*ROBOTIC SCREECHING* | Rainbow Six Siege Mute Protocol Event

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oh i'm jackal oh my god he's like in the autistic screeching post artistic robot screaming why can't you stop getting banned i miss my shots but i can get a goth gf right the robots have taken over tower and they're here to teleport behind you so whether you like it or not the future is now old man since it's out of this world bam [ __ ] boozled he came for me i teleported out after breaking line of sight just oh my wabu shinderu right behind his ass yes oh hell [ __ ] he started shooting at me and i was like what's it bad you just you're two seconds yeah i was i was too busy zoardoing behind him pull up behind sledge saddle and they somehow made tower fun to play nailed the clanker cosmetics and even let you buy individual character items instead of having to gamble for all of them hell yeah ryan look at lion's pose say clanker again which i can finally afford thanks to the sponsor of today's video great shadow legend the adrenaline feel free to play mobile rpg with the deadliest champions you've ever seen we got my man skull crusher that crushes skulls we got my man coffin smasher that ruins funerals we got my man frost king that would like to speak to your manager and we even got the homie pumpkin jack that's coming for your family because he's definitely not here to trick or treat you deserve nothing get characters just like this for the new champion fragments by collecting pieces just by playing the game and leveling up to summon specific awesome champions with special events running all the time we got daily login rewards like free champions just for logging in now extended up to 270 days and there's even a new bizarre with all kinds of high value items like chickens and what appears to be the chaos emerald down in the video description clicking the special links and signing up as a new player will give you a hundred thousand silver one energy refills 10 mystery shards and a free champion slasher the badass wizard loser that's ready to show you who the real apex predator is all this treasure is waiting for you in a chest right here and it's only available for the next 30 days and only to new players thanks again to raid for sponsoring the video if you want all of them you're better off buying the entire pack collection to save money but if you only want one or two and not the others like robotic screeching jackal or clanker lion go with the bundles instead what is that [ __ ] pose that jackal has hit it's autistic he looks like a mechanized mud crab from skyrim and lion is just say clanker one more god damn time but enough about cosmetics let's get into this god tier game mode you know you wouldn't [ __ ] with a robot if you wasn't whipping the form do me a favor and take a breath because spectating this mode makes it seem super into the wormhole complicated my plain of existence can't have [ __ ] in this metaphysical dimension but playing it is super simple when attackers enter their drones they become their drones and disappear from the human universe and once they exit boom they become human again at the drone's exact location often near an enemy ready to bang his brains out yo i'm here i'm here dog oh my word what did i just see what what what i'm sorry i'm sorry what you thought we're all in here yo i want to join the brawl i want to join oh double kill steel i am a god super smash brother why even live bro oh she's behind me i'm out of here [ __ ] it i'll do it to you i'll do it too you stupid nerd and i'm out yeah oh bamboozled so hard and i'm out of here oh i didn't make it to [ __ ] yeah whole lot of unexpected entrances slash abrupt exits on the defenders and no if your drone gets shot you don't die you just get reset back to spawn and we'll never run out of them defenders are the same [ __ ] but with bulletproof cameras that are entirely indestructible disappear by getting on cam switch to the one you want then pop out again what up girl oh [ __ ] that almost went poorly that almost went very important oh god damn it no no no you just zoom on out of this [ __ ] oh the head shot i'm a god why do i brag so much after kills because i don't get that many shells i'm [ __ ] stupid yeah you sound like [ __ ] a cardboard fort right now place you nerd before i get shot in the face i'm gonna [ __ ] with him no jump in here oh yes you see just like the attackers you can pop in or pop out of nowhere and to reiterate both default cameras and operator place bulletproof cameras cannot be broken i can break these camps you can't break those cams secure area game mode where you have to cap two out of the three sites to win zero prep phase which for defenders is a death sentence because i can't set [ __ ] up i mean it's still fun but defense compared to attack is just whack no clout no sauce no juice no paper no bread heavenly you ain't have to go that far i miss my shots but i can get a goth gf right let me be me your strats whack your operators whack i'm tight as [ __ ] i feel like this in a long time hats off to ubisoft this [ __ ] is absolutely based and to take things up a notch apparently we gotta channel some splatoon strats those skills transfer to this mode somehow do you like this yeah no yeah because platoon you have to hop out the uh like the ink we just get flooded by a bunch of [ __ ] diamond level splatoon players to get our ass kicked this foray into splatoon strat started with claymores i'm not sure if they actually have those in splatoon but they can be quite the surprise for a defender popping out of a can jaeger just got shmediated who put a claymore camera me i want to see it work i want to see it work they're going to do it someone's going to try it no no here you go yes it worked we got her baby kiss my ass ella that was perfect oh my god that's such a [ __ ] future dog he saw it coming you can see the embarrassment in her pose that is the trigger that is 100 the trigger arm straight back lean it back shotguns came next it became so clear so quickly that the near limitless mobility forced every gunfight to be point blank so why not bring the buckshot got him punk and i'm out yeah yeah that's two hot potatoes i got a strat i got the strat boys i got the stress i'm gonna watch towards the bar i got the strat boys try hiding now i found a rabbit yes oh that's a 4k baby how did you [ __ ] this up they put it on the wrong side who knew that me [ __ ] posting an sfm was a superior animator than anyone at a triple a game development that's where things started to crack a little like man this mvp screen doesn't seem to work like 90 percent of the time [ __ ] stole my mvp and hey ubisoft if you bounce your drone off the tower your character can fall all the way through the map searching for vigil's parents oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where are you going no no i'm going to real korean this time oh [ __ ] no the slide wait wait wait i fell through korea i'm good at so bad shut up jello we were just trying to find vigil's parents mission failed i'm about to fight that river bro i'm gonna go back and fight can't say you're gonna go back and fight the river the major one that hit me like a phone book was when finka ran my [ __ ] with a sausage incoming see that that's impossible chad that's impossible i was lighting him up the entire time and he somehow still kills me that doesn't make any sense those iframes those are some serious eye frames this epiphany was like how to stop thinking rainbow six stop thinking splatoon and start thinking street fighter because when you exit a drone or camera there seems to be a couple invincibility frames where you don't take damage don't hold a grudge okay which i combined with my love of shotguns to make the perfect strat of popping out busting buckshot and immediately hopping back on cams or drones like a ghost yoda sells the announcers like seriously dogs seriously seriously like look how are you gonna get me how i have so many iframes to work with it's such a balanced game mode i love it man oh my god this is so balanced yeah it's so [ __ ] balanced so totally unbiased in who it prioritizes in gunfights look at ella ella has no [ __ ] idea what i'm about to just punk her into you're stupid that's stupid stupid little girl yup hey man how's it going buddy this game mode did yandere dev make this game no because it came out ubisoft vps looking over the code yup looks good to me keep in mind much like jiggle peeking it's an advantage that every player shares you know that whole wiggly thing where players can tort their hitbox to make it hard to hit them i've done the hatchet cash oh goddamn white drum oh [ __ ] cause right here right now my gosh you did to goddamn right all these robots and they just died to a hillbilly with a car battery wow tux you are the worst type of player to play with oh god what do you mean you swapped your lean four times in a single spray give me a [ __ ] break dude it's a habit bro i can do nothing about it i'm not even thinking bro it's like breathing bro so it can be done to you just as easily as you can do it to others depending on who's popping out of the cage the counter is just backing up or baiting it out and the main reason why shotguns are a must in this game go john wick on my ass just activate slo-mo yeah you thought you thought you english piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] jackal tried to use invincibility frames i just backed up and shot him in the face by the way do you know the strat tucks i'll show you the strat i'm gonna hit you with a large lobster slash crab man observe oh it's okay still got it are you serious it works i am a god i am a young god oh i'm gonna win this i told you ducks i told you [ __ ] observed bill this is so ridiculous no i didn't have the health i was so close i didn't quite have the help stolen stolen stolen i can't believe i just sent your arm stronger ass yes again that's a triple baby i am just so [ __ ] good at this game jesus you think the irs is skilled at robbery check my ass and just when i was channeling my inner shack to burn my mortal enemies to ash while simultaneously relieving the painful crick in my neck with icy hot yeah i got i have a crick in my neck heavenly that i've had since sunday night it is a [ __ ] it is debilitating yeah but like how do you fix it because i don't know how to fix the [ __ ] i just take motrin rub icy hot on it and much like shaq who freezes his enemies and burns them have you not seen that [ __ ] god that meme is disgusting it's so fried jack uses ice to freeze those mortal enemies and later burns and this just says back back matter of fact i'm going to get some icy hot right now you wait tux in about two rounds i'm gonna burn my mortal enemies oh [ __ ] [ __ ] get damn it never in a thousand years would i think to put gloves on before i put this [ __ ] on i would just glob it over my hand numb you [ __ ] idiot that's right i know you're smarter dude damn you are a serious elmer's glue here heavenly that's [ __ ] dumb cheaters came along and ruined the game mode with some kind of exploit where they drone a railing and jump off the building and summon a balrog it's kind of complicated but it makes them permanently immortal completely invisible all the while retaining their operator abilities okay yeah no you're pushing an invisible man mav is invincible he's just running everyone's [ __ ] and there's nothing we can do he's i can hear him i just can't see i can't hear him too he's in your ears bro he teleported bro he's in this no he's literally invisible goose callie's also invisible they're all invisible yeah all of them are invisible oh my god what what just [ __ ] happened oh oh he's invisible oh okay that makes sense knock him over king [ __ ] i did i did they they they don't work what what the [ __ ] it's cause he's invisible yeah oh yeah god damn dude yeah there's a reason why you didn't see him i i could tell for a split second you're like damn i'm ass it's like no you could not see him he's invisible am i losing it and it got so bad that ubisoft completely disabled the entire event soon after we recorded this footage and plans on releasing it once they have a fix in place a quick [ __ ] you to the cheaters just know that you're a piece of [ __ ] and i would say that shaq is coming to freeze you in place and burn you to ash you guys are all immortal and invisible so i'm not sure if that's possible but to remain positive look at the bright side when the mode comes back it may actually be back right now you'll know to play the gods doc and lardex on defense because three armors and shotguns are your only hope in winning aside from vigil oh he's ready for me [ __ ] there's another one in there gonna let me let me revive what an idiot and kill that gamer i'm in i'm contesting it right here nope i got you you're up now wow oh big brain big iron check my ass out check out the big brain on brett right here hell yes brother watch out watch out i got him i bailed you out it's okay it's okay i bailed you out ducks i got her i hit her hard baby you fell for an old frigging book it's just a series of random chimp events one after another now this is when like a bunch of monkeys like a bunch of orangutans get a hold of a machine learning algorithm for the output of that you want to go toe-to-toe young lady young lady a young lady wow a young hold up you didn't i got her i got her no witnesses of that shotgun miss two shots two kills whatever you did 300 people i just watched that up two shots two kills i didn't miss he don't miss i was so strong like how bang thought he was back at it again at krispy kreme when i showed him that he do go down it's okay i'm gonna i'm just gonna deal with what i got coming and i'm out see you later nerds and i'm back in the same place same time i'm going to the same spot like how dumb can you be holy [ __ ] you got it oh he's invisible i wouldn't have been able to beat him anyways thanks for cheating dog imagine thinking glitch exploiting isn't cheating exactly want to know how to do it yeah don't no [ __ ] everyone says no and that is about it they fixed everything by the way while i was editing this video and since they're a triple a publisher that only took them like a week now it's available again for another two weeks unless you're from the future beyond two weeks in which case [ __ ] you the fun's over and be sure to tune in next time when i potentially possibly play payday 2 again no promises but probably [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 3,682,505
Rating: 4.944416 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege shadow legacy, rainbow six siege ace, rainbow six siege funny moments, rainbow six siege mute protocol, rainbow six siege invisible, rainbow six, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow six siege tips, rainbow six siege clutch, rainbow six siege montage, rainbow six siege new operators, siege, rainbow six siege highlights, r6 siege, rainbow six funny, rainbow 6 siege, rainbow six: siege, russianbadger, r6s, sam fisher, splinter cell, operator
Id: BFVeEgw-3lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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