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hey here we are again at you see Deena's yo she called me he has some Richard Mille watches and he wants to show me and we love this guy he's just amazing and he has some fabulous things so let's go see what you she's got today and have some time come on I'll also try not to break the door because you remember what happened last time push how'd I do thank you there's nobody here I do like it it's amazing what's a night premier for I love this piece how are you look how much is it I don't know what to retail but I think we killed it $70,000 wanted to not rebuild 70 but what we swallowed like 70 off oh my gosh what's it made I can't even pick it up what's heavy it's very happy it's like a glass but it's very special but their leg in it you bust peppers and everything I have to hold the camera you have to attempt to back that up because it's ridiculous can you try and pick it up I mean I know you can pick it up wow that is heavy right and I'm like you pump more more probably thank you that's crazy I'll tell you what it's like close to a hundred part it's very happy but I love this is ridiculous mean I didn't expect that ID and I thought I'm strong this we should put outside how am I good to see you have some we should mister here you can with another gorgeous watch we call this watch it from you yeah but you didn't get this one from you okay this don't make you so smart but it's okay I know I have not asking you to be loyal are you everything good everything's great everything's great way you want to get in a tea what I have a great watch for you will buy it tell me you like me should know I love you share or watches what do you have I got out of me living in white I say it's in you you have a lot of nice watches here yeah yeah I have it here these were here last time we were in at least it no we're not you're just garbage just garbage yeah watch it's amazing watch you know our meal and I love this very well I have a couple of iron 11 I don't have a white gold one disappear from coal I mean why favorites a black old rate but it's a basic watch amazing I like that beautiful huh yeah where that well yeah I absolutely would wear that home level it says on the back of it beautiful it's you but expect for everything and how much is it solid see you always bargain in you never would you be without want I know you're like I know that like I will start with 145 the spittoon is a fair price a quick price I don't these invites rush no no I know I can't do the right price I don't know if I want to put it 145 for it but it's certainly a fair price do you have a thing to put this out I'll get the tray let me borrow the tray okay I have to trade on that's pretty very very pretty see oops what do you think now you know it's nice right hmm here turn around let me see on the light there we go very cool mmm so you're starting price you said was 145 you know it's not too much to play with it see if you know I know it's fingers I give it a best prize I don't de play with this because it's not much chief you know I'm getting I this watches to me it's more advertising to get customer to buy jus you know the main idea speech you buy a watch like that you don't make money on this watches because you know it's like you have to pay that money no she lives near sure if I bought is the second hand or we can either find it's different you know no I get that well what else should we go here you have a tremendous an I'll tell you what I have a lobby staff I show you maybe I have couple big pieces of Juiz you want to buy anything for Christmas for your girlfriend with expensive month good night with I have a big feast couple signed pieces like buy a Bulgari like a million dollar and they have a beautiful la vie cliff necklace let me show what they got what about these watches what else you be going you've got bunches to look at these days back low as a lot of minute I said a lot of her busy I call you back I'm in me look yeah more Hermes bags of her meds that's for sure in fact we miss probably don't have any he's a very hard to get very very hard to get these are nice as well these are all of those yeah so when you say her meds right now wanted to buy one did laugh at you you can't buy you can't walking to her medicine by working you have to be a longtime customer spend a lot of money and then if you're lucky they'll sell your back so one of these bags that plain leather one retails for about ten or eleven thousand dollars and on the secondary market after someone's got them they double really a crocodile ones can be a hundred thousand one hundred and fifty thousand is insane and google it you'll see didn't want yourself at $350,000 yourself for more than that even so here's a question for you talking about watches would you rather have a three hundred thousand dollar watch or would you rather have Ferrari or a Lamborghini what would you rather have I would do the car always why just because I love cars my passion cars are number one there isn't anything else that a cars gonna get stone chip getting a war now you gotta have to perfect everybody you cannot ask this kind of a question would you prefer everybody have a different tests I prefer to have a watch in the car I said you have to watch I don't care from I would do car you know I do watch all day long you might have I do buy cars I know I don't I love to look at them I do I'd like to drive a fancy or flashy car yeah you've driven Rolls Royces I know that tried it because I haven't any because I thought about but then I know how much I don't like it you know the mean do you know my people like fancy car show me you know people send you money and it's very secure like guided like want to show up the drive all right it's not comfortable I don't know why a guy will love new Ferrari that come trying to drive my Audi wife you drive Ronnie like a 2 billion to our car well I would not pay a hundred thousand for that I buy two solid but I don't like Ferrari if you give it to me as a gift I will not drive it so it's what you're saying that a smart man would drive like an older Mercedes rather than a new Ferrari yeah that's it that's interesting evening Mike sir he has he has a beam up piece of bleep Mercedes that I left her all the time he loves it absolutely loves it it's all the pencils all its 1998 what twenty years old what huh Mercedes e-class if not it's not all [Laughter] people prefer old Mercedes but all that they've had like 54 52 maybe 48 but 98 is the new vintage I'm telling you not believe me not me definitely not equalized the way you have I tell you what I don't want to say white people drive from I see the car like for 40 million 20 million Ferrari it's beautiful to meet our I love art I love art more than I love watches okay I love captured me a couple Jimmy Carr it's what it's it's our to when it's old but the new car to Spain half a million a million dollar I prefer to drive out in a TV I'm sensing that there is its own personality you know I have a lot of people that Ferrari they have no money to pay the rent yeah this Beverly Hills yeah you in families you're not in America you're not in different place I think people's Ferrari they will pay the mortgage for the Ferrari but there were nowhere place to live so I know for a fact I've in him many many many times you see people come in here with items a couple hundred thousand dollars and they need to pawn it yeah because they have no money so why are you doing with something of this value if you have no money obviously they're living we're beyond that means that most of people live beyond is me yeah it's okay but it's alright yeah but I always liked everybody I don't judge people everybody grew up different way you know some people get beat up more in the other by the father like they've like a different personality mister like if somebody wants to leave behind these mean I love that it's my customer this is why I'm making money but I will not drive I don't read some simple cop I don't know sauce but I don't do anything for me now this beam any chair might be driving their a really expensive car then what am I dreaming this and then I think to myself I like it terrible but I don't thank you like now you feel old think you'd like it I think you're very flushing it's ok it's good people like this applies you give all your people look at my shoes right I didn't wear them because they're comfortable you I promise you lady garnishes you tried that one came from in your world Lady Gaga shoes I ever look like he looked like you were worried show me what you've got I see one but it's Christmas seriously it's business let me show you something like let me show you something like it's not cheap but if you buy that it's a great deal what is the key I have not yet let me show you something like it's amazing deal ok how I do ok I'll show you a deal you see this one it's $120,000 watch by Cartier you like that your girlfriend will love that my girlfriend yeah 50 girlfriend $920,000 regional diamond for 35,000 is cheap great deal 75 for someone great 75 of an 38 why you have to go to Cartier people like you will go to Kathy because I want to say the bullet from Cartier you know the man who nobody would know if you have the box I advise everything that's a great deal I mean that is a great that tell you something today know every by Christmas I know the Christmas guy those people for Christmas there by small do you know when I really what the best months for me he never took off my finger will be there do you know where it's the best months for me the best like when I saw the most January you know why because women men don't bite woman the right gift and they come to spend the money they take the trade thought they'd spend the money my biggest piece all in German we see really but that's interesting Christmas what I really sell a lot of Christmas like two hundred five hundred thousand two thousand dollar stop finishing some stuff I got some stuff like it's amazing amazing you can just stop seriously look at this stuff three four five hundred it's a great gift look at you come with something like that how much is this piece EE how much is this piece I don't know the small pieces how much they make this was the love he only knows the big money big ID I need two or three one because I have no girlfriend about 400 I guess almost 400 you understand sorry that's these diamonds yes this diameter it's 18 callable this what I will give to a girl I have no like she's not my girlfriend like I have to buy some gift you know three four of them for Christmas but you give it to your girlfriend she get insulted [ __ ] come John why don't you spend money on your credit card you know that you give you girlfriend a clay pot you know I've done that in the past he's a big mistake it would never happen again you know was like it is a good value you know I was like you my girlfriend never never spend money on my career that's cuz you didn't give her a credit card I gave her a really a good crack up when in fact it was so cheap I give him expensive gift and to return there was something small I have a good girl I'm lucky you're very lucky that's very few and far likely now I have nobody well a reason I think you don't have a girl cause everybody assume I have a lot of girls but they don't have anybody you know it's sad well you guys like anybody you like huh you can get anybody you want it yeah but you want the nice girl you don't find in the late nights girl you know any nice girl I don't like nice girl there's lots of nice skills right I don't like most skills are nice I don't know I'm looking for a nice girl and I'm a great guy she'll introduce you to no seriously I'll introduce you I know a lot of you know all my [ __ ] girlfriend than my best friend they love me my girlfriend stealer so why they're your exes because I don't know what a mistake now I'm not going to evidence I need only that's the thing he needs anyone there was really multiple at the same time I know I need one I need and honestly I'm ready for one either way just suits you let me take you to my sector Jack so many pieces they came how do I want to see you so I bought it you know what you get rid of that I don't mind if people will offer me that seriously you know sometimes when you have so much you don't need it I prefer to have the cash you know I can let me take it I'd love to see that where's your Shaiful to the vault my office never been in your office and this show about it looky what may judge doubt do you know this piece oh my gosh you don't this piece you know the movie yeah that since it's amazing can I touch it sure wow I have paper everybody just bought it you know this piece you know you know you know how much is this you know this artist yeah I've seen a few feeling yeah I love you know what I got this one I didn't say to trade this was a big producer you want to buy a guitar for a son important guitar by a big actor like I don't know how to are a prejudice but you know it's for self but I don't know how I just got it I really got it like couple days ago I don't I need to find what surprised I have no idea what it's pretty cool that amenities what's your cameras up there see everything let me take you to the vault all right that's scary you haven't been to my book might be a year to build that you know build under the ground it's a space shovel tell me I love your shoes it's mint worrying that it's men wearing dishes here we go here we go it's better me good that's one heck of a door I mean if I'd listened it's not the door it's all this vault if you'd be earthquake you'll be safe already up to 12 really wow it's really a major vault but I have a lot of stuff like this I guess some oh good nice stuffy and I have any and out like people always go up and down and some stuff I want to sell don't diamondden you share love watches all these watches came out of fun that you see yes there's a I believe it to diamond ring ring just to what do you want me to find somebody that's any pretty funny pretty fine tell you what I have a lot of watches what I will sullynette take offer for them what are these no protects or paddock you know I have a lot of wise I have arranged like four to three hundred for Christmas this is not expensive look expensive but it's not expensive this is like twenty or thirty thousand it's everyone's reading gold what's more help I mean watch is you know it's a beauty but my stuff tell me yes your $100 next to a million dollar you know what I mean these are 2,200 this just came out of ponder with the bodies to it's gonna be up in just a lot of fun how much is this I have no idea just got it out I'm seriously I don't know the price but I will let it go quick well Scotty Kochi a pen with a clock yeah look at that you see this one David Webb it's over a million dollar totally flawless as beautiful D flawless to D flawless it's over a million door by David Webb it's one of the kind pieces one of the best pieces I think what is that bro it's a bullet you know we'll buy this one if I get to him used to he bought for me one time long time ago it's Elton John John Elton John with a lot of this piece really yeah you see you will you flush you will wear this you know belt buckle and I will wear this one I will never wear your shoes you have to say but this one I think it's amazing like my shoes say [ __ ] maybe I get a girlfriend this way yeah it's like give me that and I'll be your girlfriend right you know Mexico that's absolutely beautiful in this one is suffer not heat 22 karat happy something like that I think I forgot I don't want to guess but it's it's big money over half a million dollar how is it really yes it's important piece it's a expensive suffer you know there's a movie the Titanic you look like the movie yeah you know I bought a big sapphire from you a couple years ago do you remember you know 20 carats any others well I bought it from him I guess it was two years ago maybe two years I don't remember exactly what I paid for it but I do know today it's worth about double so that was it I think this is what's important I see stuff is out of fun out of money look at that species I want to get rid of them look at that so what would you normally do with this how would you can you don't have this one I will take offer because people come usually I take it up people want an expensive I show to them have food on Facebook but this you know which pieces I've at least undergone a thousand of pieces in order to get data I'm little but like only that they have earrings a bracelet look at that look at that look at that it's not a beautiful necklace seriously it's not like you have a junk you have a good pieces here ruby necklace look at that look at look at this ruby necklace seriously he will do a Julie story pepper behind thousand for that I'm not joking really seriously I will show this for like for 15,000 but it's a big Ruby that's amazing it's nice up for 500 for 200 what's this for 300 can applicator yeah this came out of Marisol Sofia this is like four but Sir it is like a championship belt well came out of fun could I take everything their value you know to me initially I will build something would have a it's a belt how many something like that I have no idea but it's not expensive it's all be peaceful with the fighter here Ivan you are new one amazed you favor peace somebody pawn it or the solid just came out and find it two days ago it's new I've never been used if you go to a maid you cannot find it no no you can buy it you cannot pay retail and I'm over here sell it to a lot under retail you know what I mean it's crazy PC City coming all these pieces come coming out of pawn in it's amazing pieces let me see what is it all this stuff is coming out with a ring yeah stop up with anything I want you to watch is here cut here on the dollar yes that's pretty stuff all this stuff it's all the fun killed Van Cleave you go to the wanna see I wanna see something you should buy for your girlfriend this is a weird way I love that B it's been cliff what is it van Cleef our pendant pendant watch I think my glyphs solve this for 30 40 thousand I don't want to guess what it's worth what do you sell it for I have no idea but probably about the ten thousand ten twelve maybe eight I don't know I have to check it out because I don't know the prices don't make no more of the prices so you have to guess how much you have in inventory could you can put a figure on it yes by then what the target is it okay if you have you have millions of dollar over here I have a great pieces I tell you I have I think honestly I think about two to three thousand pieces I want to get rid of them right you get rid of them you know if some pieces I owned for 20 30 years I don't need it here I prefer to take this cash and buy some new stuff right I agree we've talked about inner yard saying you should do yeah maybe next major worry about you know some people I know do some stuff it's on par don't toilet it's all started some punk look at this what is this it's a word presented on behalf of the what does it say automatic music belong to me but this is the word the guy is what the guy made he made it was in Broadway show and it was one of the hotter Broadway show and he got number one I got their words she all right you know it's worth a lot of money put the notion you get crazy money people love this award and this is a good award is for Broadway amazing never seen anything like that incredible so yeah I wish I could go through the boxes and see what you said I have so much stuff here just like bags you've go this old jewelry would take it out size we change every day let me show you some stuff you want watches me I'll show you some watches show me watches show you some watches coming out of one seriously okay that's heavy oops maybe there let me show you some watches I want this out here it's a Patek Phillipe 50:13 so 500,000 or watch it's a rubber bag what you want me to put in a beautiful box in myself in my bolt but this watch it's a paddock it's a minute repeater minute repeater and it's probably it's about three it's it's a 500,000 or watch my party be sold around three 350 if I have to wind it needs power yeah but look at that let me show some couple other great what I always joke about you having abd I feel like when you guys get together it's like a clash of who has the worst I'm just stood here I'm doing nothing let me show you a Rolex Daytona I've never seen what she looks like that before this is a vintage ones have integer yeah ain't in 62 and how much is this sister always that face it's very well how much others I don't know yes language to solid yeah but it's what this worth like a lot of money haven't $1000 this a big watches really came out of planning I want to solve nearly touch my fingers when it is if I really like let him pick this up take your fingers this is very gentle well see I love that what else you got caught - you watch back there Santos I see yep Maisie chips no Chad don't put something like you will be thinking you see what's that red say you are wearing this Adam that's a cool car to Santos would you whether you see you see these centers you wouldn't wear that no it's a great watch I mean how much how much do you buy this phone pad from well for ma maybe 15 I don't I think it's like six seven thousand I will probably sell this for 1200 really yeah it's a quite Christmas gift why you have to go to cut here no I agree Josi what did you say the red face Rolex would be with no idea it's a lot it's over a hundred thousand dollars okay yeah way more than a hundred thousand dollars it was a big boy watch yeah I mean I don't want to sell this one but is the register explained you often say you don't want to sell things why don't you want to sell it because I shop I pawned this one to a guy 20 years ago and I love the guy one day I like to give it him as a gift it's a ring it's a superb all right really yeah it's from the Redis 19 I think it's 19 it's again like the Redis was against Washington I think with kin it's 19 you see the thing they can use it doesn't say since 1997 it's the last time already's got the Super Bowl here look in the stone it's emerald no no this one it's Papa right no Papa Raja it's it's a green very very unusual stone in its by Van Cleef Marissa it's expensive I don't know about over 100 they think well that's some stuff for $20 look in this piece you know much cause she's to make a piece like that it's all diamond it's your hand yeah hamsa it's like $700 I think where do you show that for I don't know what this hotel under 700 that's pretty cheap for a diamond hand [Laughter] 100 what did they just say hey I want to see watches watches cheers OH property of know it says Tiffany and Kohanim Oh Nelson these get me special patek philippe oh my goodness all this watchin CB available it's all love Alexis all balances very ready to take date and I Pro close you need it be for sale by the motto hip it that's a great video it's about 20,000 or watch how much would you sell therefore it's about twenty look at it's all bubble Rolexes it's all old you know when you go to places you go to museum to look at this places seriously and my soul they look like it's rush amazing there it's truly amazing it's beautiful not beautiful I want to show this for Christmas I have it for a long time I want to get rid of them beautiful pieces really beautiful tennis bracelet you know I want take how much how much you know how much power they have approximately stuff I want you good results are that amazing look at the ring look in the ring beautiful link look at the way I want to solid you've got so much amazing inventory great inventory and I want to solve what colors in this it's a very green stone blue green with the GI yeah it's very well how much is this I have to chain up I don't I'd no one that would be originally expensive you'd be expensive but they don't be like the way you by the way I sell your advice orange is orange diamonds I want this it's not only just I think yeah it's kind of orange it's like Hilo brownish it's amazing yes now would you see how much is this you say Harry Wilson how much is it I have to check it out I don't know exactly I don't want to guess yes beautiful yeah you go there you make that this came out of pawn to make this piece cost you crazy money cuz you really crazy Mon it's like a black look at that up like that I think I need it I don't care about to get rid of that okay consider it gone can I have it no you just want to get rid of it that bad does he you know you closer to me you know that you're closer to make this one to about ten to one kind of crazy money somebody loves me Cupid I'll tell you what I cannot put all this stuff upstairs but if you really want to borrow somebody want to buy for Christmas a great gear look at this Italian beautiful earrings seriously it's a signed by palomero to sign pieces of pretty fish you know this piece it's like you go to a store it's $18,000 I probably will sell it for 2,500 cuz that 20 of them I have some something for 1500 let me ask you I have this for like it's ask you a question yeah so somebody wants to buy one of these pieces owes some of these that you have in here how do they do that they just call you what is it a train trip my AMA absolutely and all of this stuff is you just want to blow it out I want to blow up all this yeah excuse advice have close to 2000 pieces here take a piece like that it will cost you you will cost you to make a piece like that close to 25 to - Tod 3000 to make it to make earrings it's a pair of earrings you have but four carat I will serve this now for 1200 you understand 1200 your Morgan golden damage how much is something like this about 20 Caliban first Christmas ornament you know yeah that's pretty how much yourself oh it's close to this expensive so a chandelier like $18,000 but if some stuff like that like true like 400 600 you know what earrings in the steamer look at this old piece okay look at this emerald old piece old beautiful you know old emerald beautiful and pick probably $1200 and it's amazing all these pieces I have the phantosaur Bank of that Tiffany this mean I have the pieces of self this oldest Tiffany I have epiphany you know I got to Tiffany you pay crazy money me like solid like that what 70 80 % off that's good to know I did this today nobody know well thank you so much for the pleating was both in this box what is it somebody send me a gift from Spain but my only thing because it's heavy made me it's a bomb I don't think anybody would you kill me know them in filmmaking across the street yeah I don't want to be there when you open that this is been great Yoshi thank you very next he'll you'll definitely see me next year and you know any great watches I definitely not in a car you love car I do in fact have a guide they just died in the F 20 car and I'm not joking the guy in the car no no if a guy in my building you die in the family want to saw their car it's a 20-car you never know okay but if you need anything you know where to where to call the information will be in the description and poetry to his meanness he's a really nice dude and he will take care of you give him a call yes I love you much okay even if you don't like my shoes I love you she's a penis you character this year this what I'm joking about it we'll see you later I will never worry about the luggage hit my subscribe button hit the bell follow him and we'll see you soon Cheers don't go that way are you and I ruined it I was gonna whoosh to these no that's fine is it go yeah what's this [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,457,555
Rating: 4.818748 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, yossi dina, beverly hills pawn, pawn shop, jewelery collection, diamonds, vault, bank vault
Id: k_6cMplFieM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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