don't know what I'm supposed to do fans can follow me like a teeny bit but then he flips out okay let's just go back let's see if fort knife vs. Family Guy is any better why is there a McDonald hey I can reload my gun but I can't fire all right now I can't it's the point but even is that this is the entire level now it's quiet too I got I got it I got it adjust the audio as we go it's Brian let's just leave let's just leave that one okay this one this is highest right at fortnight [Music] surely this is better Connie I can't even floss I'm just gonna kill myself [Music] thumbs up okay what water search terms do we want how to marry God see if someone's replicated lack that might be kind of ambitious oh my god know that there's a result a template a prototype for a potential Katamari game the logic is is all there for the most part and can be tweaked for to make a legitimate game win let's see okay so you don't the one difference here is you're not using both sticks and that this is very much is the entire thing what does it say you may want to split the menu and love the stuff invisible Katamari is the one with collision okay that's just not that is literally it's literally just a prototype up out of that shock thanks for - - good I asked my favorite fortnight character signs undertale you're like a more fitting name for this game would be fever dream sounds about right honestly okay well what's our next search time people want Skyrim okay if you're gonna look up every bootleg game is forest exploration aired corner solid Todd you did it again juicing the eldest goes v skyrim now available in dreams oh it's just like I remember [Music] is he gonna speak his mouse is bound oh here we go oh it's over I'm most thumbs up what's the most this art stream and then just please hug me let's please hug me as in life you don't always get what you want but you have to try play please hug me [Music] oh they're all just killed themselves I can't jump off the edge get a can't jump off well that was depressing thumbs-up juxtapose thank you for 20 could make it stop a begging you [Music] Comic Sans they remade PT all we got a play PT this is the only way to get this game now good cuz Konami took it off everything oh my god they actually did it did it crash now or good you guys remember this already already filled with dread true here hope stuff weird stuffs gonna start happening interested in see I have to go back [Music] it was just oh I'm actually uncomfortable right now that's the thing I got to go back wait no no this is progress it's my character I think I'm stuck I think I broke it again rewind a bit higher the experience here them calling to me from [Music] this doors closed walk backwards into it no no that's also gonna break it I seem to be breaking it quite a bit hang on everyone try the bathroom I thought I tried the bathroom already oh the father what do i do what do I do he is by the radio so dark Nino's by the alarm clock maybe enter the bash for my camera look at the controls I don't see where oh there we go I can't believe we're actually playing this true luck this game from the developers of LittleBigPlanet the day Okajima is lay okay next up we got a greasy meal yep just nope I'm not doing it okay I can tell you all textures l2 or r2 to zoom display some more info we got fries slashed chips everything you can want here got a puppet got a good Instagram filter and that's the entire game he is just showing what's possible again that's a very greasy meal looks good today is cheap one of the tags is just sausage how many game there are other things that show up the tag just sausage a full of beach breakfast why don't you come home after like a long day at work just to look at food and feel hungry turn all those good sir get some good free camera can I control the sausage I've may become sausage I think somewhat stays to my food you guys feel hungry yep juxtapose thanks for 1,500 bits you absolutely cow yeah I'll tie her thanks for hundred bits turns out Petey might get revived by Konami and Sony found this out of the wall on on their top tab really I'd be really cool if it did just a cool concept of a game like minimalist horror feeds just a net the net around - oh that was a I was a good-looking breakfast Hey exit creation okay curiosity lay together - he does anything that catches my eye I'm just having a look here what do you guys like the looks of Star Wars Episode four and you hope yes okay this is this is just a video oh we have to start here l plus X to play how was this gonna work you you oh my god [Music] I believe someone's actually dumbness so hard the hair [Music] the cinematography it's a little different what's copyright law on this like I don't know how this works [Music] director's cut [Music] northbound [Music] everything is just fell over how long isn't [Music] darth vader's he right I can't get out of it oh no that that but that's the length of it there that's as far as it gets is that gonna be like do the entire like in dreams up skywalk space so many here Silent Hill game the entirety of Silent Hill there has to be like some legal issues of this I will be coming back and then bringing my new toys with me [Music] God well watching [ __ ] cinematics [Music] baby gave developers to get to be born with dreams I mean some people get into the industry just play think Bob to know happen many a time [Music] I move I think it's gonna give me control no no it's not so Petey's to her [Music] wait this is just straight up the cinematic at the end of p2 isn't [Music] it didn't quite display the texture [Music] three months earlier Silent Hill gotya the creators of Little Big Planet [Music] everywhere social issues what a victim looks like isn't it all right look the news report [Music] no no no we're already short on people he said that another cut hello cheese you can tell him to go back where you came from yup some barbecue sauce on top of your head sir Wow that's what we are we're getting four murders like this per week now and the government's cutting our budget I'm telling you Jeffrey we can't do our job this way well that's why I'm here for you walking across the river yes County can lend the cop or two for a neighboring town in need so what we're looking at what our win hooks on huh shot his family dead last night then hung himself in the garage you sure that's Henry Wotton finally drawn in a whole fees profile pictures dear God it's just getting worse it's like the whole city is losing its fine so what now the husband had an acquaintance that's here and want to talk to us we weren't from like eating so let's go out quite the muffins the atmosphere oh my god we've got an interview how long is this planning cinematic shop Tom Sanders how well did you know him that he seemed different lately any possible motives how well did you know him we go back this is an hour long I coulda show you officer this is not like it's not burned he oh no did he seem different lately he had been down for a while after losing his job but that was nothing new this just came so suddenly any possible motives any it receives financial support I can't think of any could you tell us about it's strange though I feel like this is gonna be a slow learner I got it doesn't it like this level town it's very impressive it's real headless I want all I want to sit here an hour just play this one shouldn't surprise us oh yeah why is that huh look okay we're gonna have fun cool concept though next up we're gonna see if PewDiePie has a level let's see beautify defenses house PewDiePie apocalypse fire and air that's sweet okay the Fenton PewDiePie's house from being robbed all you have is a sniper I thought really smooth mechanics by the way how fast can you clear five waves [Music] and here's where PewDiePie lives Donna's balcony right now uncanny resemblance is them taking potshots at under YouTube wait to just like why am i over here if they're robbing my house over the flat what does this have to do with PewDiePie [Music] jeez the power on this thing they're just gonna consistently keep robbing me you forgot the zoom out I'm just gonna be there forever I don't want to play that one I don't want to play that one just just searching YouTube what comes up it's a real sailor YouTube channel info beanie Fellini YouTube channel basically donkey played my dream Wario dice the chippy game ins right brash they got flappy bird applies to sound the controller if you tie your boots you I give that another go that's coming out of it can you hear that on the mic it comes out of the controller for some reason the classics never left [Music] she's got a new personal best of one beating the previous best of zero this sums up Pepsi man stage one stage two dad simulator what's dad simulator action adventure comedy fantasy first-person shooter simulation sport survival I can sprint I can crouch too there's no milk go get milk as a store there but there's milk over here only 2% reduced-fat it just ends once you reach the store I believe dad's gone thumbs up minecraft this is the one we've been waiting for subscribe to cut dial number that is [Music] it's absolutely definite I can't see anything it's like all out of focus at my blue body [Music] you can't you can't go in the water can I kind not explore this world over here [Music] make your way over [Music] neder portals not working the music's all over laughing yeah this is fine like two different minecraft songs this is the entire world what jacksepticeye he does after a record well we got to play this that's Shawn what have they done to you yep that's what he does some time later record and finished finally I'm done recording hey Sam wake up let's condense be jacksepticeye now we can experience the top of the mornings and perch on this shelf is this Sean's gamer chair it is leave his office Hill the demon quickly all got them can't believe Sean's dead we did it very loud what is it sorry hey yeah that's it I think we've done it okay well did it you did it Sean okay I got a search thing hang on call me Kevin only Kevin doesn't have one either it's just Sean flim Bala good to see you again I love the little noise of his feet running ten out of ten search for yourself I already tried search for myself that doesn't appear to be anything that simpsons hit and run hi simpsons hit and run game is legendary play it got you to main language options Spanish or English [Music] simp simple thanks please [Music] presents [Music] you're actually trying to recreate the intro for this - cabbage hanging for five hundred bits earlier there's Bart's died within the garage there he goes Homer Homer doesn't look too good Oh what kind of a nightmare [Music] I mean though that audio all got home or what have they done to you he looks so much fatter than you should be you can you can just kick marriage - it's like the best bit of the original game you can just punch people randomly Arwen the drinks stuff [Music] you can just drink stuff and kick [Music] tell me somebody ate every dessert in the house I need you to run to the store and pick up some of that ice cream with the miniature food so I get in the car [Music] I know I can Maggie l want to ride dog they're like how do I get in the car is our one okay I'll try that in two seconds you got they got the buzz Cola coins triangle Bart it's not working let's just drink some more Duff [Music] like just give me the car how do I get in it let me try every button it's not work I'm just gonna kick my child instead then our one hour one's not working press a narrow one [Music] you smear it out of Salvia he just keeps drinking tough I won from meditation [Music] you can't get I guess I can just run off into the wilderness tires aren't quite there yet welcome to Springfield possess the care how do I possess the car I don't know how do I get out of Homer there we go [Music] all we can drive now thank God this is the simpsons hit and run i remember you need to get back on the road what is the world pores it looks different guys how do i unpossessed something again how do I do that [Music] here we go [Music] transform into Lisa you can just meditate this is the ideal mode of transportation okay Oh God store the vending machine kill Lisa like Jesus who shot mr. burns pono but Maggie's got a semi-automatic American nutshell I'm stuck I'm stuck let's go back to Lisa Bart go what do I leave her there [Music] come with me a homer can I kill them do you think they feel pain side of the pain of like having seasons renewed after season believe that wasn't that that's that's very cute something soft I had to pee te game was probably like the most impressive one like so far war no I'm not doing that one why does that exist why does that exist let's start different Simpsons game oh it's looking a much better shape all of a sudden oh they've sorted at some of the physics too [Music] see whether this world leads Jesus drive around Springfield it's just the Simpsons house with the doors on the other side [Music] got what I think is the cookie my cookie mac and you just have this ceaseless void [Music] homers dead I gotta get I gotta stop change the search so many Simpsons levels save our oceans save our oceans simpler game a big message living a game play more of a learning experience for me maybe some bug's let me know if you like it I add more lets save the oceans lay off that nasty plastic waste we might be here a while it's uh little enough faster than we can catch a powerful environmental message amber thank you for trip it's Oh Jeff she has a gun history thanks Wonder Pets finally experience what it's like to be a famous Irish future that everybody loves like Jesus was on the jacksepticeye game already pastors keeps on coming maybe that's eret reflecting life that's uh some of Holly self-praise here refer to your work as Irish it's completely futile just enjoy the lovely common hot that's this Joe this is a metaphor for how [ __ ] we have [Music] exa creation alright what we search I'm not so I'm no I'm not search people keep saying necro Pig and the only reason I'm not searching is because I think people someone else plate that level and you just want me to do it to get the funny react and that's why I'm not playing it I'm searching signs instead because we only want quality on this channel pickle rake versus sans abstract comedy fighting memes play here we go what do I do you can just walk outside the level [Music] I'm having a bad time [Music] IIIi don't even need to try be entertaining priceless I'm just gonna upload this section on its own to YouTube I'm gonna get like ten million views this is what the kids love this is how you gotta be hip and trendy this has science and pickle Richard those are two popular memes [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm Zak do it no its peak YouTube content you'll never tough this probably not let's search this is ambitious but I'm gonna search Jim Carrey Jim Carrey no no ambitious twitch dirty Valley Pelican town in craft world let's go the pelican town surcharge um I already searched crunch I 100 bits we already do minecraft one so I'm not gonna search that again let's play stardew valley [Music] welcome to starting volley in 64 now a revolutionary 64-bit processing know probably 16-bit or something yes this is lovely we get the play music nostalgia just nice and chill just in Pelican time we're having a good time is all the NPC's going about their day [Music] no seriously love these dreams helps me out with a field down to get away from the world for a bit I really appreciate everything you do thank you very much eyes that's that's that's why I won't stream tonight honestly I'm gonna be doing my best just to stream a little more the next while I'm just squeezing in where I can just run backwards running like a maniac let me go to my farm I know IIIi I need to I need to line something up here hang on [Music] but what would eat this even be cold is it [Music] you should get I don't know why it reminds me of I'm sorry I was way too loud I thought that was a way to alight to make that joke okay let me just reset back the walk right so I can tighten for like attack of Titan so it's just soulless last thing you see before - Oh apparently it is I hate you tell you [ __ ] you look too much like Princess Daisy is there a punch button I'm sorry well we can be Daisy [Music] all your favorite characters like Camryn her name and I also can't remember the other one's name don't punch penny I can't and still a bit of a work in progress here that's okay though going us thrive life's better with Jojo we're not amazon at all that Kraken executed your bits this is a chill exploration basically can I control in a character I don't think it's gonna let me I only have the one here yeah let's pop out of that I miss the zombie wife yeah what's the newest map the newest thing my Gardens mine creation rain garden Ice Age but what's wrong with the community for this game [Music] I don't want to play that last roll of toilet either the last roll in the store no no all the tags are just no I don't want to play coronavirus levels in dreams try to escape reality right now this shouldn't be a John rrah trying to see what else there is bottom just called my creations crash bandicoot mario conquer bubsy and persona megamix it's a compilation of my finest videogame dream makes over the last month oh God [Music] this is so loud [Music] what is even the goal here I'd be someone else [Music] these guys can't move I doubt that music is just driving me insane I don't even want to see the rest of it that's have we got so fair - sonic Trek train drives over Peter Griffin like when high-quality content have we found you okay what should we search for an F Animal Crossing yes II what we can find gonna type it all then hey work in progress what [Music] hey mom can we get Animal Crossing new horizons when it comes out this month we already have animal crossing at home you hello it appears you vanish that's good my name is cake hey slider I play the guitar write my own songs you know musician stuff that's my job or job what you want take some time think about you thought of something yet yes all right what do you want to be a mayor I was thinking penguin good choice for basically everywhere and the mayor is always the best of the best bored of - everyone helps guests learn about the town okay [Applause] [Music] you're gonna train now you arrived at your destination will become mayor of a small town grow the town even bigger make sure this isn't stay happy don't worry I know you can do it I hope we meet again see you in the twilight zone there's no carriages in this train okay we're going on to our new town a team do you all in our time we could try I thought if you can hear that don't know if you can hear that but the krohler is vibrating mile a minute q sh yeah choose this never the most important part of being mayor looking good parents is everything oh wow you can actually customize it a bit okay the draw guys [Music] go get a different hair - sleep ale just going back sure you done yes welcome to life in our town hi Isabel it's good to see you son tons of work to do of course I can't just start immediately you sure you just became mayor after all I'll bring you the breezy hollows you can learn how we do things around here come on let's go give animals what they want they'll give craft materials and return those craft materials to crow quite the cinematic setup I just kill myself let's find someone oh I think that's lolly hey lolli I the text is overlaid okay you're the new mayor aren't you pleasure to meet you oh it's Molly not lolli I said that didn't I silly me so what are you doing here in breezy hollows I'm hungry for some fresh juicy apples all the trees are barren Molly I know I have I thought this was gonna let me walk around the town quest accepted fetch me seven boar asses basically every pet quest that's what it's all very end of that this apples on a nearby tree Oh yep these these blipped in the resistance we did it west complete time for a picnic in the twilit I am enjoying fresh food Manik this is the best [Music] that was nice thank you for inviting us Molly I do it would have got the apples from there I have this gift the gift contained five apples funny wood 2500 Bell this is a lengthy setup that is let me walk around my town I want we got a permit one skip Pearlie thank you stop talking about fort walls all the games over well I was animal crossing okay do maternal meets animal crossing new horizons let's play miss rachel [Music] is something gonna happen I really let all that would you horizons yeah that's just a static screen but fire thanks for 500 bits baby call treat so far it's still good night max but Lena like you've around rip it's it's cute just like you I stopped [Music] okay well that's a back out of that one what else have we got animal cross and Tom Nook tries to get Isabelle's money Tom Nook is coming for your money too what is this I took background PNG I don't like Tom Nook with that much hair money it said money afk okay [Music] what's he doing I I'll have any words what just happened thumbs up I was really weird he's and try curly Bob edition critter cross it well so we got come over here the game I don't just have to complete the treacherous crossing without ragequitting and post the time the leaderboard don't be a quitter came a Aniki productions ahead it's wrong with the music I'd the world stop moving [Music] I'm just trying to stay on top I was doing surprisingly well oh who do I do I'm stuck in them level this is it good level okay I got I got to see what this most plate one is most thumbs up art stream presenting the epic adventure art stream created entirely in dreams by Media Molecule oh no this is this is made by them that doesn't think that's not interesting then Prometheus then because this is actually user creative swath weapon reload crouch-jump let's go they made halo on a PlayStation console never thought I'd see the day why are all the trees just hands the most thumbs up because it's been around since basic really okay it's just been here the longest Jesus Christ guess he's had a lot of time to work on it when the debate a star for this game I will only can't the game only came out properly a while back wasn't come on Oh God family oh I died him back at the start in 3,000 years December 2018 okay the hands are ruining my immersion scheme isn't as good as halo what was the like level designer thinking when he made this for no salary as I was like in his spare time or fun these team designers I just getting worse you know nearly as good as fortnight they're running at me from all angles no I'm terrible playing FPS games on console as an FYI I've been spoiled by having a Madison keyboard my entire life come now yes we can see if I'm doing my best the ends there just got to get past this guy come on [Music] I did it I'm good at this one beat a game Jesus hey dream reverse - challenge an obstacle course set against a clock let's go the fastest possible time [Music] oh so this is a straight-up is like a running woman I mean that's pretty neat speedy platformer game don't kill me and then this one feels like a game dare I say it I don't know there's a faster way of doing it I'm hobo I mean it's not too bad that we did it for ourselves in the devoid oh ok Pokemon yeah search Pokemon you have okay pokemon retro oklahoma rhythm game yeah try it we'll try these ones play use storage time I decided to choose your Pokemon point of view for the battle tell me what you think of this level in XP system is in development instead of like a switch you just have a PlayStation 4 in your house okay it's a thorough Club is supposed to be there but I don't see it where is mom I don't know doesn't seem to be home Oh wild Caterpie appeared what will you do tack tackle that spam tackle caterpie's dead we did it make our way to the next roof didn't even do anything it wasn't attacking you and we still beat them oh you can't go this way Kurt came thumbs up a rhythm game try this rest of buns display on screen a perfect time in the capture the Pokemon Oh [Music] I really suck at this you [Music] got one I got one at the end it did it okay Pokemon theme it's just like a remixed version can't see so much balloon [Music] can't look at it get out of that pokémon battle revolution who ambough system any attack any effect with six fixed Pokemon let's go fireball what am I looking at [Music] he's in the KRAS m'a Oh what beginners walk done and they're supposed to be something here about it's not working as intensive it's a work in progress let's see well I do search terms have we go what do you want me to search next Kevin I already tried Kevin going to such roblox roblox fight no roblox single player action adventure roblox this is the entire world wait there is something else we got Power Core plant against chicken dude oh good god I press that button I don't know hey I gotta catch up with it's just the pile of blocks just cubes into the distance okay I hate it ah there [Music] other ones have we got most thumbed up or ever-popular and the ruckus one was actually really good please hug me was bop to Irish therapy press X to feel better let's play okay but alright as stream is brought to you by honey I get coupon codes who went on just a nor drapey and thank you for constraints that we will not be displaying your art in our Museum we also respectfully request yet again that you stop enquiring your art is simply not a good fit for us and we are not comfortable with the hostile tone your communications have taken voice that was of a qualified ophthalmologist and a weld reputed anger management counselor we suggest you use them sincerely museum director this is good setup oh is that why Luigi yeah he's just a failed artist price x2 feel better that's some serious sighs watch as much as much stuff as you can in three minutes use square to equip an equipment unequip your battle smashing my r1 r2 to smash watch out for guards and tourists I'll MC your bat and definitely don't let them see you smashing things three minutes to destroy things wasn't me oh my god it wasn't me [Music] they even got like halls in the Mountain King flight store the very foundation built in zimy I'll get that one there hide the bat it wasn't me [Music] ah best destroys 30 tree so far I'm doing pretty good [Music] jeez wasn't me [Music] hit them with the bye-bye cash don't lie it wasn't me they don't suspect a thing [Music] that was already destroyed [Music] broy them I was busted okay though he calls 78 million dollars worth of damage that was a really good one let's see if we can do better this is actually very well made this game kind of understand the limitations of like the engine you've got destroyed art always brings warms to my early top-notch presentation yeah I could see this being like its own game it doesn't necessarily need to be done in dreams [Music] wasn't me you get two furs on these on gotta get a minute it's one you just want to get them off the statue it's very difficult oh I'd the bat real quick [Music] oh no I went to firing still cost fifty seven seven million dollars ready to happen yet that one that one's really good he just makes do it like the resources you've got a whole team apparently action arm hair is boys arm hair category it strikes comment Comic Sans to Comic Sans surreal honestly two different dimensions in which you'll literally evolve of Duty the treaty they joined the 2018 train jams we traveled across America Chicago to San Francisco oh that's a media molecule okay but we're trying to avoid the ones that are like official to the game because I think the user credit ones are like incredibly impressive are these the ones I have not necessarily made by like you know game designers the spherical one was really good slay Riley 2020 was brothers production you can even add like intros to it your water wat like your logo in for us at I'm really drunk situate the German Edition start you give throttle by pressing R to try to give small inputs while driving small and both when steering gives small inputs down hold the stick too long the windshield wipers clean the window automatically but you can always do them by hand by pressing square as square as much as you can the L tool is for breaking we don't need that triangle is for a fast restart press X to restart of the checkpoint okay a tip go slow in your first try learn the track and get a feeling for the controls also learn to slide the car through the corners to be faster there is a little learning curve be fine now go and beat my time that's a little above that are to constantly that's my game good luck driver his faster just crash and like accelerate again then it is try take the corner safely breathe do what go go [Music] [Applause] three two one go go [Music] yeah do it a little bit slower going slow ride the nuts bit off track Joe [Music] left crying huh there we go this is the guy sitting next to me like trying to make pointers I'll take notes three two one oh you got to start back from the start every tell hey [Applause] I don't want to get back on track so have I don't wanna wait no I gotta use collectors I like it Donkey Kong Odyssey I know okay most thumbs up this week the quest for cheese it's an hour cheesy adventure following the journey of Wallace on his great quest like so many Wallace and Gromit levels oh no excuse me lads this is the best that the community has come up with the most up voted thing there we go after a while ago was yours though lol [Music] follow me [Music] my live in the sewer get used to it that's crime are you down here Mickey with the music rip from the we G's magic okay [Music] why is it so loud lever at the end of the pipe [Music] flick the switch [Music] it's the door go back [Music] what we see is being promoted on the front page of the game and this is the finest people have the author beat the time apparently into the pipe these people here machinations of my mind or anything why they're gonna kill me buddy it's me spongebob I hear that big ocean sent you here even traveled fortune to the town let's go platformer now um pair with Mario Odyssey I did say recently I want to play a Mario game on the channel what I expect this however thank you for hundred business the quality cuts may subscribe now welcome the dream this also known as the ship post King Mike Wallace yes these are really kickin it on this on [Music] nice his Wallace is cool about the clam specifically and in this game of all things the community focuses on normally it's just animation well awesome grabbin [Music] you feel the resource accrediting that they'll create this theme so for a small town and here you look to be a dog right I saw a dog around here earlier on the way I must have mistaken a dog for your mother oof okay Hollis that was uncalled for buddy why oh we got it was it difficult for there is total sim hi i'm brian Griffin family got my owner Peter kicked me out for being too much of a simp and yes I admit it I live here and out in this small area but there seems to be a giant lava pit in the middle of the town asking how it got there speaking of asking things that I'll have your mother's phone number Wallace what's wrong with Brian is look right [Music] his Bob's Burgers like have we gotta me what the [ __ ] is this stream become [Music] there's a Bob's Burgers I say as if that's like a completely normal thing this is so cursed hole appeared we've had no customers at all I won't be able to feed my family anymore fine Bob get a hold of yourself [Music] I go this way a surprise Carl Weiser the fat kid from Jimmy Neutron isn't in this game seems like it is very open area is the Ice Age baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're still go i walking away can't do anymore no stop that Wallace is me officer Joe I heard you look Rama day well reports about a kidnapper on the loose top investigators in the back go talk to Willie light of some new updates and location of the kidnapper thanks Joe Swanson no still here from the other room Hollis looks dead inside I don't like something hell no I don't know what I want that to be the Sun tail it's awful is it just quagmire with a Shack [Music] attracting lots of locations mysterious kidnapper I have my way Worcester to my shed and we transport the last-known location one more thing I'm gonna show you before you leave [Music] someone had to take time because model lines the game [Music] okay is the shape osseous thing I've ever done on the Chatham I didn't count on her being like this [Music] you [Music] how long is this level we're too far in to quit go get a drink [Music] I I gotta go [Music] what is this even from [Music] always the wall of flesh is it from sera [Music] Ron Wallace dude it was the flat for her featuring Wallace from the Devil May Cry see [Music] doing pretty good Oh fire do I have to keep running it seems endless Oh No thank you okay there's something up [Music] scary as far as that some will put way too much time and you make them it's like this must have taken hours [Music] Wallace I've returned to the circus world as I forgive you for your sins mines locate the kidnapping because I have a mission so here we are it just keeps going [Music] enter a few there let's go why [Music] I'm so crucified also good luck you'll need it [Music] predictable plot [Music] need more red herrings all right got away still got how long is this level [Music] actually understand why this is the most popular thing in the past week now this apparently this look like years of developers the density is so high you kind of go along with having counter enemy you're a real mm fine if you can recognize this music [Music] the most advanced platformer levels and the entirety of Dreams happens to be when you play as Wallace and you meet up with Peter Griffin every split in place I heard trust me I've been there okay thanks Kenny protists at the clock tower level for Mario 64 - yes yeah basically [Music] Oh God like this like this are actually quite challenging [Music] maybe one of the better levels we played somehow [Music] go in there there he is I don't think Wallace says that aim to pull two levers to reach dr. doof let's do it platform and see I'm dead [Music] the music that's playing currently is from undertale [Music] let's make our way around [Music] I don't I don't want to fall at this point to because I have to go all the way back if I do don't fault I don't want [Music] finishing this level very upset right now come on Wallace raise your knees [Music] Oh last jump [Music] do I have to go all the way back [Music] okay [Music] let's do it you gotta beat dr. doof [Music] I hope that if I like died after getting back it's gonna have a checkpoint because I hope I don't have to do all that again because I would be very upset [Music] get back make it back [Music] well I just [Music] we're loved it's just gears it's just gears the entire way [Music] take it slow [Music] no blades on this one this might be the easier path don't don't say that you'll jinx it [Music] hey the checkpoint was there a checkpoint there huh I didn't even see it I don't want to die all the time ah [Music] one more run come on Wallace you dumb [ __ ] [Music] that's what's the most challenging huh so hi it's okay go around go around go around [Music] I'm gonna need the height boost here [Music] wash it go go go around again that was this the most stressful platform where I played in recent years this [Music] my hands are like so sweaty too [Music] oh we did it [Music] it was the gauntlet yes we did grommet all that that was not much worried I wasn't worried at all thumbs up I've aged 10 years it was about the church I think I think I've gotta wrap it up there I think that's all I'm coming me for tonight surprisingly the quest for cheese too was one of the best games we played to the seafood in terms of content in terms of narrative they got a cheeky pop culture reference or two in there Ice Bear amber artists like you 400 bits each I have stress for you mate I'm glad you survived meme hell will you play the first throat love dub dub Oh thinking of stretch I need a break hey I need the rest after that guys I'm gonna hop off for the night on my end for streaming thank you so much everybody for coming by though I am gonna be doing a thing with some of the projects same people in like I think an hour from now you can turn into their streams if you wanna watch along for I'm not gonna stream it myself I think I think I'm just gonna chill a bit and kind of just enjoy be a bit more casual but I'll be in about an hour I'll see if tae pho is streaming because she's gonna be my partner for it she's not at the moment that's okay okay uh I'll find someone else to rage her and I will be Ram for that a little later let me just see who's streaming thank you to everyone at 7:00 everyone gave bits to Alina thanks 400 bits are at the end have a great even and stay safe time tried to make the Minecraft Hunger Games tonight it sounds good the I'll be Island captain Typho is China I believe she's streaming I'm just gonna take it a bit easier myself it's live yeah a ladee's streaming The Sims I'm gonna leave you in her care for the moment session up in Sim City Beach is the title of her stream that sounds like quality gose I had allottee she's a good bean get thanks for coming though folks I'll see some of you in an hour for the old Hunger Games for everyone else though I will see you all tomorrow have a good night guys take care
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 33,563
Rating: 4.9450173 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-566626875, rtgamecrowd, A game where people make bootleg games, Dreams, Twitch, Gaming, game, where, people, make, bootleg, games, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: 6fdKyzjFhCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 59sec (11099 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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