r/AmITheA**hole For Getting My Teacher Fired?

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welcome to our slash am i the butthole where opie gets her high school teacher fired am i the butthole for calling out a secretary and threatening to report her to her manager after she revealed health information i got a needle stick injury at work i'm a healthcare worker and my family doctor filled out a lab questionnaire for baseline blood work to be done one of the tests is an hiv test i went to an external lab to get it done because my family doctor's office is closed it's a typical diagnostics lab there were five other people sitting down in the waiting area i go to the secretary and hand her the required forms she takes them checks me in and i sit down after 10 minutes she calls me back calling out my first name and saying ma'am there's an issue with your hiv test form everybody in the waiting area heard and gave me looks i go up to her very angry and told her that you can't just announce people's personal health information like that she says oh it's okay you're getting tested just because of a workplace injury i told her that's fine but other people don't know that what if i had to get tested for hiv for a more personal reason what if somebody who knew me was in the waiting area and heard that i was getting tested she apologized but i told her that i'll be calling her manager and informing them of the incident she rolled her eyes and said go ahead in a mocking tone i told my husband what happened and he said maybe i should have cut her some slack but i told him that revealing personal health information is a huge violation it's something that was drilled into me as a healthcare worker i'm just appalled that the secretary was so blase about it i don't care if she gets reprimanded or loses her job this is not something to mess around with am i the butthole op considering the fact that you're a healthcare worker i'm surprised you're even posting here you yourself know how big of a deal this is the only thing i would say is don't call her manager because what's he gonna do give her a slap on the wrist no what you should actually do is file an official hipaa complaint hipaa is a big big deal in the u.s and this was a crystal clear violation of hipaa regulations so if you file a hipaa complaint that office is gonna get slapped with a major fine and i can guarantee they're gonna take your complaint seriously also it stands to reason that if she doesn't respect your medical privacy then she probably won't respect other people's medical privacy either so by reporting this woman you'd be potentially protecting the privacy of other people who also use that lab services op you get 0 out of 5 buttholes the secretary gets 3 out of 5 buttholes am i the butthole for reporting my teacher and potentially getting him fired i'm a 16 year old girl and my school requires us to keep our laptop cameras on during our online classes if we need to use the restroom we're supposed to privately message our teacher and ask to leave i have absolutely no issue with these rules as i understand that online teaching is hard and you have to make sure everyone is attentive during classes our school also has this system where at the end of the week every student is emailed to google document in which we're supposed to type out any problems we had with classes during the week for example if a teacher is favoring a student on thursday i had a math class taught by mr t he's never really been very strict and it always seemed quite reserved and quiet of course i've never been in a lesson with him outside of online school so i can't really judge during class i realized that i started my period i privately messaged mr t asking if i could use the restroom i waited for 10 minutes but he didn't reply so i messaged him again still no reply by now i was getting extremely uncomfortable so i texted him for the third time explaining that i started my period and i really had to go he replies with this message you should have planned better learn to control yourself uh what i can't control my period i tried to explain that i couldn't control that but he didn't respond i got annoyed and switched off my camera anyways and left to go to the bathroom once i came back i saw that he had kicked me out of the meeting i later found out that he had written me up for switching off my camera and i was given a warning i was pissed since it was a thursday i received the email with a google document and i complained about mr t in it today i found out through my mother who's also a teacher that mr t is being investigated as there have been multiple complaints about his behavior and mine was apparently the last straw my dad brother and a few of my friends are calling me the butthole because i could have just waited for a while instead of complaining and potentially making a man lose his job especially during such tough times i don't know i'm feeling really guilty about this now i don't want him to lose his job am i the butthole op let's be crystal clear here you're not the one making him lose his job he's the one making him lose his job the only thing that you did was report what happened to you to the authorities if they investigate and then decide that he did something wrong then that's on him not on you also what kind of grown man scolds a teenage girl in school because she has her period op you get zero out of 5 buttholes your teacher gets 2 out of 5 buttholes your dad and your brother also get 2 out of 5 buttholes in my opinion if a teacher is punishing teenage girls for having their period then they deserve to be fired sorry not sorry am i the butthole for telling my mom that i'm not an aunt and i'm not going to pretend just for her i'm a 20 year old woman and my mom married my stepdad when i was seven and my stepsister was six you might think that after all these years we'd be good but nope my stepsister was such an effing nightmare to deal with and she only got worse after her dad took custody of her from her mom when she was 13. she wasn't just awful to me either she smashed up the collection of photos that my mom had of her brother who died when they were kids and my stepsister made sure that those photos could not be salvaged she broke something valuable that her grandma owned as for me she would spit my pillow so i couldn't sleep on it she would tell me to give her my stuff so when i got a phone she demanded that i give it to her if i was eating a chocolate bar she would want it her dad at one point put her in therapy three times a week and he would punish the hell out of her for stuff like spitting and breaking stuff one time when we were 15 and 16 we both got in trouble because she tore the photo i had in my bedroom with my dad and my grandparents and she smeared food all over the twin fragments and i lost it i told her that she effing sucked and i was so glad that she wasn't my real sister because i would never want to be family with someone as unlovable as her that i never hated someone as much as her and my life would be so much better without her in it after that things were very different my mom said that she understood that i was upset but that i should never say such cruel things to someone she encouraged me to apologize and say that i hadn't meant those things but i had my stepdad and i had gotten along okay up to that point but after what i said that was a step too far for him which i understand we pretty much just co-existed after that we had therapy as well my mom and my stepdad were invested in therapy but my step sister and i were just not interested in repairing things for me they were just never good to begin with now i live with some friends and i live pretty far away from my mom my stepsister recently moved back in with him after she had a baby and my mom has tried to convince me that this is the perfect time to put the past in the past and move forward she's brought up me being an aunt many times before and i know that my stepsister wants me to become an aunt because she sent me a video via my mom's facebook saying that she's forgiven me for what i said and was ready to move forward i got pretty tired of my mom calling me an aunt so i told her i wasn't an aunt i told her i have no siblings so i can't be an aunt my mom told me that it was childish of me to say that when everyone else was ready to move on i told her it wasn't that i'd never grown to care about my stepsister and i didn't want to be in her life or have her in mine and her kid was an extension of that my mom is mad at me for saying that and for still being so stubborn so am i the butthole oh so your stepsister has forgiven you but she hasn't apologized for any of the things that she did as a kid op you are not the butthole i don't blame you for cutting her out of your life i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes i'm giving your sister three out of five buttholes i think i'll give your parents one out of five buttholes because i definitely can't blame them for trying to repair the family but at the same time they're just not respecting your wishes am i the butthole for telling my cousin at least i know that my parents wanted me when she kept making comments about me not being family some backstory i'm a 17 year old girl and i was adopted when i was three months old my cousin a 17 year old girl is my grandparent's only biological grandchild and she seems to be the only one who actually cares about that she doesn't like me because i got a full scholarship to a performing arts school and she didn't get accepted and when my grandpa gave us his cars i got the quote better one we had a family dinner last week and my grandparents asked me about my boyfriend my grandma jokingly asked when we're getting married because she wants a great grandchild i laughed and said it'll be a while and my cousin cut in and said they probably want a real great grandchild anyway i brushed it off and kept talking to my grandma when we were about to have dessert my grandpa realized that he forgot to get ice cream when he asked me to drive into town to buy some my cousin made another comment about how she's the only real family member so she should have gotten the good car my grandpa told her to shut up and that i got the newer car because i helped them out and come to visit them almost every day and she doesn't after dessert my grandpa said that we should take my younger sister to the backyard to teach her how to drive the golf cart i agreed and i told my younger sister that i used to drive that thing into town to run errands all the time when i was her age my grandpa then told her that maybe if she likes driving it he'll give it to her my cousin lost it she started screeching that it's not fair that we get everything when we're not even their real family that pissed me off because she said in front of my adopted younger sister who's four and it made her cry so i snapped at her and said at least we know that our family wanted us my cousin screamed and stormed off and my sisters got more ice cream my grandparents think that was hilarious and i was totally in the right my dad also thinks that i'm right but my mom thinks that that was mean and i should apologize so i wanted to know if i was the butthole this is just yet another example in a long long list of stories where bullies can dish it out but they can't take it in return your cousin was trash talking you and your younger sisters non-stop but the second that you give it back to her she starts whining and moaning about how it's unfair give me a break op you get 0 out of 5 buttholes if anything it's commendable that you set up for your younger sister your cousin on the other hand gets 3 out of 5 buttholes if she's angry at your grandparents for not giving her more free stuff then why is she taking that out on you and your younger sister trashing on you in addition to a four-year-old girl for being adopted is just needlessly cruel and heartless based on how she acts in this story your cousin's lucky she got anything from your grandparents at all am i the butthole for proving my mom was being a hypocrite my mom behaves very differently between my sister and i my sister is 16 and i'm a 15 year old girl my sister is a double d who has curves and a bud and i'm a freaking rectangle that looks like a 10 year old boy whenever my sister wears a v-neck or a low-cut shirt or shorts that don't go down to her fingertips my mom calls her a trashy [ __ ] and says that she needs to start respecting herself and not keep trying to get the attention of boys i can wear whatever the hell i want and my mom just doesn't care i bought a crop top that was barely longer than my bra and a skirt that barely covered my bud and my mom complimented my outfits then my sister walked out in shorts and a t-shirt and my mom called her a [ __ ] it's starting to get warm so my sister and i started taking out our summer clothes a little early and my mom has been riding my sister again so my sister and i decided to go shopping and we bought the exact same shirt and shorts we agreed to wear them the next day to see what my mom would do this morning when we walked out of our rooms my mom complimented my outfit and said that i look cute and she suggested a makeup look that i do a lot to match it then she looked at my sister and called her a [ __ ] and she said that nobody's going to respect her if she keeps showing off her body like that my sister pointed out that i was wearing the exact same outfit and my mom said that can't be possible hers is so much less trashy so my sister and i pulled out the receipts to show that they were the exact same shirt and shorts my mom stormed off and won't talk to us our dad thinks that she deserved it but he says that we should apologize to keep the peace so we wanted to know if we were being the buttholes in what way are you the butthole by wearing matching outfits that's literally all you did you wore the same shirt and shorts and then when you came out your mom made a fool of herself also op i specifically wanted to cover this story because i want you to know that it is not normal for a mother to call her daughter a [ __ ] that is 100 emotional abuse down in the comments i really love this reply from oxme not the butthole let me get this straight your mom is trying to keep your sister safe from sexual harassment by sexually harassing her not to mention this is a massive double standard your 16 year old sister has a right to be comfortable and if your mom wants to pretend that she's trying to send signals when she isn't then that sounds like mom's problem and your dad's attitude is just appease the tyrant wtf i agree op you and your sister get zero out of five buttholes your mom gets three out of five buttholes and your dad gets one out of five butthole am i the butthole for walking out after being told that one kid that i was babysitting was autistic and another kid had a deathly food allergy i'm a 16 year old girl and i babysit on weekends for some extra money i used to babysit for this one lady diana and her two kids every day over the summer while diana worked diana's kids are a one-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy diana texted me last week and asked if she could give her friend jennifer who has two kids a six-year-old boy and a four-year-old girl my number because it was her husband's birthday and they wanted to go out i said sure and jennifer texted me asking about my rates references when i was trained in cpr and a lot of other questions not gonna lie it felt kinda weird to me but some people are overprotective so i just went with it yesterday i go to jennifer's house and they left money for us to order food and right before they walked out the door jennifer handed me an epipen and said my six-year-old son is deathly allergic to peanuts and my four-year-old daughter is autistic and has sensory issues so get her some chicken nuggets it took a second for me to process that but i gave back the epipen and said i'm sorry but i'm not equipped to take care of your kids and i left well jennifer is mad that i ruined their night and has been talking trash about me to diana but once diana heard the real story from me she apologized and said that she talked to jennifer nah op jennifer tried to pull the classic bait and switch on you and you weren't falling for it we know that she was trying to pull a fast one on you because she waited until the last possible moment to tell you both about the autism and the epipen so good on uop i think that a lot of 16 year olds would have just let the adults walk over them but you maintained your boundaries and stood your ground so i'm impressed you get zero out of five buttholes jennifer gets two out of five buttholes that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
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Id: OZ4y0D51Syc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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