Rocket League Players vs Their Peak Rank

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yo guys i'm sure some of you have played against someone who seems to be doing everything right and you have said something like this they're so good that's the best team we've ever seen well today we're going to have rocket league players go up against their peak ranks but there's a little twist we're going to include here if the lower ranked players happen to win their match they will go up against their opponent's peak rank however if the higher ranked players win by two or more they'll move on to the next match and play against their peak ranks i don't know if that's confusing or not but if you enjoy being confused welcome to the channel and please consider subscribing so i can confuse you later on too also thanks to sander for my discord for this idea but now let's get into match number one so the blue team has two platinum ones who have peaked at platinum three orange team is of course two platinum threes but they have peaked at diamond two before let's go find out who will peak in this match because whoever does will most likely win i hit it past one of them in the air where he missed i tried to hit that middle oh i got pumped that's nice oh my gosh yeah they're still flat three platform there's no difference yeah that's true that's true that's true that's pretty true don't mind the constant packet loss thing my internet was not peaking that day i'm gonna pop that on the corner [Music] no nice pass no fast nice fast famous okay nice okay that was a close save yeah oh oh this is when you know that one okay okay okay okay i'm gone with just calm down for a second i think i just need to calm down oh no the nerves aren't oh no silver half flip oh no water flight oh my god do we want to save them nah that's the thing oh he's what a saving oh all right you go you go a little bit more towards net and i should finish it oh that was just a great should i great pass him oh god this is going fantastic i need to stop whiffing every hit i try well the lower ranked plat ones are winning but i can't tell if it's because they're peaking or not because the platf's have either own gold or set the blue team up for a shot if the flat ones end up winning this they'll go up against some diamond twos which is the orange team's peak rank i'll just defend okay did he try to bump there oh easy easy oh no i'm sorry sibel i'm garbage [Music] yeah that was a pinch hit it on backboard oh crass the most scuffed double tap ever i just passed though my thumb just went crazy oh oh oh oh okay that was a nice flick that was a nice thing i'm going back i'm going back do you have it okay oh you got you got nice honeybees yeah of course all right i got boost [Music] [Applause] the plat3s take the lead here but they still need one more goal if they want to have a chance to go up against their peak rank of diamond 2 in the next match oh god oh they both missed take that downfield got this let's go let's go let's go let's go all right the platte 3's win by two and that means they're playing in the next match against their peak rank these guys have to step it up though because it looked a little shaky there against the flat ones so these guys will be able to speed flip oh yeah oh my god i felt like that that was faster than i wanted they're scary i'm not gonna lie just a little bit okay no i over committed yeah my hands are so sweaty oh no no i don't like this what are you doing what are you doing sitting in that man dang cool i don't think that's how you play rocket league oh what is one more goal right yeah i think we need two goals to advance i actually turned on that really well oh no i'm so sorry i missed i apologize i've messed up that scared the out of me my own alarm betrayed me i just passed though my thumb just went crazy this guy's body is falling apart let's get this match over quickly before something actually bad happens to this man put your right side nice clear oh again yep all right i'm on your left fiona oh nice shot nice shot no shot okay we made a three goal come back before we can do it again oh last time it was only two it was only two we got this we got this no we don't well i tried to pre-jump them oh thank god oh i'm gonna try to shoot it right away no it worked i messed up so badly oh my god i'm nervous sounds like the nerves are kicking in for the blue team but if they can keep this two-point lead they'll move on to the next match and go up against their peak rank of champ one um i'm gonna try oh god no that was not good yeah i could see that missing already oh come on oh nice shot let's go let's go too easy too easy we still got 34 seconds we can do something with this you need to come back it's easy come back [Music] i'm just kidding they did not come back this means that match three will be the diamond twos and they're going to go up against their peak rank of champ one the champ one's peak rank is actually grand champ one so these diamonds are essentially playing against people who used to be grand champ have you hit gc since then uh yeah season one and two as well but my placement message were went horribly so uh yeah i know me too he asked what was the current rank so uh my current rank is gen one yeah i don't even know how i got i'm left i lost like every placement game on my double demo the champs don't seem to mind too much that they got scored on but let's check with the diamond to see how they feel about their goal oh my god that's pretty good for uh yeah i don't know that double demo was pretty big brain [Music] you got it oh my i didn't think you're gonna miss i shot them nice thank you i think i'm kind of nervous i know i'm so nervous to just lose that's the worst part i'm kind of surprised to hear that the champs are nervous because they're whistling and all that i guess maybe that's how they get into the zone you go you go you'll beat them nice [Music] oh i'm looking oh they're beating us by two come on we got this come on beat him let's go this sunshine guy is pretty good for uh not bad that's free nice yeah they're just just watch yeah and i think the sunshine guy is better than the yeah sometimes definitely better oh no boost one for kicking off my accident i'm used to the left going yeah this guy should be sso what is this [Music] okay that's your right okay nice that was a good play by them i'm just not expecting them to miss those yeah it's not ready for them to miss i like kind of celebrating with the nurse now so yeah with the champs nerves settling down they completely took over this game they were grand champ ones at their peaks so going up against current diamond twos shouldn't have been difficult anyways so since they easily won by two or more they are going to go up against their peak rank of grand champ one the grand champ ones they're playing against have peaked at grand champ three so this game could be tough and what is that boost bro oh i forgot to change it i usually have it like that on purpose and white people yo 50 god the skill gap is massive between last game in this game bro yeah this is crazy hispanic is not too good though we might actually win i think i hit him into your mouth i'm not waiting i'm sick oh he missed he's gonna pressure what the heck you can push this early i'll be pressure all right i'm gonna go again off the corner oh justin oh my god shot that's a shot and a half oh my god this gets cracked honestly yeah i'll see those secret ssls versus gc1 video you're peaking right now like my hands aren't shaking at all anymore so somehow the champ ones are winning against these grand champs and if they win this they're going to go up against some grand champ threes next let's see if they can keep this up all right wait what oh okay [Music] all right nice yeah we got this for fun i need to just step it up man yeah i need to you're no you're doing it you're doing fine well i try to leave oh you that's oh yeah oh okay yeah okay mechanics oh yeah yeah i'm just gonna be annoying just keep the ball away from them okay oh yeah i didn't know it was already over so maybe we broke the chain or something or i don't know one more just to finish off well we beat them by two goals so i mean we get to play the ssls now or what i honestly didn't expect the champ ones to win this game so i guess we have to see just how high they're peaking right now it's time to put them up against grand champ threes who were super sonic legends the last two seasons if the champ ones win this i'm going to make a whole new video with just them going up against some pros because winning this would be insane get it again up [Music] oh my god dude i've already made such terrible plays i almost got it i'm gonna try and take their car now yeah i'm just gonna oh oh shoot that's oh we have we have a problem [Applause] no way okay okay oh the big brain though i was so nervous bro i don't even care i would include more from the orange team's perspective but the video quality got messed up somehow so sorry about that uh push i'm gonna wait first so i'll try to get back right oh my god dude it's so bad i'm so bad i'm not joking if the champ ones win this they're gonna have their own video and i'm calling an arsenal and rebels on these fools they're peaking like crazy getting started over here okay push it fast yeah oh yeah yeah all right all right all right the gc3 is tied up there and are starting to look a little more like they'll win this oh and with that crazy center and follow-up hit they are up by one now we should we should have this i think we got it i'm just going to waste time yeah i'll just add ripple it try to make them commit i can't just fake it there we go that shouldn't have been so close no it shouldn't have been that close but the champ ones were peaking for sure but unfortunately they won't be facing off against any pros today if you want to help me out before you go drop a like and we can see if we can make this video peak [Music] later i know
Channel: CBell
Views: 827,122
Rating: 4.9636354 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Ranks, Rocket League Peak Ranks, Rocket League, Rocket League CBell, CBell, Rocket League Grand Champions, Rocket League Players vs, Rocket League Players vs Their Peak Rank, Rocket League Showmatch, Rocket League Challenge, Rocket League 2v2, Rocket League diamonds, Rocket League Supersonic Legend, Rocket League test, rocket league video, rocket league season 3, rocket league rank distribution, rocket league grand champ vs, rocket league challenge
Id: m5JHPc6SacY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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