Hollywood Walk of Fame TOUR!

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if you look at me now do I look like a [Music] hello hi what's going on I don't know you tell us well we are on the very famous Hollywood Boulevard and for those of you that have never been here it's a very exciting place it's very strange and you'll see some sights that you won't see anywhere else and with a little bit of luck we'll get to show you something because what we're gonna do is we're gonna drive up and down here one so some of the GoPros on the car we'll pick up some of the sights for you and then we'll park and go and take a walk around and we might even talk to some very strange people sounds like fun right so we're gonna make a left off Hollywood Boulevard here onto Vine Street and an iconic building very famous building is the Capitol Records building which I've actually been in many times I've produced a couple of records in there and it's it's legendary directly behind it oh by the way that's the big round building that you're gonna see when the light changes behind it is the Hollywood sign I don't know if we'll get a clear view of it because there's a building but we will carry on until we do get a clear view of it not that you haven't seen it before but it's kind of fun to see it live so let's go see if we can find it in the interim there's lots of people crossing the road here waving at us for some strange reason not quite sure why it's a little bit different to Beverly Hills although it's only about six miles from Beverly Hills but you'll see radical differences I think so I don't know if you can see the capitol building yet you'll see it when we turn the traffic ever goes away la is famous for its traffic and today is one of those days that makes it famous for the traffic is crazy you don't know what's going on so why is the Capitol Records building so famous what - tell us a few records that have come out of that building a little band called the Beatles recorded there a guy called Elvis Presley recorded Frank Sinatra Wow etc etc etc and here it is right behind the trees you're about to see it right now there we get a call wrecking the building and that's spike on the top of the building I don't know if you can see that yeah that is actually a needle from an old record player that's what it's supposed to be how big was that flooding record plant has a large record player and I think it played 78 most of you don't even know what asset oh gosh it's sending me the wrong way where's the Hollywood sign it's directly behind this ugly bridge so we'll make a left here I'll just I'll Photoshop it in right here there there yeah perfect okay it's gonna be to your right and you will see it when we get past this bridge here then you might have to double back on yourself should be goodness gracious I'm determined to show you it so I'm gonna make it right I go away from where I Drive up to it yeah let's drive up to it okay so this is totally where I don't want to be I'm gonna make it right onto the freeway and come off on the next one is it all right with you yeah you're driving south is that the right direction yes all right direction so we go for a trip on the 101 wasn't planned none of this is planned I was gonna say please don't make people believe that we actually hopefully what we're doing we have no clue no clue so it should be here promise a promise may be behind this building here I want to get off on this exit please be there please where are you there's the Griffith Observatory and I'm coming off the freeway and there's no damn Hollywood sign there it is I saw Holly whoo oh god no guys no sign so the one thing that you learn from this is I am NOT a good tour guide having said that this is free so yeah well good cause I don't think anyone would have paid for it all right so back to Hollywood Boulevard yeah back to the walk of shame the Hollywood sign was just a bonus anyway please photocopy one not photocopy yeah that yeah Photoshop one in there oh well your video shop went over look Caretti you could go there what's karate Oh karate yeah they're suited karate like some kind of weird designer brand that you like you're just as English as I am yeah perhaps not quite as pompous so talk to us a little bit about what we're seeing here okay so under sidewalks I don't think you'll be able to capture it as we drive but it's stars all the way down these are the famous stars on Hollywood Boulevard and we will get close-ups of them as we get it when we get out of the car high police presence here that's why there's police cars everywhere because it's kind of notorious for pickpockets and other forms of crime it's also a high drug area so they monitor it closely a lot of unfortunate homeless people live under the bridges you might have seen a few of those as we pass by this guy has a lot of holes in his shirt I wonder if he knows shall I see that roof oh yeah well I'm gonna take the roof off hold on the roof is going to go down is it going down what are you doing it's going down gosh it's bright all right I think I'm gonna put the roof back up it's very pretty bright it's also hot 80 degrees at 279 and we are where are we October the 24 20 bit 20 Boston it a green driver green all right so you probably can't hear me any more now because it's loud but we continue going down hallo I'm putting the windows up can I put the windows up as Superman account woman oh ok so I apologize in advance for any sporadic camera moves in this there's a lot of crazy looking people around so if Michaels mid-conversation I spot one I will whip it around yeah people like it when he would around that's what I read on the bathroom wall I don't even want to know where bathrooms you're go into well anyway I was giving us a tour and we've already established and absolutely useless at giving tours yeah hello yes nice to meet you thank you I have one fan I like that one fan there was driving on the wrong side of the road he actually drove on the wrong side of the road just to say hello that's very nice of him so that's pretty cool here on the Left we have the very famous Madame Tussauds I like it's on the right it's coming up on the right on the left there is something else it's very famous [Laughter] this is the Scientology building though this is in fact the Scientology belong here what was I thinking of which building is Guinness Book of Records is on the left hand side Madame Tussauds the wax museum is on the right hand side and there's all sorts of other types of museums and funny things that we're about to see and like I said we'll get out of the car and go and visit them in person because some of them are just hilarious stuff you don't see anywhere so we want to show you there's also Hollywood happy land what they sell there it's a interesting thought what else do we see the pig and whistle here and whistle pig and whistle very British sounding I think that's a pub this in English blow up folks this is the Hollywood Hollywood it's the Hollywood just the Hollywood just the Hollywood now that's Guinness World Records and Ripley's Believe It or Not for the big dynasty and and there's Franklin wax museum there's the Madame Tussauds let me open the window so you get a a better view of the act or the suburban [Music] yeah people are definitely gonna get seasick from all of this filming with me whippin the camera I'm seasick watching you do it we're going to park the car at the very famous Hotel Roosevelt which is an iconic hotel I don't know why its iconic but it is very famous if you google it you'll find just about every famous person in the world has stayed there these are all film studios around here as well where they make a lot of the movies that we get to see oh well this man is he's giving a talk in a different language but did you see that he had a microphone but no speaker but he was making noise I don't know it was coming out of the microphone was it yeah just become the end of the microphone I was like where have you got that speaker very hit very different small man okay here we are at the parking they look when the car is right in front take your time buddy hi there hey how are you I'm well okay we're just you know if you normally keep it up here for it okay well I'm gonna put the roof on and also take these cameras off the car the roof goes up and then I'll take the cameras off and you take the cameras off do do one of my things pretty hand over lens gets be ready yeah Shh so Hollywood Boulevard let's go explore do the thing Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel very very famous to prove were there the carpet says HR right nothing don't need your sunglasses in here no we go upstairs okay and then we'll walk through what they call the majestic lounge don't know why they call it that maybe they don't maybe I call it that there is a restaurant and this is the majestic lounge the reason it's called the majestic round I guess is because it's majestic it reminds me of like a Moroccan style hotel in Marrakesh you've never been there been there I should say that's probably the only fancy place that I've been to that you haven't I met Dame Judi Dench there and lift really James Bond for those of you that don't recognize the name no she doesn't play James Bond next so this is now Hollywood Boulevard and these starting here are serving Dalberg Randy Quaid I worked with Julio Iglesias I actually played drums on some of his records you can google that Nancy Sinatra yeah there's lots of people dos for miles it's your main let me tell you what a lousy tour guide I really am I showed you before way down the street Madame Tussauds the wax museum I guess I got it wrong Adam if you do the 180 degrees with the camera you'll see that Madam's who serve there yeah well the other one which is called the Hollywood Wax Center yes so that was his way you get you're sick let's see what's going on here so this is yeah so they closed all of this off there's Minnie Mouse and spider-man I'm spider-man [Music] hello spider-man maybe like climbing a building no I cannot man yesterday oh okay yeah I told you is different to Beverly Hills right it's a lot different for once you don't look like the crazy stress person No question it says do you hear me yeah don't be caught dead in birth he has fur round his face p.m. he's been violating the rules as your own yeah talking about his beard I think this is Shaquille O'Neal no Kobe Bryant no it's not my wheelhouse okay let's see who these people are [Music] sorry I don't think that is okay there was a shock after all who Zac Effron hello sir I think he's dead he has deodorant under his whoopsie armpits come on he's gotta stay fresh it's hard to know who's real who's that oh who's this Luke's through your ball hello his Lucille Ball Lucille Ball's and one of the most famous actresses of the forties fifties sixties and so your era top I find out what's going on here this is all television production equipment and this is a very famous Chinese Theater so let's go see what they're filming okay something major is going on here when they poured the concrete they had people come and put their initials or signatures in the concrete and prints here's Eddie Murphy Nicholas Cage thousands more and I promise if you look hard enough you will not find mine coming soon to a star near you producer Michael Shatner and for those of you who don't know who William Shatner is he was the original captain on Starship Enterprise Captain Kirk Star Trek so is the Chinese that's where they do a lot of film premieres and they do American Idol there sometimes they do the big awards like the Emmys and golden glow' stuff like that okay all the big stuff all the big stuff yeah look Darth Vader there's definitely something going on because the red carpet said that the cameras are there ready to roll let's find out I what are they doing here today like the Latin Music Awards and the Latin Music Awards you know what time to start 30 to check that out what a beautiful putt aroma down there is people already waitin yes oh it's Batman and there's the person in Red Robin as in Red Robin drop in the red breast sorry guys that one Robin turn in whatnot and Batman four people in every week dates a whole will be the Caped Crusader that's one of the guys from The Incredibles I'm not a superhero guy [Laughter] goodness gracious okay so this is really cool I don't know what it's really cool looks like a big shopping center let's go up let's go and see the elephants let's get the elevator okay Ricky pretend we're flying porridge if you look at me now do I look like No then we got stuff anyway I'm trying to think what it had for breakfast I should probably avoid it in the future it seems like three cans of Red Bull and I got up this morning and I thought I'd be very conservative so I'm wearing a conservative shirt for me do you think so yeah and conservative shoes but but that's not conservative that was a leopard print roller yes it's called the leopard is that what it is Rolex leopard yeah and it's a factory one because there are some that are aftermarket it's pretty cold they'll fix you to Hollywood Boulevard well there's not so leopard leather strap gold and diamond yes and orange sapphire and iron sapphire diamond docks on the mountain markers you know me I can't be without my crazy wat good view of the red car from the left this is where the celebrities come in and all the press line up where the lights are facing this backboard here that's where everybody gets interviewed and then they enter into the theater so that's what you get to see on TV this is the vertical view or top view it is in fact it is in fact because you humiliated me earlier the Hollywood Wax Museum and it says it's the most visited attraction do you see that big billboard yeah so it's not where they shave you come on there's a wigwam look what do you suppose it will be there what the green one yes the top of the Chinese Theater isn't it arrays it's not a wigwam this way it looked like a weak web people here waiting for their little moment of Fame one of those two level starts now it's very sad that I didn't know this was happening today because I actually represent a lot of very big Latin stars this was happening I should have been here I'm sure there are tickets on my desk for it as well tell everybody your biggest laughing my biggest lighting star is without doubt Luis FONSI and you might know him better for his song despacio which it has all the world records for being the biggest song in the world ever I believe it's nearly 5 billion views now on YouTube and some incredible amount of downloads that I'm very honored to be able to work with him maluma who's another enormous enormous latin star and many others so there we have it and they'll all be here and I'm not been an issue in a Batman Batman I wrote that it was Batman yes Batman but it wasn't Robin there was a guy from The Incredibles robbing my degree they look like robin redbreast no Robin where's red the Joker where's green very well okay tell me who this is this will this will really give you brownie points if you know who this is who the lady that's fallen over and then that is oh this is yes this looks like what it's one of the Transformers a bumblebee or someone and it's simply the front let's ask him no it's not that is so do you think you stink so one thing that you guys might not know from here is when you when you film people on the Hollywood Walk of Fame they're all here trying to make some money and so even if you just point a camera at them really quickly like to see him turn around yes because because he doesn't want you to film in without paying I didn't know that yeah we could still make it alright second this we should have gone that way oh no that's the light scanner no it didn't so this is believe it or not from the TV show believe it or not and I want to get it inside look actually you could give this way yeah then round and then come back that way this could be you could be producer Michael the other marker I don't we there we go yeah our photocopy it in yes so here we are this is the wax museum and there's nobody standing let's do it so King Kong not many of you know this that if you do get a look-see they've made their own Museum of selfies Wow there's there's a good thumbnail hello alright ready 1 2 3 thank you what I was saying was there's an annual maintenance fee if you have one of these and you have to pay to keep it polished and shiny and clean okay so Richard bath powerfulness obviously isn't paying his well he obviously is because if he wasn't that did make it blank they put a blank one in there okay so why do you suppose the dogs are all showing their butts wouldn't you want to show their faces you think so but this is Hollywood Boulevard things are different another thing to point out sushi is not very popular on Hollywood Boulevard as you can see there's not look at that face that's one that only a mother could love Jackie I can talk I want to go in and see what they have this is crazy stuff yeah I'm sure they will what are they hello how are you you have some very cool things in here Wow spooky stuff spooky stuff so that's an amazing outfit let's count woman woman who's the other person but I'm telling you they'll turn around because they don't want to be on film it makes no sense they're just joking though to each other yeah but that if they turn because this year a camera really yeah exactly it's like you would have thought they were like oh hey guys come on spoken to you and then been like any chance of you know getting five bucks I would give them five Berkeley exactly the heartbeat is Chewbacca guys yeah I mean like it just it doesn't thank you this place smells really good food ID yeah happy to buy you anything you want all right let's go to Lambeau Field to eat if you can eat a Lambo I'll pay for it save my correction from earlier this is in fact the Dolby theater I'm a really horrible talk I prove it to myself by the moment there's Captain America so he turns around we're up here and look happy that this the thing I don't understand why they come out and do it because they just stand around looking miserable it's cool that's the proper bumblebee let's take a look [Music] wow that's pretty impressive it's not as cool it says please do not judge so I'm pretending I'm actually not touching I see how careful I am see what we have here let's see this is what you've got on your desk yeah yeah there's no difference in this and mine except mine's a little heavier and a little bigger but this is cool and this is three dollars and this is this is different to us this is a real baby I be joke to be quiet what's this place Michael who - yeah what is the DNA shell horns do they yeah point point you go and have a look yeah what is it we have to mess it up [Music] there you go who this queasy where we came from before but it is about the same good but that was fun I think that was a lot of fun and you guys got to see stuff that I guess you wouldn't normally get to see unless that was officially be nice uncompensated walk of fame television big television you're a DD is running wild today ADHD please and you be the full sight okay yes sir on that bombshell yes would you like to sign off to the good people yes let me do it okay let's make you about how about I'll be very gentle no guys I hope you enjoyed this I did this was fun this is a lot of fun we got to see some amazing things thanks for tuning in hope you had fun hit the subscribe button hit the bell and with that see ya [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 340,904
Rating: 4.9049449 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, hollywood walk of fame, walk of fame, walk of shame, hollywood boulevard, hollywood, madame toussauds, hollywood tour, tour guide
Id: Iw_5atFyD0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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