r/prorevenge | I was FIRED... but I did my research unlike my Employer's Lawyers.

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hello everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day I got fired employers lawyer should have done their homework I did this happened to me about 20 years ago while in college I am being deliberately vague because reasons background I got a job basically off the sitting on weekends I showed up at 8 a.m. and every hour I checked over things handled the occasional phone call and then left when the 4:00 p.m. person arrived most of the time I read watch TV or played games on a laptop I probably worked no more than 10 minutes of every hour unless something went wrong it went on like this for years the pay was decent holidays were double pay and I even had opportunities to cover weekday shifts when others were sick one day while I was covering the midday shift my boss asked me to come into his office he told me that the evening weekday position was going to become available that night he offered me the position which I accepted I was told to punch out in return at 5:00 p.m. that night the reason it went down like this should be obvious things went okay for a while I showed up at 4:00 p.m. did the normal things and then left at 12:00 a.m. when my relief arrived it was a little more work more call volumes etc then after nine months things started to go south the daytime person developed a huge attitude problem and went from a nice person to a total Karen she would complain about everything I did for example one time a system jammed up at a remote site and she called them five hours later I saw the jam was still there so I called that site again to see if they were still working on it or if someone else was wrong because the woman on our end who would be the one to help them was leaving soon they did have a problem so I hooked them up my reward for making sure the problem got solved and not having to bother an upper-level employee at home on a Friday just after having left work I got yelled at by Karen complaining that I had apparently ignored her log entry about the issue my defense was ignored the boss had me highlight important things on the log to verify that I had read them things plotted on for a while with this new normal I tiptoed around Karen when needed thankful for the fact that I only had to deal with her for no more than five minutes I did this stupid highlighting thing in my log entry started getting more and more detailed even referencing Karen's calls when I had to follow up on an issue that crossed shifts the firing the following summer just after I crossed your mark I went on a vacation to visit some friends out of state when I got back after about a week my boss came down after everyone had left and had me describe how I did a certain task which involved certain updates I explained to him how I did it in so forth he then told me that I had not been doing it at all and that he was firing me I had transposed the date of the English file for the French file which was the previous one the newest one had already been applied anyways so nothing was wrong it was just a reason to get rid of me so I left the office my state is an at-will employment state which means that I can quit at any time for any reason and my employer can terminate me at any time for any reason the only exceptions were state and federal laws such as race religion etc I thought I was screwed so I just started applying everywhere I could during my job search I happen to accidentally stumble upon a link about employment law out of curiosity I read it and discovered that my employer had shot themselves in the foot in the employee handbook there was a job security clause what this stated was that they would never lay us off and such if our jobs were eliminated we would simply be retained and sent to fill an opening elsewhere in the company it sounds good but it resulted in them cooking up reasons to fire people to get around it but their fancy high-priced lawyers had missed something in my state's laws the ones passed by the legislature I was screwed because of the ad will what they neglected was case law the ones determined by courts this cite cited a case from the state Supreme Court that ruled that a job security clause waived at will on the employers side turning it into a just cause relationship this means that they had to have a real reason to fire me revenge with that in hand I sought out a lawyer after my conversation with her I said about collecting my evidence my former boss did not realize that I knew more about this program than he did seeing as I ran the same software on my own computer and laptop I experimented the date of the file which they tried to use against me is baked into the version I was able to demonstrate to my lawyer that if I applied the same update over and over which my former employer stated would change the date every day would in reality display the date of the file I showed this by backdating my own copy by a year and using the update archive available from the vendor next I showed her how the tasks used to be automated a script would snag the file and process it every day on its own a change in the vendor site broke the script it was an easy fix but no one bothered to do it because the guy who had wrote it retired the fix involved deleting three characters on one line in the script the task was also marked as only being a weekday task in my firing I was told how important this update was and so forth if it was so important why was it not done on weekdays or holidays the vendor pushed out updates on those days too as I showed my lawyer the one from Christmas morning and why had the automation not been fixed with all that in hand she contacted them after presenting them with the wall they broke and all the evidence I had collected they were forced to settle with me so in the end their fancy high-priced lawyers did not do their homework I did thank you to all the wonderful librarians I have known in my life who taught me my information literacy skills they pay dividends in this case edit obviously the terms of settlement are confidential and as far as I know still in effect it was a good portion of my salary though I did also get unemployment during this time as well I never found out how the reaction went down as the main corporate office that would have dealt with it was in another state and I never had any contact with those people I imagined a new handbook was issued before they cut my check though so I feel bad for those who remained Karen's fate was sealed about a year later I saw a Facebook post by a former coworker mentioning his job with them had ended so I asked for details the company experienced a huge loss in revenue as a result Kieran lost her job as the site I had worked and was closed of about the 50 of us that worked in that office only ten or so were moved to another location thankfully most of the ones I liked were old enough to retire it did not take a genius to realize that my termination was simply a layoff disguised as a firing they really try to do Opie dirty but Opie was smart enough to read the fine print and find that loophole that shut them down my roommate stopped paying me utilities so this happened back in my college days I moved in with a friend from university she was nice enough but she definitely had financial issues which I didn't know about before moving in together our apartment complex had assigned separate lease agreements because I guess they had too many situations with one person not paying which made sense so I was never liable for her part of the rent but the utilities had to go in someone's name and I was the chosen one think electricity cable internet things got a bit rough for her and she was having trouble paying me for half of the utilities which I was okay with and just covered it until one day I hear her talking to some friends on the phone about their fancy spring break trip to the Caribbean / Florida what the Freak man you can't pay me but you can afford to go on vacation and drive a new car no bueno I locked her out of the Internet I am pretty good with computers and things so I even kept her boyfriend's phone on the Wi-Fi I blocked her devices out of it and just played dumb I even got a new router she spent hours on the phone with the internet people she got a new phone which I allowed to work for a few days and then shut out again then comes the TV parental supervision is great I knew all the shows she liked to watch and blacklist to them I barely watch TV anyway so I didn't care at some point I'm talking to the apartment people and I find out she isn't paying rent either again what the freak not cool even though it's not my problem I make it my problem we had sub panels for electricity in each apartment so I screw with her by randomly turning breakers on and off she couldn't understand why her hairdryer would work one day and not the next I just flick a break her while she was showering I convinced her that maybe her dryer was too strong for the electrical in the apartment and it was tripping it so she bought a new fancy hairdryer she was actually an idiot and bought one that had a higher electrical draw than the first so I explained that to her and she bought a third one I kept this crap up until the day we moved out I never saw a cent from her but man it was worth it ETA from other comments on the other sub yes I did talk to her prior to being controlling she continually could not pay me but would come home with high-end clothes or bags expensive food and makeup so you know this lady is not paying her rent or her half of the utilities yet is buying all this stuff that obviously takes money to get what would you do would you mess with her if so how would you do something entirely different let me know in the comment section down below payback for my horrible roommate after college I accepted a job across the country and moved in with a vague acquaintance I had met a couple of times it quickly became clear that we were not going to get along he was incredibly rude and condescending routinely making snide remarks about my intelligence since I had been in a sorority in college he would instruct me on how to redo all of my chores in his way always insinuating that I just wasn't as smart as he was this led to a few heated arguments and we ended up basically avoiding each other my room was in the basement and he was on the second floor except for going in and out I stayed in the basement to avoid him one night I returned home and my cat was missing he is a huge fatty and never misses a meal so I was immediately worried I texted the roommate to see if he had let him out by mistake he ignored me I looked everywhere in my room and in the common areas no cat I could hear that he was home so I texted again asking if he could please check his room or just let me know if the cat got out by mistake again no response I couldn't search the neighborhood much after dark since we were in a pretty rough area so I stayed up all night making flyers and online posts I called animal control and my parents and broadly had a massive mental breakdown I figured the most likely scenario was that he had escaped and wandered into the road early the next morning Saturday I looked all over our neighborhood losing hope I returned back home right before I went back down to my half of the house I heard a faint distressed yowl I followed the noise upstairs and realized it was coming from horrible roommates locked bedroom I phoned him repeatedly and waited several hours for him to come home unlock his door and let my poor cat out of his closet no explanation was given and this cat being an OG fatty and also a jerk there is no way he silently slept all night simply put there was no way this could have been an accident at this point we had one month left on the lease and I was able to make arrangements to stay with my family for that final month interestingly enough our internet service was in my name I paid the final month in full and loaded my stuff into a u-haul I gleefully unplugged and returned our rented router an OG fatty cat and I left town a month early wouldn't you know it later that night my phone starts blowing up with texts and calls this man is looking for his missing Internet somehow I couldn't be bothered to respond I'm glad the cat is okay and I would have done the exact same thing they're a terrible roommate and probably a terrible person from what I'm getting from this we don't share alcohol in this house this story takes place a few years back when I came home from university for Christmas holidays to visit my family that was of legal drinking age at the time as well to set the scene it's just my mom and I having dinner at the beginning of our time off she pours herself a glass of wine from an average bottle I'm not a wine snob but she is I asked for a glass as well to go with dinner she declines her exact words our we don't share alcohol in this house okay not a problem I didn't know this rule and as I'm not a heavy drinker I didn't see the issue with just having a glass out of her bottle so I go on off to the liquor store to grab myself a bottle a drink over the next few days and low and behold I find her fevered bottle of wine it's burrowing owls the liquor store only has a case of it and limits the number of bottles you can buy it's a rare find and I lucked out by by the max which is two and hid one while I bring the second inside by now it's evening in after dinner my mom is in the living room finishing her wine I open up the bottle and bring both the bottle and a glass to the living room my mom eyes up the bottle and asks for a glass I look her dead in the eyes and say sorry mom we don't share alcohol in this house she offers me two of her bottles for mine says I won't know the difference but I stand firm we don't share alcohol in this house so we forced myself to finish the bottle in front of her while she sulks Christmas morning after my family has opened up all our gifts I come out with the second bottle as a gift to my mom she shared it with me that night if you're gonna be selfish and possessive about things then you can't expect to be able to share stuff with other people that you otherwise shut down that wanted to try and share some simple stuff with you but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite and why let me know which story was your personal favorite in the comments section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the storytime channel thank you all again for watching and listening to today's stories on the storytime Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 36,240
Rating: 4.9296188 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: ii_R8unqPOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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