This Subreddit Needs to be STOPPED! #75[REDDIT REVIEW] /r/MEIRL

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[Applause] [Music] i've had enough for too long this subreddit has been beaten by me irl proclaims to be the only good son pewdiepie's separation only good subreddit what the [ __ ] is this i will review you and then i'll take your soul oh my god it's me isn't it no i'm sorry i'm sorry god damn it me building up the courage to unsubscribe from a youtuber who i watch grow and progressively become more and more annoying oh my god this is the most passive aggressive thing i've ever seen i don't even know that was the highest voted what the [ __ ] dude control f pewdiepie let's go oh hell yeah oh hell yeah that's right i'm not annoying [Music] we still got it bros is that chad meme pewdiepie is annoying i know i know students at you didn't reflect college of pharmacy have developed the chemical compound that kills brain cancer cells they have also refined it to ignore brain healthy brain tissue and focus on the cancer cells make this go viral before it suddenly doesn't exist 11 months ago i never heard about it again i think it worked damn they get a lot up votes what the [ __ ] is this subreddit people who treat their birthday as a normal day think they're more mature than everyone we're just miserable no i'm not laughing at this subreddit it's funny because it's true starting a fight consoling a child petting a dog hey buddy but what are the orange green and purple ones yeah right what are those consoling a child and petting a dog purple shushing noises petting a dog nah doesn't work come on orange do you want to go outside starting a fight again that's funny green you want to call your mommy starting a fight because all right yeah that was pretty chuckle-worthy and laughed i didn't chuckle i didn't laugh at all how most people see america stupid idiots cowboy stupid idiot florida's trash idiots stupid idiots stupid idiots respect okay no it goes like this especially dumb [ __ ] cowboy people i don't know what they want nuke this area i'm just kidding i'm just joking all right uh doctors will be like go and buy this and the pharmacist will give it to you this signature looks legitimate we were trying too hard to force signatures as kids who would have thought you just needed a line yeah i i remember i was so confused in first grade in school i was five years old and i learned that we needed our parents signature on the paper and i was like wait but they just write it and they're like yeah that's how we identify that it's real i'm like but anyone can write it and i still can't make sense of it you think with a digital age there'd be an encrypt version to at least sign something or i don't know something more legitimate but no we're we're doing signatures that's uh the best we can do oh actually we do have uh in sweden it's called like bank id or something maybe you guys have it as well it's like an electronic signature never mind sweden invented it you're welcome tigers have false eyes on the back of their ears to discourage predators from attacking them from behind i'm slightly less terrified of tigers now and a thousand more terrified or whatever the [ __ ] a tiger considers a predator yeah right what would attack a tiger deer when a branch cranks dear when two turns of steel kilometers per hour and can i just say a special shout out to this mia you know what i like to subreddit because they don't use freaking american metrics or british miles per hours kilometers kilometers per hour kilometers [ __ ] this gets an up vote for me and i never uploaded anything on another subreddit me rl maybe you we're not so different you and i health experts please wear protective suits in space americans can't stop me from wearing my goddamn rats smile i can't breathe in the suit man i can't breathe with this wearing this the carbon dioxide gets recycled man i ain't doing it it's my right it's my goddamn rap me when i suddenly forgot a word in my native language but i know it in english oh my god why can't i relate to this subreddit so much it's so annoying oh my god i'm pleasantly surprised heartbreaking man too good at fighting game to enjoy playing against friends but not good enough to play competitively [Music] what the hell this is so relatable too it's like you suck all the fun out if you're playing with friends and you don't want to be that person but you're nowhere near good enough when you play online against really good people doing this without any reason oh my god it's important i remember when i was harbor captain we always have the thing from boats what are they called in english i don't know you all you have to spin them around in a snake circle otherwise you're not a goddamn sailor god damn it the vikings did it before us and the cave vikings did it before them he didn't just group up he flipping glow up that's beautiful well done [Laughter] scientists then we cloned the sheep yes we will discover life in space soon yes we we will find hiv cure we have a robot on mars scientists now no the earth is not flat seriously your kid will not die [ __ ] sake wherever yes the mood is real what yeah what the [ __ ] happened with all these skeptics and dumbasses the internet gave them a platform that's what happened before they were just that weirdo in the garage wait what if i walk into a girl's house and she got like 50 plants i know she's a keeper because she already takes care of a bunch of useless what's one more that's a good point but planes are annoying so this is a downward for me i'm sorry when a plane's ever done anything for me huh i suspect take care of you what do you do for me huh nothing you worthless the worst pain is having a nice ass oh meal in front of you but what's with all the butt puns you can't find a good youtube video to watch while you eat oh my god yes and then the food gets colder and colder and colder and the pain seeps in in every moment you don't know pain until you let the heat fade i am once again asking you to wear a mask very good meme bernard thank you yeah like by taking precautions speaking of which you can get the mask right now on besides pewdiepie but don't forget like you're not just preventing the meme mean virus you're preventing all viruses there are more than one remember like it's a precaution that i think in general we should be using anyway so i don't see the whole art see edgar can even wear one damn you look cool as hell dude man chokes his dog oh he's so cute look at he can't see oh you can't see he's so cute let's clean the house today no okay a day of relaxing it is no relaxing only guilt what you gotta do is you gotta turn off your phone and do not check it before you take a break because if you know that there's something in the back of your mind that you need to do you cannot take a break so the key is don't check your phone as often that's how you relax like a goddamn pro what you don't know can't hurt you and what you don't know probably can wait a little bit it'll be fine wait i am your world bro oh which hair's been oh we got some cringe here it's 24 days old but yeah that's a download for me sir that's funny uh me losing my mom at the grocery store at 22 years of age images you can actually hear a european waking up early a new problem in the u.s accurate scientifically proven stay retired paul you're a better commentator than fighter does it make you feel good saying that now would you say that to my face man of maine nope you'd kick my ass that's why i said it on twitter fair enough he's got a point know you've been already for too long when this looks normal this looks weird i've never seen that what the [ __ ] is that that makes no sense isn't that funny in gear does it make you laugh you know look at it look at the name look at the meme okay you're making me angry line up in alphabetical order aaron aaron there's no aaron is there air i'm confused i just bought a 400 000 house ohio california yeah [Laughter] this man or woman who made this clearly not swedish don't you know you just have to say the original prophecy anthem you just have to play the tambourine and it will assemble itself hey remember that meme from the beginning i'm sorry don't unsubscribe please don't let go when microsoft word puts in a red squiggly line under your last name the day i lost my identity yeah it used to be a thing with pewdiepie but now he doesn't do it anymore that's right look at that just no no there we go there we go that's better apparently what the [ __ ] a 45 minute nap should set me straight four hours later oh long have i been asleep three thousand years i'm an adult i need to confront my responsibilities also me [Music] did it oh that sucks rosie well you tried that's better than not it feels like me when i'm dreading to do a task and then it takes like half a half a minute to complete it like whoa like if i if i know i have to do my emails and then because i know there's a lot of them but then i actually go through them like wait that took that took five minutes seriously i've been postponing that why didn't i just do it i'm surprised that americans still don't have their own univ of time so they don't don't tell them this is what i said in the last video and i stand by it americans shut the [ __ ] up about your metrics all right get a unit of time already it's getting cringy introverts preparing to say here during attendance oh man why there's so many good memes i've never seen god damn it i had this weird character trait where i hate myself but still think i'm better than everyone else because you're your own worst critic it's because you realize that you're not actually better than you're anyone else you just like to think that you are and that's what makes you hate yourself bro bro just relax we're all gonna die it's okay you don't have to try so hard just found out the average dream lasts two to three seconds bruh i'll be going on a whole as missions i've been doing it what the [ __ ] no that actually makes sense to me whenever i have lucy dreams it's so hard to stay on track for longer at least that makes sense to me at least you know when you can control your own dreams because you're self-aware of it i'm always like alright so i know you're self-aware of it but make sure you focus on what you want and look at so that you can get the goal focus on the yo-yo championship winning tournament focus on it focus on it but it never lasts more than two to three seconds it's really annoying waiters sir the food is is free for children under 10. dad oh that's great because he recently turned nine but dad i'm twin why do kids do that what a little [ __ ] hearing my voice in my head versus hearing my voice on recordings all right i got a last chuckle out that's me irl everyone do not i repeat do not subscribe to this subreddit because they're at 4.2 and you you don't want to mess with that thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed subscribe check out mask be protected show everyone your pee pee here and that's all for me for now hey dog [Music] children of nine parts it's time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and poop troops awaits poopty is coming to nintendo switch remember it has a very big pp pre-order promotion i mean
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,154,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: L55LjpWJuCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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