What if you could BE the ball in Rocket League? (and other mini games)

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[Music] the mighty scarab all its life it was told it was worthless what's the point they said he's useless they said well today we proved them wrong today we become the ball there's no ball can fun I didn't think of that our first game is pretty simple the Scarab is the ball that's that's pretty much it three to go hey guys gonna score me oh what a save I can't even find the ball sorry there's no demos you amuse me they get this stupid ball camp big where the ball starts Musti yeah scarab ball kickoff is very important like rocket that could on the center this just makes me think how people play with a ball cabbage carrot how could you play with a ball gas of the head 5 uz dish the scary 3 2 1 go blue tag should be bald can you must you flick a scarab I'm gonna set up the same boy it's the only known ever time I just hold ya oh no God he's got it I'm across the net scared holy okay for overtime I'm gonna hold I'm gonna spam boost the whole time alright three two one go direction our second game is the floor is lava you have unlimited boost can't touch any surface and basically you try to knock each other out of the air Last Man Standing wins no you try to knock people out of the sky you want you trying to stay put my wheels in the wall trying to attack you practices so we got musty version mad alive all the chips goddamn it does stupid elitist grand champs all right if I can knock yo to the air with mana bolt I'm back in one player is the Mafia everyone else is just like regular players if you're the Mafia your goal is to make your team lose at the end of the game everyone's gonna vote try to figure out who the Mafia person is but majority votes correct then the villagers went in order for the Mafia to win they have some a make their team lose and not get voted for by a majority if one person votes for them that's fine five villagers one kippers came an avulsion madam Suzanne even Hellas nipple titty you just take joy you just click so the game's gonna start and we're all gonna get a roll and then we'll just leave okay so there one other roll nipple time is Italian to me so one of us is the Mafia will do back with night this is mouthful everyone votes after the game for tonight okay a little whiff from Madam's hmm it's just a little but if the right team wins then the we've all wanted except for the Mafia yeah if everything is going to Mafia's way they can kind of just let it happen like nobody's winning right now so I would them off you need to do anything that's true he's playing for the tie then just one mistake in OT and it's done it's easy for some reason I was like I'm thinking them off you can't hear us I'm like oh that looked like almost a shot on net what was that I'll tell you what if I wanted to put that in trust me how to put it in I can't really cope I know it that means it's definitely I just beat verge that's impossible yeah something's fishy you look at that yes okay okay listen okay I think it's very unlikely that it's muster you to move and you would it's not so perfect cuz it's like all the incentive for us is to score life of a villager is easy right now yeah I just play a play are really fresh really inconspicuous they're crazy how will your a villager how how easy this game is on your villager guys I wish I I wish I was off yeah demo one team and bump the other if we're gonna know you tried to stop me bridge but but you couldn't 58 points that's my usual score paper who is it not it would be ball I'm not involved Matt and or mostly alright that's a lot I could see I could see Matt accidentally score that looks pretty intentional guys I scored taking off for this watch this I'm literally just bad I haven't blue does scores oh well wish on that blue win to foil the Mafia but if we let them s'more then we'll look like the you'll look like the Mafia I still think it's ledge everyone typing away everybody on the orange team already lost that's why I was like or else I probably might have voted Matt okay so hey guys well is that a little bit it's me the MA yeah I knew it so we got a nice job guys when you get demolished you don't respawn so you just go to spectate until a goal is scored that's all it is we don't play a time we play a goal limits friendly-fire is also on so you have to make sure you don't shoot your teammates so to speak hey I'm a terrorist who's dead bird we're dead yeah it's very sad it's got a three-on-two [Music] [Laughter] it just kills all of us guys ever tried the world record for the longest okay don't let him this is round damn those counter terrorists just let us terrorize know taro sledge Isla ji oh my gosh no how do you not get anything I got bone sorry for god oh no no it's actually a strat to slow the ball down see tell me why so down well gumford Amazonas eat you play our demo okay while we're doing this now it's called search and destroy not search and not destroy we got him right where we want how do we have the demolition King on our team there we go I just killed something about sled she's like a loose cannon I'm dead dead reported reported his Musti better than verge who's better which he's definitely better than me okay there's only one of them left yeah he has to wait 20 seconds and then he's humble you should wash your Terrace guys I went for Musti on purpose I guess so what so why forgot what a great shot on the back Eddie backflips at hands twice ready for this get the high ground of the hill I'm not even a part of the celebration [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,520,884
Rating: 4.9379354 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide, rocket league comedy, rocket league funny, sunless, rlcs, rocket league moments
Id: Rn5haT5Jqtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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