r/Prorevenge Fired Employee TRICKS Boss into Paying $35,000! Funny Reddit Posts

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where an employee screws his lying boss out of $35,000 throw away for soon-to-be very obvious reasons I have generalized every aspect of this story to keep it anonymous I hope you enjoy reading about my experience I am NOT willing to offer any more information or evidence for this so just take it for what it is also the point of this story isn't to brag over money but to share my revenge plan and execution anyways I work in software development using very in demand and complex frameworks and tools the average salary doing what I do in my area is around a hundred and ten thousand dollars a year for a relatively simple low-level job by this I mean a position where the employee does not have major responsibilities works as part of a much larger team etc I worked on site and then remotely as a contractor for three years for a company hereafter named the company while I was at university as a contractor I was the only developer in the entire company of a few hundred people and was solely responsible for all systems development testing etc this includes databases web servers and much more this seems like a lot it was but I had full control of my environment and autonomy I worked on the software projects that I wanted to and felt would have the most impact during that period of remote work upper management was changed after I completed my schooling I received an offer from the company for $70,000 I knew this was below what I should be making but I also realized the following I had full autonomy in my environment I had some gaps in my skill set by staying in this environment I could fill in those gaps and very easily prepare to transition to another higher paying job so new management and I reached an agreement I would accept a salary of 72 thousand dollars and then after six months time we would meet to go over my salary and it would be increased by at least 15% this was included in my offer letter which both new management and I signed fast forward to six months later I have now filled every gap in my skill set and expanded on it to increase my skill set even more this six-month marker rolls by and nothing happens I send new management repeated meeting requests and they are ignored three weeks into the sixth month I go to HR and raise the issue HR turns ghost white and makes the meeting happen that afternoon new management comes into my office and offers me a one percent raise yes that is correct one percent I kept my cool though and reminded them that I was guaranteed at least fifteen percent due to our agreement new management completely denied making this agreement and repeated their previous offer I brought out my offer letter with both of our signatures on it and they started backpedaling they said they would talk and get back to me I made it very clear that if I did not receive the agreed upon amount we would have a problem fast forward to two weeks later new management invites me into their offices I am then offered a 6% raise they try to make excuses about budget restrictions fairness to other employees whatever they could think of I knew then I had these options one quits to demand the 15% possibly get it but severely damaged my relationship with new management 3 accept the 6% raise and maintain a strong positive relationship with new management allowing me to blindside them later the wheels in my mind spinning I agreed to the 6% raise at that moment I decided what I would do I would take the raise use the remainder of my time there to look for another job and leave a few months passes though and my plan expanded I began implementing the most cutting edge technology using the most modern frameworks upgrading everything I could as aggressively as I could of course this provided immense benefit to the company that was the plan i internal in every system in every way possible increase the skill floor from my position as high as I could get it and left four months after I accepted the raise of 6% I accepted an offer for a salary of a hundred and thirty thousand dollars at another company I put my two weeks notice in at the company and all heck broke loose new management knew they had messed up and they were completely blindsided that I was unhappy with my position since I had graciously accepted the 6% they thought they were off the hook with me I took all knowledge of almost every one of their systems new management freaked out so I did what any capitalist would do I offered to come back as a remote contractor for 200 bucks an hour they had no choice but to accept so after the last few months I have been charging them 200 bucks an hour to do the exact same thing that I was previously doing for significantly less now instead of being out a few thousand dollars a year due to my raise they've been outed over thirty-five thousand dollars in a few months with no end in sight I even hired one of my good friends to help fill the hours the money is nice but the look on new management spaces when this played out was priceless it was the sweetest revenge of my life so in case you're curious I did the math originally Opie was making about $36 per hour if he had gotten his 15% raised that would have brought him up to about $41 per hour but with this Pro revenge he brought it up to $200 per hour which is roughly 5 times the amount they would have been paying him my first husband was not a very nice man for six years I was belittled and basically a baby factory for him he was a fantastic father but a horrible husband after he finally got his heirs I was then treated even worse until I finally woke up and decided to leave his buts this revenge toy is not about him I just had to set the scene I moved out from my house taking just my clothes the car for k-value no more and the computer I had nothing stated a girlfriends for a couple of weeks before I was able to line up a sucky townhouse with roommates I had no furniture and my bed was a cat pee smelling free couch I was able to score I wound up having three to four jobs with one than being full-time and once a week I would not even be able to sleep a night between jobs meaning having to stay up for almost 48 hours now fast forward one year my divorce was finalized and I had fulfilled my years least for the townhouse by this time from all my hard work I had furnished the home my bedroom and my kids room when they would be with me for is it a ssin the scumbag landlord was a nicest landlord during the time of my tenancy and I was a good tenant never being late with my rents although I had roommates I was the sole name on the lease landlord would show up often with some guys that he had to work on something like plumbing test or whatever excuse he could come up with just so we could be all creepy and hang around trying to converse with me with mild sexual undertones that made me quite uneasy at times finally the lease was fulfilled and I was now onto a month-to-month contract to which at that time I was ready to move out of this sucky townhouse and found a great house in the mountains nearby and I was simply thrilled now that I had got my feet on the ground and can afford a bit better than slum living my lease stated that I had to give one month's notice in order to move out unfortunately I was able to get the house I was to move in to for the next month only three weeks away I sent an email to my landlord stating that I intend on moving out at the end of this month in three weeks and she can try to find another tenant but I did state that if he didn't find a tenant I would still fulfill my legal obligation and pay next month's rent within one week two weeks before I was to move out he emailed me back and stated that was very generous of my offer but he was able to find a new tenant for the beginning of next month and I would be off the hook he even tipped his hand by stating that he had already collected a deposit from them now something happened within a couple days after that which was no fault of my own Norma Bates the townhouse came with its own appliances fridge oven etc including a clothes washer and dryer on the main level my roommate had put a load of laundry in and went to the living room to have a nap he awoke to find that the washer had malfunctioned with a sensory switch which never stopped the water fill stage and there was an inch of water in the kitchen and living room he splashed through the water to turn off the washer and called me to come and help deal with this I was just getting off of work and I whipped home to assess the damage it was bad there was standing water on top of the living room carpet and a good inch of water in the whole kitchen I called landlord and told him the issue by the time landlord showed up I had already got most of the standing water out with the help of my roommate and friends that showed up with the shop-vacs landlord didn't seem too upset which was surprising for me and had an appliance repairman come to look at the washer the repairman even said yup here's the culprit and showed how the dial would stick on the fill stage and wouldn't click over to the agitate stage after replacing the dial and lubricating the whole deal he left the next week was chaos as I was busy trying to pack and landlord had insurance guys in assessing and workers taking out the carpet and cutting two feet worth of the lower drywall of the whole main level the day of the move though I was still supposed to be there for a couple more days landlord had let himself in as movers were moving out my stuff with a camera going around taking pictures of everything I honestly thought that it was for his insurance claims etc I actually felt bad for him I'm too nice and told him that I would not ask for any of my deposit back and he responded in front of the loading crew in my roommate thank you that's very generous of you we parted ways and I thought that was that I was wrong two weeks into my new home location landlord showed up on my doorstep with a summons to appear in arbitration because he was suing me what on what grounds he stated it's all in this paperwork and handed me a manila envelope with 18 pages of everything he was charging me with all including photos now I know why he was going around taking pics nickel-and-diming me on everything from a bent venetian blind that was like that when I had moved in and some scuffs on the walls etc etc but then he also wanted me to pay his insurance deductible and that following month's rent he claimed that the tenants that he had lined up backed out at the last many claiming that they didn't think the place would be ready in time with the new drywall and paint and so on so he still wanted me to pay the month's rent really F this nonsense I knew I was more than generous of giving him my whole deposit and then for him to come back and sue me for thousands he was not only claiming the damages caused by the flood but improvements he needed to do that should never be or have been my responsibility in the first place even cracks in the living-room wall that was from the building settling how should I be responsible for that even new lighting faucets etc all mainly on the accusation that I was negligent I wasn't going to have that I know this was a slummy townhouse complex and most of his tenants were just welfare cases and maybe he could get away with this with others but not me no way I had just got out of a marriage that made me feel insignificant and had horrible self-esteem but now I had my dignity and felt strong for the first time in a long time no way I was going to let any more garbage happen to me without my doing something about it I had 10 days before the date of my arbitration meeting I immediately got to work first getting a signed deposition from the very repairmen that had showed up that day stating that the appliance was quite in need of maintenance work and the last time he had done any maintenance for him was almost 5 years before from thoroughly reviewing my rental contract and local laws landlord is obligated to have all appliances maintained and serviced every year I had also talked to some of the other tenants and it heard that this wasn't the first time playing Lord had sued tenants after the fact I hunted them down and got sworn statements from them also unfortunately for them they didn't know what to do and mostly didn't show up at arbitration hands landlord winning by default no way I was not going to let him do this to me I then drew up a rebuttal to each and every claim he had including photos from the year that I had lived there printed out all my email correspondence and even convinced my ex-roommate and one the movers that had heard my interaction with landlord about him stating how generous it was of me letting him keep my whole deposit which was a significant amount to come day of arbitration I dressed up in my power suit and with my ex-roommate and worker in Toad showed up at the meeting now in Canada arbitration is not held in a courtroom per se but is still held at the courthouse in a conference room with a judge since landlord was a plaintiff he got to go first with this case he spent over 40 minutes going over everything and I sat quietly until he finished once he finished I then hold out the rebuttal in multiple copies handed to the judge to landlord and anyone else that wished to have one and I quickly went over each point landlord was irate and interrupted almost every second sentence I spoke sounds like Hugo I would pause the moment he would start talking and say sweetly I was quiet implied during your time to present your case I hope you grant me the same respect landlord started to get red in the face especially when I got to the deposition of the maintenance worker for the appliance i included with that that tenancy and landlord act sessions pertaining to appliance maintenance and stated that this was the only record of maintenance that had occurred and unless he can come up with more recent records from perhaps another company it was over five years since anything had been looked at with my defense I had also countered that I would like my deposit back and my day's pay from work since I had to take that day off to go to this meeting the judge then made his statement and I will always remember this for the rest of my life he stated that first he was very impressed in my presentation and that I obviously have a good handle on things and can tell that my nature is of kindness and respect especially with photos of how I had the townhouse furnished and clean and pride in whatever home I would live in bottom line not only did I win my case I wound up having landlord owing me over 80% of my deposit back including interest landlords face was priceless the judge then proceeded to tell landlord that they will be reviewing again all of his previous filings if there was enough evidence of harassment he would be reported to the board of landlords and tenants I don't really know if anything came out of that now I walked away that day feeling on top of the world completely justified and he got a taste of his own medicine but it didn't stop there oh no knowing that this guy has a history of suing tenants I printed up my final results and the judge's signature and gave a copy to each and every tenant in that complex I wanted to warn every one of his practices and to keep notes photos etc so that he couldn't do that to them but I didn't stop there he still now owed me money hehe and I asked repeatedly for the payment he never responded he had until a certain day to pay me back my deposit and on that day I had gone to his house I looked up his residence under public records as he is a landlord and had to file under a certain address and knocked on the door he didn't answer though I knew he was home I ring the bell a few more times and knocked loudly he then turned his house alarm on which at first startled me but quickly turned to humor seeing how much of a wussy this bully turned out to be I then yelled out loud enough that I am NOT going anywhere he yelled out get off my property or I will call the police ok no problem I got off the property but camped out on the front sidewalk I had a fold-up chair a cooler with water and sodas a few sandwiches and all my paperwork with me I was set to stay there forever I then would tell anyone that would walk by already there were some people there from the house alarm fiasco about how I was a tenant and he wrongful II sued me and then I have a claim against him and he now owes me money I let anyone look at the paperwork just to back up my claim the police did show up they first went to talk to landlord and he was claiming that I was harassing him slandering him and one litas property I was on public property the sidewalk and it isn't slander if it's true of which I had all my courts signed paperwork to back me up I wasn't disturbing the peace I was simply and quietly seated outside his home and just talking to burrs about his actions he was out yelling that I need to leave and I quietly stated that I would be happy to leave once I am paid what he was legally obligated to by that date I was not going to leave before I got the money in my hand and I was more than willing to stay there and tell anyone that will listen to me why I was camped out the police stated that I wasn't doing anything wrong that its public property I wasn't disturbing the peace and it isn't slander if it's true finally after an hour of Landlord yelling on his front lawn of the policeman and at me of course did his wife come out with the money she handed the money to the police who in turn handed the money to me and signed off documenting final payment was complete i sweetly smiled thank the police deeply and went home I have no idea what ever happened to landlord and if he is still pulling stuff like this on others but I hope that I helped put the fear of God in him and that he just can't screw with people because eventually it will come back to bite him in the butt sometimes nice guys or girls finish last but with patience they can finish with a win that was our / / revenge and this is our sloshed puppy bloopers that afternoon that afternoon that that afternoon I know this is cute but I'm behind schedule today I really am behind schedule today I would appreciate it if you would just go chew on your toy or something will let me work dog that afternoon you go that afternoon okay that afternoon that afternoon new management comes into my office dog dog whines don't look at me like that you're breaking my heart okay come on come on come on let's go okay okay got to be peaceful this time though got to be peaceful blog bog your head on my desk you okay pooch
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Views: 2,473,558
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: mjdjPiiKRGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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