r/maliciouscompliance | CEO takes our Job perks? Good luck with that...

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hey everybody my name is Steven and welcome back to the storytime channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day want to take away our job perks good luck with that the company I was working for had a fair number of people that traveled almost exclusively so well it was a fairly small company at maybe 100 people on staff across everyone I'd guess we would have about 12 to 15,000 nights in a hotel and over a million flight miles per year that worked out quite well for everyone because they racked up a lot of rewards with hotels and airlines so their vacations ended up costing them basically nothing in addition to that the company's policy was that you booked and paid for all your travel and then submitted a request to get reimbursed so quite a lot of people were also getting insane rewards from their credit-card companies as well it was considered a perk of the job even to the point that h/r would mention it when recruiting people and to help people put up with some of the other BS policies they didn't like enter new controler let's call her Karen Karen decides that the company is losing money and implements a new reimbursement system where everyone gets company cards that they use so the company gets all the credit card rewards on top of this they also partner with a travel agency that everyone has to use to book their flights hotels and rental cars the idea is that since all the money slash bookings are now in the company's name the company gets to keep all the rewards this is all great for the company but it sucks for all the employees because this had formerly been one of the top perks it's like each employee got a several thousand dollar pay decrease q malicious compliance I expect our CEO was just like a lot of CEOs and that he had an assistant that booked all of his travel and just sent him an itinerary so he knew what flight to get on where to pick up his rental and what hotel to check into similarly when things don't go his way he's not one for wanting the details he just wants it fixed ASAP so the admit assistance started following the procedures to the letter CEO ends up getting stuck poop boxcar scrappy hotel rooms and stuck in coach class because the system either has limits on what choices can be made or wants to use reward points to book and you can't use those types of rewards for the flights hotels etc that he's used to additionally when he'd run into problems he'd call his assistant and she'd tell him she would have to call the travel agent to see what's wrong and this would invariably occur outside business hours so it'd take a day to get an answer if memory serves that policy change lasted all of 30 days before the CEO walked into the controllers office told her it was for poop and directed that everything should be put back exactly the way it was after that I know of at least a handful of people that ended up taking the CEOs assistant out for dinner slash drinks as a thank-you for helping to get things back to normal this sounds like a nice perk to me and I'm glad Opie got to go back to enjoying it at the end of the story because imagine you rack up all these fly per ward points you could basically go wherever you want it if you could go wherever you wanted and you had all these flight reward points where would you go let me know in the comment section down below can't order new headsets read a headset story here and have my own different story from around nineteen years ago I joined a team responsible for maintaining a vast array of electronic equipment most of which was literally falling apart I'm talking plastic rubber foam and rusted chunks in particular disrepair were a series of mandatory noise canceling headsets with microphone so bad you'd swear they were trying to cancel out your own voice headphones that put out more hissing than any serpent and a noise cancellation function so unable to cope with these failures that it only made the static louder open a catalog and find new ones aren't very expensive relatively ongoing maintenance so I attempt to order a couple they are well within my budget so I plan to rotate the worst ones out keep fixing the rest and replace them all over time I received a stern yelling lecture from my manager that we could not order complete headsets no exceptions also that I needed to fix all the existing headsets and needed to order whatever individual parts I could within my budget to make that happen studying the parts catalog slash repair manual as I tried to plan out all the parts needed to resolve each reported defect I came to a few realizations in rapid succession and immediately hatched my plan that I called clever but retrospectively see it was malicious compliance so charged with an insane list of reported defects that I knew did not cover even a small portion of the spectrum of actual problems I ordered as many parts as I could and instituted a regular maintenance schedule to begin after a significant stock of parts had arrived instead of meticulously inspecting the first pair of headsets to arrive and itemizing their defects I pulled out any parts that might be useful a couple metal washers mainly toss the rest in the trash and then the next morning returned two brand new headsets the head said users were as bewildered as my manager who was quite angry I told you we care an order complete head such I denied doing so and he stomped off to check only to sit fuming in silence once the evidence showed I was being honest as well as what I had done what had I discovered that sent me on this campaign of magical maintenance first none of the parts had to be accounted for they didn't have serial numbers and were all considered disposable second every single part could be ordered without any red tape so that's exactly what I did over the course of 18 months I ordered one part for everyone we already had plus reasonable spares except the junk headsets for maintenance disassembled them assembled headsets from parts and returned headsets with 100% new parts of note were special washers one ounce maybe that were hard to get they cost $18 each and the first arrived bubble wrapped and 18 inches by 18 inches by 18 inches box roughly 2 my managers credit no complete headset was ever purchased customers thought I was epic caused a small fortune we can all infer why they were still in business so I won't say where this was nor should i need to Cheers personally i'm commending Opie because whoever has to use the maintenance that they're maintaining will surely love having this almost brand-new stuff rather than the stuff that's so bad that Opie's describing drop the car yes boss when I was younger I worked at a grocery store where shopping carts needed to be pushed back into the store we sometimes had upwards of 4 plus guys pushing carts when it got busy there was a guy who worked there no one liked he drove this green Geo Tracker which he was so proud of one day we got fed up with him he worked inside not outside with us one of the guys pushing carts noticed the tracker he asked if he thought we could pick it up and just turn it the other way it was facing we all said sure let's give it a go a bunch of 17 year old kids never thinking we could even budget ironically we were able to lift it enough to actually drag it sideways our parking lot had cameras about halfway through turning it it was now sideways our manager comes out screaming what are you doing now if he thought we hated this kid this manager was on another level we answered honestly and said turning this car around drop it immediately yes boss so now the car sat sideways with the bumpers about two inches off from the door handles of two other vehicles we killed two birds with one stone that day ironically the manager who told us to drop the car was one of the cars blocked on the driver's side and the passenger's side was blocked by the shopping cart holders he was later seen trying to get into the car through the trunk thankfully the manager didn't like the guy too so they probably didn't get fired from this it sounds like even though the boss was against them doing it they weren't necessarily going to give them any reprimanding for that deny you were wrong and then threatened me with detention for going to my mother well I'll complete the work and be the only one like I said when I was in senior school aged 11 is 16 for the non-british my mother was the chair of Governors at my school for the most part there was no issue the occasional teacher would make a joke saying to a student if they had a problem they should complain to my mother but it was always in jest the only time it ever caused an issue was with the math department I have always been very good at maths from an early age due to my father he worked in computing and taught me how to do maths the way he was shown it made sense and helped me be a lot quicker than most so naturally I was in the top level class and one of the top students in that class as well as part of being in the top class we actually did two GCSEs in maths mathematics and statistics we had the same amount of lessons but more workload we had to do more coursework though and that is where the issue came in at the beginning of the year our teacher set us coursework but never gave us a hand in date confirmed by not one other student having a date written down anywhere for this assignment the coursework was quite heavy I cannot remember quite what it was on unfortunately but I do remember it was a considerable amount of work to complete on a Monday my last lesson of the day was mass where our teacher reminded us that our coursework was due on the Thursday and hoped everyone would have a complete as no one had come to him for help after class everyone was confused and concerned we had not been told when it was due and was a lot of work to complete we had not been given a date and now had to write a full mini dissertation in a few days panic ensued when I get home my mother asks how my day has been as it is pressing on my mind I tell her about the panic that has developed amongst my classmates I as my mother not thinking about her chair of Governors roll I get to work on the project as I know I have limited time to work staying up quite late to try and get as much done the following day this has been pressing on my mother's mind one of the teachers in her school has messed up in her mind so she goes to talk to the head teacher this results with me on the Wednesday being called to the math department to have a private meeting with my maths teacher and the head of the department when I say meeting I mean that in loose terms it was essentially ten minutes of two grown men berating a teenage boy for going to his own mother with an issue at school that no one else had raised concerns and no one had been to the extra study lessons after school to help with the coursework the existence of these also turned out to be a surprise to the other students I said calmly and explained my side and that no one would have the work complete which naturally they would not accept it was of course just me I was threatened with detention if I didn't have it complete as I would be the only one oh and they also chastised me for discussing the issue with my mother because she was the chair of Governors telling me that I was not to discuss it with her further deadline day comes the following day and guess who is the only one sad with completed coursework in front of them me I gladly handed it in when the teacher called for the completed work the students then proved reiterating everything I had said in our meeting when I got home later that day my mother asked me what happened to be compliant with my teachers I replied I have been told I am NOT allowed to tell you by my teachers this naturally annoyed my mother and caused her once again to go into the school to talk to the head teacher this resulted in another meeting between the head of department my teacher and the head from all reports that meeting did not go well for the teachers but what could they say to me I did everything they asked I never received an apology but honestly the vindication was all I truly needed as they they messed up postscript a few years later I was at University studying and thought it may be a good idea to become a maths teacher my mother was still chair of governor so got me in to essentially volunteer as a teacher support in the math department I ended up being in my old maths teachers lessons where it turned out I now had more qualifications in mathematics than he did and took the class on more than one occasion I just don't understand how any teacher could tell you you are not allowed to tell your mother this or that if a teacher told me that I would go straight to my mother and tell them that forget them what right do they have to restrict anybody from talking to their mother about anything can't find the paperwork fine then refund me everything this literally happened today I made an online delivery order from a big blue home-improvement store for wood for a deck when the items were delivered I noticed I was missing a 16-foot piece of wood that I needed for the deck frame and noted it on the order form and the truck driver said someone would get it back to me almost a week has passed so I decided to go to the store where the order was delivered from I told them I was missing an almost $30.00 piece of wood for my order the customer service person couldn't locate the sheet I signed where it said I was missing wood so it couldn't verify what was actually delivered and said she only sees it was delivered this is where the fun part starts I said well if that is the case I would like to report that I never received my order at all and would like a two thousand dollar refund for the order for they had no form showing I signed for the delivery 20 minutes later her and the manager came back with the sheet and refunded me my $30 good on opie for standing up for themselves I guess in most situations the big blue home-improvement store would be banking on you not feeling like $30.00 was worth it enough to try and fight it well that's a pretty smart strategy when they told you that they didn't have the sign sheet they very quickly came up with it when $2,000 was on the line the woman who knows more than the rest the world so I am a nurse who works at an urgent care we often give patients casts and splints for sprains or fractures this durable medical equipment DME is billed by a third-party company we fill out the DME paperwork send it to them and they send it to insurance or the patient so today a young girl and her dad comes in the girl has a fractured ankle and our doctor has put her into an air cast for her injury I explained to the dad that oftentimes this company we built out to will send the bill to insurance who often denies to cover it and when they forward that bill to the patient they mark up the price by sometimes double or triple I talked to dad and to the patient that it's best to cash pay for such an item so it'll cost twenty-five dollars instead of upwards of 100 or 200 that agrees and they go on their way a few hours later mom calls and is screaming her head off how her friend is an insurance rep and we are just trying to skim money off the top and take their cash and blah blah blah I listened to her go off and try to tell her that DME that is way over charged since insurance typically doesn't cover it but I get cut off and screamed at again and she absolutely demands that I built to insurance so fine lady I will bill it to insurance like you asked she gets off the phone and I call the company to have them change it from cash pay to insurance a few days later I inevitably get a call back from the same screaming lady about how ridiculous a $250 bill for an air cast is at this point the bill has been denied by insurance and the cost is final to her now I know in a bubble it might sound suspicious that they're like will your insurance might up charge you so buy it here but here's the thing it's $25 for a cast even if the insurance did cover it there's an added peace of mind and it doesn't seem like a bad price for a cast but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the storytime channel thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 49,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: kvbLndmzC6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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