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well hey guys and welcome to the podcast this week I have a very special guest someone that you will know very well because he is the main man of the channel that I work on called the producer Michael channel so I would like to introduce you to Michael Blakey aka producer Michael hello mate hey there how are you good morning I'm good I'm good this is this is fun because you've not been as far as I'm aware you haven't been interviewed in this capacity for a long time right I don't think ever I've got these plugs in my ears and a microphone in front of my mouth and and I'm looking into a computer and seeing myself yeah I mean Erie it at least it looks professional I like the fact that we've got matching microphones as well if you saw my setup here you wouldn't say it's professional I've got lights balanced in flower vases I've got my computer balanced on an ice bucket to get the right elevation bar from professional hey but as long as it looks good right yeah I can imagine that's how it looks like I have seen your handiwork before so yeah I mean basically may like I said on the phone I just I think that people will love to hear us chat candidly obviously people see us on camera together but they don't get an idea of what our friendship is outside of things and a lot of people do ask like oh you know are you and Michael actually friends no I'm always like I probably see Michael's face per day and hear your voice more than my own because if I'm not on the phone to you I'm editing a video of you or I'm shooting a video with you right yeah it's I do at this point thing that I've seen your face for four more hours in my lifetime than I've seen my own that's pretty scary when you think about it you're telling me not telling me so yeah I mean really I just think it'd be an interesting opportunity to kind of flip things around and and I can ask you some questions and because obviously you know I know you pretty well now but there are still things that I don't know about your career and your history and kind of how you got to where you are now so why don't we just start at the beginning go for it and ask any offensive questions watch me run we'll just redact them you'll run from that for hill behind you okay cool well I guess like why don't we go all the way back so you're English were both English but I know that you lived in Spain for a while you lived in Germany for a while and obviously been in the US for a while so where where were you born in the UK like where did where did you start out I'm told somewhere in London I don't know exactly where but London and I was in London till I was I think 14 or something like that and my parents decided to move to Spain and of course I tagged along and it was wonderful great place to grow so you grew up in London did you for the most part yeah I was partly in northern England and then I was in London and then from the most part I remember is actually in Spain right go ahead and whatwhat about school and sad did you have brothers and sisters I have two sisters and I didn't go to school you think I did I was gonna say we I didn't have your home school um addy are they your brothers and sisters older than you or younger than you and they're both older than me right okay guy yeah so we you like treated as the the best sort of only child cuz you were the best boy oh absolutely and there was my dad's favorite I always said that's my mom I was like there is no chance that you are ever having any more kids I actually said to it if she had a baby then I would go and live in my grandparents because I want it to be an only child is not sharing any of my stuff so I guess being the youngest is good because you just get too annoyed the older ones right you don't have to share with any younger ones after you well that's true and you know being a boy and having two sisters I don't get to wear their clothes maybe my parents put me in their stresses I don't know when I was a baby but I'd like to think not well that's courting so so then your young life kind of formative years were the UK and was it was it scary moving to Spain like could you've got friends and stuff in in the UK so I had a deal with my parents that if I went to Spain and I missed my friends then my parents would fly him out to see me and that actually worked quite well cuz they happened a lot that's a pretty solid deal yeah no I get that and we're in Spain way I was in two places in Spain one was a place called La Manga which is on the east coast of Spain on the cost of Blanca meaning the white coast and then I was also in madamme Marbella which is on the south of Spain on the coast and that's one cost of yourself coast of the Sun the most beautiful place highly recommend to anybody that wants to visit Spain go to my bio it's gorgeous yeah I like my bear it is beautiful there the we're way now I'm thinking of the wrong place I was gonna say porta burnoose but that is yeah that's Marbella oh it's all right in the heart of Marbella a very very famous port it's like a jet set of Europe a cheese Monaco of Spain and a beautiful beautiful place yeah there was some crazy boats there Monaco as well like that's that's insane I haven't spent much time in Monaco I've been why yeah I've been twice and really only got spent or half a day there at a time but what a beautiful place to live you can see well the Formula One drivers lived there for the tax purposes going here there is no tax in Monaco very advantageous but if you don't live in Monaco and you haven't been never along on time you can't actually live there become a resident they keep it very privileged for there I don't know that the ultra elite so sure yeah yeah well doesn't it was Hamilton live out there rumor has it he lives there yeah rumor and there's a bunch of f1 drivers actually live there that's mantle isn't it and oh no Joe Jon Olsson I don't feel know him he's a professional skier and he in fact he's got a crazy YouTube channel his his production quality is insane on on his vlogs but he I thought he lived that but he doesn't he lives in my Barre he's got a beautiful house in Marbella but yeah so that's cool so you moved to Spain and then what did your parents move there because of work or what what made them move across there so at that time there was just crazy thing in in the UK that if you made over a certain amount of money you ended up paying 98% of it to the British government what yeah New England it was a cent yeah it was 98 P on the pound totally insane and my father decided well what's the point of working there if you're just working to pay the government so consequently I've had enough and moved to Spain why Spain I don't know Spain I know bloody did because it was a great great place to grow up yeah no no for sure I back in the sunshine so what did you do there like as a kid what obviously you and later life got into you drumming and into music but like as a kid what did you do what were you into well the first thing I did was learn Spanish otherwise I was kind of helpless and I actually speaks Spanish pretty well very well so I made new friends and living on the water you can to do a lot of watersports so I did a lot of windsurfing waterskiing I wasn't that great at waterskiing but I was really good at windsurfing and had some crazy disaster happen on the wind surfboard which I won't get into right now right why why would you say that they're not get into it what did you do did you end up in Africa no much worse than there I'll tell you off-camera really it's that bad well it's embarrassing it's not really well that's fine we're not here to make you locate okay okay all right so I'll tell you so I was really really good at let me just have a sip of my scotch here hold on one sec good okay perfect here let me have a sip out of my fancy glass as well you might yeah mine's a mine isn't plastic actually that's crystal but I thought it was scotch it's actually water and it's not gonna it's not gonna help me at all with this story but I'll tell you I said I was a young kid and being in the south coast of Spain a beautiful place the beach you - spectacular gorgeous women laying on the beach all day long and I used to surf with a bunch of my friends up and down the beach high speed and do tricks on the board and one day I was I was doing this trick it was quite windy so I was getting pretty fast and I used to like to bend back and hit myself in the water on my backhand spring my back and anyway I did these tricks and and then I hear people screaming from the beach and what other hex happened anyway long story short what had happened was I guess I hit the water which can be like concrete at a high speed around my butt and it ripped my trunks off and I didn't know because there's water spring in my face for this button and there I am going backwards aboard completely naked get out of town you know I swear I was and then and then I realized that oh my god so so what I did was I jumped off the board took the sail off the mast wrapped it round myself laid on the board and kind of swim my way back to the shore and the interesting thing is so being in a touristy area and again I was a kid I wasn't thinking totally straight thinking that you know most people go for two weeks or a week so I didn't go back to the beach for two weeks thinking that it would be a change of people and they would rather recognize me but that wasn't the case story that is hilarious well that's cool it's cool that you grew up doing sports do you play anything else cuz I know that you're a goth hander pool table tennis golf I used to play golf every single day wake up in the morning go to the driving range hit golf balls my father was a really good golfer there was a point where I was thinking about being a professional golfer and he was pushing me in that direction I didn't want to be a professional golfer but I became pretty good at it and then completely gave it up haven't played golf in forever why cuz you're not far from there what is it Beverly Hills Golf Club Bella Bella country Country Club yes just down the road and it's a gorgeous Country Club but it takes so long and it's a bit boring and I'm not as good as I used to be which will be ultra frustrating so I guess you are one of the most competitive people I know or actually no I'm gonna say you're probably the most competitive person I know well it's nice to be the best you can at something right it's not necessarily about winning but always be the best you can and if you've been better and you go downhill it's like frustrating so to give to give you guys listening and insight into just how competitive Michael is we just shot a video at a house that had a pool table and you won't see this in the Edit so this is a bit of behind the scenes and you know I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it so we micro broke and potted one and then had two more shots first one you hit the ball but in pot a second one he's like okay can I get it into that pocket totally span and it didn't didn't even hit the ball did you and then did you pop the white or did the white way it was an ultra fine cut I cut and I was a millimeter out and consequently missed the ball and they said to Adam chop that up and not but it wasn't that you told me to chop it out when it happened there and then I because I know you so well I thought as I'm driving home from the shoot I was like I bet he calls me up and says Adam please take that out the video I don't know in the video the next morning I was cleaning my car I got a phone call from your hip if you're like and you know that the video where I missed the ball can you and I was like cut it out yeah I already knew you're gonna ask me to do that i didn't sleep that night oh the video you are hilarious they go there's a bit of an insider info into what goes into it or doesn't go into the videos but yeah I mean I get what you mean with golf like I back in the UK my apartment backed onto Warwick golf court well Warwick racecourse and there was like a little munis municipal course in the middle and so I used to go and play that quite a lot and golf's one of those games where it's like it's so rewarding when you hit that shot or you sink the putt or whatever but for me 8 out 10 times I just played like absolute shite and it was so hard to say that that's a bad word oh no you can that's the beauty of your podcast oh you can see that career can carry on be yourself yeah you can't I can't effing and bomb like that but yeah you can do that we shall all asleep in it well we should actually go and play golf and I can still hit the ball quite well you'd be shocked okay yeah I mean I'll definitely be down I would want to get a few round or a few hours in and the driving range just to get my back in but yeah I'll be down for that maybe maybe that'd be let's do a video yeah yeah let's do it go and tear up Bel Air golf course how much down there well you can't you can't play unless you remember that's what baby remember you to pay don't you will you pay a monthly subscription fee so use so remember Shady Canyon where we did that house with Caroline the one with all the speakers yes a guy he was like the audiophile well I met a lady down at the beach while I was walking diesel the other day and she was a member of that golf course and she said that it's too even if you remember it's $200 per round of golf No so what she's probably referring to is the cart fee and caddy fee so at bel-air you pay an outrageous and I mean outrageous entry fee which is non-refundable just to be able to be a member and then you pay monthly fee and then you have to pay a food fee whether you eat it or you don't eat it which is about 500 bucks a month up some because you have to consume $500 worth of food a month right and then when you play it's mandatory to take a caddy the caddy is about 250 bucks around and a golf cart I think is about a hundred bucks around so you got 350 there be not actually paying the club to ride going to play but it's on a mandatory thing that you've got to pay for we're going to have to have a caddy because the caddy is the one that's make sure that you know if you're gonna bunker the sound is right nicely and give it to replace all that stuff wow that's great mind you I guess if you got enough money to be a member of bel-air golf course then what's 250 bucks it's a lot less than the membership initiation fee yeah no I'm sure I'm sure and so I then so as you as you're growing up then you were you're into your watersports and part-time male nude modeling what about what about you music when did that come about I started playing drums when I was about 8 in England maybe even younger than that 7 or 8 and started taking it seriously when I was maybe nine and drum lessons twice a week practiced as much as I possibly could and all kind of grew from there that's cool and why was that yours I mean that was KTLA sounding a note notification that says who knows what it's about the pandemic okay and on mine Rick SIA has sent me a message about my reptile terrarium oh there you go you should have a reptile - I'll get back to him later yeah we upgrade totals no the spider reminder yeah we need a license for that no no it's just a little pink toe no pink toad ranch allure but he was in like one of the square ones that were sort of taller than they are wide cuz track well pink tide ranchers like to climb and so he loved that and I put him in like a new log and stuff and so he climbed to the top of that well if some is good more is better right I mean how many times have I said that so why don't we get him a big one so we upgraded him and now he's got essentially like a fish tank sized one with like a log in there and another little one can hide in he's got to put two water bottle or water things that we call his hot tubs and he's now got a real popo's plant in there he loves it he has a great time he's probably the most pampered Spidey 11 me would you feed it crickets heats cricket Leslie love you enough about the spider I wouldn't I wouldn't need crickets but ya know what I heard I told you like crickets no no did you know that crickets are a really good source of protein and there's actually companies that make via not vegan that make crickets protein powder did you know that yes I've seen it and they also have cricket chips yeah and if you go to if you go to Southeast Asia you'll see cricket cookies you'll see cricket cupcakes you'll see cricket everything yeah and apparently the in terms of like the sustainability of farming crickets to make things like protein powder and stuff apparently on the what's the word I'm looking for I'm completely brain farting it's much better for the environment obviously not the crickets but it's much better for the environment to mass farm them and get protein that way than it is from like soybeans and things really well you won't find me eating crickets yeah I'm good I'll stick some up pea protein thank you very much so see ya alright then well music so you're into drums got into that kind of played through and then at what point did you go from windsurfing in Spain to because I know you were then in Germany where you skipped across there and got into a record studio a music studio over there recording studio yeah so there's a very famous studio in Berlin called hens atone studios at least there water don't know if it's still there and at the time they worked with some of the top musicians in in Germany Berlin being isolated with a wall round it back then meant that anybody any top musician that was in Berlin had limited choices so they went to hamza and i was fortunate enough to become like this do you mean stay there for drums when was this like about 1941 something like that 1922 what distressing word drums even invented by thing I'm sure I'm shocked my age when Haven man had him didn't I boom boom boom boom boom what just backing up a little bit what obviously if you were playing drums like what made you want to if your dad was sort of pushing you to be a professional golfer like where was your career path headed did you have any idea growing up what you wanted to do I wanted to be first I wanted to be a train driver that didn't work out then I wanted to be a pilot that didn't work out I did just not you not flying other people around that's true then I wanted to be a musician that's all I really wanted to be in being not talented in that regard at all drums was my really only an alternative although to be honest you have to be ambidextrous and you know it was separate your limbs to play drums oh yeah no for sure I've had a little go at that like what is it way you do like like distance so you did that you did that on my drums if I'm not mistake yes they go that's the only family on drums my friend George Huell taught me how to do that when I was about 12 and it's not that easy it's not easy no it's weird that as soon as he told me that you had to cross your hands I was like wait what why that's such a weird way of playing why wouldn't you play this way and he's like nope that's not how you do it so yeah no I get that I go that's difficult and so what how did you move from we doing any type of like professional music stuff in in Spain had you done any work experience or what happened did you finish school like that what's that little period of your life looking like yeah I did I did all of that stuff my big thing was when when I was in Spain I got to play with Julio Iglesias I don't know if anybody will know who he is but he was back in the day unbelievable singer he was like top of the top and play with him play with him like what in what capacity so I recorded with him in in Madrid in studios and so I go another see a CNN notification this time I got to record a couple of tracks in in Madrid in the studio and that was more luck than judgment because the drama that was scheduled to do it couldn't for some reason and they asked me because I you know I was quite well-known as a drummer back then and then I went out and played in tour couple times then I ran away from Spain how does it how does it work with like with getting those drumming gigs were you as a session drummer do you go on like a register so that you can get called upon how does that actually work well it worked into two ways one there were a bunch of music competitions in Europe back then one of which I won a couple of times a European something of the year whatever it was and that gets you on the map and then on top of that I had an agent and an agent's job is to you know get you as much work as possible I wasn't really doing it for the for the money thing I was doing it to have the experience and of course the money was very nice and in it it took off go and were you in a band or anything I was in lots of bands I was never in a band where I could say I was in a band I was the drummer in a band right if that makes any sense guy yeah oh that's cool and so was that was drumming for Julio Iglesias you're kind of first step up on the ladder where people like okay this guy's legit um I played with a bunch of very very well-known band and singers all over Europe actually this was no miss Germany both when I was in Germany and also when I was in Spain you know like I said I'd won all these different things and I don't know why cuz I don't think I'm a good drummer certainly not today I've very rusty at the time people like certain things that I did and I was you know a phone call away so I'd go and play with all sorts of people which was great but what I learned from it which i think is you know the biggest thing that helped me was production because I didn't want to be a drummer all my life it's it's fun to sit behind a drum kit and you know bus rush away but to actually create the music with what I was always about and when I was in the studio's I watched all the producers and I got to see some very very prominent very very successful producers who really really knew what it was what it was like to make a hit song so I picked up as much of that as possible and tried to do it myself go yeah and so when you move to Germany what what cause of that move uh do I have to say I mean you can be okay because Casso you so I was it I was in Spain and I somebody and my my parents didn't like this somebody for whatever reason I don't I don't know why but but they didn't but I did and you know being a young kid and like every young kid nobody listens to their parents in her they're always right I mean in hindsight you look back the parents are always right but nonetheless I liked her apparently more than I liked my parents and I ran away I ran off to Germany with this person with this girl a German she was German her she spoke very limited English and I spoke zero German I had no money whatsoever I had $100 American bill which was something that I'd had for like three years I don't know even know where I got it from but I had it and maybe 20 or 30 dollars worth of Spanish currency because I live with my parents said you know I didn't need anything I had you know access to whatever they allowed me to have access to which was what all I needed I suppose anyway I run away ended up in Germany that's not true I also had an air ticket I was gonna say yeah how did how did you make it over there I had had the netiquette right I had a little car in Spain which I left in abandoned and there I was now I arrived at Tegel Airport in Berlin and not knowing where I'm going well that's not sure I was with this with this girl but she didn't know where she was going because what gonna do she lived with her parents and some what I can do with this 19 year old kid anyway I I end up there and they were gracious enough to put me up yeah it was difficult and I'm far I'm also far too stubborn to call my parents and say help I did the wrong thing get me back right that's not the character I am you know that from me yeah and long story short I stayed there and made a career out of it so it worked out that's awesome and so did you parents mad with you did you make friends with them again like how did that whole relationship spin out about three years later so when I when I first got there I couldn't I couldn't speak German and I needed to make some money somehow so my only alternative at that time Berlin was controlled by the Allied forces so that was the Americans the British and the French and it was a you know a walled city in the middle of East Germany so my options were find somewhere where they speak English and the only place that they spoke English was RAF Keitel which was an Air Force Base British Air Force Base in Spandau Berlin and I became their dishwasher haha that's good so yeah cuz obviously I know you you always say that you wash dishes for the British Army but I never knew kind of how that came about so I'm see I'm learning stuff from this as well this is fun and then from there then you you started to explore the music thinks obviously I guess that being a lute or somewhat lucrative skillset you'd be silly not to try and make the most of that right or was there always the hope that Berlin would be a good spot for music well I actually turned my dishwashing into a business I said they had about 20 dishwashers literally they were washing dishes in the officers mess and you know you've got you know thousands of army people and Air Force people that creates lots of dishes and it was terrible it was a terrible time however I noticed after maybe four or five days doing this that the dishwashers didn't last very long and you know that they just left or didn't show up because it's not a pleasant environment really in the pay was not great obviously as you can imagine so I thought well what if I were to bring in the people to do this and and you know I would be in control of them so I spoke to the officer that was in charge of the mess mess meaning officers mess where they where they eat and it was a mess because I my Jobs was to clear but what I did was I asked permission for him to give me a couple of weeks for me to recruit some people and I would be in control he says yeah sure why not so as long as the dishes got done in the period where there weren't people while I was recruiting them he didn't care how it how it worked right so I went down to the are bite splats with a workplace where people go for you know to get jobs and they had a lot of what they called guests guests are biters which are foreigners that come into the country that also don't speak German all looking for jobs predominately from from Turkey and from other other countries where you know Germany had had them open where they could come in and work so I went down there and I recruited about 30 different people 30 people and I was now responsible to pay them I received from the front of acacia army to do this I was willing and of course I made a little bit of money on each person and I turned it into a business and that then grew into a landscaping business because it was on hundreds of acres I mean there was a airport I said one of that that was my first really entrepreneurial effort and that worked out well at that point I didn't have to do the dishes myself anymore and I could concentrate on music and I kept that going for quite a period of time and so it ended up being that the army was paying them say one focus was Frank's back there like one franc per hour you would take francs Franklin friends books touch mark yeah so you would you would what take a a little cut off the top and and just give them the the 80% and you would keep 20 I don't think I was quite that greedy it was let's say it was 4 marks would you consider that to be quite a greedy percentage split then they depend on the level where you're putting in there I think sometimes 5050 we have that conversation off camera Michael I think I think we should but no I I think you know what what I did was I created a little business from nothing actually from nothing and I had initially like 30 people and it became 40 50 60 and and it worked out for everybody everybody was happy and I was happy and I could concentrate on the things I was very passionate about that's awesome and so then how did you get into the music then like what what was the the initial step in making it towards being well Hugh the drummer for Tears for Fears no I was I was the drummer for probably 30 different bands that you would know all their names but that's what I was I was a drummer in a studio I wasn't the drummer yes where you have to land so you know I played with or played for so many so many bands and groups I don't ever want to say I was the drummer for anybody because it wasn't for sure no no that makes sense that's cool though and that because I'm a meat saying in the last video we did with mark where you saved up your money you bought yourself a Rolex and that was when you were starting to make waves within that recording studio that you're working out right yes so what I did really you know now that I had an income and I cleaned myself up and you know very presentable I I went and introduced myself in the studio they knew who I was it's just entertainment industry is very small and back then there weren't you know the internet wasn't available and you know word travels quickly among studios so they said yeah come come play for us and I did and you know they kept me and then I had a firm position and the money was decent and then I wanted to get out of playing drums and start producing after I saw how people were doing that and that's how we can produce and was that at that studio my first record I ever produced was actually done in somebody's bedroom with very very primitive equipment and it did really really well it was nominated for a Grammy I'm not gonna tell you this song because I don't know if the artist would want to know that it was recorded in a bedroom surely I wasn't matter now yeah I just don't want to do it I don't I don't want to say it because you know I I don't know how they would feel about it but it was it was you know more luck than judgment it was my first attempt to there and I don't want to say that I did a fantastic job the record label did a fantastic job promoting it which is why it was so successful but now that it was nominated guess what my phone never stops ringing right oh yeah that's awesome and and so how long were you in Germany for doing that before did you move from Germany to the US right I went from Germany to the UK and then to the US I've had lots of different Oh business ventures and stuff in between so the UK what talk us through that what was going on in the UK because I know that you had a share in Maserati at some point yeah so so what happened there I've always been into cars I love cars even in Germany you know once I started to be successful I had some nice cars came back to England needless to say the thing with the wood the girl didn't work out too well and you know I came back to the UK and then I continued music but not really passionately it was more hobby than anything and then got back into cars and I had a car dealership selling used exotic cars it was really really nicely done a beautiful showroom and I was approached by one of the representatives from Maserati to see if you I wanted to take on a dealership Maserati dealership in that building and I had no idea about Maserati other than a rumors have it that there were not the greatest cars in the world right so it was an opportunity for me to go to Italy check out the factory again I was still a young kid I was at 25 or 26 at the time and I I went out there met with all the powers-that-be I'm not gonna bore you with the entire story because you know it's like two days long but I'll tell you another time it's kind of funny long story short I didn't take a dealership but I did end up owning a piece of the distribution business of Maserati oh very cool and so your car dealership then where did that come from like how how did you come up with that idea because I've always loved cars and I thought to myself you know why not have a selection to drive and simultaneously no Salim right so I did so one point Michael Blakey was a used car salesman it was that's awful yeah I guess that's that's also know I I didn't know that I knew I I think I wasn't actually a Salesman I actually never sold a car I had people that were versed in that they knew what they were doing I did actually sell one car that's I did so one car and I messed that up on monumental scales but that turned out to be one of the best moves I ever made as well why was that guy so that's a boring story do you want to hear it yeah of course hey this is a podcast we've got time okay so one morning I go to the dealership and bearing mine this was what was it a v6 a b7 somewhere around there and there was no computers everything was done manually I get I go there and I wasn't there very often maybe once or twice a month just to see what's in the showroom and you know if I could grab something to drive and have some fun with anyway I go there it was maybe 7:00 7:15 in the morning and the showroom actually opened about 9:30 I think it was anyway I go in obviously I got key and by myself and I'm looking cars and really really nice cars there was like four or five 911s on the showroom floor two of them were black ones I'll never forget this and anyway listen this guy comes to the to the door told glass the showrooms or glass obviously and he knocks on it because the doors closed and I opened the door and I say sorry it's closed he said what kind of come to look at the cars sure sure why not so it comes in and he's looking at the cars and he walked up to this black 9011 one of two and he said how much is this car I said you know I have no idea so yeah you know I don't work here I didn't tell him you know I own the place I I guess I've no idea I said well can you find out so I said okay so I go into the general sales managers office and on the wall there was a what you'd call it's a plastic thing with cards in it and all the cars were listed on these cards so I I see this black 9011 and I lift it up and it has the the sales price and I'm guessing I'm get I think it was like 40,000 pounds or something like that but I might be miles out with the number but let's let's call it 40,000 pounds so I go back out and I said the cars no actually sorry I beg your pardon I think it was sat 20,000 pounds so I go back out and I said to the guy it's 20,000 pounds and he said 20,000 pounds of C yes he says I'll take it I'll say I said okay but I I don't have to do paperwork I don't know anything you have to come back at about 9:30 bearing in mind it was about 7:30 in the morning right and he said okay but I need to know I've got a deal can we sign something I said you've got a deal I shake hands with you you've got deal okay I'll come back at 9:30 in the morning and I'll bring a what they call a bank draft which is the same as a cashier's check it's a guaranteed function Bank okay great so he didn't ask me for discount didn't ask for anything he leaves about an hour later I'm still there and I had to be there I could I had to tell that this guy's name was Michael curry at the time the general Sales Manager I wanted to tell him I had sold the cars or proud you know shelled a car and so he Michael Curry arrives it was about quarter to nine and I said you know gonna believe it I just sold that car no point to the car oh that's awesome homes to get for just I got twenty grand for her is it not well done it cost us thirty three no yes at the wrong price tag I looked at the wrong book nine eleven so one would like four years older than the other one anyway I completely screwed up and I guess that's why the guy said I'll take it because he knew exactly what he was looking at so did you get your money but you have to well he said to me you got to get out of this I should the guy's hand how can i how can I do that I said come about nine ten this guy arrives back I guess he'd been to the bank and you must have been waiting at the door because it took him literally five minutes to get there sure I bet he's excited by his half-price Porsche so should we come so it comes in and he says I said I've got money on him I made a mistake I made a mistake with the price and he said I knew you're gonna say that I said well I'm just telling the truth house you gonna buy the car you should I shook hands on it and we're losing money but I did make a mistake and I was hoping he was gonna say I'll give you some what you didn't so I sell him the car he drives away the car the guy turns out to be the editor of the newspaper back then it was all newspapers on the major newspaper and front page of the newspaper I still got the article somewhere there is honesty in the used car dealer dealer world or something like that and he did this massive massive review on honesty in there in the car world and I guess I couldn't have bought that for the amount of money I lost but just goes to show if you if you keep your word and you do what you say you're gonna do great things can happen yes I was lucky though I guess under-promise and over-deliver right or undervalue it yeah I mean you give somebody you would you got it you got to do it wow that's that's intra and so how long did that business last quite a while actually I sold it and the market value or did you give him 20% off no nope no discount and then and then what where where did you why did you end up in the u.s. still again music because I got back into music and music had always been my passion but I wanted to create music rather than play drums I haven't really played drums on anything for a long long long long time very rusty have drums in my house you know you've played them yeah and you know to me going in the studio and making it was always more fun and then I got out of there and you know back in I think was like 2000 to 2003 the music industry kind of collapsed and it was a completely different dynamic so I got into television and film film didn't work so well very difficult to make a success in the film world but TV is huge and that's kind of what I do know but didn't you have a some technology that you were part of and then a record label that you sold to a pretty big company yeah how do you know about the technology I never told you yeah you did you you know you I'll tell you when you said it you mentioned it to someone when we were doing a house tour and that was the first time I had heard about it where you're able to strip vocals from a backing track or something that's correct yeah they're from a mono track yeah so it was it was a technology that allowed the extraction of a vocal from a mono track mono track meaning there's just one track instead of multiple tracks where you can isolate in the olden days they could only record in in mono which I guess the 40s and 50s and I I didn't do it myself I hadn't created I was gonna say as soon as I heard about that I was like oh I know for a fact that you did not come up with that technology because I've seen you try to unlock the door of your rolls-royce yeah I I certainly did not come up with a technology but but I I own it it's it's you know and developed when was that was that before or after you had your own record late that was before I was able to create some duet records with deceased artists and the technology's been used you know by by many producers now and it still it's still technology it's being used do you have a pattern yeah yeah the SSA yeah I do and it yes it's what it does is on old tapes it gets magnetic impulses and I'm out of my league here I don't know what I'm talking about it's somehow recognizes certain frequencies vocal frequencies and that allows you to pull that vocal off a track give you an example so forensic investigations sometimes in the olden days they used to have tapes and answer machines you didn't have voicemail you actually had a machine with a little tape in it yeah and if somebody was in under investigation the authorities were able to use a very similar technology if somebody who raised the tape to go back by placing McNutt magnetic magnetic magnetic the magnetic particles in certain orders or how they were deleted to retrieve the original message and it's a very similar type of thing my favorite thing yeah and and then from there you started to K sounds yeah that was a record label one of the first record labels that had music on the Internet it was the infancy of music on the on the Internet and it did really well we developed a couple of artists based on finding them on the Internet through various challenges and what-have-you and then we partnered with a very large record label of which I was then made the president of it so that's pretty cool I've seen those business cards are you sure who that is or are you is that something you want to keep schtum well it's fine I will it was it was Virgin Records we did we did a deal with them and I became the president of the music division of 2 K sounds Virgin Records very cool that's awesome yeah and and that is if I'm not mistaken that's kind of the the big one that was one of your biggest successes right it wasn't a small one I mean it was very pleasant at the time I know it wasn't a small one because you told me what you bought to celebrate selling that company I keep that to yourself really is that yeah you could we can't you can't share that because that story is epic now we'll save that for another day go on tell him I put lots of things I know you know what you're talking about there he'll say really quietly that thing that made me very ill please tell that story I told you if he came on this podcast we would talk about stuff okay so I'm kind of impulsive if I if I see something and I like it and unable to get it I I do i I've had boats all my life small boats 30 photos 35 photos I once mentioned to I think was a 49 footer which was a huge boat but I had them in areas where you didn't really feel waves and there were fast boats so you know it's fun bouncing on the water but I figured well now I just know got a couple of dollars to spare I could buy ourselves just a good couple to rub together well I bought this this big mega yacht and I'd never been on a mega yacht and haven't been on one since there's a reason for that I took delivery this boat in Fort Lauderdale and I was going to go on a world cruise and gonna go everyone in this boat and I had a great crew a very good crew had some friends and we took the boat in the water I was out an hour and a half and I gotta tell you I've never felt so ill in all my life it was just unbelievable and like to the captain I get this thing back to back now and it was so bad I wanted someone to come with a helicopter and pick me up couldn't I couldn't understand it did it have a helipad it did have a helipad yeah had it did have a helipad but of course it didn't blow yeah but why wouldn't it have a helipad I did they had a swimming pool too or kind of like a tub anyway and had a garage you had all sorts of toys in the garage but beyond that so so I I went in on the boat back to the port I didn't get airlifted and it was the most miserable ride of my life and it sat there for about a year and a half basically with a for sale sign on it it actually didn't have a for sale sign but I put it immediately with a boat brokerage sell this thing and yeah it cost me a fortune so then you just used it as like a party but did you live on it or you already had a house I had a house but I spade Spade spent many a night on the boat it was a fantastic party vessel and that's all it did it never set sail again in my ownership that's that sounds like a Michael Blakey story a horrible horrible so and up to that point because you had just been on smaller boats you like well a big boats gonna be way better in the open ocean it's completely different it's a very slow roll good that way and this way and this under for the days when they had all of the like the satellite positioning and like anti roll stuff I presume well it still had it had stabilizers and and all the things that these these big boats have I mean we're not talking about the olden days here this was in nearly 2000 and it was a very sophisticated boat but there's nothing you can do with anything floating in the ocean you can take you know the biggest you know liners that there are and they'll make you sick yeah for sure that's that's hilarious I can't believe it wasn't hilarious it was a very expensive lesson and the lesson I learned from that is know what you're doing before you do it and yeah and the second lesson is what's better than owning a boat have a friend that owns a boat yeah the happiest two days of your life it's the day you buy it in the day you sell it right and talking of boats tell everybody about the time that you went out in a cigarette boat didn't come back in it well it that was before this and cigarette butts are a lot of fun a lot of fun very loud and I let and I was very good with a cigarette bar didn't get sick on that tour cuz it's it's fast yes not in case people don't order cigarette boat is it's basically like a very long speedboat with hoof in great big engines on the back big v8 and they make like that some of them make thousands of horsepower don't they they're insane they do and also to have straight-through exhaust so they're incredibly loud incredibly loud they sound amazing you they sound amazing when you're in the boat cuz you only get a bit of it if you away from outside of the boat they're so obnoxiously loud they're horrible well they're crazy there's one in Newport Harbor just down the road here and he like cuts out and his pop up all the way out he gets out onto the ocean and he goes quite a way out and you hear him open up the taps and even from the beach which is at this point probably a half a mile three-quarters of a mile away you still here and it's so loud and I just can't really as loud yes it sound I've never been on one I really want to go on one there were a lot of fun and you know they have stand up bolsters you don't actually sit in it it's a stand up bolster and I made a mistake I was pretty good with it I mean to be fair I was pretty good coming from a non boat person I had a friend on the boat there were two other people on the boat with me and had a friend he wanted to drive it and I said yeah sure but let me show you exactly what you need to do these boats when they hit a waves they actually bounce out of the water and then they come back and then they bounce out of the water the trick about the most other trick it's a necessity when you come out the water you have to pull the power back on the engine so that they're they don't overheat the they keep cool by getting the water through some induction when the boat the engines are in the water at the moment it comes out you've got to pull the engines back otherwise they're revving in the air and they're spinning in the air very very important this was a twin-engine twin screw boat and it showed him like a bunch of times you pull the throttles back the moment comes out the water in Azusa histories throttle for Dan you have the trim tab set accordingly so that the balance is out anyway I showed him this stuff all was going well and which are there's one big leap out of the water and he pulled the throttles back and when it hit the water he pushed forward but he only somehow pushed one throttle forward which skewed the boat on its side literally lifted up it threw us out we weren't wearing seatbelts fortunately Brian seatbelts would have been dead threw us out of the boat the boat landed on its side that this was a unsinkable boat supposedly which sank in about four seconds we were all thrown out but we were in lifejackets and the boat just went glug glug glug and that's where it lesson it rests in peace in the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico oh my god and where was the lesson learnt is Michael should stay away from boats yeah I think so what am what area was that was that Florida he said it was Florida was the Gulf of Mexico it was actually Clearwater Florida which is on the west coast of Florida so how long were you in the water for how long did it take them to rescue you about five not even five minutes for three minutes there was a bunch of boats around you know it was not that far off the shore it's not a boat that didn't get noticed overhead so it was very quick all right cuz yeah I mean there are a ton of sharks in those waters like big hammer heads and big tiger sharks I know that now I got a mate who goes fishing out there every year and he's shown me pictures of so they don't they don't intentionally go out to catch sharks they go deep-sea fishing but he show me pictures of some of the the sharks that they've caught by accident and it's terrifying and and also the places where he's caught them he show me on the map and it's like not even a quarter mile from like this packed Beach full of families and stuff its Tampa Bay apparently has one of the largest concentrations of sharks in the Northern Hemisphere now I don't know that it to be fact that's what I was right I'm being told and understand there's a lot of sharks there yeah and I mean I'm I'm not saying that I'm scared of sharks being in the water in terms of like it's that's their habitat that's where should be we we're the ones that shouldn't be in their zone but yeah it it's definitely a pretty terrifying thing to think you could be paddling around and have one of those big beasts women near you but um that that's like here though I mean you know that I dive out here all the time and in between here and Catalina is where all of the great whites come to have their baby great whites and then the big ones sawed-off up north and the little baby ones kick around between Palos Verdes and Catalina Island and so you see back when I lived up in Hermosa and Redondo you would see like baby great white sharks and baby great white sharks are still eight to ten feet long and they still have mouths big enough to take one of your legs off and they're just be like swimming around by the pier and that's where I used to go swim and well I wouldn't say surf but I would try to surf and then like diving around by Peavy and down here so it's yeah it's funny growing up in England and going surfing in Newquay where the worst thing that you is gonna try and get onto your leg as a shopping bag nope oh yeah it's it's very different out here when you dive in and you thinking well I may see a great white like when I go out to Catalina and dive out there they they love it out there those kelp forests that's that's what you're lying about talking about the difference between England and the US you took what animals so growing up in England I never had to think about skunks raccoons mountain lions grizzly bears or whatever brown bears look around I mean we had Mike pace and what it was maybe a badger every now and again yeah a snake was something it was unheard of if you chilled somebody that you saw a snake they wouldn't believe you yeah yeah a hundred percent yeah I mean that when I first realised it was when I was gardening at my place in Redondo and I was moving this log pile that had been there from the owner that owned it before that lived there before and so I was lifting up these logs and as I'm lifting them up there was a spider's web as I cool and I kind of pull back and as I pulled the the log back I see this black widow just like chillin in there in the the logs I was like oh my god I totally brain farted on that that yeah there are black widows out here and had to tell the landlord and he had to send someone to come down because yeah they literally have to spray for them like my friend he lives up in Bakersfield he because he's got a load of dogs he has a guy that comes out spray for black widows and things all the time because otherwise you know if you get bitten by one of those it's it's not a good afternoon I know and a black widow is something you would literally only seen his zoo in Europe yeah unheard of I mean alien heard of I had I've had a scorpion in my house scorpion in my house it's terrifying I mean up Bayou up in the hills I mean can see him behind you out the window like there are there was that mountain lion that was just killed crossing the 405 freeway which was really sad because I think mountain lions are absolutely beautiful but apparently they think that the mountain lion was being chased by another one and it got chased across the 405 because they have trackers on them and they didn't have any tracking info for what was chasing it but it when they looked at the path it took it didn't make any sense it didn't follow any of the like that the paths that it usually did and it ended up run across four or five and getting killed but yeah I mean you know you've got little dogs and you'd have them playing outside for a bit and all of a sudden home you get a panther come and take them out yeah coyotes all these are the creatures that we are unfamiliar with back in in Europe yeah I mean it is what's the most dangerous thing we have in there there are adders in the UK there are adders I've never seen one I've been around like the the woods and outdoors all my life cat lived in the countryside growing up and I never seen one but I think an adder can bite you and that's it it just kind of hurts cuz you've been bitten by a snake there's no they're not venomous or anything I tell you what I always wanted to find but I never did and I don't know if you've ever seen one it's called a slow worm you ever heard of one of those no I've never then I thought all worms were slow I think yeah I don't think they're the speediest thing a slow toad there's no fast ones so this is a toad turtle turtle no don't think you can move this is a slow worm there you go if I keep talking you should be able to see it it looks like an earthworm yeah I mean this this right here is a so it's not a snake that is a lizard that doesn't have legs oh well yes interesting and apparently you get him like in wood piles of stuff in England I if I'd seen one of those a kid I would have wanted it as a pet I think there also I would have wanted or still want a hedgehog hmm I like hedgehogs you can't keep them as pets you're not allowed to keep them as pets says who in the states you can't you come in England oh really I cuz I've seen those little I'll be no ones that people have and they put them in the sink because they like having baths and they kind of curl up into a little ball lay on their back and then they just float like this just in a bath yeah India let but how do you know they like that stand by stand by I'm gonna like it because cuz they say they're like I love this bar I mean I don't even know my own password is all right let me find it so it won't recognize you the facial recognition because it appears you have very large ears right now so what we're looking for albe no hedgehog hog Hydra sink here he is ready you said you should bathtub no I said he's having a bath in the sink oh oh here's a picture here's a picture of one getting a just a shower now he doesn't grant it he doesn't look like he's enjoying it all that much it's cute but I mean look at this little guy who would not want that as their pet what a little cute look at these look at do they do they make good pets is the question yeah apparently when they're when they're - when they're tame like here you go here's one here's one being given a little scrub so when they're tame they lay all of their bristles flat and they're just like just just a regular it's like a mouse like they they just do that thing and yeah then when they're not tamed they put their bristles up and it's like a nail bed yeah nail yeah exactly they just yeah they just kind of like put all this stuff out and then that they're not as easy to pick up but I mean as a kid well not even as a kid like living in England you would come home especially in the autumn time you'd come home at night or I'd be walking the dog at night and he'd be sniffing in a bush and then a little Hedgehog would be in there or be like walking across the road I've I've saved so many hedgehogs from the road where they've been like in the gutter or something where cars gone by and they've freaked out and so you can pick him up he's gonna be very careful and do them like with your whole hand so you spread out the weight but yeah they're cool I think another thing about the UK or Europe versus the u.s. things that we have to consider now here in the US but you wouldn't in Europe is rabies in the US I would never dream of picking up one of these animals because they have rabies yeah and UK there's no rabies zero no no exactly yeah that that's it I think I was where was I Oh coming back down Route one on a road trip and me and Katie were driving back it was right before the lockdown started all right has the lockdown started and there was this little squirrel at the side of the road and he was just chewing on some stuff so I pulled out a little piece of grass and I held it out to him it's in England the squirrels come up to you and they're friendly and whatever and as I'm holding out Katie's like don't alone bite you and I was like well I didn't intend on it but okay she's like yeah cuz you know they've got rabies and I was like oh yeah rabies is a thing over here and obviously not all of them do but you just gotta be careful not to get one that does I think very few of them actually have rabies but it's certainly not something that you wanna yeah you don't wanna roll those don't enroll the rabies dice no so alright getting off I'll be no hedgehogs in bathtubs then so music career kind of done now you're in the the entertainment space obviously you're a what's the word I'm looking for talent manager that's how we met so if the people that don't know how me and Michael met I still get questions and I'm like have you not seen like one of the eight videos we've done where we've talked about it but um the way that Michael and I met was I was over here on a three-month stint seeing if I would be able to legitimately move out and move my photography business from the UK to the US I was out on a phone on a night photo shoot I was out my driver on Sunday morning and Michael and I have mutual friends Michael was also on the drive I was taking pictures of people's cars up in Malibu and I think you just came up to me and started chatting and asked me what I was doing and I explained and you invited me to come to to your office because you may be able to introduce me to someone that could help or whatever and 45 minutes later I'm leaving your office and you're now my my manager yeah why the heck did I do that isn't it funny though to think that it started out as you being my manager for my photography and if we had if someone had said to us back then you realized that in two years time three just on three years time you're gonna have a youtube channel together with a million subscribers I would be like what how and no way in heaven right yeah how is that even possible that and it was entirely your your fault Adam that this happened because I had never dreamed of having a YouTube channel and I remember you saying to me oh let's film some YouTube videos and my words to you with who the heck's gonna want to watch that right yeah no I remember it very well I remember being in your office and I was like well you've got the following cuz you already had a huge Instagram following so I was like well those people for starters that I think at the time you were on like 200,000 or something so I was like well that seems like a pretty good start yeah here we are we started in 2017 I believe September 2017 is that when it was I think so I remember it being in Monterey the first one we we ever did watch October because because car week is the end of September so I think we released the video in the beginning of October I think that's about right yeah and I think we were hoping to get was a thousand views we would both consider doing yeah and credibly successful with and music and what do we do on the first video like 50,000 I don't know I don't know I mean looking back now obviously it's a lot more than that because people liked and watched it but I think my pen may be twenty five thirty thousand yeah yeah I I remember I remember the first day I think we we smashed through ten thousand in the first day and I was like wow this is way bigger than I thought it was gonna be yeah how did that even happen yeah I mean it's awesome I think where we really took off was when we did the the four and a half million dollar diamond bracelet that that's where we saw I think that was our first viral video that went over a million wasn't it yes that one's up about seven and a half million right now I think that's nuts and then now crazy we we have these conversations all the time when we're watching the stats of the videos after we post them with you know the the kind of views that we expect and if a video isn't doing what we expected or if a video isn't doing as well as the week before we're like booing and crying over a quarter of a million views and then we both after sense check ourselves and be like wait a minute that's nuts like that is crazy we're like oh we thought this would get over a quarter million views quicker than a day many people I know the one that we just put up like three days ago we had the conversation I think was yesterday why is it not doing so well it's already like well now it's at three hundred and fifty thousand or thereabout but yesterday I think it was like two hundred eighty thousand went wrong there's nothing wrong with that it's been fantastic yeah it's yeah it is it's wild it's funny how quickly you lose perspective of numbers because you just look at you just look at the numbers right you don't actually think about what that represents like imagine if you were to get every single one of those 280,000 people and fill a football stadium with them like you wouldn't be able to how many football stadiums would you need a lot I mean 280,000 is like a small city right exactly yeah that's it's a lot and and then you much then you look at the minutes of watch time it's in the millions at four or five million minutes of watch time so many we've got 50 million minutes anymore sigh oh my goodness you know it is crazy and yeah I mean but I have to say something I have to Susan yeah I just show up and and my mugs on the camera but Adam all the hard work and I'm very grateful for them I appreciate that no it's it's teamwork it's it's good I'm I think it's like the perfect storm because of you know you're you on camera and everything that you're able to bring or bring us along to you know everything you have access to and then obviously I'm able to make it look pretty on the computer and wrangle a camera like yeah and then there's something else so look we put a video up every Tuesday morning and Adam can pretty much count on a call on Saturday and Sunday saying what did you do this the video did you do this is this ready another way for real like Michael and I speak I would say if you had to average it out I would say that you call me at least three times a day between three and five times a day that's probably true and you call me like once a week I was gonna say I don't think I have tics I'm like I need to talk to Michael about something never mind he'll call me at 3:00 like he's overdue but now it works great and I think that's that's the the best thing for me is that it's not work you know what I mean like it isn't a it doesn't feel like a job I I remember in the beginning I didn't used to like editing and I didn't used to like having a sit-down and it's because it took me so long because I literally before we start the producer Michael Channel I think I had probably only edited no word of a lie I had edited less than 15 full videos well yeah I would say that's probably about right in fact the very first video that I ever edited was for an a suspension company I back suspension when they asked me because I had done some like little like I had this little tiny camera it's called a flip minnow and it would it looked like a mobile phone but it had a little tiny screen on the front and then on the back it just had one camera in the center and you held it like upright and it was just a little 720p like HD camera and so I would use this to film photo shoots and stuff and then I would I think I used to edit it and like Windows Movie Maker or something it was complete garbage but it was fun right I mean at the end of the day videos don't have to be all fancy to be good and so I done some of those for us shoot that I had done for them in Germany and they saw it now like well look we would like some product videos doing would you be interested in doing that I was like hell yeah of course and so I quoted them for it and it was out in California and it's actually the very first time that I ever came to California and it was in Corona of all places which is no offense terribly from Corona but the arse end of nowhere and I remember coming out and it was basically my opportunity to get to California for free I had no idea how to properly edit I had no idea how to properly shoot I had no video equipment but I was like yeah I can do that no problem at all and I actually found the invoice right for the shoot now this shoot and you know obviously Michael what my day rate is but the the invoice that I got for this shoot or that I had submitted for this shoot it was six videos I think something like that five or six videos each one about three minutes long so I know that you're probably totting that up in your head right now and when I looked at the invoice you know I charged them thousand dollars a yeah about eight hundred fifty pounds well plus plus travel obviously but yeah eight hundred and fifty pounds to do all of that which I mean that may sound like a lot to some people and to me at the time a hundred fifty pounds was obviously I thought it was right otherwise I wouldn't submitted it but when I look back now I'm like oh my god I was editing that project for no word of a lie probably two months afterwards but yeah I remember getting back to the produce michael channel in the beginning I hated the edits and now I actually really enjoy doing them by eye because we've got our flow and I know when we shoot we shoot to edit so it's like it it's just an extension of the of the creative process of actually making the videos and yeah you've made it a lot more difficult for yourself by moving Adam lives about what 65 miles away from me now so that's a hundred and thirty mile round-trip that he has to do because I won't go out of Beverly Hills about your passport yeah but I do venture out sometimes it's not often but sometimes it's true but the thing is though I mean you know me I don't mind driving like I enjoy I don't necessarily enjoy sitting in traffic but it you would just have to make it work right just do do a couple of house tours in a day or film a couple of videos and it makes sense and obviously with me coming back up every Monday to get my blood done like it's there's always ways to work around it and the the trade off like you've seen the videos that I've put out of my of my new place and the where I live now and they're you know the beach that I'll take the dog to like it's it's so worth it it looks absolutely gorgeous I mean I I haven't been down there yet but at some point I will definitely get my passport ready I'll pack a suitcase rent a car all the supplies definitely rent a car and I'll head down your direction know for sure you should come down and yeah we'll poor guy on the beach and it's just beautiful and oh my gosh super cars I honestly think the PCH like right here outside my house I think that there are more supercars go along PCH in an hour than go along Rodeo Drive in half a day it's amazing I can imagine some neighbors not liking it but for me I have my windows open I sit out my front deck and I just hear like warm Ferrari Lamborghini and I'm like listening out like that's a hurricane it's an Aventador Santa Clara and you can't hear a McLaren you can they just sound silent they're not silently but they've got they all sound the same as Senna sounds like a loud 570 they all they sound like they sound like a lawnmower you have to admit it's not the greatest sounding car I totally agree with you it is not the greatest sounding car in the world now but you can tell the McLaren you can tell your parents ounds like but yeah they that that engine that VA it's a great engine like technologically speaking it's a great engine like that the 600 LT I want to drive the is it the 700 LT is that the fast 600 LTV you are totally asking the wrong person when it comes to McLaren I want to love McLaren I really do being British yeah it's a British guy I want to love it but haven't got there yet I I do here they are proving and I'm looking forward to the day when they improve enough where I'll consider one do you know how I think you would get the most enjoyment out of a clarin outside of San Juan on fire there's a lotus wringer well no we definitely won't go there no yeah tell me I think if you were to buy a cheap high mileage 570s which you can pick up now for what eighty five ninety thousand something like that for me really that that went well I know that Mike my buddy Mike he had a really high mileage one like I think he'd done forty or forty five thousand miles in that thing and it was only a couple of years old and he got a hundred and 115 120 for his I think so I imagine now now that they're another two years older than that but yeah you could probably get like a beat-up high mileage one for under 100 grand I'm sure but I feel like that's a lot of car for that amount of money right and and regardless of the build quality nor the rest of it standing back and looking at a 570 it's a great looking car like you got to concede that it is a good looking car I know but you know my problem is I'm scared at them Catching Fire a lot of them catch fire a lot of them break down you can't open the engine compartment which I think is the biggest mistake ever and you still don't understand why you can't and yeah the things that's on fire you can't even put it out yeah to be fair though it's not it's the center's that was sat on fire and that was through a manufacturing floor I like the the 570s as far as I'm aware there's not any type of major issue with those set on fire any different knowing I agree I don't think the 577 20s do but watch Instagram there's a lot of them they burned nicely actually but do you think it's one of those things where like when you get a car then you start noticing more of them on the road do you think it's like when someone posts one 720 on fire then all of a sudden every 720 that sets on fire gets posted whereas like I'm sure there's Lambos and you know Ferraris even that they're exhaust gets too hot melts the wiring loom causes a short whatever balumbo slum bows are a different story because a lot of people put these ridiculous ridiculous exhausts on that shoot fire never understood why anybody would do that it makes no sense at all and and of course those regularly catch on fire the McLaren's if you look at any 720 that's more than maybe three months old look around the exhaust all the paint has come off the bumpers that burns there was no fix for it it's just a bad design and if they get too hot they catch fire she's gotta put a longer exhaust pipe on it yeah I do think though that that if you were to get a cheap 570 and use it as a track like either a track car to take it out to the thermal club or just to use it for like banging around the canyons and I know that's not your cup of tea enough to warrant getting a car specifically for it but I think if somebody lent you one for the weekend and was like I don't care about this car like drive it drive it like it's meant to be driven I think you would probably have a new respect just for the way that that it was to drive of course you wouldn't be happy with the fit and finish and and that's that's a given but I think in terms of it being a driving machine I think you would you would have more fun with it because on track they are really nice really nice to joking apart I have driven many many McLaren's 7:26 50s have driven assume I've driven them all and they do drive very well the 728 728 720s is blisteringly fast I mean it's it's really really fast it's a good position who are you driving in it's just the stuff inside the car and and the way as you say there was a fit and finish you know awful and I just can't I can't get myself to enjoy it because I'm you know me I'm like you I'm a bit OCD with stuff and Adam doesn't like things that don't fit properly I don't like things that don't fit properly I don't like having to go through five different screens to change the air conditionings that's weird that infotainment system where you have to like yeah get out of the radio to chain to turn your ace damn that should have been a knowledge terrible it's absolutely terrible so you know I'm not saying it's a bad car I'm just saying it's not a car for me I'm a Ferrari guy as you know the fit and finish is unbelievable the performances is unbelievable just a great car and and I think you know it's gonna take a lot to change me how many Ferraris if you mind oh my goodness a lot I have no idea what was your very first Ferrari my first four I was a 308 GTS I which was the injection car and a lot of fun those like the magnum p.i con I don't know if you remember that yeah fun car red with cream interior one of the funnest cars I've ever had not particularly fast but back then it was fast but in today's world not that fast but a lot of fun and haste a Ferrari and then what did you get after that have you have you had multiple Ferraris at any point I had a massive collection of for hours at one point and as the market started to go down many years ago I got rid of the more like an idiot thinking that there would be worthless had I have kept them oh my goodness they've gotten up a thousand percent or more that's what did you have when you were everything he keep on collection I had everything I had all the good ones all the good ones and more polka dots is that what you'd collect in Pokemon cards I don't it would be I just had a lot of Ferraris and who were my pride and joy and then the market literally collapsed and why am i paying all the insurance on this and just watching them go down and and you know become basically worthless you couldn't give him away and I struggled to sell them but now you look at comes home what goodness me so was that was that here or was that East Coast I was East Coast yeah and haven't you you've got a Diablo haven't you out in is it still in Spain it is you should try and bring that over I know there's I know it's difficult but you should try and get that over that would be a fun car it's a great color it's called a Momo edition and it's a very rare one it's a combination of orange and red and it drips oil there's nothing can be done to stop it dripping oil I've had fifty attempts at it changed every gasket a thousand times and there's nothing you can do to stop it dripping oil well at least you know there's oil still inside it I mean what what aeroplane was it that used to drip fuels at Concord because of one once it got to speed everything expanded and then everything fit right but when it was on the ground everything shrunk back and so it used to used to drip fuel that's exactly right and a little bit of trivia for you the Concorde would actually expand in length during flight and there were two sections within the fuselage of the plane with expanders in them and you could watch them expand in flight I flew the Concorde twice mazing airplane that's that's terrifying yeah my buddy Tom here in fact I'm gonna get on the podcast he's an aircraft engineer and he was telling me all kinds of facts I remember when he told me that they were having issues with the nose cone overheating and so he's like how do you think that they cooled that down and I was like I don't know obviously they couldn't fly slower because they were trying to get to the speed of sound so he was like yeah so they can fly slow so what do you think they did and I was like water cooling like is that a thing could they could they pump water around he's like but what's cooler than water and as I don't know he said fuel they literally used fuel in the skin of the aircraft to cool it down because the jet fuel was cooler than water and I was like wait so they've got this molten hot nose cone that they're trying to cool down and they do it by firing the most combustible liquid known to man around it to try and dissipate the heat he's like yep that's why Concorde doesn't fly much I didn't know that I didn't know that's interesting here's another bit of trivia for you about Concorde did you know that in flight in level flight that the cockpit has no windows at all in level flight has no windows so when the aircraft is taking off and landing the nose dips yeah 26 degrees and when it gets to level flight the nose goes up and that's a heat shield that goes over the last so everything is done by an instrument that's in Korea because I know obviously when you see it land in the nose that the aircraft's like this and the nose is sort of pointed that way and I know that I've seen that the little cutouts where where you can then see that is what an amazing amazing aircraft such a shame that that thing didn't pick up and and I guess realistically you know when you've got stuff like this where we can do zoom cause why do you need to get to New York in five hours or three when I wasn't like three-and-a-half hours or something London to New York if there's another reason why Concord wasn't able to fly over the United States and that's because of two reasons one was the sound there when you fly faster than the speed of sound it creates a sonic boom and that sonic boom is so loud it would shatter windows try flying you know at 40,000 feet the houses below you would be laughing and the other problem was back in the day when Concorde flew it would actually fly between 50 and 55 thousand feet on average it could go up to a ceiling of 65 I believe I might be wrong and the air con traffic control monitoring in the US didn't go to that ceiling so it was flying an unmonitored airspace and that was you know a very not good thing to do interesting ya know I didn't know that you know a very sad very weird and I didn't realize at the time but sad stories I actually saw that Concorde going down in France no way so I was on I was on a school trip headed to Disneyland Paris and we were on the motorway and we saw this airplane come across and it was it looked like a jet fighter like as in that but that's the because we weren't really paying attention but that was the memory that I have is like there's kinda like jet plane coming across and there being like smoke and fire and so in my however or I was at the time I was a young kid young kids mine I was like oh it's just a fighter jet or something and then we got stuck in this crazy long traffic jam that no joke I think we're in this traffic jam for like five or six hours and it wasn't until we got back that we realized that that's what it was and that was the the Concorde coming down it's amazing amazing not a good sight to see but no I know but yeah it was absolutely incredible and what a what Tom said is well about those aircraft is that apparently once they so to get to the speed of sound they needed something like one hundred and ninety five percent hundred-percent throttle whatever once they had reached the speed of sound they back the throttles off to like twenty percent that's right yeah because you you reach your maximum glide altitude once you're saying it that the plane should stay at that because you're so high the air the higher you go the thinner the air yeah I mean just absolutely incredible incredible and yeah very very sad that it's not working what do you think of like all the SpaceX stuff and send in human beings into space would you go to Mars no I wouldn't if I outside of every hilts I think it's the biggest waste of money I don't understand why I just don't get it I don't see man ever living on Mars or in a space capsule and I think a lot more things could be done with that money to help people rather than just blow it in fuel and going into the atmosphere but hey I guess there's another agenda that maybe I don't know about yeah I mean Elon Musk he said that he wants to die on Mars like his his goal is to be on Mars maybe not in the first lot of people who go there obviously but because they've said that once once you get there you're not right now you're not coming back like the the first people who apparently already had people sign up and the first so I don't think there's any fuel stations upon Mars yeah I don't know so no no but they he was talking about them being able to potentially make fuel up there based on something in the atmosphere or I don't know hydrogen or something it's way above my pay grade but they were gonna harness rays from the Sun to power solar cells who knows right go ahead yeah I mean yeah absolutely I I get where you're coming from with with regards to could you spend that money better elsewhere yeah but I guess that's that's human evolution or that civilizations evolution isn't it is that if there weren't these outliers like Elon Musk doing the things that he's doing then we wouldn't make the progress because we can make this very slow progress so you can have somebody like him who just tries to leapfrog all of it and go let's go to [ __ ] Mars and then you know that's it all of a sudden if we don't get to Mars we do have rockets that can be reused and that helps us in other ways and yeah I think I think he's an incredible man like I have no idea what planet he's actually from because it certainly ain't here maybe he's from Mars and he wants to go home ever thought about that it wouldn't make sense I mean have you heard about him thinking that we potentially live in a simulation no so there is a there are two podcasts that I want you to go listen to maybe do it while you while you're on your treadmill or something pop them in pop your podcasts in your ears Joe Rogan podcast with Elon Musk number one and then listen to number two he is such a fascinating guy and actually listening to the podcast especially the first one is kind of weird because every time Joe asked him a question Elon will be like so Joel asking something in Elon will go and there's a super long pause and when you're listening to it you don't see him doing it it's so odd because it's like way as it broke and those might hello as my headphones broken and then he'll answer and he's just got such a strange mannerism but I just I can't even imagine what's going on in his brain like or how quickly his thoughts work because yeah the stuff that he has going on and the stuff that he's achieved already is amazing you know what I mean like just such a amazing human connection oh did I oh there you are there you are you came back you disappeared for a microsecond oh okay well I hear talking of Tesla Tesla Roadster what do you think I think it's very fast it's definitely not a michael car so he was talking yellow musk was talking about a way that they can improve the 0-60 time which I believe is already under two seconds and you know what he's talking about doing hmm he's using compressed air so literally like a little jet out the back using compressed air to accelerate it I think he's mentioned that in there I think it was in the first Joe Rogan podcast and then they touched on it in the second one but he was a little bit more like cagey about it the second time around but yeah you don't need you would need a lot of compressed air a lot a lot to produce enough thrust yeah and if that was possible I wouldn't want to be the car behind it imagine you're a traffic light you blow the front bumper off someone's beetle behind me and take the painted motorbike blow your underpants down it'd be like you on your surfboard yeah right well that's awesome well look mate I mean this has been probably like an hour and a half so it has been it has been it has been Oh oh it's a little plug laughs Panthera yeah you know I wore this for the first time today that looks good on you matches my match is my shirt there I am see much is my shirt what an amazing watch for very reasonable inexpensive it looks so much more expensive than it is it's just a beautiful watching chip and zerah thank you because this was a gift Adam gave it to me a couple of days ago from pan zero what's the gentleman's name Roger Roger Roger he's the owner of pans Eric yeah he's awesome he's he so Roger if you if you're watching this thank you very very very much I love it and I appreciate it and anyone's looking to get a nice deal with don't we have a code we do yeah what is if people want to get 10% off then you use code well there's two so there's my code which is just swords and then there's pm10 as in producer Michael ten and both of them will get you ten percent off the watch including sale price so if the watches are on sale then you'll also get ten percent off sale price which is awesome so no just real real solid guys in fact I this wasn't planned but I have mine here my this is all faithful so I have battered this thing and it's still running fine so oh and you're asking me about changing the straps you just got to push the push this across and then in there you've got the little metal thing and just slide it across things I don't think I have that let me see yeah there you go so you just slide slide the strap across and then underneath that you'll have the the quick release metal doodad well I'll tell you off camera yeah tell me off camera anyway well this has been a lot of fun yeah well I've got it off my wrist is that in focus probably no no no yeah no why why keep looking I'm talking do I move it do I hold it still well anyway you can go and then you'll be in focus for you all the time okay Panthera dot shop is the address for that and they are not actually the sponsor of this podcast but there you go I really like this stuff and Michael does now too which is very cool yeah this is for mate we should yeah let's do it again let's do it again I mean there's so much stuff to talk about that we didn't cover but at least that gives people a little idea of your background because I think that there's a lot of questions about that a lot of people only know you from the producer Michael Channel and so they come on and I like what like who is this guy I what what what does he do and so there you go now you know that's what Michael does oh that's there are some things that Michael's done well thank you for having me as a guest I really appreciate it and I probably won't watch this back it's like two hours long it is a good thing is you know what you said so so you don't have to watch it back I that's the beauty of these is to edit them it's great I just put a title on the beginning a title on the end and that's it we're done export to YouTube and to the old podcast in - am I allowed am I allowed to throw a plug in for the producer Michael Channel a thousand percent I'd be disappeared if you didn't hit the subscribe button please hit the subscribe button hit the light and hit the Bell and will continue to make content which we hope you like a hundred percent 100% so yeah everything will be linked down below guys obviously you're here watching this on my channel or listening to it through the podcast so for that thank you very much I appreciate you but yeah we are I will link everything in the description so if you want to check out the producer Mike channel if you haven't already which I'm almost certain that you already are subscribed to that I hope you are we have a good time that's a luxury lifestyle channel so Michael shows you the lifestyles of the rich and famous million well I was about to say million dollar diamonds but as awful as it sounds that isn't even close to being the most exciting thing on the channel is it no we just want to you know inspire you let you know that you can do it I washed dishes dishes for a long time for the British Army and I know I have this view of the moment my window and you can do it too so we're in it to win it 100% 100% so yeah well thank you Michael appreciate you mate no doubt you'll call me again this afternoon so I'll talk to in a bit and for you guys at home listening to this thank you so much for the support I really appreciate you guys it's put in these new endeavors of mine the podcast if you're into gaming then you can check me out on Twitch i stream semi-regularly and badly because i'm not very good at the game that i play and then yeah obviously this podcast and then all the last thing that I want to plug is the discord channel so if you want to join our discord channel it's basically like a little chat room and we have lots of different topics in there so we have cars we have games we have tech we have photography we have watches like all kinds of stuff great little community and there of people that get along nicely and yeah come join it bigger human being let people know who you are and make some new friends so yeah until next time guys enjoy yourselves be safe hit the subscribe button do all the good things we actually have a Memorial Day sale right now for swords merch so if you want to go and grab yourself something you can 20% off use code memorial 20 alright that's it anything I'll say Michael cheerio see you guys bye bye bye
Channel: Adam Swords
Views: 288,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam swords, adamswords, swrdz, producer michael, producermichael, lifestyle, adventure, interview, podcast, michael blakey, hollywood, celebrity, business, entertainment industry, TV, movies, success, wealth, talent
Id: WLiVil_3EkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 44sec (5744 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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