r/Talesfromtechsupport FIX MY COMPUTER, NERD! OR I'LL KILL YOU!

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welcome to our slash tales from tech support where have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again so among the literally thousands of calls I've had in my four years in tech support for an ISP this guy really took the cake it was the apotheosis of all those calls it was the most infuriating yet in hindsight hilarious call I've ever had in my life he came in on a fairly quiet Saturday morning and the conversation started quite normally good morning this is Opie from the ISP how may I help you yes hello this is blank I just woke up to my wife and kids complaining there's no internet and the television isn't working either oh that's quite inconvenient I'm going to have to check where the issue might be and try and fix it thank you he gave me his postal code in house number I confirmed his details and ran a scan on his address there was absolutely no signal so I needed to do a basic troubleshoot with him first do you know where your modem is sir yes it's next to my front door good could you please tell me which lights are on and blinking on it there are a couple of lights on not as many as usual though is the online light on no okay your modem isn't receiving any signal then I'm going to have to test if the problem is in the modem or the signal towards your house for that I need you to turn off your modem for about 30 seconds could you please do that um no I'm sorry that sort of thing is your job I'm not touching that modem you only need to pull out the power cable wait 30 seconds and plug it back in like I said that's your job send someone over to fix it I wasn't sure if he was joking or not I was just baffled at the hard turn this conversation had just taken sir there's a basic troubleshoot we need to run with all our customers it solves like 90% of all I don't care I'm not getting paid for this so I'm not doing your job now since someone over I can't very well send our technicians over just to restart your modem sir you can and you will and you'll compensate me for the time I haven't received any of your services I don't care much for your tone sir either you cooperate with our standard troubleshoot or I can't help you you've got a pretty big mouth there Missy what's your name Alice you complaint against you my name is first name sir first name what just first name sir scared to give me your last name hmm no just not obligated to give it to you you've been very rude to me so I won't give it to you you think you're so high and mighty because you're on the phone I know where your HQ is I'm driving over there right now and you'd better make sure you had your eyes open when you come out first name I snickered at the thought he lived about 280 kilometers or 175 miles from our headquarters plus he only had my first name and he had of course no idea what I look like if you would rather take three hours to get here and then another three to get back home rather than taking 30 seconds to restart your modem you're welcome to do so I'm not terminating the call and issuing a threat warning have a lovely day I hung up before he could respond and reported a threat of violence to my manager he made note of it and put it through to our second line to pick this further up I wish I could say the story into there but unfortunately it continued as soon as I resumed taking calls not five minutes after I got back to work I got him on the phone again good morning this is first name from ha there you are you think you can just hang up on me I'm taking this to courts I'm cancelling our services as of right now I've issued your violent threat which we've recorded by the way on our second line sir I'll add that you wish to terminate your contract they'll call you back within two hours goodbye I hung up again and he thankfully didn't try to reach me again after that I did learn afterwards that he had in fact taken this case to court and lost his services were canceled five months before the end date of the contract and he had to pay up the remaining five months I hope it was worth it to him I didn't press charges for the threats I never took it seriously I mean I literally laughed it off thinking back to it still makes me snicker I'm imagining him driving for three hours arriving at her headquarters asking all the women who left the building their names and the hope he could do God knows what to one of them then driving back home for three hours not to mention having to stop for gas which cost a lot here and still have his wife and children complaining they have no internet or television idiot sweetie have you fixed the Internet I've done so much better than fix the Internet I broke the law lost the internet for five months and wasted thousands of dollars on pointless legal actions our next reddit post is from SEC as hello IT hi I'm still off sick but I'm not oh did you mean to call HR or is there an IT issue it's an IT issue I'm back at work now but I'm still sick I don't understand the issue I've tried to log into the HR system but it has been listed as off sick ah I see you need to add an end date to your sickness but I'm back now that's okay you need to fill in the day filled with when you came back I'm back now okay did you start back at work today yes I'm back now do you have the HR system open in front of you yes can you see the field for date return to work yes click the little calendar icon and select the date you returned but I am back now I think to myself are you are you really I'm pretty sure you've left your brain cell at home though so select today's date from the calendar that pops up why so that the HR system knows that you're back at work and not still off sick but I'm back now you need to tell the HR system when you came back so it unlocks your profile can't it tell how would it tell well I'm in the building and logged into my computer is that not enough the systems aren't linked in that way people come into work all the time went off on holiday seek to drop things off or collect things if the system logged that as a day in work then holiday and sick pay would be all messed up we also have a number of remote users who are never in the office so how do I sort this out are you kidding me fill in the date field can i remote onto your system and help you sort it would you mind it it might be easier to Epping right it'll be easier okay I'm on and I'll just add today's date in here and we're all set so I'm back now yes you're no longer being shown is off sick can you reset my password while I've got you on please please PLEASE IT gods don't do this to me what's wrong with your password nothing but I got the about to expire message when I logged in and I want you to reset it for me you can change your password yourself by clicking the change password link when you see that screen or wait for it to expire and you'll be forced to do it when you next log in I don't want to change my password you have to change your password every sixty days can't you just give me another 60 days the policy of changing it is for security my password is very secure okay what's your current password and the user shares and actually quite secure password okay now that you've told me your password it's no longer secure and I must insist you change it immediately you work in IT you knew my password anyway no all passwords are secure I can reset passwords but I cannot look at them as I'm still connected to you I'll help you change it now I proceed to open the password change menu for the user the user fills in the field and gets an error saying the new password is a previously used password and thus can't be allowed it won't let me change it you didn't change it you just typed it in again I don't want to change my password you have to it's company policy those words are hard to remember just pick a couple of random words and then a number and a symbol what do you mean like smug phone pencil one exclamation mark just pick a few things you can see from your desk and tada easy to remember okay that's done then ok enter the details on screen then new password accepted that's all sorted for you then great I'll disconnect the remote connection I just thought I've been back since last Thursday so will that all be right you watched me fill in your return date as today because you said it was today I'm back today I'm back today but I came back last week go in the HR system and change the return date to last Thursday how do I do that I'll Roma back in and sorted out I'm starting to realize why this guy was so resistant to changing his password to be frank this guy just doesn't have enough brain cells to memorise more than one password our next reddit post is from Marino Jessie I work in a store that offers technical support for consumer level technology a few days ago I had an elderly gentleman that will call Pete name change for privacy our receptionist made him a walk-in appointment earlier that day and I ended up taking it when I opened it all up the only notes I saw were third-party software hard of hearing I walked up to Pete and greeted him and saw that he was staring at my lips as to read them then I asked if he knew American Sign Language I've been trying to learn ASL as a sort of side hobby for a few months now Pete signs yes and we continue the conversation in sign turns out the issue was with Skype which keeps crashing on his roughly five-year-old tablet and he's been having difficulty video calling his wife who's deaf she lives in a different continent she traveled there for a temporary work opportunity and would be there for two years this being the midway point it's now been one year since Pete seen his wife Skype is the only way they both know how to communicate efficiently long distance as neither are comfortable with email or other text based services as I go through verifying that he knows his password I'm making sure there's a backup of his device Pete and I are signing back and forth and his face was completely lit up I felt so good to be able to albeit slowly speak with him in his language and give him the time he does even if his reason for visiting us had little to do with our physical product once everything was verified and backed up I uninstalled Skype and reinstalled it had Pete sign in and use Skype test call to ensure it wouldn't crash as it would immediately upon call creation before the test call went through fine suite I looked down to write a few extra nodes and began to hear some coughs I looked up and there was Pete crying while waving to his wife through Skype Peter called her and she picked up he introduced me to her and told me that it had been three weeks since they'd heard from each other I stepped away to give him a moment alone it's moments like these that keep me going as a technician even though I barely touch Beats tablet fixing it made me feel like a hero it's been a few days and I can still see a smile and down in the comments we have this contribution from la paga bons introducing old isolated people often widows to the wonders of video calling in the Internet at large was always a nice moment wait you mean there's all the books in the world and this tiny thing yes ma'am that's exactly what I meant can you put some recipe books in there for me yes ma'am what kinds Q a pie or other pastry coming in for me later that week our next reddit post is from max danger so I worked in a computer repair store this lady about 35 comes in with this bright pink laptop around lunch hello welcome to the computer shop how can I help the lady slams her pink laptop on the counter yeah my laptop is extremely slow can you press a few buttons and fix it for me please sure let me take a look so I put up her laptop and see the windows loading screen it's there for much longer than normal and I could hear the harddrive struggling yeah it looks like you're gonna need a new hard drive look just fix it for me I need the laptop working for tomorrow well we have a brand new one terabyte hard drive 455 pounds sold at cost and a 40 pound service charge it'll take no that's too expensive just fix it without replacing anything I can't unfortunately your hard drive could die at any moment she storms off around 4:00 she comes back yeah you were actually cheaper than every Nell's can you do that before it closed I won't be able to do it today but it can be ready around 11:00 tomorrow I said that will have to do she says I boot the laptop back up and found no C Drive the hard drive died I tried a recovery managed to get some data but not all she wasn't happy hmm maybe the reason why her hard drive is busted is because she keeps slamming our laptop on counters our next reddit post is from mystery weeb some context I work for a small business on an IT team of three I handled more of the infrastructure and project work but since we sit in open cubicles occasionally a user will approach me directly since they tend to just see all of us equally when it comes to needing help in this case a user from our merchandising and marketing group approached me with a request hey Opie do you have a sec I have a disk with some files burnt to it and I'd like to copy them over to a USB Drive do you have a disk drive I can use my laptop doesn't have one sure thing I grab a USB CD drive from my drawer we head over to the marketing guys office I walk marketing guy through connecting the disk drive to his laptop and insert the disk we pull up the drive volume and he points out the files he needs to copy appear to be there okay so let's go ahead and plug the flash drive in so we can copy those files over the marketing guy plugs in the flash drive pulls up the volume and I see there's already some file saved on it he promptly Yanks the flash drive out of the laptop and throws it in the trash Oh was there something wrong with that Drive yeah let me just grab another Drive real quick marketing guy pulls out another flash drive plugs it in pulls up the volume and again sees that there's already files saved on the flash drive he once again pulls it out of the computer and throws it in the trash what was wrong with that Drive oh there were already files saved on that one I don't have any blink flash drives do you have a spare one you know you can delete files off a flash drive and save new files to it right marketing guy looks astonished to learn this piece of information let me show you real quick I pulled the drive out of the trash plug it in and show him that he can just select all the files and click delete I proceeded to copy the intended files from the CD to the flash drive you're the man no worries and I quickly walk away trying to not express any emotion at this point I absolutely lost it and had to tell my other two team members who also died of laughing this marketing guy is actually a great user but occasionally does some goofy things so this is all shared with good intentions thought this was a pretty good one for a Tuesday that was our slash tales from tech support and if you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Id: k-BLjJSdtbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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