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so guys before we start today's episode which is a fun christmas episode just want to let you know that later in the episode we will be announcing the winner of the jacob and co epic x chrono watch that's a twenty six thousand dollar watch that one of you guys is going to win so best of luck enjoy the video okay ready and action sounds so stupid so we are in beverly hills wait wait mate i literally can't hear you why what do you mean why because you got a bag over your head that's the biggest mask i've ever seen it's a designer i can't hear you and not just because of that loud car are you kidding me what's wrong with that are you kidding me are you really did you double bag to come out in public yeah so just one yes please is it secure yes it's fine it's an n95 good it looks like it's vacuum sealed to your face you can see it going in and out okay start again okay so here we are you made me laugh here we are in beverly hills hold on it's not completely sealed no no it's sealed so here we are in beverly hills we're doing our annual holiday video to show you the lights and uh just have a little bit of fun so this is via rodeo should we start here why not yeah let's go and uh adam has a friend with him oh yeah he's a dog say hi to everyone it's really pretty isn't it it's lovely yeah really really pretty they do such a good job with the decorations they're just missing real snow wow it's so pretty oh and i apologize to everybody if i jump cut i just don't want to get too much of any copyrighted music yes hi i'm not shaking hands but hi nice to meet you please don't be offended thank you thank you cheers how pretty is this all beautiful look at this absolutely gorgeous a giant golf ball well i wonder if peter's in let's go see this is really pretty isn't it oh it's only half a golf ball look the other half's missing oh actually there's people inside it isn't that cool oh it looks like peter's gone home yeah i think we might be a little tiny bit late for peter oh wait no i see people in the store i see him you see him you see his teeth i see him [Music] [Laughter] i ran away that one's too big that one's too big you need the smaller size i'm following orders i got my masks on this is the way we do it out here lots of masks how are you my friend i'm good how are you good to see you good to see you let's go let's go merry christmas and happy new year to everyone how are you peter i'm good it's so good to see you man so good to see you yeah long time it's been how many months are you i actually gave birth since you last showed me twins so everything good we are really good yeah things are good excellent we're just doing our you know annual holiday lights video and couldn't do that without saying hi to you oh thank you your windows are empty we're pulling we're closing it's been a long day hey you shaved your head i did i saved this in march and you got a couple tattoos well we're gonna get on with our video okay but wanted to say hi and it's so wonderful seeing it really is i want to hug you but i can't good to see you yeah you too and uh when we're off camera he hugs me believe me i love you man love you too mike we'll see you later all right take care good to see you mate see you soon bye hey thank you i've only seen him in your video i know right it's beautiful so peter is always entertainment i love that guy he's the best he really is the best is it is it me or is it smaller than it was last year did it shrink i do you know i don't remember last year i think it was quite a bit bigger maybe this is the covid tree i do like those shooty stars hold on hold on hold on thumbnail thumbnail done thumbnail oh my god look at that dog what is this dog i want him will you sell him to you you were looking at burna doodles i know i want one of these guys how old is he's friendly my goodness me he is just adorable thank you yeah okay chloe river doodles hey boy girl i think that's a girl michael hello girl i think that's the pink color she won't i want the facial shot this is not easy i tell you what i'll get killed walking on the road how old is she hey baby hey babies six months she's lovely this is not easy look this way hey baby there we go no no good hello i guess the world's least photogenic dog you can't say least photogenic that's mean well he wouldn't look in the camera i know that doesn't mean you know whatever this is your favorite store it is so they've got a snow tree last year was awesome do you remember it was all neon they had like the neon cut out lvs this has lvs in it but you can hardly see them they're kind of deeply buried in there pretty though right that's cool the lv dress is sweet too i don't think you call it sweet cute yeah nice it reminds me of like something from the 70s the type of thing i would wear if i was a woman thank you thank you how do people recognize me wearing this and this you've seen you've seen the hat you're wearing right no one else would wear it right well it's either you or boy george so they got a 50 50 chance there you go i actually dressed quite kind of kind of tame today i thought don't you think this is tame for me white shirt little black accent i guess so did you see the deer i did there they are that's pretty cool ah so the 60s is very in right now not very hippy yeah very hippy this is pretty it's sad to see the street deserted right no very unfortunate times but we'll get through it i was gonna say well hopefully it won't be too long now that everything's rolling out hopefully in early next year we make you famous look what does it say fail oh fame pain we make you famous sounds like you i like these uh drippy icicle likes i like them too first time i ever saw them was in paris and i always thought and that was years ago i thought the us is way behind and then a couple of years later they came here too so they caught up it's surprising actually there's a lot of places that aren't particularly festive well there's nobody here to be festive for yeah but even so it's nice to just get in the spirit isn't it it's really actually quite sad they've got nothing not even one twinkle light ah hello fox buddy look who's this is this will he recognize it he does he's like nope that's funny this is where you got that dog from correct oh look they've got a new thing i could get look at that what is it a robot i want the robot mate actually look it's got speaker jacks i want the robot that actually would suit your music room how do i do it well they don't let me in don't forget so maybe come back and do it when we're not on camera i want that what is it it's just a robot isn't it but it's made up of like speaker jacks well no look at the feet they look like little light bulbs in them no well no they're they're the end of like a speaker chord aren't cool whatever it is that is a cool piece of art you will be seen look very festive the christmas fish yeah what do you mean you don't have christmas goldfish at your house we missed that the lady they've got a few of those they just had one at the bottom of peter's room okay so it says this area is under video surveillance you did that joke last year but i thought it was actually going to get new material what what can i say cartier always looks nice carter always really does look nice but it's honestly disappointing that the stores haven't decorated their windows right yeah they haven't got into it as much as they usually do have they no not at all so talk to me about the blue dial thing right now because it seems like everybody or anybody who's anybody is doing blue dials so it started about a year ago and i don't know why blue dial was normally synonymous with such synonymous thank you some synonymous with platinum because like rolex they would put the blue dials in the platinum watches and then other manufacturers started putting blue dials in watches and it's actually very attractive yeah i know someone who's getting a blue dial watch very soon i do too very nice watch i can't wait to see it so this is a very interesting focal point this is where chanel used to live until they knocked it down i was to say so they took the opportunity since everything's closed to knock it down they're going to rebuild it and it's going to be twice the size well it was huge already wasn't it world flagship store like not world because the biggest one is in paris but other than that this is going to be it wow yeah oh dear why got farty exhaust so cartier don't have the panthers this year no they uh i think every store is economized in some way you can't blame them they're not doing the business right they work here we go guests has pulled out the big baubles yes they have uh they they were extravagant look they have three ball balls very very extravagant oh six in total they're probably recycled beach balls do you think what are you focusing on sorry what i i just got distracted say that again oh dear oh my god i'm looking at myself i look completely ridiculous why did you make me take my nice mask off did you only just realize what you look like oh my word there we go much better i don't think we should bore anybody with the same old same old nothing really what do you think oh bar humbug over here let's get a bit further oh see so this is a brand that you've been told you should get into isn't it yes kevin o'leary swears by them i don't own one i should right he should but it's not really my scene i'll have to find one that i really like thoughts i mean would you wear that i would wear that and you know fine well that uh it's not a grand seiko but mine that i have on the way is a very very nice seiko yeah good point look it's disappearing right now as we speak oh there it goes it is going bye-bye hi well i'll tell you who we definitely can see watches from who mr seth should we go see him yeah why not that's a great idea let's go visit seth and uh yeah see what seth has to say back this way all right hello seth it's michael how are you hey what's up michael i am stood outside your building we're actually shooting a holiday video and i figured it'd come and say hello we'll see if you were here and since you're here we're just literally ending the video do you want to come and say hello to everybody yeah come on in my shop i'll show you some watches no i'm not coming in you come out you know i'm paranoid right oh my gosh all right all right if you say so so i'll tell you what if you've got anything nice bring a nice piece out with you here he is what's up adam how's it going bud hey i bought i bought the guard dog look at that guy nice how are you i'm doing fine thank you how are you doing good to see you how was the holidays training it's very festive looking out here thank god not bad not bad everything's going okay what are you guys gonna be doing just walking around beverly hills tonight we've already done it this is the end and uh we figured hey why not come and say hi to seth cool see how you're doing and uh say hello to him very nice i wish you could have come in the shop but i understand i understand well we'll do that soon okay sorry listen here's here's the i brought a uh the new ladies hold it in front of the camera oh i don't think you've got cooties that's fine thank you this is this is the ladies concept is that your phone i have to take this of course you do all right well hey i guess it's just a set show now so what's this so this is the concept frosted rose gold ladies tourbillon ap wow yeah that's beautiful yeah do you know what is that your phone now is it a diesel it's just me and you buddy it's just us this is now the adam and diesel show hello you there are you guys talking to each other no i just lost the phone call that was weird i actually saw this on uh on instagram one of the ap ads came up okay it's beautiful yeah not bad and how much is this uh the retail price is i want to say it's like 165 165 000 for this watch what are you selling for i'm actually asking a little bit over retail yeah over retail wow can't get it it's brand new that's gorgeous right nice watch so seth showed me the beautiful watch let me see it not that close just hold it oh that's actually really nice shame it's not a bit bigger 38 and a half millimeters so it's definitely for a woman and how much is it uh 165 list and it goes for a little bit over retail really yeah well nice watch right i love it yeah just noticing your hat yeah you're only just noticing that i've just noticed i made my christmas festive holidays this is like magic rednecks with peacock feathers it wouldn't it's been a while since i've seen you actually dressed up well there's nowhere to go i know exactly how you've seen you in your pink crocs i know well you're dressed up today you am i not wearing shorts you know a bit chilly for sure a little bit chilly but great seeing you yeah you too and uh we'll be doing a new video with you very very soon all right in the new year let's do another video i look forward to that cool stay safe stay well thank you and uh we'll see you soon all right happy holidays to you thank you happy holidays to you and happy holidays to all your fans thank you mate great to see you as always yeah i'm going to sign off guys so happy holidays and hit the subscribe button hit the bell we're in it to win it see ya really hope you enjoyed the uh the fun lights of beverly hills now's the time we're going to announce the giveaway winner are you ready how do we do this adam well i think mate that comes over to me uh i have the database right here which has got all of the entrance on there all 10 000 and something we'll have a final check in a second here but basically i'm going to find how many we've got i'm going to enter that number into a random number generator and then i will give you the number of the winner and then we'll find them in the list may i do the fireworks may i do the explosions like like you normally do a hundred percent yeah you can do that 100 better than you do that was pretty good yeah yeah let me try one more time okay put this in good okay let's do the giveaway you didn't answer me was that good it was brilliant mate really really good cut that part out i will i promise i promise yeah okay so right here i have our database so i'm just going to scroll down here and just check how many we did end up with are people able to see this live yes yes so i have this camera right here so this is kind of awkward you guys watching at home i'm talking to michael on my computer through this camera but i'm also talking to you through this camera michael's hearing me through this microphone and you're hearing me through this microphone so there's a lot going on right now but yes people will be able to see it live i have the database right here that i can show people on this computer on my tablet it just looks like a white screen i couldn't see anything on there at all they will be able to don't worry about it okay so we had a total of 10 525 entrants to the competition so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna scroll all the way back up to the top and i'm just gonna show people oh actually let me show people the number first just so that you know that we're being legit here so i'm going to come around and show you so we have 10 525 entrants right there coming back around so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull up my random number generator which is which is the true random number generator now i'm going to put in the number 2 as our first possible winner because the very first slide here or the very first um row i don't know all the technical terms michael the very first row uh says name and instagram username so we don't want it to pick that so we're going to take one out of the running because that isn't an entrant how do you know that isn't a name of somebody on instagram it may very well be okay ten five two five that's what i said right ten five two five no you should no you did i'm kidding yeah hold on let me triple check because i wanna make sure that this is all yep ten five two five so michael let me show you can you see that there can't see the number because i'm not wearing my glasses but you see i do see stuff so yeah okay sure it's accurate perfect so here we've got minimum is two so the first number that it could possibly pick would be number two and then the last number it could possibly pick would be ten five two five so that is what i'm gonna go for all right mate are you ready yeah does it do like a spinning the wheel thing or does it just stop on a number it just kind of stops it's not i okay can you please make like a giveaway version where there's confetti and you know doves being released and dry ice and stuff that'd be nice wouldn't it that would be fantastic and fireworks then i don't have to go okay i'm gonna hit generate you ready i'm ready all right here we go i'm gonna do this on camera so everybody can see so our winner i can't see i'll tell you what the number is our winner is one eight three six one eight eight three three six so hold your fireworks get ready to light your fuses i'm ready one eight three six so i'll scroll up here nearly there you can't like dial it in and it finds it for you no here we go in it oh they don't win michael why they didn't enter their instagram username oh you're kidding the literally the only person on my screen right now without their username wait what did i say what did i say did i say three six or three five oh no hold the phones hold the phones so i i chose three five but actually three six is jonathan bell fireworks michael fireworks jonathan bell right here jonathan bell brit hill 7 on instagram jonathan you're our winner that's amazing where's jonathan uh i don't know i hid his address because i didn't want everybody sending him fan mail hold on i am going to check to make sure that he's following everybody he's supposed to be and he did everything correctly what's his instagram name please it's brit hills c7rit he's in england he's innate he's in england well he's following me he's following you he's following jacob he's the winner to make sure he's subscribed to youtube hold on that is awesome well done jonathan bell and yeah he's in england he is he's he's done congratulations fellow brit um you have a 26 thousand dollar jacob epic x coming your way so yay congratulations you need to do some adam hold on do i do i have i don't have anything i could actually use proper pyrotechnics but i don't have any here you'd set your place on fire why don't you take a screenshot of that of what the the winner which you have all the information and well i have it here it's in the database yeah but if you forget the number no i guess it's recording so you won't forget no never mind do you do you guys see what i have to deal with cut that out i was just trying to be helpful all right well you can do your sign off but i already did the sign off on the christmas video yeah you've got to sign up what join just cut now no wish everybody merry christmas i'm about to merry christmas happy holidays um i have lots of fun have lots of christmas pudding uh turkey brussels sprouts and other stuff no seriously guys i hope you have a fantastic holiday and congratulations john jonathan jonathan yep jonathan bell congratulations jonathan what a christmas present for you uh epic lots more giveaways coming uh not to mention that there's the our million subscriber giveaway which if you haven't entered do it now uh that's about it so now hit the subscribe button hit the bell follow the instructions on the previous ins happy birthday yeah never mind see ya you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 183,825
Rating: 4.8804054 out of 5
Keywords: Christmas Lights, Rodeo Drive Christmas Lights, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Christmas decorations, LA, hollywood, shopping spree, luxury, retail, designer stores, designer clothes, designer shoes, designer retail, producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, essential watches, peter marco
Id: mQoBoWLytb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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