I Watched EVERY Live Action Anime Film to Make This Video

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yeah how's it going everyone this is the anime man because i'm gonna continue to beat this dead horse until it is truly dead and rotting in the ground now look i've done a lot of t-lists on this channel i've done the anime waifu t-list i've done the henty culture tier list twice i've done that i've done the isakai tier list with my good friend gandt and i've done the romance animations with my good friends emily and daidus but if there's one thing that all of those tier lists have in common is that someone has already made them before yes that's right i have run out of originality with my tier lists so i had to think to myself i need to make the one t list that nobody will be stupid enough to make because it is going to rot the brain of the person who will even attempt to try and make it and since nobody on youtube was up to that challenge it was my time to shine baby now if there's one thing that a lot of us anime fans are just absolutely terrified of in every aspect even just hearing the words will send a shiver down your spine is when you hear the words live action anime maybe it's because of the stigma around it or maybe it's just the concept of it or maybe it's the prior examples that some of us were unfortunate enough to see but the general consensus among anime fans is that live action anime adaptations regardless of if it's made in japan if it's made in hollywood or if it's made anywhere else in the world is that uh primarily they're not very good and i feel that's because a lot of people are just focusing on the bad adaptations now there might be a million different titles that you had just thought of when i said a bad anime adaptation but i for one decided to really do a deep dive to see is every live action anime adaptation actually bad so today we are here on tearmaker.com once again to make the anime man's ultimate live action anime tier list and as you can see from this list down here i have compiled 20 live action anime yes that's right i have been unfortunate enough to have to sit through 20 whole live action anime adaptations some of these i hadn't seen previously some of them i had to re-watch again because they've been so long since i first saw them and i'm just going to do my honest-to-god review to see if there are actually any good live-action anime adaptations out there hey do you use the internet of course you do and you don't want people looking at the weird sites you're visiting every day right well searching the web without a vpn is kind of like driving a car without your driver's license only fool's partake in that your internet service provider can see all the sites you visit even when you're in incognito mode and in some countries they're legally allowed to sell that info to advertisers that's messed up but luckily i've got a great solution for all of you it's called expressvpn not only does expressvpn reroute and encrypt 100 of your network data to help protect your online privacy but it can also help you change 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let's start with this one right here urasa naoki's 20th century boys now there are actually i believe three or four of these movies to have come out uh i only ended up seeing the first one and i absolutely adore rasa naoki i think rasa naoki is just a hidden genius he makes some of the most compelling character-driven drama stories i think out of any mangaka out there obviously i can't give enough praises to the original 20th century boys manga because it's just absolutely brilliant please go and read it if you haven't but even you anime only watchers out there will probably know some of his other works like monster for example an absolutely incredible drama thriller show with probably one of the greatest and most humanized villains in all of anime and my god the soundtrack is beautiful everything about that is absolutely gorgeous now 20th century boys like a lot of urasanaki's works is very human driven and is very much rooted in reality in a lot of ways so that's already one good step for making into a live action adaptation i feel the best ones are the works that don't rely too heavily on the cg because god forbid japan cannot do cg to save their goddamn life and the casting for this was pretty good some of the the technical effects on it were kind of meh and i don't know what it is about japanese acting that is just so not good like i get that that's probably like the norm for japanese cinema but especially when you compare it to like hollywood acting or just western acting in general i don't know what it is something about it seems really campy and over exaggerated like i feel western actors are able to do subtle emotions really well like very in very realistic portrayals whereas japanese actors when they're asked to portray a certain emotion they for some reason portray that emotion while also on cocaine and so yeah i feel every japanese live-action adaptation in this tier maker video is probably going to get points deducted just for that but 20th century boys the live action at least i feel was pretty decent the storytelling was pretty good they didn't change around the story all that much some of the scenes were genuinely unnerving and thrilling and now overall i feel it's in no small part thanks to urasa naki's incredible writing that this movie was actually pretty decent so i'm going to throw it up in the b tier a strong start but let's head on over to the hollywood side of things with elite battle angel yes this is actually based off a manga series of the same name i believe written around the 90s for some reason someone in hollywood was like finna turn that into a live action even though no one has read the original manga jokes on you i've read the original manga because i'm the [ __ ] anime man god damn it and listen for starters why why what what the [ __ ] did they do to a leader in this live action what what did they do to her why her eyes so massive like this is rule number one for live action anime adaptations don't make the characters look like they're using the anime filter on instagram like that's rule number one and they just straight up broke that rule and for some reason they only use this filter on a leader but no other character like the professor looks fine all the villains look pretty human for some reason a leader is the only one maybe it's because she's like the only robot or i guess cyborg android however you want to call it in this movie but my god i i just couldn't get over the massiveness of her eyes and just her whole facial features in general it looked like i was staring into a human that had been morphed from an insect and yeah because they don't actually go through the entirety of the alita battle angel story especially when you're following it with the manga the the the movie just kind of ends really abruptly and just really just gives you the biggest blue balls of your life but i will give points to the movie for christoph waltz's performance because he is an incredible actor i love everything that he is in and i think he genuinely made this movie just that much more bearable to sit through but again if i had the choice i i would just go and read the manga honestly it's actually a really good manga especially if you do like your sci-fi this movie was just kind of a a sore attempt at it i'll give it [ __ ] i don't know maybe like a d tier i guess it's not horrible like there's a lot of good things about it like the the action choreography was pretty good and the acting was pretty good but again everything else they kind of just you know it's almost like they're making fun of the original source material in a way which uh kind of rubbed me off the wrong way all right up next we have uh attack on titan oh god this one's a doozy again there are two movies i think or three live action movies i forgot how there's more than one basically and i've seen all of them i actually got the chance to go and watch this first movie as a premiere when i was still living in australia i got sent by the folks over at uh mad house studios thank you by the way for that that was really cool of you guys to do to go and see the first live-action anime with a good friend of mine and uh yeah what a [ __ ] mess this movie is for starters uh just let's just throw the story completely out the window even though isaiah hajime made an absolutely brilliant story with amazing amounts of politics amazing amounts of action amazing amounts of character-driven revenge and anger that just radiates from the pages of the original manga to this like almost like sob story spin-off that is not even a spin-off it's it's not even like a spiritual successor because they just added a bunch of [ __ ] in this movie that is not present in the original like for starters uh levi who is arguably one of the most popular characters in the attack on time fan base is just like not there now i'm pretty sure i made a whole video about it back in the day when this movie came out as to the stupid reason as to why they didn't include levi in this movie uh tldr they didn't include levi in the live-action attack on time movie because the director thought that it would be too difficult for the japanese actors to pronounce his name what let's just forget about the fact that first of all attack on time is written by a japanese guy second of all uh none of the [ __ ] voice actors in the anime had a difficult time of saying divay and if they're using the argument of oh levi is a german name and the german names don't fit all too well then can you please explain the fact that you left aaron jaeger which possibly could be one of the most german names from an anime character of all time and uh i just couldn't also get over the fact when the [ __ ] uh titan baby rocked up like that makes any [ __ ] sense like there's literally a scene i remember where hanji explains the fact that the titans don't reproduce because they don't have any reproductive organs that's the mystery as to where they come from meanwhile a [ __ ] titan baby shows up fresh out of whatever crib it crawled out of and yeah just compared to the mongren anime the the acting was lame the action was also lame the cgi was god awful i just felt no tension in this movie at all which you know once you take tension out of attack on titan you're just left with a pile of crap so yeah i dead ass i'm going to give this an f tier just because this is i feel one of the fantastic examples of how not to do a live action adaptation even though the scenery looked cool the costumes looked really dope and and the casting was somewhat decent they they didn't like over anime fight they basically didn't put their actors in cosplay like other live-action movies we'll be talking about in this video but just man talk about a failed attempt at turning a fantastic manga and anime series a modern classic if you will into just one of the most drab boring run-of-the-mill thriller horror shows imaginable all right but up next we have blade of the immortal now immediately finna throw this up in a nest here if attack on titan was how not to do a live-action adaptation blade of the immortal is how to do a live-action adaptation this is a brilliant live-action annotation which unfortunately because of how little the original source material is known just in the modern anime community just completely got overshadowed i feel like yes i have met people who have consumed the original blade of the immortal and if you are one of those people hey fist bump to you my boy but man this live action adaptation is just so god damn good it's not over exaggerating the acting is fantastic the choreography is fantastic and again it's because it's built off of just a really solid original source material like it's just absolutely brilliant and again you have japanese actors in a japanese feudal setting and really already that combination together you can ask anybody that combination together is already hard to [ __ ] up so if you're gonna take anything out of this video take the fact that blade of the immortal live action is a really good live action all right up next we have bleach oh okay so this is one that i actually just watched about a week ago as i've been recording this video and is really the inspiration as to me making this tear maker video in the first place because i remember when they first announced the fact that they were making a bleach live action my hand went through my forehead so goddamn fast because there's no way they can adapt this into a live action when they could barely adapt it into an anime i mean [ __ ] the anime got cancelled because of how [ __ ] the izone arc was but luckily this movie doesn't go into the eisen arc in fact it doesn't even go into the soul society arc it basically ends when dukia gets captured by biakuya and denji to go back to the seoul society because of the fact that she lost her zampakto to ichigo if you know nothing about bleach then that probably just sounded like a bunch of jargon but basically it covers like the first arc the first very very short arc of when ichigo our main character discovers that he has these abilities to fight these demons now listen just right off the bat i'm gonna give bleach like a solid bt and hear me out for one thing yes a lot of the characters if not most of the characters are in cosplay the actor of ichigo has obviously the ichigo hair which is just not natural to any japanese person and you have characters like abba irenji who was just fully dressed up in all of his like wacky clothes and you have kuchikibayakuya who was actually played by miyavi who i think was honestly probably the most perfect casting choice to play as kuchikibiyaki i don't think anyone other than miyavi could play as kusukiaku and he actually looked really really [ __ ] cool but i guess one weird casting choice in my head was dukia i mean the actress who plays dukia looks like dukia has the same body proportions as ukiya but just like kind of looked a little underdressed especially when looking at denji and [ __ ] byakuya also i wanted to see some more bangkai's god damn it and we only got to see one bangkai which was denji's which to be fair is a really cool bangkai but i mean goddamn i want to see some more bangkai's god damn it the action was pretty okay uh the cgi not as bad as i've seen in other live-action anime overall like i feel bleach was like the most like 5 out of 10 experience i've ever felt from a live action i'm only putting it on a b tier and not a ct because at least it ended kind of nicely it ended at the point when rukia basically sacrifices herself to basically get herself captured by byakuya and denji to go back to the soul society at least they kind of rounded off nicely and i feel they had to do that because i believe the original intent for the bleach live action was there was actually going to be a second bleach live action that covers the soul society arc i don't know maybe the production ceased because the the movie didn't do so hot i have no freaking idea either as of right now we only have this one bleach live action and to be fair it's not too bad i mean if you're a hardcore fan of bleach you might look at this thing as just a piece of blast for me but if you just kind of like the aesthetic of bleach and you can get over the subpar acting and the subpar cgi and the cosplay-esque look that everybody has then you know what it's it's actually not too bad i can't be too harsh on it all right up next we have uh the death no netflix adaptation now i'm not gonna go too far into this because i've made an entire video of it in the past so if you'd like to look at my in-depth review of that please go check that video links in the description i'm pretty much gonna put it in like a d tier but not in the same way that i would use to describe alita because the death note netflix adaptation is so far from its original source material that it's almost just another movie entirely and even when you look at it independently from the death note series it's still just like really dumb so yeah not much more i can say about that go watch my video if you want to see an in-depth analysis and then up next we have dragon ball evolution oh yes the the cream of the crop the king of the hill when it comes to bad live-action adaptations i mean look i've talked about this on the trash taste podcast this is one of the few times that i have ever walked out of the cinema and uh i kind of regret doing that because uh much later on i went and actually gave it a go i decided hey you know what i walked out of this because it was so [ __ ] i mean to be fair i don't know what i was expecting it was so [ __ ] you know what i'm gonna give it a go and actually try and sit through it all and uh yeah it's it's it's painful it's it's really painful especially coming from a dragon ball fan i almost don't want to include this as a dragon ball adaptation but i mean it's really the only dragon ball adaptation we have probably the only dragon ball adaptation we're ever going to get at least with death note there were a bunch of japanese live-action adaptations which i haven't included in this list but they're actually pretty decent especially the first one but i mean yeah i feel dragon ball evolution is like the room of live action anime it's just so bad that it's good but i'm still gonna throw it at an ft because i can't lie to myself but if you thought dragon ball evolution was the worst of the worst then oh no you might not have known about this next one which is the fist of the north star live action adaptation yeah it looks like somebody took this brilliant classic of a manga series called fist of the nostalgia which is by the way one of my favorite manga series of all time and i definitely want to like talk about this series in more depth than another video and decided you know what let's uh let's just get just the worst actors and a budget of about ten thousand dollars and just make like the like [ __ ] cannot explain to you how bad but simultaneously how [ __ ] hilarious this movie is especially if you're a fan of fist of the north star please go and watch this movie i think it was made in like 1995 or something it was like 10 years after the manga was made obviously it had a huge impact in japan when it first came out and i guess that impact made its way to some western folks and i guess one of them happened to be a movie director and he decided to make a live-action hollywood adaptation and just replace the entire cast with a bunch of white people get them in some costumes add some really just tongue-in-cheek and just tacky prosthetics and just i guess cgi maybe i don't even know that's how bad this [ __ ] is it's so bad i don't even know if it's prosthetics or cgi and just make the most bastardized watered-down version of fist of the north star i think the funniest thing about this live action adaptation is the fact that uh even though every single one of the characters in live in fists than an all-star like kenshiro and everybody is you know pretty well versed in martial arts right in the case with kenshiro he knows hoktoshinken which is an ability where he presses down on different pressure points in the body and for some reason because of his power those pressure points just morph the body and make them explode in epic and really cool ways but i guess uh they didn't have the time or the budget or both to teach the actor who plays kenshiro in this live-action movie any martial arts so what they basically did was they made him kind of do this on the body and just like speed it up to make it look like he's doing it really fast but it just looks like a child in like a slapping contest and then yeah just uh turn around say you're already dead in the most deadpan voice imaginable and then watch the prosthetics go to work as much as i am going to slap this in an f-tier this is an absolutely hilarious movie [ __ ] dragon ball evolution dragon ball evolution is nowhere close to being as bad as fiesta north star like this truly i feel is the room of live action anime and i i almost want to like make a video of its own about it because it's just it's just so bad all right up next we have full metal alchemist full metal alchemist live action so many people think it's mister no that meme is lame as [ __ ] all right call it by its actual name which is short now the haran live action is uh it's bad it's really bad that's that's all i can say the acting sucks everybody is in costume and again like i don't know who was responsible for like the costume design in this particular movie but my god like [ __ ] edward just looks like a crackhead i can't get over how much the wig does not match the actor's face the story is bastardized the the cgi is lame as [ __ ] i mean honestly this truly was made for like hardcore formal alchemist fans who and and the hardcore fans who will literally eat up any iteration of fullmetal alchemist so yeah again i'm gonna throw this in the ft it's it sucks don't don't watch this it's it's actually really bad all right up next we have ghost in the shell coconut or i guess just ghost in the shore since the live action hollywood adaptation of it which uh i made a couple of videos on back in the day now listen if there's one massive difference between a japanese production of live-action anime and a western hollywood production of live-action anime it's that japanese productions most of the time not all the time obviously most of the time tend to [ __ ] up on the aesthetics but nail the narrative and the western side most of the time tend to [ __ ] up on the narrative but nailed the aesthetics and i feel the ghost in the show hollywood live action adaptation is definitely a great example of a movie that nailed the aesthetic but absolutely [ __ ] up the narrative i mean you look at any scene in this movie and it looks gorgeous i mean they put so much time and effort into really bringing the ghost in the shell world to life in a realistic looking way and i mean my god the [ __ ] like the geishas like the robotic geishas that pop out which by the way i believe is a movie original i don't think those were around in the original manga anime but they still look [ __ ] great they're an absolutely brilliant choice to put into it and i mean the fight with the invisible guy in the top of the water that choreography scene was so [ __ ] dope in it and again it fit perfectly with how that played out in the original manga and anime as well but of course i'm giving all these praises to this movie let's not forget about the glaring problem that this movie had which is uh as a lot of people pointed out when the movie first came out is the whole whitewashing problem yes i know scarlett johansson is not a japanese lady her acting is also not that very good according to some people and the only japanese guy who was in this movie aka kitano takeshi didn't even speak english because he wasn't bothered to remember the english lines and of course there's the twist right at the end which i obviously won't get into because spoilers but uh yeah that completely also [ __ ] up the narrative especially because of the casting choice of scholar johansen to play as kasana and that just it caused way too many problems in the meta of the movie or i guess the concept of this movie much more than the actual movie itself like i honest to god think that as a ghost on the shell live action adaptation this one pretty much sucks but i think if you just look at this as just a standalone sci-fi film that was heavily inspired from ghost in the show if you just for one second forget that this is actually based off ghost in the show just watch it as a standalone movie i don't think it's actually too bad like yeah it's not [ __ ] s-tier material but you know compared to some other sci-fi shows that i've seen out there this one is actually pretty decent and i feel it really strongly holds itself in the visual department so i'm probably going to give this movie a c i mean like i enjoyed watching it like this is a great movie to watch if you turn the sound off like if you didn't listen to the dialogue and how much they [ __ ] up the narrative because visually speaking it is top notch it's probably the most visually pleasing live action film in this entire list but yeah obviously the white washing problem the acting problem the narrative problem yeah that definitely set it a couple of points back all right up next we have gintama now this live action movie scared me the most when i heard its announcement i was like please no don't do this don't do this to literally my favorite comedy manga series of all time it is so [ __ ] funny and it's so ridiculous in a lot of ways conceptually and just the way that they frame and present some of the jokes in the series that it just there's no way it will work in a live action format and to my shock they [ __ ] nailed this movie like dead ass i'm gonna throw it up in the s tier because it actually ended up being one of my favorite live action anime adaptations that i have ever seen like this is a brilliant movie and i think the reason as to why it is so brilliant is because of how self-aware it is i mean guinta as a show is already so self-aware like sorachiaki loves to throw in these fourth wall breaking meta jokes about the characters being aware that they're in a manga or in an anime or that they're just manga and anime characters and i feel that they got the memo of that ride when making and writing the live-action version because the movie literally opens up with gintoki and the gang talking about the fact that they're getting viewed by a bunch of people sitting in a cinema and the fact that they are in cosplay of characters like that takes some serious balls to say in a feature-length live-action anime film but again i think it's because of the pre-existing establishment of how just trolley sort of is in the original manga and anime that it just works so god damn well in the live action and i think again because of that metterness of the movie and also just the fact that the choreography and like the battle scenes and like direction is just so well done it honestly blew my mind the first time i watched it like i came out of that cinema so god damn pleased and there's actually a second gintama movie as well which i didn't include in this video but it's also equally just as good as the first all right up next we have uh i want to eat your pancreas now if you've never heard of that series uh you would think what the [ __ ] is some kind of horror [ __ ] is that but don't worry it is nothing like that i want to eat your pancreas is actually a beautiful romance series and i'm not going to go into too much detail as to why it is called i want to eat your pancreas because that's honestly a spoiler but all i'm gonna say is that i'm gonna chuck this up in an a tier because it is such a solidly performed live action in fact i loved this live action so much that i actually almost prefer it over the anime adaptation just because again this is a story that deals so heavily in human drama and just human interactions that seeing real people act out these very realistic and very heartfelt scenarios it's just it hits so much harder when done with real actors in my opinion and this is one of the few instances i feel where japanese acting is actually not too bad it can actually be done well if given the right direction all right but up next is uh another doozy jojo's bizarre adventure part four diamond is unbreakable now this is another one that i was absolutely terrified of i think i actually got on my knees and screamed to the heavens no when this movie first was announced and uh i watched this movie because i was curious to see how the [ __ ] they're going to adapt especially part 4 because you know it would make more sense to adapt say part 1 or part 2 because you know you don't need as much cgi to show off harmon as compared to a [ __ ] stand but uh yeah this movie was not as bad as i thought it was going to be honestly in fact i'm probably going to throw it in the d tier like a low d to a high e i reckon just because it wasn't as horrible as like you know any other stuff in the ft purely for the fact that the cgi in this was actually not too bad like some of the stands looked ridiculous obviously and very unrealistic but most of the stands i feel looked really freaking nice i definitely think the best looking stand in this movie was bad company i mean like when all of the [ __ ] tanks and the army men show up and just line up like that scene looks really god damn cool but again a big big problem with a lot of the japanese productions is the acting and the costume design i mean jojo already has such a significant look to it especially part four where i don't know like you could get some of the coolest looking actors in all of japan and i don't think any of them will be able to pull off a pompadour in real life i'm sorry like josuke's hair looked [ __ ] ridiculous okuyasu's hair even more ridiculous and koichi was just like i don't know i already thought he was a little [ __ ] at the beginning of part four they somehow got an even bigger [ __ ] to play him in the live action like honestly i think the guy who played jotaro and the guy who played angelo who's actually the main character in naked director who is a fantastic japanese actor by the way were probably the only two good casting choices and the only good actors who actually put on a really good performance especially joe tara i feel like they got the perfect guy to play as adult joe tara in part four but yeah everything else was just kind of whatever they really dragged out the final scene with okuyasu's dad and [ __ ] like that and it's just i don't know the pacing was kind of weird i mean the some of the stan fights were kind of cool but again just the acting and just the ridiculous costume design just took a lot of that away but at the end of the day i feel it was almost a weird fun movie to watch especially as a jojo fan i thought it was kind of cool to be honest all right up next is a kite well i'm going to immediately throw that in an ft because i've already done a video on that in fact it was uh two videos ago that i did uh a full depth analysis on this but uh tldr this is based off of the handy series called kite made in the 90s a brilliant uh ova series by the way and in 2014 someone was like finna turn that into a really boring drab way too edgy for my seat live action anime that just ended up completely destroying the narrative by adding too many elements into it the acting was subpar at best i mean samuel jackson put on a great performance as he usually does and yeah just really bastardized and ruined a really good underground ova series that i feel deserves way more attention so please give my video a watch if you want to know more on about that okay up next is orange now um i didn't like this film i didn't like this film at all in fact i don't like any iteration of the orange series i read that manga hated it i watched the anime hated it and this live action honestly is is not that much better i mean again much like uh you i want to eat your pancreas at least it's rooted in reality so all of the characters look realistic they act realistic and the situations that they are put in actually some of the performances were pretty decent but my god the narrative just how much the narrative just does not make any [ __ ] sense is just insane to me like i i don't know why anyone would enjoy this narrative and think yeah that's that's realistic so yeah i'm gonna throw it in an e tier the first e tier i reckon because it's not horrible again the acting was pretty good but everything else was just trash all right and up next we have a parasite now look i love the original manga for parasite and i like the anime adaptation as well it was pretty goddamn good but man immediately like first five minutes of the parasite live action and i had no hope for this movie whatsoever like the casting was somewhat good everybody looked like the original characters from especially the anime adaptation that had been released prior to this movie but my god the cgi the cgi so bad like i don't know what they're doing in the cgi department in japanese productions but my god man hire some people from hollywood or something do something with the budget to just make the cgi better or just don't touch a an ip that requires 90 of the movie to be some kind of cgi effect that just is gonna give me a [ __ ] brain tumor so yeah a low e i reckon to a high f just because again i do like parasite a lot and again some of the casting and acting were pretty decent in it but yeah everything else was basically the same as everything else on the f2 all right up next is oh another [ __ ] doozy the promised neverland live action man coming at a such a timely event as well right after uh the god awful ending nature of the promised netherlands season 2 adaptation now this again is a fantastic example of taking a really good concept and just making it way too anime for one all of the characters are in [ __ ] cosplay and a lot of them just look like [ __ ] i'm just gonna straight up say it they look like [ __ ] although the casting choices were actually pretty good i mean the main the main mum uh like the head of the house i i keep forgetting her name that actress was really goddamn good she's terrifying in that role and that character was really laid out and presented in a really horrific way where there were some scenes that again were genuinely unnerving to me and then you have the blatancy that is uh changing a character that was originally of a darker skin tone and just replacing it with [ __ ] watanabe naomi who is uh not of a darker skin tone and just completely ruining a really memorable and if you go follow along more in the story are more of an interesting character and again that scene of when she asks the kids to play hide and seek with her and it's just some of the most what the [ __ ] scenes in live action anime that i've ever [ __ ] seen like i get it that in the original manga and anime she's supposed to be this really like nimble fast moving woman even though she has a rather large figure but they probably presented that idea in the most visually appalling way imaginable like it looked like actual trash so yeah again you're going into the ft man this movie just [ __ ] sucked don't watch it in fact don't even watch the anime don't watch the live action don't watch the anime just read the manga the mung is fantastic please go read the manga give him more love all right up next we have duroni kenshim now i'm going to be just talking about the first the drawing kenshin movie because that's the only one i've seen i believe there are four live actions for dodoni kenshin the last one or which is i guess supposed to be the prequel the the first prequel came out i think only about a couple months ago as of me recording this video and i heard amazing things about it and i [ __ ] loved this first movie uh it is absolutely brilliant the casting is brilliant the character portrayals are brilliant the acting is actually pretty spot on and again they didn't [ __ ] up the narrative too much they didn't add any unnecessary effects too much they didn't anime fire too much it was i feel the perfect balance of good live-action acting storytelling but also not forgetting that anime-esque feeling that you get out of it honestly i'm gonna throw this up in a nest here i i really enjoyed this first movie i've actually seen it a couple of times and i definitely want to go watch the rest of the live-action jordanian kitchen movies as well all right second to last is uh oh my god tokyo ghoul now i actually watched this only about two days ago uh it's actually up on japanese netflix and uh i thought i was going to [ __ ] hate it and uh spoilers i didn't exactly hate it yes believe it or not i think they almost got the tokyo ghoul live adaptation right i think they almost got it right i mean especially when you uh compare it to [ __ ] you know the atrocity that was root a and god forbid that i'm going to watch the second tokyo ghoul movie that follows along that steps because that was also made but yeah i think again this is very much like the promised neverland movie in the sense that the acting was actually pretty alright i think the guy who plays as kaneki in this movie his acting skills were actually very very good i was very surprised about that like the scene when kaneki first turns into a ghoul and he's coming to terms with the fact that he can't eat normal foods anymore and that he's starving but he doesn't want to stoop down to the level of ghouls by eating humans and stuff like that portrayal of just kaneki going mad slowly was done really really well and really convincingly and again fantastic thing about a lot of japanese live actions which they should do more often is don't overdress the characters man like you know obviously the goals they're gonna overdress and they actually looked kind of badass minus the fact that the cogniers kind of look like us in live action because of course japanese production cgi's asked most of the time but i mean talker looked really cool she wasn't really overdressed all that much um really the only guy who was overdressed was was the main bad guy with the white hair even though he's played by uh always who is actually an actor i really really like and his performance is actually pretty good because he's just a good actor but yeah overall i didn't really hate this movie as much as i thought i was going to hate it it's it's a real shocker so i'm probably going to throw it up in the b tier like it honestly wasn't all that bad but last and certainly not least is your lie in april shigatsu kimino again this is very much like i want to eat your pancreas in fact i am going to throw it up in the native uh just because again all the same points i said about i want to eat your pancreas definitely does apply to your lane april i'm just glad of the fact that they didn't make the actress who's playing as cody wear a [ __ ] blonde wig like if they did that i would have probably stooped it down to maybe a b or a ct i'm so glad that they just kept her original hair color and just made her really portray comedy using just the acting and just using her personality because she really did do a great performance of mia's on equality and i mean yeah what can i say i loved the anime for your line april the manga is also brilliant as a classical pianist myself this story just hits me so [ __ ] hard and the live action as well is really freaking cool because you get to see just a bunch of people just shred on violin and piano in real life who doesn't like that but yeah guys that's gonna do it for the anime man's ultimate live action anime tier list here it is uh i've just noticed actually literally all three of the ones i put in s t the main characters are all samurai i i guess i like samurai movies who would have thought and also all the stuff in the 8 here is all romance so you can basically start to see somewhat of a pattern here but yeah i don't know if any of these are going to come to as a shock to some of you guys but uh yeah as you can see not everything is in the f tier in fact there are a lot up in the s a and b tier and you know that just goes to show that if you actually give some of these movies a go and you kind of look at it and especially compare it to some of the shitty ones out there like dragon ball evolution or talented and full male almost all that kind of stuff there are actually some pretty decent live-action anime out there i feel though that that is almost a given you know considering the fact that you can say the same thing about just regular movies in general in any genre you can say that about anime and manga as well so yeah if there's anything you're going to take out of this uh you know give maybe the shows in the s a and b tier a go i think those are the ones that are pretty worth it to go check out c and below are probably not worth it so uh don't even bother unless you want to you know be a masochist and sit through some [ __ ] movies but of course as i said at the beginning of this video i haven't seen every single live-action anime so there's probably a bunch that is missing from this tier list so i guess let me know down in the comments below what are some of your favorite live-action anime adaptations what are some of your least favorite live-action anime adaptations and of course i've left the link to this teammaker thing down in the description below so uh if you've seen all of these then i guess uh you can make your own t-list and send them to me over on twitter so i can roast your garbage opinions because we all know this one is the correct one and no one else is and i guess if you have any more suggestions for tear maker videos because i guess this is still a thing uh again let me know either in the comments below or send them to me over on twitter but anyways guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one like your favorite if you enjoy subscribe for more banter keep watching anime [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 915,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman
Id: Ym3zmx2jxrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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