r/maliciouscompliance | "Your wish is my command, boss!"

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hello everybody my name is steven and welcome back to the story time channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day must find the reservation okay last week me and my friend went out to eat for the first time in three plus months there was a short line before being seated just one other couple before us the man insisted that he had a reservation but the waitress couldn't find his name in her tablet and immediately he got loud and angry the waitress suggested that maybe the man had called the wrong number because there is another restaurant 50 kilometers from here with the same name and sometimes people mix up the two of them when doing a google search she was very polite and calm about it but the man got even angrier and accused her of trying to shift the blame said she couldn't do her job blah blah the waitress tried to say that they still had some open tables and if he could wait a moment she would go and check but the man kept speaking loudly over her and saying that she must find his reservation so eventually the waitress called the owner and the owner took the man and his companion to one side so they wouldn't block the line while she tried to figure out what was going on now me and my friend didn't have a reservation either because i'm a total scatterbrain and i forgot to call ahead i told the waitress as much and asked if there was any chance they'd still be able to fit us in she told me not to worry there were still tables available and we were seated within a minute our table was not near the entrance so we didn't see what happened next but the same waitress brought us our coffees at the end of dinner so we asked her if everything was okay me and my friend had been talking about it and we were appalled at the man's behavior the waitress told us not to worry that the owner had let him stew for a bit and then she'd called the other restaurant with the same name the manager of that other restaurant had confirmed they had a reservation under his name the man was very annoyed at being proved wrong and asked to be seated since they had been waiting a long time the owner said that unfortunately all tables were full the man said but earlier you had empty tables i saw it the owner said yes but she told the staff you didn't want to be seated you wanted us to find your reservation we have found your reservation it's for a restaurant in another city in the meantime other people have come in and all the tables are full we have no seats left the man didn't take it well but the bartender a huge giant of a man was standing nearby so he scampered off in rage swearing he was never coming back i think everyone in that restaurant will be happy if he keeps that promise if you just keep your cool it would have worked out for you have you ever experienced somebody become a hothead and that made them miss out on something that they otherwise could have gotten if they were just calm if so let me know your story in the comments section down below demand we have a meeting for this okay i once had a project manager named shirley and a co-worker named alex i was a computer programmer every morning we along with half a dozen other people had a five-minute long meeting to discuss our progress and give people a chance to ask each other stuff the boss was away on a two-week vacation and while he was away the meetings were slightly more important so we could coordinate ourselves without him to do it right before the meeting i had come to a roadblock because i couldn't remember what something in the programming was called i just needed an actual word and i could continue and i knew alex would know it at the meeting alex did his thing a few other people talked then it was my turn i explained what i had done yesterday and what i was working on and said hey alex do you remember at this point shirley interrupted and threw a screaming fit fitted me how dare i try to have a discussion with someone without her i pointed out that she was standing right there and she demanded to know how dare i try to talk to someone without it being a scheduled meeting in the conference room in her presence i pointed out that this was a scheduled meeting we were in the conference room and we were in her presence how dare i presume to ask anyone anything without notifying her in advance that i would be doing so i tried to explain that it was only a very brief question and she flipped out that how dare i try to talk back to her about this so having gotten an idea i asked when we could have this meeting she said 3 pm i knew darned well she had nothing to do before then she just wanted to have something she could feel smug about it was 9 34 am at the time she ordered that i do not discuss it with anyone before the meeting and i was not to proceed on the task without it or i'd be just proving it wasn't actually important and i was wasting anyone's time the meeting ended and we left alex worked about 10 feet away from me so i could have just walked over and asked him but i didn't he sent me an instant message to know if i wanted to ask him whatever while she couldn't hear and i replied that no she wanted to be rude about it so she could reap the rewards of her actions alex and i had lunch every day but i declined to talk about it he knew i was up to something at 3 pm he and i went into the conference room 10 minutes later she swanned in closed the door sat down opened her notebook uncapped her pen wrote down the date and time and who was there and told me i was now authorized to proceed hey alex do you remember last week when we did task you used the thingy that did thing what was it called he told me great thanks and he and i both turned to leave it had taken all of about 20 seconds surely flew into a rage i was deliberately making a mockery of her by scheduling a meeting for something that would take 20 seconds as i left the room i said surely i warned you that this was a one minute exchange but you insisted on a meeting she didn't speak to me for the rest of the day i made sure my timesheet reflected that i spent 9 35 to 3 pm doing nothing slash waiting for shirley a day or two later she flew into a rage at me again and the entire staff was so enraged they told me they were quitting and asked me to join them i asked him to wait a couple days called my boss and told him and on the next business day i found he had returned early from his vacation and fired her to me it sounds like this lady was just a toxic control freak and sounds like they were probably pretty unbearable to work with how many bugs will your code have i'll admit the compliance wasn't very malicious here it was mainly just compliance i'm a software developer i write software our software testers test the software that i write when they find a bug they write a bug report and i fix the bug simple right management likes to plan things and that's fine they like to measure productivity which is also fine provided the measurement makes sense they choose a measurement that doesn't make sense they decided that during planning developers need to estimate how many bugs there will be in our code the measurement would be if the tester found significantly fewer bugs in the estimate then they must not be testing effectively if they found significantly more bugs than the estimate then we must be doing a bad job writing code you can probably see the flaw here a software developer strives to write code without bugs we often don't succeed but we try while it's likely that a very complex system will have more bugs than a simple one this is a broad approximation and not the sort of thing you can use meaningfully to measure productivity since the software developers and software testers are all professionals who strive to produce a good product we decided to comply in the laziest way possible everyone knew the estimated number of bugs from planning so it was easy enough for the testers to see if they were going to go above or below that number if they were finding a lot of bugs they wouldn't write all of them and instead would talk to the developers directly if they weren't finding enough bugs they'd start nitpicking for the tiniest of things and if that wasn't enough the developers might accidentally check in new easy to fix bugs while fixing other bugs in this way everyone met their numbers and management got to pretend they were doing something useful it was stupid but sometimes it's easier to comply with a stupid decision than it is to talk sense to the decision maker weirdly enough this stupid decision has unexpectedly probably promoted a great amount of synergy going on here your wish is my command boss i used to work at a bakery for a lady who i am still friends with although she used to occasionally become unreasonable and yell at her employees you know that employee at your job who works super hard and isn't really recognized for it or paid well enough you know the sort of person who would rather do a task to get it done right even if it's someone else's job well that person at the bakery was me i was the opening supervisor which just meant that i had to keep everyone on track until my boss got there at six or seven am and my co-worker who was with me in the early mornings was not super good at their job to say the least this resulted in me doing all of my work and roughly 30 percent of her work i had told my boss this but she had not addressed my co-worker yet and one busy day we were slammed i mean we usually made two or three dozen cinnamon rolls a day but this day we made 24 and sold them all as a result we were behind with several tasks despite our best efforts when my boss came in she ripped into us about not getting everything done i tried to explain how busy we had been but she interrupted me and said if everyone would just do their jobs it would be fine oh you think so very well boss your wish is my command the next insanely busy day i bustled around doing my job just my job all the things my less competent co-worker was struggling with i let her figure out and when our boss got in she was furious i calmly went about my work while she dumbfoundedly pitched in and tried to do damage control she was pitching quietly to her daughter about the state of everything and why i didn't do more when her daughter bless her said mom opie actually did all of her tasks its co-worker who struggled today and my boss eventually conceded that perhaps more training was in order thanks for reading unfortunately as painful as it is to see you might need to just let the co-workers sink or swim on their own and let the situation resolve itself otherwise you find yourself in the situation where you're doing way more work than you need to and who really deserves to do that when you're not recognized for it company policy costs company a lot in 1979 my dad's company transferred him to mexico city from toronto we flew down in early december and moved into a hotel good hotel in the city our furniture was supposed to arrive in a week or so and then we would move into the house that the company was renting for us it did except we found out that it was going to be stuck in customs for an indeterminate amount of time my dad asked his company if they would let him expend some basic living gear for the house cookware plates a few beds just enough to get us out of the hotel and into the house the company said no policy was that we were to be in a hotel until the furniture arrived not to buy us furniture or housewares my dad noted that the policy didn't say what hotel we had to stay in so we moved out of the individual rooms of the hotel we were in and moved into one of the presidential suites at a five-star hotel hotel camino rio we had two floors and a private swimming pool the hotel put a christmas tree in our living room in 1979 the suite was around 400 a day i have no idea what it is in today's money we ate out at really nice restaurants we got tired of steak and lobster in all we were in the hotel for 39 days before we got our belongings out of customs the hotel bill was somewhere around fourteen thousand dollars my dad said they changed the policy after that inflation calculator says four hundred dollars in 1979 is equivalent to just over fourteen hundred dollars in 2020 so 14 grand in 1979 is equivalent to almost forty nine thousand five hundred dollars in 2020 ouch reason required to move out this happened a long time ago i was young and had just come back from traveling in europe i wound up renting an apartment that i was not happy with but it was in my hometown and was affordable i was hoping to move out and was able to do so once a better opportunity came along the apartment was generally depressing so i was looking forward to moving out i talked to the landlord and building manager about moving out and to see if i could move out mid-month to save on some rent they said that was not possible and i would have to wait until the end of the month to move out fine not a big problem the building manager says i need to fill out some forms before i can move out so i go to his office and do so he was not a very friendly guy but honestly i had not had any interactions with him prior to this and had no hard feelings about him one of the questions on the forum was why are you moving out i left it blank what business is it of anyone's why i'm moving out the building manager handed me back the form and said you have to fill the sun i told them that i didn't feel like giving a reason that i am moving out and didn't understand why it was mandatory he insisted that i had to fill it in or he would not process my move out paperwork to the end of the month to month lease i said okay fine and i filled in i do not like the building manager he was shocked when he read it i told him i didn't want to put anything down but rules are rules i guess the question is trying to figure out some kind of feedback but if you don't want to fill it out you shouldn't be obligated to and people who would fill it up most of the time would probably say because i'm moving elsewhere and not really give anything constructive foreman in the way about five years ago i was working as an assembler in a cabinet shop i would take parts caught on a cnc and put them together for shipping occasionally there would be questions as to how those parts were intended to fit or there was an error with the part itself no problem the designers were through a door 10 feet away from my workstation and i could ask a quick question and be back to work within a few minutes my shop foreman however wanted all information to flow through him on paper this seems reasonable as he just wanted to know exactly what was happening on the shop floor practically it was a dumb idea if an issue occurred i would have to go hunt him down and wait if he was busy then i would have to explain the issue if it was a design conflict i would have to run through five to ten minutes of explanation just so he'd understand what was wrong then another five explaining what i needed him to ask the designers usually i would just circumvent him and just ask my question but i was eventually reprimanded cue the malicious compliance if i had an issue i'd immediately note the time of my time card and go looking for the foreman run through the whole shebang and then sit down on my bench and wait i would do absolutely nothing while waiting for him to try and translate my issue and then understand the explanation he would come back irritated and ask why i'm sitting around and i'd just say well i needed that question answered before i could move on i didn't want to clear my workstation off just to spend five minutes on something else that would be a waste of time once i was back on track i'd fill in the downtime of my time card fyi employers don't like seeing chunks of a workday allotted to waiting for an answer this is especially true when the majority of the answers he came back with made no sense and he'd send me forward to ask myself anyways in the end they just asked us to keep him in the loop after getting our issues sorted and to deal with the asking ourselves i get the purpose but obviously yes it's just not good execution but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what i want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite and why let me know which story was your personal favorite in the comments section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the story time channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel thank you all again for watching and listening to today's stories on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 34,411
Rating: 4.9009752 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: A059YJtsiVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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