PILOT DIES, Passenger Lands King Air

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That was pretty good. Very lucky he happened to be a competent pilot himself. Knowing everything he did about flying in general got him 90%.

Hearing the emotion in his voice after they landed sure was something.

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/Realsan 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

First off, I always get sucked into these things. I'm always like "oh, I'm interested in watching this, I'll save it for later since I don't want to watch a 45 minute video right now..." and then 45 minutes later I've watched the whole thing.

But man, my favorite part of all these types of videos/stories is listening to ATC manage all the aircraft in the area. They realize they've got a real emergency on their hands and then there's this rapid switching and handing off, dozens of controllers and pilots all working in this elegant, complicated dance to clear the way for an aircraft in distress.

It gives me those "humanity" feels. When everyone up-ends all their plans and tasks without question to save a few. There's this whole little subsection of the world, in that moment, that has entirely devoted itself to bringing this aircraft safely down.

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/sciamatic 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Damn I could feel the stress

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/arealhumannotabot 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Even though animated recreation, this has actual air traffic audio and is pretty amazing.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/plywooden 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I only listened to this once right after he passed. Joe was an amazing pilot and a great instructor. He always made sure his passengers were well prepared and if anyone ever showed an interest in aviation he would be first in line to talk your ears off. I was very fortunate to know him.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Akanigit 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

The unknown aircraft that said 'He's not going to make it' over the radio is a right cunt.

Every time I hear aircraft chatter, I'm always amazed anyone can understand anything. Without subtitles I'd be completely lost due to the shit quality and the popping. Imagine it's even harder to hear a damn thing when there's engine noise too.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/SonWutRUdoin 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Next time I'm in the car on the phone:

Caller: " Are you driving? I can hardly hear you."

Me: "Me and the good lord hand flying this."

Bonus: "I'm gonna park this car like a butterfly with sore feet"

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/Willingtolistentwo 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Didn't think I would watch the whole thing, yet, I did. Wow.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/satan_loves_you 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

That was some raw emotions on that landing.

Did not seem like 45 mins when I was done. I feel stressed now haha.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/OREGON_IS_LIFE_84 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
I need help up here I need to get this thing over here it was Easter Sunday 2009 when 56 year old Doug white his wife and two teenage daughters boarded a chartered King Air 200 turboprop Doug and his family were returning home to Louisiana from Marco Island Florida where they had just attended his younger brother's funeral the king air charter pilot was 67 year old retired Air Force colonel Joe Quebec Joe had flown f1 hundreds over Vietnam and had been flying charter planes for the past 20 years after helping to load luggage the pilot and his passengers boarded the king air for the three-hour flight to Louisiana although Doug's wife and daughters sat in the passenger cabin doug chose to ride in the vacant copilot seat a decision that would prove to be pivotal for the survival of doug and his family some 18 years earlier Doug had learned to fly in a small single-engine Cessna however immediately after earning his private pilot's certificate Doug set flying aside recently with a rekindled interest in aviation Doug decided to resume flying in the same type of small Cessna aircraft he originally flew in training today would be only Doug's second time in a king air compared to the light Cessna he was familiar with - Doug the King airs instrument panel looked like the Space Shuttle fortunately Doug had a chance to ask the king air pilot how to talk on the radio knowing where the push-to-talk button was located was pretty much the extent of Doug's knowledge about the complex king air after a normal takeoff and climb out of Marco Island Airport pilot Joe Cabot completed standard checklist items and sent the king airs auto pilot to fly the ATC assigned route Joe also set the autopilot to maintain a specific climb rate however he has not yet set the autopilot to level off at a pre-selected altitude [Music] less than 10 minutes after takeoff as the king air climb through 7,000 feet Joe payment makes his initial contact with Miami Center tragically these will be his last words making one for 14,000 [Music] [Music] and immediately when I heard that I thought he was a co-pilot cause he's talking on the radio's so I thought I have somebody in there that could fly the plane so he was still in Fort Myers there's these climbing house will help them line with them and say hey I got a unconscious pilot this guy needs to get back down you only put him back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] airplane yelling across room hey give me somebody who knows somebody [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all kind of helpless I don't want to keep climbin but at the same time I'm still trying to determine okay I see this engages it can you fly a plane on his own and then we saw him out there and she started the SystemVue hands by the plane I flew Learjet corporate company prior to coming to air traffic control so once they realized that I was at work that day they're just trying to get me out of where I am all we knew at that point is a pilot had possibly died and the passenger had taken over the plane and you really didn't have any flight experience once I realized that he had a little bit of pilot experience to me it was if I can simplify this plane as much as possible because I was a flight instructor for years as well it's a plane no matter how complicated it still flies by the same basic rules there's still lift drag letter yoke basic instruments there's a horizon outside we can make this work [Music] them asides out the risky affirmative disengage the autopilot this is the moment of truth mr. white he knows if he disengages the autopilot it's all on him to fly this highly complex airplane of which he knows practically nothing about but if he doesn't stop the plane from climbing he also knows it will eventually reach its maximum service ceiling most likely stall and fall from the sky it's one of those do-or-die moments that test everything we have and requires everything we are for a chance to survive and save the ones we love most in this world I did think I cannot fly an airplane by okay can you try my showing you now one 7,000 well when I killed the autopilot the plane was trimmed for a 2000 foot per minute time so I had some real strong nose up trim I thought that was a heaviest thing I never grabbed and holed up in my life now used to little 172 trim wheel was way over on the other side of the cockpit and the pilots leg was up against the trim wheel and of course I know I was told and I found out later than I had electric trim button on my phone but I didn't go to King here.200 school that day I didn't know where that was that got my hand I worked in between the outside of Joe's leg and the inside of the trim wheel to where I get the front of my one of my fingers on the notch of the trim wheel and rolled forward a couple notches to give me some relief [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] go back slightly on the data and if either the earth gently whatever you're comfortable with [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you know what we're doing here we're gonna get you down to one 1000 gonna make you give you turn to the web gonna end you up to Fort Myers approach they've got some controller that also pilot experience and they're going to talk you all the way into the landing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] permit if I just didn't want to turn you while you're defending if you're comfortable with that I'll give you a turn off to the west while you're defending adds up to you would you like to continue straight during the defense or make a turn with the defense okay I'm not showing any weather on my radar here but I only show precipitation but let me just make sure I confirm what you said you said you'd like to make it turn to the left while you're defending okay number 5000 whiskey just a nice easy turn to the left whatever you're comfortable real shallow real gentle on the control gonna turn laughs why a heading of about a270 heading and continue that descent down to one 1000 whatever you're comfortable $5.00 whiskey just to put your mind at ease there's good weather at Fort Myers there's no no weatherman [Music] [Music] okay number Five's out the whiskey just so you know the plan we're gonna bring you around to fort myers they've got the longer runway and we're gonna get you the most of a runway for your landing you're to do fine right number Niner Delta whiskey got any questions about what you're doing right now you okay [Music] break down a little if you'd like [Music] [Music] [Music] you know if I've dealt with the real nice job in that turn there and you're gonna be talking to Fort Myers approach here in just a minute like I said they're gonna take their time and talk to you to get you down say five SS key it will be one three two point zero seven okay well if you want why don't we wait wait until you're level there and turn down on a heading and then you can try to tune in that frequency that'll be one three two point two zero seven for November 5 Delta whiskey to zero service my little I'm like it's at number nine another whiskey just concentrate on flying the plane real looks like you're just about established on that heading now you're approaching that one 1000 as you get about one 1,500 you want to start easing out just a little bit on that yoke to level off that plane don't worry if you go through the altitudes or anything but about 500 feet just start to kind of leveling off that yoke just a little bit easing back and apply this a touch of the throttle [Music] number five does the whiskey if you would like you here if that makes you more comfortable you can do that [Music] knocking into the mat my heading with you Roger it's probably there's no there's a little bug for the heading that you can twist over to get established with the auto-fire but why don't we you're doing such a good job here hand flying why don't we keep you on that heading you're doing well now holding it well and now you can three 2.07 so he's given me the radio frequency for fort myers but I've got about four sets of radios looking at me there and I don't know which ones I have come to on six whatever it is this is not my little Bend assessment radio I said well how do I switch frequencies I'll push this green TPO buttons because I did not want to lose her on that radio because that radio was my lifeline yep you would you would switch to so what I'm going to do number 5,000 whiskey is contact for Myers approach one three two point zero seven by pushing two if you have you do not get them just switch it again and you'll be talking to me now if I Delta riskier [Music] qinger five five Niner Delta whiskey for buyers approach yup the end of my ship actually was walking out on the TRACON the provider came out and catch means and we had an emergency inbound from mines center and that the pilot wanted to talk to a controller with a pilot and then I was getting a handoff for Miami Center that's when I realized it was a king air which I don't know a whole heck of a lot about fly Cessnas and Cherokee star you know how much help I was going to be approached and again to be sent right now sir you know what you want me to do is actually if you can we can just start and descent down to 5,000 and we're getting some help from another pirate that's familiar with the airplane we'll get you some information and the information now if you're able flying heading two four zero and descend and maintain 5,000 just take your time we'll set you up for the airport and November Niner Delta whiskey are using the autopilot or you fly an airplane made a good Lord hands love this modern evolution okay very good thank you information on how to get to the airport and a controller sitting next to me cell phone and calling an old flight instructor up in Danbury Connecticut that had a lot of King air time and he was desperately trying to get him on the phone all of a sudden the other controller got his flight instructor Kerry Sorensen on the telephone and he happened to be sitting in his office on a Sunday morning with his briefcase and had a King Air checklist in it nine Delta whiskey are you are licensed pilot to the lamb okay very good King here nine Delta whiskey when you're ready okay we'll get some information if you just return it just a little bit and don't get you an answer on that if you want to stop to be pimp that's fine too we have mothers who love their ear controllers up ow okay there in that case just let along when you're comfortable and I'll get you an answer not just a mommy [Music] 9 devil Ischia the information I have is to pre-select the pre-select the autopilot than 5000 but don't turn it on yet you can go to the center console on the instrument panel and pre-select 5000 feet but don't engage it yet and I'll get you an information on how to do that I got a priest attitude set of 5000 I know how to engage it but I gotta get rid of the heading bug just up to the autopilot okay let me get that across like a push out to select on the console okay I'm passing that information [Music] 9 Delta whiskey they're telling you cancel ooh the heading bug you know how to do that on this airplane I don't do a little the same here ok they're just advanced the throttles and your altitudes good so I guess just pick up the speed with the throttles and try to hold 5,000 feet [Music] now looks like they're coming up on 5,000 feet that looks pretty good just a little bit slow on the ground speed 149 barrel speed 9 Delta whiskey when you can turn lips and fly heading one eight zero one here the only your honor Dylan they're the biggest beads to get not have a credit problem and I know the Lipsky of the information I'm getting now is to leave the props and the power work chat and just apply like you normally would a single inferno Terry Soros and flight instructor King air pilot had this to say my best words were just fly it like a single-engine he was crying for power settings however without knowing pitch I couldn't give him power settings he was coming down on his own terms we simply guided him in a series of steps a few altitudes and headings were given to see progression and how well he flew when he was first handed over his airspeed was varying 100 knots at the end he was within 10 knots basically it worked you got any alarms or warnings going on okay heavy Tremec ambassador $9.00 yeah I'm a hold on board fine okay thank you are you show me in a turn I'm not moving very good here I notice it still looks like yourself westbound and no turn yet the altitude and speed look good but you still Southwest oh yeah I like to laugh okay now they're telling me the trim control is on the yoke and it's on the left-hand side of the aquarium would be on the upper left-hand side of the upper trim understand they might help you keep from the horse's neck pull on the Lear all of a heading now okay very good sir keep it coming around when you can we'll make it one four zero a heading 140 oh man and $9 which we just want to verify you do have the autopilot is off so I got to pack long disengaged which is down on the console okay thank you ten looks good very good sir and nine doubt the whiskey on the instrument panels area a landing checklist I'm not worried with that right now I made one four zero six right now I can put the gear down little flaps okay either tell me you're a little too fast for the gear so hold on just a moment on the gear and I'll call you back just a minute we got plenty of room before we get you to the airport this will be a landing runway 6 at Fort Myers International and hold the gear for just a moment I was also on this tell you I know where the gear control is $400 hey that's good that's good information do you know where the flight control analyst them all ok I'll get you that information just a moment [Music] you ready man all that butter 6 outside $9 whiskey that's correct and we'll get you more information just a moment so you're on the Left face for six you're still a good 25 miles out we got plenty of time house and you've only been everyone found a half hours that correct yeah we got a bunch of chill okay very good [Music] being a nine down velinski I'm told below 160 knots you're able to lower the lower the gear and the flaps you know what I didn't behind 60 not to be to speak to that hopefully would sure be home until I get the five out when you get to five thousand will start a slow descent to 3,000 and I'll have another turn for you and I'll turn you right towards the airport probably about ten miles [Music] darnell whiskey 4704 39 devil whisky regimen looks pretty good turn left heading zero Niner zero zero nine zero Niner battle whiskey [Music] 9 Delta Livia more information for you about the throttles just operate him like he normally would in a single engine that the turbine will respond to it pretty similar so just as far as power and airspeed can just operated like a normal bottle qinger Niner Delta whiskey fly adding zero seven zero vector to the airport 0 that will be 0 [Music] 3,800 Niner whiskey we learn morning knobs indicated nine del Oeste Raju when you get to 3,000 just [ __ ] the throttles a little bit out of time we'll get your speed flow down so we can get the gear down and I got more information for you in just a moment and $90 whiskey no beer only six it's a 12,000 foot of ice you're gonna have plenty of runway to work with and we got equipment standing by it's all yours both win apparently it's zero two zero four knots on our data list you know what other charges bottle here a minute I need to know what's indicated go to nine della would be Roger we'll just [ __ ] them slowly you can start now in your discretion a little bit at a time and when you get to 159 I'm told you can drop the gear in the flasher with the setting will be but just to return them a little bit at a time and to get deed and just watch the airspeed indicator because you're looking for hundred sixty knots or more [Music] nine down the whiskey fly heading 0-60 I'm gonna put you right on the file about 18 miles out there are such beauties Lou your honor sighing tell the whiskey when you get the speed under control your discretion maintain mm there's no hurry than that but when you're ready 2,000 feet under discretion indicated now we're looking for 160 knots indicated you can start the gear down right now I'm showing your ground speed that's correct you're looking at the right runway that's runway six at International and you've had a 15-mile bottle down so you got the gear going down yes sir get my family nine down the whiskey and the last instruction I got when you get to a hundred fifty knots the flop control will say approach flats on I could select that detent when you get 250 knots do that go really far watch not another word them confirm them I know that that's correct sir the very first notch $2,800 Elvis tu-160 my litigators sounds good you're right on the money you're lined up for the runway so altitude your discussion receive visually and just let me know when you have the gear in the flash go and I gear Lawndale I got three greens indicated selling Ohio food not another whiskey I never was gonna have it for interests the moment the lineup is good we'll get the third screen just a second maybe it speeds good right now and this lower than present speed not going back to the final dress beautifully Rhine the guy didn't like a fly concoction Eliza's master caution faster reach there was that 9ss get you an answer in just a moment no slower than your present speed that should be good right there one louder indicator very good and nine Daleville whiskey you are clear to random so I cleared to land runway stick like I said your honor God always got me something about the black Pullo hit approach face okay you can set then you do have two flats in the first detent right now sir you know what fair say can I drop the approach flat indication you can do it right now sir get the correct speed now knocks down the flaps not about all this deal I touch panel if I owe a touchdown I just killed a model for what that's correct when you touch down slowly and kill the problem I don't 1:5 I've indicated two thousand leap assembly I know their whiskey Roger and just a little bit fast on the airspeed it slowed down just a little bit Roger not knowing 1 5 0 1800 altitude united all the whiskey Raju what's approach speed final approach speed again to the threshold I look for in just a moment sir your president speeds good I'll have the final thoughts being just the same the $9 whiskey I make your phone with hurt speed 120 knots indicated he had time for that now you still six miles out but 120 knots will be your final approach speed 1.9 Adele with his teeth and whole thing father you don't want to go over there because got bent out this night nine Delta whiskey I believe you got one more detail left on the flat so when you get to 120 it'll be full flats to 120 and then at that point no slower than 110 mobile apps not informing those slow as other risky 9 Delta whisky more information for us just easy with the tires you get close to the runway to keep the nose up keep the tire on it but easy in and out with the power the very responsive so you'll get a lot of response out of it tonight now the Lisp you don't have to respond more information once you make it onto the ground just center line with the road petals he killed the throttle and maximum braking get out of Italy 500 the ground speed looks good I keep this Tylenol [Music] you know plenty of leverage here so if you're gonna add a lot of power to make the threshold that's fine you get to a thousand feet of runway full flaps finer that always you won't want me indicated nine devilish you it looks good from here good job don't know who are bills over around in here again three four zero at tree knots almost come [Music] [Music] [Music] actually on card I know ilithyia the runway beggars you can turn let's go write whatever is easier for you all the way back and they're telling me backs breaking bringing up early not a little hanky [Music] nine Dell the whiskey when you're ready you can go to ground frequency 121.9 nice work 121.9 thank you to this day I know it's a lot of divine intervention on divine help up there but if things set down like a butterfly with sore feet and I got off an active and I'm then I'm surrounded by the Calvary EMTs and fire trucks please and I can't turn the engines off I'm thinking we just went through what we just went through it I'm gonna cut somebody in half because I don't have a kill engine anyway there was an airline pilot copilot sitting jet there at RSW through that lot of King air time and he's volunteered to help me so they opened my door girls got off see him things get chill out worked on and put him on a gurney worked on him for half fare I Carole done went by the plane he was already go in a later interview Doug White said Joe Quebec set an example he was a real professional pilot and a great guy if I could be half the power he was I'd be tickled Doug made a decision to get back on the horse it threw him and went on to earn his commercial license instrument and multi-engine ratings he flew seven or eight relief missions into Haiti after their earthquake as well as a couple of missions into Belize Doug flew winded soldiers amputees for the veterans airlift command all over the US he logged over 1,000 hours as pilot in command in Niner Delta whiskey after he locked his first hour on Easter Sunday 2009 [Music] made a good lord hand glove this non-realistic okay very good thank you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FS MaNiA
Views: 4,458,255
Rating: 4.8357897 out of 5
Keywords: FSX, Flight Simulator, yt:quality=high, FS Mania, King Air, N559DW, 559DW, Pilot Dies, Passenger Lands, Aviation, Doug White, Joe Cabuk, Dead pilot, B200
Id: aqPvVxxIDr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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