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folks welcome to the little run through Beverly Hills with a bunch of questions and answers and firstly thank you so much for I think was like a thousand questions maybe more than that across Instagram and Facebook so thanks for that Adam and I picked some which we think are good for everybody and hopefully you enjoy them so Adam you want to fire away sure thing alright so they explain why that picture or that piece of paper is brown the reason it's brown is because I actually had a nicely printed one on white paper and fortunately I took a photograph of it but the Ferrari wouldn't start the other day we went out and got a flat battery it's a stupid thing anyway long story short I called the roadside assistance and they very kindly vacuumed the car out and they vacuumed my questions so that's a photograph I see I can see him here now a photograph I did wonder that as like this is very elegantly anyway there you go alright so the first question is from Alberto von Fanty and he says what is the most important skill that a businessman must have to be successful the most important skill I find and I think it's very important for anybody doing any form of business to completely understand and when I say completely understand I mean really understanding research what the person you're doing business wants what they're looking for because if you don't know exactly what they're looking for what chance have you got doing business with them so prepare yourself and really understand who you're dealing with and from that point it makes your life a lot lot easier so know your audience basically I could have just said that know your audience and we'd have been done that like that but I mean if you've if you've got if you're doing business to business then you've got to know what the other business needs but if you're selling a product then there's no point in you selling a product that somebody isn't gonna be interested in buying right you that's exactly right that's exactly right and do you have you found the people in your experience have come to you in business ideas you just have completely overlooked who they're actually selling to and they maybe made a product for themselves or a service 99% of the time right unfortunately all meetings that are taken are wasted right because they don't know they don't do their research and it's all about having a base knowledge yeah you haven't got a base knowledge why bother you know so people super excited about their own great idea but actually when you drill down to it there's no audience there's no map there's no market there yeah exactly exactly all right Monica Sunshine says deeper you should do the underscore things in there so that people know how to find them if they want to make a comment say what a silly question right so Monica underscore sunshine that's Monica with a K says do you believe in second chances giving it to employers friends etc and how do you give a second chance well do I believe in second chances well the answer is yes and on occasion third chances but it all depends on what it is that the person did if somebody deliberately does something that's vindictive or inappropriate then there's no second chance for me because it's a deliberate attempt to sabotage your decently wrong so I don't have tolerance for that however if somebody makes a mistake I absolutely give them a second chance I'll give them a third chance because nobody going through life including myself just things without making mistakes right goodness if I hadn't have got second chances I think be driving a Ferrari right so what yeah how do I deal with it is the other part of question right yes so I speak to them and you know I well I will call them sitting them down in my office and say hey you know you messed up on this and it's something we need to talk about let's see if we can avoid doing this in the future and you go through everything explained why they messed up all yeah what the error was and just move forward from there great do you give people second chances I yeah I do but I'm also I have such limited tolerance for BS like I have a very select group of friends and if people mess me around or show that they're not trustworthy or just don't I'm the firm believer in surrounding yourself with good people I think we've spoken about this before there's actually a question in here that comes to that soon where I'm glad you'll be able to talk about how they literally I see it right here so yeah I think that yes like you say everybody makes mistakes and if it's a genuine mistake and you feel as though that person is going to be able to redeem themselves and you know it wasn't them being vindictive then of course but equally I just have nothing to do with people that are sort of poisonous and don't bring a positive energy you learn from your mistakes if you don't make mistakes you'll never gain knowledge because with a bit of luck someone's going to point those mistakes out to you say hey guys this is how you need to fix it and that's the benefit of having good people around you I'm sorry carry on yeah no no that I mean that's it that's you've made my point it's surround yourself with good people then hopefully you don't have to give second chances right and then yeah just be you know practically humility if you are around people that do matter you know help them out cool okay so Arjun dot van dot did a dale dae le darle i don't know - van dahl a da lead a daily action Giovanni yeah sorry I wasn't cool yeah he asked who is your motivation that's an easy one me I get up every day and motivate myself my goal is to better myself each and every day and that's always been my goal throughout my life it's not financially based it's not anything based really I just want to learn something learn and you would learn a new anything so I motivate myself by doing that that's what they want to do awesome so this is the question that carries on from what we were just talking about flawless ellie i SS says how do i choose the people wait I don't think they meant this they said how do I choose the people that surround you so do they want to be your manager or like yeah well I I wrote that up I typed that up actually I tell a lie I had my assistant type it up and she probably okay so it's around yeah so yeah sorry or lease floor floor lease how do i how do you choose the people that surround me you very very carefully not that carefully one exception very carefully I I have this thing somebody has to win my trust I have to really like them I have to believe that what they want to do in life is the right thing right yeah and based on all of those those factors I will allow somebody and the limited basis into my life and as we evolve in a relationship as you get to know each other that's when you know you become a better friend and I mean goodness I hated you for the first couple weeks absolutely hated each other yeah you hated me yeah we were throwing bricks at each other clearly but no I think you know you just do it very carefully and let people get closer and closer with time yeah all right so Graham Morgan one says I believe Beverly Hills has an obscene level of property tax which might be a key consideration when making a property purchase can you kindly explain your to your international followers how this works and how much they pay so Beverly Hills does have an obscene property tax it's about one and a half to two percent annually of the price of the property that you pay for it so if you pay five million dollars you're paying a hundred thousand dollars a year in property tax approximately and then there's all sorts of other taxes at the city put on you as well your water tax your electric tax on top of your electric bill in your watering and there's all sorts of crazy things for example I I have a very big security system at my house and I have to pay I think it's like five different licenses really yeah police licensed private security license administration licenses for watching cameras and it's just crazy so it is expensive and specific to Beverly Hills it's I think it's everywhere and a limited basis but I think level the hills is much more than anywhere else because they provide much better coverage do you feel like the taxi you're justified or sorry they're justified in charging the taxes they do or do you think that they are extorting you somewhat because they know that there is the welfare I think people have a choice of where they want to live right right so when you go into buying a property in Beverly Hills you know that it's going to be expensive right so if you if you you don't think that that's a challenge then you shouldn't consider it you're better off buying something that's close to Beverly Hills or somewhere completely different but why put that noose around your neck because that money is something you can't claim and you're just paying it every year you know so that's one of the big things to take into consideration but it's work to me it's worth every penny right got ya okay so Samia underscore eyes shiny before you before you even ask any more questions you have some questions aimed at you I do you should probably have a couple of yours sorry sorry who were you reading there yeah hey Samir I promise we will not forget about you I promise all right so my questions let's see Adams not quite as prepared as me I printed it out a little pretty I've got a few here for you that I was going to ask you okay so I'm just going through those this is quite a good one so Jordan brown one-one-one-one says if you didn't know each other as you do now and I'd never met each other but saw each other social media what would your true opinions be on the other has tagged truth hurts sometimes oh that's brilliant who's going for hue I'll let you go first cause and no actually I didn't tell them my answer I've been doing a lot of you go first and then I'll tell them I am okay so if I just know social media I would think that you were this over-the-top flashy bachelor that's just living his life to the fullest not really giving a damn about what other people think who has the weirdest dress sense I've ever seen pretty accurate and do you know what I would say that that's but basically right the only difference between seeing that and actually knowing you is that because I know you on a personal level not just a social media presence level I know what you're really like and I know that you're actually as well as you are flashing all the rest of it you're a very down-to-earth humble guy very trustworthy and someone that I consider a genuine friends so I think that you might get the impression that you're perhaps just a bit wacky and out there and shallow from social media but you really know it all you have a lot of depth to you a very fast variety show coming at me across the thing so yeah that that's I would say that on a possessions level it's pretty accurate you do have these nice things you are a very flashy guy but what people miss out is your genuineness and your kind heart so so in order to adjust address that before is uncertain like okay there's no prizes for being the richest guy in the cemetery right so I like crazy stuff so I buy it I'm in a very fortunate and blessed position where I'm able to do it so I do it rather than just stick it away I give a lot to charity I support all sorts of groups that need help and I think I should score myself too right so now coming to your part I don't think you're a rowdy drunk Englishman no that's not true it's very difficult to judge somebody from social media it really is because all you see is a few pictures yeah and you see the image that they're putting out you can rest Sara Lee see who they are personally correct I I would I would see you as a very fun guy that's an absolute motor enthusiast it takes a lot of guts to take a car and just rip it apart throughout the seats throughout the door panels throw it everything basically not care what it looks like just to make it go faster and be a lot of fun so I respect that it's not my cup of tea which in American means it's not my taste but I totally respect that also knowing that you're British because that's clear from your social media gives me a an interesting connection but I just think you're a really nice guy a fun guy knowing you on a personal I shot the earth you know just a great great guy and cut say enough good things about you and I'm about to get a ticket because this is a light that has cameras hopefully they don't know flush I didn't see any maybe it's because daylight in the dim flash maybe but it was the guy in France well yeah that camera okay so actually there's one question that kind of leads on from that for you which is what I produced Michael's thoughts on your current Mercedes actually I just want let people know we didn't get footage of this but I took Michael in the car for they in my car for the first time the other day I gave him a lift from where we were to his car and he hasn't been in it since the new seats went in and all the interior went out I won't go in it again you should have seen him trying to get in this thing he's like shoehorns himself into the sea and he's like oh my god oh my god I'm terrified I'm terrified oh my god I'm like and we're only driving like 25 miles per hour through Beverly Hills like he's like you've got no floor I was like we have got a floor we just don't have mats or anything yeah anything you can't open a window you can't even open the door I have to ask him how do you get out of the car he has his tiny little bit of wire with a hook on it and you put your finger in and when you pull it it shuts your finger makes you believe no I don't like his car but but I respect you and I respect what he's doing to it but no I don't like his car I can't wait till it's finished then we can actually we should do a little track day we'll do it just absolutely cars on the track absolutely I'll take out mine but my eyes off to you for doing what you're doing and it is fun and it gets a lot of a change - probably gets more attention than this it's just different you know it's just I I'm not doing it for any other reason I'm not doing it to please anybody but myself which your price a good job but no it's something that I enjoy doing and I've always said to people like do what you love do what makes you happy and as long as not hurting anybody else well then you no more credit to you good point okay so next question and for you mr. Blakey is Beyonce's house by the way that's the one that's gonna be Beyonce sounds nice whoa what was laughs do you hear that it's like a bomb would sound like a bomb what I think somebody didn't like Beyonce - Playboy Mansion Derek different okay carry on okay slow down there's a puddle well Mia I Shaunie says is it easy for you to trust me Samia Samia Samia you should show me unless it's Samia I apologize Amir Sameera Mia Samia ishani says is it easy for you to trust people and do you rely on your gut feeling when meeting people a great question it's very difficult for me to trust people and I do rely on my initial gut feeling iin turn into any meeting with anybody in the first time is just be cautious and that doesn't mean that I don't trust people in general it means that I'm cautious because you never know especially you know when you're successful you never know what somebody wants when they come to you and meet with you right so I'm cautious but I think the first three or four minutes literally dictates everything is this person for real do they want something it just shows up but yes I trust my gut feeling and so far so good I've made a few mistakes but not that money good fishin - five - says as the saying goes money can't buy you happiness if you feel that's true or has your wealth port you happiness money certainly doesn't buy you happiness but it certainly helps you be happy money buys you possessions and possessions can make you happy yeah you have to set your life in accordance with what you want to do to be happy health is the most important thing if you haven't got your health it doesn't matter what you got in the bank can be nothing matters so you know take care of yourself and make sure that whatever your successes are in life make sure that you're healthy enough if you can to enjoy it yeah money is a very nice thing to have and it's a great medium to be able to be happy because you can do things that without it you wouldn't be able to do but it doesn't solely make you happy yeah it's not the be-all and end-all that of really unhappy million hours out Oh many many many you need to tell me if it's clear to the right because I can't see it is not the only large head have tiny ears that's what it is I think is yeah you really do I never noticed that part of this masane easy good thank you very much perfect oh talking about possessions making you happy I have a gift for you a gift for you are you ready to receive the gift I'm definitely ready to receive the gift cause we're at a stoplight oh my word Oh check this out of that there's a camera this one that is really really nice you saw my Panthera and you said that you wanted one I spoke to Roger he's a CEO of pans era and that is so cool well thank you Roger this is really really cool he also sent a really nice letter that I'll get to you when we get yes please and they will most definitely definitely wear it very cool isn't it beautiful watch and you driving in that I really appreciate it thank you so much and I will I will cherish them thank you very much I love the boxes they put I'm sure I'll wear it in a video in an upcoming video and the other thing as well so if you guys are interested in Panthera watches then if you go to Pam's Ericom au and use the code producer Michael then Panthera will give you 25% off these watches it's cool so this one that I'm wearing right here and the one that Michael now has is about five hundred US dollars and so if you go on there now you will get whatever 25% off five hundred US dollars is amazing that that would be a hundred well what did you say 25% on five hundred that's 100 there you go so No 10% knife would be 50 it would be look at me trying to do math twenty five hundred and twenty-five dollars yes so yeah there you go you got 125 bucks off you purchase using the code producer Michael that's amazing thank you very very much thank you that's very very good okay and now I also don't have to buy Adam a watch because this is a beautiful Walker because I have one I will retire this one perfect okay so next question Felix zero three zero five he has three e's in his name says what motivates you to get up every day apart from your financial goals I cannot answer that earlier but I want to learn something every day Yeah right and I want to better myself every day yeah I think just by sitting back and accepting what you've got and knowing what you know is a sure way to just self destruct so for me I want to learn something new every single day and that's what motivates me don't want to be the smartest person in the world yeah I do I want to be the smartest but I don't really good there's some real smart people yes we could work out twenty-five percent five hundred so I think we've got a long way to well we did it just took a while I never I never process profess to be enough to you I'm terrible mass that's why I take pretty pictures for a living okay so kiss cats eighty nine is the wrong way no idea where I am ouch yeah right so kiss cats wait keV Scouts eighty nine says do you believe in taking risks well we are right now we're going down a road where we have no idea we're going that is true do I believe in taking risks calculated risks I believe that anybody that doesn't risk risks everything you just have to take calculated risks never look at what you can make ever look at what you can lose because if you can afford to lose whatever that is and you think it's a good opportunity go for it that's right because if you don't I need to put in the gear if you don't have a go at something you don't save that risk you've got a zero chance zero chance so always give it a go so the answer is absolutely yes very good advice I've never heard that before I've heard of you know don't bet what you're not willing to pick away left left I've heard of don't bet what you're not willing to lose right in gambling but I've never thought about that in a business sense because I guess you're always driven by what you stand to gain well you know if you look at an opportunity anything it's too dangerous but the opportunity is really good and the cost of accepting that opportunity is within the boundaries of being able to survive continually if it goes wrong then why wouldn't you do it right right you've got to have a go at it otherwise you know you never go forward in life yeah absolutely okay napalm this is very beautiful where we are by the way like very beautiful sorry carry on napalm 1000 says amongst all the wealthy people you've met what oh sorry napalm 1000 says amongst all the wealthy people you've met who do you admire most and who just stands out and shows extent outstanding class that's a very interesting question I'm just training chairman which way to go I go that way because I suppose going no outlets not a good idea [Music] I'm gonna answer that I've met many wealthy people and many of the wealthy people have been fantastic there's one that actually stands out that's a new acquaintance to me and that is Jacob Jacob the jeweler why do I say that I've recently become a very good customer of the Jacob brand I've bought some very expensive watches and I had the opportunity to meet Jacob he invited me to his house for dinner he invited me to his house for dinner he took me out additionally for a meal after I made a purchase now I've bought many expensive watches this is I know quarter of a million dollars on my wrist and I had to beg to buy it and you don't get a thank-you card you don't get anything in fact Richard meal is probably the most miserable company to buy a watch from and I'll say that openly because I've told it to them it's a horrible experience they make it very difficult and there's no fun buying a watch from Jacob was probably one of the most fun things I've ever done and the experience that went along with it was amazing this is an incredibly successful man very wealthy man and he had no need to do what he did he just went overboard and he does it not just with me with everybody that becomes a big customer for him that is that's really so very very special that's very very special yeah I mean customer service is huge isn't it I think that you expect that the more money you spend on something the better that customer service service experience should be rude obviously it's not case a P for example a I've got many ApS and a big fan of the brand they have actually taken me to Switzerland a couple of times I'm sure the factory's all expensive spade took incredibly good care of me other brands have done that too like I say the only one that hasn't is Richard Mille and that's horrible and I'm wearing a Richard Mille and that's okay I like the watch I just don't like the experience and I don't think I'll be buying any more of them for that reason but I do like the watch it's a great watch yeah yeah okay this next question comes from Adam swords and it says Michael can you show everybody how fast the Ferrari is oh gosh well the GoPros won't handle it these suction cups my eyewear the g-forces I know you didn't pick the best road to do this on well I'll be happy to do a little acceleration cut and then come back at a point well let's do that so we just get to go into a private runway for a second you know just pop down to Mexico yes actually Germany let's just yeah we're Germany right now yeah what should that be Reich now right it's really good that you should be a comedian my shirt here maybe you could represent me that watch looks really good thanks yeah really and I guarantee you Roger you said Roger yeah Roger provides much better service than these people Oh tell you what Rogers great I mean he's I've emailed back and forth with him like I said I'll give you that letter he wrote you a letter and it's it's super nice right so I said in the last video they're all handmade in Sydney and actually they've just opened a new factory in Switzerland maybe Roger will do an all expensive trip to Sydney Australia yeah Roger Roger yeah flies out there and let's let us do all Switzerland we can do a tour of their new factory in Switzerland look they make this really nice it's more traditional looking piece but it's a really nice Swiss made one and it's got like sub dials on it and it's really super fancy looking yeah yeah this one definitely suits my style but I think you know I think that really looks great yeah I mean really really doesn't look great all right ready well I don't know if they need to do this yes beautiful is that with traction control on that's just in race mode and noticing very light traction control okay beautiful yeah we never never went over 30 miles an hour oh that was close as a quickest zero ish to 3000 ever done yeah no they are the very fast not me it's pee fish yeah pretty quick fastest car in the world of hurt you know I'm starving it's an all-round great car this is not one of those cars that your professors to have air coming through the headlights or some crazy weird vortex where you put your hand down the seat to move it and it chops your fingers off this is just a simple car yeah it goes very fast that's incredibly reliable they're lovely to me unless it gets a flat battery like it did the other day that was my fault I never drive this no I mean they're a great daily aren't they fantastic you know you could drive this car every day yeah so yeah I hope you I hope you enjoyed this we had a little trip around Beverly Hills Bel Air see we've got nice roads now we're back in Beverly Hills it's very different isn't it it is so that's one of the reasons that we pay more in taxes because they take care of everything this is communal ground it's all beautiful out here they on the right Road yes so nobody takes care of these trees except the city and their grass and everything is always perfect we pay for that in our property tax right I think it's worth it anyway hit that subscribe button hit the bell let's all be in it to win it and we'll see [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 250,395
Rating: 4.9077535 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity
Id: mJP8UH0awyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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