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I get this wrong every time hello Forge that video what what you wearing today oh I'm wearing this it was bad it's a Jacob you never seen that fine let me give you a demonstration okay hold on waiting for the roof to complete itself and then music off so we don't have any copyright issues okay ready this is cool look should I put the windows up alright then it's either 15 or 20 time zones okay but I'm not quite sure which and then you hit it again and it'll give you oh wait no this one here it changes to different cities all the different cities wacky however there's a really cool part there's a lot of time zones isn't it okay so this is the cool part you ready yeah now it's blue that's purple no it's white no it's red orange orange yellow green that were started yeah yeah blue that's a nice color yeah blue which what color should we leave it on red red no you match the red there we go red and then there's an even cooler function to it right hey ready these two buttons here yeah this is all carbon fiber the whole thing is calm fire you press this and the bezel comes off yeah I should really take you off my wrist to show you there we go bezel comes up in his it's filthy let me just wait okay so the bezel comes off and the bezel is interchangeable so you can put a diamond bezel on it you put a sapphire bezel Ruby bezel so it's really cool very clever and like a camera has a little red dot on the back you know right and then that matches that much is that you put it on there and then you press these two buttons and Bob's your uncle I don't think you say they're fine easy Ron yeah you could say that right yeah you could say that so there we go that's very good nice isn't it very good night very cool I do yeah I'm going to try and stopping it I am going to try not to say cool cool cool though the engine was already running I didn't realize that I just switched it off you did a straight behind this thing yeah I know right okay here we go today is Christmas no it's not it's getting very close to Christmas it is when people are watching this yeah in fact this is Christmas Day so very Merry Christmas Happy Holidays Happy Chanukah a happy other things you couldn't know there's a bunch of things I'm not quite sure what they are but happy stuff we wanted to give you a little look of Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive Wilshire Boulevard with their spectacular Christmas lights and decorations there's nowhere like it so we thought would take you for a little tour around maybe get a little walk around as well and explore and enjoy some of the wonderful lights that were privileged enough to get to see here so I hope you enjoy it let's go see and I won't say cool at least not yet cool [Music] so I'm trying to be in the Christmas spirit it's currently 74 degrees and I'm wearing a hat jacket in the scarf so it feels like Christmas am i mad yeah it's not really freezing it's 74 degrees right there it tells you 74 degrees and people are wearing shorts and t-shirts and I'm wearing a jacket in the scarf see what I do for you guys nice f12 over there is it enough 12 or is it an 8 12 it says a 12 that's a pretty one I like the wheels they are gorgeous it's beautiful right absolutely gorgeous and while we're on the topic of Ferraris his to hear that is an f12 and in front of it or behind it is a 430 f12 looks great doesn't it they do even though it's there for 30s of really aged well very well the 360 not so much but the the 430 still looked really good and in the vented or what do you know Beverly Hills but yeah even the 360s I think if you put some newer modern wheels on them they can definitely look nice yes I agree with you the headlights are the only thing for me that lets that car down because they have the big bulky headlights which all modern cars have kind of gone away from but there's still a great car or four hours a great car all cars a great cars trade is a quick cut the Clarence no here comes a Ferrari fire truck probably has a can I go where is it yeah I guess I can write oh it's coming on the other side of the road John got away [Applause] okay so he's lost because that was a Los Angeles by a trick did you see it lost I need incentive lilz and there's Santa Claus in the middle of the road these will all be lit up soon so let me park the car get out and we'll go for a stroll what are you watching de Santa funky funk I swear everything this is some kind of erotic hit okay see what comes up now something's going to change did I change it hold on something will appear give it time yes every time it's likes I can't help it woman OH let's change it again alright ready let's change it to I don't know it's random so we will see what comes after time oh it's that woman again listen to a rhotic songs for in here it's cool music is chill every time I come in your car and we don't listen to music because we can't play it I write videos so we don't actually know what it licit Shira music look there's a phantom that cool I love that's the big old one yeah and look there's a 430 is that a scooter it is a Scuderia and passing us is a nestin look that's the new DB 11 actually I'm going to chase him and behind this is a GT something MGT yes there's a rolls-royce oh look at the color of that can you see it oh let's go this way oh what's that man gran turismo how's it going sir hey guys how are you thank you I borrowed it there's the charger that's what we were just talking about the target it's nice yeah CBC that Chrome OOP yeah but you could easily block that out yeah you could okay so what's going on here Beverly Hills Fire Department and paramedics are the shiniest of all cars you'll ever see they have crews that do nothing other than shine and look how pretty they are I wonder what's happening here I mean that's a big old truck to get called out huge right that is absolutely huge Huracan sound a nice knit beside it very nice thank or just gossip super fast as our look at the f12 r77 are that is spectacular isn't it yeah what a gorgeous car we're look cousins there's the dawn and to the right there's a phantom the uglies bodykit I've ever seen in my life Wow did you see that I find you on YouTube you gotta start with some more girls I'm in Mexico we see you on your on your face I'll do that for you you want blonde brunette put some thank you thank you there you go you heard it more chica so oh that's a nice blacked out one there in one of the upcoming videos we're gonna have some Chico's because we want to make him happy right nothing to do with me there's another one goodness gracious I think I need to get rid of this they're very common I say yeah it's so common not remotely exclusive why let a pocket the montage oh look there they can park you next to oh wow look at that with the red roof another one I don't know if I like that what do you think I don't I'm not normally a colored roof fan but I don't mind that it looks kind of kind of good doesn't it yeah with the white interior how are you very well thank you thank you sure you dumped it here okie dokie thank you sir thank you thank you sir see shortly put it next to that one it'll look kind of cool right I have to look at this because this is interesting look at the inside red interior white and red be a nightmare to keep clean a lot of you asked why I don't have the white wheels on the rolls anymore they were there temporarily they looked great for five minutes not even two minutes and then the dirt hit nightmare nightmare so they're gone they're not going back okay so here's an artsy shot let's what let's do this let's make that red and then what happened it went to pan oh okay hold on I have to do it again okay there we go ah now we got a dude there those gun so if you guys have ever wondered how Michael's Instagram content is made this is it guys fans here like this I can choke that man lunatic just for you so you get the shots right I saw some really pretty lights out here you're going to see them yeah should we do a Chanukah one too look there's a Hanukkah light it's very festive so to answer your question from earlier yeah about do you feel Christmasy and holiday yeah I mean it's beautiful yeah that's a pretty bag so I won't be able to guess how much this cost in the comments yeah I mean I don't know exactly how much it costs but I have an idea should I say what my idea is yeah I think this is between 70 and 80 thousand dollars yeah luxurious he's right across the road we should go and say hello to him she wasshe hello so he's now making bags I didn't know he made bags and he's making gloves but for whatever reason he didn't have enough leather to finish the fingers look that's even text any smart phone what seeking texting smart Mike was getting a coffee and I just saw this thing Wow look at this see this like moxie movement how Wilde's that look so from the hand here and go you know like this become really close to [Music] yeah but I it's so me with the hat go now you'll see that that's on this side to be ready yeah that's no hat it hat turn around look at it so weird pretty cool right that's cool hi jobs always look at this what is it just a picnic you know what when I first kind of me I thought it was a box of picnics but to get something gays a box we gain you see that why is he so small okay you like that I do like that what do you think actually this is a cool one this is as cool as I've seen one Viper ACR so this person here didn't want to pay self-check the Oregon plate allegedly that's kind let's go ourselves eventually it's only supercars that do this allegedly yes exactly allegedly this thing's cool it's very cool I like it it's an interesting color too yeah movies there's little canards that's a nice blue splitter as well it's a mean-looking country very me looking car it's a mean-looking guy I don't think I'd want one they dance on the road don't they they they don't they don't even make a move yeah very nice so we found parking and now the lights are on and this is Christmas Day well know quite well when you see it will be I think we said that and I'm going to say cool probably say it six times pretty right it is but we should lodge a complaint to the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce there's a blow it's on now I was about to say there's a bull about but it in the olden days if one bulb went out they all went out because they were in parallel I guess Cyr series series are now they're in parallel right yeah so Christmas trees if you lost a ball that will go out very pretty so we're right now on evolution this is Beverly Drive and this here is Dayton way okay which is runs parallel to Rodeo drivers many many shopping streets that run parallel that Rodeo is the most famous and that's where all the really really heavy hitting shots shops are gaya okay so it's going to start getting very pretty now Christmas music playing yes the rich real amp has a speaker or every other street lamp has a speaker let me smell it I'll tell you how much I smelt better but it's nice and that I do not need your help sir no okay so Rodeo Drive and this is very pretty right so this is Louis Vuitton and they have some kind of strange character on the roof what is that don't know looks like giant cookies put together right it's very prettier it's very pretty but this is prettier we should actually just take a wander down here because we can look up Wilshire as well which would be very pretty you lead the way I'm leading Shalom Beverly Hills unity love Merry Christmas so this hotel made famous from the movie pretty woman and it also have been in many many other movies but Richard Gere and Julia Roberts pretty woman this is the hotel and it was called the region Beverly Wilshire now it's just called the Beverly Wilshire and it's very very pretty howdy I don't know what it was an Audi didn't sound well there are two sections to this hotel the part that you see here yeah and then it has a twin of it behind it that faces the other way which is where the pool and the spar and all the fun stuff is but it's very nice Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah it's very pretty right very very good in fact it's got cold now so and I [Music] I smell what do I smell smoke devil's lettuce so you smell what's that how this yes legend that's brilliant I heard devil was left hi how are you thank you introduce yourself say hello to everybody you have millions of people see it very cool thanks for the support ok let's do it driver Oh do one of these yeah let's go diagonal minute trivia might have mentioned this before there were more cameras per square foot in Beverly Hills and anywhere in the world and I like those shoes what do you think me definitely you tell you they're cool right but not today we're not shopping today we're street what are you able not shopping you go in places and statement you're not shocked I like the chai going you go look at the tiger that's cool I said cool the dogs cute that is cute right what is here Wheaton Labradoodle and Irish doodle hi Irish doodle right how old is he oh it's super cute he really wants the microphone yeah he does yeah he thinks he's a chew toy he's cute see you buddy there you go we read again I knew it was read I didn't see it change to this see I wouldn't wear that same too much for you that's too much for me no it's a beautiful necklace for a lady and that is probably going to distort everything on the camera right oh no look at that I know you guys can good oh right it's a strange thing to have a deal I don't know how it now they're white what's this I hear noise for a nice-sounding turbo diesel Mercedes Yeah right I agree actually these are very interesting they're not like conventional lights you see OLEDs yeah look it's doing its thing did I do that by touching it no I guess I didn't stop it you've been on them blue Smarties good what was it you called the weed of devil's lettuce that was it is that what you've been on watch Wow I didn't expect the glass to be there I thought it was further in optical illusion right it's that devil's lettuce come on look somebody else is wearing a scarf there imitating winter it's like winter now with the scarf right yes yeah because it's hot stay away from me what is that it's like a weird minion I'd like to buy one of those I'm sure so you want if you got some money sure goodbye what candy let's go buy one cool look I want him I want him we're going to buy him let's go buy him I have a feeling I'm gonna put this out now I'm not gonna be filming that coming in I would like to buy this dog who do I talk to about the dog can I buy the dog so if you wanted to order it will they'll make it for you in Italy and then they will ship it to you how much is it the price is 10,000 for the large one there's 72 inch one which is about half the size is seven point five and then we have these minutes oh wow look at Asia he's just so cool right maybe no no I want a big one yeah a big one that we can special-order it sure hard filming in the store please oh so we wouldn't allow to put the sale on camera but I'm getting your dog one that doesn't bark look at him that looks like you it's sure half but look at the face he's got some kind of a mask over his mouth why would he have a mask over his mouth you see it it's a bit spooky a cheese and yet like out of a horror film I like him he's the hippie dude because I can see you wearing that no you cut I wouldn't weather but I like the dog I just want his friend okay so this is a good vantage point actually better would be if we cross the street no way you can see the side of that one too yeah so let's do it yes hello thank you thank you well nice to meet you nice to meet you so there's millions of people getting to see you now yeah cuz we're filming are you cool with that say hello to everybody there's you he'll tell you yeah take care guys happy holidays yeah we can see it better from here yeah much better so look that is spectacular absolutely spectacular and the Panther is a signature of Cartier they made jewelry with the Panther and we need yeah well not to be killed here because we are stood very close to the road but isn't that beautiful the red ribbon with the Panthers and blazing should we go further yes let's go further Bulgari is or Bulgari very boring Holger I've never had a cold bulgur II you call it well Gary like the same so yesterday Adam was up at my house and we were talking about the way people speak how did you describe my voice at him how did it posh yes oh sure and I was trying to figure out why is your posh sorry sorry old chap sorry yeah sorry sorry and Adam can also tell you very quickly about the toilet that I told you about recently in a previous video that does all sorts of strange things Adam please so Michael wasn't lying he does have a toilet the way he sits on multiple toilet seven of them right he does have toilets and when you sit on them playing music to you I walked into his bathroom stood in front of the toilet the lid opened there was this blue glow from the ball which is interchangeable whatever color you want and then the other lid then lifts and then you carry out your business and then and then it does all of the everything he washes your hands for you it's great that it has a thing that comes out for you to wash your hands with I thought that was pretty unique but it's a cool I've never wanted the hands in a toilet before though why do they do that so did all of our house chores I was inspired with these toilets so I did my research and came across this crazy wild one that does all these things so of course I had to buy the lot and there we go we should look at her Wow he's young because it's spectacular that is nice don't want to forget about Bichon sorry one last thing for yes please the reason that I know that it plays music and this is the funniest thing it's because I went in there and realized that it was just like a magical toilet because I went in there but I didn't hear it playing music and the mic was like did you hear it play music and I said no I didn't he said oh come here come here so we go in and he's like trying to get it to play music and Khan so the only way could do it was by actually sitting on the toilet so I'm in the bathroom with Michael sitting on the toilet it was the weirdest thing ever but it did start playing music what's that a salt-and-pepper song push it well go my playlists and ring a fire by Johnny Cash there's an Aventador not great parking it's a very pretty color yeah it is a great looking car and they sound great - they just don't drive well with the contrasting see I would have wanted a brighter interior with more color to it right yes or something you mean the displays are incredible I mean slippers those slippers are wonderful oh yeah I could see you in paradise I have them Odie I do here and the flag is Britain the white with actually you'd have to straighten it out a little over it's close to time let me look at this for like an entrance to a shot it's majestic look here look it's like crazier you walk in and you have the beautiful walls and the music you have mr. Lorenzi self there he is you don't see this in most places and then you turn right or left depending on your gender but it's pretty spectacular beautiful remarkable right I think it's important for people to know that if they get the opportunity to come here at this time of year - definitely not miss out on it because it is it is it it's absolutely amazing and there is only one Beverly Hills there is only one Rodeo Drive and the experience of walking down the street you don't have to buy anything just enjoy it yeah the opulence it's crazy I mean children they'll see this horse you never see anything like this anywhere fermez absolutely fantastic look at the detail around the hoof you see the little yeah Sparkle a little bracelets on yeah and the nose the nostril to Pinterest oh yeah sparkly schnoz yeah all right give me thoughts Adams trying to get me to buy one of these I don't know if I should or I shouldn't that's the are we can tell by the wing it's a beautiful car isn't it yes and it looks great in that color and I don't know if it's me what do you think guys leave a leave a comment should Michael get an AMG GT r I think if I got when I wouldn't get the are I'd get the S okay because you can take the roof off it I'll get the convertible that you can take the roof off but this is a very pretty car and they look very similar you see I think this is you really yeah I really do it's a very small cockpit very small cockpit but they're comfortable though they are really comfortable I've seen them I've driven them they're very fast faster than a McLaren yeah is it fastened for Eata obviously not I've seen comic comments orbiting the planet the harness massive war idea he's beating up on my favorite car but seriously drop a like drop a comment should Michael get one of these because damn son it is beautiful as good and beautiful I'd be no question alright and this is Bijan and Bijan i believe is the most expensive boutique in the world so a pair of socks in here is about a thousand dollars or maybe more tell everybody about your little shopping spree in here we'll do better than now what I'll do is I'll contact the he's name is Nicholas Bijan and I will see if I can get us a tour and we can talk about the whole thing then because it's amusing yeah but it would be great to put this on camera because it's outrageously priced and Bijan is the tailor to but all the royalty in the world most of the presents in fact you may even see let's have a look it has a list of some of his clients in fact all of these are clients President Bill Clinton and Leno in jail and the Sultan of Brunei Michael Blakey Prince Charles Prince Charming Nancy Reagan etc etc but it's just opulent at its maximum a leather jacket Acula spectacular store and this is well can you talk to everybody about this yeah his very own parking meter so during ah during the week and Saturdays these young parks one of his yellow cars is normally a Phantom Drophead Phantom and his bright yellow with a bright yellow interior and it attracts so many people in any given time of the day you'll see hundreds of people swarming around this car taking pictures he also has a yellow Bugatti which also appears here now and again not as after and a couple of other cars but you'll you'll see it's pretty cool you need to come if you've never been here everybody try and make it a goal in life to come it's worth seeing this is a lot of watches on this street there's who blow you can't really see it but we'll have a little wonder next to who blow on the right it's Panerai and next to Patton right JJ laocoön and Roger Dubuis Cartier and then they continue down the street unfortunately I have indeed spent a lot of money on this street your favorite car at him I do look behind a mantra yeah oh how about this we are at Dolce & Gabbana and they have food dinner out that really does look disgusting nice slippers this guy looks like me look how big this place is huge and being pretty much the most expensive real estate in the world that entryway alone the amount of money that the rent must cost for that entryway is insane and it's all wasted because it's just an entryway just to look at let's not waste it it's not wasted but it's beautiful tasteful it's very unique actually to see it like that because you never see the back of one of these displays I guess that means it's reversible on Wow looks gone front and back that's pretty sparkly guess how much Harry Winston I would say about a million dollars yeah yeah million dollars so this place here this restaurant it's called El Fornaio you can see it I guess up there it'll Fornaio really authentic Italian food it's a Beverly Hills service but not Beverly Hills prices it's not expensive fabulous food if you look at the gorillas I've got going back there the rotisserie might be a bit burnt yeah no it'll be delicious inexpensive but delicious thank you so much thank you appreciate it that is sparkly wow this is the most insane decoration I think I've ever seen that is incredible it has a purse on the top of it oh no it's a bauble that's the things right that's exactly what it is I was dazzled by the light I didn't actually get to recognize bright I so bright wow that is incredible hey Ron get it get it get it well I waited them to move get that they're moving ready three two one Oh destroyed my photograph would you want do you want me to take a picture of both of you yeah okay that would have mean wasn't it okay big smile biggest smile much bigger smile smile smile there you go you're sure welcome please prezi's sure I do a run through do a run through here we go go in he's officially gone mad what did you say nothing nothing he said something rude he said something rude I know he did you want me to hold it while you run through it now I'm good I'm gonna go inside with the camera yeah crazy isn't it what a beautiful piece this has been a blast I wish you could physically experience what we just did it was beautiful absolutely beautiful hope it shows up well on camera anyhow Merry Christmas Happy Holidays Happy Hanukkah happy whatever you celebrate have a fun time here that subscribe button hit the bell did I mention hit the subscribe button and hit the bell and hit the subscribe button and Happy Holidays we'll see you soon Cheers [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 464,629
Rating: 4.9173775 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, christmas, christmas lights, luxury shopping, personal shopper
Id: srHoi8CF2E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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